Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1073 1 B otiur-a on«aaaon> r »-O-- S3»» E Ĕ D u T OU eati have the “Pinang c I Gazetie posted everyday tor a whole ye*r co your address. S (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Q Propoitioi ate Quarterly and 0 Half-yearly rates. C 3 Subscriptions are payable» in advance and remittances should
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    • 9 1 BUCHANANS (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 1114 2 The loveliest lough in the world is Belfast Lough. It is a mistake to go to Belfast by train. You must go by steamer if you wish to catch the fairy music played by the green hills on the silvery waters. As you glide along you suddenly
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  • 361 2 Plek for Another Plebiscite After the Six Years. The British Weekly publishes an article on the Irish question in which it argues that the Nationalists would be wise to agree to the taking of another plebiscite by the exc'uded Ulster counties at the end of six years. It
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  • 155 2 Cheering Message from America. The Welshmen of Utico, U.S.A., sent a letter to Mr. Lloyd George congratulating him upon his efforts and success in behalf of political, religious, and industrial freedom in the British Isles. The Chancellor has replied as follows “My dear fellow-Welshmen—l am deeply touched
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  • 192 2 The great interest which Mr. Lloyd George takes in all matters afiictiug labour welfare was strikingly shown recently when the Chancellor of the Exchequer paid one of his visits to the slums. In pursuance of his policy of extracting information at first hand, the Chancellor stood in
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  • 141 2 In refreshing relief to the campaign of calumny against Mr. Lloyd George by Tories, is the pleasant personal tribute p lid to him by Mr. Chaplin, M.P., who, speaking at Beddington Corner, said he had always been on friendly term with the Chancellor, and frequently had a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED A LEDGER CLERK for Chartered Bank, Taiping. Apply personally CHARTERED BANK, Penang. 476-22-4 SMART ENGLISH SPEAKING person to manage first class European Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. To commence immediately. Salary $lO3 monthly and commission; also Boird and Residence. One year agreement. Cash security of $2,000 essential (full security
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    • 61 2 Graphite Lubrication. By using this method it is claimed Cylinder lubrication cost is reduced 90 per cent, in either Steam, Gas, or Oil Engines. Fuel Consumption is reduced 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, and Piston rings, Valves and Valve gears are protected from wear. The Borneo Company Limited,
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    • 186 2 RUBBER Jackson’s Patent Rubber Smoking i> Drying Apparatus SMOKES RUBBER RIGHT THROUGH AND IS The only efficient machine on the market. The only one guaranteed to smoke and dry rubber ready for export iu under 5 days. The cheapest to buy and the lowest cost to run—less than y 2
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    • 272 3 AL Daily Chronicle. The story of “How Bill Adams won the battle cf Waterloo bears the same relation to actual history as the extraordinary telegraphic despatches received three w’eeks ago, during what was generally called the Ul ter Crisis, does to the record of fact
      AL Daily Chronicle.  -  272 words
    • 242 3 —T. of M. Surgeon-General Gorgas applied the results of investigation into tropical diseases on a large scale towards the eradication of the diseases prevalent in the Panama belt. He was fortunately placed. From America in the way of administration, the older world countries can at time take a
      —T. of M.  -  242 words
  • 243 3 Nai Chalong and Nai Vichien Sentenced. The Criminal Court was crowded on the afternoon of April 10, when sentence was passed on Nai Chalong, of the Chino-Siam Bank and late joint manager of the Siam Commercial Bank, who was charged with embezzling the moneys of the latter,
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  • 155 3 An Important Question. The criminal reference matter of Maung Mya Gyi vs. Nga Po Shwe was disposed of at Rangoon on April 8 by Sir Henry Hartnoil and Mr. Justice Ormond. This matter cime up to the Chief Court thus wise The accused, Po Shwe, was prosecuted
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  • 338 3 POLICE INSPECTOR SHOT DEAD. A shocking tragedy occurred on April 1 at Lail Bazir Police compound involving the death of Inspector McGill of the Calcutta Mounted Police and the wounding of Seigeant Hunt of the Traffic Police. It appears that Inspector McGill bad been detailed for
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  • 258 3 Four Men Stabbed. The Titaghur Bazaar was the scene of a shocking tragedy at the end of last month when a young upcountry man named Gowti She, a local shopkeeper, was seen running up and down the bazaar with a dagger in his hand, himself besmeared
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  • 258 3 Three Scouts Drowned. An accident occurred in the Goomtee, Lucknow, on April 5, resulting in the death of three adult members of the Boy Scou’s, Messrs. Owen of the O. ai d R. Railway, and Mcßeddie and Williamson, son of the Permanent Way Insp/ctor. It appears that Williamson
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  • 674 3 PHOTOGRAPHY IN TIBET. The most in’eresting panel on the Kitchener statue is that depicting Indian treops entering Lba«a. They are shown crossing the Turquoise Bridge, while over them hangs the tremendous mass of the Potala, the palace of the Dalai Lama. The Potala, as shown,
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  • 249 3 The Japanese Competitor. Regarding the Rangoon Coromandel Coast competition for the coolie traffic, which we announced some time ago, a Japan paper states: Backed up by a certain influential business man an enterprising Japanese shipowner is, it is reported, fighting the British India S. S. Company, which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 JUST UNPACKED! JUST UNPACKED!! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF ROTAX Motor Accessories INCLUDING Brass and Nickel plated Head Lights, Side Lamps, Tail Lamps, Horns, Pumps, Jacks, &c., &c., ALSO A range of cars of the best make for hire CHARGES MODERATE. E TAI SENG MOTOR REPAIRING COMPANY 125. MACALISTER LANE. Phone
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    • 280 3 At/// \tv I/ A* Are b Ilv7 1 J c-'P/Th- Iv Taking j it? M |J ea j U Invigorator Sold in bottles at all Chemists and Stores Burroughs Wellcome Co., London XX 1167 All Rights A,LOM B I O CURES PILES, I PRICKLY HE AT, ECZEMA, I and all
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 202 3 Two Unequalled—All Round Programmes FOR THIS Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Change. Films Shown at George Town Kinematograph, Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre Hall, Are Consistent Films, Unrivalled Settings and Photogiaphic Quality and No Padding. The Great Battle, Biograph’s Gnatest War Drama with a Theme Unique and I'■ramatic in the Extreme. IN SUPPORT
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    • 31 4 LATEST BETTING. London, April 20. The latest betting on the Derby is 11 to 4 agst. the Tetratch taken 6„ 1 Kennymore offered 8 to 1 bar two offered.—Reuter.
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    • 39 4 -Reuter. BANTAM WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. London, April 21. In the English Bantam Weight Championship at the National Sporting Club Digger Stanley met Curley Walker. The former looked like winning easily, but was disqualified in the thirteenth round for holding.—
      -Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 175 4 The following were the scores in this morning’s shoot Deliberate Firing. ■g o 9 tn o -S >» o -Q o o ■to o a o H x-> CO CO Mrs. Wright-Motion 29 29 85 Mrs. Webb 24 26 50 Mrs. Hart 22 25 47 Miss
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  • 219 4 SS. “NOVARA” BRINGS THREE BRIDES. The P. O. ss. Novara which arrived here this morning from H >me brought three brides, who were married to their respective husbands by the Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, at St. George’s Church this morning. Mr. Philip Trump, acting Executive
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  • 199 4 Arrivals. By Alma (April 21) from Deli, Dr and Mrs Seun, Mr G J Blick, Mrs Blick, Miss and Master Blick and Mr Adrian Hallett. By Novara (April 21) from London, Mr and Mrs Loveridge, and child, Mr and Mrs R G Coombs, Mr and and Mrs Bailey, three
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  • 976 4 “THE BIG MOSQUITOES.” When two Chinese, Kok Ah Soh and Chow Si, were brought before Mr. R. B. Osborne in the Police Court, Penang, yesterday, Mr. P. T. Allen, Assistant Protector of Chinese, intimated that the charge he wished to bring against No. 2 was one of
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  • 941 4 DECISION AGAINST THE NEWSPAPER. DAMAGES Nor YET ASSESSED. Mr Justice Wood war d'stated on Monday that hi would deliver a written judgmenc in the libel action by Mr. RW. Mercer, a planter, against the Tim s of Malaya But in view of the uncertainty of the date
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  • 437 4 THE STRAITS AND FAR EAST SERVICE. At the last committee meeting of the Burma Chamber of Commerce there was considered a letter dated March 5, 1914, from the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, drawing attention to the erratic despitch of mails to Singapore and the East, and inviting
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  • 198 4 It is a common enough thing for a servant in India to carry about with him for pr sentation to possible employers a letter in which a formsr master describes him as a notorious scoundrel, there being a widespread belief in the viriues of a “chit,” irrespec'ive of its
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  • 142 4 The following is a list of undelivered cables at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co 11 4-14 Westgateonsea to Meredith Penang; 15 4-14 Colombo to Albert Attygalle Penang; 16-4-14 Manila to BandmanJc/o Peninsular Assay® Penang. The Great Battle,” a Biograph war drama is the chief
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  • 313 4 The following are outputs for March Asahan i bg 527 3,,50 Anglo-Sumatra 41 Alor-Pongsu Ayer Tawah Ayer Kumng 15>62 AyerHitam 14 362 Bradwall 12 003 9,2«) Baba P 14,019 Bungsar 626 Benar 3,i >OO Bu J on g 5,919 Beverlac ho-, Blackwater u 9,258 Bukit Meria jam 18*217
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 406 4 TO LET. MARBLE HALL, Northam Road. Apply KENNEDY <fc Co. FOR SALE. R. C. H. 4 Seater Car for sale, bought three months ago, owner leaving for Home, entire new set of tyres, speedometer Electric Lights. Price $1,700. 360, Anson Road, Penang. WANTED. A GOOD GENERAL CLERK with a knowledge
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    • 56 4 That tired, depressed feeling, so prevalent in this severe climate, is in many many cases due to weakened digestive power. To remove this trouble and strengthen the system, a course of treatment wtih Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure is necessary. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure will make life a pleasure. Sold by
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    • 84 4 HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG, THE ENGLISH HOTEL. Unrivalled Position Cold Storage Food. Special Terms to Government Officials, Planters and Commercial Visitors. Telegrams Normans, Penang. Telephone No. 392. THE BODEGA, 2a, BEACH STREET, The Rendezvous of Penang. Chops and Steaks from the Grill. Slings and Cocktails a noted feature. N.B.— The Bodega
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  • 473 5 At the Lil Bazvar Police Court, Calcutta, Mr. Swinhoe, Chief Presidency Magistrate, delivered judgment in the case in which Hari Churn Mondal was charged with having in his possession some explosives believed to be kept for an unlawful object. As. soon as Babu Monoj Mohan Bose and Babu
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  • 414 5 Accused Discharged. The last stage in what is known as the Chitpore Case was enacted at the High Court, on April 8&h, when Nirmal Kanto Roy, the accused, was placed before Mr. Justice Stephen and on the AdvocateGeneral, on behalf of the Crown, entering a nolle prosequi,
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  • 244 5 A Collapse. A certain proportion of the fifty odd F. M. S. R. signalmen who struck work some time ago as a protest against being given work which they regarded as menial are to be taken back on the Railway Department’s terms, and not, as stated by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 288 5 < The Worldsß gD&nfiFriceH An indescribably delightful sensation is procured by those who accustom themselves, immediately before retiring to rest, to clean their teeth and rinse their mouths with the dentifrice and mouthwash Odol. Odol penetrates the cavities of the teeth and impregnates the whole mucous membrane of the mouth,
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    • 32 5 Where to Stay. Penang :—The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea View Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Ceylon :—Nuwara Eliya.
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    • 154 5 ALLDAYS MIDGET CARS i a w H 10 H.P. Water Cooled Engine. J K w M AH the well known and good features of the M Standard Touring Cars have been incorporated H M in Alldays Midget,” thus rendering it the W most perfect small Car on the market jj
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  • 1226 6 It cannot be denied that for some of the evils referred to in our editorial of yesterday members of the domiciled community are themielves to blame. It may be questioned whether the rising generation is availing itself as fully as it might of the educational
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  • 991 6 TWO-DAY MEETINGS APPROVED. RACE-COURSE IMPROVEMENTS. A special general meeting of the Penarg Turf Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, last evening. The Hon. A R Adams (President) presided, and others present ware Messrs. W C Michell, A W B Hamilton, Jules Martin, R P
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  • 277 6 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN SUMATRA. By the N.D.L. steamer Yorck, to-day, Mr W. P. Pinckney, Manager, Padang Brahrang Estate, the United Langkat Plantations Co, Ltd., returns to England on retiring from the company’s service. It is twenty-five years since Mr. Pinckney first came out to Sumatra, and even
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  • 356 6 Writing in the current issue of the K.M.S. Agricultural Bulletin on Thorough Drainage and The Prevention of Ma'aria, Mr Frank D. Evans, Executive Engineer, of the Malaria Advisory Board, says that the problem of anti malarial drainage is not to cause water to flow out of sight
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ “Embassy” Cigarettes (/VO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 AND 25. NOTICE. Every tin of these well-known Cigarettes contains one coupon. Twenty coupons out of the large sized tins or Forty out of the small entitle the holder to A BLOCK AMBER CIGARETTE HOLDER
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    • 32 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, “SANATORIUM” PENANG HILL. Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the E. 0. Hotel. Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of thelHill. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • 213 7 TO-DAYS CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyeis and sellers only) in our share list, o page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-da. s—. j i OQ .T’ o*-/ AfimnQ. Chenderiang 75c 80c Chenderiang 20c 10c 25c 20c Deebook 35/- 37/6 37/6 40/Gopeng 0. 30/8 33/6 31/. 33/9 Kamunting
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  • 84 7 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association’s auction to-day there were offered for sale picu's 166.37 or lbs., —of which 139.03 piculs or lbs. were sold. Prices realized: Smoked sheet $136 to $l4O Smoked plain sheet... 125 135 Unsmoked plain sheet 122 128 No. 1 Dark
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  • 32 7 London, April 20*. The following are the ruling quotations for rubber:— Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/10$ Para to arrive 3/-| Market steady. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 70 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $82.40 per picul, bayerB no sellers. Tin in London was quoted at £164 2s. 6d. spot and £166 three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange $82.40 Straits Trading Co. 25 tons at $83.20 Eastern
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  • 41 7 Hon. G H. DAY’S SUCCESSOR. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, April 21. It is officially announced that Mr Eric Macfadyen succeeds the Hon. G. H. Day on the Federal Council, on the latter going Home for good.
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  • 25 7 [/rom Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, April 21. The Government is considering the question of quit rents after six years’ occupation of land.
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  • 30 7 —Reuter. NO GENERAL STRIKE. Rome, April 21. The conference of the railwaymens executive (n the strike at Ancona has abandoned the idea of a general railway s’rike.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 106 7 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. RUBBER GROWERS’ PROPOSAL. [7*. 6r. Special Cable.] London, April 20. Alor Pongsu Rubber Estats Ltd., and Sungei Salak Rubber Co., Ltd will each pay a dividend of 10 per cent. Kapar Para. Kapar Para Rubber Estate Co., Ltd will pay a dividen i of
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  • 65 7 A RUMOUR AND A DENIAL. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Bangkok, April 20. We reference to the rumour that the King of Siam woul i open the TrangSingora Section of the Southern Siamese Railway during his tour next July, it now transpires that this is r ot correct. It
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  • 68 7 —Reuter. NEW FAST C. P. R. MAIL SERVICE. Montreal, April 21. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company announces a new service carrying the American mails to Manila. The service starts on 11th June. From Vancouver to Yokohama will occupy ten days, Kobe e'even days, Nagasaki thirteen days, Manila
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 38 7 —Reuter. MEMORIAL TO CHANCELLOR. London, April 21. Eighty Liberal members of the House of Commons have signed a memorial to Mr Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, urging the repeal of the sugar duties.—
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 29 7 —Reuter. MR. JUSTICE PICKFORD PROMOTED. London, April 21. Mr. Justice Pickford has been appointed a Judge of Appeal in succession to Lord Vaughan Williams, resigned.-
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 665 7 —D.O.L. U.S. NAVAL CONCENTRATION. NO FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR Washington, April 20. Huerta Ins fl»tly refused the demands. The officials at Washington say that the negotiations are closed. A programme of reprisals will be carried out. Twenty-two destroyers have been ordered from Pe: sacola to the Gulf
    —D.O.L.  -  665 words
  • 240 7 —Reuter. PREMIER REFUSES AN ENQUIRY. THE OFFICERS’ INSTRUCTION'. London, April 20. In the House of Commons Capt. Chaloner, Unionist M.P. for the Abercromby division of Liverpool and a bro'her-in-law of Mr, Walter Long, asked the Premier to s cure a judicial enquiry into the allegations of a
    —Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 88 7 -Reuter. PARIS EXCITED OVER ROYAL VISIT. London, April 20. Mr. Asquith had an audience with the King, prior to Their Majesties’ visit to France to-morrow. Brilliant sunshine ushered in King George’s Week.” Paris is very gay and most excited. Everywhere Union Jacks and Tricolours intermingle. Wonderful schemes
    -Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 115 7 —Reuter. A BULLETIN ISSUED. Vienna, April 20 The aged Emperor, Francis Joseph, has been suffering for a fortnight from hoarseness and there are symptoms of a cold. The doctors yes erday evening issue i a bulletin which says there is an accumulation of mucus in the
    —Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 46 7 —Reuter. DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES. Paris, April 20. Two aeroplanes, racing at Buc aerodrome, collided and fell. One burst into flames. Pilot Deroyo and a passenger named* Dalbin were burned to death. Bidot, the other pilot, had a leg broken and his passenger dislocated his shoulder.
    —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 36 7 -Reufer. STATE OF PARTIES Stockholm, April 21. The elections are practically concluded. The Liberals have lost their absolute majority. The results of the elections are National Defence 84, Liberals 70, Social- ists 70.
    -Reufer.  -  36 words
    • 702 7 From the publishers, Messis Methuen and Company, Essex St, W. C we have received Selected Prose, Oscar Wilie” (one shilling). Mr. Robert Ross is responsible for the compilation, an! it is an an r hology indeed. With the choice < f passages from many of Wilde’s Works,
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    • 117 7 Mr. R. B. Townshend’s book supplies the reader with no end of adventure. A young man who has had experience of Oxford, strikes out for himself in the west, and finds that he is in for an exciting time. He chums it with an American desperado,
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  • 81 7 Compiled by the staff of The Motor Ship and Motor Boat,” the third edition of The Marine Oil Engine Hand-book” is pub’ished by the Temple Press, Limited, London, at the price of 1/-. It claims to tell one all about marine motors in the simplest language, and it
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  • 418 7 From Mess s Ke’ly and Walsh, Ltd., Singapore, the publishers, we have received a copy of the first put of an EnglishMalay Dictionary by Mr. R. O. Winstedt, Acting District Officer, Kuala Pil»h, the well-known authority on Malay subjects. The Dictionary is in four par
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  • 400 7 “It was the Time of Roses,” by Dolf Wyllarde (G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.) This is the story of a young aristocrat who» having been disappointed in his expectations of inheriting the family property in England, goes out to a West Indian Island to make his
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  • 69 7 By the mail we have received a copy of a publication fur which the Tropical Agriculture Development Agency, Ltd, is responsible. It is entitled Invest in the Tropics,” and has quite a persuasive tone. Coconuts occupy the place of honour, but sugar, bananas, etc, are dealt with. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 You judge the since: ity of silver by the hall-rrark. The sincerity of an advertisement may be estimated by the consistency of its appearance. If advertisements appear persistently in the press, it is evident they are honest and worth your while to reply to. If they were not, they could
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  • 193 7 OBITUARY. GENERAL BRACKENBURY. London, April 20. General Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Brackenbury is dead.—Reuter. [General Rt. Hen. Sir Henry Bracktnbury P C, G C B, K C S I, b 1st Sept. 1837, Joined RA 1856; Served Central Indian campaign 1857-8 Franco-German War 1870-1 Ashantee War 1873-4 Zulu War 1879-80;
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  • 766 8 MACHINERY AND ELECTRICAL An extraordinary genaral maeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines wai heli on Saturday at Ipoh. Mr. F. E. Mair (President) was in the chair. The President said As you are aware, the primary object for the formation of this Chamber was to
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  • 628 8 WHITE WOLF’S MACHINATIONS. In view of Reuter’s message regarding the widespread nature of the White Wolf’s c >nspiracy in China the following sketch of the movement is interesting :—White Wolf is not merely a person, a highway robber, a bandit chief, a picturesque figure in the landscape
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  • 81 8 London, April 13.—A Shanghai cable states: According to newspiper reports from Nanking the prevailing unrest is causing trepidation among officials, who are pursuing a relentless hunt of the supposed conspirators. Strict martial law is enforced, and detectives, disguised as beggars and women, swarm in the city. Citizens
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 391 8 PERTUSSIN tis a harmless and efficient remedy against all diseases of the respiratory organs, especially Whooping Cough, Catarrh of Larynx, Bronchial Catarrh, Asthma, et has k® 6ll recognized unequalled by the highest authorities. Also the Affections of the Lungs win be greatly relieved by the use of it. TO BE
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  • 2442 9 x i n.u Number of Issue 8 I A ■g Paid up. sh eit value. 2 Dividends. Nmm> 5 5 8 8 X CD 1910 1911 1919 1913 1914 MINI NO. 1919 »100,000 160.000 60,000 .1 1 Ayer Weng <£ahman> D* P. 00. 20c 50c 1903 300,000 300,00») 30,000
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  • 145 9 D. Van Twist, Dut., 1240.15, Veyter, April 21, Soerabay, gen., K.P.M. Co. Nippon, Aust., 4015, Tranovich, April 20, Trieste, gen., S.K. Co. Atholl, Brit., 3031, Saxiy, April 20, Hongkong, gen., P. S. Co. Hong Wan 1., Brit., 2060, Mason, April 20, Amoy, gen., Koe Guan Co. G. Apcar, Brit.,
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  • 101 9 Atjeh for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli Olehleh and Sabang. Ghee Thye for Alor Star (Kedah). Tong Chuan for Alor Star (Kedah). Malacca for Tongkah. De Kock for Deli and Asahan. Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat. Kedah for Pangkalan Brandan. Gregory Apcar for Singapore, China and Japan. Omapere for
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  • 53 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To- Morbow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Deli Alma 1 p.m. Batu Bahr* Pungah 2 p.m. Teluk Anson Hok Canton 4 p.m. Thursday. Colombo and Tuticorin Koerber 11 a m. Singapore, China and Japan Luetzow 2 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore
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  • 123 9 Pinang, April 21, 1914. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 3/16 3 Credit ...2/4 11/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras Demand Bank
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  • 263 9 Penang, April 21, 1914. S; P. Tapioca $4.75 sales. M. P. Tapioca $5.40 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. White Pepper $28.75 sales. Trang Pepper $l9 00 buyers. Mace 4lO nom Mace Pickings $92.00 buyers. Cloves $46 sales. Nutmegs 110 $24
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1006 9 INSURANCE.BANKS. INSURANCE. C^£^^ K D C F J A Liverpool Victoria Insurance o 4 Z xx w -j. -i Incorporated by Royal Charter. Corporation Limited. HEAD OFFICE: 45-49, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON E.C. R eserv e Fund £1306.0’ 0 “7“ Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,« 0 The undersigned having been appointed
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  • 360 10 THE TARCO TREATMENT. The biggest problem facing road engineers at the present time is that of providing a road surface capable of withstanding the strain produced by modern traffic. A Malay Mail representative ha} examined some specimens of Tarco which had been down for two years cn a
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  • 358 10 The P. and O. steamship Mantua, which arrived in Bombay on April 3, had an experience which seldom falls to the lot of a vessel of so large draft as 11,COO tons Throughout her voyage down the English Channel, a gale of unwonted violence was blowing. At
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  • 150 10 LACK OF MORAL TRAINING. Allahabad, April 13.—The proceedings of the AU-ludia Kyastha Conference was concluded to-day. The Maharaja of Dinajpur delivered a lengthy presidential address, during the course of which he deplored the of a proper moral and religious training, which was mainly responsible for the
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  • 178 10 Tuesday, April 21 Homeward German Mail. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m High Water 10 55 a.m. and 19.34 p.m. Low Water 4.33 a.m. and 5.10 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Wednesday, April 22. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. High Water 11.10 a.m
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  • 96 10 May 5, 7 and 9. —Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. May 15. —Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting, entries close, 5 p.m. May 18. —Singapore Medical School, Entrance Ex mination. May 30. —Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting. June 1. —Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Ipoh. Penang Turf Club, Race
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  • 95 10 FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures for the next tournament which commences on 4th April next: Date. Name. Ground. 25th April R C vs. St Xavier’sC R C P C C vs. E R C P C C 2nd May P C C vs. Kulim P C
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  • 192 10 The companies do not guarantee the dates of arrival of these vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Alor Star, (Kedah). —Tong Chuan, April and 21 and Kedah, April and 20. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan Datoh.—Pangkor, every Monday. Deli.—lndragiri, every Sunday, Merkus or Van
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 179 10 t I* We hold a very large stock of ESTATE I CHECK ROLLS LARGE SIZE I I Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly (200 Folios Each) I' tif These Books are newly made, specially designed and corrected up-to-date to meet the requirements of all Estates. I* Seduced Price $5 each. i When
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    • 55 10 LOSS OF FLESH is a common indication of an impoverished blood supply and should not be neglected. But, whatever the cause, extra nourishment is needed. SCOTT’S Emulsion is the remedy that enriches the blood, aids food assimilation, creates appetite and brings back the colour, energy and strength of glorious health.
      55 words
      213 words

  • 440 11 A NOVEL IDEA. A wedding took place in London under distinctly novel conditions. The bride and bridegroom, when announcing their engagement beforehand, requested that no presents should be sent, and immediately after the ceremony they returned to the bridegroom’s house close by in Mayfair, to begin at
    440 words
  • 429 11 TO RETIRE AFTER 50 YEARS AT THE BAR, Sir Edward Clarke, K.C., is retiring from the Bar this year. I was called in 1864,” he said to a representative of The Daily Chronicle, and some time ago I determined to retire when I had completed ooyeais of
    429 words
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    • 1169 11 N Y K Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld WMkp* >k a I SSpi EUROPEAN LINE. Mn&S; laiWWßMaigA Fortnightly service is maintained be- s ;vith the Imperial Japaue-e Government </ "I'^Vi'f^U^j’j- WSS The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining -„J this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 240 11 ~Q > j AN IDEAL TONIC. Refreshes the Strong, Restores the Weak, Revives the Depressed. Over 8,000 Testimonials from all parts of the World have 2/ testified to the distinct value of c oferravullo 0 1. Is prepared with great care and scientific skill. 2. Is a strength giving food
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    • 2578 12 p British India N_ D- L. CEAN Steam Navigation Co. D 1 1 STHMSW n STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. china MUTUAL steam nay. cd.. LT n UPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES «S*II ITKIO-® -pHE fast and well-known Mml Steamer, of this Com P »ny sail fortnightly from
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