Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 703 1 ■ur□□□□■□□Dooinno□□■□□□□□■ FOR $BO u XTOU can have the “Pinang g I Gnaatta" posted every day for a whole year to your address. c (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). 0 q Proportionate Quarterly and Half-yearly rates. g a Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittances should be addressed to D 0 s
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    • 644 1 ■onanan q aa aauaDCDoa a TX7 HEN YOU ARE away n V V on leave you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, n 2 Social, Commercial, Mining, 2 Planting, Ac. This you can do 2 in no better way than by subscrio- ing to the Weekly Edition of
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  • 821 2 HUSBAND WITH TWO WIVES.’ OLD MAN’S PLEA FOR MERCY. The extraordinary contradictions of evidence, in the case heard during the previous three days at the Singapore Assizes by Mr. Justice Sproule, were added to on Thursday, when the trial concluded of Goh Hong Kui and Chan Kang
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 637 2 Ipoh Gymkhana Young Lady for Store. Good Salary to Suitable Person. vlWa Pianist Preferred. Apply to THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., I 1104—uc Penang. |A| I I E" FOR SALE. Entries Close FRIDAY, 26th instant, As a going concern SEA VIEW HOTEL, AT 6 p /w PENANG. h ARMSTRONG, Fine opportunity
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    • 61 2 MARTIN’S PI LLS A French Remedy for all Irregularities. Thousands of Ladies keep a box of Martin’s Pills ia the house, so that on the first sign of any Irregularity of the System, a timely done may be administered. Those who use them recommend them, hence their enormous sale. At
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  • 1810 3 OFFICIAL REPORTS FOR 1912. We have received a copy of the annual report of the Adviser to the Kedah Government, Mr. W. George Maxwell, for 1912, with which is bound the report of the Adviser to the Perlis Government, Mr. H. C. Eckhardt (acting), for the same
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 GOLF. In view of the growing popularity of Golf in the wide area in which the timing Gazette circulates, we have arranged for the publication of EIGHT PRACTICAL ARTICLES By WORLD-FAMED PLAYERS, to appear EVERY SATURDAY, Our series of articles on the politics, practice and implements of the sport, by
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    • 189 3 r i Sunlight Soap is guaranteed absolutely pure. This guarantee is backed by £l,OOO, which sum will be W given to any perTbpJF son w h° can P rove that Sunlight Soap contains any form "Ai of adulteration w^a^soeveror gL/ an y injurious chemicals. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND.
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  • 452 4 DISQUIETING PAMPHLET CIRCULATED. During last year three police constables were convicted in Beng-d of torture, two sub-inspectoi s aud fife constables of extortion, one heid constable and threa constables of bribery, one subinspector, one head constable, aud forty-two constables of other offences, such as assault and wrongful
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  • 208 4 The following appointments are notifi d in the current issue of the S. S. Gazette:— Hon. R. J Wilkinson, c.m.g., to be Governor’s Deputy during His Ex:elleucy’s absence in Penang and the F.M.S. Mr. R. J. Farrer, of the Civil Serivce Class 111, has been granted 10 months’
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  • 105 4 The result of operations during the month of August, 1913, was as follows Mine’s Output Sale 30-8-13 Pls. 174.33 at $59.39 $10,353.45 Do. do. 25.67 58.73 1,507.59 Do. do. 5.12 60.28 308.63 Do. do. 16.53 60.97 1,007.83 Do. 11-9-13 (81. Aug. Ore) 218.51 60.25 13,165.22
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  • 289 4 THE INDIAN TOUR. Calcutta, September 10.—In reply to the European Defence Association’s representation against Miss Maud Allan’s appearance in Calcutta, the Commissioner of Police writes:—“Miss Allan’s advance agent has not yet arrived in Calcutta, so I have not been able up to the present to obtain details
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  • 280 4 Bombay, September 15.—A memorial signed by the managers of printing presses in Bombay has been addressed to. H. E. The Governor. The memorialists state that they represent a large bo iy of private enterprise and a large amount of private capital invested in the printing
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  • 183 4 Allahabad, September 13.— The Pioneer's Lon ion correspondent cables: The Daily Telgraph's Tuki) correspondent wires that the Anti-Chine e agitation will have certain far-reaching developments, irrespec ive of whether China satisfies the Japanese official demands or not. Public opinion in Japan is determined to terminate this attitude,
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  • 71 4 By Klang (September 22) from Singapore, Mr and Mrs Davis, Mr and Mrs J A Hamilton and 3 children, Messrs E F Mauldon, J Folds, E F Davies, H E Woods, J R Murray, Campbell, P A F David, A J Thackwell, and T S Tajiri; from Port Swettenham,
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  • 30 4 The following are nondelivered cables 13th Sept, Saez, L. C. Atkinson, Crag Hotel, Penang; 18th Sept,, Hamburg, Carutter, Penang; 21st Sept., Soehin, Sa me ling, Penang.
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  • 839 4 QUAINT EXAMPLES. A holiday consisting largely of an itinerary of churchyards and a study of tombstones (writes Whitfield Crofts in the English Illustrated Magazine”) may nob at first mention appeir particularly exhilarating, and yet it is one calculated to appeal to many. In such peregrinations one
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  • 210 4 At a Meeting of the Committee of the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce, held on the sth inst., a letter was recorded, dated July 22nd, 1913, from the Revenue Secretary to the Government of Burma, giving the main conditions that may be embodied in the new English Mail
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  • 109 4 London, September 16.—A Johannesburg message says that the Chairman of the British Indian Association has sent a letter to the Secretary for the Interior, stating that it has been most reluctantly decided to revive passive resistance, which will not be confined to the Transvaal, and may
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  • 78 4 London, September 16.—A Sydney message says with reference to the request of the Victorian Cricket Association, that the New South Wales Association should veto the proposal of the Rev. W. Andy to take a strong team to Ceylon, because it would seriously prejudice the popularity of
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  • 100 4 The following are outputs for August Ayer Kuning lbs. 4,320 Pelepah Valley 5,130 Kota Tinggi 3,625 Siginting 2,200 Clovelly 1,278 Burma Development 1,163 Sungei Way 37,861 Bruas-Perak 1,170 Tebrau 25,000 Sua Manggis 4,410 Riverside 27,083 Sungei Limau 5,748 Sempah 10,246 Malacca 270,913 Jebong 41,919 Taiping Plant. 24,755 Sungei
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 381 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Central Sales Room. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, TO BE SOLD By Public Auction, At 194, McAlister Road, AT 11 A.M. The property of CHE CHAK AND MOHAMED NAINA MERICAN. All the Household Furniture Bedsteads, Hink’s», Lamp o Auto-Piano, Clocks, Mirror-», Bentwood Chairs, Marble Top Tables, etc., etc.,
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    • 54 4 The Grand Opera Co. OF PENANG. Another Most Enjoyable Play Entitled ‘TBARAT AJAIB” (The Story of a Poor Fisherman). Prices of Admission $2. $l. 50 cts. 25 cts. Doors open at 8 p m. Musical Selections 8-30 to 9 p.m. Curtain 9 p.m. BOOKING AT THE S-U-T. FIRM AND AT
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    • 400 4 insurance. THE CORPORATION OF THr ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSUR A| Ce Royal Exchange, London COMMENCED~busine SS in AD was Incorporated by R oval L l M A.D, 1720, and is therefore one Companies in existence. It h aa 119 o, deat benefits of Assurance to the period exceeding 190 years. 011(5
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 445 5 I HOW THE WEST SI RYES THE EA T. I I WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? I fl This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. I Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk;
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  • 1026 6 Beyond receiving a short telegram from a correspondent we are without information as to the exact terms of Sir Edward Brockman’s references as Chief Secretary F.M.S to the gift of the battleship Malaya, which he makes in his annual report for 1912. He is reported to
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  • 671 6 A RECEPTION FOR EUROPEANS. Yesterday afternoon one of those pka ant social gatherings, of not infrequent occurence in our midst, which serve to cement the kindly relations that exist between the Chinese and European communities of Penang, took place at 14 Leith Street, the residence of H. E.
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  • 13 6 compradore of the Chartered Bank at Hongkong, is dead.
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  • 22 6 the successor of Mr. E. E. Colman, arrived here from Singapore by the steamer Klang this morning.
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  • 29 6 His Highness succeeded to the Sultanship in November, 1895, and has thus reigned close on 18 years.
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  • 37 6 the Malacca Rubber Plantations announces its willingness to sell its output for the next five years through such agency provided control is obtained of 30,C00 tons of plantation ciops in 1913.
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  • 58 6 a large machang tree in the compound of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Pulo Titus suddenly fell with a loud crash. The house of Mr. Nieukey had a very narrow escape. A coconut tree near College Lane was also uprooted, but no
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  • 652 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The third annual general meeting Nellmay Rubber Company, Ltd., wa 3 at Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s offices ah d to-day. The foUowu.g gewl present Messrs. D. T. Boyd (Chairman? B. C. Griffin, F. Duxbury, E Q rT'* C F. Laing, J. T. Wood Dr.
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  • 138 6 SECTION FOR MOTOR CYCLIST» A special meeting of the Penang Automobile Association was held at the Chamber of Commerce to-day, when there were present the H n. Robert Youi g (President), Hon. D. A M Brown, Dr. Parke, Mr. C. G. May, Mr. Treugrove and Capt. Webb r
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  • 88 6 Chin Foo Seong, late Secretary o the Penarg Wanderers’ C üb, who was charged with falsifying the accounts of the Club, again appeared before Mr. Colman, this afternoon. His Worship found that the October tab t charges were false, but he would not fcr* ll
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 SMOKERS OF DISCRIMINATION ALWAYS SELECT THE GARRICK CIGARETTES tSjswwsyygffsri AND SMOKING MEBSlESfflffllß TOBACCO. Money cannot buy and au Expert cannot blend a better Cigarette or Tobacco. < IN ENG FREE BY RETURN POST OUR NEW RECORD CATALOGUE. DROP A POST CARD FOR IT. Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., Penang. I Pritchard
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    • 16 6 THE CRAG HOTEL. PENANG HILL. An Ideal Spot for Spending Holidays and Week-Ends. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors.
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  • 77 7 TO-DAY’S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day Shabm. 2. Mining, Cheuderiang 30c dis 25c dis Deebook 8/6 9/6 9/- 10/Serandah 1 1.05 95c 1.05 W.-Pachaung par 15c par 10c General. S. Steamship 290 300
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  • 164 7 RECRUITING DIFFICULTIES IN INDIA. From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, September 22 A meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association was held yesterday, Mr. Skinner presiding. Mr. Zacharias referred to the systematic campaign by numbers of papers in India against the immigration of Indians to the F.
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  • 91 7 PROTEST BY MEMBER OF BAR. [From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, September 22. A member of the Bar writes anonymously to the Free Press protesting against the appointment of Cadet Laville as Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, on the ground that he is not qualified for such
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  • 77 7 PROCLAMATION CEREMONY. From Our Oion Correspondent.} Kuala Lumpur, September 22. The installation took place on Friday afternoon at the Istana, Klang, of Inchi Abdullah as Maharajah ela. The ceremony took place in the presence of the Sultan of Selangor, the Heir Apparent, and Mr. Burnside, the Acting
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  • 49 7 To-day’s quotations for unrefined tin in Penang was $96.20 per picul, buyers; no sellers. No London quotations. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Tin Exchange $96.20 Straits Trading Co. Eastern Smelting Co. Leong Fee Co. Singapore Straits Trading Co. B. no S. 96.621
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  • 70 7 ARRIVAL OF HIGH COMMISSIONER. MALAYS KILLED BY lIEPRAN'. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, September 22. Lavish preparations are being made fcr the festivities at Kuala Kang-ar. Camps are being established after Malay traditions. Accommodation for visitors and officials is at a premium. Food is
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  • 146 7 High Commissioner’ s Arrival. [From Our Sp'cial Correspondent], Kua’a Kangsar, Sept. 22. The High Commissioner arrived at 11-55 on Sunday and was met by the H.H. the Sultan the Resident at.d Government officials. A salute of 21 guns was fired as the train entered the station. The High Commissioner and
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  • 36 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, September 22. The Singapore Volunteer Artillery were first in the inspection series for six-inch quick-firers and have been placed in Class 11. They are warmly commended by Col. Brownlow.
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  • 77 7 SEVENTY-TWO BRANCHES CLOSED. Lahore, September 22. The Peoples Bank of India, which has seventy two branches as far apart as Rangoon and Bombay, with £30,000 Stirling capital, has decided to suspend business. The closirg down of the Amritsar Bank followed. On Saturday morning there was a continuous
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  • 33 7 Melbourne, September 20. Splendid general rains have fallen in Victoria, including Mallee, the wheatgrowing region, and a bountiful harvest is expected There have been fine rains in New South Wales.—Reu'er.
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  • 179 7 Berlin, September 20. Servia desires the re-organisation of the forest management-, agriculture and cattle breeding through German experts. The Japanese Vice-Consul at Vienna, in the Neue Frei Presse, declares that Japan is not aiming at pursuing secret plans in China during the resumption of the Mongolian-Manchurian question.
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  • 215 7 A BRIGHTER OUTLOOK. DEADLOCK AT MANCHESTER. London, September 20. A more hopeful feeling prevails regarding the railway unrest, owing to the Liverpool strikers acceptance of the companies offer to reinstate the men willing to hand'e traffic which the compares are bound to convey. The offer applies to all
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  • 106 7 THE ALBANIAN SITUATION. London, September 20. The Albanian situation is now complicat ed by the sanguinary encounters between the Albanians, Servians, »nd Montenegrins in the North-west. Fifty wounded have I een brought to Belg- ade 1 Sei via is s rongly reinforcing her troops a r d
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  • 102 7 ULSTER’S FIGHTING FORCES. London, September 21. Sir E. Carson reviewed the volunteers at various p aces in Antrim. Speaking at a demonstration at Antrim Castle, presided over by the Marchionss o f Londonde-ry, he said the Radical Press exhibited emotion on learning that Ulster had the General
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  • 53 7 LORD MURRAY’ S DEAL. DEVELOPMENT OF COLUMBIA. London, September 20. The Standard says that Lord Murray, on behalf of Pearsons, against keen competition from European and American firms, has obtained a forty years’ concession to build railways, docks, quays, canals, telegraphs, telephones, search for and exploit oil deposits in the
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  • 106 7 A SCOTCH BY ELECTION. London, September 20. It is reported that Mr. Alexander Ure, Lord Advocate, (L.), M.P., for Linlithgowshire, will succeed Lord Dunedin as Lord President of the Court Session, Scotland. Electioneering has already begun in West Lothian.—Reuter. There is much comment in
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  • 159 7 KING CONSTANTINE IN PARIS. CORNAL SPEECHES. London, September 22. At a luncheon at Elysee M. Poincare cordially toasted the King of Greece. He described the traditional warm interest taken in Greece by Franc?, who rema ns a loyal friend of Greece. He rejoiced at seeing close bonds
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  • 184 7 Madras, September 15.—Inspector Hiscock with Sub-Inspector Manickam Pil'ay arrested H. T. Engleken, the travelling Secretary of the Ama'gamated Society of Railway Servants, now at Madras, at the Commercial Hotel, at the instance of Mr. C A. O. Fermier, late Carriage Examiter to His Excellency the
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  • 140 7 Rumour of an Invasion. Ca’culta, September 16.—Longchen Shetra the Tibetan envoy to the Tibet Coufe’ence, is now in Darjeeling. The Tibetans are raising a large number of soldiers from the provinces of Sbigatse and Gyantse for service in the Kham campaign against Else, on the Eastern
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  • 281 7 The snipe shooting s c ascn is now in full swing and a large number of local sportsmen have been I usy with the gun, although the weather has been nene too favourable up to the pre e ent. The birds are reported to be numerous and
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    • 201 7 THE PRINCIPAL SCORES. Brooklines, September 20. Ouimet was a caddie four years ago and is really a professional, as he sells clubs at Boston for a sporting goods house. The tie was played off over the eighteen holes to-day. Vardon’s putting and Ray’s play with his irons
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    • 63 7 HAMEL WINS AERIAL DERBY. London, September 20. In the Aerial Derby around London for the Daily Mail cup, the distance being ninety-five miles, there were thirteen starters. The race was won by Hamel in lh. 15m. 495. Barnwell was second in lh. 18m. 445., and Hawker
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    • 166 7 The ae r oplane races round London was paralleled by the race round Berlin three weeks ago. For the air race round Berlin the prizes amounted to £5,000, among the contributors being tho German Home Secretary £’oo, the German War Minister £5OO, the Berlin Chy Council £6OO,
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    • 214 7 GIBBON’S CUP COMPETITION. The heats in connection with the 50 yards handicap for the Gibbons Cup were decided at the Penang Swimming Club yesterday. There were two heats, and of the eighteen competitors entered thirteen faced the starter. The results were He\t 1. 1. R. L. Cuscaden
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    • 65 7 The competition for the Monthly Medal for September has had the following result:— W S Goldie 41 42= 83— W N Masterton 44 46= 90—10 =B5 F Duxbury ...42 59 101—10 91 Mr R D Acton also played but made no return. Mr W S Goldie wins
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  • 488 7 WHAT THE OPPOSITION WILL BE LIKE. [From Our Own Correspondent,] Ipoh, 21st September. As your local sporting owners are greatly assisting our forthcoming racing fixture on the 3rd and 4th prox., by sendiug across such a useful and varied contingent as Polestar, Faith, Fairytale, Scottie» Kismat, Dinker,
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  • 62 7 The best scores at the Practice Shoot tl is morning were as follow 100 Yards Deliberate. Mrs. Wright-Motion 32 Mrs. Liston 32 Miss Gawthorne 22 150 Yards Df liberate. Mrs. Wright-Motion 33 Mrs. Liston 26 Miss Gawthorne 22 Second Shoot. Mrs. L’ston 32 Running Man —lso
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  • 132 7 This match played on Saturday had the following result: Caledonia Team, A S Evens (Capt). 0 (sq.) JE S Brown (Hon. Sec.) 1 A Forsyth 1 W M Dodds 0 (sq.) G H Sargant 1 J B Mair 1| C F Nicholas 1
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  • 42 7 The Band will play the following programme of music on the Esplanade this evening (6 to 7 p m.):— Potpourri Berlin W-ckelt Morena. Polka Ein Tolles Jahr Hollaender. Waltz The Skaters Waldteufel. Mazurka La Czarine Ganne. March Frontin Glodomir.
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  • 766 8 THE INDIAN TRAIN TRAGEDY. Allahabad, September II.— The Pioneer understands that the Police enquiry into the Murphy Murder Case has now been completed. Sukhu, a native under arrest, has retracted altogether the statement he made before Mr. Cotton, the District Magistrate of Basti. In this statement Sukhu
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  • 48 8 London, 13th September.—The bodies of Mr. Grant, who was killed iu July by Mongols, and the three Chinese whom he refused to desert, have been recovered. Grant’s body has been brought to Kalgan a bullet in the head proves that death was instantaneous.
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  • 26 8 London, 13th September.—A Tokio despatch says that all those concerned in the assassination of Mr. Abe have either surrendered or committed suicide.
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  • 1437 8 RESIDENT REPORTS INCREASED PROSPERITY. PREVIOUS TRADE RECORD BEATEN. The report of Mr. R. G. Watson, C.M.G British Resident of Perak, shows that in the year 1912 the State made a great advance in material prosperity. The progress made is shown in the opening paragraphs of the
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  • 89 8 Monday, September 22 Penang Assize». Band Esplanade, 6 p.m. Grand Opera Co., King’s Street, Theatre Straits Cinematograph. Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kaugsar Road Penang Motior. Picture Show, Penang Road. Tuesday. September 23 Baud, Golf Club, 6 p.m Wednesday. September 24. Band, Esplanade. 6 p.m. Penang
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  • 83 8 September 21 to 28 —Festivities at Kuala Kangsar (Presentation of Insignia of G.C.V.O. to H.H. the Sultan of Perak.) October G.—S.S. Public Holiday. October 21.—119th Anniversary of the death of Captain Light, the Founder of Penang. 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Penang Free School by the
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  • 37 8 The following are the fixtures for the month of September Sept. 24.. EAUvs P C C Esplanade. 25.. O F C vs CU A C Victoria Green. Oct. 1... EAUvs S X R C Esplanade.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 38 8 Where to Stay. Pbnang The E. O. Hotel, The Crag Hotel Norman and Runnymede Hotel Tanjong Bung ah .—Springtide Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :-The Empire Hotel Singaporb Raffles Hotel. Rangoon ;—Strand Hotel. Calcutta :—The Continental Hotel Cbtlom Nuwara Eliya
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    • 309 8 Look for these Marks! The Guarantees of Quality!! 10 1 a■* I b T- A X Vlwwß p*? I rA 15~.. a ICQ x\ F ZZ= /YU i»k/jwfUL <X J BMJI A *rl TuJF -l Vo THE CAMEL BRAND BELTING. gsm l SUPERIOR j I (nA V BONELESS 1 A
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 2422 9 Capital. Subscribed. f value. 2 Dividends. Marne. S. 5 t J 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 MINING. »100.000 JRO.OOO 60,000 1 1 Ayer Weng Rahman? D$ P. Co, JI 1903 300,0 M 300,000 30.000 10 10 30 30 28$ 9 Belat Tin Mining Oo 82$ 82 70 1912 qro
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  • 58 9 Ban Lee for Alor Star (Kedah). Jin Ho for Asahan. Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Kumsang for Calcutta. Elephanta for Singapore. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping. Speelman for
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  • 77 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To- Morrow. For Per Close. en Jit Seng 7 a.m. Singapore and China Koerber 8 am. Alor Star (Kedah) Ghee Thye 10 a.m. Colombo and Tuticorin Africa noon Tongkah Malacca Ip.m. Deli and Langsa Indragiri 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Port Swettenham
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  • 131 9 Pbnang, September 22, 1913. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/16 3 Credit ...2/417/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank R B 174 3 days’ sight Private M 7 6 Bombay Demand Bank M 474 3 days’ sight
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  • 81 9 Klang, Brit., 732, Fawcus, Sept. 22, S’pore, gen., Adamson. Gilfillan Co. Kiel, Ger., 2872, Lemke, Sept. 22. Soerabaya, gen., B.M. Co. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Sept. 21, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gil Allan Co. Cornelia, Brit., 194, Campbell, Sept. 21, P. Swettenham, gon., E. S. Co. Rotorua, Sept. 20,
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  • 256 9 Pbnang, September 22, 1913. 8; P. Tapioca $4.60 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $4.70 sellers Gold leal $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $15.50 sales. White Pepper $291 sales. Trang Pepper $24 sales. Mace $l2O nom. Mace Pickings $74 sellers. Cloves $39 out of season. Nutmegs 110 $24
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 184 9 n bwi iiiii I We bold a very large stock of j ESTATE j CHECK ROLLS j LARGE SIZE I Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly I (200 Folios Each) I These Books are newly made, specially designed and corrected up-to-date to meet the requirements of all Estates. j Reduced Price $5
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    • 568 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1.200,000 Reserve Fund £1,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,006 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur
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  • 394 10 ECHOES OF THE PAHANG RISING. The appointment of Mr. W. R. D. Beckett, Consul-General in Bangkok, to the post of British Consul-General for the Dutch East Indies, has induced the Bangkok Times to print a record of the interesting career of this official in Siam. He
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  • 276 10 Interesting Decision. A decision which may be of interest to other motorists was given in the Kajang police court on Thursday, when Mr. E. W. Tyler was prosecuted by In-pector Broward for having driven a 15 h.-p. Stracker, Squire motor-car, on the 23rd of August, he having
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 633 10 GOODRICH =TYRES= Anr ng ton Hall, Tamworth, Dear Sirs, March 7th, 1913. I want to tell you of the splendid result I have just got from one of your 895 x 135 rubber-studded covers. It burst a few days ago after having been on one of the front wheels of
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    • 122 10 Rheumatism Conquered. That hideous and fearful monster which has tormented humanity for ages— Rheumatism —is conquered Little’s Oriental Balm has dealt it a death-blow. No tongue can describe the misery produced by Rheumatism—but YOU know its terrible tortures, and YOU need the ready aid of Little’s Oriental Balm. Rub it
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    • 458 10 EXHIBITION SAMARANG. JAVA. A\i£tiaf-TV ovember, 1914. Under the patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR* GENERAL OF NETHERLANDS EAST-INDIA. Complete demonstration of the Colonial administration, Eastern Cultures, Traffic, Industry and Commerce. Articles of Import from Europe, Australasia, America and ar Eajst. f ffililTnnMntElJ The Exhibition has the full support of the
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 62 10 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H W. L. W. A.M. A.M. P.M P.M. Sept. 22 2-54 9-54 3-04 9-14 23 3-30 10-06 3-45 9-48 „24 4-40 11 34 5-10 11-04 „25 6-46 Nil. 9-22 2-57 „26 9-10 3-05 10-14 4-08 „27 10-05 4-15 10-54 454 „28 10-51 5-03
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  • 981 11 PROPOSED NEW STATE DEPARTMENT IN N, S. W. The Public Trustee Bill, of New South Wales, which lately passed its third reading in the Legislative Assembly, is one of the measures which the M‘Gowen Government started out to pass last session, but did not. It has yet
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 240 11 Bpler’ lii (Trade Mark) Uhj MM Liver Oil W with Extract for purity of ingredients, QW paration, easy digestibility delicious flavour. Il and Strengthens linable of all Chemists MT e it is KEPLER* UD Wellcome Co., London and Bombay au Right* Rtstmd Wl ALWAYS IN STOCK =ĔT AT JOHN ROBERTS,
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    • 779 11 A light Lager Beer N Y. K. OF FIRST RATE QUALITY AT A Japan Mail Steamship Co. U. MODERATE PRICE Girl Brand. @l® EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained beWiisjiywm tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1326 12 P, O. Rritish |mdia §team Navigation Steam Navigation Co. IIIr?'* Co.. Limited. INTENDED SAILINGS. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES ft —M J Fob Intbndbd to Sail. Stbambb. MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. 1913 Oct. 2 Delta connecting with Moldavia. Singapore. q 6l 1 Pm Taroba 16 India connecting with Medina. (Th™ tLTaweek.) X
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    • 1314 12 Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. oc«m s,e<,m sni|) c hi V AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO.. |j o 'THE '.'ompanies’ steamers are de™.» Mi 1 from Liverpool outwards for th» China, and Japan every week, and fL j homeward for London ever? IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE One outward steamer each moTth
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