Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1212 1 ■acaaao■□□□□□■□□□□□ a□□□□□■ FOR $BO D D u X7OU can have the Pinang g I Gaaatte n posted every day q for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, 527). O Proportionate Quarterly and d Half-yearly rates. g Suh«cnptioDB are payable* in o advance and remittances should q be addressed
      1,212 words
    • 90 1 ■ouaonaainnannaaaanauancDDß a \A7 HEN YOU ARE AWAY d n on l® a ve you want to keep 2 q 1 touch with Malayan affairs, Commercial, Mining, Planting, Ac. Thie you can do g n in no better way than by subserje- n J?™ 10 the Weekl y Edition of the
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  • 1096 2 -M.DC. Fri m the days of Money, the English barrister from Calcutta, who travelled through Java seventy years ago, up to roe present, the Government by the Dutch of their East Asiat c dependencies hks been eulogised as a model, which, however, British statesmanship declines
    -M.DC.  -  1,096 words
  • 574 2 On August 25 the Twenty-eighth Session (eighth of Season 1913-1914) took place at the Oriental Hotel, Bangkok. Mr. Wolf gave a paper with display of the s amps of the North German Confe ieration and German Empire. The stamps are neither rare nor beautiful in design, but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 707 2 TO LET.NOTICES. TO LET. NOTICE. HOUSE No. 421, Dato Kramat u mraUE* ANTHNtTCPII Road. 8« Bedrooms, Large MADAME. All I UHE.OUU, Compound, Tennis Court. Electric Light MIDWIFE DIPLOMEE .od F.OS. Entry about SepMStk NURSE, PPy o/o SAiM 4 Co. SEA VIEW HOTEL, PENANG Telephone 368. 1015—n w f-u o 883-21-10
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    • 124 2 He Suffered Day and Night With Sciatica. Mr. W. Knowles, Tragant Street, Bath, England, says: I was prostrated with Sciatica from my right thigh to the bottom of my foot, excruciating pains would dart. Day and night I suffered. Every medicine I knew of I tried, but nothing seemed to
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    • 262 2 No One Hesitates to take the best when offered. Sunlight Soap offers the very best in Soap, i and an increasing number of careful housewives > all over the world o—are finding this out every day. Do not ff 11 be misled into buying an inferior Soap, but ask for
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  • 102 4 The following are outputs for August Ayer Kuning lbs. 4,320 Beverlac 21,287 Blackwater 9,764 Bukit Panjong 17,706 Kapar Para 53,410 Ulu Rantau 23,601 Dusun Dorian 21,233 Sungei Choh 23,628 Seremban w 53,180 Langat River 18,901 Sungei Kapar 53,600 Sungei Salak n 33,511 Bukit < loh 19,600 Selinsing 15,913
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    • 69 4 THE RESULT. London, September 7. The resuh of the race for the Prince of Wales Handicap was as follows At Last 1 King Midas 2 Hinam 3 There were eight entrants. At Last won by two lengths. There was only a head between King Midas and Hinam
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    • 30 4 —Reuter NEW DEFENDER BUILDING. New York, September 7. Mess r s. Herreshoff is builiing a seventy feet all-s‘e?l sloop as a candidate to defend the America Cup.-
      —Reuter  -  30 words
    • 77 4 Reuter. A POWERFUL TEAM. London, September 6. The English cricketers sailin' for South Africa on October 18th are: Douglas (Essex), (Captain), Bird (Surrey), Robinson (Gloucester), Hon. L. Tennyson (Hampshire), Woolley (Ken*’), Mead (Hampshire), J. W. Hearne (Middlesex), A. Relf (Sussex), and Barnes (Staff irdshire) This
      Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 77 4 [/*rom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, September 8. The Engineer section of the Volunteers, as a farewell to Major Thomson an 1 Lieuts. Preedy and Blair, who are going on leave, shot two matches—one agairst the K.O Y L.I. sergeants and the other against the Royal Engineers
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    • 417 4 KINTA vs. TAIPING AND DISTRICT. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipob, September 8. The return match between Kinta and Taiping and District was played on the local padang on Saturday, afternoon, before a large concourse of interested spectators. Mr. B. C. M. Johnston officiated as R feree. Taiping
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    • 30 4 BIG LIST OF ENTRIES. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, September 8. There have been large entries received for the Ipoh Sports, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore being represented.
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    • 115 4 The following we e the scores made at the Kampong Bahru Range this morning Monthly Spoon Shoot. 150 Yards Deliberate. H’cap S. M. Total Miss Gawthorne .89 29 34.34 winner Mrs. Wright-Motion .71 32 34.13 Miss W. Gawthorne .71 31 33.84 Miss E. Mathieu .86 23
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    • 607 4 The Game in the Manchester District. The Warrington Town Cuuncil have prohibited women from using the public bowling-greens except f> r two hours a week, and if their action has a similar result to that which followed a limitation imposed by the Salford Council about two years
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    • 397 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette"] Sib, I read with interest your editorial and the amusirg letter by Tambun in your issue of the 30th ult. There is vital truth underlying the sarcasm in the letter. Take for instance tie case of a coconut estate not 12
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  • 153 4 endeavour to create the mulenium. Daily Mail. Petticoat rule in California, the larges’ suffragist in the Union, is the subject of a denunciatory manifesto issued t»y the National Association opposed to Woman Suffrage. As a result of investigations made by Miss Alice Hill Chittenden, the association declares that
    endeavour to create the mulenium. —Daily Mail.  -  153 words
  • 83 4 The following is the business for the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to be held to morrow:— 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. To consider and pass Supplemental Budget No. 1 of 1913. Business for Ordinary Meeting. 1. Any special business the
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  • 64 4 Arrivals. By Arcadia (September 6) from Hongkong, Mr and Mrs Hean from Singapore, Messrs Hogan. K A J Stevens and G Mamoli. By Klang (September 8) from Singapore, Mrs R M Amery, Messrs T P Cockrane, H M Boelern, G Lloyd and Mickle from Port Swettenham, Mr and Mrs
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  • 109 4 By Arcadia (September 6) to Colombo, Messrs D S Gardiner, E Dickson and G T Webb; to Marseilles, Messrs A L Ingall, J F Graham, N Skae and H F Cardwell; to London, Dr Webster and Miss A Mcßride. A smill boy who had been sent to a druggist
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  • 1381 4 INSPECTOR-GENERAL’S ANNUAL REPORT. EFFICIENCY OF THE FORCE. Mr. W A. Cuscaden’s annual report on the Straits Settlements police force for the year 1912, as well as that of the Chief Police Office, Capt. A. R. Chanc llor, were laid before the Legislative Council oo Ftiday afternoon. Both
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  • 249 4 A case of assault on Mr. D. E. Baxter, of the Sungei Tengah Rubber Estate, Sarawak, by a Javanese coolie has bfen recently before the courts. It appears that Mr. Baxter was going round inspecting one morning a few days ago and on arriving at
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  • 81 4 The following returns of output of tin are reported Gopeng Consolidated, Ltd.:— Piculs Old Section 430 New HO Ula 220 Total 760 Tekka, Limited Sungei Raia Section 450 Taiping Section 450 Total 900 Piculs. Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. 260 Kledang Tin Mining Company, Limited 204 Pengkalen, Limited 400
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 332 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KRANI WANTED. USED to Hotel or Club Accounts. Board and good wages given. Security required. Apply HOTEL NORMAN, Penang. WANTED. CHINESE CLERK for Timber Department of the F.M.S. Railways. Must know English and Malay and be able to read and write Chinese. Salary $7O p.m. Apply to Engineer
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 474 5 HOW THE WEST SERVES THE EAST. I I WHAT IS STERILIZED NATURAL MILK? I I This is a much more important question than it appears to be at first sight. I I Many people are under the impression that any milk sold in sealed tins is condensed milk; fl I
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  • 19 6 Allin —On the 2nd September, at Kuala Lumpur, the wife of C. H. Al in, of a daughter.
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  • 1163 6 The visit of the Bandmann Opera Coy. has been a notable event in the social life of the towns of Malaya. Into our m’dst a flee’ing element of mirth and music has come and iu passing has left many agreeable has also provided matter for se r
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  • 574 6 Mr. HENRY ARTHUR JONES ON THE THEATRE OF IO DAY. In an eloquent plea for a na’ional drama that shall be worthy of the race that gave the world Shakespeare and Milton, Dickens and Defoe, Mr. Henry Arthur Jones the other day declared that there was no
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  • 186 6 Theft of Butter. It may be reinemiered that ab mt a month ago Mary Rozel I* a chinting in ihe Government Monopolies, and Che Din, a tamby in the employ of Messrs. Pritchard Jr Co., were charged before Mr. E. E. Colman with being iu fraudulent possession
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  • 96 6 To-day’s quotations for unrefined tin in Penang was $96.90 per picul, buyers no sellers. No London quotations. The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Tin Exchange $96.90 Straits Trading Co. n j] Eastern Smelting Co. nil. Leong Fee <fc Co. n jj. Singapore• Straits Trading
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  • 348 6 Mr. G. Mamoli, manager for th* q*. of the Societa Commissionaria D ra ta Ltd., arrived on Saturday from Sin by the Arcadia. blu g*por e Mr. J. Rohrmann has gone Sarawak to start a wholesale and t 0 business if sufficient inducement offere d Rohrmann w„
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  • 149 6 The Penang Volunteer Sccuts paraded yesterday morning at the top cf Burmah Road. After going about a mile along Mount Erskine Road a halt w?s made on the rising ground above the Chinese Cemetery, which commands a good stretch of the main road below. The range to
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  • 331 6 On Saturday last the members of the Young Muslim Union gave an afternoon party at their Club premises iu celebration of Raya Puasa.” The guests were Messrs. F. E. Colman, A.W. Hamilton, M. H. M. Noordin, H. No< r iin, Tuan Chee, Haji Nasir, S. A. Aljunid,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 «SR jy VXt s 5 ——i Sx |-ia—,. j CiGARE^TEsjGYPTI^N NES h| Wjjßfrjfe E| i Bx BaSs KBouwKßouce M®si g» 4 > \L’| I Fabrique p A r R < K K fiswram •'-'o o**s ieua manufacture *u fe 11 /AASPERO FRtRES L t o*«»<■•»« «-.«.teeruit Rg» »pw<WM gpwjitia wiaialE
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    • 16 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILL. An Ideal Spot for Spending Holidays and Week-Ends. BARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors.
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  • 104 7 SUIT AT IPdH. MASS OF TECHNICAL EVIDENCE. [Fro??i Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, September 8. la the Tekka mining case, in which Mess<s. F. A. Harrison, Ltd., are suing Tekka, Ltd., for $20,000 damages, alleged to have been caused to plaintiffs’ mine by flooding at Pulai, through the
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  • 36 7 RULING PRICES IN LONDON. London, September B.* The following are to-day’s quotations for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 2/6| Para to arrive 3/4 Market quiet. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead «fc Co>]
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  • 56 7 —Reuter. COUNSEL DISAPPEARS. New York, September 7. Mr. Jerome, Harry Thaw’s counsel, who was reported to have been under arrest on a charge of gamblng, slipped quietly across the border of the United States and faibd to surrender to his bail. Counsel pleaded that he was
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 58 7 A ROYAL WELCOME. Berlin, September 7. The King of Greece, accompanied by the Queen and the Crown Prince, arrived to attend the army manceuvres, and were welcomed by the Kaiser and the Royal Princes ihe party drove to Potsdam The Chiefs and General staffs of
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  • 268 7 —D.O.L Berlin, September 7. The German Press is satisfied with Italy’s decision to annually construct one battleship. The Triple Alliance is doing its duty regarding the Army and Navy. Italy’s Ambassador in Paris, Senor Tittoni, is tired of office. General Hoetzendorff, Chief of Austria’s General Staff, is
    —D.O.L  -  268 words
  • 40 7 AFTER THE WAR —Reu’er. TURKEY AND BULGARIA. DELEGATES MEET TO-DAY. Constantinop'e, September 8. The first meeting of the Turkish and Bulgarian has been postponed ti 1 Monday afternoon, when the date of the real opening of busiue-s will be decided.
    —Reu’er.  -  40 words
  • 81 7 London, September 2.—The ItaLan Foreign Ministe" at Home, receiving a deputation from Adrianople, said thit Adrianop’e would probably remain Turkish. He would do his best to reconcile Turkish and Bulgarian interest 0 which would assure a lasting peace between the two countlies. The presence of the Turks
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  • 81 7 —Reuter. NOTABLE SPEECH AT HADDINGTON. London, September 7. Mr. A. J. Balfour, in a speech at Haddington, said the Government could appeal to the country before passing Home Rule or could appeal after it became law but before it came into operation. Rumour indicated that
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 137 7 London, August 30.—Arrangements for the meetings of the Uls er Unionist Cour c 1 in September were completed at Belfast yesterday. At a mre'ing, attended by Lord Kilmorey, Lord Clanwilliam, a number of members of the House of Commons, and others, it was decided to hold a
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  • 121 7 —Reuter SPEECH BY MR. T. J. MACNAMARA. London, September 7. Mr. T. J. Macnamira, Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty, speaking at Peckham, said Mr. Lloyd-George’s finance had enabled Eng lan 1 to amply meet the growing cost of national defem e, which was the first duty of the
    —Reuter  -  121 words
  • 76 7 —Reuter. DECLINING IMPORTS. London, September 7. The Board of Trade returns show a d-crease in imports of £3,633,752 and an increase in exports of £332,008. Further Details. Later. The principal decreases in imports are in food, drink, tobacco, and raw materials, there being declines of £441,000
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 44 7 —Reuter. M. POINCARE’S DECREE. London, September 8. M. Poincarĕ has signed a decree creating a Council to adviss the Admiralty on technical ma-ters, and also a decree establishing French Courts in Morocco for French citzens and proteges, replacing the Consu'ar Courts.-
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 35 7 —Reuter. Simla, September 6. One hundred and fifty persons were crossing a tributary of the Bess in the Hoshiarpur district en route to Fair, when a spate drowned the whole party.-
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 98 7 Reuter. HOSPITAL REPAIRS STOPPEF. ELECTRICIANS BESOMING WORK. London, September 6. The Strike Committee has dec ined to al ow the painters to complete the work at St. Mary’s Ho pi tai at Paddington, thus excluding eighty patien s. The North Western Kailway has conceded two shillings advance
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 122 7 -Reuter. 17 DEATHS. London, September 5. There are now seventeen dead as the re suit of the Ai«gill disaster. Douglas having succumbed, the driver of the eeconi train gave evidence at the inquiry that he went round oiling the engine when the critical signals were passed.
    -Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 91 7 —Rettvc. HOSTILE ORDINANCE RESENTED. Rome, September 6. It transpires that as a result of the dissatisfaction caused in Italy by the ordinances dismissing foreigners from the service of the municipality of Trieste, supposed to be chiefly directed against Italians, the proposed visit of the Foreign Minister, Marchen
    —Rettvc.  -  91 words
  • 67 7 —Reuter, INDIGNATION MEETING. Johannesburg, September 7. A labour meeting held in Market Square, and attended by several thousands, passed a resolution expressing disgust at the ac ion of the authorities held in attempting to suppress the rstablished rights of the people to free speech. Violent
    —Reuter,  -  67 words
  • 105 7 —Reuter. FATE OF TWO EXPLORERS. Ottawa, September 6. News has been received here that Messrs. Radford and Street, the American and Canadian explorers, respectively, who in 1911, left Chesterfield, an inlet of the Hudson Bay, to travel overland to Bathurst, an inlet of the Arctic Ocean, were
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 40 7 .—-Reuter. ANTI-CANADIAN OBJECTIONS REMOVED. Washington, September 6. The countervailing duty on wood pulp has been eliminated from the Tariff Bill by the Senate’s Finance Committee, which presented amendments under which all the anti-Canadian retaliatory features were removed.'
    .—-Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 35 7 —Reuter. MANY CASUALTIES. London, September 7. A sorter was ki led and several pers ns injured in the Manchester P. O. by the explosion of a pa cel supposed to contain cartridges.-
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 56 7 PLIGHT OF NANKING. Tokyo, September 7. A mass meeting, held in defiance of the police prohibition, protested against the Nanking inc dent and i assei a resolution urging the Government to mobilise troops. —Reuter. Previous telegrams stated that several Japanese had been executed at Nanking for
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    • 189 7 London, August 28th.—A Shanghai cab'e states: With the approval of the British Legation, Colonel Bruce, Superintendent of Police in Shanghai, will accept the post of Police Adviser to the Chinese Government. A telegram from Nanking, dated 23th instant, says that a bombardment occurred last night. The Government
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    • 247 7 London, September 2nd.—There is no truth in the story published in London that Yuan-Shi-Kai was poisoned in May. He was slightly ill at that time, but was treated by the Doctor in the French He eujoyei the best health afterwards. The Legations have refused to recognise China’s
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  • 81 7 —Reuter. TERRIBLE DISASTER IN AMERICA. Hotspring (Arkansas), Sept. 7. A great fire, a mile long and ten blocks wide, in the eastern section of the city destroyed factories, hote’s, residences and public buildings. Two thou and are homeless. Dynamite was used to prevent the spread of
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 72 7 Reuter. BY THE MASTER OF ELIBANK. London, September 6. The Standard states that Lord Murray, formerly Master of Elibank, acting on behalf of Messrs. Pearson, has secured a triumph over American and Dutch rivals in obtaining a valuable concession to work the oil fields of Ecuador,
    Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 473 7 The performance of “Gypsy Love” by the Bandmaun Opera Co., on Saturday night, was a decided improvement in the Musical Comedy line on the Girl in the Taxi.” The staging was better, the dresses were more elaborate, and the music was of a higher standard altogether, approaching at
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    • 200 7 The Times of Malaya, in its critique of the performance by the Bandmann Co. at Ipoh of “the Pink Lady,” has the following scathing but well justified denunciation of the Gaby Glide In the third act we are introduced to the Restaurant of the Satyrs by the
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  • 158 7 ALLEGED DOUBLE MURDER. Although ca q es of murder with the object of robbery are all too frequent in the F.M.S. it is rarely that a Malay is incriminated. A Malay man, however, is being sought as the alleged perpetrator of a particularly brutal murder which was
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  • 438 7 CONSECRATION AT KUALA LUMPUR. Ou Saturday the formal consecration took place of Makepeace Lodge, No. 3674, E.C Kuala Lumpur Eastern Archipelago, under most auspicious conditions. The consecration ceremony was performed by Mr. F. M. Elliot, R. W. D G Master, assisted by Wor. B os. Hon. R.
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  • 238 7 INTERVIEW THE CHIEF SECRETARY, F.M.S. The Chief Secretary, Sir Edward Brockman, K.c M.G., received the members of the Began Datoh Planters’ Association on Thursday morning, in Kuala Lumpur, when they laid before him the present unsatisfactory state of drainage and road works in that part of Lower
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 The Rubber Tree Book BY W. F. de Bois Maclaren. A Text Book for Rubber Directors, Planters and Assistants. 300 PAGES. 85 ILLUSTRATIONS. For the convenience of Planters who would like to have the above book without the trouble of writing home for it, the undermentioned are keeping a stock,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 39 7 OBITUARY. REV. JAMES ORR. London, September 6. The d p a*h is announced of the Rev. James Orr, m.a b d d.d (Glasgow), Professor of Apologetics a' d Theology at the Theological College of the U. F. Church, Glasgow.—Reuter.
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  • 818 8 THE IMPERIAL EXHIBITION. London, August 29.—With reference to The Times of India's remarks of this morning regarding tl e apparent omission of India from the scheme of the Imperial Exhibition, the Exhibition auhorities state that negotiations for a site are in progress and will be settled before the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 341 8 GOLF. In view of the growing popularity of Golf in the wide area in which the Unang Gazette circulates, we have arranged for the publication of EIGHT PRACTICAL ARTICLES By WORLD-FAMED PLAYERS, to appear EVERY SATURDAY, Our series of articles on the politics, practice and implements of the sport, by
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    • 298 8 Look for these Marks! The Guarantees of Quality!! w JI A I Mi* w fy iFgJI k A THE camel brand belting. T SUPERIOR J Ifl I BONELESS I I u /l fR. .Z R > fr |ll Jfew/ryr il 7] I BREAKFAST V- rMtegfe- t 1 I BACON THE
      298 words

  • 2270 9 Capital. Subscribed. Value. 2 Dividend». Nam*. 1 (J SA Ct 1909 1910 1911 1919 1913 MINING, 1919 9100,000 $60,000 60.000 1 1 Ayer Wen* Rahman? DAP. 00. 81.10 1903 300.000 300.000 30,000 10 10 30 30 28$ 9 Belat Tin Minin* Oo 32$ 8« TO m» «m.oto iot.oto >»
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  • 80 9 Klang, Brit., 732, Fawcus, *Bept. 8, S’pore, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 111, Dyason, Sept. 8, Langkat, gen., E. S. Co. Omapere, Brit., 340, Morris, Sept. 8, Amoy, gen., E. S. Co. Indragiri, Dut., 150, Brou, Sept. 7, Deli, gen., K. P. M. Speelman, Dut., 639, Danay,
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  • 42 9 Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Jelunga for Singapore, China and Japan. Avagyee for Dindings, Sitiawan, and Teluk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping. Leong Ho for Batu Bahra.
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  • 149 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To- Morrow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Kedah 9 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Ghee Thye 10 a.m. Calcutta Lovat 10 a.m. Tongkah Malacca 1 Deli and Langsa Indragiri 1 p.m. Trang Trang 1 p.m. Asahan Jin Ho
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  • 253 9 Pbnano, September 8, 1913. S. P. Tapioca $4.30 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $4.50 buyers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $15.40 buyers. White Pepper $29.50 buyers. Trang Pepper s2os buyers. Mace $l2O nom. Mace Pickings $75 buyers. Cloves $39 out of season. Nutmegs 110 $22.50
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  • 197 9 The companies do not guarantee the dates r>f arrival of these vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Alor Star, (Kedah).—Kedah, Sept. 10, 12, 14 and 16 and Tong Chuan, Sept. 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan Datoh.—Pangkor, every Monday.
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  • 124 9 Pbnang, September 8, 1913. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/8 3 Credit 2/415/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 176 f Bombay Demand Bank 174$ 3 days’sight Private 176 J Madras
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 240 9 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every descrip'ion supplied. Inscriptions done iu all languages, under skilled European supervision. The best Italian and Caraia Marble used. William Edward sons, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. (Samples oi Granite to be
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    • 569 9 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,006 Hbad Ofeicb 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O, Agkmciks and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg Puket Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok Karachi Seremban Batavia Kobe Singapore Calcutta Klang Shanghai Colombo Kuala Lumpur
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  • 898 10 Dr. C. W. Saleeby writes in the P.MG., of Aug. 13:—Jonathan Hutchinson should have lived two months longer to see what will indeed be the crown of his life work. When be died, at the end of June, his clinical genius was here summed in the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 F Fortify your Constitution against Malaria, by taking ‘VANA’ Tonic (TRADE MARK) It stores up a reserve of vitality and power. Those whose vitality is lowered, who lack energy and vigour, fall easy victims to Malaria. Obtainable of all Chemists ■tgjes-. Burroughs Wellcome Co. j 1A London and Bombay ./jT,
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  • 937 11 MR. HEWITT’S VISIT. The third ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rabbet Company, Limited, was held on 14th ult., at the Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, E. C, Mr. L. Byron Peters (chairman) presiding. The Chairman said The output for the year
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 HEIDSIECK MONOPOLE. Red Seal and Gout Americain. OHLENDORFF’S DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GUANO AND SPECIAL RUBBER FERTILIZER A'ways in Stock. CHOP MATA. CARL SCHLIEPER’S Implements, Tools and Machinery for Rubber Estates. H M. B. and Four Crown Whisky. SCHMIDT, KUSTERMANN Co., Penang. THE ABSOLUTE IT teii i rTrag FRASER AND NEAVE’S SODA
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    • 864 11 ASEPTACINE NJ V K The Reliable Antiseptic Mouth Wash. 31 ANTISEPTIC, DEODORANT, NON-IRRITANT, Ifttvan ILU C. I 4 AGREEABLE AND NON-POIBONOUB. JdpiHl Mdll OICMDSnip VO. Ld. Ab a Gargle or Mouth Wash. Use one part to four parts of water, and gargle frequently. JBL Ab a Douche, &C. Use one
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2636 12 p, &o. B- 1 1s l wpiA S team N avigatiow Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen.l feg Skarn Navigation Co. Co., limited. INTENDED SAILINGS. A\ IXFECTED ARRIVALS V»D DEPARTURES Jl M f Fob Intbndkd to Sail. Stkamsb. mail service outward. ocmh s '®®m Ship co., ltd Sept 18 China connecting with Marmora
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