Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 May 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1043 1 0 Miunor W .■r., r wnc-r CCKODOOn» C. D c .O S3O D p D L X r <>U van have the Pinang D I Carette” posted everyday n for a wb< year to your address. ri D c (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). I’ropC! tio« at'- Quarterly end 0 rates. c
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  • 1327 2 RICE FORCES WELLS TO GO 20 ROUNDS. Bombardier Wells at Liverpool succeeded in retaining the championship of England in a desperate 20-rounds battle with Bandsman Rice. Wells got the verdict on points. The fight was distinguished not only for the desperation of ths contest but for the frequent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1153 2 *t he resident councillor will WANTED A lOAN OF $lO,OOO. J be nt Home on Wednesday, June T x x -vi 3rd His Majesty’s Bi.thday, at 9-15 p.m. Good mortgage. Interest as low as possible. No ’particular invitations will be issued. For further particulars and information please apply to 564-2-6
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    • 209 2 BOOK BARGAINS. Write to the World’s Largest Bookshop for catalogues of new and secondhand books. The Times Book Club, 376, Oxford St., London, Eng. 22-4 Jt 20-5 PENANG CONFECTIONERY, 18. LEITH STREET, The Theatre Goers’ Rendezyous. When Appetite Flags Try a Change of Diet Under the Palms. Chops, Steaks, Cutlets,
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    • 514 2 J A Keep your liver active and the small every-day worries and disappointments will not trouble you. It is the mind that makes I us happy not our condition of life, and when you keep your stomach healthy, your bowels active, your blood pure by the regular use of Beecham’s
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  • 1951 3  -  THE BACK-HAND STROKE. BY A. E. BEAMISH. [All Rights Reserved.] A great wit once said that originality is only a new way of stating old truths. So one fte’s, in writing about the game of lawn tennis, that there are very many things which can ba said, very few
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  • 545 3 YESTERDAY’S PROCEEDINGS. The hearing w«s resumed yesterday afternoon in tl e District Court, Pena' g, of the case in which Noordin and Vf erappen, two Tamil detectives, were charged reap ctively with extortion and abetting extortion. Mr. J. Crabb-Watt prosecuted and Mr. Harry T. Jones defended. Mydin cross-examined,
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  • 378 3 Blind Javanese Captive in Tiger Trap. A mandore of the Municipality in Meian reported to the police thsre on the 13th inst. that whilst out on duty he came across, in ti e jungle near Rebon Pisang, a cage in which a m«n was imp'isoned. He immediately
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    • 466 3 S.F.P.” Ihe position of the Unofficial Members of Legislative Councils in Crown Colonies is not an easy nor a grateful one. The Unofficial Member is always in a minority, a minority not of intellect but of mere voting power, ves'ed in the Official Members of the press the
      S.F.P.”  -  466 words
    • 351 3 M. M.” Crime in the F M S is at present on crude line?. It is not less troublesome on this account, and differs from that of Western countries in kind rather than in degree. In place of the scientific scheming which exercises the ingenuity of the
      M. M.”  -  351 words
  • 73 3 Much Damage Done. Calcutta, May 12.—A severe rainstorm passed over the outskiits of Rangoon on Saturday, demolishing a number of houses and uprooting trees. Ahlone Post Office and other buildings were damaged, but apparentlv no damage was done in Rangoon itself. An examination for the members of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 328 3 I, Wz known Pwas not until the Gillette cJid away with stropping and honing that men got into the habit of the every-moming shave. Three minutes with the GILLETTE slips your beard off clean tones up your face—starts you off brisk and cheery for the day. The Gillette is the
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  • 240 4 FORTHCOMING MEETING AT KUALA LUMPUR. A meeting; has baen convened for Tuesday, the 27th instant, at the Office of the Chief Secretary, Kuala Lumpur, for the purpose of discussing preliminaries towards the establishment of a College of Agriculture in the Federated Malay States. A committee has
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  • 233 4 At the George Town Mr. Jackson has again prepare 1 an excellent bill of fare. Empire Builders a Bison war drama of three reels is the principal attraction, support'd by a host of other interesting features, among which are White Rose,” an A. B. melodrama, “The Mystery of
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  • 303 4 Government Supervision Ressnted. London, May 9.—A large meeting of Indian students was held at the Caxton Hall yesterday, and a resolution was parsed, expressing disapproval of the existence and increasing activites of the Indian Students’ Department, as a reflection on their character and capacity and as
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  • 370 4 Ex. ARTIFICIAL MAN’S ADVENTURE WITH JAVANESE CANNIBALS. A well-known New-York journal, purports to tell the story of the most artificia' man in the world,” so called because he wore a cork leg, a cork arm, a rubber ear, an artificial eye, and a wig. Except for these
    Ex.  -  370 words
  • 289 4 Reported Outbreak By Natives. According to despatches from Boma to the Petit Journal, a serious revolt of natives has broken out in the Portuguese Colony in the Congo. Scores of white residents have been killed, and Catholic and Protestant missionaries are in flight. The Portuguese garrison has
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  • 122 4 C. O.” Reuter’s sub-editors, with a Dersistence that might be diverted into a more appreciated channel, have of late shown charming ingenuity in the use of rarely used words. A word occasionally telegraphed of Ja'e has been the word semester,” a German word derived from
    —“ C. O.”  -  122 words
  • 570 4 There are a good many well-brought up young ladies of the comfortable classes to-day who are victims to that illusion of liberty and independence whfch tantalises all mortals with a persistence never to be opposed by philosophical argument,” says the Times,” Arguments about human liberty—whether
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  • 277 4 Discovery by Scientist-Barrister. A new treatment for tuberculosis which, in the opinion of those most competent to judge, holds out a greater hope of an absolute cure than anything yet tried by science, was described to the Academy of Medicin-*, Paris. Those present beli-ve that the sifting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 All mothers desire to see their children grow up strong and hearty. To effect this the protection from chills, stomach ailments, etc., must be sure, such as is afforded by Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, a medicine known throughout the Southern Hemisphere as the children’s life saver. Never be without it
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    • 632 4 MUNICIP/TL NOTICE. AN ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.m., on Tuesday, the 26th instant. (By Order), L. A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. CONSIGNEES are requested to produce B/L and take delivery of 4 xSi 1/12 (2) cases
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    • 71 4 Central Sales Room. The undersigned are instructed to sell By Public Auction At Fort Cornwallis, On Thursday, 28th May, AT 11-30 A.M. Unserviceable Clothing, Confiscated Property and Intestate Estate, etc, Terms: —Cash Before Delivery. CUNNINGHAM, CLARK Ji Co., Licensed Auctioneers, 582—21 25 27-5 FOUR CROWN WHISKY r~ ft. 0
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 564 4 The Straits Cinema, Location: —PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT! By special additional exclusive arrangement with The Photograph Film Bureau, Ltd., An absolutely new exclmive feature entitled The Bank Note Forgers. (DURATION 1| HOURS), The Greatest Detective Drama ever witness'd depicting the escape, exciting chase and subsequent arrest of Mu s ett9’s
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  • 1950 5 M.D.C.” THE DEPUTATION TO THE RESIDENT. MR. MARKS* REPLY. Mr. Oliver Marks, replying to the memmorial and supplementary paper placed before him on the subject of the forfeiture of mining leases said Before any one else speaks on behalf of the deputation I will answer your memorial
    “ M.D.C.”  -  1,950 words
  • 190 5 The trial of the natives charged with the murder of Professor Robinson was opened recently before the Court at Amboina. The first session was appointed for the statement of the facts and the identification of the murdered man. The six defendants, Ladjae, Lamini, Lahoermain, Laongso,
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  • 63 5 Calcutta, May 14.—During the recent storm in Calcutta the aerial of the wireless stations at Fort William was badly damaged, and the old aerial at Allpore was brought into use to keep up communications with the t-andheads and other sta tions. The Telegraph Departments will
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  • 255 5 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended May 9 there were 55 deaths —4O males and 15 females, equal to a death-rate of 27.66 per mille per annum, compared with 40.24 in the preceding week and with 34.44 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 Nestle’s (Hid Kohler’s Chocolotes. E NESTLES EgS KOHLER’S K 5 SWISS MILK superb pC NUT-MILK ||i|g| RANRHNC PC S CHOCOLATE. So Nourishing that Every Tablet makes a Meal. The Sweetmeat de Luxe. nJ S OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Lfl S Nestle S Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (LONDON), ffl DR SINGAPORE. PENANG, KUALA
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    • 19 5 Proved by independent Scientific investigation to have a Body-Build-ing Power of 10 to 20 times the amount taken. m
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  • 1354 6 Given the occasion the man has come forth. This is the secret of the power of England, an enigmitical nation Wellington’s army swept across the Peninsula in spite of the Government in power, and Wellington’s countrymen threw bricks at the castle of the conqueror. In the darkest days of
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  • 757 6 The horses in training for the Summer Meeting, which opens next Saturday, enjoyed a nice soft, cool morning and no doubt were encouraged by the attendance of sportsmen (though it was not large) standing round the rails, each with a list of horses in training, a cup of
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  • 140 6 Page 2—Heavyweights’ Battle. Page 3.—What Other Papers Say; Alleged Ex .ortion Strange Jungle Romance Burma Rainstorm Tennis. Page 4.—An Amusing Story; Reuter and Little Used Words Congo Revolt Mystery; A College of Agiculture Girl Who has Found Herself; The White Scourge The Cinemas Indian Students in England;
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  • 126 6 —Reuter. REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENT. CIVILIANS AND OFFICERS PLEAD GUILTY. London, May 22. When the Army Canteen case was resumed at the Old Bailey, the civilian defendants pleaded guilty, and thereafter seven of the military men accused also pleaded guilty. They are Quartermasters and Hon. Lieutenants Armstrong of the
    —Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 32 6 —Reuter. POLICE LIEUT. BECKER GUILTY. New York, May 23. At the retrial of Police Lieutenant Becker for the murder of the gambler, Rosenthal, a verdict of guilty was returned,
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 38 6 —Reuter. RESUMPTION OF BUSINESS. Tampico, May 22. Business is resuming the normal aud th& oilmen are returning. Rebels aad the Conference. Washington, May 22, The rebels are sending a representative to Niagara to submit General Carranza’s- proposals.—
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 44 6 FIRST LORD’S ANNOUNCEMENT. London, May 22. In the House of Common®, Mr. Churchill announced that the Government were taking up £2,200,000 sterling shares in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company in order to secure a large oil fuel supply for the Admiralty.—Reuter.
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  • 62 6 [From Our Own Correspondent. l Taiping, May 23. A meeting of p-ominent residents of Taiping and district, presided over by Mr. N. Kendall, a representative committee was appointei with Mr. W. H. Tate, as Chairmm, Mr. RF. Stainer, as Honorary Secretary, aud twelve others, to collect
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  • 56 6 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, May 23. At the annual meeting of the Singapore Automobile Club Mr Elliot, who presided, seated that a geteral improvement had taken place iu driving, and that experimental mirrors weie now being fixed at dangerous crossings. The following committee was elected :—Messrs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 I P I W I B.L I SCOTCH WHISKY I yfj Prepared for &port. £XTRA SPECIAL, GOLD* LABEL. I SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL. Proprietor» Bulloch.'Lade &.Co.. Ltd.. I Oisviuume at Glasgow, ••lav,^ ano Campmlv'O* H| OFFICES:* GLASGOW \in:i LONDON.! Purity, Mellowness, and Pare Flavour I are the distinguishing features
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    • 33 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, “SANATORIUM” PENANG HILL Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the E. 0. HOTEL Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of the Hill. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • 183 6 OBITUARY. THE KING’S PHYSICIAN. London. May 22. The death of Sir Francis Laking is announced.—Reuter. [Sir Francis Henry Laking, Bart, k c b.,, m.d., born 1847 Physician in ordinary and Surgeon Apothecary to tlie King and Prince of Wales Apothecary to H. M. Household, Consulting Physician to Victoria Hospital
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  • 246 7 —Reuter. MR. LLOYD GEORGE S APPEAL. otr i dWARI) CARSON AND THE ULSTERITES. London, May 22. Mr. Lloyd George at Ipswich said yesterday’s scene in the House of Commons was t of a deliberate plan to destroy representative Government. He appealed to the electors of Ipswich to strike
    —Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 182 7 P. O. AND B.I. IMPORTANT AMALGAMATION. Lo idon, May 23. The amalgamation of the Peninsular and Oriental Sieam Navigation Co. and the British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., is officially announced. The agreement between the Peninsular and Oriental and British India Shipping Companies provides for an exchange of stock between
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  • 74 7 —Reuter. PICTURE GALLERY OUTRAGES. London, May 22. Two Suffragists attacked five pictures in the National Gallery and two in the Royal Academy. The damage was slight. Both places are now closed. Enraged spectators assisted in the arrest. Bags of Flour Thrown in Court. There were wild scenes at
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 201 7 -D.O.L. Berlin, May 22. The closing of the Reichstag is connected with the fresh election of presidents. The centre party will probably ins st upon first place. Es-ad Pasha’s assistants have announced that four people were appointed to perpetrate a b >mb outrage on the Prince. A
    -D.O.L.  -  201 words
    • 166 7 THE RESULTS. [/rom Our Own Correspondent.'] Seremban, May 22. The following are ths results of the races at Seremban on Friday Rack 1. CHINA (Jervois) 1 TWEEDLEDUM (Seaton) 2 URA.SDTHA (Thirlwell) 3 Won by a length Time: 1 min. 30 secs. Tote, $3. Race 2. BUSTED FLUSH (Seaton)
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    • 374 7 M.S. GUIDES’ SCORES. At the Rifle Rnrge, Taiping, the Malay States Guides fired off for the Daily Mail Empire Cup (as stated in our telegram yesterday). Appended are the details 2nd 3rd Ist stage 6 stg. stg. H. H. H. H. 00 -C >o o «3
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    • 55 7 The following have been asked to play for Perak in the cricket match against Penang at Whitsuntide: Messrs W E Maynard. S G A Msa'ten’z, W O Jonklass, M D Rurley, C A Campbell, C Bede Cox., O Bruee, L V Prentis, D M Barry, R R Bullmore
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    • 90 7 Interview with Lord Wimborne. London, May 12—Lord Wimborne interviewed, said he had asked Mr. Buckmaster, as he had got a good side, probably the best seen in London for years, to take it to America but he declined a», after a long discussion, he could not see his way
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    • 48 7 London, May 22. The la'es' be'ting on the Derby is as follows 2 to 1 agst. Kennymore 10 1 ,i Black Jest-r 100 9 Brakespear 100 7 Durbar Second 25 I Ambassador 40 1 Evansdale 40 1 Orobi 40 1 Dan Russel 40 1 Cupidon.
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    • 41 7 —Reuter. London, May 22. At Bristol, Warwickshire beat Gloucestershire by ten wickets. At Southampton, the Hampshire and Yorkshire match was drawn, Hampshire securing the points for leading on the first innings. At Bath, Surrey beat Somerset by four wickets.-
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 33 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.'] Singapore, May 23. In the Association Football Cup, the Royal Garrison Artillery beat the King’s Own Yorkshire L ght Infantry’s second team by two goals to one.
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    • 140 7 TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The following ties were played last night Profession Pairs.—Prentis and Bennett v. Sercombe Smith and Sells unfinished. Men’s Singles Handicap.—Edwards, beat Byatt 6—2, 7—5. Men’s Double Handicap (Final). —Cuscaden and Sayers beat Syer and Pledged by 6—4, 6—4. The following tics hive been fixed for
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  • 384 7 THE NEW BUILDING. A commencement will be made very shortly with the construction of the rew building of the Young Men’s Christian Association, Brickfields Road, says a Kuala Lumpur correspondent, and it is expected to be completed and handed over during the early part of next year.
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  • 482 7 TO-DAY S CHANGES. The following are the changes (baye s and sellers only) in oar share list o page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-da. Saasso. 5 s s o S 7 x V Jkfintn Deebook 57/3 60/- 57/3 59/Kamunting 3/- 5/- 4/- 6/Kanaboi If 1.80 If If Malayan
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  • 34 7 Loudon, May 22*. The following are the ruling quot tious for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/3} Para to arrive 2/10} Market dull. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead «fc Co.]
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  • 100 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $75.15 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin in London was quoted at £149 17s. 6d. spot and £l5l 12*. 6d. three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange $75 15 Straits Trading Co. niL Eastern
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 229 7 PERTUSSIN tis a harmless and efficient remedy against all diseases of the respiratory organs, especially Whooping Cough, Catarrh of Larynx, Bronchial Catarrh, Asthma, eto which has been recognized unequalled by the highest authorities. Also the Affections of the Lungs w» 11 be relieved by the see of it. TO BK
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  • 456 8 ASSISTANCE FROM THE NETHERLANDS. On more than one occa-ion we have in this column, says the Gazette de Hollande, laid streson the progress that is being made in many directions in Netherlands India. Unfortunately, however, this development though steady, has been hindered by the appearance of
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  • 454 8 The Weaker Sex Look at her,” said the ironmonger, indicating a departing customer. “She sent her wringer here to be repaired. I promised it her for this week provided that I could get a certain new part in time from the makers. I couldn't get it. Now she
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1650 8 MALARIA. >■■■■■■ mmmbmwmmmbww I TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, ITS MEANING—ITS CAUSE—AND 5 g ITS CPRB “EUREKA” When Malaria {Mala-aria, bad air) was W B Typewriter Ribbons. given its name scientists knew less about it H H than they do now, otherwise they would w Guaranteed to give ah«ni.a have christened it differently.
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  • 2383 9 o r»pital. Paid up. No“*»erof Issue F F Share». Value. 2 Dividend». g X 0 Ss a ar 1.11 »00.000 TO .OOO „0 000 1 I 1811 1,14 IMS 300.000 300.000 30,000 10 10 30 38* "5 nI?L D P *>• 50« 1911 250.000 250,000 }J I Z Hu
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  • 361 9 SUN DAT, MAY 24. Church of England. St. George’s Church.—Sunday after Ascension Day, Matins (Choral), 8 a.m.; Ho’y Communion, 8.30 a.m Chinese Service, 9.15 a.m Sunday School, 5 p m.; Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Procession Hymn, 147, Hail the day, Psalm CXIX Goodenough and Hopkins, Magnificat, Nunc
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  • 167 9 Saturday, May 23. Volunteer Rifle Meeting. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. High Water 11.17 a.m. and 11.34 p.m. Low Water 5.11 a.m. and 6.5 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Suaday, May 24. 6th Sunday after Easter. Volunteer Rifle Meeting. High Water
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  • 78 9 May 30. —Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting. May 30 and 31.—Penang Bisley. June I.—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Ipoh. Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting. June I.—Penang Bisley and Concert. June 3.—King’s Birth Day Parade. Cricket, Selangor v. Negri Sembilan at Kuala Lumpur. Perak v. Penang at Penang. June 26.—Penang
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 ADVERTISING IS TO COMMERCE j WHAT THE POSTAL SYSTEM IS TO THE OOMMUIinYIt is a scientific time-saving device which promotes the spread of knowledge and tbs development of business. Not to aooopk it is to put back the oiook and to hark away to the Middle Ages. asisiiiiasiaiasisiixastaihiaiM 1 EAR
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    • 580 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,001 Reserve Fund £1,800,00€ Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Hkad Ofvice 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, K.O Agencies and Bkanohss. Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klang Serembar Canton Kobe Shanghai
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  • 831 10 M.M.” “OUR ASSETS” It was announced rccendy that a number of Monmouthshire miners were bringing a teat ca«-e owing to a dispute about the position of a comma in the text of the Mines Act, stye the “M.M.” under another heading. A law case over a comma Eeems
    M.M.”  -  831 words
  • 107 10 Tn all probability Colonel Goethals, “the Square Boss of the Panama Canal, is of Dutch descent. In his small domain he wields the power of a Tsar. Immediately on his appointment as President of the Canal Commission he demanded and obtained abso'ute power. He
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  • 118 10 A vagy****, Brit., 24«, Spencer, May 22, T. Ahson, gen., E. S. Go. Kedah, Brit. 94, Welsh, May 22, A. Star, gen., E. S. Co. Atjeh, Dut., 393, Boers. May 22, Sabang, gen., K.P.M. u Malacca, Brit, 405, Dun, May 23, Tongkah, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Taroba, Brit,
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  • 95 10 Taroba for Madras taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay. Bohemia for Colombo and Tuticorin. Edavana for Rangoon and Calcutta. Jin Ho for Asaban. Avagyee for Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Alma for Deli. Van Riebeeck for Langsa, T Semawe, Segli, Olehleh. Sabang &c., Padang. Lama for
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  • 39 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL PO*T OFFIC Moxdat. For P®r Cloee. Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Hong Wan‘l 3 pm. Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy Zira 5 pm. Tvksday. Tongkah Malacca 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Klang 4-30 p.n.
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  • 127 10 Pinang, May 23, 1914. (By Courlaay of tho Chartorod Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 7>32 3 Credit ...2/4 3/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Re. 174 j 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 1741 3 days’ sight Private 175} Madras
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  • 256 10 Prnakg, May 23, 1914. 8. P. Tapioca 54.10 buyers'. M. P. Tapioca $4 1/2 sales Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers White Pepper $27 sellers. Trang Pepper $19.00 buyers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $97.00 sellers. Clove's $46 sales. Nutmegs 110 $23
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 238 10 ’il Mt I V jggjip i J Jf> a ZBB L— 19&. W»*’ ?f B ±g___Z.-~iTTir 111 a> MIL J=ggMggM 2^*l If is an established fact that Genuine Bayer's Tablets of Aspirin are distinguishable from their many imitations by the following advantages/ 1. The ease with which they break up
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    • 341 10 itARLTON*HOTEL, S U 22, LEITH STREET, PENANG. U H RECOGNISED aa ths second-to-none I H ENGLISH HOTEL IN PENANG. Pj U SPECIAL TERMS TO GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ANO PLANTERS. U I Fitted with Electric Lights and Fans. Terms Moderate. H French, German and Italian Spoken. r I I Situation, Accommodation, Service,
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  • 360 11 DIRECTORS OF COMPANIES. In the Home of Commons, on April 24th, Mr. Charles Pi ice asked the Prime Minister whether the Right Hon. Lord George F. Hamiltouwas a political pensioner of the first class and drew £2,000 per annum from the Treasury; whether he was aware that
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  • 427 11 THE LOOTING OF THE “CHILDAR." Mr. Stewart asked the Prime Minister recently whether the British mails, while being carried by the Norwegian steamer Childar," were looted when that steamer was recently pirated in S uth China has any satisfaction been obtained from the Chinese Government whose subjects
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 850 11 N.Y.K /O', Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld \f ®A’ wk I- 77 Towner EUROPEAN LINE. Veno’s Cured Little Violet A Fortnightly service is maintained be- of Catarrh Whooping Cough Y°koh.m. ,i. port, to MareeiUre Oor little Viofet .offered from N... 1 London ana Antwerp, unde mail contract Catarrh from her
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    • 55 11 Tin Mining. Messrs. Boving A Co., Ltd., LONDON, who have the highest reputation in the world as specialists in Turbines, Turbo Pump® and Pipe Lines have appointed The Borneo Company, Limited, Singapore, as their Agents and will be pleased to advise and estimate upon Power, Pipe Line, and Pump proposals.
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    • 726 11 FOUL BREATH. WOMEN’S GREATEST MISFORTUNE. The old saying that “distance lends enchantment” was nevermore aptly to the point than when applied to those people whose breath is laden with evil smelling odours. Many persons appear most attractive at a distance, hut produce a feeling of pity and disgust when close
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2326 12 p R ritish India |M D. L. tel ™9 cean Steam Navigation Co. E M sa|p <*.. m iipected arrivals and departbres STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. OHn(A MUTUfIL BTEAM HW Q(j INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS- INTENDED SAILINGS. INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS. Marseille(S> Alexandra aHd vi ce versa), Port Baid, Suez,
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