Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 January 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 904 2 The regiment of Malay States Guides is composed of Sikhs and Pathans, known commonly in Malaya as Bengalees, although they are no more Bengalees than they are Tamils. Both Sikhs and Pathans hail from the Punj<b in the north of India, as anyone who has attempted geography
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1427 2 SITUATIONS VACANT. NOTICES. AMENDED NOTICE. WANTED IVII I N I PPI NHTIGF HRBN DEBS will be received up to noon I lUC. on the 31st day of Janu try, 1913, at To hire for one month Smail 4 seated PPLICATIONS tor the post of clerk fche Honourable Resident Councillor’s Hirer
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    • 306 2 "‘HAZELINE- SNOW (trade mark) HELPS TO A beneficial tonic and beautifier E which stimulates the skin to healthy PREVENT action, cleanses the pores, restores W R I N K L L. S the natural clearness and freshness and produces the charming tone V and silky softness Essential to Beauty Sold
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  • 3416 3 MEDICAL EXPERT’S STARTLING EVIDENCE. CHRONIC ARSENIC POISONING. Agrr., January Bth.—At noon to-day Mr. Ormerod, the Joint Magistrate, resumed the enquiry into the death of Mr. Fullham in October 1912, at Agra. Mr. Ross Alston at th* outset asked the Magistrate to note that Clarke had been shewn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 THE BIRD IN THE HANDThe bird in the hand to the merchant is the customer within the store. It requires some sort of attraction in the first place to get the customer there—about the best attraction is a real, live advertisement; something good that will catch the eye that has
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    • 181 3 PENANG CONFECTIONERY New Premises 18, Leith Street, GRAND OPENING FUNCTION Monday, the 2Oth Instant at 9 p.m., BAND IN ATTENDANCE. Patrons are Cordially Notified. HEIDSIECK MONOPOLE. Red Seal and Gout Americaln. OHLENDORFF’S DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GUANO AND SPECIAL RUBBER FERTILIZER Always in Stock. CHOP MATA. CARL SCHLIEPER’S Implements, Tools and Machinery
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 283 4 LOCAL MEDICAL MAN’S THEORY. It has been a much debated question as to whether malaria fever can be contracted in Penang A definite solution of the matter should be considerably advanced by the offer which a well-known local medical man has made to boys ef the Penang
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  • 252 4 AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Before His Lordship Mr. Justice Woodward, in the Supreme Coud, Taipiug, on Monday, Lim Chin Hin, who was convicted by the Magistrate, Taipiug, of a breach of one uf the conditions of his license to retail liquor, namely, that he should not sell
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  • 139 4 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Young Muslim Union was held in the Club House yesterday evening. The Honorary Secretary read out the annual report on the club for last year. The financial position was fairly satisfactory. The following gentlemen were elected office bearers
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  • 159 4 The drug gelsemine” which has been so much before the public of lata in connexion with the sensational trial now proceeding in Agra, is the alkaloid, or active principle, of the yellow jesamine. Its medical use is chiefly in cases of neuralgia, and the dose is laid down in
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    • 222 4 [7*o the Editor oj the Finang Gazette.'] Sir, With reference to your reports on the recant horse racing in Penang or Prince of Wales Island, I observe that a great deal of space is taken up—which might have been more profitably used—with a somewhat lucid description
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    • 305 4 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, With reference to an article in the Pinang Gazette some time ago on the subject of the deci ease in Ceylon exports of products of the coconut palm Mr. T. E. Wagner, Manager of the Ceylon Manure Works, A.
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    • 130 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir We shall be glad if you will publish the following accounts of the Xmas tree! entertainment. There were three entertainments held on the 24th, 27th and 28th December, 1912, and over 640 children bad a toy and box of
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    • 350 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, I am pleased to see you published “Certified Accountant’s” reply to Chartered Accountant who apparently judges the mass by the conduct (or misconduct) of the few. The offender he complains of will no doubt be de>*lt with in the usual manner
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  • 467 4 APPOINTMENTS. His Majesty the King-Emperor has been pleased to p'omote Mr. Edward Lewis Brockman, c M G, Chief Secretary to Govern med, Federate i Malay Stages, to be a Ki ight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St. George. Mr Vernon Garrold Bell
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    • 670 4 M.S.V.R. RIFLE CLUB, (IPOH BRANCH). ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent). IpjH, January 19. Last evening, under the presidency of Capr H. F. Nutter, the above fixture was held in the Ipoh Club. There were also present. Lieut. Hornidge, Sergt. Waters, Corporals Perkins, Robin, Kiddle and Armstrong,
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    • 340 4 FIXTURES. The following ties will be playtd off to-day Single Handicap Class A.— R. O. Wood v. D A M Brown F G de Paula v. C C Rogers J Sellar v. J R Brown. Single Handicap Class B. A M Hepworth v. A S Hall A
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    • 187 4 NEW YEAR MEETING. LIST OF ENTRIES AND HANDICAPS. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 28th January. Race 1, Maori Boy 11. 7 Gaitrim 9. 0 Lily Elsie 10 10 Suffragette 8.10 Silvia 10. 0 Toreador 8. 4 Miesko 9. 7 Pickles 8. 4 Barney o’Flynn 9. 7 Cinders 7. 7
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  • 89 4 Rehearsals of the Opera Merrie England will take place during this week as follows Monday, 20th January, at 9-15 p.m., (Principals a id Choru’.) Tuesday, 21st January, at 6 p.m, (Principal? and Chorus.) Thursday, at 9-15 p.m., (Principals, Chorus a- d Orchestra.) Friday, 24th January, at 6
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  • 274 4 ALLEGED BREACH OF TRUST. In the Police Court before Mr. Osborne this morning, a European named Conolly Simpson was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $330. an offence alleged to have been committed at Kuala Lumpur. He was arrested in Penang yesterday on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 425 4 INSURANCE, THE CORPORATION OF the ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange, London, COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 was Incorporated by Royal Charter i» a. D. 1720, and is therefore one of the Companies in existence. It has granted th benefits of Assurance to the Public fo r period exceeding 190 years.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING. CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The India Office. The War Office. ALSO The Government Hospitals in Singapore, Malacca and the Federated Malay States. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Our leading medical men, as well as the public, recognise the PURITY and
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  • 1183 6 Reuter had told us within the past fortnight or so, in a vague and disjointed fashion, characteristically Reuterian, of doings in Peking and Petersburg with reference to Mongolia. To day’s wires relate that Tibet and Mongolia have concluded a Treaty pledging the recognition of each State by the other
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  • 740 6 Mr. and Mrs. Tedlie are leaving for Homo early next month. Mr. G. Lachlan, manager of Sabrang Estate, returned yesterday from his visit to Calcutta. Mr. Malcolm Duncan, of Ohenderiang, leaves for Heme in March by the P. O. ss. Marmora. Dr. T. Hill Jamieson and Mr.
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  • 171 6 TO-DAY’S CHANGES. The following are the changes (buy erj and sellers only) in our share list, Oo page 9 to-day Saturday. To-day. BUABM. J, J 2 v 2. a 5 10 m aq Mining, Lahat M 11| 12J u m Pahang C. 10/- 10/7| 9/9 10/74 P.
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  • 36 6 RUBBER PRICES IN LONDON. London, January 20.* The following are to-day’s quotations for rubber Plantation Para, Ist Latex, Crepe 4/6 Paratoarrive 4/54 The rubber market is dull. By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 104 6 —Reuter, S.S. “VERONESE.” Oporto, January 17. All on board the Vcronetie are reported, to have been saved. Many Perish. Oporto, Jan 18. There were 234 persons aboard the Veronese 43 perished including five who died of exposure aboard, lhe remainder were swept off by the seas or
    —Reuter,  -  104 words
  • 89 6 —Reuter. CHANCELLOR AND INSURANCE ACT. London, January 18. Mr. Lloyd George, speaking at an Insurance Act celebration banquet at the National Liberal Club, said the Tories by the declaration of war on the Insurance Act, deliberately neglected a patriotic opportunity. Nemesis awaited them. Mr. Chamberlain and Home
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 57 6 —Reuter. London, January 19. Lancashire Unionists unanimously pass* ed a resolution thanking Lord Lmsdowne and Mr. Bonar Law and pledging support to them. Lord Derby advised Unionists that the words food taxes and free fooder should disappear from their vocabulary. They would leave no stone
    —Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 47 6 —Reuter. Petersburg, January 18. A telegram to the Maimatchin says that a treaty has been concluded between Mongolia and Tibet, containing mutual recognition of each State by the other and providing f->r the development of trade relations and the advancement and spread of Buddh'sm.-
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 31 6 1. —Reuter. London, January 17. A fire occurred »t Leyland (Birmingham) rubber works. Damage was done to the extent of £/.0,0 0. Three hundred people are idle.
    1.—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 232 6 THE PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY WILL PRESENT “Merrie England" AN OPERA IN TWO ACTS. Weittrm by BASIL HOOD. Commbed by EDWARD GERMAN. IN THE TOWN HALL, On Thursday, Saturday and Monday, 30 th January, lat and 3rd February. PLAN OPENS ON THURSDAY, 23rd JANUARY, 191». AT THE ROBINSON PIANO CO.. Beach
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  • THE WAR.
    • 593 7 AMUNOPLt'S «CESSION London, January 18. The Note of the Powers was presented at Constantinople. It calls the attention of the Korte to its grave responsibility m preventing the re-establishment of peace by resisting their counsels. It would only have itself to blame if prolongation of the war
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    • 83 7 Berlin, January 19. The Turkish Press, recognizing Germany 8 influence, is moderating its demands of the Powers. The Norddeutsche declares that the Note does not mean the giving up of neutrality. The Powers will not make a demonstration in Turkish waters. The Porte, in its reply, states it
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    • 370 7 —D.O.L. ENGLISH COMMENT. London, January 17. M. Poincare in thanking the voters after the election said he would maintain against all attack the interests of National Defence and preserve the continuity of French foreign policy. M. Poincare’s return to Paris was triumphant. There was tumultuous cheering. It
      —D.O.L.  -  370 words
    • 904 7 AN APPRECIATION. There is little doubt that iu all the qualities which makes a man attractive, socially and intellectually, M. Poincaiĕ is head and shoulders above any of his recent pi edecessors in the great office to which he has been elevated from that of Premier. Whether he
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  • 86 7 -D.O.L. Berlin, January The Tsar has confirmed the prolongation of the Russian-Chinese commercial treaty for ten years. The Mongolian envoys requested the establishment of a Russian Bank at Urge. The Chinese troops are advancing to the frontier on the River Cyalcka The commander, in the population, intends
    -D.O.L.  -  86 words
  • 27 7 —Reuter. London, January 18. The British Medical Association has decided by 115 votes to 35 to release the doctors from their Anti-Insurance Act pledge.
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 26 7 —Reuter. Washington, January 17. The House of Representatives passed the Immigration Bill including an amendment to exclude immigrants unable to read their own language.—
    —Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 32 7 Reuter; London, January 19. The death is announced of Mr. Turner, the impresario in English opera.—Reuter. MR. ARROWSMITH. London, January 20. The death is announced of the wellknown publisher, Mr, Arrowsmith:—
    Reuter;  -  32 words
  • 25 7 —Reuter. London, January 17. Prince Albert joined sixty cadets aboard the Cumberland for a six month’s cruise in the West Indies and Mediterranean,
    —Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 267 7 NEW SCHEDULE OF FEES. I On Tuesday a F. M. S. Government Gazelle Extraordinary was issued, publishing for general information the rules made by the Resident of Selangor, under section 42 of “The Vehicles Enactment, No. 13, of 1912.” The rules are as follow 1. All vehicles
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  • 142 7 In the course of a review of the planting indu try in 'he F. M. S. during last year, the Malay Mail says There is one matter on which we desire to draw the earnest attention of Governm°nt and that is the insidious combine by which miters
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  • 56 7 To-day’s quotations for unrefimd tin in Penang i- $ll3 40 per picul, business done. The following is the local report to-day :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd, $113.87|; Penang: Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 50 tons, $114.10; Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., nil Messrs. Leong Fee Co., nil Penang Tin
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  • 323 7 ENGLAND v. WALES. London, January 18. England defeated Wales in the Rugby International at Cardiff by 12 points to nil. Association Match. At Belfast Wales defeated Ireland by a goal to nil.—Reuter. The George Town Dispensary, Ltd send* us a calendar for 1913 with the picture of a
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  • 354 7 AN EXPERT’S COMPARISONS WITH FRANCE. Major E. Morant, the military correspondent of the Berlin Tageblatt, attacks the military agitators in Germany, who, in spite of the recent formation of two new army crops, demand a greater in ere ale of the army. Among other things he compares
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  • 261 7 Resigns Titlrs for a Love Match. Vienna, December 15.—The announcement that an Austrian archduchess desires to renounce her rights and titles so as to marry a young naval officer caused some surprise in Vienna yesterday, as it was the first instance in the history of the House of
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  • 24 7 Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag Hotel Norman, Runnymede Hotel and Carlton Hotel. Ipoh :—The Grand Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 7 ADVEKTiMINU e»KNBB. It is fair to presume that every publication purchased is read. If that was not the intent the action of buying would not take place. With catalogues and circulars it is different. Many are consigned to the Waste Paper Basket unread, as the recipient does not always find
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    • 256 7 Herr und Frau A. Schoenberg warden sich jreuen, aus Anlaaa des Geburtatage» Seiner Mojestaet des Deutschen Kaiser s ihre Landsleute und Freunde am Montag, d. 27. dieses b?.i sich zu sehan. 5, Uhr i] Springgrove. WANTED ONE NEW OR SECOND-HAND Steam Launch. Apply stating full particulars and price to No.
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  • 1008 8 —S.F.P. THE MUNICIPAL BILL. At the ordinary meeting, on Friday, at Singapore there were present: —H. E. The Deputy Governor, R J. Wilkinson, H. E. Lt. Col. Ridout, G.o.c The Honourables the Col. Treasurer, J. O. Anthoni s z, Col. Engineer, F. J. Piggott, L H. Clayton, Protector
    —S.F.P.  -  1,008 words
  • 393 8 -S.T. i We hear with; much regret —a regret which will be shared by a very large number’of the older residents of Slalaya—that Messrs Fraser and Neave received a cable from Colombo announcing that Mr. Alex. Morrison, the General Manager of tha r firm’s
    -S.T.  -  393 words
  • 104 8 Expedition to Lhasa Proposed. London Jan. 6. The Times, discussing the Chinese action with reference to Tibet, says that Yuan Shi kai and his advisers think Great Britain will not face another expedition to Lhassa. They make a miscalculation. Britain will certainly not tolerate any further
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  • 184 8 A FEW HINTS. This water is known all the world over, and the following hints as to the beneficial effects obtained by its use are worthy < f note. When constipation threatens, one dose of Arabella will be found to avert serious consequence*. In chronic cases
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1081 8 NV IZ WEAK NERVES AND HOW TO STRENGTHEN THEM. The strenuous life, which is now as Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. e X« y ta r^ o ‘X“ from which so many people suffer. They are caused by too rapidly using up the body’s store of phosphorus. On this phosf
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    • 75 8 f tyres! THE LARGE STOCKS IN ALL CURRENT SIZES. Agents for Penang: SELLAR, MURRAY Co. ALSO AT CHIN SENG Co. FWearne Bros., Ltd. MOTOR ENGINEERS H n AND IMPORTERS. |U| 0 SINGAPORE IPOH. gE? SOLE AGENTS BB n Straits Settlements and F. M. S. B 3 SEATER, BA $1,500. D
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  • 2265 9 I C.M.I. vX:. s I il ia 2 1 t 1908 1909 1910 1911 1913 MININ®. gg io io 30 ii Si P 0 mooo 225 000 »500 10 10 Tin n«. »i®J «1 191» 250.000 350,000 10 10 Do. do Ordinary n 1901 £lOO.OOO £71.200 71 200
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  • 361 9 ▲yer Kuning ibe. 2,750 Alor-Pongsu 7,310 Brieh 7,490 Merbau 477 Arundel Eitate 1,396 ▲yer Kuning (F.M.8.) 6,372 Allagar 12,300 ▲cahan 2,163 Alor Gajah 7,000 ▲yer Panas 15,600 ▲yer Tawah 5,000 ▲yer Hitam 3,075 B-koh 3,300 Batoe Lokong 10,6 JI Begerpang 47,381 Batu Rata 10,025 Bukit Mertajam 13,733 Bagan
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  • 40 9 The following cablegrams tfndeliverei at the office of the Eastern Extension, Australis, and China Telegraph Co. in Beach Street:— 15th Mehan n from Sydney. 15th Foojarlua Runnymede Hotel from Singapore 18 h Koning Oriental Hot-I from Medao,
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  • 419 9 ARRIVALS. Capri, ItaL, 2680,’Amezaga, Jan. 19, H’kong, gen., Behn Meyer <fc Co. Cornelia, Brit., 199, Case, Jan. 18, P. S’ham, gen., E. S. Co. Calypso, Brit., 339, Scott, Jan. 18, Tongkah, gen., Adamson Gilfilan Co. Dunera, Brit., 3403, Hamlyn, Jan. 18, R’goon, gen., Huttenbach L. Co. Egra, Brit., 2345,
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  • 36 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE, To-M oxbow. For Per Cloee. Tongkah Calypso 1 p.mi Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Klang 4-30 p.m. Wbdnbsdat. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.».
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  • 256 9 Pbnang, January 20, 1913. Gold leaf $64.60 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Popper $33 1/4 sellers. Trang Pepper $23 3/4 nominal. Mace $l2O sellers. Mace Pickings $99 buyers. Cloves $39 sel'era. Nutmegs 110 $27 1/2 sellers. !No. 1 $8.20 sales. No. 2 $B.lO sales.
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  • 44 9 MoMm. January 20. Volunteer Recruits, w A Co. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Tuesday. January SI. Taipusum Festival. Volunteer Maxim and Bearer Sections. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Wednesday. January 22. Oxton House School, Grand Concert, Town Hall. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m.
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  • 57 9 Jan. 24.—Penang Amateurs, Town Hall, 9 p.m. Jan. 25.—Harmston’s Circus, Dato Kramat. Jan, 27.—Penang Amateurs, Town Hall, 9 p.m. Jan 28.-8 >langor Turf Club, New Year Meeting. Jan. 30.—Selangor Turf Club, New Year Meeting. Feb. I.—Selangor Turf Club, New Year Meeting. Old Xavarians Dine. Feb. 5.—P. V. Annual
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA. LIMITED. kstablishko THE FIRST LIFE OFFICE IN THE WORLD TO APPLY THE NONFORFEITURE PRINCIPLE TO POLICIES A Mutual Offiote Mo Shareholder» Annual Income £1.200/000» Fund» £6.700.000Claims Paid £5.668.711. «ATES OF PREMIUMS FOR «1.000 ASSURANCE WITH PROFITS Age unrest Payable at Yearly-premia». birthday; de
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 36 9 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. VI. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.«. Jan. 20 1-50 5-07 10-59 5-02 21 10-45 5-48 11-48 553 „22 Nil. 6-44 12-35 645 „23 12-34 7-36 1-22 7-31
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    • 467 10 London, Jan. 2. We take the following telegrams from copies of the Ceylon Papers to hand by Saturday’s mail: Bukit Rajah. The Bukit Raja Rubber Company, Ltd., pays a second interim dividend of 25 per cent., making 50 per cent. Rubber Share Trust anJ Finance. The Rubber
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  • 178 10 —The Ironmonger. The most important item of news is that the Dutch Government have announced that during 1913 they well sell 250,000 pikuls of Banka tin, say 15,200 tons instead of the 14,360 tons originally arranged. This is a reduction of only about 900 tons from the quantity
    —The Ironmonger.  -  178 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 71 10 MARTIN’S MLPIOL& STEEL» ■JPWuLladies.l PI LLS A R*m*ay tor *11 Irr*wul*rl. Tho i“ a n ds of Latkes koep a box of Marti n’a I'll la in the house, so that on the first sign of any Irregularity o» the System, a timely dose may be administered. Those who use
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    • 920 10 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. SURE UNE OF STEAMERS UMITEv, Nerves FOB COLOMBO. LONDON, ROTTERDAM ANTWERP. Young and old have them, p Some abuse them. They B The Company’s bs. Alonmouthshire, get tired, —starved. G. E. Warner, R.N.R., Commander, is due g at Singapore about 28th January, and will Symptoms:—
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    • 46 10 BRITISH ANALYTICAL CONTROL ENDORSES O.T. The British Analytical Control certifies that the samples of O.T analysed were found to be free from chemical preservatives, ard objections! or injurious substances. Tie beverage is approved by the British Analytical Control.” London, H. E. CARR, 11th November, 1911. Secretary.
      46 words
    • 421 10 ft RELATIONS COMMERCIALES DANS TOUS LES PAYS. I BUREAU INTERNATIONAL POUR FAVO- I? 3 I RISER LE COMMERCE ET I NDUSTRIE, li H AMSTERDAM, Direeteer: BRUXELLES: J Damrak 60. J. BENDIEN. 21. Bd. du Jardia Botaaique. Q *3 Le Bureau a pour but I’extension des relations commerciales et se a
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 403 10 The Penang Amateur Dramatic Club WILL PRODUCE On Friday, the 24th, and Monday, the 27 th January, 1913, The Importance of Being Earnest (A Comedy by Oscar Wilde) AT THE Town Hall, Penang, AT 9 P.M. EACH NIGHTReserve'! Seats $2-50. Unreserved $1. Looking has been opened at The Robinson Piano
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  • 685 11 PROTEST AGAINST JAPANESE METHODS. The Secretary of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce has addressed the Department of Commerce and Industry in connection with the increasing competition to which British steamships are being subjected by reason of the extending operations of subsidised lines of steamers flying foreign flags. On
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 885 11 BANKS. o i WHAT THE WORLD CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, g g AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. THINKS OF THE Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital ...£1,200,000 SIX-CYLINDER Reserve Fund 1*1,650,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 ‘sSiiEis’ ROLLS-ROYCE Amritsar Hamburg Puket ,_~2 Bombay Ipoh Rangoon Batavia Kobe Singapore THE INCOMPARABLE Calcutta Klang
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    • 118 11 What’s the Use? What’s the use of enduring those frightful pains in your face, when ten minutes’ rubbing with Little’s Oriental Balm will bring relief? Neuralgia is nothing but tortured nerves But those nerves quivering with agony, unfit you for sleep, work or enjoyment. Little’s Oriental Balm soo hes, comforts,
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    • 146 11 The Ceylon Manure works, A. BAUR, PENANG BRANCH. FERTILISERS FOR RUBBER, COCONUTS, TAPIOCA, COFFEE, SUGAR Eta, Etc. RECORD CROPS Soil ANALYSES Free of Charge. THE LARGEST MANURE WORKS IN THE EAST Dealing Exclusively in Manures. THE Johnson-Pickett ROPE Co. Inc., MANILA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Manufacturers of Pure Manila Rope. Made on
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2699 12 p g 5 Q Intended Sailings. I Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. steffl Na ,ig a [j ol] J lIHCTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. LIMITED. OCCfIH St<?GHI Sillp CO, MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. vo Sul. Snxvu. AI,D Jan. 23 Himalaya connecting with Marmora Thur. 23rd Jan. at 4 p.m. Teesta CHINA
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