Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 981 1 gonnouoi'it'nnDßncDnnßtinnDDß D I OK $3O D p XTOU can have the Pinang D I Gazette posted every day for a whole year co your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). a Proportionate Quarterly and E Half-yearly rates. a E Subscriptions are payable in p advance and remittances should 0 be addressed to
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    • 9 1 BUCHANAN’S (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 664 2 PROFESSOR CHAPMAN ON SOME OF THE CAUSES.} SYNDICALISM A SYMPTOM. Professor S. J. Chipmtn discussed the causes of labour unrest at a meeting of the Manchester and district branch of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries He ascribed the discontent among skilled workers to the increased cost of living,
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  • 193 2 The achievements and terrible experiences of Dr. Mawson’s Antarctic Expedition are the tilk < f London to-day, writes a London correspondent, but at the moment Australia is possibly more engrossed in the more personal romance of his return. Now it will be waiting to hear of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 887 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. NOTICES. WANTED. EDINBURGH ACADEMICALS. TT hss been arranged to hold an EdinXPERTENCED Mechanical and Elec- j bu h Academica i Dinner O n F.iday, tried Engineer for Raffles Hotel 10fch April 1914 ab fche Empire Hotel, Power Station and Motor Garage to reside KuUa r> An Academ icals
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    • 310 2 EmW TYRES I ,-C '7... J r I Sole Importers: Straits Settlements, Malay Peninsula Siam, ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., Lid., SINGAPORE. PENANG <£ MALACCA. I Xi ALLEN DENNYS CO., PENANG PROPRIETORS OF The Penang Rubber Auction Rooms. HQT CROSS Sales Held Every Tuesday UNDER THE AUSPICES OF DI INC THE PENANG
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  • 889 3 May/June Meeting, 1914. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) NOTICE No amendmeuda to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writ ng to the Secretary at least seven days before the day of the Meeting. The Notice must give full details of
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  • 1654 3 SELANGOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Tie following were tie references to tin and rubber in th*3 aunua! report of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce presented to Tuesday’s nr eting at Kuala Lumpur Tin. The output in the F. M. S. increased in 1913, by Pls 28,658 or
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 Saint-Raphael IS 1. The Sovereign Remedy in Anaemia and Chlorosis. 2. A Delicious Dessert Wine. 3. The Best Restorative after Illness. 4. For the Robust and Invalid. 5. A Reliable and Inexpensive Preparation. 6. A Medicine but not Medicated. OBTAINABLE AT TONG JOO C®., Penang, CHOW KIT S CO.. K.
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    • 55 3 International Rubber Congress Exhibition, SATAI//A. /3/4. Congress: 7 —12 Sept., 1914. Exhibition: Bth Septembsr to 10th October, 1914. Lectures by Renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting excursions in Java arranged. Reduced steamship, railway and tramway fares for Holders of Congress tickets. For particulars apply to W. E. van Rijnberk, Hon. Secretary,
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    • 299 3 i ■—i———i——■ I MOTOR CAR RACING NEEDS A QUICK 1 /S\ EYE AND AMPLE NERVE CONTROL. PBISMJ HUXLEY’S NERVIfIOR Builds up Nerve Power, Developes Muscle, Brightens Intellect and Reasoning Capacity by feeding the nerves and blood with organic phos* phorus and other minerals which sustain the body against the strenuous
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    • 2997 4  -  E. L. Killick, in the Financier. desirability of selling LIMITS. When one con-iders the desperate situation in the Brazilian rubber trade, and the strong probability that, at no distant date, supplies from this source will be greatly reduced, it is little short of amazing that the product of
      in the Financier.  -  2,997 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 That tired, depressed feeling, so prevalent in this severe climate, is in many many cases due to weakened digestive power. To remove this trouble and strengthen the system, a course of treatment wtih Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure is necessary. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure will make life a pleasure. Sold by
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    • 155 4 JUST UNPACKED! JUST UNPACKED’’ A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF “ROTAX” Motor Accessories INCLUDING Brags and Nickel plated Head Lights, S de Lamps, Tail Lamps, Horns, Pumps, Jacks, <fcc., <fcc., ALSO A range of cars of the best make for hire CHARGES MODERATE. E TAI SENG MOTOR REPAIRING COMPANY 125. MACALIBTER LANE.
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    • 304 4 j CARLTON HOTELS n z n U 22, LEITH STREET, PENANG. I RECOGNISED AS the 9ECOND-TO-NONE I ENGLISH HOTEL IN PENANG. S SPECIAL TERMS TO GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AND PLANTERS. L Fitted with Electric Lights and Fans. Terms Moderate. B French, German and Italian Spoken. S Situation, Accommodation, Service, Cuisine Wines
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 369 4 I Special License l TO-MORROW 1 SpeciaMLicensel up till 1 a.m. I TO-MORROW till 1 a.m. GEORGE TOWN KINEMATOGRAPH, Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre Hall. J Big Programmes for 1 Payment, ALL THE BOOM FILMS OF 1914. nnn Worth of Films for the Usual Admission Prices in 4th Programme. A FILM
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  • 1150 5 HONGKONG’S MILLION DOLLAR MONOPOLY. The Col >nial Government of Hongkong look over the administration of the opium monopoly on March 1, and are now busily engage! in the manufacture and sale of refined and prepired opium. The price of the diug is $6.50 per tael. There
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  • 703 5 PROPOSED IMPORTATION FROM GERMANY. The North China Daily News thinks highly of a proposal to introduc? police dogs into Shanghai in view of present difficulties in the capture of criminals. A ratepayers' meeting was to be held a few days ago to which was to be
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  • 212 5 FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures for the next tournament which commences on 4th April next:— Date. Na mb. Ground. 4th April... P C C vs PRC PCC B R C vs. Kulim B’worth. C R C vs. St Xavier’sC R C 11th Colony vs. FM S
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 Reducing Costs. The Garrett Compound Superheated Condensing Engine installed at the Jelapang Mine, Ipoh, is an example of efficient working at the lowest possible cost. The Borneo Company Limited, Singapore, will send full particulars upon application and also comparative working cost of successful installations in Malaya. Hilton Co., Loeal Agents.
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    • 140 5 The opinion that the teeth require only brushing is based upon the belief, once universal, that they are discoloured, and ultimately injured by impurities that can be brushed off. But modern science has discovered that the teeth are injured by chemical processes caused by the presence of microbes. To preserve
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  • 1303 6 At the annual meeting of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce, in Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday last, an exhaustive and valuable report was presented which not only covered the activities of the Cham* ber but gave an illuminating survey of the commercial progress of the F.M.S. during
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  • 430 6 AN ARCHITECT’S CLAIM. Before Mr. W. C. Michell, in the District Court, this morning, Mr. H. A. Neubronner, Architect and Civil Engineer of Beach Street, Penang, sued V. M. Syed Mohamed for the sum of $205, claimed as the amount due by the defendant for professional services
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  • 123 6 Before Mr. Osborne this morning, Lim Lian, a Hokien, was charged with committing murder by causing the death of Lim Kun Hua at Carnarvon Street yesterday. On the application of the Police the hearing was postponed till the 9th inst. The victim, a youth of about
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  • 66 6 Before Mr. Ezechi-*!, in the Second Police Court, yes te-day, two Chinese were charged with disorderly conduct, the first accused foi smoking a cigarette in the Third Magistrate’s Court while the Court was sitting and the second for wearing a hat in the same Court. Both accused
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  • 159 6 Another new bucket dredging company for tin has been registered in Sydney, Australia, called Larut Tin Dredging Ltd. The property is situated at Kota in the Taiping district, and the company so far is a one-dredge proposition with a capital of £50,000 to pay dividends upon,
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  • 43 6 The Band will play the following programme of music on the Esplanade to-day from 6 to 7 p.m. Overture Fest Blatlermann. Cake Walk Theßrooklyu Thurban, Selection La Vestale Mercadante. Waltz Love and Life in Vienna Komzak. March The Devils Hartmann.
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  • 701 6 Mr H L Mullins, of the Chartered Bink is leaving shortly for Rangoon on transfer’ The Rajah Muda of Sarawak was a pa 3. senger on board the P and O Delta which touched here this morning. Mr. C. C. Rogers, of the Electrics,' Supply Department of
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  • 91 6 Arrivals. By Delta (April 3) from London, Mr and Mrs F W Carey, Miss O Carey, Mr A Miles Taylor and Mr and Mrs W P Okeden from Marseilles, Mr F S Weld, Mr C S W Ogilvia, Mr C C Rogers, Dr and Mrs P N Gerrard, Mr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 BY APPOINTMENT MOTOR TYRE MANUFACTURERS TO HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. “ON WE GO!” Manchester again endorses Olympia’s verdict regarding the overwhelming popularity of DUNLOP MOTOR TYRES. Census of tyres fitted to cars exhibited at the Manchester Motor Show: 430 DUNLOPS ftAQ Pivided amongst all other makes, British and Foreign
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    • 12 6 CANTRELL S COCHRANE’S Dry Imperial Ginger Ale AT THE E. O. HOTEL.
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  • 236 7 TO-DAYS CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyeis and sellers only) in our share list o«. page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day 3hakks. .2 S. 2 •n w M -r Mining, Deebook 44/- 46/- 42/6 45/Gopeng C. 31/3 34/3 31/6 34/3 Kamunting 6/6 9/3 6/9 8/3 K. Deebook
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  • 32 7 London, April 2*. The following are the ruling quotations for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/7$ Para to arrive 3/Market quiet. i’ By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 69 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $85.60 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin in London was quoted at <£l7l 7s. 6d. spot and £172 15s. three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange $85.60 Straits Trading Co. 50 tons at $86.45
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  • 80 7 [Z’rom Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, April 3. His Excellency the Governor arrived at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday evening. He will make a stay extending to nineteen days. The Malay Mail surmises the visit is connected with the loan regarding which a cable is awaited from the
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  • 55 7 From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, April 3. A serious fire, which broke out in Ampang, at three o’clock this morning, destroyed nine shop houses. The fire was a fierce one, the houses being of timber or brick and timber. The Kuala Lumpur fire brigade was
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  • 43 7 RUMOURED REDUCTION. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, April 2. It is rumoured that the Government is con-idering a proposed reduction in the rate of export duty on rubber to take effect whenever rubber falls below a certain price.
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  • 162 7 SUMATRA TEA THE FIRST SALES. [P. G. Special Cable London, April 2. The Damansara (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd,, announces a dividend of 22£ per cent. A Good Average Price, The first catalogue of Sumatra Tea sold by auction fete! ed the good average price of nine pence
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  • 52 7 Reuter. RESCUE OF CREWS. St. John, April 2. Sealing steamers with crews totalling 173 went adrift in ice floes during a terrible blizzard. Fifty dead and dying have already been recovered. Later. Another s'eamer is returning with a full catch of 20,000 seals and the missing
    . Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 66 7 —Reuter. DEFENDANTS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. London, April 2. All the defendants, Civiliansand Army Officers, in the Army Canteens prosecution have been committed for trial. They are charged with conspiring to give and receive corrupt commissions as between Army Officers and Messrs. Lipton Ltd. The Civilian defendants consist
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 76 7 —Reuter. COMMISSION AND INSIDIOUS INFLUENCES. Paris, April 2. The Commission of Enqu ry into the Rochette case, while not attacking the personal probity of M. Caillaux and other Ministers, severely condemns the Ministerial interference with the course of the law for the purpose of postponing the trial
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 59 7 .—Reuter. STUDENT’S RETRIAL. Calcutta, April 2. Acquitted of the charge of the murder of the Detective Inspector Ghose, the student Roy was brought up on charges of abetting and culpable homicide. The jury acquitted accused after the judge had summed up against the prisoner. The jury was
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 64 7 .—Reuter. COMMANDER REMOVED. London, April 2. Commander Lecky of the battleship Zealandiu on wh’ch there wrs insubordination at Vigo, has been relieved of his post. He is succeeded by Commander Humphrey Smith. It is reported from Portsmouth that the Admiralty has decided to reinstate the eight stokers
    .—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 22 7 —Reuter. London, April 2. A Queensland 4 per cent loan of £2,000,000 at 99 has been issued,-
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 495 7 —Reuter. MR. BALFOUR ON THE POSITION. THE LATEST PROPOSALS FOR SETTLEMENT. London, April 3. That the political outlook is much brighter is evidenced by the King’s going to Windsor and also by the fact that the Unionist headquarters are asking the local Unionists not to oppose Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  495 words
  • 45 7 .—Reuter. GENL. SIR JAMES DOUGLAS. London, April 2. The Daily Telegraph says that General Sir Charles Douglas takes over the dutie» of the Chief of the General Staff on 4th April, in succession to Field Marshall Sir J. D. P. French.'
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 154 7 General Sir Charles Whittingham Horsley Douglas g.c b., k.c.b., c b., born 17th July 1850 Inspector-General Home Forces since 1912 Col Gordon High’anders. Joined 92nd Highlanders 1869, and served as Adjutant during Afghan War 1879-80; took part in March Cabul to Kandahar served in Gordons in
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  • 37 7 Reuter. 25 ACRES COVERED WITH LAVA. London, April 3. Semperopoh, an extinct volcano near Theodosia, suddenly became active and within half an hour 25 acres were covered with lava. There were no casualties.—
    Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 20 7 LATEST BETTING. London, April 2. The latest betting on the Derby is 5 to 2 against The Tetrarch.
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    • 57 7 THE RESULT. London, April 2. The result of the race for the Newbury Cup was Wrack 1 Bluestone 2 Brancepeth 3 The betting was:— 4 to 1 agst. Wrack 100 8 Blues one 100 7 BiauCipeth Twenty two ran. Wrack won by a length and a hal
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    • 51 7 VICTORY FOR RUBBER CORED BALL. London, April 2 At Sandy Lodge Vardon and Duncan with a rubber cored ball boat Braid and Taylor who played with a gutty, by five up. Then Braid and Tailor with the rubber cored ball beat Vardon and Duncan, with the gutty, by four
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    • 28 7 —Reuter. FRENCH HEAVY-WEIGHT BEATEN. London, April 3. Bombardier Wells knocked out the French heavy-weight champion, Lurio, in the seventh round at the Canterbury Music Hall.
      .—Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 305 7 —SF.P. A Singapore Opinion. The Penang Turf Club is going to try the experiment of two day me=*t ngs in the year instead of two three day meetings. We confers we are a little doubtful about the holding of races at the end and beginning of a
      —SF.P.  -  305 words
    • 233 7 The principal engagement for the Easter week-end, of course, is the cricket match between the Colony and the F. M. S. says the Straits Times hut as it is to be played at Penang (on Saturday, the 11th, and Monday, the 13th) it will not interest Singapore gieatly.
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    • 102 7 On the Esplanac.o yesterday a friendly game of football was played between the P. C. C. and Government Service resulting in a win for the la ter by one to nil. The goal was secured by Upton who put in a fine shot from a corner-kick by Cuscaden. The
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  • 373 7 In the Divorce Court, before Mr. Justice Ba’giave Deane, the petition was heard on the 9th March of Fanny Mills, whose maiden name was Rixson, for a divorce from her husband, Charles Beresford Mills, on the grounds of his desertion and adultery. The suit was undefended. The
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  • 74 7 .—D.O.L Berlin, April 3. Seventy thousand are on strike in St. Petersburg The Ru sian Bank discount rate has been re luce i by a half per cent. The Vienna and Budap-st press is annoyed on account of the Bukharest demonstration for the deliverance of Roumania in
    .—D.O.L  -  74 words
  • 41 7 —Reuter. FATAL COLLISION WITH BUFFALO. Batavia, April 2. A train became derailed at a bridge in collision with a buffalo. Five vans fell into the river. Twenty natives were killed and fifty injured. No Europeans are affected.-
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 44 7 Reuter. FREE POWERS TO PRESIDENT. Peking, April 3. The convention which met for the purpose of amending the provisional constitution has unanimously adopted Yuan Shi K’ai’s amendments and is now drafting the new constitution which will give the President practically dictatorial powers.—
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 134 7 Mr. S. Mohamed Haniff, better known as Mr. S. Manikrano, of the Supreme Court, has been appointed Hon. Treasurer to the Young Muslim Union in place of Mr. H. K. Pawanchi who has resigned. The new Treasurer takes a keen interest in the welfare of the Union
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  • 54 7 The following are outputs for March Batak Rabit lbs. 13,250 Bagan Serai 10,250 Consolidated 10,024 Gula Kalumpong 59,281 Hidden Stream 11,329 Krubong 4,250 Lendu 4,600 Majedie 5,237 New Columbia 13,000 Permas 10,011 Penang 72,000 Padang 10,250 Rubana 45,000 Rembia 11,595 R. E. of Krian 16,840 Samagaga 2,260 Straits
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 400 7 WANTED. ONE OR TWO Ju >iors, Eu'opean, to act as assistants on Rubber Estates in healthy locality. Apply sta‘ing experience, if any, X Y Z c/o Pinang Gazette. PERAK TURF CLUB. NOTICE. THE Race Meeting adverti-ed for 11 and 13 April is now cancelled. FRED. DENNYS, Hon. Sec., Perak Turf
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  • 218 8 Your stomach is only three quarters of a stomach in the tropics once epigrammatically stated a distinguished army •fficer. This explains why nervous difforders are so common in the hot weather, for the digestion cannot fully cope with food demands of the nervous system. The results
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  • 617 8 A Chinese Girl sends the following letter to the Straila Times iu reply to T. H. B.’s letter which appeared in the Singapore Free Press on the 26th ulto.: Sir, —I read with interest the letter iu your paper written about the lack of enthusiasm on
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  • 133 8 Friday, April 3. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. High Water 3.24 a.m and 3.40 p.m. Low Water 9.16 a m. and 10 55 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Saturday, April 4. Rand, Golf Club. 6 p.m. High Water 4.42 a.m. and 5.10
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  • 51 8 April 10.—Good Friday. Public Holiday. Cricket, Colony v. F.M.S., Penang. April 11 and 13.—Perak Turf Club, Gymkhana. Holy Saturday. Public Holiday. April 13.—Easter Monday. Public Holiday. April 24.—St. George’s Ball, Town Hall. May 5, 7 and 9. —Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. June I,—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak,
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  • 133 8 Sanuki Maru, Brit., 3822, Deguchi, April 2, Calcutta, gen., Paterson S. Co. Hakata Maru, Jap., 3870, Nomura, April 2, Yokohama, gen., P. S. Co. Katori Maru, Jap, 6518, Murai, April 2, Yokohama, gen., B. Co. Colonia, Brit., 4980, Campas, April 2, London, gen., E. E. T. Co. Delta, Brit.,
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  • 89 8 Hakata Maru for Rangoon and Calcutta. Valentijn for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli. Olehleh and Sabaiig. Indragiri for Deli and Batu Bahra. Jin Ho for Asahan. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Janet Nicoll for Tongkah, Kopah, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Katori Maru for Colombo and Tuticorin.
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  • 126 8 Pbnang, Ap. il 3, 1914. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 I'4 3 Credit ...2/4 13/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 174} 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras
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  • 65 8 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICF. To- Mobrow For P®r CIoM Y en Jit Seng 7 a.m. Sabang, Olehleh, &c., Padang Coen 7 a.m. Trang Trang 1 P-m. Teluk Anson Hok Canton 3 p.m. Tongkah Rotorua 3 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, x India, Aden, Mauri- I Devanha 3.30 p.m. tius, Egypt,
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  • 237 8 Pemang, April 3, 1914. S. P. Tapioca $4.65 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $5.25 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. «’oast 3 lb. 5 oe). $l6 1/2 buyers White Popper $28.70 sellers. Trang Pepper $l9 00 buyers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $BB.OO buyers. Cloves $45 sales. Nutmegs 110 $25
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 George Town Kinematograph. •‘PENANG’S PREMIER SHOW”, KUALA KAN6SAR ROAD THEATRE. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME Every Tuesday and Saturday. ADVERTISING IS TO COMMERCE WHAT THE POSTAL SYSTEM IS TO THE COMMWITYIt is a scientific time-saving device whioh promotes the spread of knowledge and the development of business. Not to aooept it is
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    • 153 8 THE PINANG GAZETTE. List of Places where the Gazette can be bought at 10 cents. Local. Money Changer at Corner of Beach and Church Streets. at Logan’s Buildings, opp c site Pritchard Co. >i at Corner of Bishop Pitt Streets. at Corner of Farquhar and Leith Streets, opposite E. <k
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  • 2459 9 a, •S Paid un of lßBn B OPit**- laid up. sbateßj Value. 2 Dividend». Namf> S «S s §5 •i M no CF 1910 1911 1919 1913 1914 MINI N 1812 »100,000 JW.OOO 60,000 1 1 Aver n knr IMS MH 300.0» ».000 10 10 30 SSJ 9 B
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    • 343 9 ITEMS OF INTEREST. CLIPPINGS FROM THE HOME PRESS Dispatched by the mail leaving London on 13lh March, IQIJf.. SUFFRAGETTE SLASHES VELASQUEZ 8 VENUS. A dastardly outrage was committed at the National Gallery on Tuesday morning, when Velasquez's famous “Venus and Cupid” was attacked by a woman with
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    • 135 9 GREAT HEBREW SCHOLAR. Dr. Christian David Ginsburg, the famous Hebrew scholar, died at his residence at Palmer’s Green, on Saturday, in his eightyfourth year, having been born at Warsaw in 1830. The education he received at the Rabbinic College there may be said to have tinctured
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    • 188 9 LIVED IN THE MIDST OF SQUALOR. A wealthy Welsh landowner, named Ford Hughes, has been found djing in the midst of squalor and in a deplorable personal condition in a small dwelling house of the size and character occupied by the average artisan at Carmarthen. He was
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    • 87 9 290 BOYS RESCUED. Fire broke out on Wednesday in the Wellesley, the old wooden line-of-battle ship at Shields, which had for thirty-one years been used as a training-ship for the Mercantile Marine; and as the flames could not be got under she was left to burn and sink
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    • 116 9 OPIUM FOR SAL VOLATILE An inquest was held at Liverpool on Saturday on the body of Dr. Jerome Eugene O’Sul livan, a local practitioner. According to the evidence, Dr. O’Sullivan, who suffered from a weak heart, took what he believed to be sal volatile on Thursday night.
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    • 26 9 The Lord Chancellor has appointed the Right Rev. G. H. Frodsham, recently Bishop of North Queensland, to the vacant canonry of Gloucester.
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    • 39 9 The Rev. C. L. Marson, author of manycharming books, has died suddenly at Hambridge, Somerset, of which he was the Vicar. Mr. Marson was a considerable scholar, and a great authority on folksongs.
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    • 215 9 PREMIERS OFFER TO ULSTER. I Mr. Asquith has disclosed the Government’s plan for dealing with Ulster, and the main points of the scheme are as follows: r Any county in the province to be excluded from the sphere of operations of the Irish Parliament for six years if
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    • 154 9 HUSBAND AND WIFE COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. At Bow-street, on Wednesday, the hearing of the charge of espionage against Frederick Adolphus Gould, fifty-five, cigar merchant, and Maud Gould, bis wife, of Merton-road, Wandsworth, was resumed before Mr. Hopkins. They are charged under the Official Secrets Act, 1911, with obtaining,
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    • 238 9 THREE OFFICERS KILLED. While flying over Salisbury Plain on Tuesday, Captain C. P. Downer, of the Northamptonshire Regiment, who only joined the Flying School at Upavon on January 27th for a course of instruction, fell from a height of 2,000 ft., and was killed. Captain Downer in a
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    • 147 9 GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN HEALTH. A remarkable improvement in the health of the Czarevitch —an improvement which, if outward symptoms be decisive, might be termed a complete recovery—is announced in a message from Dr. E. J. DiHon at St. Petersburg to the Daily Telegraph. Last week being the first
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    • 143 9 KING’S MEDALS \ND MONEY AWARDS. It is officially announced that the King, on the recommendation of the President of the Board of Trade, has awarded the silver medal for gallantry in saving life at sea to 232 officers and men of the various ships forming the rescue fleet
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    • 122 9 PREMIER ON POLITICAL LEADERSHIP. The Premier, replying to the toast of His Majesty’s Ministers at the annual banquet of the Association of Chambers of Commerce in London on Wednesday night, said those who thought politicians in this country were prepared to sacrifice either their principles or
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 574 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,001 Reserve Fund £1,700,001 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Hkad Offjor 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O, Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur
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  • 974 10 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. In the House of Commons on March 2, Mr. W. Guinness asked the PostnvaterGeneral whether sites had been obtained for stations of ths Imperial wireless chain in Englan I, Egyp\ East Africa Protectorate, of Union of South Africa, India and Singapore whether detailed specifications
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  • 669 10 I— M.M. KELANTAN AND THE FEDERATION. Is it to the advantage of the F. M. S. that Kelantan should become part an 1 parcel of the Federation Is it to the ad van" tage of the Kelantan Malays themselves We think not. Kelantan is a large and
    I—M.M.  -  669 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 240 10 I I FOR I I Rubber, Coconuts, Coffee, &c. I I The Ceylon Manure Works. I I A. BAUR. I I PENANG. COLOMBO. H THS LAKGEBT MANUKS WOKKB EAST OF SUEZ. SHERRY M AM XXOELLINT DUNK AT ALL TIMM. INSIST ON SANDEMAN’S Obtainable fron PRITCHARD ft 00., Penang A Ipoh.
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    • 270 10 I c I T I ML 1 Look Here K| 01(1 Mall X/ nothing I N I I R I IE 1 f l I N > E ie i n O market S I L I FROM ALL GARAGES I W OR H p SELLAR, MURRAY CO., FOUR CROWN
      270 words

  • 619 11 NEW EXCISE RULES. The Ceylon Gazette publisher the general conditions applicable to all Excise licenses on and after October Ist 1914, from which date the rules appearing in Excise Notification No. 2, dated December 18th 1912, will be cancelled. All liquor and intoxicating drugs sold or kept
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  • 198 11 Some idea of the cost of living in Sydney, New South Wales, may be gathered from a judgment given by Mr. Justice Heydon in the local Arbitration Court. His Honour held that £2 Bs. a week is a living in Sydney at the present time. He
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    • 950 11 N Y K iSlitlp**' im f u a. A Snow” I (Jr The Pure 1 M w i I v fIUSS IM r rh \Y a i WUBy S X/ Ar A'W V I As elegant in appearance as it is a 5* B Is 1 .1 pure in quality,
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    • 89 11 Pains and Aches. Headache need not make your life miserable. Toothache need not torment you. Earache n n ed not drive you wild. Backache need not unfit you for work nor neuralgia make pleasure impossible. Little’s Oriental Balm cures these and all other external aches and pa’ns. Stops them quickly.
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    • 215 11 ZOTAL DISINFECTANT IN 40 Gallon Casks. VW J FOR ESTATE HOSPITALS, COOLIE LINES, &c„ &c. Quotation for Quantities on Application. The George Town Dispensary, LIMITED. PENANG, TAIPING AND IPOH. John Kidd Co. Ltd. Printing Ink Manufacturers, LONDON, ENGLAND, announce that they have appointed The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. PENANG, Agents
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    • 2528 12 ly» p. &o. I !»=>_. British India N I fell O C£ an Steam Navigation Co. |NggS» pRITISH |NUIA IN. l>. I— IM hpected arrivals and departures STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. china mutual steam nav. co., hq, INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS. T j NTEND ED SAILINGS. T H
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