Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1062 1 finonopi innnriocpaclaonnoi a I Or. 530 n Q Sj XTOU can have the ’‘Pinang D 1 Gazette posted every day for a whole year to your address. C (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quarterly and Half-yearly rates. a s Subscriptions are payable in r advance and remittances should be addressed to
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    • 9 1 BUCHANANS (Scotch Whisky). Royal Household (As supplied to Royalty).
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  • 414 2 THE EXCLUSION OF POLISHED RICE. A meeting of the Sanitary Board, Kuala Lumpur, was held on March 18th, when the Beard debase 1 a memorandum drawn up by the Chairman as to measures which should be recommended to Government for the exclusion of overmilled or po
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  • 358 2 —T.O.M. P.W. D. Officials’ Authority. A point of importance to the mining industry was raised by Mr. F. J. Bryant in the Ipoh Supreme Court last Saturday morning on the resumption of the part heard claim far the damages by Gnauamuthu, a contractor, against Low Cheong,
    —T.O.M.  -  358 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 981 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. NOTICES. WANTED. NOTICE. P XPERTENCRD Mechanical and Elec- {Fr o^Joh^ri^e\^ c!" ndon)j trical Engineer for Raffles Hotel p|anoforte Tunep and Repaire r, Power Station and Motor Garage to reside on the premises begs to state that he will shortly visit the r 'F M S Apply to Sarkies
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    • 68 2 Pipe Lines. The oldest and largest makers of high pressure Pipe lines are Messrs. Boring Co., who during three years delivered approximately over 300,000 tons used especially for Hydro Electric service. For The British Aluminium Co at Loch Leven they have installed 39 inch pipes for 980 ft. Head. The
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    • 297 2 Good RICH TYRES 4 life- Sole Importers: Straits Settlements, Malay Peninsula Siam, ADAMSON, GILFU.LAN CO., Ltd., 2 *7' I I SINGAPORE. PENANG <£ MALACCA. I WANTED for six weeks from beginning am»— j—of May, FURNISHED HOUSE oo. ity not less than three bed Til OT T) APH II FF Reply
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  • 1382 3 THE RANEE’S WONDERFUL STORY. (P. G. Special The Ranee of Sarawak, an English lady vvell known in London society, has contribnted one of the most interesting accounts of Eas‘ern life, in her book just published by Messis Methuen and Co., Ltd. The Ranee occupies the unique
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  • 186 3 We have received a well got up little brochure from the Od d Chemical Works, illustrating tl.e processes of ma; ufacture of Odd. the well-known dentrifice which has been before ti e public for a quarter of a century. The booklet contains some details of the cause-
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  • 155 3 MUDIES SECOND-HAND BOOK LIST. We have received a catalogue of Mudies second hand book list which contains an extensive list of popular publications offered at reduced prices. The catalogue which shows the prices at which ihe books are offered covers a large range of subjects tuch as
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  • 106 3 An elderly European, with bloodstains on his coat, answering to the name of Harris, pleaded guilty before Mr. Osborne yesterday to a charge of being drunk and incapable in public. The police said he had been out driving in a motor-car with some European friends and
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  • 1649 3 PETITION FOR INCLUSION IN F.M.S. A sign of the times reach's us from our neighbour, the S:a‘e of Kelantan The inhabitants of that Sta e have realised that unless the State is taken in hand by the powerful Federation there is little likelihood of its ever attaining that prominence
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  • 250 3 Effect of the Landslide’. The return of the Tronoh Mines for February, issued on Msrch 3, again shows a lo*s on the operations for the month, but less than in January. Ti e amount of tin ore produced w *s 110 tons, valued at £12,350; the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 Where to Stay. Penang The E. dr O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea View Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Ceylon :—Nuwara Eliya.
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    • 704 3 THE ELEPHANT is the largest inhabitant of the forest in the world. This is an undisputed fact. Sunlight Soap has the largest sale of any Soap in the world. This, also, is an undisputed fact. The great value of the Elephant’s tusks is well known, but far better known to
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  • 935 4 THE TIN DEPOSITS OF GUNONG BAKAU. The following is the conclusion of the report by Mr. J. B. Scrivenor, F.M.S. Geologist:— The following short account of the tin deposits of Gunong Bakau is given in this report because miners have expres-ed a wish to know the results of
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  • 681 4 S.F.P. THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of shareholders in the BukitTimah Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on Saturday at the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. Evatb Co, French Bank Buildings, Singapore, Mr. H. D. Mundell presided, and th c re were also present Father
    S.F.P.  -  681 words
  • 285 4 To be photographe 1 writes a London corn spondaut is becoming one of the hib’t nf the rich woman, who, indeed, needs to be rich if she is to keep it up, for the prices of the smart photographer are rising to alarming heights A remarkable
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  • 1247 4 —S.T. an empire builder. A comparatively small part of the life of Sir Fredeiick Weld was spent in Malaya. In contrast we might put one of his successors in the Governorship, Sir Frank Swettenham, to whom this peninsula represented the greatest interests of a lifetime. Yet there
    —S.T.  -  1,247 words
  • 457 4 -T.O M. THIRD ANNUAL MEETING. The Perak Chamber of Commerce on Monday held its third annual meeting at its new home in 9 Hale Street. Tne room has been made a very com f ortable meeting place for local business ,men. A long polished table occupies
    -T.O M.  -  457 words
  • 38 4 The following is a list of undelivered cables at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co 25- Nagore Singaravelu Penang 26- 14 Rangoon Songshong Penang 27- Rangoon Chongshun Penang 29 3-14 Berlin Reyem Penang.
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  • 82 4 Arrivals. By Alma (March 31) from Deli, Mr Lde Haan, Mr S C Armstrong and Mr JAS Anderson. Asa compliment to Mr A H Cox, the retiring Resident Manager of the Government Wharves a tiffin was given to-day on the E and O verandah. The following were amongst those
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 406 4 B. I. s. s. LAMA” For Port Swettenham and Singapore. NO SAILING on Saturday 4th and 11th April owing to steamer docking in Singapore. HUTTENBACH, LIEBER? <fc Co., B I. 8. N. Co., Ltd. “KATOO DEEBOOK” NO LIABILITY. NOTICE is hereby given that a Call (No. 8) of One Shilling
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    • 58 4 I International Rubber Congress Exhibition, BATAVIA. 1914. Congress: 7—12 Sept., 1914. Exhibition: Bth September t 0 10th October, 1914. Lectures by Renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting excursions in Java arranged Reduced steamship, railway and tramwav fares for Holders of Congress tickets 7 For particulars apply to w. E. VAN Rijnberk,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 243 4 The Straits Cinema, PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Les Miserobies, 9 Reels. 9 R M S (By VICTOR HUGO.) The Longest Film in the World. Look out for our next Programme OF FRIDAY NIGHT Renunciation 3 Reels 3 ALSO The Fatal Brand 2 Reels 2 PRICES AS USUAL. L. A. Chuan,
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  • 1990 5 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. A Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes to the S,T. —His Highness Saltan Idris is the reigning Raja of our wealthiest and most prosperous and advanced State in the federation. He is about 70 years of age and has now been on the throne for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 r ALLEN DENNYS CO., PENANG PROPRIETORS OF I The Penang Rubber Auction Rooms. t Sales Held Every Tuesday UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE PENANG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Rubber Bought or Sold by Bilbli Auction or Private Tender. Forward Sales Arranged. Rubber Transhipped and Insured to any Port at
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    • 117 5 DO WELL FOR YOURSELF i and get rid of those digestive t disorders which so greatly 1 interfere with your enjoy- I < ment of the good things of j J life. Think for a moment how much is dependent F upon having the digestion j t in perfect order,
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  • 51 6 Strivkns—Hiller. —On 30th March at Christ Church, Malacca, by the Rev. Keppel Garnier, M.A., Colonial Chaplain, Annie Winifred (Trieda) third daughter of J. F. Hiller and Mrs. Hiller, Durham, England, to Maurice, second son of G; H: Strivens of Hazelcroft, Shoreham, Sussex, England, Manager of Batu Kawan Estate, Province
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  • 1205 6 While the political problem of Ireland is paramount for the moment it should not be forgotten that the distressful country has been held up of recent years to all interested in rural betterment as an example which might profitably be followed. Thus we find in the last
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  • 777 6 THE STREET HAWKER DANGER. (P. G. Special.} During the past week our attention has been drawn to the street-hawking nuisance in one of its most acute forms. We refer to the motley collection of purveyors of food, fruits, ice drinks etc., which every morning and afternoon gathers
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  • 453 6 HARBOUR BOARD AND WELD QUAY. A meeting of the Commissioners for the Municipality of Georgetown was held last evening when there were present Dr Park (Deputy President), Messrs. F Duxbury, p T. Allen, Quay Beng Kee, L. A. C. Bigg s (Secretary) and W. Dunn (acting Municipal Engineer).
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  • 353 6 DIRECTORS’ REPORT. The Directors’ Report and Accounts for presentation at the Twelfth General Meeting of the above Company to be held at the Office of the Eastern Shipping Co., No. 43, Beach Street, on Saturday next is as follows Gentlemen. —Your Directors beg to submit a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 Messrs. W. D. H. O. WILLS’ “Embassy” Cigarettes (/VO. 77) PACKED IN TINS OF 50 AND 25. o NOTICE. Every tin of these well-known Cigarettes contains one coupon. Twenty coupons out of the large sized tins or Forty out of the small entitle the holder to A GENUINE AMBER CIGARETTE
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    • 12 6 CANTRELL 8 COCHRANE'S Dry Imperial Ginger Ale AT THE E. O. HOTEL.
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  • 172 7 TO-DAYS CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list o-. page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day S Shabbb. .2 1 3 3 c an a Mining, Deebook 37/6 40/- 40/. 42/6 Gopeng C. 30/9 34/3 31/3 34/3 Kamunting 5/6 7/6 6/3 8/K.
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  • 33 7 London, April I*. The following are the ruling quotalions for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/7| Para to arrive 3/ j Market firm. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co,]
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  • 68 7 SINGAPORE. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 1. 511 p culs were fold at a rubber auction here, when prices ranged as follows Sheet Smoked, Fine Ribbed to Good Plain $131—5123 Block 128 Sheet unsmoked fine 122 125 Good 115— 120 Crepe fine peral to good dark 137
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  • 71 7 To day’s quotations for unrefined tin in Penang was $86.90 per picul, business done. Tin in London was quoted at <£l73 spot and £174 15s. three months. The following business in tin was done to-day Penang Tin Exchange 12} tons at $86.90 Straits Trading Co. B. no S.
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  • 45 7 ELECTRIC INSTALLATION. From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, April 1. It is understood that the G >vernment is having specifications prepared with the view to calling for tenders for the installation of an e’ectric supply in Ipoh, for lighting and other purposes.
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  • 44 7 SENTENCE ON A CHINAMAN. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 1. The charge of murder against a Chinese in connection with the death of another Chinese was reduced to one of culpable homicide. Sentence of ten years’ penal servitude was passed.
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  • 13 7 Heater, Sydney, April 1. The lumpers have resumed work
    Heater,  -  13 words
  • 658 7 —Reuter. UNIONISTS AND A FEDERAL SOLUTION. VISCOONT MORLIY'S POSITION. London, March 31. The Daily Telegraph says there are rumours in the lobby that Mr. Asquvh has received a message from Lord Hardir go stating that many officers of the Indian Army will resign unless the Government made
    —Reuter.  -  658 words
  • 22 7 —Reuter. London, April 1. The revenue returns of British Trade for the quarter total £76,961,000 an increase of £5,477,000.-
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 80 7 IMPROVED PRICES. LATEST COMPANY NEWS. [P. G. Special Cable.] London, March 31. Glenshiel Rubber Estates, Co., Ltd., announce a dividend of 15 per cent. £5,000 is being carried forward. The Bode Estates. The scheme for the reconstruction of the Bode Rubber Estat s, Ltd., has failed. New
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  • 95 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, March 31. The Selangor Chamber of Commerce met t -day, Mr. Z icharias in the chair. The Chairman made eulogistic references to Mr. Gilmour, who resigned from the committee on his retirement. It was decide!, in order to rreet a
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  • 79 7 —Reuter. London, April 1. Professor Sir Hubert vo i Herkomer, r.a., is dead. Deceased who was born at Waa’, Bavaria in 1819 has had a distinguished career in art. Hon. Fellow of all Soul’s College, Oxford Associate of the Institute of France; Associate of tha Belgiam Academy
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 95 7 D.O.L. Berlian, April 1. The Ambassador at Berlin has asked for information regarding the regulations of the Oil Monopo’y Bill touching American interests. No protest made. Telephone connection between Berlin and Milan has heen opened. The new Zeppelin on a round trip between Friedrichshaven and Switzerland
    D.O.L.  -  95 words
  • 431 7 MOTOR-CAR drivers PROSECUTED. In the Third Pol ice Court, this morning, Mr. R. B. Osborne disposed of two prosecutions against motor-car drivers for reckless driving on the complaint of Mr. R. L. Cuscaden, Assistant Superintendent of Police; In the first case a Chinese driver of the Municipal motor
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  • 271 7 —T.O.M. DIVIDEND DECLARED AND BONUS TO THE STAFF. Singapore, Mar. 30.—At the annual meeting of the Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd., Mr. D. T. Boyd, presiding, said the company, as many others were at pre s ent, was deficient in working capital. At lea-t $60,000 was required to
    —T.O.M.  -  271 words
  • 116 7 WILL ARRIVE IN PENANG TO-MORROW. The Cable Ship Colonia, belonging to the Eas’ern Extension Telegraph Co., is expected to arrive in Penang to-morrow to commence laying the third and last section of the cab'e from London to Hongkong. The vessel, which is expected will remain in Penang
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    • 51 7 LATEST BETTING. London, March 31. Betting on the Derby >s 3 to 1 against “The Tetrarch.”—Reuter. BOXING AT SINGAPORE. [.From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 1. The Regimen f al boxing competitions took p’ace Lst night before a large attendance, including many civiVans. The boxing generally was very
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    • 596 7 FIRST MATCH A DRAW. The first match in the Cup Tie Competition was played on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon between the Crescent and the Old Farquhars, the game, contrary to expectation?, ending in a draw. Mr. W. E. Mann refereed, Ths Old Farquhars kicked off towards the
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  • 41 7 The Band will play the following programme of music on the Esplanade to-day from 6 to 7 p.m. Fantasia Gipsy's Warning Hartmann. Two Step Mumblin Moss Thurban. Selection Macbeth Verdi. Waltz Love's Labours Won Volsstedt. March Copenhagen Raps.
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  • 52 7 There was a crowded house at the Georgetown Cin°ma last evening, when there was a complete change of programme Nick Winter an! the Black Mask,” a fine three reel number was much appreciated. Les Miserables is experiencing a successful run at the Straits Cinema, where there are full
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  • 943 7 HIGH COMMISSIONER OPENS NEW SJHgOL. His Excellency ihs High Commissioner Sir A. H. Young mvie an interesting speech while opening the Angl i-Chinese School erected at Ipoh at a cost of $37,090. His Excellency said he much appreciated the kindly manner in which Mr. Horley had referred
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 One of the fallacies —the I have to pay for the Advertisements fallacy. You pay for them just precisely as you pay for the rent of the shop you deal with —no more, no less. A shop in a crowded thoroughfare pays a higher rent than one in a deserted
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  • 76 7 OBITUARY. London, Mar.h 31. Lieut.-Colonel Frederick Samuel Heuston is dead. [Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Samuel Heuston c.M G ram c a.m.0., was born in Tipperary 1857 late Senior Medical Officer, Scottish Coast Defences entered the Army 1884 Major R.A.M.C., 1896; served Black Mountain Expedition 1888 Pres dent and Senior Professor of Chinese
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  • 920 8 AN APPRECIATION OF MALAYA. We give the last instalment of Lady Watts’ Eastern Tour as it appeared in the Belfast News Letter.” Mr. Poore took nae to the Grand Hotel, at Ipoh where I deposited my luggage, and was shown into a most comfoi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 517 8 11 F IV n 7jUhis/ty |SsS|Slil Edinburgh. Agents:— TONG JOO 00., Penang. HOTEL NORMAN, i PENANG, WHERE TO STAY j 1 THE ENGLISH HOTEL. a NEW SEA VIEW HOTEL Special Terms to Government Officials, |g, Farquhar Street, Penang. Planters and Commeicial isi WITHIN FIVE MINUTES OF THE HARBOUR, RAILWAY, Telegr»
      517 words

  • 2497 9 I i S C ap>t«‘ Pa’d "P- N <?“ Ler of i J 8 tte n. a m 2 .5 c H H Share». Value. 2 Dl-ridtnrt». Nam» e i s s* 3~ 1 sa ai 9 1910 1911 1913 1913 1914 MINI >M <» 1911 4100,000 J60.0U0 60,000
    2,497 words
  • 123 9 Glenturret, Brit., 3025, Jones, March 31, London, gen., B. Co. Glenogle, Brit., 2399, McGhie, March 31, Rangoon, gen., B.E.J.S.K. Janet Nicoll, Brit., 474, Campbell, March 31, Tavoy, gen., E. S. Co. Perak, Brit., 258, Hardings, March 31, Malacca, gen., E. S. Co. Santhia, Brit., 3353, Robertson, Mar. 31, A’ralia,
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  • 41 9 Tara for Negapatam and Madras. Hok Canton for Teluk Anson. Pungah for Batu Bahra. Alma for Deli. Glenogle for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat and Pangkalan B randan. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping.
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  • 82 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE, To- Morrow For Per Close. Rangoon Seang Bee 2 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore Taroba 3 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan Torilla 4 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan Sanuki Maru 5 p.m. Friday. Rangoon and Calcutta Hakata Maru 11 a.m. Singapore. China and Japan
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  • 124 9 Prnang, April 1, 1914. {By Courtesy of ths Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 1/4 3 Credit ...2/4 13/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174? 3 days’ sight Private 175? Bombay Demand Bank 174? 3 days’ sight Private 175? Madras Demand
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  • 257 9 Penang, April 1, 1914. S. P. Tapioca $4.50 buyers M. P. Tapioca $5.25 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coan 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers White Pepper $28.72 1/2 sales. Trang Pepper $l9 00 buyers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $87.00 sellers. Cloves f 45 sales. Nutmegs
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  • 177 9 Wedt.Aaday, April I. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. High Water 2.26 a.m. and 2.37 p m. Low Water 8.:.0 a.m. and 9.8 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Thur* lay, April 2 Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. High Water 2.49 a.m. and 3.3
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  • 67 9 April 10.—Cricket, Colony v. F.M.S., Penang. April 11 and 13.—Perak Turf Club, Gymkhana. April 24.—St. George’s Ball, Town Hall. May 5, 7 and 9.—Singapore Sporting Club, Spring Race Meeting. June I.—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Ipoh. June 3.—Cricket, Selangor v. Negri Sembilan at Kuala Lumpur. Perak v. Penang at
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  • 71 9 FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures for the next tournament which commences on 4th April next: Date. Name. Ground. 4th April... PCCvs PRC PCC B R C vs. Kulim B’worth. C R C vs. St Xavier’sC R C 11th Colony vs. FM S PCC PCCvs. CRC PCC
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  • 253 9 Pena-g— \PRIL 1914. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Date. S nd rd H» D»te St d,td Ht. Time. lime. h m fr. h m ft. W 1 m 226 5 2 1m 8 30 1.1 2 37 a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 44 9 INVALUABLE for your HEALTH’S SAKE. Ai Essence or Fluid Extract of RED JAMAICi Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Bli.T !4Mff <v Iwriup fy'inßLaxMi The SAFEST and most RELIABLE Remedy for HAS OVER 75 YEARS’ WORLD-WIDE REPUTMOK SOLD BY TH George Towi Dispeisery, Lil.
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    • 575 9 BANKS. 11 J CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £l,2oo,ot‘< Reserve Fund £1,700,0(6 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Hkad Office 38, BISHOPBGATE, LONDON, E.C, Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo
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  • 1420 10 NEW RATE OF WAG RS FOR CHINESE LABOUR. A general mating of the Malacca Planters, Association wa* held on Sunday at the Malacca Club, Mr J W Campbell, the vicechairman, piesiding. Others present were the Hon F W Collins, Me srs F D Sime, F M Brown, E
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 249 10 «vwsf WatWJOM O C"Y *V/IKi T <• TWJCWrCJKrrr.» -•?•<-• E wYSW’HSm’YW J»M«,«*-. -V>.e ««2. Resist Malaria Nszzz by fortifying your system with aIS ‘VANA’ Tonic 1 H (7 rtuie Mark) 9 p-x-r-‘|’ I L—- This valuable tonic helps to maintain full mental and physical vigour and buoyancy in spite of
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    • 182 10 I SELLAR, MURRAY Co. I I (bnlmenhl! I 9 Cycle Tyres I I EH I n SHI I M H v Ki in H HE 9E n|n //L M H wWw Always. W >n front j E I w Sj I 9| Selling Penang and District: O I CHIN KOOI
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  • 704 11 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messrs. James F. Hutton Co., Ltd writing on the 5 h March, report Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last week Mid-American—Spot 6.99 7.05 Mid-American, current month 6.67 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 8.90 9.15 New York Cotton. Y Bter Las f day. week. Spot—Cents. 13.00 13.00 London. To-day. Last week.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1305 11 N Y K Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld AjL to Keep Healthy jl|||l||S European line. in the Hot Season. A Fortnightly service is maintained be <<T x fT W WUffiUIKK Yokohama via ports to Marseilles In the great heat of Lahore, where it is especially IkIUSBHH— UkS London and Antwerp,
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    • 129 11 Cure that Sore Throat Easily—quickly—but just rubbing in Little’s Oriental Balm and wrapping the throat with a flannel. Sore throat simply can’t exist when Little’s Oriental Balm gets after it, and this iemarkable remedy is equally effective in cases of whooping cough, bronchitis, chest cold and croup Be on the
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    • 121 11 ZOT4L DISINFECTANT -IN 40 Gallon Casks. FOR ESTATE HOSPITALS, COOLIE LINES, &c., &c. Quotation for Quantities on Application. The George Town Dispensary, LIMITED, PENANG, TAIPING AND IPOH. •k John Kidd Co. Ltd. Printing Ink Manufacturers, LONDON, ENGLAND, announce that they have appointed The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. PENANG, Agents for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2405 12 B riti §h India N. D. L. fe C E tntcTEß arrivals amd piFARTBMs. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. ohina mutual steam nm.“ C 3. ITS INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS. 1 IMTVMnm «All T1XI«-«A T'HB tat and well-known MaU Steamer, ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, H OUTWARD
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