Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 April 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 669 1 For $3O V T eu can have the Pinang a a I Gazette posted -very day > for a whole year to your address, g r (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION. *27.) Proportionate Quarterly and D Half-’Cfcrty rates. Z Subscriptions arc payable in c o advance and remittances should o o be addressed
      669 words
    • 79 1 ■■■■■■□□□□□Q□□□□□□□□a■■■■• TXThrn you arb away on leave V V you warn to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, social, Com- n mercial, Mining, Planting, &c. O This you can d<~ in no better way n g than by subscribing to the We-kly a Edition of the Pinang Gazette," q D
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  • 476 2 THE COLONY’S VOTE. Below are given the votes from the Army Estimates for tbe year ending .March 31st, 1913, referring to this Colony Straits Settlements. Eitablishment. —Two companies of Garrison Artillery, 334 of all ranks One unit of Riyal Engineers, seven officers and 106 men a battalion of
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  • 206 2 A LIBERAL CANDIDATE. Sir John B. Matthews, K.C., has been chosen by the South Wilts Liberal Association as their prospective candidate to contest the Wilton division of Wilts at the next election, against Mr. Charles Bathurst, the sitting Unionist member. Sir John has a stiff uphill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 700 2 PeMM Sales Room. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES B®® Wg|| UNDER BILL OF SALE. M|M Important Auction Sale Ml TheWorids gggg iiiflii DenhFnce of gsgggggg; A\ W<O Msste x\ <s•ss Machines, Tools, Trollies, Tanks, Cranes, xA u Coke Crushers, Forges, Lathes Stock and Dies, Gauges, Scales, Vices, Salters Spring B
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    • 659 2 **********0000 **********0000 INSURANCE. THE GARRICK 5 o 2 The above Company is prepared O A T>Tp r T‘ V |*lP V,RGIN,A O cept Marine risks at lowest carreot O 1 1 L BLEND 9 The Company also accept k9 V S Specie, Bonds, Coupons, Bank Note 2 S ocher valuables
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  • 1535 3 Westminster Gazette. ABDICATION AND WHAT IT MEANS BY SIR ROBERT BREDON. On Feb. 12 the Imperial Dynasty of China, known for nearly three centuries as the Ta Ching, by publishing three Edicts brought itself as decorously as possible to a close. Anyone who can read them
    Westminster Gazette.  -  1,535 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 917 3 NOTICE. <■ notice. I HINDRANCES interest and share of Thayna f TO HEALTH I J s’ftyna Mana Khana Mahomed as A *uch a« dyspepsia, biliousness, loss ..oing partner of the firm K. M. Syed 1 of appetite, torpid liver, constitakfi carried on at No. 19, Chulia pation, sick-beadache, and other
      917 words
    • 118 3 STAY AT THE GRAND ORIENTAL HOTEL. KUALA LUMPUR. Telegrams Proprietor r ORIENTAL.” S. M. MARTIN. HOTEL DE L’EUROPE, 2?, Leith Street, Penang UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Entirely Renovated, Electric Ligkt and Fans tkro«gko«t Situation most Central for Business Houses, Banks, Railway Telegraphic Offices, Shipping, etc. For Home Comforts and Cuisine unsurpassed.
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    • 261 3 ARE YOU LOSING WEIGHT? S RESULT .LNESS J g up its reserve of vitality I pon the food you eat. I jw unless this waste is I eked. Solution for wasting diseases and 1 •afive after fever. f all Druggists I .llcome Co., London ALL KIGHTS RESERVED I Jk REFUSE
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  • 737 4 Had we w’ritten anything in yesterday’s issue about the Titanic, it would have been on the lines which writers in the Home Press followed, namely, of congratulation and relief that the monster liner, with its rich and living freight, had, through the prompt assistance which came in response to
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  • 171 4 A few days ago while D. P. C. 415 was doing his rounds in Beach Street he met a Chinaman pulling a handcart on which were some gunuy bags. He stopped the puller who, on being questioned, bolted into Toh Aka Lane and, entering the back
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  • 125 4 The gold and silver at present sunk in the P, and O. Oceana off Eastbourne is worth £750,000, and was insured at Lloyd’s for that amount. On March 19 the bank, which was forwarding the consignment to Bombay, presented its claim to the underwriters, and on March
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  • 193 4 SUMMING-UP POSTPONED. Intimation was received at the Supreme Court, this afternoon, that Mr. Justice Ebden had decided to postpone his sum-ming-up in the Diamonds case until 11 o’clock to-morrow morning. Mr. F. M. Price, who has resigned the editorship of the Malay Mail, has left for Home.
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    • 655 4 THE CUP DRAW. Inspector O. Neill’s Suspension. A meeting of the Committee of the Penang Assosiation Football League was held in the P. C. C. Secretary’s Office, yesterday evening at half-past five. The following were present :—Dr. T. Hill Jamieson (President), Messrs. W. E. Mann (Vice-President), Syers (P.
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    • 214 4 Police v. C. ft. q It was a great pity that l aBt ev heavy ram completely H poi| t thi “friendly” encounter at Victoria tarQ When the teams first met a f ew Jreeu since a keen and spirited encounter reS in a wiu for the Police
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    • 112 4 Little work of importance was attemptedon the Race-course this morning, f ew animals being out. Appended is a list of the horses ia training in Penang, together with their owners and trainers Mr. Lee Toon Tock’s string, (trained by Mawly).— Bostra, Chanticleer, Yeova! Yabba, Carlo, Wellington,
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    • 204 4 KUALA LUMPUR v. CAVE DWELLERS. The Cave Dwellers defeated a Kuala Lumpur and Ground side rather easily on Saturday. Kuala Lumpur were dismissed for 124 and the Cave Dwellers knocked oft the runs for the loss of three wickets. Brayshay and Bancroft were the highest scorers for Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 89 4 DOMINIC—OKATSANG. A pretty wedding was celebrated, at the Church of the Assumption, yesterday morning, when the BeyFather Duvelle solemnized the marriage between Mr. Xavier Alexander Dominic, head draftsman of Mr. H. A. Neubronner, and Miss Marie Josephine Okatsang of the Convent, Penang. Miss Agnes Mac Caully, sister
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  • 70 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $97.50 per picul, business done. Tin in London is quoted at -£1 10s spot and £194 10s. three months. The following is the local repoi to-day :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 100 tons, $93; Penang: Straits Trading Co Ltd.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 z' A job finished with Hall’s Sanitary Wa-hable Distemper is well finished. It is finished 1 X for hoalth anJ finished for beauty. It I I remains clean, sweet, and fresh, because r <Kra£Fx> I I -aF" W\- A-dO \A I I \\< washable, Is dust and fr*rm proof, r\
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    • 56 4 To-Day’s Contents. Page 9.— Army Estimates. Fade 3.— The Revolution in China. Page 4. Editorial: “Titanic;” Sporting News Wedding in Penang; To-Day’s Tin Quotations and The Diamonds Case. Page s.— Telegrams. Page 6.— Changkat Serdang Public Health; Eastern Extension Cablegrams and Week’s Engagements. 7.— Shipping and Mails Exchange and Produce;
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  • 290 5 TINS FIRM. CHANGES IN RUBBERS. The following are the changes (buyers *nd sellers only) in our share list on page 7 to-day Yesterday. To-day. SHABBS. S I. S O S'® w CQ m M’lembu 10 9| 10 p Bharu 7 7.40 c. 7% c. p’ Lama 180
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  • 86 5 LATEST PRICES IN LONDON. [From a Malacca Correspondent.] Malacca, April 17. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the following were the prices of rubl>ei in London yesterday :—Fine hard Para, 4/9%, sellers. Plantation Para, 5/Idone. The market was weak at the London
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  • 70 5 CONSECRATION CEREMONY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 17. The new church of St Catherine at Kajang was consecrated yesterday by the bi hop of Singapore, who, in an eloquent address, dealt with the lives of Catherines. The church was crowded, and the whole aei vice
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  • 25 5 From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 17. Gambier is quoted here at $10.20, L ack Pepper at $21.62% and shells at 5 13/16.
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  • 20 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 17. Lui »1 ter, average sheet, is quoted here at 1270.
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  • 1273 5 —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. UNPRECEDENTED DISASTER. APPALLING LOSS OF LIFE New York, April 16. A statement was made by a White Star official at nine yesterday evening that there has been a hori ible loss of life.” Though not giving details, it tends to confirm the earlier Press
    .—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  1,273 words
  • 86 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 17. A prospectus has been privately eircuculated by the Tingkie Tin Mines of Johore, the proposition being to acquire 1078 acres of land near the Middleton Tin Co. The capital of the company is $500,000 of which $40,000 is offered for
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  • 65 5 [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, April 17. At the annual meeting of the Great Eastern Life Assurance Co it was stated that the surplus of the capital over liabilities had increased to $104,000 during 1911. $45,000 had been paid in claims, and the insurances in
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  • 448 5 SPEECHES IN PARLIAMENT. ULSTER DETERMINED London, April 16. In the House of Commons, Mr. Samuel, M.P., replying to Mr. Balfour said he expected the Irish deficit to disappear in ten years. The Irish Government was empowered to contract loans for development purposes. Mr. Walter Long said it
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  • 96 5 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, April 17. Five Cantonese, suspected of being concerned in recent numerous gang robberies, were charged with unlawfully assembling for the purpose of committing a gang robbery. Two of the accused were respectively the cook and boy of a local resident. The
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  • 68 5 From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, April 17. In connection with the recent discussion on the housing accomodation for Europeans. Mr. Ong Sain has pui chased a site at Holland Road, beyond the Gardens, of eighty seven acres, on which he proposes to erect thirty residences, the rents to
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  • 37 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 17. Mr. Edgar Galistan, of the Master Attendant’s Office, fell down from the bridge of the motor-ship Selandia, a depth of ten feet, and bruised himself severely.
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  • 28 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 17. An Italian and a Chinaman have been killed at Pulo Übin quarry by a fall of granite.
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  • 140 5 thu Turkish Capital of Tripoli.—Der Osta siatische Lloyd. Re-opening of Parliament. Berlin, April 17. Hie Pailiaments have been re-opened. Germans in China. In the face of complaints regarding insufficient protection of German subjects in China the Koelnische states that measures for protection were taken be fitting the
    thu Turkish Capital of Tripoli.—Der Osta siatische Lloyd.  -  140 words
  • 71 5 Reuter. TURKEY’S REPLY TO POWERS. Constantinople, April 17. Ambassadors to-day presented to the Porte a communication with reference to mediation. It states that the Powers, having ascertained the Italian conditions, now desire to know Turkey’s. The Assembly has asked for time in which to make a reply, which
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 22 5 —Reuter. London, April 15. Two-thousand shop assistants and waitresses demonstrated in Trafalgar Square this afternoon demanding a minimum wage.
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 22 5 —Reuter. DESTROYER’S SUCCESSFUL TRIAL. Sydney, April 16. The locally constructed destroyer JFarrego made a successful trial at twenty- three knots.-
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 27 5 —Reuter. London, April 16. The first lady to fly the Channel is Miss Craig, an American, who crossed from Dover in a Hardelot machine.
    .—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 19 5 —Reuter. London, April 16. Mr. Asquith announced that the Disestablishment Bill would be introduced on April 24.-
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 12 5 Reuter. London, April 16. Seddon’s reprieve has been refused.—
    Reuter.  -  12 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 224 5 SUCCESS IN ADVERTISING. A writer in Printer's Ink gives the following Commandments for Success in Advertising, some of which can very wisely be incorporated in the business creed of every advertiser. Don’t use small space. When you’re addressing an audience, it is unwise to talk in a whisper, few will
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    • 429 5 TRUE ENOUGH. i( Black and White Whisky represents all that is good and sound in whisky blending it is the epitome and record of whisky development. It is the choice of every wise man. Ask for it and drink it with Hirano—the finest and purest Mineral Spring Water. HILTON Co.,
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  • 577 6 DIRECTORS’ REPORT. "I” The directors of Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., in their report to shareholders up to the 4th instant, state that of 1,100 acres belonging to the company 759 are planted. The difference in the area when compared with that shown in the last report is due
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  • 237 6 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended March 30, there were 73 deaths 50 males and 23 females—equal to a deathrate of 37.44 per mille. The death-rate and chief causes of mortality were "c jj "c 2 g 2 "2 gA gA gA Death-rate ...37.44 34 37
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  • 29 6 The following cablegrams remain undelivered at the office of the Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Co. in Beach Street Soeters from Semarang. Edgar from Soerabaia.
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  • 101 6 Wednesday, April 17. Volunteer Recruits, “A Co. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Matsuo’s Cinematograph, Penang Road. Thursday, April 18. Band, Golf Club 6 p.m. Friday, April 19. St. Alphege. Primrose Day. Volunteer Recruit, B Co. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m.
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  • 48 6 Thursday, April 18.— Machinery and Office requisites at the Eastern Engineering Co’s premises. 37 Beach St. and 12 Weld Quay at 11 a.m.; KohEng Hin, auctioneer. Monday, April 22.— The good-will, stock-in-trade and assets belonging to Kadersah Co.; 11 a.m., Logan’s Buildings A. J. Abreu, auctioneer.
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  • 36 6 P.W.D., Alor Star, Kedah.—— Tenders for erection, (a) New Central Police Station, Alor Star, (b) Two blocks, Police Barracks tenders close, noon, Saturday, April 20, and will be received by the British Adviser, Alor Star.
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  • 38 6 Homtward. Stbambb. Akbivbs. Mails Sails Closb P. &O. Delta Sat. 20/4 N.D.L. Luetzow Tue°. 23/4 ♦From Singapore, f Mails close in Penang. Outward. P. &O. Oriental Wed. 17/4 5 p.m. 6 p.m. N.D.L. Buelow Thurs. 25/4
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1133 6 N-W y wJF CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. Hbad Orrioi: ML SB. BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON, E. O. AGBMOIBS ARD Bbanohm. Amritsar Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Seremban V Bangkok Kobe Singapore .S' batavia Klang Shanghai NX i, Calcutta
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    • 153 6 No More Aches and Pains What is your trouble Headaches, toothache, backache, sore throat, earache, strains and bruises are relieved and cured by following the printed directions you’ll find on every bottle of Little's Oriental Balm Stop experimenting with remedies you know nothing of—stop running up uselessly large doctor’s bills
      153 words
    • 197 6 □nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ant] SPECTACLES «nd g I EYE-GLASSES S h GOLD, ROLLED GOLD, or NICKELLED FRAMES u 2 n EYE-SIGHT TESTING ROOMS AT a 0 No. 4,37 a, and 37b, Beach Street S Q The George Town Dispensary, Ltd 5 j—l M nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnntinu SEA-SICKNESS REMED? YANATAS (REGISTERED.) THE FAMOUS CURE AND
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 19 6 The Moon. O New Moon April 17 First Quarter a(a 24 O Full Moon May 1 Last Quarter 9
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    • 86 6 The Tide*. Date H. W. L. W. H. W. L. VI. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M April 17 12-06 6-32 12-31 7-00 „18 12-39 7-03 1-02 7-32 „19 1-12 733 1-32 805 „20 1-44 802 2-01 8-39 „21 2-17 8-30 2-29 9-16 „22 2-53 857 3-00 10-00 „23 3-38 9-26 347
      86 words

  • 1823 7 i i i n •j Capital- Su ucned. shares. f Value. 5 Dividends Name -go 2 I I 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 MINING. «100 000 I >300.000 30.000 >lO >lO 10 30 .30 10 int Belat Tin Mining Co 4$ 2 wioOO 225 000 22 500 10 10
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  • 830 7 ARRIVALS. Atjeh, DuL, 393, Roehiveld, April 17, Sabang, gen., E. 8. Co. Avagyee, Brit., 247, Harvey, April 17, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Cornelia, Brit., 199, Allen, April 16, Malacca, gen., E. 8. Co. Janet Nicoll, Brit., 476, Crichton, April 16, Tavoy, gen., E. S. Co. Teesta, Brit.,
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  • 142 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Mobrow. For Per Close Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 8 a.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and > B. W. Soon 2 p.m. Malacca J Tongkah Rotorua 3 p.m. Teluk Anson and Dindings Avagyee 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Thongwa 3 p.m Deli Perak
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 RAFFLES-BYTHE-SEA. PENANG'S MOST SELECT RESIDENTIAL AND TRANSIT HOTEL The New Billiard Roonti (G Tables} are now open. The coolest place in Penang and situated in a private and secluded position. The only taoles under Professional European Supervision. MOTOR GARS ARO CARRIAGES-&ARAGE-RĔOAIR3 Telegrams; Telephone 392. Ravflxv, Pctamo. 11
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    • 108 7 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. BUSINESS IN FORCE. £29,500,000 INCOME 1910 2,000,000 FUNDS (EXCEED) 7,500,000 Chief Office 1 Norfolk Street, Strand, Great Britain. J London Chief Office 1 Canada Building*, Indian Empire. Bombay. Chief Office Battery Road, S. E. Asia. Singapore. W. A. Whitk, Manager. A. R Bishop, Special
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    • 246 7 UNION S. S.CO. OF NEW ZEALAND Ld., Auckland. Wellington. Lyttleton and Dunedin ALSO CALLING AT Samarang and Fiji (if inducement offers). The Company’s T.S. Steamer APARI** MA, 5,704 tons, S. Nicholson, Commander, maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Approximate Dates of Sailing from Singapore: > On
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2696 8 p. intended saiiinga. Lloyd. Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. gpjjjgf) i n( jj a j[ eam navigation Co., r pw™ EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES LIMITED. MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. ocean Steam Ship to iih Oriental connecting with China. For It.Tat.D-n to Sail. AND May 2 Devanha connecting with Thur. 18th Apl. at
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