Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 September 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 700 2 LAWN TENNIS PLAYERS AND THE MAN IN THE CHAIR R. S. Barnes writes the following article in the Daily Chronicle :—The Lawn Tennis Umpire is a long-suffering person. He is expected to be perfect and never give a bad decision. Just a thank you is given to
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  • 193 2 An occasional correspondent writes to the Bangkok Times :—Much is hoped for frnm the last two trips across the Peninsula made by the Minister of the Interior. Prince Damrong, who knows the peninsula better then any other msn, perhaps, is keenly alive to the changing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1593 2 FOR SALE. NOTICES. AMUSEMENTS. FOR SALE NOTICE IN AID 0F THE ONE 21 H.p. Motor Cycle in perfect TICE hereb iven that Tender» PERAK NURSING ASSOCIATION, V' good order. New Tyre. C« N will be revived at the office of the (i I AIXV RDRIYRDICK seen at Ooh Talk Chee
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    • 8 2 P. MOIR CRANES* Cylinder Oil. Saa<f/7aa<f«» Buttery Co*
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    • 269 2 HAS FEVER MADE YOU WEAK? t/SxV A powerful tonic-food* enriches the Blood, restore Vitality and Strength. Forms Fat, Flesh and I I Muscle; Bone, Brain and Nerve. Fortifies the whole system. ’ellcome Co., London I I ALL RIGHTS RESERVED IMITATIONS^ 7 JOHN ROBERTS OF LONDON, I BILLIARD TABLE MAKER. M.
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  • 699 3 PROPOSED SINGAPORE BRANCH. A very great deal of enthusiasm was shown at a meeting called on Tuesday evening last (writes a Straits Tinies correspondent) to discuss the formation of a branch in connection with the Over-Seas Club. Mr. G. N. Neubronner, who appears to be one of
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  • 31 3 Pbnaxg :—The E. J: O. Hotel. The Crag Ho’el Norman, Runnymede Hotel and Hotel de Europe. IpoH :—The Grand Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—Grand Oriental Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 88 3 Friday, September 20 Band. Esplanade, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Matsuo’s Cinematograph, Penang Road. Saturday, September 21. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Swaday, September 22 16th Sunday after Trinity. Runnymede Hotel: Big Javanese Rice Table, 1 p.m. Monday, September 23. Rahman Hydraulic,
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  • 106 3 PENANG FOOTBALL LEAGUE. The following provisional fixtures have been fixed for September Datb. Trims. Ground* Mon. 23... P.S.A.A. v. H.L.F.C.... F. School. Tues. 24... Crescent v. I.K.F.C. Esplan. Wed. 25... C.R.C. v. P.C C. V. Green. Thurs. 26... G.S.R.C. v. E.A.C. Esplan. Fri 27... P.F.S. v. P.S.A.A. F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 FOUR CROWN WHISKY. r A. m. b. KPPOINTMENT r 0 TbE late KI KG 'EDWAJID VI» (Dli* Scotrh Oiiykn. Rob er t Bro it 'S L TD GLASGOW LONDON i Schmidt, Kustermann C° Sole Importers for PENANG. I /-T <Mk BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING. CONTRACTORS TO THE
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    • 518 3 NOTICE. THE IN 'IHE ESIAIE OF LEONG FEE, T>IAT A 'K.TZ'S rllNAiNkj ptRSLANT to Section 46 of the Con- veyancing and Law of Property Ordinance, 1886, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having F-d any claims or demands against the Estate of Leong Fee, deceased la»e
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 79 3 The Tides. Date H. W L. W. H W. L. V» A.M. A.ri. P.M. P.M. Sept.2o 4-15 Nil. 11-06 5-02 21 10-05 4-38 11-18 504 22 10-33 500 11-24 5-16 23 11-00 5-23 11-38 5-38 24 11-26 5-48 11-58 6-02 „2o H-53 6-16 Nil. 6 28' 26 12-21 6-44 12-29
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    • 23 3 The Moon. O Foil Moon Sept 26 Last Quarter Q c t. 4 O New Moon n ]0 First Quarter eee n ]g
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    • 643 4 P CO. CRESCENT. There was a large crowd of interested spectators on the Esplanade yesterday, when the Penang Cricket Club met the Crescent Football Club in the Penang League. Mr. H. R. Cheeseman was the referee. The Crescent defended the Town Hall end in the first half. The
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    • 538 4 RESTRICTION OF ENTRIES. Considerable bitterness of feeling was openly expressed both in the Singapore Cricket Club pavilion and elsewhere when it became known on Friday that the S.R.C. entries for Ipoh sports had been refused. It does not appear after reflection that any goo I purpose will
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  • 255 4 DHAMALOKA AND SHOPKEEPER» Nina bin Tamby, a Malay, was charged before Mr. Colman yesterday with selling stamps and was convicted and fined $l5 with an alternative of 10 days’ imprisonment. The prosecution originated in this way. U. Dhamaloka, the Irish Buddhist priest, was in the habit of buying
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  • 164 4 On Wednesday, two Europeans who gave their names as W. Latham and H. Sullivan, were brought before the Harbour Master, charged with being stowaways oj board th? ss. Lax Sang from Singapore to Penang. They stated that »h?y had been stowaways from Europe to Hongkong and thence to
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  • 79 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $111.70 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin in London is quoted at £226 10s. spot and £223 10a. three months. The following is the local report to-day :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., buyers, no sellers, $112.12|; Penang: Straits Trading
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  • 582 4 It is time that public opinion was aroused to prevent the perpetration of a great wrong, declares the Pall Mall Gazelle. Covetous eyes are being turned on the rubber-plantations and oilfields of Sarawak, and that wonderful little State, the people of which have been reieemed from
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  • 283 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. September 20. AHdul Hamid, Pe ighulu of Selinsing, Bagan Serai District, was convicted of forgery on both counts and sent need to nine months hard labour on each coun% sentences to run concurrently. Mr. Jackson Millar defended. The evidence shewed that the Penghulu
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  • 702 4 SOME INTERESTING DETAILS. The Political Adviser of the President of the Chinese Republic, Dr. George Ernest Morrison, was married on August 6 at Emmanuel Church, South Croydon, to Miss Jennie Wark R »bin, of Wendayne, Lismore-road, South Croydon, a new Zealand lady of 22. The purties first
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  • 1079 4 ARRIVALS. Hok Canton, Brit., 294, Gully, Sept. 20, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Kaga Maru, Jap., 3907, Tabusa, Sept. 19. Yokohama gen., Boustead A Co. Lama, Brit., 957, Sinclair, Sept. 20, S’pore, gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Pin Seng, Brit, 378, Davidson, Sept. 20, S’pore, gen., E.*S. Co. Vidar,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 101 4 THE BIRD IN THE HAND. The bird in the hand to the merchant is the customer within the store. It requires some sort of attraction in the first place to get the customer there —about the best attraction is a real, live advertisement something good that will catch the eye
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    • 86 4 PEDIGREE COCONUT SEEDS. ORDERS can now be booked for Selected Seeds and Plants from the well-known Sungei Kechil Estate’s Mature trees. Apply to, MANAGER, Sungei Kechil Estate, Nibong Tebal, P.W. 21.6—th. s. 30-9 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865BUSINESS IN FORCE. £33,800,000.0.0 FUNDS (EXCEED) £8,500,000.0.0 INCOME 1911 £2,100,000.0.0 Chief Office
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    • 1909 5 COMPARISON WHH THE PHILIP,he lI al iai raco I i P t f interesting letter from Dr. J. W. 5“ g dated at Penang July 31st. The n Xr who h in charge of the Moro D In exhibit for the International Rubber Exposition at New York,
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    • 823 5 DIRECTORS’ REPORT. TAPPING RESULTSMessrs. James McClymont and Max. H. Hilckes, as director*, sign the report of the Jimah Rubber Estate, L:d., which is to be presented to shareholders on the 25th inst. We reproduce the report below:— The directors have pleasure in submitting herewith a duly audited
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    • 102 5 The F.M.S. Government Gazette gives a comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported from the F.M.S. during 1912 and 191Ij fiom which we extract the following figures: Similar Aug. Total during period 1912. 1912. 1911. lbs. lbs. lbs. Perak 1,035,119 6,166,554 3,272,489 Selangor 2,050,058 11,460,387 6,139,488 N. Sembilan
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    • 188 5 M D.C, AN IPOH SYNDICATE. A Chinese syndicate with its headquarters in Ipoh and ramifications throughout the States and Straits has obtained a mining concession to prospect for all kinds of minerals over the entire province of Hokien for the space of two years. The capital is
      M D.C,  -  188 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 360 5 WANTED A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE. Write stating rent to—“X” c/o Pinang Gazette. 2272-25-9 INTELLIGENT ADVERTISING. The growth of a small shop into > large one, entirely through intelligent advertising, is always a mosetin teresl ing thing to watch. Theie was once a discouraged cliA» mist, with a small though nat
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    • 396 5 PENANG ICE f Aa AND INDUSTRIAL Coy. Strength are makers of Real bone, muwle, and CoIOVTCd CClllCftt TllW nerve strength is the natural result of taking For Halls, Bathrooms, etc 1 genuine Scott’s Emulsion— y c, t x A Large Stock always on hand. the great health-tonic or made to
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  • 1010 6 A wealth of interesting information and statistics is contained in the annual report of the Federated Malay States Railways for 1911 which has just been issued above the signature of Mr. P. A. Anthony, the General Manager. An extremely satisfactory year is reported. One of the most striking
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  • 201 6 As reported in our issue yesterday, Mr. Thomas Nicholl, second engineer of the Eastern shipping Co’s steamer Janet Nicoll. was found dead in his cabin while the ship was anchored in Penang Harbour yesterday. Enquiries elicited that Mr. Nicholl was oft duty at noon and went
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  • 1913 6  -  THE TROUBLES AND DUTIES OF A REFEREE. [All Rights Besbrved.] BY W. I. BASSETT. The duties of a referee are endless—and so are his troubles. Perhaps it scarcely needs saying that the referee is the most responsible person in football. Ever since I took up the game the constant
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  • 140 6 William de Silva w«3 arrest- 4 at Police Court yesterday charge of giving false Inspector of Police. 9 k hhis servant and refu^ d t month’s wages—ss His gj] r a tb« o the matter to the Police. Ki oU rby made a report to Inspe t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 281 6 < n o o c o 8 S O O O o r\ Messrs. Robert Porter Co. Ltd. of O o o O London and Liverpool have obtained the Q o o Q ONLY FIRST PRIZE at the Buenos Aires Q O o O Centenary Exhibition for their BULL DOG
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    • 75 6 TO-DAY'S CONTENTS. Page 2.— Blame the Umpire. Pctge 3.— The Over-Seas Club and Week’s Engagements. Page 4- —Sporting News Dr. Morrison Married and The Future of Sarawak. Page s.— Planting and Mining. Page 6.— Editorial: F.M.S., Railways and Football. Page 7.— Telegrams and Taiping Topics. Page B.— Rubber and Tin
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  • 305 7 TO-DAY’S CHANGES. rhe following are the changes (buyers BO d «ellers only) in our share list on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day. JE 9Ha» br g S 3 tn S 3 m rtM Mi 16 14 1( Kwta 7 7,40 13} 14 13} 14 i*£Lc 10/->O/10} >O/4}
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  • 170 7 LATEST PRICES IN LONDON. From a Malacca Correspondent.] Malacca, September 20. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, khat the following were the prices of rubber in London yesterday Fine hard Para, 4/8, nominal. Plantation Para, 4/7|, value. The market is firmer. TO-DAY'S PRICES.
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  • 15 7 Own Corre.pond.nZ p r b? a pore. September 20. quoted here at $2l.
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  • 60 7 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, September 20. The P. »fc O. steamer India, entering the harbour from China, was nearly carried by the strong current on to the Glenavon, which was lying by the wharf. She cleared the other vessel, by five feet, but the suction was
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  • 45 7 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 20. Eighty members of the M. S. V. R arrived to go under canvas for manoeuvres. Lieut-Col Huhbaek and Capt. Cooper, the Adjutant, will be attached to the staff and six other officers to the Buffs
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  • 70 7 —Reuter. CORDIAL FAREWELL AT TOKIO. Tokio, September 20. Prince Arthur of Connaught was escorted by a procession to the Palace, where he was entertained to a farewell lunch. I’heir Majesties personally met him at the entrance. Prince Arthur proceeds to-night to Tatsuno, where he will shoot
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 67 7 —Reuter. GOVERNMENTS' DISAPPROVAL London, September 20. It appears that the London agreement regarding the Chinese loan provided an immediate advance of half a million sterling on six months treasury bills Those were offered on the London market yesterday at 97|. It is stated that all were
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 35 7 —Reuter. MR. F. E. SMITH’S STATEMENT. London, September 19. Mr. E. E. Smith, speaking at Darlington, said the Unionists would not return to power without a definite mandate in favour of Tariff Reform.-
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 26 7 Reuter. London, September 20. Rear Admiral Brock has been appointed to the charge of the Dockyard at Gibraltar in succession to Rear Admiral Pelham.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 22 7 Reuter. Vienna, September 19. The first Austrian Dreadnought of the Viribus units in her trials yesterday steamed 21 knots
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 218 7 Reuter. LICENSED HOUSES LOOTED. THE UNIONIST COVENANT. London, September 19. The Unionists parading Belfast last night wrecked and looted houses and shops, including three licensed grocers, consuming stocks of spirits. They stoned the police, who dispersed them with batons. Ter as of the Covenant, Later. Sir Edward
    Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 214 7 —Reuter. A REMARKABLE SITUATION. AEROPLANES TACTICS London, September 19. The British manoeuvres in East Anglia suddenly terminated, the dispositions after a day of scattered fighting being such that a decisive battle was impossible. In the absence of an official statement the papers ascribe the stalemats to the efficiency
    —Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 79 7 —Reuter. ITALY AND TH TRIPLE ALLIANCE. London, September 19. In connection with the polemics proceeding in the Franco-German press on the subject of the Mediterranean the Frankjurter Zeitung makes the interesting revelation that Italv, fearing that the Mediterranean is being transformed into an Anglo-French sea, demanded, as a
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 53 7 —Reuter. EIGHTY ARRESTS. London. September 19. Rioting occurred in the streets of Budapest yesterdav evening in consequence of the Socialists’ attempts to hold universal suffrage demonstrations, which the authorities prohibited. Troops and police broke up the meetings. It is officially admitted that many were injured, 24 seriously. Eighty
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 41 7 —Reuter. London, September 19. 130 boys employed in the printing department of the Bank of England struck for an increase of wages and the abandonment of fines. They held a demonstration round the bank. The authorities dismissed them.-
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 41 7 —Reuter. MORE FROZEN MEAT WANTED. London, September 19. A conference of the Municipalities of Berlin and other towns resolved to petition the Federal Council to facilitate the importation of frozen meat in view of the dearness of food.—
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 38 7 Reuter. London, September 19. Sir Wilfred Laurier, speaking at a demonstration of Liberals at Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, affirmed his adherence to the policy of reciprocity, which was indispensable for the prosperity of Canada.—
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 41 7 —Reuter. JAPANESE ARRESTED. Grand Junction (Colorado), Sept. 19. Fifty Japanese held a secret meeting to draw lots for one to commit hari kari over the death of the Mikado. The police broke up the meeting and arrested the leaders.-
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 31 7 —Reuter. AN ATTACK REPULSED. London, September 19 The French column was attacked midway between Rabat and Fez, and lost 9 killed and 30 wounded. The attack was repulsed.
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 25 7 —Reuter. London, September 19. The Daily Graphic says that General Sir R. Baden Powell is engaged to Olive, daughter of Mr. Harold Soames.-
    —Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 744 7 THE ASSIZES. [From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Sept. 19th, 1912. I have some hesitation in using my old heading for these notes as it has been adopted by so many wiiters in the columns of your various contemporaries lately, that it is beginning to look a little stale.
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  • 72 7 1 Fantasia The Golden Button Jones. 2. Polka See Me Dance Salomon. 3 Selection The Orchid Caryll. 4. Waltz La Morena Fetras. 5. March ADirchiny Thro 1 Georgia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargreaves are passengers for Malaya on the ss. Fore, which left London on the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 886 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, government of kedah. DISPENSER WANTED. R WANTED an experienced Tracbr for the Drawing Office. months certain a fully qualified 2. Salary $4O/ —to $6O/ —per mensem Dispenser for Singapore. Liberal salary by triennial increments of $5/ per will be paid. mensem. Apply EV ATT <fc Co R PP°‘
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  • 21 7 OBITUARY. SIR JAMES RITCHIE London, September 19. The death has occurred of Sir James Ritchie, Lord Mayor of London in 1904—Reuter.
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  • 1397 8 MINE AND ESTATE RETURNS. We propose to publish every Friday the latest statistical information as to the outputs of the more important tin mines and rubber estates in Malaya, compiled and revised for us by Messrs. Kennedy Co. RUBBER CROPS. ieiZ 1912. j Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
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  • 302 8 MR LLEWELLYN PREECE TALKS OF MALAYA. It is pleasant to hear a man talk of sunshine, but strange to hear him say that he is glad to b«i back in the rain of England. Yet this is the opinion of Mr. Llewellyn Preece, who ha* just
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  • 266 8 —Glasgow Herald. Mr. Harcourt has been getting into hot water with the non-European element in the Malay Peninsula over his decision not in future to appoint anyone to the Civil Services of the Straits Settlements or the Federated Malay States but person-» of pure European descent. Mr,
    —Glasgow Herald.  -  266 words
  • 176 8 BROUGHT BY TYPHOON. It certainly did rain rice on Friday night says the China Press of Ist inst, and it was no shower of wedding blessings. Real rice pelted down in the streets of Shanghai and hundreds of Chinese gathered up the tiny morsels like children
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 NOTICE. Tamil Immigration Fund Enactment, 1911. IU. Manson. M. D. S., Employers of Tamil labour are hereby reminded that returns dentist. under the above Enactment for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Penang Road, Belfield Street, office of the Superintendent of Immigrants, penang. ipoh. Penang, during the months
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    • 75 8 MARTIN’S WA French Remedy for all Irregularities. Thousands of Ladies keep a box of Martin’s Pills in the house,. so that on the first sign of any Irregularity of the System, a timely dose may be administered. Those who use them recommend them, hence their enormous sale. At all Chemists
      75 words
    • 183 8 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaEQQ The Proper Equipment of n n your Car includes I 5 CONTINENTAL I n TROPICAL 111 RIBBED s n Q I TYRES. s s CHIN SENG CO., LTD. WEBBER'S GARAGE. S g MACBETH BARRETT, a n n PENANG. g nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnann PENANG MOTOR GARAGE,: W CAina Street Ghaut, Penang. I
      183 words

  • 2346 9 ■u j Number of Issue e h spitek Subscribed. Bharegi Value. S Dividends Name. .2 -go 3 I i a a O>~ 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 MININ®. 8300.000 30,000 010 «10 10 30 30 28$ Belat Tin Mining Oo 2J ■903 220 000 22 500 10 10 Bruang
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 780 9 SEE 1 REGARDEZ I! n> s,™., ='c*. STANDARD “TEMPORA MUTANTUR ET NOS MUTAMUR IN ILLIS.” Assurance co. 2. The Stag Beetle, Science [Pathe] 260 ft. 3. Japan, Travel [Pathe] 330 ft. 4. The Button Clue. [Thanhouser] 1,000 ft. That Fascinating Dressmaker Head Office: EDINBURGH. (0 ot [Myx.] 600 ft ESTABLISHED
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  • 885 10 Before leaving Sabang on July 27 it was ascertained that 250 cases of Shanghai tea on the steamer Indramayo had been damaged by fire and water. On her arrival at Colombo on August 1 the cargo in No. 4 hold, in which the fire occurred, was discharged, when
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1551 10 V IZ c^v t e^ c°h f J a insurance: Incorporated by Royal Charter. paid ap Oapit|kl £1,200,000 THE CORPORATION OF THE Japan Mail Steamskip Co. Id. «X" e a, H®YAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE HIAD Orrioe: Royal Exchange, London. S8 BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON, H. 0. a if <r Aei ol lnoh* D
      1,551 words
    • 353 10 The “Swan’’pleases the The “Swan” ou t] ast impatient exacting Bl all others because it writer. Those who ex- Ml the hardest yet smooth 8 pect more out of a pen est writing point w hid than others have given. Ml years of writing do not The Swan will satis-
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  • 703 11 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messrs. James F. Hutton tfc Co., Ltd., writing on 29th August, report: Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last week. Mid-American—Spot 6.44 6.62 Mid-American, current month 6.24 6.42 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 9 11/16 10 New York Cotton. Yest r Last day. week. Spot—Cents 11.25 11 80 London. To-day. Last
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 511 11 lt 517 _--nrir kF II fffhi M il Ju II IJ J .11U-wj^ I<,x XfosffiUt&yNortham House Photographic Studio, 15, NORTHAM ROAD, PENANG. This is the Studio where you should have your PORTRAIT taken, if you want a gosd one. This is also the cheapest and best place if you want
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    • 108 11 Rheumatism Cured. There is no doubt about it—no possible room for unbelief. Little’s Oriental Balm really and positively does cure Rheumatism. The most severe cases are almost instantly relieved. The acute pains and agonizing aches disappear. Ths suffeer gets well. Mr. J. Vince of 20, Nelson Square, Burnley, says, Having
      108 words
    • 857 11 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. j ORDERS BY MAJOR I THE HON’BLE A. R. ADAMS, 18 Commandant. I. The Sovereign Remedy in Anaemia and September. 1912. n C l l r 2. A Delicious Dessert Wine. S Sn id 7' S?. mpa 2 y DpilL r 4 3- The Best Restorative after Illness.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2522 12 p. &o. sailing,. Norddevtschei Lloyd. Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. British India Steam Navigation Co., EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. LIMITED. MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. taI(MD g AIL Sts.x.r, OWflll St€Oln Ship (o 1912 aad Oct. 3 Delta connecting with Marmora. fll« WQ nnre at o® P St 4 p,m Lama CHINA MUTUAL
      2,522 words