Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1025 1 M ur*oaocaaaaQDHaaaDD*DQomn> FOK $3O g S X7OU can hare the “Pinang g I Ganette posted every day n for a whole year to your iMtmi, g (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, O g Proportionate Quarterly and g D Half-yearly rates. g g Subscriptions are payable in d advanoe and remittances ahouM g bo
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    • 88 1 ■aaaaaciaanciaaßoaaanuaacoa» o YXTHKN TOU ARE AWAY g g. V on have you want to keep hi tooeh with Malayan affairs, 0 Boot al, Commercial, Mining, Planting, Ac. This you can do a in no bettor way than by auhaorie* D ing to the Weekly Edition of the o g “Pinang
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  • 737 2 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. i Messrs. James F. Hutton 00., Ltd., writing on 4th Sept, report Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last week. Mid-American —Spot 7.40 6.92 Mid-American, current month 7.081 6.66 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 10.05 9.70 ww x* Tester- Last New York Cotton. day Woek Spot—Cents. 13.30 12.55 London. To-day. Last
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1336 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. FOR SALE I WANTED. I USED SIAM STAMPS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. FOR_SALE. A ONE 25 H. P. CHALMERS OAR, I prices, if in fine condition l almost new, Electric Light and Self 1,2& 4 atts. At 1/- per 100 Estate with some experience. Apply Starter, in perfect order. Too
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    • 111 2 Why Suffer? Here’s a Remedy That Will Banish Rheumatism No matter how much pain you are suffering—no matter how long you have suffered—no matter how hopeless you have become, Little's Oriental Balm will bring quick and lasting relief. Applied outwardly it speedily penetrates to the blood vessels—the seat of the
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    • 307 2 TANSAN WATER. "THE CHOICIST W AU (BOICE WATERS.” TANSAN DRY TANSAN GINGER ALE. LEMONADE. ••The Ideal Natural Mineral Water,” Sole Agents: R. T. REID Co., Penang. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTUUSHE9 HUD OFHCE-EDIHBimEH. INCORPOUTttI 1«25 FUNDS—£I3,OOO,OOO 191« An old-established Office of the highest integrity with A LOCAL DIRECTORATE. Attractive
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  • 2179 3 BREACH OF PROMISE CASE FROM BURMA. BURMESE BEAUTY PREFERRED TO ENGLISH LADY. Mr. Lawrence Anson Firth, who figured in a breach of promise case heard on August 27 at the London Sheriffs Court, will go down to posterity as the champion love-letter writer of all time. During
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 359 3 To-night! To-nigbtl! The Straits Cinema Co. PENANG ROAD. NICK WINTER w. ACE OF CLUBS GANG. TWO PARTS. The Marriage of Agnes, 2 Parts. “Just like Daddy** Eclectic. Mons. Prince Napoleon I The Pathe Gazette. 4 HOURS SHOW. Prices and Times as Usual. W. D. BURGH, Manager, THE Drury Lane Cinematograph
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    • 213 3 HOTEL NORMAN, PENANG’S SELECT RESIDENTIAL ANO TRANSIT HOTEL (Under the Personal Management of the Proprietor and Proprietress). PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINING ROOMS. The recognised place for Recherchĕ Dinners. Cold Storage Meat and Butter. Sea Bathing, Fishing and Tennis at the Beach Housi Annexe. Most moderate monthly rates. Special Terms to
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    • 374 3 fit’s the Curve that does it7| I No better idea for shaving has ever been discovered I than the Gillette curving blade, which I provides precise adjustment to I suit your personal requirements. i No finer cutting edge has ever Mr j H been made than the Gillette blade, which,
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  • 1479 4 TRIAL OF THE ACCUSED. Before Mr. Jus ice Fisher and a special jaiy in the Supreme Court today, the trial was commenced of the five accused in connec" tion with tte fire at the premise* of Chop Chip Eng, iu Beach Street, on July 2nd last They
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  • 184 4 The following are outputs for August:— Ayer Kuning lbs. 4,320 Pelepah Valley 5, 30 Kota Tinggi 3,625 Siginting 2,200 Clovelly 1,278 Burma Development 1,163 Sungei Way 37,861 Bruas-Perak 1,170 Tebrau 25,000 Sua Manggis 4,410 Riverside 27,083 Sungei Limau 5,748 Sempah 10,246 Malacca 270,913 Jebong 41,919 Taiping Plant. 24,755
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  • 1813 4 THE CHAIRMAN AND RUBBER. QUESTION OF THE VARIETIES. The half-yearly meeting of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce was held last Friiay, Mr. H. C. E. Zacharias (Messrs. Paterson, Simms and Go., Ltd.) presiding, The Chairman said there was no special business except for him to review
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  • 64 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $95 00 per picul, buyers no sellers. No London quotations. The fol'owing business in tin has been done to-day:— Penang Tin Ezchange 95.00 Straits Trading Co. 25 tons at $95 60 Eastern Smelting Co. 50 tons at 95.60 Leong Fee
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  • 39 4 The programme for this evening at Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m., is as follows Overture Poet and Peasant Suppe. Dane* Catch me if You Can Noel. Selection Bocaccio Suppe. Waltz J/y Ladg Love Rosey. March Bozda Thomson.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 740 4 ttvb ARqyal 111 The tide of public approval is flowing steadily towards a more satisfactory condition of Hygiene, under which men, women and children shall attain a higher standard of physical perfection. Cleanliness alone can make the environments of disease the temples of health. LIFEBUOY SOAP ensures more than cleanliness.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 454 5 r j fl fl HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST. I WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? I I B This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. I B Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is
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  • 1100 6 The. gambling question has recently aroused so much interest in the Straits Settlements and F.M.S, that one peruses with special interest an article in one of the Home papers advocating the introduction of State lotteries into England. The writer, Mr. Twells Brex, urges that gambling is a natural
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  • 474 6 Ont- Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, September 3§. No sooner has the ever-memorable O. C. O. week finished in Kuala Kangaar, than we are in for a duplicate of it .here. The Autumn racing fixture takes place on Friday and Saturday, and' as all coming events oast their shadows before
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  • 144 6 Accused Arrested. In the third court this morning, before Mr. E. A. Helps, Poonoosamy was brought up on the charges of murder and attempted murder, respectively. The preliminary inquiry was, on the application of Chief Detective Inspector Kirke, postponed to the 7th proximo. It may be remember'd
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    • 102 6 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.'*] Sib,— Pedestrian has my hearty eupport in hi* valuable suggestion appearing in the columns of your issue of Friday last under the heading Motor Cycle and side car." And I entirely endorse all what he has said. As one _at
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  • 71 6 At the Straits Cinema Show there was an excellent Pat he’s Graphic depicting leading events in different countries a few weeks ago. There were also some good dramatic and comic pieces screened. An excellent selection of pictures was shown at the George Town Cinematograph on Saturday evening,.- the
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  • 687 6 —Reuter. Ttt VLSTEIt VOWMTUn, or m iKmuTs. London, September 27 Sir E. Carson has recovered and revi 9ws the:volunteers to day. Sir E. Carson has received a telegram from the airman Mr. Hueks„offering hi, services in case of need. Lieut-General Sir George Richardson u Chief of the
    —Reuter.  -  687 words
  • 41 6 —Reuter. PARIS HAD ENOUGH OF IT, London, September 27. M. Quadratsteiu appearei at a musichall in Paris to des>*ri* e the pearl necklace mys ery. He was hooted off and was unable to speak for the tumult.-
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 259 6 ALLDAYS 5 MIDGET CARS 10 H.P. Water Cooled Engine. M All the well known and good features pf the S JJ Standard Touring Cars have been incorporated f:: Jg JJ in Alldays “Midget,” thus rendering it the M W most perfect small Car on the market. jl- Price complete, including
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    • 16 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILL. An Ideal Spot for Spending Holidays and Week-Ends. SARKIES BROTHERS, PNpritlort.
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  • 182 7 TO-NAT’S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyers sad sellers only) in our share list on page 9 to-day Ydfeterday. To-day s Saanns. 4 -4 CS M M r Mining. Gopeng 0.... 30/- 33/- 30/- 32/6 Kamunting... II- 3/3 1/- 3/K. Pulai 7* 8 7* 8| Lahat
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  • 84 7 A SENTENCE REDUCED. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, September 29. The Court of Appeal opened to-day on the bench were the Chief Jud cial Commissioner and Justices R. C. Edmonds, and L. M. Woodward. There were many appeals from Selangor and Negri Sembilan and number of
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  • 69 7 —Reuter. FAR REACHING POSSIBILITIES. London, September 28. The Standard says that Messrs Pearson’s concessions in Colombia, as fixed by Lord Murray, contain far-reaching possibilities. It is not improbable there will be a construction of an inter-ocean’c canal along the course of the Atrato River which, if undertaken,
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 6 7 st. xaVxer’s TNsnrurjoN.
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  • 75 7 By Klano (September 29) from Singapore, Mr. Mrs and Miss Stuart, Messrs F A. Haycroft, W G Wridrih, R Oenstein, and Max Hillmann; from Malacca, Mrs E N l‘alk; from Port Swettenham, Captain -Vaz and Mr Scobie. By Alma (September 28) to Deli, Mr J I’igernian. Mr G S
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  • 128 7 CRISIS IN BWIL LATEST NVIUnS. [P.fiL Special Caiie.] London, September 28. The following final dividends are announced Bukit Lintang Rubber Estates, Ltd., 25, 'percent. Inch Kenneth Rubber Estate’, Ltd, 15 per cent. Banting (Selangor) Rubber Estates Ltl., 5 per cent. The Auction. The average price rea’ised at
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  • 149 7 Reuter. A THREE DAYS’ NOTICE. London, September 27. The Times' Peking correspondent ssys the Japanese Miniiter has called the attention of the Chinese Government to its failure to comply with the Japanese demands arising out of the Nanking incident. He declared that if satisfaction were not accorded
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 148 7 Reuter. SPEECH BY THE KING. London, September 27. At the close of the army manoeuvres the King as President over a conference with the officers, in a speech pointed out the scheme of exercises entailed the employment of a larger force under one command than ever before.
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 87 7 Reuter. A MINISTER’S REFLECTIONS. Ottawa, September 27. The Canadian Minister, Mr. Foster, in a speech reviewing his recent tour in the East and the manufacturing deve’opment of China and Japan.said it imported a p oblem into the future of productive power which would create some confusion
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 31 7 —Reuter. London, September 28. The American millionarie, Anthony Drady le t estde in the United Kingdim mounting to £1 315,528, the death dutiei amouuviug «.v whereon exceed £210,000.-
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 123 7 UNG OF (MICE IN LONDON. THE‘TUXO-BUi£A»IAT TIE IT. Lond on, September 27. The King of Greece.esme to London and visited, with the Greek Minister, Sir E. Grey at the Foreign Office. Treaty of Peaee. r Constantinople, September 28. The Turco-Bulgarian peace delegates having settled all outstanding questions
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  • 330 7 PIQUANT CORRESPONDENCE. London, September 28. The correspondence between Earl Selborne and Mr. Lloyd-George has been publisher). It shows that Mr. LloydGeorge’s letter of 22nd inst., followed upon a letter from Lord Selborne requesting the Chancellor to formulate explicitly his his criticism of Lord Se’borne’s public conduct.
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  • 86 7 CARTER PATTERSON SETTLE WITH MEN. _.l Txjndon, September 27. The strike of Messrs. Carter Paterson and Co.’s men has been settled. The Company has recognised the Union and granted other concessions. Food for Starving Strikers. London, September 28. The Trade Union re’ief ship has arrived In Dublin. Thousands
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    • 737 7 ANNUAL SPORTS. The annual sports in connection with St. X<*v ier’s Institution was held on She school ground on Saturday afternoon, a large number of spectators being .Excellent a’rangements were made for the accommodation of There was Urge attap shed erected on the left of the ground
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    • 479 7 A SPEED JUDGING COMPETITION. Under the anspieea of \the Penang Automobile .''’Ch4>; speed judging competition took piaee on Saturday evening. The* idea origi-nated^-with .Capt. Webber, the Hon. Secretary, and the event was so ancceesfui that it should encourage the Club to many similar fractious in future. The
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    • 120 7 Yesterday in the final of the 50 yards race in the Gibbon’s Cup competition the result was as follows (1) Mr. H. R. Adams (8 sec?.), (2) Mr. R. L. Cuscaden (scr.), (3) Mr. R. Frohlich (2 secs.). The Team race was won easily by the red
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    • 142 7 MONTHLY HANDICAP SHOOT. The Monthly Handicap Shoot took place yesterday morning on the local Range. The weather was good and the undernoted scores we r e made Rangis 200, 500, and 600 Yards. made Pre. W M Collins with h’cap .58 101.22 Pte. S P Humphries
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    • 161 7 At the Praatice Shoot this morning tht following were the scores 200 Yards Duibbratr. Mrs. -Liston 31 Mrs. Wright-Motion s 30 Miss L. Smith 29 Miss S. B. Smith 27 MimJ. Smith 25 Miss Mathieu 23 Miss GaWthorne 33 Skcond Shoot. Miss J. Smith 30 150
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  • 302 7 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS APPOINTMENTS. The following appointments are notified in the S S. Gazette Mr. P. A. F. David to be a Police Magistrate, Penang. Mr. S. B. Henson, has passed the prescribed languages, law, Colonial regulations, and general regulations. F. M. 8. Mr. E. L. Bennett to be
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  • 210 7 A Manchester Guardian correspondent who has been staying in the Royal Sandringham district brings back the following story. The late King Edward, walking one day about the estate, took shelter from a sodden thunderstorm in a keeper’s cottage. The keeper and bis wife dried his wet coat before
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 63 7 Watch the advertisers who are gradually increasing both the size'and the number of their announcements. A careful inspection will discover these successful ones, and a moment’s reflection show that their success is but an index to the satisfaction they are affording to their customers. Directly an advertiser fails to make
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  • 3 7 st. xaVxer’s TNsnrurjoN.
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  • 737 8 The following are further extracts from the article by Givis in the curren* En.lish Review fiom which we quote! on Saturday Syphilis, then, is not the fatal disease loosely imagined it is far less harmful than many maladies people incur and think nothing of. It is
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  • 206 8 The following London wires appear in the Timet of Ceylon London, September 10.—A shareholder, writing to the Financial Times, suggests the establishment of a central organisation capable of protecting the interests of producers, and further that all plantation companies be invited to join a General Council, the latter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 256 8 NIKKO I Photographic Studio. I H JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF 9 I Christmas and I I New Year Cards, I I CALENDARS FOR 1914 I I ano JAPANESE CURIOS, I I Suitable for presents to Friends I and Relatives at Home. I I THE ABOVE GOODS
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    • 59 8 MARTIN’S Ladies.| ~A Pp noh Remedy fop all Irpeculapi«es. Thousand* of Ladies keep a box of Martin** 11 tbe houae, ao that on the fint a<n of any I»je«ularity of the System, a timely doee may be •*n>n»Mered. Those who me them recommend them, their enormous sale. At aS Chemists
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    • 292 8 Look for these Marks! The Guarantees of Quality, l| I 1 fw I /S\ 5X BEiiiV Vi aUM I 1 Yii 7 agagaSirn'iitf Jeffai i7i that ijifißl c- gTHE CAMEL BRAND BELTING. I iW THE STRONGEST BELT IN THE WORLD. THE I J® 1913 MODUS. JUST ARRIVED. Silent Indian h
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  • 2336 9 OP'»* l Subwrihed. ef 2 Dividend.. Name. 5 fj ®£2 5 19W 1910 IfU 19U 1913 MININ®. 1911 9100,000 $60,000 60,000 1 1 Ayer Wen* R*hrren> Di P. 00. 85e 1903 300.000 300,000 10.000 10 10 30 30 28$ 9 Bel at Tin Mining Oo 32$ 70 1911 150
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  • 126 9 Pbeamg, Septbmbbb 29, 1913. (By Courtety oj ths Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 7/16 3 Credit ...2/417/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 173} 3 days’ sight Private n 175} Bombay Demand Bank 173} 3 days* sight Private 175} Madras
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  • 263 9 Penang, September 29, 1913, S. P. Tapioca $4.55 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $4.70 sellers Gold leal $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). sls} sellers. White Pepper $29.75 buyers. Trang Pepper $24 sales. Mace $l2O nom. Mace Pickings $74 sellers. Cloves $39 out of season Nutmegs 110 J
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 504 9 INSURANCE. T. THE CORPORATION OF THE BOYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange,. London COMMENCED business in A.D. 1717 and was Incorporated by Royal Charter in A.D, 1720, and is therefore one of the oldest Companies in existence. It has granted the benefits of Assurance to the Public for a period exceeding
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    • 572 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royaf Charter. Paid-up Capital £1.200,000 Reserve Fund £1,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Head Ofitob 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O, Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore OaJenftta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur
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  • 154 10 Monday. September 29. Penang Assizes. Band Esplanade, 6 p m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road j George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road; Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. Tuesday, September SO. Penang Assizes. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Wednesday, October I. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Thursday. October 2.
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  • 16 10 The following are the fixtures for the month of October Oct. 1... EAUwSXRO Esplanade.
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  • 37 10 Pekamg :—The E. A O. Hotel, The Crag Hotel Norman and Runnymede Hotel. Tamjomg Bungah Springtide Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—The Empire Hotel. Simgapobe:—Raffles Hotel. Rangoom Strand Hotel. Calcutta :—The Continental Hotel Cetloit Nuwara Eliya
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  • 173 10 The companies do not guarantee the date» ''/arrival of these vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Alor Star, (Kedah).—Tong Chuan, Sept* 30, and Kedah. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan Datoh.—Pangkor, every Monday. Deli.—lndragiri, every Sunday, Merkus or Van Hogendorp, every Tuesday, Alma, every Tuesday
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  • 57 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICI To- Mobrow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Ban Lee 8 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Kedah 8 a.m. Tongkah Malacca Ip.n. Deli and Batu Bahra Indragiri 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Omapere 3 p.m Bindings Sitiawan Pangkor 4p m. Tehik Auboii Hebe 4
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  • 106 10 Cornelia, Brit, 194, Ewart, Sept. 27, Malacca, gen., E. S. Co. M. Austin, Brit., 105, M. Cawray, Sept. 28, Klang, gen., E S. 9l Co. Indragiri, Dut, IbO, Bron, Sept. 28, Deli, gen., K. P. M. Hebe, Brit., 346, Soott, Sept. 28, T. Anson, gen Adamson Gilfillan Co. Min.
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  • 46 10 Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Padang for Batu Bahra. Leong Ho for Batu Bahra. Pungah for Trang and Pang Nga. Avagyee for Dindings, Sitiawan, and Tehik Anson. Van den Bosch for Olehleh, Sabang, &c., Padang. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 646 10 GoodRICH =TYRES= Ammgton Hall, Tanaworth, Dbar Sim, March 7th, 1913. I want to tell yon of the splendid result 1 have just got from one of your 895 x 135 rubber-studded covers. Tt burst a few days ago after having been on one of the front wheels of my car
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    • 235 10 I This is the I TYRE CONTINENTAL I T 3 That is R R Hardest g I T C b I Tire L n TYRE STOCKED BY 1 1 Chin Seng Co., Ltd., m Tai Seng Co., Ltd., B and Chin Kooi Co. B Sellar, Murray Co. I STAR CARS
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 44 10 The Moon. O New Moon Sept. 30 First Quarter Oct. 7 O Full Moon 15 Last Quarter 23 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. fl. W. L. VI. A.M. A.M. P.M P.M. Sept. 29 11-34 546 Nil. 6-10 „30 12-07 6-27 12-14 6-46
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  • 835 11 —Statesman. SOME LETTERS TO -THE PRESS. The following correspondence has been addressed to the Editor of the Calcutta Statesman Sir,—l was highly gratified to read in your issue of the 12ch a letter from one of your correspondents from which I gather that the Maharaja of Mysore
    —Statesman.  -  835 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 Think what havoc Malaria works with your constitution A daily dose of VANA’ brano Tonic (trade mark) Will help to keep your blood rich, your appetite keen, your digestion active, your nerves in trim and your whole system ready to resist attack. Obtainable of all Chemists 'Jbs. Burroughs Willcoms Co.
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    • 834 11 ASEPTACINE N Y K. The Reliable Antiseptic Mouth Wash. ANTISEPTI C, DEODORANT, NON-IRRITANT, J&P&11 Mail StCMBShiO CO. Id. AGREEABLE AND NON-POIBONOUB. As a Gargle or Mouth Wash. Use one part to four parts of 4k water, and gargle frequently. Ab a Douche, &C. —Use one part to twenty parts of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2437 12 P, 6? O. Rritish India Steam avigation Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. Lgjg|7 Co Ll lt IIFECTED ARRIVALS AND HPANTCTK. INT ENDED SAILINGS. l #i3 MHKMIOEIWIWABD. f IKI D D To Bill Sraawnm OCCTB StMffl Sftfy (Q f| Oct. 2 Delta connecting with Moldavia 16 India connecting with Medina.
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