Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1212 1 »acDQ QO annan nnnnaB uanan» a FOR $3O u XT OU can have the Pinang g I Gazette posted every day n for a whole year to your address. 0 (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). g Proportionate Quarterly and d g Half-yearly rates. g q Subscriptions are payable in n advance and
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    • 80 1 MaaaaaDMaacoaaQaaaauflQcoaa a TXT HEN YOU ARE AWAY a 3 V V on leave you want to keep g in touch with Malayan affaire, n Social, Commercial, Mining, J Planting, Ac. This you can do in no better way than by subscrib- g a ing to the Weekly Edition of the
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  • 1558 2 The following letter appears in the Straits Times Sir, —Much has been written lately of Java and much has been said that shows clearly that the peop'e on your side of the water have very inaccurate inf -rmatiou concerning the condition of things here. To be?in with,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 902 2 SITUATIONS VACANT, colonial exhibition (Java) 1914. WANTED. Persons who are interested In CHINESE CLERK for Timber Depart- Amusements, Shows, etc., ment of the F.M.S. Railways. Must a nAaaa rlz aP i t? i* i j i ju ui 4. are requested to obtain the necessary perknow English and Malay and
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    • 204 2 It Cures Back-Ache. All external aches and pains can be cured by the application of that wonderful remedy known as Little’s Oriental Baiffl. For back-ache it has no equal. Well rubbed in, it eases the pain—brings almost instant relief. A few applications are usually enough to effect a complete cure.
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    • 218 2 I lentifriceM —J.. Cleaning the teeth tooth-powders or pastes can never, under any circumstances, ■—=r- preserve them from destruction. That follows from the simple fact that the —localities which are most exposed to injury—the backs ~-Z7_ .|lllyr o f the molars, the interstices between the teeth, and the cavities in
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  • 643 3 FRIGHTFUL TRAGEDIES REPORTED. London, Aug. 21 —The Daily Telegraph Constantinople correspondent has obtained a copy of a report furnished by a Russian Government official, specially commissioned to investigate the stories of Bulgarian atrocities. The report bears out the fragmentary tales of horror previou-ly published. The official states When
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  • 631 3 French Writer’s Evidence. London, August 25.—The celebrated French novelist, Pierre Loti, formerly a captain in the Fiench navy, but now a member of the Academie Francaise, who has for years shown very strong interest in the Balkans country, declares that the allegations of the Bulgarian atrocities made in
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  • 85 3 Friday, September 12. Band, Esplanade. 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Penang Motion Picture Show, Penang Road. Saturday, September IS. Rand, Golf Club. 6 n.m. Hockey P.C.C. v. Sultan Suleiman Club. Sunday September 14. 17th Sunday after Trinity. Monday, September 15.
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  • 53 3 The following: are the fixture? for the month of September Sept. 17.. SXRCvs P O R C... Esplanade. 18.. G S R C vs C R C Victoria Green 24.. EAUvs P C C Esplanade. 25.. OF C vs CU A C Victoria Green. Oct. EA U tsS
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 545 3 N Y K Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 138 3 The Tide». Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. V*. A.M. A.M. P.M P.M. 11 10-24 4-42 11-27 5-22 Sept.l2 10-59 5-21 11-41 5-46 13 11-30 5-50 Nil. 6-09 14 12-00 6-16 11 57 6-33 15 12-22 6-41 12-22 6-56 16 12 45 7-05 12 46 7-18 17 1-08
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  • 957 4 FAREWELL TO THE PENANG BAR. There was a full gatheriog-of the members of the Penang Bar in the Supreme Cou t this a’ternojn, to bid farewell to Mr. Justice Leslie Tnornton on the eve of his impending retirement. His Lordship took his seat up >n the Bench
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    • 36 4 —Reuter, MOIR BEATEN BY WELLS. London, September 11 Bombardier Wells knocked out Gunner Moir, in the fifth round, in a match for ths championship of Great Britain at the Can- terbury Music Hall.
      ,—Reuter,  -  36 words
    • 223 4 England’s heavyweight, who recently gained a not very satisfactory victory at the expense of Pat O’Keefe, will again be seen on September 10 m opposition to his old adversary, Gunner Moir, says the P.M.G. of August 18. One is not nowadays as confident as p'eviously in regard
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    • 339 4 WHY THE ENGLISH PEOPLE ARE iBICTER. Jack Johnson discussei with the Central News Paris correspondent the protests which have appeared in the B itisli Press against his forthcoming music-hall performances in London. The iu’erview took place at the charming villa rente 1 by the fsmous pugilist at Courbevoie,
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  • 142 4 Among the many papers read at the recent Medical Congress, that by Dr. Wu Lien Teh, on the origin of the outburst of pneumonic plague in Manchuria, received less attention than it deserved. Dr. Wu, as the result of careful investigations, denied that the epidemic was due
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  • 100 4 Arrivals. By Syria (September 12) from London, Miss M Barber, Miss Dean, Miss Ivens, Messrs G Moir, P Doherty, P S Godolphin, A Warner, F P Coulthard, J S Thon son, W German, T Mansur and R Laing. By Alma (September 12) from Deli, Mrs Boissevam, Mrs Reipert, Mrs
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  • 857 4 ADVISER’S REVIEW. Mr. D. J. Campbell, General Adviser, closes his annual report on the State of Johore as follows In conclusion it may be of interest to in brief review the results which have been a taine 1 consequent on the reforms in the administration inaugurated by
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  • 911 4 RECEPTIONS IN PRISON. Montreal, August 2.—Thaw himself is immensely pleased over the sensation be is causing, and were it not for the fact that he is under detention he would be supremely happy. Public opinion in the Sherbrooke neighbourhood is strongly in his favour, and Thaw is
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  • 217 4 Temerloh 4,320 Taiping MO7 Greahan Bandar Maria 25,953 Simpang 4 M07 Mendaris Lunas pOO New Columbia Tandjong Bringin Trafalgar 8 Rembia Per mas Lendu Krubong Ber tam Straits Tali Ayer Batak Rabit Bagaase™ p-a t ”>230 Padang Jawa 10 824 adang 12,000 Samagaga 41(J() Ben K ang 90,600
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  • 70 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $95.75 per picul, business done. Tin in London is quoted at £193 pot and £192 10s. three months. The following business in tin bas been done to-day Penang Tin Exchange 75 Straits Trading Co. 25 tons at 96.52| Eastern Smelting
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  • 197 4 A pretty wedding was solemnise 1 o® Sundav in Kuala Lumpur when Miss Isabella Bell, a member of the Hippodrome Circu«, was married to Mr. A. M. Tracy Woodward. The bride wore a beautiful dress of ivory sat n trimmed wit pearls and lace, with a long
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 291 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR S*LE. GOOD RUBBER STUMPS. Apply MANAGER, Batu Kawan Estats, Provi «ce Wellesley. Tit Mill Mlfstr PIOMtIHS Crapiay, liaiteS. NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary Genera! Meeting of Shareho dirs will be held on the 27th day of September next, at 10 30 a.m., at the Company’s
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    • 62 4 Watch the advertisers who arel gradually increasing both the size am number of their announcements. A careful inspection will < lhC0 these successful ones, and a nu>im reflection show that their success but an index to the satisfaction are affording to their customers. Directly an advertiser fails to lb good
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 66 4 Subjects Which Are Proving Instantaneous Successes Wherever Shown, THEY AKE (TOMORROW) ON VIEW AT THE George Town Kinematograph, Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre. “Death’s Marathon” 3,000 Feet. A Magnificent Subject Abounding in Sensation. The World’s Most Popular Star Artistes will appear in a clever Comedy “The Noisy Suitors” A Subject of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 471 5 I HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST. I I WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? I B This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. B B Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tjns is condensed milk; B
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  • 1151 6 It is three full years ere the next Olympic Games will take place at Berlin, but already there are signs of marked activity on the part of the nations who intend to participate. Paragraphs filter through the newspapers from time to time advising us of the preparations
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  • 847 6 SENT FOR TRIAL. Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton held a preliminary enquiry into the case of a Hokien Chinaman, named Yiong Fuk Lam, for returning from banishment. The first witness was Chief Detective Inspector Kirke, who produced the Colonial Secretary’s order for the prosecution of the accused,
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    • 528 6 (To O, Editor of SlB, The excellent letter (rom Ooco your issue of Mouday m,k es oue "> to think.” As usual, the Government isb“‘ emng to spend other peoples money out pausing to think if it fa th to pursue As it is the F. M. S.
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    • 129 6 [To the E'li'or of the Tinang Gazeitef] Sir, As Mr. Justice Thornton, one of the staunchest champions of British Jostice in these parts, is about to depart from amongst us, I, in the name of the Mahomedan and Hindu Community here, can no longer wait without expressing,
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  • 118 6 The Band will play the foUowing programme of music on the Esplanade th» evening (6 to 7 p m.) n n dfref. Reminiscences Of Gounod T i o r Lancer, Th e M«rry Widow Leh»Waltz Passing of Salome Joy Gavotte My Sweetheart March The Old Ship At
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 128 6 By Special His Appointment Majesty to King George. DUNLOP IYRES. msr reM IN jf X .RRc J*JK JajK ever m since. BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES. WRITE FOR NEW LIST TO Messrs. GUTHRIE S CO., ltd., PENANG. Pritchard Co. PENANG IPOH. RAINCOATS for the RAINY SEASON. THE “TALMA” RAINCOAT, Colour Light
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    • 16 6 THE CRAG HOTEL. PENANG HILL. An Ideal Spot for Spending Holidays and Week-Ends. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietor».
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  • 738 7 TO-DAY’S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in oar share list on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day Saaasn. S, 5 "s J? a f) Si -n Minvig, Gopeng C. 31/6 34/9 31/- 34/3 Kinta Tin 16J 17| IGJ 18| Kinta New... 10/6 12/6
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    • 55 7 LATEST DIVIDENDS. P. G. Special Cable. London, September 11. There is a farther fall in the commodity of one penny. The share ma-ket is becoming demoralized. Interims. The following interim dividends are announced Chersonese Rubber Estates, 5 per cent. Harpenden Rubber Estate, 20 per cent Bukit Panjong
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    • 36 7 RULING PRICES IN LONDON. London, September 12.* The following are to-day’s quotasi ons for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/4* Para to arrive 3/3 Market weak. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 96 7 CASE AT SINGAPORE ASSIZES. [From Our Own Correspondent]. Singapore, September 12. At the Assizes a Chinese named Khiew Yong Seong was charged with an attempt to cocumit culpable homicide. He was found guilty and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. The evidence showed that accused found a
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  • 30 7 AT PUL AU BRAN I. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapo-e, September 12. The Straits Steamship Co.’s s.”. Hye Leong is ashore on Pu'au Brani reef.
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  • 163 7 i—Reuter. SIR OLIVER LODGE ON THE OCCULT. London, September 11. Sir Oliver Lodge, in his presidential address to the British A c sociation at Birmingham,urged the continuity of life and matter and appea'ed to sc’entists not to take a negative vi°w on subjects outside their own special studies,
    i—Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 101 7 .—D.O.L. Berlin, September 11. A Vienna message says that nothing is known about the Kaiser this year visiting Vienna and Constantinople. Unity on the principles of the frontier question has been reached, but at Sofia there is discontent with the Turkish demands. Three fast cruisers for China
    .—D.O.L.  -  101 words
  • 209 7 —Reuter. KING CONSTANTINE MISUNDERSTOOD. MORE EXPLANATIONS. Athens, September 11. A semi-official statement says: The Press and publ’c opinion has been deeply stirred by the misunderstanding arising out of the sp°ech of King Constantine in reply to the Ka ser. Greece will never forget the great services France
    —Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 225 7 D.O.L. OFFICIAL REPORT. London, September 11. The official account of the Heligoland airship disaster refu’es the criticisms published in Germany that the airshi o was overloaded, and says that it was owing to the extraordinary change in the weather. The accident must be attributed to a
    D.O.L.  -  225 words
  • 38 7 —Reuter. FOUR SPECTATORS KILLED. Berlin, September 12. A military aeroplane fell on the manoeuvring ground at Suehenbueren, killing four spectators. The New Naval]Zeppelia. The official trial of the new naval Zeppelin has been postponed.-
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 129 7 —Reuter. THROUGH ALMOST UNKNOWN LAND. London, September 11. The Uganda Railway promises to be at least equalled bv the construction of a great artery of 550 miles from the newly discovered Port Harcourt, on a branch of the Bonny River, Nigeria, to Kaduna River, where it
    —Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 123 7 —Reuter. JAPAN CLAIMS INDEMNITY 8 APOLOGY. EXPECTED COMPLIANCE. Peking, September 11. Japan has presented a series of demands to the Chinese Government, relating, firstly, to the torture of the Japanese Lieutenant Nibimira at Hankow on Augast 11, he being stripped of his uniform and hung up by
    .—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 326 7 Reuter’s Tokyo correspondent attempts to define at some length the exact degree of responsibility which may be attached to Japan for the events which have recently taken place in China. Ever since Sun Yat-Sen’s visit early this year, the dispatch says, arms have been shipped over to
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  • 79 7 —Reuter. IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY IN AMERICA New York, September 11. The centennial of the battle of Lake Erie was celebrated at Putinbay, Ohio, by the dedication of a marble pillar 335 feet high, commemorating the centenary of AngloAmerican Peace. Ex-President Taft was the principal speaker. The remains
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 123 7 The Directors’ Report for the period to June 30 states The accounts show a loss of $14,735.45. This is after writing off $2,811.70, depreciation, and providing for directors’ fees The loss was made during the period ended 31st March, 1913, when the mine was worked on the
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  • 31 7 A speaker at a brewery company’s meeting in London on the 15th ult. re'ated that he heard a man in the train describe present-day beer as science and water.”
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  • 488 7 —Reuter. A LEADERS’ CONFERENCE. LORD LODEBURN’S SUGGESTION. London, September 11. Lord Loreburn, in a three-column letter to the Times, urges the necessity for a conference of Party leaders to settle the Irish question by consent. He says a critical time is rapidly approaching and no good purpose
    —Reuter.  -  488 words
  • 165 7 A Calcutta Protest. Calcutta, September 4.—The Civic League, it is understood, has wiitten to the Commissioner of Police protesting against the appearance of Miss Maud Allen in her dances in Calcutta, on the ground that it would injure British prestige. It is anticipated that Maud Allen will
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  • 576 7 RETURNS TO THE ATTACK. London, September 11. Mr. Lloyd-George, in a letter to the Times in reply to Lord Salisbury, says he can and will readily furnish instances of investments by members of the Cecil family when in office, but the responsibility for publication mu*t rest with Lord
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  • 300 7 RESULT OF FALSE CHARGE. In the District Court, b°fore Mr. E. E« Colman, to-day, a Sikh named Ichar Singh formerly a watchman in a house in Anson Road, sued Bhagwan Singh, Sikh Sergt.-Major No. 1 for $lOO damages for the following reasons:—That the defendant aid <n the
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  • 63 7 OBITUARY. MAYOR GAYNOR OF NEW YORK. i London, September 11. The death is announced of Mayor Gaynor of New York in mid-ocean, while sailing for England aboard the s.s. Baltic, through heart fai ure.—Reuter. [Mayor Gaynor had figured largely in the public gaze recently, on account of the participation he
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  • 966 8 INTERESTING CALCULATIONS. Mr. C. C. Malet, of Singapore, sends to the Financier a long and interesting letter in, which he discusses the future of plantation rubber. The first part of this communication is published by that journal, from which we quote the following What relation will the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 488 8 I HOTEL NORMAN, THE PENANG’S SELECT RESIDENTIAL AND TRANSIT HOTEL (Under the Personal Management of the Proprietor and Proprietress). L Hl |E r MJ PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINING ROOMS. |H JMJMB M M The recognised place for Recherchĕ Dinners. Jp Cold Storage Meat an 1 Butter. Sea Bathing, Fishing and
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    • 621 8 Look for these Marks! The Guarantees of Quality!! JI *T A<* I Mr* [7 1y V 1 JTk; I wiwW Mm- A I THE CAMEL BRAND BELTING f < W* i 2 W M 1 SUPERIOR t f “X s j (r n) I (BREAKFAST! W k R A C.ON
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  • 2370 9 a. Capital. Subscribed. Value. Dividend*. Nam*. o J 1909 1910 1911 1913 1913 MII9I N 1913 »100,000 jfiO.OOO 60,000 I 1 Ayer Weng Rah no anJ DAP. Co. 81.10 1903 300,000 300,000 »>.OOO 10 10 30 30 28$ 9 Belat Tin Mining Oo 82$ 3? 70 1912 QMiooo uKnnao
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  • 124 9 Penang, September 12, 1913. {By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/8 3 Credit ...2/4 15/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 176| Bombay Demand Bank 174 J 3 days’sight Private 176$ Madras
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  • 54 9 Zira, Brit, 1303, Glendenning, Sept. 1?, Moulmein, gen., H.L. Co. Syria, Brit., 4216, Longden, Sept. 12, London, gen., P. O. Ixion, Brit., 6527, Repenhausen, Sept. 12, Liverpool, gen., W.M. Co. Lama, Brit., 957, Sinclair, Sept. 12, S’pore, gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Alma, Brit., 357, F. Belle, Sept. 12, Deli,
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  • 61 9 Tong Chuan for Alor Star (Kedah). Ban Lee for Alor Star (Kedah). Leong Ho for Pang Nga. Nankin for Colombo and Tuticorin. Pin Seng for Port Swettenham and Singapore Pangkor for Bindings, Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Theseus
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  • 141 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICL To- Morbow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Kedah 8 a.m. Madras, taking mails') for Europe, etc., rid > Taroba 10.30 a.m. Bombay J Regt, up to 9 a.m. Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy Zira 11 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Ghee Thye 11 a.m.
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  • 253 9 Penang, September 12, 1913. S: P. Tapioca $4.25 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $4.50 buyers Gold leal $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $15.50 buyers. White Pepper $29.50 Trang Pepper s2os buyers. Mace $l2O nom. Mace Pickings $75 sales. Cloves $39 out of season. Nutmegs 110 $24 sellers.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 222 9 The Grand Opera Co. OF PENANG. TO-NIGHT, A Most Amusing Piay, CHINDRA WATI. Prices of Admission $2. $l. 50 cts. 4 25 cts. Doors open at 8 p m. Musical Selections 8-30 to 9 p.m. Curtain 9 p.m. BOOKING AT THE S-U-T. FIRM and’at The Robinson Piano Co. The Straits
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    • 572 9 BANKS* CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O, Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur
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  • 841 10 DEFINITE RETIREMENT FROM THE GREEN CLOTH. John Roberts, who was 66 years old on August 15, has finally decided to retire from the world of billiards and presented his favourite match cus to Tom Reece. The old-time champion, who has happily recovered from the severe illness which overtook
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  • 39 10 Pknang :—The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Hotel Norman and Runnymede Hotel. Tanjong Bungah :—Springtide Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—The Empire Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Calcutta :—The Contint nta! Hotel Ceylon :—Nuwara Eliya
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  • 189 10 The companies do not guarantee the dates of arrival of these vessels, but will endeitow as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Alor Star, (Kedah). —Kedah, Sept. 12, 14 and 16 and Tong Chuan, Sept. 11,13, 15 and 17. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan Datoh.—Pangkor, every Monday. Deli.—Indragiri, every
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 506 10 SECURE OVilll ANI» CAR. 30 H.P., 5 Heater, complete with Bosch Magneto. EX THE NEXT SHIPMENT DUE SHORTLY. The OVERLAND is undoubtedly the best value on the market., LATEST TESTIMONIAL FROM INDIA: The Manager, 3rd December, 1912. American Automobile Co., Bombay.ii Dear Sir, THE OVERLAND MOTOR CAR which I purchased
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    • 253 10 I New Optical Goods. I THE “DAINTY” RIMLESS EYE-GLASS Gold Filled $5-00. Solid Gold $7-50. “AMPHYL” Motor op Cycle Goggles $6-50. Glare Protectors various coloured glasses $3-50 to $B-00. Our NEW OPTICAL PRICE LIST is now ready, and we shall be pleased to send a copy to anyone enquiring for
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  • 1367 11 WAS BLUEBEARD A VIVISECTIONIST BARON DE RETZ, THE STORY’S ORIGINAL. AN UNBALANCED SCIENTIST. A search of the archives of the castle of Nantes has revealed some astonishing new facts concerning the career of Gilles de Retz, or de Rais, one of the most amazing and dreadful figures in all history.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 Scientific Mow Profits. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK AND PRACTICAL FIELD TESTS HAVE ENABLED THE CEYLON MANURE WORKS—A. BAUR— To place at the disposal of the Planters the Correct Ingredients for the Successful Manuring of Tropical Plantations THE CEYLON MANURE WORKS—A. BAUR. Specialise in Manures and do no other business. Large Stocks
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    • 238 11 gpi **Kmp the “Far the Blood H Blood Pure.'* I» Lift.” I IClarke's Blood II Mixture if you suffer- from just such a medicine, any such disease as It is composed of mentioned below, ingredients which don't waste time and quickly attack, overmoney on lotions or come, and expel from
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    • 258 11 1 1 ff "11 iiltlltl II <ER’ \m er Oil Sf tract wu Veight and IvM Malaria and yers. fl| I KEPLER’ ffj I g and label I mt soffit rSr IVf I Chemists I. r U 5 Wellcome Co., London ft/ AND BOMBAY XZZ Rights Rnmtd ASEPTACINE The Reliable
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2609 12 p, &O. R ritish I WDIfI Steam [Navigation Norddevtscher Lloyd, Bremen, i Steam Navigation Co. Co,. Limited. I INTENDED SAILINGS HPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES I—" 1 MAU SERVICE OUTWARD. Sat. 13th Sept, at 4p m. Lama ii— I ocean steam Shin co iu 1913 SWnnnro Sun. 14th Sept at 4
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