Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1012 1 B g<aßnnnnaaananannDßßßßß« For $3O I T ou can have the Pinang 1 I Gazette posted every day 2 for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBCRIF’ION $27.) Proportionate (juai terly and u Half-yearly rates. Subsvr p’ions are payable in a c advance and remittances should g g be addressed
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    • 4 1 I PAGES! 8 S
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  • 873 2 their dearest friend*.— Calcutta Englishman. Although the Viceroy now appear* to be quite out of danger and the abominable outrage perpetrated at Delhi is a thing of the past, indigua ion meetings continue to be stiil held throughout the country, and we, in common
    their dearest friend*.—Calcutta Englishman.  -  873 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1053 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. notice. MR. J. A. KOMOR having died, any information tending to make known deceased relatives’ home address is TWO ASSISTANT MISTRESSES for kindly requested by the Governmpnt Girls’ Schoo], Penang. Salaries according to quali- L. M. BERENGER, Selama, Perak, fications. Apply to the Inspector of 7013-2 Schools, Penang,
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    • 40 2 A GOOD STOMACHIC The non-alcoholic beverage, 0.T., has excellent pmpertirs as a stomachic. It is of the greatest se> vice in promoting appetite and in helping digestion and assimilation. O.T. is a splendid remedy for colic and other stomach troubles.
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    • 60 2 MARTIN’S A French Remedy for *11 IrregAilarl- Thousands of Ladies keep a box of Martin’s Fills in the house, so that on the first sign of any Irregularity of the System, a timely dose may be administered. Those who use them recommend them, hence their enormous sale. At all Chemists
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    • 1142 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. BANKS. A PPLICATION8 will be received by RANK a*, the undersigned up to 4 p.m. n CHARTERED BANK Or INDIA. Friday, the 31st January for the post of AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. Chief Cl*rk, Secretariat, at a commencing salary of $150 rising to $200 per mensem. Incorporated by Royal
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 423 2 The Penang Amateur Dramatic Club WILL PRODUCE On Friday, the 24th, and Monday, the 27th January, 1913, “The Importance of Being Earnest (A Comedy by Oscar Wilde) AT THE Town Hall, Penang, AT 9 P.M. EACH NIGHT. Reserve! Seats $2-50. Unreserved $1. Booking has been opened at The Robinson Piano
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    • 1230 3 ENCOURAGING PROSPECTS The eighth ordinary general meeting of the Malay Rubber Plan era, Limited, was held at Sal sbury House, London Wall, E C., on December 20. Mr. J. Cecil G. McFerißn presided. The Chairman said :—Dealing first with the report you will notice that our production
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    • 467 3 Four actions were on January 9 fi'ed in the Diatr ct Court of Co’ombo as a result of the sensational case against M r R. H. Williams for mishandling funds of Me-srs Dodwell Co., during the Rubber Bjorn, when he was their Manager. All the
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    • 245 3 Buys Mb. R. W. Harbison’s Vineyard ’’Estatb. In a circular to the sharehollers of 9th Jan., Messrs Leechman and Co., Agents and Secretaries, state that the Directors of the above Co. have acquired from Mr. R. W. Harrison as from Ist January, 1913. •‘The Vineyard” e-tate,
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    • 289 3 Mess r s Guthrie <k Co. Ltd. in the report dated Tuesday, 21st inst., says in th* interval since our la-t report the market he-e has been dull with a downward tendency, in keeping with the easier advices received from London since towards the .end of the
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    • 78 3 For the perion from 24th January to 6ch February, 1913, inclusive, t l »e duty on cubivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad va’orem basis in accordance with the Ru'es under the Customs Duties Enactment will be assessed on the following prices Sheet
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    • 396 3 Ayer Kuning lbs. 2,750 Alor-Pongsu 7 310 Brieh 7’,490 Merbau 477 Amnd-1 Estate 1.396 Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) 6,372 AHagar t 12,3' 0 Asahan 9 ifi? Alor Gajah t 7’ooo Ayer Panas 15.600 Ayer Fawah 5,000 Ayer Hitam 3,075 B-koh Batoe Lokong n 10.6 1 Bege r pang 47,381
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 145 3 THE PINANG GAZETTE. List of Places where the Gazette can be bought at 10 cents. Local. Money Changer at Corner of Beach and Church Streets. at Logan’s Buildings, opposite Pritchard Co. at Corner of Bishop and Pitt Streets. at Corner of Farquhar and Leith Streets, opposite E. O. Annexe. at
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    • 274 3 WHY ARABIC? ARAB iC applied to the roof and sides of your houst? or factoiy will effect an enormous reduction in the internal temperature. Arabic is an excellent preservative for ironwork; it covers more surface and lasts longer than paint* J t is sold in the form of a dry
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  • 482 4 MRS. OXENHAM BADLY HURT. While riding on Tuesday Mrs. Oxenham fell from her horse an! sustained a compound fracture of the nose and other injuries to her face. The accident happened in the coconut plantation between the Chinese Cemetry Lane and the Tanjong Bunga Road which folk
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  • 388 4 DRESSES AT THE RACES. [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, Your lady correspondent at our January Meeting, describing the la lies’ dresses and signing herself Lorgnette,” to use her own phraseology, concluded her third dav’s Mirror of Fashions with much relief.” Like the majority of the young
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  • 367 4 CELEBRATION IN PENANG. The whole of this week in Penang has been one of rejoicings for the local Hindus and those from Province Wellesley. Since the commencement of the festival on Tu'-sday morning, when the silver car bearing the god Subramanya was taken to the Chetty Temple at
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  • 378 4 END OF THE RECORD ACTION IN CHANCERY. This is how the Daily Slews and Leader of December 21 alludts to the close of the Aird-Tanj ng P igar case in London;— An ac’ion wtuch has extended over 42 days and is said to have cost £7 a
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  • 177 4 This esse was down for heating at the Taiping assizes last week, but on the application of Govern nent was postponed until the next Taiping assizes. The case is one of considerable interest involving a consideration of the liabilities of the Government for the upkeep
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  • 631 4 OXTON HOUSE PUPILS’ PERFORMANCE. Yesterday afternoon at the Town Hall there was a fall house to witness a demons tration of physical drill, calisthenic exercises and dancing by the pupils of the Oxton House School and gymnasium. Tne principal, Mi-s Case, is to be congratulated on the excellent
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  • 211 4 Before Mr. Colman, this morning, F. K. Simpson was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $330 at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Ross appeared for the defendant and sud he understood the warrant was i-sued from Ipoh, whereathe offence was alleged to have taken place
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  • 265 4 ASSAULT CASE AT PENANG. In the Third Court, this morning. Mr. R. B. O>borne concluded the hearing, of the case brought by Mr. Fred Lander, bookmaker, ag-inst Mr. C. O. Campbell, train r, for assault on or about January 1. Mr. Samuel defended. Major Barry de Hamel
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    • 260 4 FIXTURES. The following ties were played off on Tuesday evening Single Handicap Class A.—C. Cunradi w.o. from E H Syer H Waugh beat A F G Anderson by 6—l, 6—2; S. F B Martin beat C. H. Mackay by 6—2 6—4. Single Handicap Class B.— R E.
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  • 73 4 To-day’s quotations for unrefined tin in Penang it $ll2 90 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin in London is quoted at £228 spot and £226 10s. three mouths. The following is the local report so-day’s :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 150 tons, $113.50; Penang: Straits Trading Co.,
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  • 177 4 The return for the Tongkah Compound dredge for the fortnight ending January 16 was 487 piculs. Two Klings, Kader Mmtan and Noor Mahomed appeared before Mr. Colman this morning charged with gaming in public at the Waterfall Girdens. Accused, whose paraphernalia, consisting of round boards with numbered spaces,
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  • 69 4 INQUEST ON FIREMEN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Januiry 22. In the inquest on the firemen who died as the result of injuries sustained in the railway smash at Woodlauds about a fortnight ago, the jury returned a verdict to the effect that death was due
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  • 192 4 Singapore, January 23. The report of the liquidator on the Singapot e-Johore Rubber Company’s affairs states that, after handing over the Nordonal and Pajaug dividend of 40 per cent, there remains for final destribution about 18 cents per share. Mr. C. Weeding Skinner, a Director of Tin
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  • 82 4 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICI, To-Morrow. For Clow. Asahan Petrel 1 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore Alma 3 Rangoon Seang Bee 4 p.m. Pul a u Langkawi, Perlis and Setul Un Peng 4 pm, Pulau Langkawi Tong Chay Un 4p m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Saturday. §Ceylon,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 353 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Manufacturers, English, visiting PeniDj «re wishing to appoint Agent. Apply with full particulars to SECURE” c/o Pii<ang Gazette. WANTED Contractor for building coolie lines. For plans and particulars apply to Manager, Sungei Ular Estate, Kul im, Kedah. NOTICE. TENDERS are invited for the supply of Uniform, Clothing, Boots,
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    • 236 4 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. ORDERS BY MAJOR THE HON’BLE A. R. ADAMS, Commandant. January, 1913. 24th Friday, Company Drill. 26th Sunday, Class Firing Recruits; “A” and “p' Companies. Dress —Drill Order, Plain Clothes at 7 a.m. 27th Monday, Recruits “A Company. Squad Drill and Rig Q Exercises. 28th Maxim Section* Bearer Section
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 BY APPOINTMENT TO H M THE K,NG CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The India Office. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. f y Our leading medical men. as well as the public, recognise the
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  • 953 6 It has been observed that chauvenistic ripwa are frequently expressed by Teutonic University professors, etc., as well as by those having a more or less direct connection with die German Army and Navy but the weight of British scho arly opinion, as a rule, is cast on
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  • 31 6 (From Our Own Corregpondent.) Singapore, Jan. 22. A naan named Cinatn was fined $250 at the Police Court for allowing his employees to i emove samsoo without a license.
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  • 263 6 TMAT’S CfIAUBS. The following are the change* buyers wd «Her* only) in our share list, on page 9 to-day Yesterday To-day Shabcb. s "5 x r aa Xw.«' j. K Pulai 10 l°i 975 Malaran Tin 73/- 76/- 7 1A I?!£? Pahang C. 9’9 10/lOj 10 r
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  • 56 6 (Fi om Our Own Correipondent.) Singapore, January 22. The following p r iees were realised Rangoon rice, $lB5 first Siam, $260 $220. (From Our Own Correipondgnt). Singapore, January 23. The following are the quotation's today Gambier, $7 60 pepper, black, $l9 62| white $33; copra bali, $12.20; bes
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  • 59 6 (From Our Oum Singapore, Jan. 23. The prospectus has been issued of the Jeran Rubber Co. Lrd., with a capital of 2C0.009, of which 50,0u0 will be offered to the public. Tne estate extends to 2,453 acre*, of which 810 acres are now in cultivation. The
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  • 65 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 23. Dr. J. R. Mott delivered an interesting lecture on education last nigh»- before an audience consisting mostly of Chinese. Hon. R. J. Wilkirsou, the Colonial Secretary, presided. Dr. Lim Boon in proposing votes of thanks said
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  • 44 6 ARRIVAL At’ SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Correspondent,) Singapore. January 22. The transport Northbrook arrived last night from Hongkong, bringing the King’. Own Yorkshire L’ght Infantry, w h o relieve the Buffs. The Buffs will leave for India on Sunday next.
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  • 56 6 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore January 23 The annul report of the Singapore Y. M. C. A. shows a good yeai’s work. The membership numbers 190 and is growing, to the great joy of Mi-s Redford, who i« filling the post of secretary. It hoped ■oon to
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  • 635 6 —Reuter. I.ITIHSTDG ITCATIO- misin’ ioi FEwom Lonion, Janaa 7 p Political interest in the Franchise Bill, :•> v Edward Grey moves an amendmei; Friday to extend the franchise front beaches and the file of all parties are hopele y Mr. Asquith, Mr. McKenna, Mr Lord Crewe, Mr
    —Reuter.  -  635 words
  • 46 6 London, January 22. The Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin, M.P. who went through a slight operation on the 3rd inst, has entirely recovered.Reuter.- [Mr. Chaplin, who is 72 years of age, wai injured in the hunting field on the 10th of last month
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  • 25 6 Reuter. London, January 22. Colonel Sir William H. Manning, who was formerly Governor of Nyassaland, has been appointed Governor of Jamaica Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 120 7 TO SHORTEN THE SESSION. FE’MIERS STATEMENT London, Jan. 22. In the House of Commons the Premier, Mr. H H. .Asquith said the Ministry hoped to conclude the Welsh bisestablishment and the Franchise Bills by the 12th February. He thought they should also carry the I rade Union
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  • 99 7 Reu er. THE NEW MINISTERS. Paris, January 22. M. Briand is busily engaged in Cabinet making Latest forecasts are that M. Ribot or M. Jonnart, the ex-Governor of Algeria, will take over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, M. Ktienne that of War, and M. Faudin, the
    Reu er.  -  99 words
  • 79 7 A DARING ATTEMPT London, January 22. A daring attempt was made during the week end to rob a safe containing pearls valued at 4 ,000 sterling in the office of a pearl merchant named Rubin in Holborn Viaduct, The thieves were disturbed when they had almost
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  • 84 7 CAUSE OF A THOUSAND FIRES. New York, January 22. Amazing revelations made by the convicted incendiary Stein have led to a num her of arrests oi minor insurance officials and others. It Appears Stein belonged to a gang which, with the connivance of venal in-urance inspectors, insured
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  • 74 7 —Reuter. SEAMEN BURNED TO DEATH. London, January 22 The Russian liner Esthonia caught fire in the Red Sea on Thursday. The flames spread very rapidly and the captain and ten men w’ere burned to death or forced overboard. The third engineer was burne 1 at his
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 43 7 Reuter. PURCHASE OF CURRIE LINER*. London, January 21. It is announced that the British India Steamship Company has acquired the fleet of the Archibald Currie Company of Melbourne consisting of five modern steamers with a tonnage of 22,090 tons.—-
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 32 7 Reuter. Lisbon, January 22. The sailings of the Portuguese East Africa liners are suspended through a strike of sailors and dockers owing to the dismis- sal of a sailor.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 25 7 —Reuter. London, January 22. In the bye-election for the First Boroughs. Mr. Parry, 'Libe al) got 2,152 notes and Mr. Roberts (Unionist) 1,911.
    —Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 31 7 .—Reuter. London, January 22. The Rt. Hon William Ellison Macartney, the new Governor of 1 asmania, has been decorated with the Order of St. Michael and St. George.
    .—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 790 7 —Reuter BULGARIAN PREMIER'S INSTRUCTIONS. THE PORIE IN FINANCIAL STRAITSLondon, January 21. Reuter learns that the Bulgarian Premier has empowered the delegates in London to telegraph to General Savoff direct to resume hostilities when they think there is no reasonable prospect for the conclusion of peace. It is pointed
    —Reuter  -  790 words
  • 111 7 —Reuter. COMPANY ASKS FOR release. London, January 22. At a meeting of the Marconi Inquiry Committee ,a letter from the Marconi Company to the Postmaster-General was read, stating that the Company had ac cu ulated material and staff, who for many months had been idle, and asking
    —Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 94 7 :.—Reuter. OPINION IN AUSTRALIA Melbourne, January 23. Hon. George F. Pearce, Minister of Defence, declared that he thought there should be an Australian Minister on the Imperial Defence Committee, because the Australian policy, it was known, had the approval of the Admiralty. That policy differed from the policy
    :.—Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 73 7 —Reuter St Pet rsburg Jnnutiy 22. A telegram f om Urga says that according to the Mongolia-Tibetan Agreement the addition of provisions is mentioned wherebv the Dalai I ama accepts the pro clamation of Kutu Khan as ruler of the Mongolians. Kutu Khan recognises an independent Tibet,
    —Reuter  -  73 words
  • 47 7 Reuter. MILITARY ACTIVITY. Pa i«, January 22. The French troops at Mogador resumed operations on the 13th inst. against the Morocco insurgents, with a strong for<!e, composed of six battalions of infantry and two squadrons of cavalry, with artillery comprising numerous machine' guns.—
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 45 7 —Reuter. Melbourne, January 21. Hon J Hume Cook, who succeeds Hon. A. Deakin in the Leadersh p of the Opposition in the A ustralian Parliament, says the Party’s Fiscal Policy will be the maintenance of the present Tariff. The appointment is non-political
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 38 7 Reuter. 350 PILGRIMS DROWNED. Suakim, January 23. A caravan of Indian pilgrims at Elhamra, midway between Medina and Yembo, was overwhelmed by sudden floods from the mountains. 350 were drowned and only 50 saved.-
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 32 7 —Reuter. TO M. POINCARE. Paris, January 22. Sir F»a'cis Pertie, the British Ambassador at 1 aris, conveyed to M Poincare the British Government’s congratulations oa the occasion of his election.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 77 7 BUILDING PLANS COMPLETED. PLACING THE CONTRACT. London, January 22. The Times understands that preparations for the budding of the warship presented by the rulers of the Federated Malay States have been completed *nd that the contract will be placed in a few days Reuter. Neweas le’s Hopes. London,
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  • 90 7 Reuter. STATEMENT IN PARLIAMENT Lond.n, Janu ry 22. In the House of Commons Mr. J. L. Baird asked for information regarding Somaliland. He described the condition of the interior as chaotic and derogatory to British honour. The Unionist Member, Capt. Sir R. L Baker, urged re-occupation. Mr. Lewis Harcourt
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 64 7 —Reuter. AMERICAN SEN ATOR’S DENOUNCEMENT. Washington, January 22. In the U. S. Senate Mr. Secretary Root, supporting the Bill to amend the Panama < anal Act, s-id the cornerstone of America’s rights to the Canal was that it should be open to the world on equal terms. The
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 73 7 —Reuter. IN' FLUENT lAL PROTEST. London, Jan. 21. An influential meeting in the city presided over bv Lo d Avebury and attended bv L* rd Balfour of Burleigh, Lord Ritchie, Lord Inchape. and Mr Edgar Speyer passed a resolution in favour of Free rade and declaring
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 26 7 Reuter Montreal, January 22. The Duchess of Connaught has sufficient! v recovered to leave hospital, but will remain in Montreal for the present.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 E F,NEST S TO R E EAST F SUEZ T New Illastrated Catalogue uni! prove invaluable <o residents in any part of the Far East. It contains over 1000 fully illustrated pag« and brings Little s resources to their doors, enabling them to draw upon the most complete and fairly
      108 words
    • 218 7 11' IMT ABDULLA M HI InSi 11T y' 168 NEW BOND STREET w l of a Xxjl MRS CIGARETTE SPECIALISTS, j [fill IBnO cSm ■UfO] ‘1 vTIM Importers:—Messrs. M. GOLDENBERG er Co., Obtainable at all Leading General Stores. THE PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY TOWN HALL, Thursday, January 30th, Saturday, February Ist,
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  • 68 7 OBITUARY London, January 21. The death is announced of Sir James Coats, the thread magnate of Paisley Reuter. Miss J. Sellers, Principal of the Government Girb’ School, is going Home on long furlough by the Novara about the c nd of the mouth. A Kling man w> s fined $7
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  • 886 8 •AUSTRALIAN PRESS C .'MMENTS. Daring the last few weeks says the Australian Mining Standard on Dec. 26 there h»< apparently been a firmer feeling for the shares in this company, and the closing quotation for the year whs 375. 6d. Bayer, and no declared St Her. It is
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  • 103 8 —Pelican. It wrs shortly before the funeral of a well-known person, and a certain manager had just placed a wieath in as conspicuous a position as possible. But he didn’t like the look of ti e v< ry small carl attached thereto, and so he fas'ened on
    —Pelican.  -  103 words
  • 270 8 A STATEMENT BY A FAMOUS DOCTOR. No matter how favourable may be the climatic conHtions at a given season, there «re. unfortunately, always large numbers of people who feel out of sorts, depressed and languid. Such sensations are invariably due to a lack of body-building food
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  • 353 8 Per P and O steamer Marmora, connecting with the steamer Himalaya at Colombo. —From London Dec. 27. —To Singapore: Mr J Morram, Mr Cotterill, Miss Crawford, Mr. W P Williams, Mr P Walton, Mr N Montgomery, Mr H Wily, Mr C Seymour. To Pbsang: Mr R
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  • 240 8 Per P and O India, connecting at Coomb') with Mooltan sailing January 24.—Mr G W A Trimmer, Mr H W Hewitt, Miss R Marquis, Miss D Macfie, Mrs Robscn aud infant. Miss A Merry, Mr. Merry, Mr. S T Sheppard, Mr and Mrs. Watson and infant, Dr. and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 965 8 VKTCIVTD a |k I C* Xxi'K&iWx.* j £>| V/ IS. I While you wait—five, I THE CORPORATION OF THE ten,or fifteen minute»—the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE I Royal Exchange, London. working. I You can regulate this Food COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 and in rat i on> so aa io give
      965 words
    • 201 8 thy Cover cut the W R a H, O. WILLS Tl aw f il! IDC MAGNUMS. Z K Three Castles A]' m THREE I Cl ey| CASTLES u «balM i i MAGNUMS,” A t»• ow* tr,tn lA I U'ffl dB 1 I M a LABGE “HAND-HADE* W.D.^H.OWills I JLj CIGARETTE.
      201 words

  • 2297 9 N ft. X capital. Subscribed. viliZ. S Dividend.. Name. tJ 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 MININ*. 1912 1100.000 >60.00-) 60.000 >1 1 IS Xi A er Wen 8 R hm n D 4 P Co. 1903 900.000 300.000 30.000 10 10 10 30 30 28$ Heist Tin Mining Oo
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    • 166 9 ITEMS OF INTEREST. CLIPPINGS FROM THE HOME PRESS. Despatched Ay the mail leaving Lo-don January 3 POINTS AGREED TO. The official communique issued at the close of the Peace Conference on Wednesday was as follows: Sitting of January Ist, 1913, under the presidency of M. Venizelos.—The Turkish
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    • 304 9 TWO PEERS AND SEVEN BARONETS. EIGHTEEN NEW KNIGHTS. The New Year’s Honours Liat includes two new Peers, four Privy Councillors, seven Baronets, and eighteen Knights. One of the new Peers is Sir George Kemp, of Rochdale, formerly Liberal Member for North West Manchester. The other is Sir
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    • 134 9 PRISON FOR SON OF MASTER OF HOUNDS. At Devon County Quarter Sessions, on Wednesday, Lord Coleridge sent to prison for eighteen months Marcus Barthropp, thirty-five, no occupation, for incurring a debt of over £7, and for obtaining £1 Ils. 6d. by false pretences at Exmouth. The prisoner
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    • 146 9 PREMATURE FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS. A strange affair is reported from Kells, in County Meath, Ireland. A man named Fitz patrick while herding cattle on Saturday fell in a swoon and was taken to a house in the neighbourhood, where he lay apparently dead. His employer gave the
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    • 159 9 MILLION i A-HALF LEFT HER BY WIDOW Mr»,. Charles Vandewater, widow of a Vancouver “lumber king,” who died there recently, has left her entire fortune, which is valued at £1,400.000, to a poor factory girl named Eether Sleight, of Kingston, New York. Mrs. Vandewater became attached to
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    • 232 9 VON KIDERLEN-WAECHTER’S CAREER. Newa comee from Stuttgart of the death on Monday morning of Herr von KiderlenWaechter, Imperial Secretary for German Foreign Affairs. He had been spending Christmas with his sister, Baroness von Gemmingen Guttenberg, and his death followed a senes of fainting attacks and heart
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    • 296 9 BISHOP OF SALISBURY AND THE DIVORCE REPORT. The Bishop of Salisbury, in the course of hie New Year letter to his diocese, says: I reserve for my synod address, if I spared to deliver it, my views on the tremendous questions raised by the report of the
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    • 66 9 OVER 5,000 DOCTORS ACCEPT. According to returns, which are as yet incomplete, from the English insurance areas, approximately 5,300 doctors have already gone on the insurance panels. It was officially stated on Wednesday night that the Welsh panels contained the names of 937 doctors— a number which
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    • 107 9 VACANCY FOR FLINT BOROUGHS. The death occurred in London on Wednesday of Mr. J. W. Summers, M.P. for Flint Boroughs. Head of a firm which owns extensive ironworks in Lancashire and Flintshire, Mr. Summers was sixty-three years of age, a member of the Flintshire County Council,
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    • 87 9 Lieutenant-Colonel Estieune, of the flying section of the French army, is at present in the Sahara inquiring into the possibility of establishing an aeroplane route from Biskra to Timbuctoo, a distance of 1,425 males. It is proposed, says the JJaily Mail correspondent, to form a
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    • 58 9 FRENCH OFFICER’S SAD FATE. A Tangier message reports that SurgeonMajor Pentot has" lost his life in tragic circumstances. He was returning to camp at night end did not hear the challenge of the sentry, a Senegalese rifleman. Mistaking the officer for a marauding tribesman, the man.
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    • 134 9 The Navv has now come into possession of its first air station intended solely for war purposes. It is known as the Isle of Grain Air Station,” and is situated close to Port .Victoria, at the mouth of the River Medway. Lieutenant John W. Seddon takes
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    • 73 9 The official St. Petersburg Gazette contains lhe announcement that the Czar’s brother, the Grand Duke Michael, has been removed from the command of the Mounted Guards Regiment, and directed to reside for eleven months in the provinces or abroad This «tep marks the Imperial displeasure at
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  • 646 9 arrivals. Tong Hong, Brit., 1314, Crichton, Jan. 21 t Tavoy, gen., E. S. Co. Kirin Maru, Jap, 2357, Deguchi, Jan. 21, Calcutta, gen., Paterson 8. Co. Avagyee, Brit., 247, Harvey, Jan. 22, T. Anson, gen., E. 8. <fc Co. M. Austin, Brit., 105, Moncawary, Jan. 21, Tharnoon, gen., E
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  • 467 10 3/.J/. IMPORTANT JUDGMENT AT KUALA LUMPUR. On Saturday moruing Mr. Justice Innes delivered, in the suit Kanah and Mahmud v Na-ah, a judgment having an important bearing upon th* jurisdiction of Collectors uuder “The Land Enactment, 1911.” The facts of the case itself are of no general interest
    3/.J/.  -  467 words
  • 264 10 —(eylon Observer. Sir A. Young or Sir W. Egbrton We have already stated our reason why Sir Arthur Youn'. Governor of the Straits Settlements an r H gh Commissioner of the Fede a ed Jh'ay Stites, is still the most likely successor to ~ir Henry McCallum. He
    —(eylon Observer.  -  264 words
  • 151 10 London, January B.—lt is officially announced that Lord Widingdon has been appointed Governor of Bombay. The New Governor of Bombay is Lord Willingdon, Istßaron, of Rat ton Freeman Freeman-Thomas Junior Loid of the Treasury since 190-5. He is a Justice of the Peace, and a Major of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 994 10 MZ’ ARE YOU LOSING WEIGHT? as a result /CSk\ > Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. illness J\\ z I r,w,li i I so, V ol body is using up its reserve of vitality 1 ""x f K&; instead of thriving upon the food you eat. wl Consumption will follow unless
      994 words
    • 230 10 FWearne Bros., Ltd, MOTOR ENGINEERS H n AND IMPORTERS, 0 SINGAPORE 8? IPOH. SOLE AGENTS n Straits Settlements and F. M. S. «W R 3 SEATER, BA $1,500. D 5 SEATER, g n $1,675. A HT9 FREE ON RAIL ffiJS SINGAPORE. For Immediate Delivery. 1 HupmoNle car, 2 SEATER, Price
      230 words

  • 321 11 A SENSATIONAL LEAP. On Saturday next we are promised a return visit from Harmston’s Circui. The advertisements have excited our curiosity as to the programme of attractions, but to nothing like the same extent as the contents of a paragraph which appears in the Calcutta Journal of the
    321 words
  • 244 11 PENANG’S STATISTICS In the Penang Municipality for the week ended December 28, there were 57 deaths —42 males and 15 females, equal to a death-rate of 29.24 per mille. The death-rate and chief causes of mortality were *C ri ’Cfi m S o Ja Co» *S A “v
    244 words
  • 232 11 Children’s howlers being always popular, I extract the foliowin,’ from The University Crr respondent, which lately offered a prize for the best collection Denmark is washed by ti e Catty Cat and the Scraggy Hack. The Seven Great Powers of Europe are gravity, electricity, steam, gas, fly-wheels and
    232 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 284 11 LEA PERRINS’ I SAUCE I 3 Gives piquancy and flavour to Meat, Fish, Curries, Poultry, 3 Salad and Cheese. I 1 The Original and Genuine L WORCESTERSHIRE. hi jiTI RANEEGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE DRAINPIPES ALL SHAPES AND SIZES OBTAINABLE. The half pipes are the best for drains round coolie lines, houses,
      284 words
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2208 12 p. &o. lntcltdcd sailing». Nofddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. British India Steam Navigation Co., i IXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. LIMITED. OCCfIH StCfllll SHIp (0., LM MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. Fob Intrndrd to Sail. Steamer. AND 1913 25th Jan. at 4 pm. Lama CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO., LTD Feb. 6
      2,208 words