Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1094 1 0 an n FOR $3O n B X/OU can have the Pinang E> n I Gazette posted every day for a whole year to your address. g (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). o Proportionate Quarterly and q p Half-yearly rates. n g Subscriptions are payablo in advance and remittances should H be
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    • 9 1 BUCHANANSI (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 1851 2 WEEKLY CAUSERIE FROM ALL QUARTERS. Ridbout’s First Defeat. London, March 31. Jim Rideout, the Ipswich boxing champion, sustained the first reverse of his professional career at Acton Public Baths when he was engaged in a 20-round contest with Dixie Kid. During the course of the ninth round he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 923 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. NOTICES. wanted. The Kedah Rubber Co.. Ltd. ONE OR TWO Juniors, European, to act as assistants on Rubber Estates A N INTERIM DIVIDEND of in healthy locality been declared by the Directors of the Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd., being the first Apply tla'.iog experience, > any, Dividond for
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    • 58 2 Oil Gas Power. Diesel, Semi-Diesel, and Suction Gas Engines and Plants—Enquirers for this class of power would do well, to consult. The Borneo Company Limited, Singapore who represent firms of the highest repute’ which is a guarantee of reliable power and satisfactory running. Crude Oil Consumption from .4 lb per
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    • 290 2 When your strength is H and your body emaciated S through illness, take M ‘KEPLER’ Cod Liver Oil with (Trade Mark) I Malt Extract O With the first spoonful of this delicious W digestible tonic-food the restoration of normal weight and robust strength W commences. Cy Bottles of two sizes,
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  • 617 3 Punch’s famous aphorism—“ Jg life worth living It depends on the liver —applies with greater force to Europeans resident in the tropics than most people, for they suffer considerably from that cause. There is, however, no reason for this, or for people not being as
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  • 1006 3 SUBSTANTIAL DECREASE IN THE ALL-IN COSTS. The fourth annual general meeting of the Bag-in Strai Company, Limited, was he'd on March 10th at Winchester House Old Broad Street, E C, Mr Edward Lawrence Hamilton (Chairman of the Company) presiding. The Secretary (Mr Percy E L Taylor) having read
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  • 1214 3 PASSENGERS OUTWARD BOUND. The followng list of passes ger* to the Straits is taken from the London and China Express and in many cases bookings are only provisional and subject to ch nges Per P and O steamer Sunda, due April B, Mrs A C Hooper
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  • 179 3 Tuesday, April 7. Homeward German Mail. Baud, Golf Club, 6 p.m. High Water 10.31 a.m. and 10.18 p.m. Low Water 4.14 a.m. aud 4.36 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Wednesday, April 8. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. High Water 11.6 a.m. and
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  • 85 3 April 13.—Easter Monday. Public Holiday. Cricket, Colony v. F.M.S., Pensmg. April 24.—St. George's Ball, Town Hall. May 5, 7 and 9.—Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. May 15.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting, entries close, 5 p.m. May 30.—Penang Turf Club, Race Meeting. June I.—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Ipoh.
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  • 61 3 FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures for the next tournament which commences on 4th April next:— Date. Name. Ground. 11th April Colony vs. FM S PC C 18th PR C vs. CR C CR C Kulim vs. St Xavier’s B’worth. 25 h PRC vs. StX vier’sC R
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 180 3 One of the fallacies —the I have to nay for the Advertisements fallacy. You pay for them just precisely as you pay for the rent of the shop you deal with—no more, no less. A shop in a crowded thoroughfare pays a higher rent than one in a deserted street,
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  • 508 4 The annual report for 1913, to be presented at the subscribers meeting on the 15 inst. is as follows* The Committee submit the following report on the work of the Association for the year ending 28th February, 1914, The Committee at the beginning of the year consisted
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  • 107 4 One of Siamese Twins Dies. Madeleine, one of the two babies united in the manner of the famous Siamese twins, who were separated by a surgical operation performed by Dr. Le Filliatre, succumbed to a fit of convulsions three days late. She had been suffering from convulsions for three weeks
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  • 52 4 The Band will play the following programme of music on the Golf Club to-day from 5.45 to 7.15 p.m. Selection Duchess of Danlzic Caryll. The Egyptian Patrol Passes Vale Lane. Selection The Messenger Boy Kappey. Waltz Eva Lehar. I'll Sing thee Songs of Araby Clay. March El
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  • 119 4 The following is a list of undelivered cables at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co 1-4-14 Sourabaya Hokdjiang Penang 2-4-14 Amoy Enghoon Penang. Mr. A. Miles Taylor, solicitor, partner of Messrs. Bryant Taylor, Ipob, has returned from Home. Mr. A. P. Daniels, of the Chartered
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  • 377 4 COLONY VERSUS F.M.S. THE TEAMS. The cricket team to represent the Colony against the F.M.S. on the Esplanade at Easter was definitely decided on this morning. It is as fofiows :-R. T Reid, J. D. Fettes, W. W. Dean, A. B. Voules, C. H. Mackay, G. C. Clarke,
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  • 142 4 The following were the scores in this morning’s shoot Mills Trophy. 200 Yds. Mrs. Hilton 27* Mrs. Wright-Motion 27* Miss Mathieu 26* Mrs. Liston 24* Mrs. Hart 22* Miss Cheeseman 22* Mrs. Webb 20 Miss S. B, Smith 19 Deliberate. 100 Yds. Mrs. Hilton 32 Mrs.
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  • 279 4 The Tetrarch has apparently recovered his position in public favour and if he is sound again, will probably sweep the board as he did last season, but there is a sound maxim which lays down that you cannot judge of a three-year-old’s ability solely on his two-year-old
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 786 4 ASSISTANT WANTED TO LET. AT ONCE to take chrge of Books and T_T OUSE No. 9, LOGAN ROAD. FitCorrespondmce. R ply with testi- Al ted with electric lights. Entry from menials, stating sala'-v expected to Ist May. I Apply Mbs. E. M. DUVAL, No. 56, c/o Pinang Gazette. 3 31,
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    • 331 4 PERTUSSIN is a harmless aad efficient r€Rnedy against all diseases of the respiratory organs, especially Whooping Cough, Catarrh of Larynx, Bronchial Catarrh, Asthma, et has been r °cognized unequalled by the highest authorities. Also the |xm| Affections of the Lungs will bo greatly relieved by the ase of it. TO
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  • 1154 5 APPROVER’S STRANGE EVIDENCE. the terrorist movement, London, March 26.—The preliminary examination in the Delhi Sedition Case was resumed at Delhi before Mr. V. Connolly. Before the proceedings commenced Chot) Lal alias Ram Lal, who has hitherto been unrepresented, stated I do not know the language nor understand
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  • 157 5 In pursuance of the idea of a federation between the p'anting associations of Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Johore and Singapore a meeting of delegates was held on Friday in the offices of Messrs. Evatt and Co Singapore. The Hoo. F. W. Collins, of Malacca, presided, and the other delegate!
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  • 266 5 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended March 21 there were 66 deaths —39 males and 27 females, equal to a death-rate of 33.19 per milleper annum compared with 27.66 in the preceding week and with 31.19 in the corresponding week of last year. The following was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 JUST UNPACKED! JUST UNPACKED!! A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF “ROTAX” Motor Accessories INCLUDING Brass and Nickel plated Head Lights, Side Lamps, Tail Lamps, Horns, Pomps, Jacks, &c., &c., also A range of cars of the best j make for hire CHARGES MODERATE. TAI SENG MOTOR REPAIRING COMPANY 125. MACALISTER LANE. Phone
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    • 52 5 Bank Holidays. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Friday, Saturday and Monday, 10th, 11th and 13th April, 1914, which have been proclaimed Public Holidays. X HOT CROSS BUNS FOR GOOD FRIDAY, 10th APRIL, In order to avoid disappointment, Please book your orders early. EXCELSIOR EUROPEAN BAKERY, LEITH STREET. Telephone
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  • 1353 6 Sir Horace Plunkett is now announced as the writer of a very able article on the Irish question which appeared anonymously in the December Round Table. Republished in pamphlet form this article is arousing much interest at home. Alluding to the sentiment which would most readily secure
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    • 555 6 Mr. W. 0. Michell thia morning concluded the hearing of the case against a Malay name! Mohamed who was charged with kidnapping a minor, Rahilla, from the lawful guardianship of her parenta at Kampong Bharu, Penang, and passed sentence of one year’s rigorous imprisonment. The case excited
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    • 158 6 An example of overzeal among juniors in the Police force came before Mr. Ezechiel in the Second Police Court yesterday. The accused was a young Chinese boy, who was charged with flying a kite on the public road. The Malay policeman, who had been nine months in
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    • 79 6 Mr. Ezechiel yesterday disposed of a case in which a Bengalee, Subdin, charged a fellow countryman for theft of $2.15 in cash, a gold coin valued 80 cents and a purse va’ued $2.95 from his person at Penang Road on the 25th of last month. At the
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    • 100 6 For the theft of a jarcel belonging to a passenger, a Bengalee watchman of the Federated Malay States Railways, Taiping, was sentenced to three mouths’ imprisonment °n Friday at Taiping. It appears that the luggage was left in the train and when the passenger went back for
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    • 367 6 A Malay named Nyan, who state! he wag an apprentice motor-car driver, was brought before Mr. R. B Osborne this morning to show cause why he should not be bound over. Inspector Brereton deposed that at 1.30 a.m. on the 24th of last month while on rounds
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    • 510 6 A fortnight ago we reported the murder of an actor at the Kulim Lane Theatrical Hall and added that a strange thing was that nobody saw what actually took place.” It has now transpired that there were eyewitnesses and on Sunday a Teochu, Heng Weng Choon,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 245 6 RUBBER Jackson’s Smoke Curing And Drying Apparatus. Is absolutely what it is represented to be. We challenge anyone to prove we have failed in anything claimed for it. By its use rubber may be SMOKE CURED IN UNDER 20 HOURS AND DRIED FOR EXPORT IN FROM 2 TO 4 DAYS.
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    • 36 6 NOTICE. The chairs and coolies at the Crag coolie lines and at the foot of the Hill are for visitors to the CRAG HOTEL ONLY. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. Mr. Mrs: W. K. Masterton. P. P. C.
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  • 66 7 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. A FIRM MARKET. [7*. G. Special Cable. London, April 6. United Sumatra Rubber Estates, Ltd., will pay a final dividend of 12j per cent., put £5,000 to the reserve, and carry forward £9,000. Klanang Produce Company, Limited, will pay a dividend of 37| per
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  • 96 7 MANY ADDRESSES PRESENTED. [/’rom Our Own Correspondent.} Ipoh, April 7. Eight addressee were yesterday presented to the Sultan of Perak, at Astana Nagara in congratulation of His Highness’s twentyfifth anniversary of accession. They were from the chiefs of Perak, the people of Taiping, Ipoh Mohammedan
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  • 65 7 SINGAPORE BAR’S RECEPTION. [From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, April 7. The members of the Singapore Bar assembled at the Supreme Court, and welcomed Mr. J. S. Bucknill, who acts for the Chief Justice. Mr. F. M. Elliot made the speech of welcome, and the Judge io reply
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  • 56 7 —Reuter. MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL WEDS MR. G. C. WEST. London, April 6 Mrs. Patrick Campbell was married this afternoon at a Registry Office to Mr. George Cornwallis West, who was divorced by Lady Randolph Churchill, mother of Mr. Winston Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 74 7 Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the actress who was formerly Beatrice Stella, is a daughter of John Tanner and Louisa Romanini. Her first husband, Patrick Campbell, was killed in South Africa in 1900. Joined the Dramatic Club, “Anomalies” at West Norwood, in 1886 toured with “Green’s Company 1888 Mr.
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  • 228 7 -D.O.L. Berlin, April 5. The Kurd rising has been crushed by the Turks. The ringleader took refuge in the Russian Consulate. The Consul acted as Mediator between Kurds and Armenians. The Porte is sending reinforcements, but Russia is meantime taking no steps. The Russian Chancellor of the
    -D.O.L.  -  228 words
  • 900 7 —Reuter. the government majority. SCENES AT WESTMINSTER. London, April 6. In the House of Commons, Mr. Redmond, resuming the Home Rule debate, dwelt on the great danger in the controversy. The time had gone for mere party manoeuvres and it was useless crying peace when there was
    —Reuter.  -  900 words
  • 159 7 —D.O.L. GOVERNMENT PRECAUTIONS. Durazzo, April 6. In consequence of the situation in South Albania the Government has ordered a list of the forces available for an eventual formation including the militia. Proclamations have been posted throughout the country, ordering a muster of all ex-Redifs between the ages
    —D.O.L.  -  159 words
  • 148 7 Reuter. QUESTION IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. London, April 7. In the House of Commons Mr. Amery asked whether a petition from the Regent of Kedah had been received, complaining that the High Commissioner of the Malay States had vitally changed the constitution and integrity of Kedah. He called
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 82 7 —Reuter. THE EMPLOYMENT OF WHITE GIRLS. Toronto, April 7. The Chinese Consul-General in Canada has objected to a clause in the Ontario Factories’ Act Amendment Bill forbidding Orientals to employ white girls on the ground that it is uncon:titutional and opposed to the principles of the treaty
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 70 7 Reuter. STOCKBROKER IN COURT. London, April 6. Mr. Chari es Edward Kenner the London stockbroker, who was frequently mentioned in the Marconi enquiry in connection with the investment of Liberal party funds and who w<.s arrested in Paris appeared at the Mansion House to-day. 78 Charges.
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 35 7 —Reuter. London, April 6. A bomb at midnight at St. Martin’s Church, Trafalgar Square, shattered two stained glass windows and a pew. It is supposed to be the work of Suffragettes.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 198 7 TO-DAY’S CHANGES. Che following are the changes (buyers *nd sellers only) in our share list on "•age 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day Sqabir. S 5 s "s 05 oc a ~r Mining, Gopeng O. 32/- 35/6 32/6 35/6 Kamunting 7/- 8/- 7/- 8/6 P. Bhaiu Ij 2 1.40
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  • 32 7 London, April 6*. The following are the ruling quotations for rubber implantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/74 Para to arrive 3/Market firm. *By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead it Co.]
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  • 66 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $85.10 per picul, buyesrs, no sellers. Tin in London is quoted at £169 7s. 6d. spot and £l7l three months. The following business in tin was done to-day:— Penang Tin Exchange $85.10 Straits Trading Co. no sellers. Eastern Smelting Co.
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  • 83 7 At the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association’s Auction to-day there were offered for sale pikuls 156.30 or 20,840 lb’.,—of which 149.424 pikuls or 19,923| lbs. we-esold. Pric°s realized Smoked Dia. sheet $127 to $133 Smoked plain 124 125 Sheet unsmoked 114 122 Fine Pale Crepe 133
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  • 81 7 ANNUAL MEETING. [From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, April 7. At the annual meeting of Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., Mr. MacGregor presided. A profit of $144,576 was reported and it was proposed to pay a final oividend of 124 per cent and a bonus of 5
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  • 49 7 THE ANNUAL REPORT. [From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, April 7. Changkat Serdang Rubber Co., Ltd., report a net profit of $34,784. No dividend will be paid. $50,000 is placed to the reserve, making it $lOO,OOO. The all-in costs were l/7|d. The estimated crop is 140,000 lbs.
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  • 36 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.} Kuala Lumpur, April 7. The Federated Malay States Rubber Co., Limited, declare an interim dividend of 25 per cent, on the six months’ working, June to November 1913.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 162 8 Pangkor, Brit,, 94, Caswell, April 6, Bindings, gen., E. S. Co. De Klerk, Dut., 1265, Winkel, April 6, Sours bay a, gen., K.P.M. Co. Omapere, Brit., 340, Morris, Aprli 6, Singapore, gen., E. S. Co. De Kock, Dut., 336, Botman, April 6, S’pore, gen., K P.M. Co. Jelunga, Brit.,
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  • 51 8 Japan for Calcutta. Malacca for Tongkah. Jin Ho for Asahan. De Kock for Deli and Asahan. Omapere for Port Swettenham Singapore Jelunga for Rangoon and Calcutta. Dilwara for Singapore, China and Japan. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Pangkor for Dindings and Sitiawan. Mambang for Setul. Klang for Port Swettenham and
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  • 126 8 Pnnang, April 7, 1914. (By Courtesy of ths Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 14 3 Credit ...2/4 13/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175 f Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175}
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  • 78 8 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OPPICr. To- Mobrow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Deli Alma 1 p.m. Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh > Atjeh I p.m, and Sabang J Teluk Anson Hok Canton 3 pm. Ceylon, Australasia, P.E. Friedrich 6 p.m, India, Aden, r Rgt. up
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  • 244 8 Pbnang, April 7, 1914. S. P. Tapioca $4.65 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $5.25 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. White Pepper $28.70 sellers. Trang Pepper $l9 00 buyers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $BB.OO buyers. Cloves $45 sales. Nutmegs 110 J 25
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 339 8 THE PINANG GAZETTE. i List of Places where the Gazette can be bought at 10 cents. Local. Money Changer at Corner of Beach and Church Streets. at Logan’s Buildings, opposite Pritchard Co. at Corner of Bishop and Pitt Streets. at Corner of Farquhar And Leith Streets, opposite E. <fc O.
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    • 206 8 Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ “Embassy” Cigarettes (/VO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 AND 25. o ~~e NOTICE. Every tin of three well-known Cigarettes contains one coupon. Twenty coup cut of the large sized tins or Forty out of the small entitle the hold-r to A GENUINE AMBER
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 526 8 The Tides. Pbna'G— April 1914. Penang Standtrd Times -Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiral y Charts High Water. Low Water. Da e Su.nd.rd H( Date Ht h m f". h m ft. F 3 m 324 4.2 3 m 916 2.1 3 40 a 5.1 10 55 a
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  • 2413 9 T” I 5 Capital. Paid up. N *mt>er of Issue 5 Shares. Value. 2 Dividends, i i S Name. e L h s=. p m QT !9U »00.000 SSO.'XW 6,000 I I™’ 1,13 M << 1903 300,000 300,000 30,000 W 1Q 30 284 9 Ay®r Weng Rahman) Dk P.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 811 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, THE WORLD'S DRINKs AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,0(0 B M H Reserve Fund £1,700,0(0 B Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,2U0,0i 0 BBBBBb AB mB ml 38 > bishopsgate* London, e.c B M WwL B W WWW w Agencies and Branches.
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  • 1579 10 The introduction of motor lorries into Eastern Cities has raised the important question as to which is the better type of machine, a five-tons steam waggon or a five-tons petrol lorry. This is very often ssked, but never answered twice in the same way, the simple reason being
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 232 10 WE BELIEVE THE TO BE THE BEST CAR OF ITS CLASS. A 'wd!| V 'jjjrSgraflKX /aS --wCSKoahs' «spife-MV ywl—‘ffi/ W" ■ih.urn u3E§|ai 1914 Model Price $2,250 Nett. Ready for the Road. Fitted with electric light and self starter 2,525 ett. n ’VAPIER THE KING OF CARS /VOW IN STOCK. 15
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    • 65 10 Send me 100 Used Stamps of your Country and in EXCHANGE I will give you PICTURE POST CARDS of Famous London Views, British Scenery, etc. Miss M -1., Florence Villas, Herne Hill, London, England, Where to Stay. Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel
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    • 142 10 The Transport of Rubber In an efficient, quick and inexpensive g manner is a question that is continually B perturbing the minds and pe ice of Rubber Estate Managers. The problem can, how- ever, be satisfactorily solved by the ser- [DENNIS LORRY. The type recommended for this special purpose is
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  • 691 11 BOMBAY FIRE, London, March 24.—The Times remarks that the Bombay fire was the most serious that has befallen British Insurance Companies since the beginning of 1914. The losses would ba heavy, adds the journal, even for a big cotton fire in the United States. Bombay, March 24,—The cotton
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  • 57 11 Arrivals By Klang (April 6) from Singapore, Mr and Mrs A K Harris, Mr and Mrs Strivers, Messrs Rickliughansen, G C C arke, F R Marsh a d Durege; from Port Swettenham, Mr and Mrs J Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Woodroffe, Mrs Quays and two children, Messrs Rcstados, J
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 764 11 Y AMATO Co., Singapore. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld glazed earthenware RUBBER LATEX CUPS VZVY MOM I RUBBER CHESTS EUROPEAN LINE. 19" x 19" x 24") A Fortnightly service is maintained be- I Yokohama via ports to Marseilles SUPPLIED IN ANY QUANTITY. I with°L SD Im^ erP J a X%
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    • 312 11 iff The Wbrld'sHH lOentifriceHl li I Scrubbing the surface ze_zz'— of the teeth with powders or pastes does not thoroughly cleanse them; it leaves their condition, and that of the mouth, unimproved. TffW What the teeth and mouth need is Odol, =—tMf which antiseptically purifies the mouth, and, being liquid,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2549 12 Stam P iiXatok Co. B rit| SH |nDIA N. D. L. |EI m kpectbd arrivals and departorbs. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. china mutual steam nav. co., lti>. IS f a «i a n<l well-known Mail Steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Companies’ steamers are
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