Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 April 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 966 1 For $3O S V«u can have the "Pinang u I J Gazette” posted every day g j for a whole year to your address. i (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION. $27.) c proportionate Quarterly and a S rates 8 Subscriptions are payable in cr advance ar, d remittances «bould d ke addressed to
      966 words
    • 79 1 J TI Then you are away on leave V V you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Com- D mercial, Mining, Planting, &c. n n This you can do in no better way q subscribing to the Weekly g q Edition of the “Pinang Gazette,” a
      79 words

  • 550 2 A MEDLEY OF TRAFFIC AT SUFFRAGETTE OFFICES. The headqua* ters of the Women’s Social and Political Union in London were recently the object of an elaborately planned hoax in which scores of tradesmen were involved. Tnese had received bogus orders to deliver all kinds and descriptions of goods
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  • 267 2 Demand for Immediate Outlay of £1,000,000. A manifesto has been issued by the Aerial League of the Briti-h Empire, signed by Lord Plymouth, Admiral Sir E. R. Fremantle, General Sir R ginaid Pole Carew, Sir Gilbert Parker, Mr. Alan Burgoyne, and others, drawing attention to the “grave
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  • 31 2 Penang :—The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Hotel Norman, Runnymede Hotel and Carlton Hotel. Ipoh -The Grand Hotel, F.M.B. Hotel. Rangoon:— Strand Hotel. Calcutta The Continental Hotel.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 870 2 SITUATION WANTED. PENANG HUNT CLUB. SITUATION *T*HE Annual General Meeting will be 1 held in the Chamber of Commerce A YOUNG and hardworking assistant on Monday, 7th April, 1913, at 4-15 p.m. seeks employment on a Rubber Es- BUSINESS tote either in Spite Settlement, or j T aud f Sumetra.
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    • 508 2 nannonannaaaannaananannoDnanoa www some of g nnEIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMnnu S Messrs. WILKINSON. gg S 5 HEYWOOD A CLARKS’ g HA IRDf P I/ g specialities. gg OrALLr D LL/r\ 5 SYNOLEO Paste Distemper; 5 R PHASANTITE Di.temper: < It II E* O ar i IVldCUntuUn a UO. 5 n only. These distempers are
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  • 1139 3 WHERE BRITAIN LEAbS. If there ii one industry, and as a matter of f*ct there are more than on p in which Great Britain stands sup-eme, it is surely that of shipbuil ing. As the Marquis of Bristol his just pointed out at the annual meeting of the
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  • 235 3 PENANG’S STATISTICS In the Penang Municipality for the week ended March 22, there were 63 deaths —44 males and 19 females, equal to a death-rate of 31.91 per mille. The death-rate and chief causes of mortality were ■g _L "S -S «4 «> 2 o .i, v u
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  • 311 3 New Device Of The Smuoglbrs. Bombay, March 20th.—Cocaine smugglers in Bombay have once again been baffled by the vigilance of the Excise Officers. From time to time various methois and devices had been tried to pass the contraband drug out of the docks, but very rarely proved successful.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 875 3 The Straits Cinema Co. TOWN HALL, LOCATION —PENANG road. MeMflj, 21 St April. fit 9-15 p.B. TEMPOS MUTANTUR ET NOS MUTAMUD IN ILLIS." h a t Diction of Mr. DAVID E. D. COHEN. To-night! To-night!! one concert only of 111 Parts- 9,000. 11l Acts- the WORLD renowned A HUGE DETECTIVE
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    • 310 3 S TO DAY H not to-morrow! a p Before deciding where to r f send your next order, we n would like you to see B our Illustrated Cata- 5 Y logue, which shows the I *1 I Latest Fashions in Ladies’ I p J and Gent.’s Goods. 1 Bri
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  • 190 4 Mr. H C. Ridges has left Kuala Lumpur to take up an important official appointment in British North Borneo. Mr. R. D. Pringle, General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., Singapore, and Mrs. Pringle touched at Penang yesterday on their way Home on leave. The State
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  • 130 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Medan, April 3. The Batavia Newsblad has received news of a series of earthquakes, which occurrtd in the Islands of Stngi and Talaut on the 30th ultimo. Many lives are reported as being lost. The Government have sent help for the natives. Further eruptions
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  • 132 4 London, 27ch Ma ch.—Sir Percy Scott contributes an article to the British Review of this month, containing a sensational attack on Lord Charles Beresford. He gives details of the famous signal about paint work, being preferred befo e gunnery for which, he says, Lord Cnarles Beresford requested
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  • 119 4 Well Known Jockeys Warned Off* Bombay, 27 March.—Sensational racing news has reached Bombay in connection with the racing scandal at the Gwalior Race Meeting. Full particulars are not yet to hand, but it is alle ed that well-known jockeys have been wiped out for life, and that
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  • 113 4 New York, March 2.—From a meeting on board the ill-fated Titanic in April of last year came the ma»*ri ge yesterday of Mi-s Helen Monypenny Newson to Mr. Karl Howell Behr, lawyer and tennis player. They were made acquainted at sea, and when the Titanic
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  • 74 4 So day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $106.70 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin in Loudon is quoted at £216 10«. spot and £213 7«. 6<Z. three months. The following was the local repoit To-day :—Singapore*. Straits Trading Co Ltd., 75 tons, $107.25 Penang Straits
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  • 538 4 TWO VESSELS ON ROCKS IN RHIO STRAITS. PLEASURE YACHT AND LOCAL TRADER. The Rhio Straits, which have been the graveyard of many a good ship, entrapped two more vessels on Tuesday night, one the pleasure yacht Sagella in which the Due de Valencay and friends are doing a leisurely
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  • 345 4 In the course of its comments upon the appeal issued by the Nation*! Opium Conference. The Peking Daily News pertinently remarks That it should be necessary for a free people publicly to appeal to the world to contribute towards th* expenses of bonfires of Indian
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  • 548 4 SUPERFICIAL INSPECTION AT STATELY INTERVALS.” In the course of an article entitled The Backwardness of Burma,” the Rangoon Gazette writes :—Whatever be the way in which some of the crying needs of Burma’s finance are to be met, whether by the growth of her gain under the permanent
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  • 301 4 FUEL THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN LEFT AT SOUTH POLE. Amundsen, who has been repeating the story of his journey to the South Pole to enormous audiences in Chicago, interpolated an interesting passage in his address in that city one night. Speaking of the historic date, December 19, 1911,
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  • 44 4 Delhi, March 27.—10 is reported ab Delhi that the Viceroy’s health continues to benefit considerably from the salubrious climate of Debra Dun. His Excellency will, quite possibly, proceed for a few day a’ shooting in the adjoining forests, early in April.
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  • 809 4 —M.M. MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION. SELANGOR DISTRICT WITHOUT TELEPHONE SYSTEM. At a Committee meeting of the Ulu Selangor District Planters* Association held at the Rest House Kuala Kubu, on March 30tb, the following we»e present: —Messrs. W. De L. Brooke (Chairman), N. H. Dakeyne, F S. Lyne,
    —M.M.  -  809 words
  • 222 4 The following are outputs for March: Glenealy lbs. 6,350 Pajam 17,750 Rim 5,800 Allagar 14,400 Bukit Kubu 1,400 Batu Rata 11,0 -7 Consolidated 4,728 Ulu Pandan 3,355 Hay tor 4,306 Tapah 8,800 Bukit Timah 9,786 Nyalas 2,400 Kelemak 2,700 Changkat Serdang 5,013 Rembia 7,517 Lendu 2,225 Krubong 3,500
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 28 4 Your soup* and stews will be more nourishing every time you remember to add little BOVRIL It imparts a deffdous flavour which appeals to the most critical palata.
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    • 187 4 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE, 1912, F M.S. "INDIAN IMMIGRATION FUND ORDINANCE 1911", EMPLOYERS of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Dy* Controller of Labour, Penang during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the
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    • 342 4 Ipoh Gymhhona Club. OFFICIAL JPROGRAMME. Race Meeting for Ponies to be held by the ipoh Gymkhana Club, on Friday and Saturday, the 18th and J 9th April, 1913. FIRST DAY’S PROGRAMME. Race I. A handicap for Roadsters. Distance R C. (see footnote). Race 11. A race for Class “A griffins.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 139 5 BY APPOINTMENT TO H, M. THE KI Na CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The India Office. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading medical men, as well as the public, recognise the PURITY
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  • 1121 6 It can no longer be ignored that a considerable change has been wrought in the spirit of those who are engaged in contesting the right of Turkey to a place in Europe. At the commencement of hostilities in the Balkans and for some weeks afterwards the manner in
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  • 251 6 ATTACK BY ARMED CHINESE. PLANTERS* TIMELY ARRIVAL, Lumut, April 3. News was received yesterday of a daring outrage in a kampong adjoining Guernsey Estate, Lumut, by a number of armed Chinamen. It appears that on the night of the Ist April, at about 10 p.m., a gang of
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    • 531 6 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette Sir, There have been several instances in which Masters of vessels have been prosecuted for allowing the overcrowding of passengers on ships. If Masters of vessels are liable to prosecution for taking more passengers than the licensed number, is not
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  • 359 6 QUARANTINE ACCOMODATION. QUESTION BY HON D. I. BOYD. [Erom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 5. At the meeting of the Legi 3 U t i Ve Council, yesterday, a letter was read f rOrn the Secretary of State in reply to the U Q official Members of the
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  • 67 6 RETURNS FROM LEAVE. [Erom Our Own Correspondent.]' Ipoh, April 5. Mr. E. J. Brewster, British Resident of Pahang, has arrived in Ipoh from Home and will be the guest of Mr. F. J. Bryant prior to his going to Pahang to resume duties of his appointment.
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  • 32 6 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 5. The Singapore Volunteers gave a moat successful dance last night. The Hon. R. J. Wilkinson, Colonial Secretary, and many garrison officers attended.
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  • 37 6 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 5. Mr. E. Edward’, senior boarding and immigration officer of the Marine Department, Singapore, whiht jumping out of a runaway gharry, fell and received a severe shaking.
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  • 39 6 TEN MEN BURIED ALIVE. [From Our Own Correspondnt.] Ipoh, April 5. A fall of earth occurred in the Kong Seng Mine, at Sankei Raia, ytsterday, when ten coolies were burkd alive. The bodies have not been recovered.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 401 6 pT c a tarrh of I Digestive Organs. I U The soothing, healing and tonic properties of Angier’s Emulsion H eminently adapt it to the relief and cure of stomach and bowel dis- H orders of a catarrhal, fermentative, ulcerative or tubercularnature H Simple and harmless, this remedy exercises its
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    • 42 6 2 E. 0., PHNANG. W 1 ie Best, The CRAG, Penang Hills. T only Sanatorium in the Straits Settlements. 2 RAFFLES, Singapore. Well-1 nown from East to West, ft STRAND, RANGOON. C 7". Li 1 Toe ir Ist frequented Hotel in Burma.
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  • 784 7 TO-DAY’S CHANCES. The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list, on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day 2 SHABIB. M m M tn Mtnincr. nopeng C- 29/- 32/6 29/- 31/9 gramat 8} 9 8 8} Malayan Tin 77/- 80/6 75/9 79/. Pahang C.
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  • 27 7 The output of Siput'-h Tin Mines for the mon h of M .rob was 326 picuh from the mine and 132 piculs from tributers.
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  • 120 7 REAT TRADING PRMPECTS. PiNANG’S OPPORTUNITY. [From Our Special Correspondent] Trang, April 5. In a week’s continuous travelling, I have covered nearly 400 miles. I have visited the principal mining and agricultural districts in the Province, viewed the engineering features for the rail heads, north and east, on
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  • 141 7 —Reuter. DECLINES TO SURRENDER INDEPENDENCE. St. Petersburg, April 4. A telegram from Ugra says that Yuan Shi Kai wrote to Khutu-Khta urging the Mongolians to renounce independence and amicably arrange contentious questions, intimating their willingness to assume Mongolian debts to Russia and the TaisingBank, offering to recompense KhutuKhta and
    —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 89 7 -Reuter. SUFFRAGETTE THREATS. London, April 4. The anger of the Suffragists at the sentence of Mrs. Pankhurst was evidenced at meetings yesterday evening, the speakers predicting a reign of terror. Human li e would no longer be respected..—Reuter. Designs on Railways. The Railways are being specially
    -Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 120 7 Reuter. SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION. London, April 4. The Zeppelin, whose adventure was reported yesterday, is identical with that inspected by the Prince of Wales. It’s capture has caused a sensation in Germany, following an article in the official Norddeutsche on April 2 appealing to the German Press not
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 44 7 —Reuter. CABINET DIFFERENCES DENIED. London, April 4. The Government Whipi announce there is not the slightest foundation for the rumours of dissensions in the Cabinet as the resub of the Marconi enquiry. The Unionist, Mr. Terrell, has resigned from the Marconi committee
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 18 7 -Reuter. Ottawa, April 5. The House of Commons has passed the Japanese Treaty Bill.—
    -Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 314 7 Reuter, POWERS’ MODERATE POLICY. A COAST BLOCKADE. London, April 4. It is announce 1 in Berlin that the demonstration against Montenegro will be limited to a peaceful blockade of the coast and the closing of the Austrian frontier. It is hoped the consequent scarcity of food will bring
    Reuter,  -  314 words
  • 95 7 —Reuter. U. S. RECOGNITION. Washington, April 4. There are numerous indications that the Government has decided to recognise the Chinese Republic. Mr. Bryan's Suggestion. Mr. Bryan has informed the diplomatists of the intention of the United States to recognise the Chinese Republic on April 8, when the Chinese
    —Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 48 7 .—Reuter. PIRATES DISGUISED AS PASSENGERS. Hongkong, April, 4. The British West River steamer Tai on, which has returned, reports that it was looted by pirates who boarded the vessel at Hongkong disguised as passengers. They killed and wounded five Chinese passengers and escaped in boats.
    .—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 30 7 —Reuter. London, April 4. A Committee of Bankers has been formed to consider the best means of increasing the National gold reserves. Lord St. Aldwyn is chairman.-
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 108 7 EXTRAORDINARY MEXICAN AFFAIR. London, 18th March. A Mexico City wire states An extraordinary affair is reported from Delem Prison. It appears that General Zepeda, nephew of General Huerta, with a equad of mounted men, went to the prison and ordered the warder to produce four exGovernors whom
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    • 111 7 —Reuter, COVERTCOAT THE WINNER. London, April 4. The Grand National resulted Covertcoat 1 Irish Mail 2 Carsey 3 Twenty-two ran. Won by a distance. Betting'; 100/9, 25/1, 100/9. Carsey fell at the last fence when second She was remounted and completed the course. Only three finished. Also
      —Reuter,  -  111 words
    • 172 7 FIRST DAY’S RESULTS. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Seremban, April 4. Fine weather prevailed for the first day of the Seremban Meeting. The racing was excellent, but fields ruled rather small. Results Miners’ Cup, Lady Athlone (Cooper) 1 Wreck (Mill») 2 Devon (Maurice) 3 Won by three lengths; a
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    • 151 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Taiping, April 4. Yesterday evening on the School ground, a large crowd of spectators were present to witness a league contest played between the Taiping and District Team and the King Edward VII. School. Mr Murray officiate! as referee. A few minutes after
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    • 177 7 The yearly cost of a Boat Race, says Baily’s Magazine, may be given as £6OO for each crew. The contest rarely takes more than twenty minutes, so that the cost works out at about £6O per minute, or £1 12s. fid every time the oars
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 708 7 GOOD BRED DOG, either Fox or Bull Terrier wanted. Will pay good price NOT I G .K T for good dog. Apply to IN THE ESTATE OF CARLES *No. 366, c/o Pinang Gazette. MURRELL MARRIS, DECEASED. 417 8-4 T3URSUANT to the Conveyancing and Law <f Property Oriioance 1886, jj* a.
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  • 736 8 the modern tendency. In Lancashire belt driving is rather overshadowed by rope driving, and, indeed, the modern tendency is distinctly against belts for large main drives under normal conditions. As a result belt driving has not received much attention from the majority of engineers and power users during
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  • 132 8 NEW—BOOKS. The following rew books have been received the Library Malay Feuijuula, by Arnold Wright and Thomas H. Reid. Papers on Malay subjects (History Parts I—V), by R. J. Wilkinson. Journal Straits Branch Royal Asiatic Society Nqs. 60— Report on the Census of the Colony of the Straits
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 512 8 w WE HAVE HAD FURTHER Second-hand cars. If you want to BUY or SELL a Car /r^f\ J /K\ )XM I T’. give us a call and we can; probably suit you. We have frequent enquiries Jfor fl bofh First Anaemia —Then Rheumatism Full particulars, > Cured in the F.
      512 words
    • 205 8 WHY ARABIC? ARABIC applied to the roof and sides of your house or factory will effect an enormous reduction in the internal temperature. Arabic is an excellent preservative for ironwork; it covers more surface and lasts longer than paint. It is sold in the form of a dry powder and
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  • 2168 9 Number of Issue A Capital. Subscribed. ghareg> Valne> 2 Dividend., Name S S 5g at? w M ST 1909 1910 1911 1919 1913 MINING. 1918 9100,000 $60.000 60,000 1 1 .w Aver Wan, Pfchmtn) UkP Co Si 50 §1.60 1«B 300.000 300.000 30.000 10 10 30 30 38J H
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  • 91 9 Sea Belle, Brit, 400, Ahmat, April 4, P.Sliam, nil, F.M.S. Government. India, Brit., 4198, Gordon, April 4, S’ghai, gen, Adamson Gilfillan Co. Jinsen Maru, Jap., 2316, Machida, April 4, C’cutta, geu., Paterson Simons Co. Malaya, Ger., 348, B. Peters, April 5, Deli, gen., Behn Meyer Co. Erinpnra, Brit, 2759,
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  • 47 9 DEPARTURES. By Alma (April 4) to Port Swettenham, Mrs Bellamay ;to Singapore, Dr M W Chill. By Omaperb (April 4) to Tongkah, Messrs T Bahraer and E A Davidson. By Pbrak (April 4) to Deli, Mrs Ward, Messrs T L Halls, Takuoncki and D G Gray.
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  • 52 9 Jinsen Maru for Singapore, I China and Japan. Erinpura for Rangoon and Calcutta. Hok Canton for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Silesia for Colombo and Tuticorin. Lama for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Glenfalloch for Singapore, Hongkang, Amoy and Swatow. Rotorua for Tongkah. Ban Lee for Alor Star (Kedah). Dunera
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  • 123 9 Pinang, April 5, 1913. (Sy Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank), London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 5/l6 3 Credit ...2/4J5/32 3 Documentary ...2/417/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Madras Demand Bank 174$
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  • 254 9 Penang, April 5, 1913. Gold leaf $64.60 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 05).... No stock. White Pepper $31.25 nom. Trang Pepper $lB 75 sellers. Mace $l2O nom Mace Pickings $99 sales. Cloves $39 out of season. Nutmegs 110 523 sales {No. 1 $8.20 sales. No. 2 $B.lO sales.
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  • 37 9 AT GENERAL FOST OFFICI, Monday. Per Clos<. For Tumsday. Tongk.h *!>•-• ‘H 4 30 WBDNMDAf/ §Ceylon, Austialasia, 1 India, Aden, Egypt, f Yorck < P ®>» and vid Naples, for I Rgt. up to *«3O p.». Europa, etc. J
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  • 217 9 Saturday, April S. Cricket: P.C.C. v. Butterworth, Esplanade C.R.C. v. St Xavier’s, Victoria Green. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Suaday, April 6. 2nd Sunday after Easter. P.V, Rifle Meeting Event No. 11. Monday, April 7. Old Lady
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  • 252 9 The companies do not guarantee the date» of arrival of these vessels, but will endeavew as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah). —Kedah, April 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 2% 25, 27 and 29 and, Tong Chuan, April 6, 8
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  • 230 9 SUNDAY, APRIL Chvrch ef EaglaaJ. St. George s Church.—Matins, 8; Holy Communion, 8.30 a.m.; Holy Communion, (Tamil). 9.30 a.m.; Matins (Chinese), 10,30 a.m.; hildren’s Service, 5 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Chaplaincy of Perak North. All Saints’, Church, Taiping.—Litany, 7.45 a.m.; Holy Communion, 8 a m,;
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA. (Osaka Mercantile Steamship Co.) FOR COLSMBS AND BOMBAY. THE Company’s Steamer SalgOtl Mara 4,538 tons, is expected to arrive here from Singapore, on Monday morning, the 7th instant, and will have prompt despatch for above ports. For freight, apply to GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., Agents. Jilts Brothers, DENTISTS,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 154 9 The Tide». Date R. W. L. W. H. W. L. W; A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. April 5 12 01 6-06 12-12 6-29 6 12-18 6-23 12-27 6-55 7 12-38 657 12 52 7-20 8 12 55 7-30 1-16 7-44 9 1-21 7-50 139 8-08 „10 116 7-59 2-03 8-35 „11
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  • 656 10 —(Fail play). While the Chinese trade returns are not good reading to an Englishman, showing, as they do, no increase in our exports to the Celestial Republic, they yet contain outstanding features of satisfaction, for, though Japan has robbed us of our erstwhile super pre eminence,
    .—(Fail play).  -  656 words
  • 274 10 HOW PHYSICAL FITNESS TOLD. The remarkable finish to The Boat Race will live long in the memory of those who were fortunate enough to witness the dramatic manner in which Oxford snatched a victory on the post. Passing Barnes Bridge, Cambridge, who had led all the way
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 670 10 INSURANCE. r > THE CORPORATION OF THE HERMAN RICHTER ft CO ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE ««-«ninil IllV»II I Lil V VV. Royal Exohanyo, London TELEPHONE 636. OFFICE 86 BEACH STREET. /COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 and I Engineers, Architects and Contractors. I Ly was Incorporated by Royal Charter in a.d, 1720,
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    • 983 10 BANKS. w T w» CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, *9 AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. 1 Incorporated by Royal Charter. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ldj Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,650,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Head Offick 4 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O, 7 Agencies and Branches. w Amritsar Hamburg Puket vr M
      983 words

  • 941 11 A VILLAGE IN BENGAL. At six we got out of the train at a station on the Ganges and presently found ourselves drifting down the river in a houseboat. To lie on cushions, sheltered from the sun, looking out on the moving shore, to the sound of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 767 11 A Lay Preacher i 1' fe x ii ,‘X /K Brain Fag, Nervous Exhaustion Just a change of opinion was enough to give Mr. W. King his present prosperity, for he realised in the nick of time that Ats way was not curing his brain fag and nervous exhaustion, so
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    • 578 11 r FOUL BREATH. WOMEN’S GREATEST MISFORTUNE. I -4 The old saying that “distance lends enchantment” was nevermore aptly to the point than when applied to those people whose breath is laden with evil smelling odours. Many persons appear most attractive at a distance, but produce a feeling of pity and
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2324 12 p. litaa. I tended Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. ni l/NSV British India Steam Navigation Co., > i IXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Ip— fr MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. LIMITED. ocean Steam Ship co,, m 1913 m /gwBMMaflK/A y M Jll Apr. 17 Chin. connecting with Mooltan *>» Im.onT.BtiL BTUM.L May
      2,324 words