Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1002 1 -a QnaaoßanDnnßnnDD3«anounß a FOB $BO g g \7OU can hare the “Pinang g g X Ganstta" posted ovary day g for a whole year to your addraaa. g (local sueacaimoa. sm. Proportionate Quarterly and Half-yearly rates. g g Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittances should g bo ad
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    • 82 1 ■OMAQacnaoaonßQaaaounscoun a XX7BKN YOU ARE AWAY g g v V on l««ve j«u want to ke«p g o io touch with Malayan affairs, q a Social! Commercial, Mining, Pl ai *sing, Ac. Thia you can do q o in no better way than by subscrife. O a mg to the
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  • 704 2 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messrs. James F. Hatton Co., Ltd writing oik 28th August, report: Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last week. Mid-American —Spot 6.92 6.67 Mid-American, current month 6.66 6.401/2 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 9.70 9.50 wt n a*. Tester- Last New York Cotton. day weo k. Spot—Cents. 12.55 12.15 London. To-day.
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  • 127 2 A prominent Conservative politician is telling the following true story. There were three M. P. 8., A, B and C. A was near-s ghted, B was a good speaker. B and C closely resembled one another in appearance. A was having a drink when C walked into the bar.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 921 2 VACANT., Ipoh GymkhaM IHE GLEN WANTED. SWCtIMIM «Mt UIHM. Voting 1 Lady for Store. Good Ifdlh (Within six minutes’ drive from the Salary to Suitable Person. wlllUa Railway Station). PianHt First-class Lodging. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ml A\T I F Having speotal Swimming Bath 1104— u c Penang. I w
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    • 244 2 you ever ask yourself why there are so many U JLz sauces offered under the name of Worcesterh shire B Because of the hope that the sauce will be mistaken for the original LEA PERRINS’ every detail of label and bottle being imitated as closely as the law permits. Don’t
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  • 1297 3 (Specially Reviewed far the P. 0.”) Registration of Titles, with reports of ■Cases decided in the Supreme Court under the Land and Mining laws of the F M.S. By J. R. Innes, Lincoln’s Inn. b.a.l. Acting Chief Judicial Commissioner-—Government Press Kuala Lumpur. This learned and exhaustive treatise ou
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  • 498 3 Distributing the prizes of the summer t ’urnament of the Criccieth Golf Club on Saturday, the Chancell >r of the Exchequer took the opportunity of indulging in an amusing eulogy of the game. Mr. Lloyd-George, who was accompanied by his wife, eaid he wondered whether the
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  • 90 3 Another one has started, and promises to become a worthy successor to How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood Many heretical versions of the new teaser are at large, but the true form is as follows and must be strictly adhered to
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  • 483 3 TESTIMONY FROM THE TROPICS ON THK EFFICACY OF DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. To eliminate the cause—not merely the sj mptoms —that is the right way to attack Malm ia. The cause is parasitically poisoned blood. The cure is in Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. To-day in
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  • 80 3 Berlin, August 24.—The heavily gilded copper covering of the steeple of the Sachkeimer church, in the central part of Konigsberg, has proved too great a temptation to thieves. Some repairs were being made which necessitated a scaffolding b'ing erected on the tower. A couple of men
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  • 86 3 A friend of mine, who is a shareholder in a rubber company, says Mr. Gossip in the Daily Sketch, that has been strangely sil nt on the subject of dividends for the past few years, h»s shown me a letter he has received from a firm
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  • 70 3 Lord Northbourne having declared bis intention to roast an ox at Betteshanger Park, near Sandwich, on the day that Mr. Lloyd-George goes out of office, a wellknown Radical farmer of the district has presented a fat lamb to the county hospital at Canterbury to commemorate the fact
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 440 3 A ,WA The best and most natural method of maintaining the hair in a healthy and vigorous condition is unquestionably by cleansing the scalp regularly in the right way. If for this purpose the tar preparation Pixoap is used, the cleansing effect is rendered more beneficial by the stimulant action,
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    • 121 3 A Man-Eating Tiger would not be more terrible to a Neuralgia sufferer than those agonizing darting pains that set the nerves quivering and cause brain and body to cry out for relief. Little's Oriental Balm w the always efficient relief—the ever ready help in time of pain. Rub it into
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    • 162 3 Th e Modern Business Man continually has to concentrate his whole mental strength in grappling with difficult problems. How unpleasant, and even disastrous it is, when, on account of headache, rheumatism, chills etc. the brain refuses to work. Fortunately there is to be found In Bayer’s Tablets of Aspirin a
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  • 2381 4 INTERVIEWED IN PENANG. SELF GOVERMENT PROBLEMS. [A G. Special.] Mr. W. Cameron Fo«b*s, who recently resigned the Governor Generalship of the Philippine Islands, spent yesterday in Penang waiting for the 8.1 steamer by which he voyages to Rangoon and Calcutta. He only retired from his
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  • 269 4 A BREACH OF CONTRACT CASE. [From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Taiping, September 19. There was only one case left on the list for Mr. Justice Woodwa r d to deil with today, but it occupied the whole si ting. It was a claim for 1,500 damages for breach
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  • 650 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, September 19. There has been plenty going on during the interval, in spite of the wretched wet weather we have been having. No sooner had the annual Sports and accompanying Dance at the Ipoh Club closed on Saturday night, than Sunday morning, at
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  • 164 4 At half past two y°>>terday afternoon, Mr. J. R. Nicholson, c. m. q the Hon. R. Young and Hon. W. F. Nutt, were proceeding on the G >vernment launch Alert to Prve on inspection. About half way across the channel th“y saw a waterlogged twakow with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 25 4 iiiiiiiiDiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiffliiiiiininnin® Give Bovril I -a Because the Body-Building Power of Bovnl hue boon proved to be from 10 to 20 times the amount taken. BimuinniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuuiiiuiiiß
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    • 539 4 MnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDEiurmnnnnnnnpm I GRAND OPERA Co., n KING STREET THEATRE. g TO-NIGHT!TO-NIGHT! n GRAND GALA NIGHT! n THE COMPANY WILL STAGE S H A MOST LAUGHABLE PLAY, Q g “SITI MARHANI." n n DON’T FAIL TO COME TO-NIGHT I q j I w Capital Acting Charming Actresses and Most w— Delightful
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    • 1238 5 BOXING NEWS, London, August 30. An interesting happening was the victory of Matt Wells over Hughie Mehegan in their third meeting on the 9th August, at the Sydney Stadium. It will be remembered that when they came together at the Ring on the first occasion
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  • 71 5 spell the one you thought of first.” Brooklyn Lije. It is to be feared that a great many persons agree in practise, if not in theory, with the idea of a certain Washington schoolboy to whom the question was put What is a synonym A synonym,” explained the
    spell the one you thought of first.” Brooklyn Lije.  -  71 words
  • 80 5 Lie still there, and I won’t hurt you. All I want is your money and your jewels and then I’ll git.” All right, old man, and while you’re searching for the jewels, if you run across my dress-shirt studs I wish you’d put them out on the dresser.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 245 5 WIKTORIN LIGHT THE WORLD’S RUSH. jL One of the bast modern inventions. Price from $l3-50 upwards 1 R Burn, only Methylated Spirits, cost, 1} cents pet hour. 6UARMTEED TO KEEP IK GOOD ORDER.' N o more heat. No more flying insects in the house. -aNo Smoke. Non-Explosive. 'X Jr* This
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  • 71 6 Giles.—On September 14, at Nordanal Estate, to Mr. and Mrs. James Giles, twin daughters. Lubbock. —On September 18, nt the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Lubbock, a daughter. Powrll.—On the 26th Augost, at Salisbury, Wiltshire, Ergland, to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Tyndale Powell, a son Murray—On
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  • 22 6 Manasseh —Sayers.—On September 16, at the Maghan Abboth Synagogue, Waterloo Street, Si- Mr. Si as J. Manasseh to Miss Rachel Sayers.
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  • 662 6 It will have been observed by those who read the account of the meeting of the Johore Planters’ Associati n, published in the Pinang Gazette on Monday, that a delicate reference was there made to the important part which the Japanese planters are now playing in the
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  • 393 6 The construction of the Hi 1 Railway is really to be started on Ist November. The delay in making a commencement has been partly due to the engineer in charge, Mr. A. R J »hnsor, having other official duties to attend to but h« is free, we
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  • 2029 6 THE ART OF PUTTING. BY THE REV. W. W. TULLOCH, D.D. VII. In writing of putting many questions arise. Is it an art—practical skill guided by rules—or is it an inspiration—the offspring of a moment born of conscious certainty, the feel of your putter, an unerring vision followed by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 100 6 OPEL CARS. ;T- Z A ar. rSnsiTZER MtT torpepo-w-noschutz. u in STOCK: One 4-Cylinder 15 H.P. 2-Seater Car with Dicky Seat, painted Dark Blue. Complete and Ready for the;Road. PRICE $2,175. BERN, MEYER Co., Ltd M Penang. FREE BY RETURN POST OUR NEW RECORD CATALOGUE. DROP A POST CARD FOR
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    • 16 6 THE CRAG HOTEL. PENANG HILL. An Ideal Spot for Spending Holidays and Week-Ends. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors.
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  • 14 6 DEATH. Yrl —On September 16, at 26-1?, Lorong Selat, Singapore, Mrs. Yeo Gek Neo.
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  • 396 7 TO-DAY’S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyer* And sellers only) in oar share list on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day Sh<bb«. 5 "5 as -n x Mtmng. B. Tawang pr 10$ 11 B. Tawang 10$ 11 Gopeng C. 31/6 34/3 31/3 33/KintaO. 12$ 14 13 14
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  • 41 7 SENSATIONAL FALL IN RUBBER [From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, September 2). There has b en a sensational general decline in rubber. Damaneata* are d >wn to 15/- buyers, Kapar Para to 19/-, Sagga 18/-. Dollar shares are unchanged.
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  • 36 7 RULING PBICES IN LONDON. London, September 19.* The following are the ruling quotations for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/1 Para to arrive Market better. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead <fc Co»]
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  • 76 7 For the period from 19th September, to 2nd October, 1913, inclusive, the duty 6n cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the Rules un ier the Customs Duties Enactment will be assessed on the following prices Sheet and
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  • 345 7 —Beuter. RAILWAYMEN INSISTENT. GREAT DISTRESS IN DUBLIN. London, September 19. The Birmingham Strike Committee have repudiated the manifesto of the National Executive and resolved not to resume unless the twelve men suspended are reinstated. They condemned the weak and procrastinat ng policy of the executive and demanded an
    —Beuter.  -  345 words
  • 76 7 i —Reuter. JURY’S VERDICT. Londoo, September 20. The Coroner’s Jury in the Aisgill disaster found the driver and fireman of the second expre-s a> d the locomotive Inspector at Carlisle guilty of culpable negligence, the Inspector o*ing to his failure to furnish an additional eng'ne. The Coroner
    i —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 59 7 .—Reuter. COMMANDER OF ULSTER TROOPS. Lon lon, September 19. Captain Craig, at Bambridge. Co. Down, introduced Sir George Richardson as the General Commanding the Ulster Volunteers, The latter, addressing a meeting expr ssed his pleasure at the magnificent turnout Their discipline and knowledge of the rifle would
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 28 7 —Ruter. London, September 19 The King gives away the Bride, the Duchess of Fife, on the occasion of her marriage to Prince Arthur of Connaught.
    —Ruter.  -  28 words
  • 40 7 .—Reuter. CARGO THROWN OVERBOARD. London, September 19. The fire on the Preussen has been extinguished. It burned for thirty-six hours Part of the was jettisoned, and it is stated that the remainder is considerably damaged.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 39 7 js.—Reute r FRENCH BROKER’S ADMISSION. London, September 19 In the pearl necklace case Quadratstein, the French broker, cross-examined, admitted ’hat he lad no permanent prem ses but conducted his business as a pearl broker in cafei
    js.—Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 96 7 CHIEF SECRETARY’S REPORT, MORE ABOUT THE DREADNOUGHT. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, September 20. Sir Edward Brockman, Chief Secretary, F. M.S., in his report for 1912, passes scathing remarks on Sir Swet’enham and other company promoters’ misrejres-’D-tations which have prohab’y driven away capital. He seeks to justify
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  • 67 7 3.—Reuter. REFUSED TO RESIGN HER TITLE London, September 19. The Grand Duke of Saxe Weimar, the Lead of the family, insisted that the Princess (whose suicide was reported yes terday) sh uld re ign her rank before ma’rying the s >n ot the banker Bleichroeder. The Pri
    3.—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 27 7 r.—Reuter. KING LEWES FOR PARIS. London, September 20. King Constantine left for Paris on a five days’ stay. M. Poincare luneoes with him to-morrow
    r.—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 31 7 —Reuter. FINDING OF THE COURT. Mexico City, September 19. The Tribunal which has been investigating the B*ioot ng of Ex-President. Madero, finds that no punishable crime is involved.
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 113 7 The late Mr. Helm-, nays the Straits Times, was a well-known newspaper man whose connection with the Far East dated back to Septembe 1901, when he arrived from home to j 'in the editorial staff of the Hongkong Daily Press, and upon the termination of
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  • 139 7 Judging from the programmes of the George Town Kinematograph, the management have determined to put up only firstclass pictures. Following the Black Ma-k they have got for* to-night an equdly fine product >n entitled “The Legend of the Two Orphans, a film of 9,009 ft. in three reels.
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  • 85 7 Planter Finsd. Before the District Officer, Mr. F. E. Taylor, at Kajang on Wednesday, Mr. E. N. T. Cum ming manager of Sungei Rinch ng Estate near Kajang, was charged on three separate, counts for assau'ts on railway servants. The defendant pleaded guilty under great provocation on
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  • 61 7 To-day’s quota’ion for unrefined tin in Penang was $95.75 per picul, buyers no sellers. Tin in London is quoted at £l9’2 ss. spot, and £'92 three month*. The following business iu tin has been done to-day Penang Tin Exchange $95 75 Straits Trading Co. nil. Eastern Smelting Co.
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  • 514 7 FAREWELL GATHERING AND MOTOR MEET. La t evening the Hon. Mr. Robert Young and Mrs. Young iuvit-d the m-mbe s of the Pcnmg Au omobile Club and their friends to a farewell Lathering at E igland House,’’ Scotland Road, in lioncur of Mr. Justice and
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  • 215 7 LOCAL SKIPPER’S FEAT. The coastal waters of the West Const of Siam Lave long been recognise 1 by navi gation as b-ing highly dangerous to ship p ng, not only on account of the numerous islands and shallows that are charted but also many th it are not
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  • 122 7 About 7 o’ clock last evening information was received by the Police that a murder had been committei on the hdls betwe n Glugor and Ayer Itam. It appears that Poonoosamy, a coolie employed under another Tamil nam- d Samy was discharged by his employer
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  • 64 7 Captain C Heinzenknecht, the Chief of the Prisons in Acheen has be n mu dered by a prisoner. He began his career iu the Dutch Indian Army as a common soldier, but bv his abilities rose to be an officer 15yearsago. Under his supervision the great
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  • 643 7 TANJONG TOKONG MOTOR FATALITY. ACCUSED ACQUITTED. The case against the Tamil driver of Car P. K. 797 named Kali, who was charged with committing a rash act by causing the death of a coolie named Guvinden on the 6th August last, was concluded at the Penang Assizes yesterday
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  • 109 7 We learn that the only seats at the G. C. V. O. presentation ceremony in the Astana Nsgara will be those provided for the guests invited by th»* Government of Perak. These are His Excellency’s houseparty and the Judicial Commissioner, the Federal Council, the State Council
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    • 123 7 —Reuter. THE PRINCIPAL SCORES. Brookline, September 19. To day was the first day of the Championship pro; er. Six Americans led in the mornii g but were outdriven and out-putted by the Englishmen in the afternoon. Vardon scored 75 and 72. Reid 75 and 72, and Ray
      —Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 154 7 GIBBONS CUP COMPETITION. The 50 yards handicap in connection with the Gibbons Cup will be twum in two heats on tomorrow at 11 fl,m. ihe following comp se the entries Heat I.— R L Cu«c*den scratch, L W L armount 2 sec., H V Ed wat ds
      154 words
    • 78 7 The following will contest a Water Polo match at 11-45 a.m. Red F E Ivery, H Hewlett, A Frohlich, HV E iwa ds, M B Munton, L W Lear mount (Capt.), M J B Watt. White.— E H Sy er, HR Adams, WE Macdonald, R Frohlich, C R
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  • 336 7 Calcutta, Sept. 12.—The General Secretary Young Women’s Chris ian Association is app aling publicly to ail women, European and Indian, to band themselves together in earnest protest against the coming of Maud Allan. Signatures are called for a written protest to be submitted to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 1263 8 A DORSETSHIRE CHAMPION. Folkestone, August 22. —There is a certain irony in the fact that Folkestone is the home of beauty shows. Looking down from the Leas to-day you saw the battered pier defying France in big blue )etter< across the tumbled waters to produce a prettier
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  • 240 8 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. Church of England. St. George’s Church.—Matins, 8 a.m.; Holy Communion, Hymns 420, 313, 8.30 a.m.; Matins (Tamil), 9.30 a.m.; Matins (Chinese), 10.30 a.m.; Sunday School, 5 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Hymns: 433, 370, 614, 431, 30. Chaplaincy of Perak North. All Saints’, Church,
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  • 70 8 Some good epitaphs are quoted by a writer in the English Illustrated Magazine.” Here are two satirical ones Maria Brown, wife of Timothy Brown, aged eighty years. She lived with her husband fifty years, and died in the confident hope of a better life. Here lies Berna r d
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 407 8 ff f Lifebuoy g I is all that good Soap should be, and. X > f in addition, does all that a powerful 1 I disinfectant can do. Germs and V I I microbes cannot live where it is used, 1 I I I but cleanliness and health reign I
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  • 2489 9 Capital. Subscribed. 3 Dividend., Name. 0 cS a 9 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 MININ®. 1912 9100,000 $60.00») 60,000 1 1 Ayer Weng Rahman) DA P. Co. JI 1903 300,000 300.000 30.000 10 10 30 30 28$ 9 Belat Tin Mining Oo 82$ »2 70 1912 050 000 050
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  • 804 9 M.M. A PERPLEXING SITUATION. The letter under thin heading, from a correspondent, which we pi inted on Wednesday, puts into plain words what a good many people in thii part of the world have asking during the last three month’. What is wtong with Rubber
    M.M.  -  804 words
  • 109 9 The Bind will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club this evening (5 45 p m to 7-3 Q pm Ove<ture Th a Children oj the Mist Two Step Billy Possnm I hurban. Selection The Toreador Monckton Waltz Toreador Royle. Der Rose Hoch%ei‘szug
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  • 443 9 CLOTHED STATUES IN CAFES. Chicago, August 26.—A wave of modesty have swept over St. Louis, and to-day the cafes and restaurants presented an extraordinary spectacle, most of the pictuies and statues there being partially covered with some article of clothing. Under a city ordinance which came
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  • 259 9 Psnang, September 20, 1913. S. P. Tapioca $4.60 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $4.65 sales Gold leal $64.40 Pepper (W. oast 3lb 5 oz). $15.50 sales. White Pepper $29 60 sales. Trang Pepper $24 sales. Mace sl*2o nom. Mace Pickings $75 sales. Cloves $39 out of season. Nutmegs 110 $24
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 64 9 Watch the advertisers who are gradually increasing both the size and the number of their announcements. A careful inspection will discover these successful ones, and a moment’s reflection show that their success is but an index to the satisfaction they are affording to their customers. Directly an advertiser fails to
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    • 567 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,006 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur Sourabaya
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  • 789 10 Per P and O steamer Marmora, connecting with the steamer China at Colombo. From London Aug. 22.—T0 Singapore: Mr J E Bentley, Mr T J Bird, Mr T L Ellitt, Mr Morphy, Mr A M Bailey, Mr C H Moss, Mr J McLeod. To
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  • 67 10 —Cincinw. ti Enquirer. The man wa;< hale ami hea'ty «t 10 a.m. At 10.05 some onehmdel hun a patent medicine almat ao. The man glanced at it and became interested. He i it through from cover to cover. At 10.35hewas suffer inj from diabetes, Bright’s diseas a
    .—Cincinw. ti Enquirer.  -  67 words
  • 62 10 The followin' brief letter poin's its own moral Bukit Tambun, P.V., Aug., 1913. To The Manager, Pinang Gazette. Dear Sir, Kindly omit 6,000 seedlings from advertisement 942. All were sold at first insertion of advertisement. Yours faithfully, J. Duncan Bindley, Manager, Bukit Tambun Coconut Co., Ltd. Advertisers who
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  • 92 10 Ban Watt Soon, 6rit., <69, Furguson, Sept. 20, I angkat, gen., E. S. Co. Avagyee, Brit., 247, Spencer, Sept. 20, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Malaya, Ger., 348, B. Peters, Sept 20, Belawan, gen., Behn Meyer <t Co. Ellora, Brit., 2567, H. A. Sharpe, Sept. 20, Singapore, gen,
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  • 88 10 Ellora for Rangoon and Calcutta. Yatshing for Singapore, China and Japan. Leong Ho for Batu Bahra. Kanagawa Maru for Singapore, China and Japan. Hong Wan I for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Pungah for Trang and Pang Nga. Alma for Deli. Hok Canton for Teluk Anson. Rotorua for Tongkah.
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  • 79 10 CLOBI AT GENERAL POST OFFIC» Monday. For Per Close. Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh > Specimen 8 a.m. and Sabang Asaban Jin Ho 1 p.m. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandau Ban Whatt Soon 2 p.m. Port Swettenham, y Port Dickson, and > Cornelia 2 p.m Malacca Dindings, Sitiawan and
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  • 128 10 Penang, Sepi ember 20, 1913. (5y Courtesi/ oj lhe Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 13/32 3 Credit 2/41 n 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras
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  • 112 10 Saturday, September 20 Band, Golf Club, p.m R.A.0.8. meeting Hotel Norman 9 n m Grand Opera Co., King’s Street, Thea? Straits Cinematograph, Penang George Town Cjnematogranh g t K. ng ,ar Road; P.ofn?’j?"* 1 Picture Show, Penang R o& a tlOc Sunday, September 21 18th Sunday after
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  • 88 10 September 21 to 28—Festivities at K■ ab Kangsar (Presentation of I ns i, ni PeSkV' 0 t 0 H H the SUlt^f October 6.—S.S. Public Holiday. October 21.—119th Anniversary of the death of Captain Light, the Founder of Penang. 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Penang Free
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  • 36 10 The following aie the fixtures for the month of September Sept. 24.. EAUvs P C C Esplanade. 25.. OF C vs CU A C Victoria Green Oct. 1... EAUvs S X R C Esplanade.
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  • 208 10 The companies do not guarantee the dates of arrival of these vessel, but will endearwr as far as possible to ensure punctu My. Alor Star, (Kedah).— Tong Chuan, 20, 22, 24, 26. 28 and 30, and Kedah, 21, 23, 20, and 29. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan Datoh.—Pangkor, every
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  • 38 10 Pbnang :—The E. <fc O. Hotel. The Crag, Hotel Norman and Runnymede Hotel, Tanjong Bungah :—Spring’ide Hotel. Kuala Lumpur: —The Empire Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Calcutta :—Tiie Continental Ho'el Ceylon —Nuwsra Eliya
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 515 10 BAD LIVERS. Not only is the Liver the largest but one of the most important organs in the human body, and when deranged it becomes the source of endless suffering. When the Liver is clogged I y the inactivity of the kidneys and bowels, it becomes torpid, and fails to
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    • 101 10 UNION S. S. CO. CF NEW ZEALAND Ld. e Auckland. Wellington. Lyttleton and Dunedin ALSO CALLING Al Samarang and Fiji ip induckmkki 0FFIB3). The Company’s T.S Steamer APARIMA. 5,704 tons, S. Nicholson, Commander, maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Approximate Dates o* Sailing from Singapore: {Bth
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 90 10 The Moon, Last Quarter Sept. 23 O New Moon 30 First Quarter t<< Oct. 7 O Full Moou 15 The Tides. Date. H W. L. W H W L. A.M. A..M P.M P.N. Sept.2o 2-09 835 2-10 8-34 21 2-29 8-58 2-10 834 22 2-54 9-54 3-04 9-14 „23 3-30
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  • 833 11 MR. ROOSEVELT WRITES OF HIS EXPERIENCES. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt in Scribner's Magazine describes how a lion charges. If a man on horseback gallops too close behind a fleeing lion (he says) it may whip round and charge him without a moment’s pause. But when brought to
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  • 59 11 —Judge. Johnny’s mother had instituted a tine of ten cents for every spot made on the tablecloth. One day Johnny was obse-ved rubbing his finger for a long time over the cloth at his plate.” John, what are you doing said his mother at last. “Nothing. I
    ’—Judge.  -  59 words
  • 76 11 seen it that I’am a liar.”— Chicago RecordHerald Can you di ect me to the best hotel in this town asked the stranger who, after sadly watching 'he train depart, had set bis catchel upon the station platform. I can,” replied the man who was waiting for a
    seen it that I’am a liar.”—Chicago Record-Herald  -  76 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 722 11 JLime -Frui t Brings to your lips the juice of the lime fruit, 1 f It is a drink that is always S' I Cooling and refreshing. The ?i I children love it. .firder a few VvM< J&i bottles to-day. Large supplies have been lately shipped from London. MONTSERRAT la
      722 words
    • 740 11 A Llqht Lager BeerN Y. K. OF FIRST RATE QUALITY AT A Japan Mail Steamship Co. U MODERATE PRICE JL Girl Brand. a EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained bet Ween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2576 12 p. O. PrITISH I UDI* N AVIGATION Norddevtscher Lloyd, Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. Co.. Limited. I psMal *—INTENDED SAILINGS. HPECTED ARRIVALS AN» DEPARTURES. 1 4 Job Imtskdbd to Sail. Stbambb. 1913 -MismwE outward. s.^ 4P m yMtvgTr iAiiir-i oce« Sleam snip to., hi Oct. 2 Delta connecting with Moldavia. Rinffapore.
      2,576 words