Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1121 1 uunorrw lunnownornDiaaoaDi e a c rou $3O D b \TOU can have the “Pinang D X Gazette” posted everyday for a whole year co your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). q g Proportionate Quarterly and 0 Half-yearly rates. n B Subscriptions are payable in n advance and iemittances should N be
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    • 9 1 BUCHANANS (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 461 2 A NEW DEPARTURE. Towards the end of this month the first of a number of advanced students whom the Ministery of Interior is sending to Europe for study, will leave Bangkok, says the Siam Observer. Hitherto the majority of Siamese students proceeding to Europe to study have
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  • 351 2 In response to representations made to the Royal Humane Society, the Imperial Merchant Service Guild have received a silver medal and a diploma on vellum for presentation to Mr. A. G. Connor, Chief Officer of the British Steamer Honam a vessel of some 3,000 tons owned by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 817 2 SITUATION WANTED. Federated Malay States Railways. WANTED. TXT ANTED position by o.peneno.a V V Miner. conveying passengers, parcels and goods Apply No. 79, c/o Pinang Gazetie. traffic w ju be run between Tumpat (the 29-4 seaport for Kelantan) Kota Bahru, Pasir Mas, Tana Merah and Kvala Lebir, connecting as far
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    • 35 2 The National Benefit Life and Property Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1890. The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept FIRE risks at current atee. ALLEN DENNYS <fc Co 211—13-8
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    • 929 3 REPORT OF DIRECTORS. The following is the report of the directors of the Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber Company, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1913. The year’s working resulted in a profit of £79,078 15s od., which with the sum brought forward from 1912, £13,101
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    • 743 3 PROPOSED AMALGAMATION WITH HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS. At the fourth annual general meeting of shareholders of the Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Rubber Co, Ltd, the following report was to be presented The directors have pleasure in submit ting to the shareholders their report and accounts for the year
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    • 213 3 In their monthly circular, dated the 24bh April, by the M.M. mail steamer Atlantique,” Messrs. Wm. G. Hale <k Co., report as follows on the Saigon Rice Market. Arriva's of the paddy from the interior continuing to prove liberal and mills having almost cleared outstanding contracts, the
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    • 171 3 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., in their weekly report dated Tuesday, April 28ch, says:— At the auction held this morning 50 tons were on offer, abou* 47 tons changing hands. Prices all round were lower than at last week’s sale but at the reduced level competition was
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    • 904 3 FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. Following was the directors’ report for the year ended December 31, 1913, presented at the fifth annual general meeting of shareholders of the Sungei Krian Rubber Estates, Ltd., held on Thursday, April 16 The year’s working resulted in a profit of £6,607 111 Which
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    • 1174 3 KLAIU.NG PRODUCE REPORT. COCONUT CULTIVATION. The account in rubber shares has been a very bumdrum affair, despite a substantial rise in the price of the commodity. The reason for this somewhat anomalous condition is the same as that applying to markets in general and is, for want of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 Want of perception is a pronounced trait in man, particularly where his health is concerned. He does not realise that nearly all serious illness is due to disregard of chills and stomach derangement. The wise individual knows that Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure is an unequalled preventative of sickness, and is
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    • 230 3 ADVERTISING FAILURES, There are still men who say they nave found advertising a failure. They claim that they gave it a fair trial and could see no results. Whenever a merchant says that be has tried advertising without success, there is usually a very good reason why it did not
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  • 525 4 S.T. HARBOUR BOARD FINANCE. The first report of the Singapore Harbour Board, issued a few days ago, is interesting for many reasons, but not least for the fact that it contains what the Tanjonjf Pagar Dock Board reports never contained—a complete balance-sheet of the undertaking. It
    S.T.  -  525 words
  • 203 4 ,—S.F.P. Municipal affairs as a whole, do not often come under the purview of the elector—or, rather, under the now appointed Commission, we should say the tax payer. The annual report of the President is a favourable opportunity to consider some matters of great interest to the community.
    ,—S.F.P.  -  203 words
  • 191 4 .—M.M. We referred recently to the damage which was being done to coconuts by rats in the Bagan Datoh district. The matter came up at Sunday’s meeting of the Planters’ Associaof Malaya when Mr Counsel asked for the help of the Association in bringing to the notice of the
    .—M.M.  -  191 words
  • 87 4 A Nkw Steamer. One of the several new steamers of larger and improved type with which the British India Steam Navigation Company i 3 stiengtheuing its Eastern Fleet, put into Colombo harbour from London on April 18th. She is the twin-screw M l a,hobra >" of 8,000
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  • 370 4 REVIVAL OF ANTI-CHINESE SENTIMENT. A telegram from Victoria (8.C.) states that Jack Kong, a 17 year old Chinese servant, has confessed to the murder of Mrs. C. J. Millard, wife of a Canadian Pacific Railway official at Vancouver. In the absence of her husband, Mrs.
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  • 252 4 In the course of a leading article The Times speaks out strongly on the failure of the Chine e Government to put an end to the menace of White Wolf. For the present he remains nothing but a murderous brigand, but if not quickly overcome he may develop
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  • 132 4 The Lieutenant-Governor of Winnipeg, the Mayor, and other prominent citizens refused to attend a Roman Catholic banquet recently, maintaining that their attitude was due to the fact that the Pope would precede the King on the toast list. The incident has aroused widespread indignation, and the situation
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  • 95 4 Outbreak At Port Said Calcutta, April 21.—News has reachrd Calcutta of an outbreak of fire on board the steamer “City of York,” which left Calcutta on the 27th ultimo for home. The fire broke out either on the 13th or 14th whilst the ship
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  • 374 4 We take the following London cables from the Times of Ceylon received by this morning’s mail:— The Consolidated Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd., pays a final dividend of 25 per cent, making 50 per cent. The c .st f.o.b. was Is. 0 5/Bd. The carry forward is 2,089. The
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  • 251 4 Some of the recent reports record a considerable decline in the all-in costs. Grenier’s Rubber News give the figures for three years in the case of Companies that have just published their reports. 1911 1912 1913 Bagan Serai 2s 9 96d 2s 1-96 1 Is 517
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  • 216 4 The Deli Railway has appliecLfor permission to put the railway and tramway stations and halts of Bandar Chalipah, Belawan, Deli Toewa, Diski, Laboean, Loeboe Pakam, Mean, Perbaoengan, Selesseh, Sordang, S< enggai, Tebing Tinggi, Telah Mengkoedoe, Limbing Langkat and Titipapan at the disposal of a private
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  • 661 4 SHARE ACTIVITY. The Rubber Research Committee of Ceylon, in co-operation with the Ceylon Department of Agriculture, have made arrangements with the Imperial Institute to conduct a series of investigations calculated to yield definite results in regard to the critical question as to the effect of different
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  • 139 4 Arrivals. By Taroba (April 29) from Singapore, Miss W P Angu’, Mrs Knudson, Mrs Knudson, Mrs Rigby and child, Messrs Sinclair, Holmberg and Gammee; from Port Swettenham, Mr and Mrs Thomson and children, Mr and Mrs J C McCartney and Mr R Rasayah. By Teesta (April 30) from Madras,
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  • 76 4 A Vedarale (native doctor) was run over at the second gate between Ulapane and Na walapitiya, Ceylon, by a goods train. The coolie special, the down mail from Colombo and the up night mail ran over the corpse, which was only discovered in the
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  • 385 4 —M.D.C. ALLEGED PLOT TO RUIN A TOWKAY. The evidence of a la'ge nurnb r of witnesses from Penang, Kuala Lumpur, and I other places, was recorded in the Magistrate’s Comt, Ipoh, on Wednesday, in the case against two Chinese fish-dealers, named Chong Poh and Chong Yong, who
    —M.D.C.  -  385 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 116 4 G. H. CATER, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to send particulais on or before the 31st June next, of such claims to the undersigned, Executor of the deceased’s Will, to whom Probate has been granted by the Supreme Court, Negri Sembilan.
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    • 439 4 English lady win w ice return for passage to London. Address: Robinson Piano Co., Ltd i NOTICE. WE have relinquished the agency Messrs. Caldbeck, Macgregor > as at 30th April, 1914. SELLAR, MURRAY Co NOTICE. WE have been appointed Agents i n Penang and district for Messrs Hibbert, Woodroffe Co.,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 210 4 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I BOROWSKY’S RUSSIAN CIRCUS SITUATED AT Dato Kramat Gardens. Tremendous Success! Tremendous Success!! Aak the Many Thousands who Thronged The Circus Last Night Their Honest Opini' n. Heralded by Press and Public. The Biggest, Best and Brighest Show That Has Ever Visited Penang. See and Believe is our
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  • 446 5 Oa more occasions than one we have had occasion to note the awakening interest of commercial people in English-speaking countries in the prospects of Nederlands India. The commercial possibilities of our populous possessions in the East and their great natural resources are attracting more attention to-day than
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  • 427 5 Although the Panama-P.*cific International Exposition at S*n Francisco do°s not open until February 20, 1915, the construction and all other preparations for the celebration are far advanced and the m jority of the exhibit palaces nearly completed Thirty-four nations have officially accepted the invitation to participate.
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  • 356 5 THE ADMISSION OF ALIENS. On the occasion of the famous suit brought a few years ago by several prominent Parsis against the truste s of the Parsi Punchayat of Bombay claiming admission of a French lady to the religious rights of the Zoroastrian community, the Hon. Mr. Justice
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  • 343 5 BANK MANAGER’S PLAINT. The suggestion that married women should have their own banking accounts was severely frowned upon by a Weit End bank manager. For goodness’ sake,” he said, don’t encourage the idea. You can’t conceive the amount of trouble which married women’s accounts give us. We
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  • 31 5 Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea View Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Cbylon :—Nuwara Eliya.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 229 5 PERTUSSIN is a harmless and efficient remedy against all diseases of the respiratory organs, especially Whooping Cough, Catarrh of Larynx, Bronchial IsfIII Catarrh, Asthma, et which h been rec °g nized IKs'jl unequalled by the highest authorities. Also the Ufl Affections of the Lungs will be relieved by the ase
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  • 806 6 All who are acquainted with the policy of the late Sir Frederick Weld, so far as it affected the Native States of Malaya, as he found them on his arrival at Singapore from Tasmania, know with what energy and skill it was carried to a successful issu
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  • 481 6 A curious story comes from Chicago of a tree which, it is asserted, threatens to produce a new rubber supply. It is the bulia tree and its home is Fiji. We must confess to a colossal ignorance of the bulia, but it is seriously stated in a
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  • 285 6 KIDNAPPING CASE ADJOURNED. In the District Court, Penang, this morning, Mr. W. C. Michell resumed the hearing of the case in which Mohamed Sultan, a Jawi Pekan, was charged with kidnapping a minor, a Chine-e nonia nimed Tio Han, from lawful guardianship on April 2. Inspector
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  • 546 6 Death by Misadventure The inquest was held this morning by Mr. V. G. Ezecbiel in the Second Police Court, Penang, into the circumstances which attended the death of Poongavanam, a Tamil girl aged about 9 years, who was run over by a motor-car driven by Lim
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  • 862 6 Mr. Brookshank, is, it is stated, takin» over the management of the Kinta Association. Unku Abdul Hamid, cousin of H. H the Sultan of Johore, leaves for Europe on May 11th by the French mail steamer Paul Lecat. He intends to study law i u England. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 SIEMENS I 6, BEACH STREET, PENANG. Telegrams: SIEMENS, Penang. Telephone No. 479. SIEMENS’ TABLE FANS. When fitted with Oscillating Mechanism, as illustrated, this Fan is the most effective Breeze Producer obtainable. SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO WORKS, LTD. Head Office: Caxton House, Westminster, London. Supplies Dept, and Stores:— Upper Thames Street, London.
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    • 12 6 E. 0. HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER, Saturday, 2nd May. DANCING. E. 0. ORCHESTRA.
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  • 177 7 TO-DAY S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list o*. page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day a SUABM. X J if M T> My, Mining. Kamunting 4/- 6/6 4/- 5/9 Malayan Tin 48/- 50/9 48/3 52/6 Pahang 0. 8/9 9/6 9/1$
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  • 32 7 London, April 29*. The following are the ruling quotations for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/7 Para to arrive 3/Market firm. [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead 4 Co.]
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  • 70 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $79.00 per picul, business done. lin in London was quoted at £157 10s. spot and £159 10s. three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange tons at $79.00 Straits Trading Co. B. no S. $79.65
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  • 73 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 30. Bishop Bourdon reaches his eightieth birthday on Friday. It was in 1863 that he arrived in Rangoon to join the Burmah Mission, which was generated from Penang He spent nine years in Rangoon as Priest, and forty-two years in Mandalay
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  • 27 7 —Reuter. ANOTHER DREADNOUGHT ORDERED. Constantinople, April 29. The Government has ordered another Dreadnought from Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth Company, to be completed in 21 months.-
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 128 7 Exciting Incident at nagpur. Calcutta, April 22.—0 n Monday night there was a farewell performance of Professor Chatris’ Circus under the patronage of Mr. Putler,, Judicial Commissioner, Central Provinces, at Nagpur. A feat of tricycle-riding by an elephant with a lion on ha back
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  • 77 7 Denial of Important Rumours. Calcutta, April 20.—The report in circulation on the Tibet border to the effect that Ivan Chen, Chinese Plenipotentiary in the Tibet-Chinese Conference now proceeding here, has been recalled, is contradicted upon the highest authority. Also it is not the case that the proceedings
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  • 105 7 —Reuter. REQUEST FOR AN ARMISTICE. ACCEPTANCE BY UNITED STATES. London, April 29. The South American Republics which have offered to act as mediators, have requested an armistice between United States and Mexico. The former has accepted. Americans Killed. Vera Cruz, April 29. An unconfirmed report states that
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 85 7 —Reuter. A GERMAN DENIAL. Berlin, April 29. The Budget Commi.tee of the Reichstag is discussing foreign affairs. Herr Jagow denied that the powers comprising the Triple Alliance had concluded a Mediterranean agreement. Referring to RussoGerman relations he said both governments desired to preserve the old friendly and
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 38 7 .—Reuter. TWO HUNDRED AND THREE LIVES LOST. London, April 29. Explosions in a coal mine at Eccles, West Virginia, resulted in 203 lives being lost. The mine was soon ablaze and rescues were impossible.-
    .—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 40 7 —Reuter. ENGINE DRIVER ACQUITTED. Sydney, April 29. The engine driver, who was charged with manslaughter, in connection with the railway disaster at Moss Vale, last month, when 14 persons were killed and 12 injured, has been acquitted.
    .—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 28 7 ,—Reuter. NEW TRIBE DISCOVERED IN BRAZIL. Rio Janeiro, April 29. The Roosevelt expedition to unexp'ored Brazil discovered a tribe of unknown savages who were entire'y naked.-
    ,—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 22 7 ,—Reuter. London, April 30. The British steamer Highland Piper, which went ashore near Monte Video, has been refloated.-
    ,—Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 42 7 .—Reuter. CANADIAN LABOUR MARKET OVERCROWDED Victoria, 8.C., April 30. Owing to the overcrowded labour market the Canadian immigration authorities on the Pacific coast have been instructed to prevent the entry of all Chinese between 21st May and 30th September.-
    .—Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 142 7 —D.O.L, 8.-rlin, April 29. The Emperor Francis Joseph’s health has further improved. Supplementary estimates of the Reichstag provide for a Consul at Yueaanfu. The Italian Ambassidor at Paris, Signor Tittoni, has resigned to become president of the Senate at Rome, The members of the Reichstag have received
    —D.O.L,  -  142 words
  • 1090 7 .—Reuter. PREMIER AND MR. CHURCHILL S PROPOSAL. SIR EDWARD CARSON’S HOPE. Lindon, April 29. Great importance is attached in the Lobby to Mr. Churchill’s peroration. It is considered that the suggestion, however vague, is a great advance on the Government’s otiginal proposals and indicates that Government
    .—Reuter.  -  1,090 words
  • 124 7 SERIOUSLY ILL. London, April 29. The Duke of Argyll is ill with double pneumonia. His Grace is in a serious condition.—Reuter. [John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll P.C., K G., K.T., G.C. M.G., G.C.V.O, L.L.D., D. Sc., D.L., born August 6, 1845, married H.
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  • 21 7 ,—Reuter. London, April 29. The House of Lords passed the Army Annual Bill’s final reading without a discussion.
    ,—Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 162 7 .—S.T. With the exception of the parade of various sections of the local military fo’ces and the flying of the Dutch tricolour on some isolated pub'ic and private buildings nothing of much importance occurred to mark Sunday—the 19th inst.—as being the birth day of His Royal Highness
    .—S.T.  -  162 words
  • 56 7 Calcutta, April 22.—Information reached Rangoon of the suicide of Inspector T. J Taylor, of Yinmbin, Lower Chindwia circle by shooting him elf with a revolver in ddk bungal jw at Salingvi, where he had been on tour. No ciuse is assigned for the deel Deceased had had
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  • 743 7 SUCCESSFUL OPENING PERFORMANCE. Borowsky’s Circus opened at Dato Kramat Garden, Penang, and a fair number of Europeans and natives turned up to witness what proved to be an excellent programme. We have no doubt that after last night’s performance large houses will be secured for the remainder of
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    • 146 7 .—Reuter. RESULT. London, April 29. The resu’t of the race for the Two Thousand Guineas at Newmarket was t Kennymore (Stern) 1 Corcyra (O’Neill) 2 Blick Jester (Randall) 3 Won by a short luad. Two lengths between second and third Eighteen ran. The first three were
      .—Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 165 7 Monday, 4th: Profession Pairs.—Whitlock and Syer v. Sercombe Smith an! Sells. Men’s Doubles Handicap A —Waugh and Reimann v, Michell and Voules. Men’s Doubles Handicap B —Crichton and Beath v. Melville and Cowap Sharp and Watt v. Hogan and Adams. Ladies Doubles Handicap.—Mrs Ebden and Miss
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 92 7 MORTGAGEES’ SALE OF The British Iron Screw Steamer GOLDEN CROWN, TO BE HELD AT Powell 8 Co.’s’Sale-room, SINGAPORE, ON Tuesday, the 19fh May, AT 2-30 P.M. Built by COCHRANE COOPER, Beverley. Length 110 feet, breadth 21 feet, depth 11 feet 4/10. Registered tonnage 66.31 tons. Carrying capacity about 100 tons.
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    • 175 8 ITEMS OF INTEREST. CLIPPINGS FROM IHE HOME PRESS Despatched by the mail leaving Lo don on 10th April, 1911).. HOME RULE BILL SECOND READING. For the third time the Home Rule Bill was given a second reading in the House of Commons on Monday night, the
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    • 103 8 675.000 PARLIAMENTARY VOTERS. A return has been prepared with respect to the London electorate for 1913-14 by the Local Government Committee to the London Covnty Conned. It shows that the London Parliamentary electorate for the year 1914 is 675,079, an increase of 6.003 upon that for 1913, when
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    • 115 8 FAMOUS SCIENTIST’S WIDOW. The death is announced of the widow of Professor Huxley, which took place on Sunday, at her house at Eastbourne, at the age of cightj’ eight. One of a Kentish family named Heathorn, who emigrated to Sydney, she met Huxley in 1847, then
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    • 127 8 ACCIDENT WHILE CLEANING GUN. Sir John Shiffner, Bart., died from a gunshot wound nt his residence. Bevern Bridge, Chailey, near Lewes, on Sunday morning. It is supposed that in expectation of having some shooting with his two young sons when they arrived home from school for the
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    • 145 8 GRUESOME DISCOVERY ON LIGHTER. The charred remains of a man’s body, found in the funnel of a steam lighter at Paisley Harbour, were identified on Monday as those of William Laurence, aged forty, an engineer, unmarried, who resided at Renfrew, and had been out of
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    • 233 8 STOCKBROKER AT POLICE-COURT. Mr. Charles Edwin Fenner, the London stockbroker whose name has been mentioned in connection with Lord Murray’s investments and share transactions, was brought up at the London Mansion House Police-court on Monday, before Aiderman Sir George Woodman, on charges under the Larceny Act. Mr.
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    • 81 8 The ancient and picturesque church of Madoimu del Sasso, situated at a height of 1 165 ft. above Locarno, has been entered by b’drglars, who smashed in the old sanctuary door and secured a valuable haul in gold and silver All the ancient vessels and plate
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    • 51 8 Militant Suffragettes met with a hostile reception at Blackpool, Cork, on Saturday, when they sought to press literature on the Jiri mill hands of a flax factory. The girls severely handled the Suffragettes, tore their tiats and coats off. and personal injury was inflicted in several
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    • 63 8 A bomb outrage attributed to Suffragettes was committed in St. Martin’s Church, Trafalgar-square, London, on Sunday night. Some time after the congregation had left a loud explosion was heard inside the church. It was found that some seating had been wrecked and a stained glass
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    • 79 8 Mr. Julian Messer, a Wimpole-street dentist, died on Monday from injuries he received in a motor car accident near Margate on Sunday. The car was being driven by Dr. N. S. Finzi, a Harley-street specialist, and Mr. Messer and Mr. Marcus Rudolph were with him. A tyre
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 8 CARLTON HOTEL, I U 22, LEITH STREET, PENANG. RECOGNISED THB SECOND-TO-NONE r-i ENGLISH HOTEL IN PENANG. Fl U SPECIAL TERMS TO GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ANO PLANTERS. g Fitted with Electric Lights and Fans. Terms Moderate H r-i French, German and Italian Spoken. n I I Situation, Accommodation, Service, Cuisine Wines
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    • 252 8 George Town Kinematograph, Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre. PRESENTS THE Life of John Bunyan and PILGRIM’S PROGRESS.” 4 Reels Beautifully Tinted. This moving picture Masterpiece is the w jrk of the Gieat Italian Coy., Ambrosio who have reconstituted the imm irtal tinke ’s life and tribulations with the u most ca
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    • 316 8 1 WHERE TO STAY THE NEW SEA VIEW HOTEL 16, Farquhar Street, Penang. WITHIN FIVE MINUTES OF THE HARBOUR, RAILWAY, POST AND TELEGRAPH AND PRINCIPAL OFFICES. A|y in PAI MAIUIF for comfort splendidly equipped, Electric Hll nUITiL Light throughout, High-class Cuisine, situated in the most Healthy and Bracing part of
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  • 2428 9 Capital. Paid-up. N««ber et Issue s X ig S F Share». Value. 3 DlTtdenfis. Homa J" o I a 5 5* 1919 1911 1919 1913 1914 MINIUM 1903 ’Xo’ooo in in $n 5* q yer 8118 Rah D4P. Co 20c 50c 19U3 300,’J00 300,000 30,000 10 10 30 28$
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  • 723 9 THE PASSENGER LIST. The following list of passengers to the Straiti is taken from the Low.lon and China Express and in many cases bookings are only provisional «nd subject to changes:— Per P and O steamer Maloja, connecting with the steamer India at Colombo due April 30.-—Mr and
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  • 144 9 Per N Y K Kashima Maru sailing April 28.—Mr A J Fox, Mr and Mrs Evens, Mrs Pearson and 2 children, Mr and Mrs F D Sime and child, Mr and Mrs A L S Palmer, Mrs H S McKenzie and infant. Per N Y K Mishima Maru,
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  • 310 9 The following are outputs for March. Asahan lbs. 5,274 Ampat 3,150 Anglo-Sumatra 41,495 Alor-Pongsu 8,350 Ayer Tawah 9,700 Ayer Kuning 15,621 Ayer Hitam 14,362 Bradwall 12,003 Brieh >, 9,240 Bakap 14,019 Bungsar 626 Benar 3,’>00 Bujong 5,919 Beverlac 14,874 Blackwater 9,258 Bukit Mertajam 18,217 Bukit Cloh 17,500 Bukit
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 132 9 THE London Directory (Published Annually) Enables traders throughout the World tc communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS DEALERS in each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs, the directory contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and Foreign
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    • 98 9 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The best Italian and Carara Marble used William Edward sons, ABERDEEN- SCOTLAND. Granite Merchants and Manufacturers oi Tombstones in various kinds o£ Aberdeen Granite. (Samples oi Granite to be
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    • 589 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £l<2oo,oCo Reserve Fund £1,890,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, 8.0, Agencies and Branched Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoca Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klang Seremban Cantqn Kobe Shanghai
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  • 785 10 finance and administration. Prosperity, still advancing by leaps and bounds is the keynote of these reports Even the once poverty-stricken Straits Government now has regular surplus js—£4oo,ooo on a revenue of a million and a half for 1912, says the New Statesman, reviewing the reports on the S.S.,
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  • 57 10 India, Brit., 4198.51, Talbot, April 29, Bombay, gen., Adamson Giltillan Go. Teesta, Brit., 3428, Willis, April 30, Madras, gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Paugkor, Brit., 94, Caswell, April 30, B. Datoh, gen., E. S. Co. Indragiri, Dut., 160, Bron, April 30, Deli, gen., K.P.M. Co. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, April
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  • 61 10 Agapenor for Port Swettenham, Singapore, China and Japan. Malaya for Deli. Perak (E.S. Co.) for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Teesta for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Avagyee for Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Tosa Maru for Rangoon and
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  • 142 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To- Morrow For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Ghee Thye 8 am. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 9 a.m. Langsa, Edi, T. "Y Semawe, Segli, Olehleh > Atjeh 1 p.m. and Sabang J Batu Bahra Pungah 2 p.m. Tongkah, Kopah, Re- 'j nong,Victoria Point,
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  • 124 10 Prnang, April 30, 1914. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 14 3 Credit ...2/4 3/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 J 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 174} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Madras
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  • 252 10 Pknang, April 30, 1914. S. P. Tapioca $4 1/4 sales. M. P. Tapioca $4.80 sellers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers White Pepper s2B} sales. Trang Pepper $l9 00 buyers. Mace $llO oom, Mace Pickings $92.00 sales. Cloves $46 sales. Nutmegs 110
    252 words
  • 187 10 The companies do net guarantee the dates of arrival of these vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Alor Star, (Kedah).—Tong Chuan, May and 1 and Kedah, April and 30. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan Datoh.—Pangkor, every Monday. Deli.—lndragiri, every Sunday, Merkus or Van Hogendorp,
    187 words
  • 93 10 Owing to inability to obtain the Es planade for more than one day in the week the fixtures will be as follows Second Round. May s.—O’d Farquhars vs. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. May 12.—Government Service or Eastern Athletic Union vs. Penang Cricket Club. May 12—Old Farquhirs
    93 words
  • 189 10 Thursday. April 30. Outward English (P. O.) Mail. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. High Water 2.21 a.m. and 2.22 p.m. Low Water 8 14 a.m. and 9.11 p.m. Borowsky’s Circus, Dato Kramat. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Fridav. May I. S.S. Phillip
    189 words
  • 88 10 May 7 and 9.—Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. May 10.—Volunteer Rifle Meeting. May 15.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting, entries close, 5 p.m. May 17.—Volunte r Rifle Meeting. May 18.—Singapore Medical School, Entrance Ex mination. May 23 and 24. —Volunteer Rifle Meeting. May 30.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting.
    88 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Driving Belt». Frequently considerable trouble arises through the right Belt not being selected—aud the drives not properly arranged. y Bel,in S which world f mius rs for its strength, durabilitv and climate e, I* ciaU salable for m H DOt aect6d I,B ‘t Messrs. Hilton Jr Co., Pen.n- wi power
      67 words
    • 256 10 fiiwiL—(zmiv fia 11 wniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiflgSfli 5 I j DEWARS j I “EXTRA I i j SPECIAL’ i I I WHISKY i I M J KATZ BROS., Ltd., J SOLE AGENTS, JJ M s M HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG, THE ENGLISH HOTEL. Unrivalled Position Cold Storage Food. Special Terms to Government Officials, Planters
      256 words
    • 380 10 INSURANCE. FIRE INSURANCE? Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation Limited. HEAD OFFICE: 45-49. HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON E G The undersigned having been appointed Agents of the Corporation are prepared to issue Polices of Insurance against loss by FIRE at current rates. WELSH Co., Ag enlSi Railway Buildinn 1 496—m th 9 THE
      380 words

  • 893 11 On and after May 15, the Austrian i Lloyd steamers will call at Djibuti (homeward bound) instead of Aden. The first steamer to do so will be the Bohemia.” Upon the arrival of the Blue funnel liner “Jason,” from Yokohama on Saturday, the captain reported to the harbour
    893 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 875 11 N Y. K x Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld y '\jl a\ r’Excellent Jk Jk Ifl\’7 /fMIJ f\fl IlL" Safeguard H b? lISIB against I < J Flvf LI Malaria J J an< er jf F FCVCrS Jfd EUROPEAN LINE. Nerve-Nourishing |JSIWWg e Brain-Vitalising ikra tmuw 50/</ ,n bottles A
      875 words
    • 358 11 iegQSSSSSEBSSESSEB9SSSESSKSSEESBSSBEB I Try what a refreshing, easily digested, I and specially nourishing food beverage may I be made with Benger’s Food in combination j with tea or coffee, cocoa or chocolate. I Bengefs Food, prepared with fresh new milk forms a dainty and j f j J delicious cream, rich
      358 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2472 12 12 P a **^2J22b^^^»^^SS^SSS SS===^ P m* c fe> British |ndia N. D. L. fel J?£ E O AN Steam Navigation Co. t tKI STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. CH NA MUTUAL BTEAM NAV. 03., ITS. UPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES j\ THE fast .nd well-known M.U Sto.mer.
      2,472 words