Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1249 1 r> a o E FOB S3O D D B you can have the Pinang g u X Gazette posted every day c for a whole year co your address. (LOCAI. SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Q n Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. g q Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittances should
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    • 9 1 BUCHANANS (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 928 2 .—M.M. LIFE IN THE EAST. Are living conditions in the East adequate compensation for exile from Europe This was a subj ct discusee 1 recently by the Ipoh Literacy and Debating Society, the members of which were more or less evenly divided in their opinions. There is a
    .—M.M.  -  928 words
  • 592 2 .—Straits Times. was a c jrtain appropriateness iu the s flection of Hyde Park as the venue of tin great Conservative Demonstration in Lon ion. It was a step towards Trafalgar Square, far famed and popular meeting p’ace of all who believe that the times are out
    .—Straits Times.  -  592 words
  • 403 2 The letter we are able to publish to-day, from the Perak Secretarial to Mr. G. Gordon Brown of Plus .Estate, Sungei Siput, shows that the Government are making a serious attempt to deal with the depredations of elephmts iu that district but, while expressing devout thinks at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1303 2 SITUATION VACANT. NOTICE OF SALE. WANTED. I The undersigned has received instruct one I from the Administrator of the estate of pURASTAN BOOK-KEEPER for Tea Emma Florbnce Karl, deceased, I Estate in Sumatra. Only applicants with thorough knowledge of Estate ac- to offer for sale counts and office work need
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    • 73 2 ■‘Up-to-Date Hydraulicing.” Boving Company’s Electro-Turbo system does five times the work for the same Head as the old Hydraulic Elevator systems. Installations of this class now erected in leading mines in Australia and New Zealand. The Borneo Company Limited, Singapore, have been appointed Agents for The Federated Malay States, and
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    • 969 2 W A Si h ,urniBhed r GOVERNMENT OF PERLIS. Applv to No. 60, c/o Pinang Gazette. Tenders for the sinking of a bore-hole 431-14-4 M Ma aß( j 0 j B 1(! j tate p er |j s NOTICE. I 'T'ENDERS will be received at the office 1 of the
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  • 126 3 Tuesday, April 14 Easter Tuesday. Cup Tie Central Union v. M.R.C. Municipal Commission. 4 p.m. Ban<i, Golf Club, 6 p.u High Water 3 2 a.m. and 2.49 p m. Low Water 8.‘4 a.m. ai d 9.54 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road.
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  • 47 3 Ajril 18.—M.P.A.A General Meeting. April 24. St. George’s Ball, Town Hall. May 5, 7 and 9. Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. May 15.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting, entries close, 5 p.m. May 18.—Singapore Medical School, Entrance Ex m. May 30.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting.
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  • 66 3 FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures for the uext tournament which commences on 4th Ar ril nt xc:— Date. Name. Ground. 18th April PRCvs. CRC CRC Kulim vs. St Xavier’s B’worth. 25 h PRC vs.StXaviet’sC R C P C C vs. E R C P C C
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  • 127 3 Penang, April 14, 1914. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 316 3 Credit ...2/4 11/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175 j Madras
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  • 605 3 HEAVY SENTENCES. [Prom Our Own Correspondent.] Bangkok, April 13 Nai Chalong, Manager of the Siam Commercial Bank, and principal director of the Chino-Siam Bank was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment, and fined 1,000 ticals for the embezzlement of over a million ticals. The Manager of the
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  • 181 3 There is hope for the Sungei Siput planters, states the T. oj M. The Government have decided to take the matter of the depredations of elephants seriously in hand, and if the course they outline is followed consistently, we may soon see
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  • 31 3 Pbbang :—The E. O. Hotel, Tbe Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea Vie Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon -Strand Hotel. Cbylon :—Nuwara Eliya.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 ■CaBHZJMEZ)M=HH(=)HK=]MKZ=]MI CARLTON HOTEL, p y 22, LEITH STREET, PENANG. g J RECOGNISED THE SECOND-TO-NONE ENGLISH HOTEL IN PENANG. SPECIAL TERMS TO GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ANO PLANTERS. L Fitted with Electric Lights and Fans. Terms Moderate B French, German and Italian Spoken. n Situation, Accommodation, Service, Cuisine Wines the Best. LI Catering
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    • 140 3 LOSS OF FLESH is a common indication of an impoverished blood supply and should not be neglected. But, whatever the cause, extra nourishment is needed. SCOTT’S Emulsion is the remedy that enriches the blood, aids food assimilation, creates appetite and brings back the colour, energy and strength of glorious health.
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    • 354 3 THE STUBBORNNESS of the Mule is proverbial. Though not proverbial it is a well-known fact that millions of housewives who have tried Sunlight Soap stubbornly refuse to use any other. These housewives, with Sunlight Soap as their ally, can k look forward to wash-day without IWk dread, for they O
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  • 2961 4 FINE CRICKET ON ESPLANADE. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLAY. RIVAL CAPTAINS INTERVIEWED. SATURDAY AFTERNOON’S PLAY. The F-. M. S, First Innings. Against the Colony’s first innings, total of 264 (already fully described) the F.M.S. began with N Grenier and P C Williams, Deanbowling a maiden to the first
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  • 704 4 It may at once be said that the Colony won on their merits. In every department they were superior to their opponents, but it was in batting that their advantage was particularly demonstrated. A more level display has rarely been given by a Colony team. There
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  • 471 4 Dr. Linnell, the Captain of the F.M.S. eleven, in the course of a conversation with a Pinang Gazette representative after the match, said We had a nice journey up on the Taroba, the agents kindly arranging for the steamer to anive at Port Swettenham to
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  • 407 4 Mr. R T. Reid, the Colony skipper j n an interview, said It was a m->st enjoyable gamĕ. The weather was favourable, although very hot. We were fortunate in winning the toss, and I attribute cur success in a large measure to that fact. The wicket although
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  • 27 4 MR. HAMEL’S FEAT. London, April 12. Mr. Hamel at Bournemouth looped the loop 21 times, edscending from a height of 2,300 feet.
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  • 69 4 CHIEF WHIP’S NEPHEW’S INTENTION. London, April 13. Mr. George Mitchell, son of Mr. Tom Mitchell, the well-known sporting Bradford mill owner, and a nephew of the Chief Whip Mr. Illingworth, has gone to Paris to fight Carpentier in a six-rounds contest semi-privately. Only those invited will be
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  • 22 4 INMAN BEATS STEVENSON. At Holborn Hall Inman (17,000) beat Stevenson 13,779. This is the first time Inman has beaten Stevenson level.
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  • 18 4 ENGLAND’S WIN OVER FRANCE. Paris, April 12. At hockey England beat France by six goals to nil.
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  • 19 4 —Reuter. FRANCE BEATEN BY ENGLAND. London, April 14. England beat France at Paris by 39 points to 13,-
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 40 4 The Directors of the Panama and Pacific Exhibition have assigned £20,000 for a world’s polo tournament. It is hopsd that twenty countries will be represented. The contest will extend form March 15th, 1915, to May Ist, 1915.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 Sore throat denotes a weakness in the larynx that has been seized upon by harmful germs, who, colonizing there, are prepared to create serious trouble unless swept away by a dose of Wood’s Great Peppermint Cure, a true germicide, which at the same time, soothes and heals the tender parts.
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  • 1145 5 DELHI SEDITION CASE. Delhi, April I.—The preliminary exami* nation in the Delhi Sedition Case was resumed at Delhi to-day. Mr. B. Broadway continued the examination of the approver, Dina Nath, who described how he began to tire of terrorism. He had, he said, been reading Michael Davitt
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  • 382 5 KELANTAN PLANTERS TO MAKE DISPLAY. At a meeting of th*j Kelantan Plan* ars’ Association held at Kuala Lebi* on March 26, The Chairman statsd that the meeting had been called, according ti rule 28, to consider the question of Kelantan exhibiting at the fourth nternational rubber exhibition
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 A Liqnt lager Beer OF FIRST RATE QUALITY AT A MODERATE PRICE Girl Brand. A BOUSTEAD 6 CO. Ageßta Obtainable from all Retailers. ffl The (ream" IS B that is nothing M///A<///✓///>)) g H but (ream J? ffi DELICIOUS, PURE B K ifegggj THICK CREAM MJ It is just the
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  • 886 6 The annual meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya is to be held in Kua’a Lumpur on Sunday, April 25th, and in his address to the members, the Chairman will, no doubt, have much to say that is interesting to them and to everyone concerned in the rubber industry,
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  • 387 6 The crisis in the mining industry of Yorkshire arises directly out of a dispute as to the meaning of ceitain resolutions of the Coal Conciliation Board and of an award made on January 30 last by Sir Edward Clarke, K.C., M.P., chairman of the
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  • 205 6 ANOTHER BIG SEIZURE AT PENANG. Following the seizure of coc-ike a fortnight ago, when a Chinese sampan man was fined $5OO for endeavouring to smuggle the drug into Penang, the local authorities have detected another ingenious attempt at importation. On the arrival of the Hamburg-Amerika liner Altmark from
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  • 285 6 This is the third occasion on which the Monopoli s authorities have been successful in making large seizures of opium or cocaine consigned to Mee Lee Huah of Chop Soon Seng, 81, We.'d Quay. The first occasion was the smuggling of cocaine for which, as already stited, a
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  • 351 6 DRUG TAKER WHO FOUGHT AT COLENSO. While giving evidence in a charge against a drug seller of New York, a witmss admitted that the name he gave—Bosworth—was false, and pleaded that this anonymity sh< uld be respected, as he was a vic'.im of the cocaine habit,
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  • 820 6 Among the Saturday visitors to Penan- was Mr. G. A. Hereford. The majjrity of the F.M.S. cricketers left by the 8.1. ss. Ellora yesterday. Mr. J. A. Ru’sell, Mr. A. A. Henggeler and Mr. A. H. Alston of Kuala Lumpur are paying a visit to Penang. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 I I Xf, ••W' 4 lH Ik W 3 The favourite beverage, not only here, but throughout the many lands of the British Empire, because of its /*J| mature ripeness, soft refinement, and exquisite navour. gV JF ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL BRANDS OF k/Ĕ' THE TIISTILLERS I TO. 4Vj J—•
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    • 28 6 NOTICE. The chairs and coolies at the Crag coolie lines and at the foot of the Hill are for visitors to the CRAG HOTEL ONLY. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors.
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  • 50 7 TO-DAYS CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyeis and sellers only) in our share list o page 9 to-day Saturday. To-day Shabm. >. >. s St Mining. Tongkab H. 20| 2O| 19| 2OJ General. The Dispensary (Penang) $1 $l.lO 1.10 1.20 Rubber (Dollar.) T. Anson 4.60 4|
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  • 71 7 To-day’s quotations for unrefined tin in Penang was $84.75 per picul, business done. Tin in London was quoted at £l6B ss. spot and £l7O three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange 25 tons at $B4 75 Straits Trading Co. 50 tons at
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  • 23 7 The output from the above mines, for the month of March is as follows From Mine Piculs 2,028 Tributers 121 Total 2,149
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  • 82 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, April 14. At a meeting of Council of the F M.S. Chamber cf Mines the increase of wharfage charges from 2 cents to 5 cents for tin ore at Port Swettenham was considered. It was stated that the increase involves
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  • 96 7 AGITATION FOR AN ALLIANCE Berlin, April 13. There is a continued agitation in the French and Russian papers with the view, to having the Triple Entente converted into an alliance, on the meeting of M. Poincare with King George and the Czar. A Fiscal Battle. The Imperial
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  • 24 7 -D.O.L. MANY LIVES LOST. Berlin, April 13. The Italian Military Airship, City of Milan has exploded, causing great loss of life.—
    -D.O.L.  -  24 words
  • 205 7 DEMENTED FRENCHMAN’S ACT. Lonlon, April 11. A Frenchman, who is believed to be demented, has considerably damaged several statues in the Seige Salle in Berlin.— Reuter. The Runnymede Hotel has added to its clients’ conveniences by arranging for the opening of a shaving and hair-dressing saloon on
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  • 367 7 COLONEL SEELY AND THE ARMY. SIR EDWARD CARSON PRESENTS COLOURS. London, April 12. Colonel Seely, M. P., speaking at Draycott, said there had been grave danger of bloodshed in Ireland through hot-headed persons seizing armsat isolated depots, hence his reason for moving troops to Ulster. His orders
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  • 185 7 Spectator.” For fifteen years and more we have striven in these columns to commend the referendum to our countrymen as the greatest of political needs, as an essential instrument of tiue democratic government, as, indeed, the only way of preventing the sovereignty of the people from being usurped and
    —“ Spectator.”  -  185 words
  • 89 7 —Reuter. INSTRUCTIONS TO LIBERAL AGENTS. London, April 13. The Standard says that news from the Provinces indicates a general election in July. The Radical agents in South East Lancashire have been instructed to have their organisation ready as it may be required at an early date. A
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 92 7 —Reuter. POWERS NEGOTIATING. Berlin, April 13. A communication fiom the Triple Entente regarding the form of the reply of the Powers to the Greek note crossed the proposal of the Triplice, aiming at the speedy evacuation of Southern Albania by the Greek troops. An exchange of views is now
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 139 7 —Reuter. EXPULSION OF SPANIARDS. AMERICAN MARINES ARRESTED. Madrid, April 11. The Government is informed that a thousand Spaniards have been expelled from Torreon. They are in a wretched plight. Steps will be taken to repatriate them. The Foreign Minister has discussed the matter with the United States
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 101 7 -Reuter. ANOTHER MINERS’ BALLOT. London, April 11. A Coal Conciliation Board ballot of the Yorkshire miners will be taken on the question of continuing the strike or restricting it to Rotherham, the original seat of the trouble. Already £60,C00 psy has been distributed. Many works are
    -Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 72 7 Reuter. BUNDLE OF PAPER THROWN AT MAGISTRATE. London, April 11. Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, who was arrested when proceeding on an cmnibus to a demonstration in Trafalgar Square, a month ago, was committed fir trial after a riotous scene in which she flung a bundle of paper at the
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 59 7 Reuter. PARACHUTIST AND AIRMAN COME TO GBIEF. Vienna, April 12. A parachutist named Buurhis leaped from Lemonier’s aeroplane from a height of 1,300 feet. The parachute collapsed and the parachutist was precipitated to earth. Bouihis broke both fuet and received internal injuries. Lemonier’s aeroplane lost its equilibrium
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 41 7 Reuter. ABOLITION DECIDED UPON. London, April 11. The experiment of aboiishit g the ship’s police on the new battle cru ser (JwefYi Mary has proved so successful, that it will now be extended to the whole Navy.—
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 58 7 —Reuter. A PRESENT FROM AUSTRALIA. Sydney, April 12. The Commonwealih hrs presented Sir lan Hamilton with a charger, which he takes to England. The Genera', in an interview, said Australia might rest well satisfied with the defence machine which was being built up with young citizen
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 23 7 —Reuter. London, April 13. Easter Monday Bank Holiday was favoured with perfect summerlike weather and the resorts were crowded.—
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 28 7 .—Reuter. VISCOUNTCY CONFERRED. London, April 14. Sir Sydney Bux f on, the new Governor General of South Africa, has been created a Viscount.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 383 7 —Reuter. COMMONWEALTH DETERMINEDFRESH CONFERENCE DEMANDED. Melbourne, Apr l 13. Mr. Milieu, the Commonwealth Minister of Defence, is of opinion that Mr. Churchill’s naval statement in the Commons last month practically means the abandonment of the 1909 defence conference’s scheme for the naval defence of tie Empire, especially regarding
    —Reuter.  -  383 words
  • 90 7 —Reuter. CHINESE AND WHITE WOLF. Calcutta, April 14. The Times says tl e Tcron’o police investigation of the murder of Mrs. Millard at Vancouver seems to show the existence of an active Chinese revolutionary society in Vancouver. The Victoria police are of opii ion that the murderer
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 39 7 —Reuter, EXECUTIONS AT SING SING. New York, April 13. Gyp the Blood and others connected with the murder of Rosenthal in a gambling saloon in November 1912, have 1 een elec- trocuted at Sing Sing Prison.-
    —Reuter,  -  39 words
  • 56 7 —Reuter. MR. BRYAN URGES REPEAL. New York, April 13. Mr. Bryan has a signed article in his organ “The Commoner” published at Lincoln, Nebraska, in which he urges the repeal of tolls exemption on the ground that the subsidy will benefit the American Shipping Trust, and the
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 35 7 ■Reuter. A NATIONAL BUREAU. London, April 11. The newly enfranchised women of Illinois are advocating the establishment of a matrimonial bureau in Chicago empowered to check the issue of licenses to marry.—'
    ■Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 31 7 —Reuter. London, April 13. The Daily Telegraph's Constantinople correspondent says that according to the Bill ratifying the Provisional Loan agree ments the loan amounts to 35,400,000 pounds Turkish.-
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 51 7 —Reuter. FRENCH COLONIAL PROJECTS. LONG RANGE STATIONS. Pari?, April 11. The work of the French inter-colonial wireless chain commerces forthwith, the principal s ations being Timbuctoo, Jibuti], Antananarivo, Pondicherry, Saigon, Noumea, Papeete, Marquesas, Martinique. Most ofthe stations have a range of between two and th ee thousand
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 258 7 Some time ago complaint was made that although many of the British passenger lines running to Eastern ports had fitted their steamers with wireless telegraphy, the apparatus was of little u-e, because few s‘ations were available between Egypt and India or along the coast of India. Of late,
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  • 123 7 D.O.L. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF DEATH. Tokio, Apiil 13. The death of the Dowager Empress is officially announced. Mourning for a year has been ordered. British Court Mourning. The King has commanded court mourning for eight days from 11th instant for the Japanese Dowager Empress.—Reuter. [Telegrams leceived
    D.O.L.  -  123 words
  • 51 7 —Reuter. FORTHCOMING VISIT TO KING. Bukharest, April 13. The German Emperor will shortly visit the King of Rumania. The diplomatic circle declares the object is to strengthen the relations between Rumania and the Triple Alliance in view of the recent Russian efforts to obtain influence in
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 36 7 —Reuter. NORMAL RECOVERY EXPECTED. Stockholm, April 12. The King spent a quiet night and His Majesty slept well. The paiu is greatly diminished and there is every prospect of a normal recovery.—
    —Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 48 7 —Reuter. 100,000 ATTEND FOOTBALL. London, April, 11. Large congregations attended the Good Friday services and many religious processions paraded the streets. The weather was fine. One hundred thousand people witness: d football in London. Four airmen looped the loop at Hendon despite a gale.—
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 253 7 FILLIS CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE. Tor me Easter Holidays. One Week only OPENING ON Tuesday, April 14th. THE BEST TRAINED Horses, Ponies, Dogs and Monkeys IN THE EAST. Numbering over 30 STAR ARTISTS Including the World’s Trio of Musical Comedy Artists, Grossi, Martinetti and Miss Nada Moret. Geo. Batty, the Eccentric
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  • 92 7 OBITUARY. LORD SUFFIELD. London, April 11, Lord Suffield is dead. Deceased was 84 years age. He is succeeded by Colonel the Hon. Charles Harbord.—Reuter. [Charles Harbord, Fifth Baron Suffield, P.C., G.C.V.0., K.C.B. born 1830, Lord in waiting in ordinary to the King since 1901 Hon. Col. 3rd Norfolk Regt, since
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  • 2483 8 o j Capital. Paid up. 3 Dividend». Nam. J |g s~ 0« os 0* 2" Of 1810 1811 1812 1913 1914 Ml I*M M 1811 810d,000 $6O 00*1 I 60 000 1 Ayer VFeug /thhnumJ DAP- 00. I 500 1803 300,000 300,000 30,000 10 10 30 28* 9 Bolat
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  • 216 8 Ceylon Maru, Jap, 3142, Noguchi, April 11, C’cutta, gen., Paterson Simons Co. Elleric, Brit,, 2305, Atkin», April 11, New Castle, gen., Huttenbach Bros. Cornelia, Brit., IV4, Ewart, April 11, Malacca, gen., E. S. Co. Newborn, Brit., 2325, Richards, April 11, Port Said, gen., Huttenbach Bros. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott,’April]
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  • 833 8 May/June Meeting, 1914. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) NOTICE. No amendmends to this Programme will be conuderrd unless due notice is given iu writing to the Secretary at least seven days before the day of the Meeting. The Notice must give full details of any
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  • 44 8 Malacca for Tongkah. Ban Lee for Trang. Merkus for Deli and Asahan. Trang for Trang. Pungah for Batu Bahr a. Omapere for Port Swettenham Singapore. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Pangkor for Dindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Dunera for Calcutta.
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  • 90 8 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To- Morrow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Ghee Thye 8 am. Alor Star (Kedah) Kedah 9 a.m. Negapatam Madras Teesta 11 a.m. Asahan Jin Ho noon. Teluk Anson Hok Canton 3p m. Deli Alma 4 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy Seang Bee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 577 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,'2 Hbad Officb 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C Aobmchs and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Serembat Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur Sourabav» Cebu Malacca Saigon Canton Medan
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    • 114 9 THE STRAITS’ CHAMPIONSHIP. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, April 13. In the Straits Golf Championship, C.Y. Foot and Winter tied with 172. On playing off yr sterday they again tied with 87. Another round was played and Foot won with 41 to Winter’s 47. Penang’s representatives in the
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    • 74 9 The Presgrave Cup competition for Aoril had the following result:— E S Haslam 2 down. R R Turner 3 V G Ezechiel 7 Messrs G Macbain, F Duxbury, J T Alle”, E H Bulford, R H Pinhorn, and Dr G W Pirk also played but returned no
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    • 184 9 The following League matches were played on the 4th April, at home. English League—Div. I Aston Villa 1, Newcastle United 3 Blackburn Rovers 3, Bolton Wanderers 2 Bralford City 0, Chelsea 0 Derby County 4, Manchester United 2 Everton 2, West Bromwich Albion 0 Manchester City 2, Oldham
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    • 219 9 The football match arranged between the Penang Mahomedan Football Association and Johore State ani Territories was brought off on Friday at Johore Bahru before a large crowd. More than a thous and Malays travelled over from Singapore by special train in order to witness what proved to
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    • 57 9 Singapore v. Selangor. [From Our Own Correspondent.'] Kuala Lumpur, April 14. Heavy rain greatly interfered with the play. Doubles Singapore Selangor Salzmann and Day beat Weir and Young 3 sets to one. Terrell and Terrall lost to Rogers and Bradbery 3 sets to one. Salzmann and Leonard lost to
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    • 222 9 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette.’’] Dear Sir, Your Siamese readers will be interested to know that from the Ist inst., the Siamese Postage Rates have been altered in some cases. Letters from Siam to foreign countries cost no longer 14 stgs per 15 grammes
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  • 218 9 The second annual general meeting of the above Society was held at its premises No. 1, Transfer Road, on Friday the 10th instant, at 3-40 p.m., Mr K P M Amin Sahib presiding. There was a fair attendance of members and on special invitation Messrs
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  • 114 9 A special general meeting was held on Sunday, the 13th inst., at 3 p.m at the Sabha’s, premises Penang Road, under the Presidentship of Mr. K. Patch°e Hajee Mahomed Noor, who previously entertained the members of the Sabha and his friends to a sumptuous repast. The sabha
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  • 120 9 We have been requested by Mr. J. F. de Mello, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer of the Reception Committee of the Very Rev. Rrother Thomas, Assistant Superior General, of the Christian Brothers, to publish the following account: Receipts Subscriptions collected by Mr. J H Phipps $37, Mr
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  • 115 9 Arrivals. By Klang (April 13) from Singapore, Mr and Mrs Koh Eng Hin and child, Mr and Mrs J P Harper, Mr and Mrs Burton, Miss Case, Miss Ivens, Messrs Jire Araki, J Piggott, C McGatin, F B Ivens, Maxwell, S F Duncan, J W Bridgen, H C Downer,
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  • 256 9 Berlin, April 12. The contents of the Triple Entente nots concerning Albania and the Greek Islands is acceptable on principle by the Triple Alliance. The Triple Alliance wishes that together with the handing over of the note at Athens, the immediate evacuation of South Albania be demanded.
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  • 285 9 A Kuala Lumpur correspondent says In spite of the very favourable terms held out by Government to applicants for land for ccconut cultivation, more especially on the east coast of Pahang where the soil is said to be excellently suited for i's cultivation, one has not heard
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  • 83 9 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association’s Auction to-day there were offered for sale pikuls 142.08| or 18,944 f lbs., —of which 120.08| pikuls or 16,011| lbs. were sold. Pric s realized Smoked sheet $l2l to $133 Smoked plain sheet... 120 121 Unsmoked sheet 115 120
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  • 72 9 The following are outputs for March AyerHitam lbs. 14,362 Bungsar 626 Benar 3,000 Bujong 5,919 Beverlac 14,874 Blackwater 9,258 Bukit Mertajam 18,217 Bukit Cloh 17,500 Bukit Selangor 4,152 Dusun Durian 17,110 F. M. S. Rubber Co. 87,000 Henrietta 9,844 J eram 11,179 Kuang 3,000 K. L. 86,560 K.
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  • 300 9 A correspondent writes The late Mr. W. E. Ferdinands, Checker of Stores, who died last week, makes ths fourth official who has held that appointment since it was created about ten years ago. He was appointed early last year from the staff of the Auditor General’s Department,
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  • 45 9 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. DRASTIC CHANGES TO BE MADE. London, April 14. The report of the Royal Commission on the Civil Service will be published shortly. The Daily Telegraph understands that drastic proposals are made which include the complete discontinuance of patronage. —Reuter.
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  • 31 9 ■Reuter. Calumet, April 14. The Copper miners in Michigan have voted to eod the strike which began on the 23rd July last and have waived their demands.—
    ■Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 21 9 —Reuter. ENGLAND BEATS HOLLAND. Hague, April 14. In the chess match England beat Holland by 12 to 4 games.-
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 111 9 A WARNING. The wooden bridges on the newly made section of the road round the Island were only temporarily placed in position for the use of the Hon. Resident Councillor and have now been removed. The work of erecting permanent bridges is being proceeded with, but
    111 words
  • 201 9 Owing to a delay in the arrival of their stock Fillis’ Circus, which was billed to open last nighb, had to postpone their opening performance till to-night. Whilst regretting the inconvenience caused to those who turned up last nighb the management would assure their patrons of an excellent
    201 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 752 9 wanted. INSURANCE. JUNIOR CLERK for share brokers’ FIRE INSURANCE. Apply No. 76, c/o Pinang Gazette. Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation Limited. WANTED. HEAD OFFICE: 45-49. HOLBORN VIADUCT. LONDON E.C. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN Ac- The undersigned having been appointed countant for Mercantile Firm. Agents of the Corporation are prepared to Practical knowledge of
      752 words

    • 221 10 Hia Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments in the Civil Service :—Mr. N. D. Mudie, an Officer in Class V, to act as Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court and Assistant Official Assignee, Penang, i; class IV, with effect from the 13th ultimo. Mr. R.
      221 words
    • 127 10 Mr G H Nash is appointed to act as Assistant Inspector of Schools, Perak. The Hon R G Watson, c m g., Resident of Perak, is sppoiuted to act as Chief Secretary to the Government of F.M.S., with eflt ct from April 3rd Mr O Marks is
      127 words
  • 229 10 The appended note from Fairplay calls to mind the similar suggestion put forth in Singapore, says the Free Press, when the agitation against the Ring and secret rebates was so hotly discussed Certain traders in Canada are still complaining of the rates of freight in the Canadian
    229 words
  • 141 10 ANNUAL REPORT. A supplement to the Straits Settlements Government Gazette contains Mr. J. M. L. McFall’s report on his visit to Christmas Island. The report states that the revenue collected 1 cally was $4,222 and the expenditure was $11,408, apart from other largish expenses especially on police. The
    141 words
  • 104 10 London, April 2.—Replying to Sir Charles Nicholson and Mr. Theodore Taylor, Sir Edward Grey said that Great Britain had not ratified the Opium Convention. The Powers, which had not yet notified their adherence, were being constantly pressed to do so. He confidently hoped that the difficulties preventing
    104 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 280 10 Motor Cars. A FULL RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM £> A The most luxurious British straher squire lawn body. A fished British Car wU/lJ mb at moderate price. 1 H.P O W Ifl B with Lincoln green body. The best American Car A. aS made and the best value fl lflllll
      280 words
    • 130 10 M I DEWS I M I “EXTRA I SPECIAL j I whisky ri, IL B KATZ BROS., Ltd., J SOLE AGENTS. s S MOM! I RUBBER PACKING I CASES I Large Stocks held by I I SELLAR, MURRAY Co., I I PENANG. I The Great Eastern Life cc NIKKO” Assurance
      130 words

  • 521 11 CHINESE STEAMER LOOTED NEAR HONGKONG. The Hongkong Daily Press of the 2nd inat., learns that on the night of March 31 another daring oiracy on a river steamer was perpetrated by an armed gang who had embarked as passengers at Hongkong. A Chinese river steamer named Shingtai,”
    521 words
  • 244 11 Mr R. Crichton’s Escape. A very serious shooting accident occurred on Friday, the 27th ult., at a place called Parit Pula', near Tanjong Johore in Muar, resulting in the death of a Malay youth and the wounding of Mr. Crichton, the Collector of Land Revenue. It
    244 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 834 11 I/ iV S f /iV ki Bf Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id Al /1 1 l\ I DIRECTION.— 'W I f*\\ J -r\fl I r i <• JwL .rv£.\ g IM fZaiY\. k\ wineglassful '-J* l I before or ”< ■H I after each r||j zC? >< YYY vzA L-x
      834 words
    • 115 11 A Mad Elephant crushing out a man’s life with its huge foot, would not be more terrible than the cruel demon Rheumatism—Rheumatism that cripples the limbs, weakens the muscles and crushes all comfort, peace and hope by its horrible pains. Little’s Oriental Balm cures Rheumatism. Its phenomenal success is a
      115 words
    • 233 11 lO a# fclifhice 9 Why does Odol absolutely supersede all other preparations for cleansing mouth and teeth? Because of its remarkable power of suffusing the entire oral iillur cavity with a thin but thoroughly effective antiseptic coating which maintains its protective influence for hours alter the mouth has been rinsed
      233 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2758 12 9 British India N O L. tel Ocean Meam Navigation Co. -’’“«w steam ship lM c?fcte& arrivals and departures STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD, IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. china mutual steam nav. co. m »a. w t*.taacs 'T'HE fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen,
      2,758 words