Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1006 1 iinurnr■ uu, nrano naa■□□□□□■ g D i Ok $3O o c u \7uU cat. have the “Pinang c 1 Gazette” p< sted everyday for a whole ye»r <o your addrees. E (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). O Jq Proportionate Quarterly and E C Half-yearly rates. n p Subscriptions are payable in n
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    • 9 1 BUCHANANS (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 427 2 A NEW SIAMESE DEPARTMENT. A notice published in the Siam Government Gazette commences with an interesting account of the evolution of Ihe Supreme (Dika) Court of Appe il in this country, says the Siam Observer. Many may not be aware that at one time the Sovereign was
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  • 482 2 The progress of the papor pulp industry in India has been repeitedly discussed in th? Indim Foreit Records by officia’s concerned in the utilisation of the forests of India, the reports boing designed to afford data for action on the part of investor s. To secure definite
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1466 2 SITUATION WANTED. NOTICES. WANTED. NOTICE. 'ui lft SKFW JI :^jf jrsft W/ WANTED position by experienced IX TAN! ED by an European a small |l 7f* 3K» Miner. VV house (bungalow and furnished if |l..y; Apply No. 79, c/o Pin,ng Q m U>. possible). Please .pply giviog J® as
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    • 269 2 WHITE’S X I HONEY’ I BRAND M i Bacon Hams. 1 Sole Proprietors: John White (S 2 Co., Bristol. England The ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE, JR Acts like a Chaim in I Checks and arrests B DIARRHOEA, and FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. I K the only Specific in The Best Remedy
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    • 684 3 “COMPANIES THAT HAVE DONE WELL.” To the rubber company reports for the past year that have lately been coming to hand are to be added three more of exceptional interest—those of the Selangor, the Sungei Way and the Selaba, says the Financial Times. These with others of
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    • 144 3 Mr. Jowett in the House of Commons asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies Whether he will secure and publish a return showing the proportion of the cost of introducing Indian coolies into the Crown Colonies which now falls resp-ctive-ly upon the planter,
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    • 601 3 The recent rise in quotations for Plantation rubber has, reports in the L <fc C Express, reduced the premiums being enjoyed by Hard Para, and there is cer‘ainly no lack of evidence that the cultivated product is rapidly gaining ground in the estimation of consumers. The rise
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    • 186 3 Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd., in their weekly report dated Tuesday, April 21st, say a The sale held this morning was conducted under much more favou-able conditions than have prevailed here for some weeks, demand for most grades showing a decided improvement, although the bidding was inclined to be
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    • 807 3 Sungei Kari. —lut. divd 5 per cent. Bckit Rajah.— Third int. divd 10 per cen h Last year 40 per cent. Sialang.— lssue of 25,000 shares, part of unissued capital, at prem. 22s per share. Kajang. —lncluding £1,649 forward, balance is £3 085; directors propose expenditure on clearings abandoned,
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    • 2013 3 USES OF THE PLANTATION PRODUCT. COCONUTS ON GULA KALUMPONG. Last weea I referred to a development which appeared to me of first-class importance to the share market and the plantation industry, writes Mr. E. L. Kill ck, in the Financier. I stated that a firm prominently ass ociated
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    • 258 3 —Mining World and Engineering World. GOPENG CONSOLIDATED AND PENGKALEN. Two very interesting meetings of Malay t’n mines were held at Redruth last month. Rediuth i?, indeed, the home from which this industry, so far as this country is concerned, originally sprang. It is some years since
      —Mining World and Engineering World.  -  258 words
    • 350 3 General Position. Indications have not been wanting lately, says the Ironmonger of April 4, pointing to a broadening out of speculative interest. The bulls profess to feel themselves fairly well sati fled with the turn of events, and indeed there is every reason why they should feel pleased with
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    • 169 4 —Rente”. THE WINNER. London, April 22. The result of the City and Suburban ■was Maiden Erlegh (Wai Griggs) 1 Candytuft (Cooper) 2 Braxted (Herbert) 3 Also ranThistleton, E. Huxley; Romeo, Wheatley; Bonbon Rose, F. Cullock; Drinmorp, Cheshire Sun Yat, W. Huxley Tuxpdo, Donoghue Aghdoe, Piper Wrack,
      —Rente”.  -  169 words
    • 54 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.'] Singapore, April 23. Training for the races is proceeding satisfactorily. Glorify ”is showing good form. The Johore stable consis'ing of Storey,” Silverhampton,” and La Cocotte” arrived to-day, the former couple looking very full of life. The prospects for the meeting, for which entriei close
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    • 109 4 The competition for the Lalies’ monthly medal for April, resulted as follows Mrs. H A Neubronner 51 41= 92—24= 68 Mrs. Hoefeld 50 43= 93—24= 69 Mrs. H A Low 45 59= 95-24- 71 Miss L Heim 57 42= 99—24= 75 Mrs. Crichton 43 55= 98—20= 78
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  • 214 4 A circular just published in Siamese and circulated amongst the farmers of Rangsit district provides an interesting example of how some landowners regard their duties as territorial magnates The circular in question has been issued by Dr. Yai Suapan Sanitwongse, and is addressed in the first
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  • 90 4 Bombay, April 2.—Nikifer Prokafier Chigaeff, a Russian, was to day charged before the Second Presidency Magistrate with being a vagrant. Mr Favel of the C.I.D. stated that the accused arrived in Bombay from the Persian Gulf four days ago and was since then watched by him
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  • 492 4 “BROOKE RULE.” A paper on Sarawak was given at the Royal Society of Arts on the evening of the 1-t inst. It was prepared by the Ranes of Sarawak, but her Highness was unfortunately not able to be present. Sir John Cockburn, who whs to have
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  • 365 4 In the House of Commons on April 2 Sir C. Nicholson asked whether Great Britain had ratified the Opium Convention of 1912; whether any further Conference was to be held at The Hague and if so, when such Conference would be held, and who would represent Great
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  • 792 4 THE FRONTIER OUTRAGE. Ca’cutta, April 15.—The Englishman’s special correspondent at Simla gives full particulars of the outrage at T mk :—Major Dodd and Capt. Brown were sitting outside the Political Resident’s bungalow on the evening of the 12th when they were fired at by Sarfraz Mnlikshnhi, a Mah-ud
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  • 332 4 The Peking correspondent of the Standard, wiring on March 31, state The secret of White Wolf’s success is quite simple. On the one hand the Govermvei.t troops are utterly unreliable On the other hand, White Wolf undoubtedly enjoys the secret sympathy of at leas” the lower
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  • 281 4 COMMENTS ON FIRST AUCTION. An event of some importance occurred at the tea sales held this week, writes Mr. E. L. Killick in the Financier of April 3rd. In the words of a producj brokers’ report, “Au invoice from Sumatra, the first catalogued, showed go:d character and realised
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  • 245 4 RAILWAY COMMUNICATION WITH SIAM. Ths Acting Commissioner for Trade and Customs at Kuala Lumpur (the Board of Trade correspondent for the Federated Ma'ay States) repor s that important railway extensions are now in progress in the Malay Peninsula. The most important is the line from BukitMertajam,
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  • 654 4 THE PASSENGER LIST. The following list of passengers to the Straits is taken from the London and China Express an 1 in many cases bookings are only provisional and subject to changes:— Per P and O steamer Maloja, connecting with the steamer India at Colombo due April 30.—Mr
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  • 281 4 Per P and O Khiva, sailing 23.—Mrs Allin, European nurse and 2 children, Mr B Moore, Mr J H Wilson, Miss V C Schwabe, Mr and Mrs G Parbury, Lieut and Mrs Kent, Mr and Mr and Mrs F G Parkin, Mrs Jane Cooper, Mr and Mrs Physick,
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  • 137 4 27 Years in the F.M.S. The Daily Sketch of March 12th state? In recognition of 27 years’ valuable work in the Federated Malay States Master Armourer and Lieutenant Walter Field (a Birmingham man) has been presented on his retirement with the Imperial Service Medal, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 34 4 ,2 the Blomach are awful unpleaGet yOU Q^ Ver kn W what the y portend. Cet a good medicine in Woods’ Great SST* n U "i'l «nd .X «here. 80 oeutea S' o ery
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    • 450 4 W ANTE D USED POSTAGE STAMPS, best price given for high values, Straits Settle, merits and Malay States. Have Ceylon surcharges for sale. Address: Stamps,” c/o John Roberts Hotel Norman, Penang 488—28-4 Central Sales Room. By Order of the Official Assignee. Re CHIP ENG <fc Co. (in Bankruptcy), TO BE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 46 4 The Straits Cinema, PENANG ROAD. Grand Change of Programme to-night. COMING SHORTLY. The Mexican Civil War Film entitled Peace and War in Mexico. PRICES AS USUAL. L. A. Chuan, George Town Kinematograph. “PENANG’S PREMIER SHOW”, KUALA KANGSAR ROAD THEATRE. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME Every Tuesday and Saturday.
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  • 1283 5 DIVERGENT VIEWS. The Hindu law books consider that all the existing castes are derived from the four classes mentioned in the Shastra 9 by an elaborate series of crosses, and this was the theory adopted by the earlier European writers on the subject, 'lhe East India Company in its
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  • 594 5 JUDGE AND CHALLENGING OF JURY. Calcutta, April 2.—Mr. Justice Stephen, summing up in the Cldtpore case, in which Nirmal Kanto Roy, a student, was charged in connection with Police Inspector Ghost’s death, referring to .Mr. Norton’s statement that he trie! the first, case, wlun he summed up
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  • 95 5 Proprietors of dairies in Bombay have intimated to their that, owing to the refusal of milkmen to go to work, the supply ha? be-n temporarily suspended. The strike is due to the fac‘ th it a new muni cipal bye-law which cime into force yesterday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 146 5 PERTUSSIN OB is a harmless and efficient remedy against all diseases of the respiratory organs, especially Whooping Cough, Catarrh of Larynx, Bronchial Catarrh, Asthma, et °-> which has been an °q na ß®d by the highest authorities. Also the Affections of the Lungs be greatly relieved by the use of
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    • 54 5 JUST UNPACKED! JUST UNPACKED!! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF ROT AX Motor Accessories INCLUDING Brass and Nickel plated Head Lights, S de Lamps, Tail Lamrs, Horns, Pumps, Jacks, &c., &c., ALSO A range of cars of the best make for hire CHARGES MODERATE. E TAI SENG MOTOR REPAIRING COMPANY 125. MAGALISTER
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  • 598 6 The legends of England’s patron saint are many and various, and tradition has left us rather doubtful even as to the identity of Sunt George, who was claimed not only by Ergland but by Portugal too and Aragon. His popularity for centuries has been undeniable, but it
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  • 568 6 The Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association at its last meeting discussed a subject wh ch is now quite familiar—the planting community’s direct nomination of its representative on the Federal Council. The plaint put forward during the debate in half-hearted fashion is likely to fall on
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  • 886 6 THE DUNLOP COMPANY’S CAMPAIGN. Mr. P. F. Words of the Dunlop Rubber Co., who is at present staying at the E and O Hotel, Penang, has been sent out to the East by the London Office of the Company in order to introduca a new kind of
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    • 355 6 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette. ”1 Sib, To the fact that the domiciled comma, nity have for so long played the part of the Jerusalem pony is due a great many of their grievances. You doubtless recollect this sentence in one of Jerome’s books—“ A
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    • 235 6 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”\ Sir, I read with much interest the correspondence in your valuable paper regarding school children’s perils and while acquiescing in many of the remarks I must say that the Chinese Yuk Fan hawker and others of that ilk supply a
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  • 98 6 HORSE AND MOTOR LORRY. Yest rday evening, Messrs. Fraser Neave’s motor lorry No. 70 S. collided with a horse at Barrack Road, breaking one of the animal’s legs. The horse was la‘er shot by Dr. Wright, the Municipal Veterinary Surgeon. The driver, Awang bin Brahim, was this
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  • 84 6 An offer will shortly be made of City of Singapore Four per Cent. Sterling Debenture stock to the amount of £300,000, redeemable at par in 1963. The stock will be offered at 92, which makes the yield about 4 3/8 per cent. The proceeds of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 FMANURES I FCR I II Rubber, Ccconvts, Coffee, &c. g I The Ceylon Manure Works. I I A. BAUR. I PENANG. COLOMBO. f K THE LANGEST MANURE WORKS EAST OF SUEZ. THE WORLD FAMED Brinsmead Pianos May be Purchased on Easy Payments, Delivery of Piano on First Instalment. For Particulars
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    • 33 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, “SANATORIUM” PENANG HILL. Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the E. 0. Hotel. Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of the Hill. Sarkiks Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • 252 7 TO-DAY S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buye»e and sellers only) in oar share list on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day 90 X Shaimr. -2 S. 2 O'® o Mining, Gopeng C. 30/- 33/- 28/9 31/9 K. Deebook 14/- 15/- 12/6 14/K. Pulai 6} 6$ 6
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  • 42 7 London, April 22*. The following are the ruling quotations for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/8| Para to arrive 2/11-£ Market flat. Ist Latex crepe P. P. Rubber—July to December this year [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 68 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $Bl.OO per picul, business done. Tin in London was quoted at £l6l ss. spot and 163 ss. three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange 6$ tons at $Bl.OO Straits Trading Co. $81.70 Eastern Smelting
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  • 43 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 23. The new tug, the Pitho underwent trials for the Harbour Board, and was proved sati-factory. It is specially designed for working in the new wet dock, and for handling vessels in restricted waterways.
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  • 24 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 23. The following are the quotations realised here to-day Tapioca, Flake $4.75 Medium Pearl... 5 30
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  • 50 7 —Reuter. THE THIRD READING. London, April 23. The House of Commons passed the third reading of the Army Annual Bill, the Chairman refusing to permit a discussion of the new clauses proposed by the Labourites, making it unlawful to employ troops during disturbances arising from trade disputes.-
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 49 7 —D.O.L. Berlin, April 22. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Reichspost reports that the Russian War Secretary has ordered the dismissal of 450,000 troops called in for the middle of May. Co unt Lewenhaupt has keen killed by a gang of robbers near Hamadan in Persia.
    —D.O.L.  -  49 words
  • 118 7 PRICES AND SHARES RELAPSE. THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. [P. G. Special Cable.] London, April 22. Auction prices have relapsed threepence, the decline being att'ibutable to the Mex co-American trouble, Shaies have also fallen. Dusun Durian. The Dusun Durian Rubber Co., Ltd., will pay 10 per cent, dividend, and
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  • 312 7 .—Reuter. A BUSY DAY, Paris, Apiil 22. Their Majesties have spent a very busy day. They received the members of the Brit’sh Colony in the morning and subsequently attended a grand review at Vincennes, a recep'ion at the Hotel de Ville ani a gala performance
    .—Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 15 7 —D.O.L Berlin, April 22. The Emperor of Austria is decidedly better to-day.-
    —D.O.L  -  15 words
  • 63 7 DISASTROUS FIRE IN BANGKOK. 1,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Bangkok, April 23. The most disastrous fire in the history of Bangkok occurred yesterday evening, damage estimated at 2,500,000 ticals being occasioned. The Chinese markets aud many houses were destroyed. The King lent his motor cars
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  • 568 7 —D.O.L. FIGHTING AT VERA CRUZ. REBEL LEADERS AND HUERTA. Washington, April 22. A despatch from Vice-Admiral Fletcher says he landed marines and sailors from the battleships Utah and Florida and the transport Prairie on Tuesday and seiz n d the Customs Home. The Mexicans did not oppose
    —D.O.L.  -  568 words
  • 389 7 —Router. GENERAL PAGETS DENIAL. the REVISED WHITE PAPER. London, April 22. In the House of Commons Mr. Asquith announced that General Paget denied telling the officers that the polica would seize the volunteers’ arms, and the Old Town Hall, Belfast. Full Cabinet Meeting. Field Marshal French had
    —Router.  -  389 words
  • 400 7 Sir Frank Swettenha n, G.C.M.G., in the course of a letter to The Times on the Ulster crisis, remarks It is said that ridicule kills, «nd so it does when the humour of the situation is appreciate 1. This Irish situation does not
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  • 808 7 THE CRY OF THE WOMAN WORKER. Bishop Welldon, in a letter to the author of this book which has just been published by Messrs. C. Arthur Pearson Lt J., says I deeply sympathise with your noble effort to bring home the facts of sweated labour as
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  • 80 7 On Tuesday afternoon, the Members and Associates of the Ministering Children’s League, Penang, were entertained by the Hon. R. Young and Mrs Young, President of the League, at a most enjoyable garden party in the grounds of England House. The merry-gc-round was in great request and scarcely
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  • 476 7 THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS IN MALAYA. By the P. and O. Khiva, to morrow, Mr. James MacFarlane, on of Penang’s oldest and best known residents, leaves for a holiday at Home, his first since he went to England for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 1897. Mr. MacFarlai e, who
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  • 249 7 As organiser for social functions, Best Man. etc. Advertiser offers services. Exceptional social experience, dinners, theatricals. Would arrange social side of weddings (ceremony and reception, action as best man if required. Distinguished appearance, personality. For terms and reference, apply Box N 7280. The Daily Mail Office. In
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  • 156 7 Punkah String Saves Fatal Injury. Anuradhapura, April 15.—Ratnamuni Unnanse of Rajagirileua (near Mihintale), is, alleged to have attempted to murder Mr. B. Constantine, Government Agent, N.C.P., at about 11 a.m. to-day when he was working in his room at the Kachcheri. The assailant found
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    • 419 8 v. upset the Constitution of the Council.— Timos of Malaya. The old question of sectional representation on the Federal Council was rais d at the meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association on Saturday. The case against sectional representation is a strong one, and
      v. ...... -- upset the Constitution of the Council.—Timos of Malaya.  -  419 words
    • 581 8 <j —M.M. It is not so many years ago since the editor of an Ipoh contemporary used to thunder against the tyranny of a system whereby the people of the Federated Malay States had to submit to taxation without represe tation. In somewhat different terms we ourselves
      <j —M.M.  -  581 words
    • 399 8 —Siam Observer. Within the past few months the number of men who have appeared in Bangkok on the chance of obtaining work has much increased. These persons invariably find that there is no work to be obtained ‘on spec here, and their situation becomes
      —Siam Observer.  -  399 words
  • 600 8 THE SLOW WALTZ TO SUCCEED. The nom de plume of Gaston de Breville as a composer is now known as covering the identity of Mr. F. Sydney Smith, whose Songs of Life and Love were so successfully introduced by Miss Palgrave Turner, who had the honour of
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  • 107 8 Pyrrhus, Brit., 2281, Simpson, April 22, Port, Said, gen., W.M. Uo. K®erber, Aust., 3136, Zawara, April 23 S’ghai, gen., Schmidt Kustermann Co. Tami Marti, Jap., 2305 56, Ikada, April 23, Dairen, coal, Paterson Simons Co. Bohemia, Aust., 2301.86, Mecraus, April 23, Trieste, gen Schmidt K. Co. Taroba, Brit., 3657,
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  • 88 8 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICI To- Morrow For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga Perlis 2 p.m. Asahan Jin Ho 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin Seng 3 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy Seang Choon 4 pm. Dindings, Sitiawan and Bagan
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  • 126 8 Penang, April 23. 1914. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank), London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 316 &gt;f 3 Credit ...2/4 11/32 fJ 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175* Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras
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  • 46 8 Malaya for Deli. Koerber Colombo and Tuticorin. Perak (E.S. Co.) for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Ran Lee for Trang. Taroba for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Avagyee for Dindings, Sitiawan, Bagan Datoh and Telnk Anson. Trang for Trang. Luetzow for Singapore, China and Japan.
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  • 241 8 Penang, April 29, 1914. 8. P. Tapioca $4.45 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $5.20 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. "oast 3 !h. 5 mj). $l6 1/2 buyers White Pepper $28.80 buyers. Trang Pepper $l9 00 buyers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $92.00 sales. Cloves f 46 sales. Nutmegs 110
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  • 31 8 Penang -.—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea View Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel, Rangoon Strand Hotel. Ceylon Nuwara Eliyn.
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  • 194 8 FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures for the next tournament which commences on 4th April next:— Date. Name. Ground. 25*h April PR C vs. St X vier’sC R C P C C vs. B R C P C C 2id May PC C vs. Kulim PC C
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 428 8 NERVOUS PROSTRATION IN HOT WEATHER. The words of the sage, The best of all gains is health,” come home with peculiar force during the hot season. Then, even those who are well find themselves more or less prostrated, partly from the excessive heat affecting the digestion, and partly from its
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    • 132 8 4 nMMMMMMMMMMMWWMM V 2 rSnP .yTgSvYW GnwF I j DEWARS j I “EXTRA I j SPECIAL I whisky i 2! k J 2 m i 1 w g M J KATZ BROS., Ltd., J SOLE AGENTS. M M M M M W M M M W M HOTEL NORMAN. PENANG,
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  • 2500 9 g. i 3 ■5 cap tai. Paid up. N sh»re». o? Value. 2 Dividend». Nam». t® 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 MINI NO. 1912 $lOO,OOO $60,000 60,000 1 1 S Si a y er en s &lt;Rah n7 D P Oo «*2° a 3 1903 300 900 300 000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 884 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. O CHINA. Joilll £1(1(1 A VO. Ltd. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,00t Printing Ink Manufacturers, Reserve Fund £l,800,00( Prop™,.™... £1,200,001 LONDON. ENGLAND, 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C Agencies and Branches. j announce that they have appointed Amritsar Hongkong Penang f Bangkok Iloilo Puket I
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    • 916 10 ITEMS OF INTEREST. CLIPPINGS FROM IHE HOME PRESS Despatched by tie mail leaving London on 3rd April, IQIJf.. STARCHFIELD ACQUITTED. DRAMATIC END TO TRIAL. The trial of John Starchfield, charged with the murder of his son William, aged five, on January Bth last, was opened on Tuesday
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    • 182 10 FATAL HALF-HOUR AT RHEIMS M EMILE VEDRINES A VICTIM. Three aviators were killed at the Rheims aerodrome on Wednesday, one of them being M. Emile Vedrines, brother of the well-known pilot Jules Vedrines. M. Emile Vedrines was flying with his 80-h.-p. monoplane, says a correspondent. Scarcely had
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    • 60 10 A remarkable fatality is recorded from Frontenhausen, in Bavaria. An aviator was just preparing to ascend in bis aeroplane when a boy of fifteen, who was standing near, ventured too close to the machinery. The propeller began suddenly to revolve as he stooped to examine it. and
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    • 136 10 £4OO WORTH OF JEWELS MISSING. Mme. Emma Calve has been robbed of about £4OO worth of jewels. She had been staying for some days on a professional visit to Nice with her husband, the well-known tenor, M. Gaspari. On returning to her room after an absence of
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  • 109 10 Thursday, April 23, Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. High Water 11.28 a.m. and 11.31 p.m. Low Water 5.26 a m. ard 6.0 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Friday, April 24. St. George’s Ball, Town Hall. Banc, Rsplanad*. 6 p.m. High Water
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  • 57 10 May 5, 7 and 9. —Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. May 15. —Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting, entries close, 5 p.m. May 18.—Singapore Medical School, Entrance Examination. May 30.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting. June I.—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Ipoh. Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting. June 3. —Cricket,
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  • 122 10 Owing to inability to obtain the Esplanade for more than one day in the week the fixtures will be as follows Second Round. April 28.—01 d Faiquhara vs. Crescent Football Club. May 5.—01 d Farquhars or Crescent Football Club vs. Post Office Recreation Club. Semi-Final. May 12.—Government
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 334 10 be=«i=)mi=mi=»c=«i=™=™R i'CAKLTON HOTEL, LI 22, LEITH STREET, PENANG. S RECOGNISED THE SECOND-TO-NONE ENGLISH HOTEL IN PENANG. H J SPECIAL TERMS TO GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ANO PLANTERS. Fitted with Electric Lights and Fans. Terms Moderate. H r-i French, German and Italian Spoken. Fl I Situation, Accommodation, Service, Cuisine Wines the Best. LI
      334 words
    • 189 10 momT RUBBER PACKING CASES g Large Stocks held by I SELLAR, MURRAY Co., I PENANG. Immediate Delivery FROM STOCK. I Siddeley —Deasy Cars, Studebaker Cars, Sunbeam Cars, Ford Cars, B. S. A. Cars AND Dennis Lorries. Sole Agents for BOSCH MAGNETOS for S.S. 8 F.M.S. WEARNE BROS., Ltd., I TEMPORARY
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  • 827 11 MODERN TYPES. To day it would be hard to find a pilot of ttie kind one meets in the pages of Mr. Clark Russell—a course, rough, loud-voiced sailor-man with great bushy whiskers, and a shawl round his throat even in summer, given to eating voraciously and drinking copiously
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 979 11 FV il If tlr Beauty x lt' A: I 1 ii&lt; Treatment Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld I |Sr at home &lt;• A f vr ‘Hazeline Snow”\ I (Trade Mark) HI &gt;✓ I Provides the most delightful and successful means 1 M of improving and preserving the beauty of the
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    • 62 11 Graphite Lubrication. By using this method it is claimed Cylinder lubrication cost is reduced 90 per cent, in either Steam, Gas, or Oil Engines. Fuel Consumption is reduced 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, and Piston rings, Valves and Valve gears are protected from wear. The Borneo Company Limited,
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    • 310 11 SEOffßldC AN IDEAL TONIC. Refreshes the Strong, Restores the Weak, Revives the Depressed. Over 8,000 Testimonials from all parts of the World have testified to the distinct value of 1. Is prepared with great care and scientific skill. 2. Is a strength giving food which furnishes the system the elements
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