Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 April 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 949 1 For $3O S J V 7 eu can have the Pinang I Gazette posted -very day 9 for a whole year to your address. r (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION, >27.) c Proportionate Quarterly and n B Half-K arl y rates Subscriptions are payable in o o advance and remittances should D D
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    • 12 1 g 00.—................. out f 12 -I PAGES I s 8 oooeeew«eM«ee,„„„ ot
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  • 1299 2 MR. RIDLEY REVIEWS YEAR’S WORK. Mr. H. N. Ridley, C.M.G., signa the annual report of the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, for the year 1911. From it we take the following items There was a great scarcity of labour throughout the year, and a rise of wages was found
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  • 347 2 THE BURIAL PLACE OF SIR STAMFORD RAFFLES. Mr. Arnold Wright, Holly Lodge, Wim bledon Park Road, London, S.W., writes to The Times :—ln your issue of March 1 appeared an advertisement signed by the solicitor of the vicar and church wardens of St. Mary’s Church, Hendon, intimating that
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  • 99 2 THE SHELL TRANSPORT COMPANY. The Directors of the Shell Trading and Transport Company announce that arrangements have been made by which the Shell Company have acquired from Messrs. De Rothschild Freres, of Paris, in conjunction with their associates, the Royal Dutch Company, 80 per cent, of the share capital in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1022 2 Penang Sales Room. NOTICE NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES UNDER BILL OF SALE. |'HR interest and share of Thayna A fk Nayna Mana Khana Mahomed as Important Auction SdlC managing partner of the firm K. M. Syed Abubaker carried on at No. 19, Chulia OF Street, Penang, and at
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    • 5 2 P. MOIR CRANES' Cylinder Oil.
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    • 256 2 For Body, Brain ano Nerve T ,'.r‘ VA N A’ ~KANb Tonic Wine >7 Will pull you together when I you get depressed and The Ideal weak. It enriches the blood, Restorative a stimulates the appetite, after aids digestion and in- Ma|arja vigorates the whole system. Vana' is sold by
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  • 302 3 LOSS OF THE OCEANA.” CONCERN AT LLOYDS. Following so closely upon the wreck of the Peninsular and Oriental liner Delhi on the Moroecan cols' the 1 >ss of the Oceana in the English Channel —for salvage prospects are generally regarded as hopeless—is a serious matter for a company which has
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  • 268 3 —Manchester Guardian, Notwithstanding the loss of the P. and O liner Oceana, there was a remarkable advance of 10 points on the 18th and 25 points on the 19th in the Company’s deferred stock, thus accentuating the upward tendency wh ch has been observable since the
    —Manchester Guardian,  -  268 words
  • 27 3 London, April Bth.—Eighty thousand pounds worth of specie was recovered yesterday from the Oceana. This is the best day’s work up to the present.
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  • 243 3 Observations made by a butler who kept a memorandum played a prominent part in a petition in the Divorce Court brought by Mr. Lionel Mabot Woodward, Judicial Commissioner in the Federated Malay States, who sought a dissolution of his marriage by reason of the misconduct of his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 Beck’s Key Brand Beer. The Leading Brand in the East. SCHMIDT, KUSTERMANN 8 Co., PENANG. eoooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooe O O X) Al th. hsAYI 2 o Nk'-VS’W “B u NYI o n VV k VyFo rest Devil IjW O o r< K IN r o U 1 I I O I
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    • 859 3 UNION S. S. CO. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn NEW ZEALAND Ld„ FORD GARS-I-I TOURING CA.R Four Cylinders, Five passengers. 0 Auckland. Wellington. Lyttleton n WAin J 0 j-j 20 Horse power fully equipped Including. Cape Cart Hood, and Dunedin Automatic wind screen, Two Acetylene head lamps. Side lamps, Tail also calling at lamp
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  • 940 4 [Zfy Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh, 13 April, 1912. In recoiding last week’s doing in Ipoh the opening of the new Anglican Church of St. John the Divine clamours for precedence. It’s a fine Church and Ipoh is justly proud of it, the more so because it enjoys the
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  • 903 4 NOTES FROM ALL QUARTERS Sunstar's fee in England this season is 300 gs., and some breeders are so anxious for the services of the Derby winner that as much as £2OO has been offered for the transfer of a nomination to him. £*ls is a big
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  • 682 4 MALAYA’S RESPONSE. {By an Occasional Correspondent The Home and American papers are full of the forthcoming exhibition at New York, and I see that Sir Henry Blake himself, who has taken such a profound interest in the industry, has contributed a most timely article which can
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  • 1986 4 MESSRS. WESSELS AND DE SILVA ON TRIAL. FIFTH-DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. In the Supreme Court, to-day, before Mr. Justice Ebdeu and a special Jury, the case was continued in which Gustav Wessels of Penang, late attorney an i agent for the firm of Behr Co. in Penang, pleaded not
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  • 185 4 LOCAL FOOD STUFFS D«SORIPTIOH, Penang, A 16 Beef: Steaks -I Stew or Curry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail 2 < Tongue h 30 Feet 56 Heart J 5 Liver 6 Per catty 55 Pork Pork Pig’, Head Feet 20 T Mutton per lb. 35 Feet e ch 60
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 224 4 SUCCESS IN ADVERTISING. A writer in Printer’s Ink gives the following Commandments for Success in Advertising, some of which can very wisely be incorporated in the business creed of every advertiser. Don’t use small space. When you’re addressing an audience, it is unwise to talk in a whisper, few will
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    • 125 4 THE London Directory (Published Annually) Enables traders throughout the Worn, t communicate direct with Engha MANUFACTURERS DEALER» in each class of goods. Besides being complete commercial guide to London an its suburbs, the directory contains ha's 0 EXPORT MERCHANTS with the Goods they ship, aud the Colon and Foreign Markets
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  • 1620 5 LABOUR QUESTIONS. A general meeting of the Johore Planters’ Association was held on March 31, at the Johore Hotel, Mr. H. E. Burgess, presiding. The Chairman, in the course of the meeting, explained the Tamil assessment as follows This matter was discussed at the last general meeting
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  • 136 5 RUMOURED MASSACRE OF CHINESE. Calcutta, April 10.—A Kalimpong correspondent writes In view of the present situation in Tibet, it would be interesting to know, even approximately, the number of Chinese soldiers in that country. From enquiries made among the Dalai Lama’s officials the figures vary between
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  • 772 5 HOW TO MAINTAIN HEALTH IN HOT CLIMATES. The question of health in hot countries practically resolves itself in the overcoming of the difficulties due to extremes of temperature, dryness, moisture and miasmata. These, in their turn, are affected by questions of food, drink, clothing, lodging exercise and recreation.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 419 5 FUSSELL’S MILK (Green Butterfly Brand) IS BEST for BABY. Obtainable at ail the Leading Stores. AGENTS: Paterson, Siomns 8 Co., Ltd. i RELATIONS COMMERCIALES DANS TOUS LES I BUREAU INTERNATIONAL POUR FAVO- I f RISER LE COMMERCE ET LTNDUSTRIE. 1 1 AMSTERDAM, Direeteur: BRUXELLES Damrak 60. J. BENDIEN. 21, Bd.
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    • 111 5 Why Suffer Here’s a Remedy That Will Banish Rheumatism No matter how much pain you are suffering—no matter how long you have suffered—no matter how hopeless you have become, Little's Oriental Balm will bring quick and lasting relief. Applied outwardly it speedily penetrates to the blood vessels—the «eat of the
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    • 59 5 MARTIN’S A French Remedy for all ties. Thousands of Ladieo keep a box of Martin Pills in the house, so that on the first sign of any Irregularity of the System, a timely done may be administered. Those who use them. recommend them, hence their enormous sale. At all Chemists
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    • 394 5 AMUSEMENTS. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I REVOLUTION IN CHINA. JUST ARRIVED. QUITE NEW TO PENANG. Film No. I. Reng Guan Hung, as their Governor-General, read out the manifesto. 1. The Troops of Revolutionists marching out for inspection. 2. The Troops inspected by their GovernorGeneral. 3. The Troops on field. Film No. 11.
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  • 42 6 Henderson-Campbell.—On April 15, at the Church of the Assumption, Penang, Charles Meredith Henderson, eldest son of the late C. J. Henderson, Esq., of Fenchurch Street, London, to Margaret Isohel Campbell, daughter of Archibald Campbell, Esq., of Penang. Australian papers please copy.
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  • 1140 6 The Monroe doctrine kind of keep off the grass notice to other Powers, but America is finding that it also entails great worries and responsibilities. The Secretary for State. Mr. P. C. Knox, has been on a tour through Central America, and the result of his enquiries
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    • 82 6 The members of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club held their weekly shoot yesterday afternoon at the Rifle Range, Kampong Bharu, when they had a practice shoot. The following was the result:— 2 a° TofcaL yds. yds. Mrs. G. Anderson 28 28 56 Hamilton 26 29 55 Miss
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    • 105 6 The following was the result of the above competition A. Smith All square S. F. B. Martin 5 down C. G. May 6 Messrs. C. C. Rogers, Geo. Macbain, W. S. Goldie, C. H. Sandes, C. R. Samuel, J. H. Pye, A. G. Anthony, H. R.
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  • 133 6 HENDERSON—CAMPBELL. At 4-15 p.m., yesterday afternoon, at the Church of the Assumption, Mr. Charles Meredith Henderson, of Messrs. Guthrie <fc Co and eldest son of the late Mr. C. J. Henderson of Fenchurch street, London, was married to Miss Margaret Iso be 1 Campbell. The bride, who
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  • 184 6 The Lsdies’ Committee of the King Edward Memorial Fund ask us to say that they are much encouraged by the response so far met with from th* Chinese ladies, many of whom have already subscribed handsome sums as will be seen when the lists are published.
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  • 226 6 A tragic case of suicide occurred in the early hours of this morning of a well-known Chinese dhoby carrying on business as Jet Sing «fc Co. 171, Macalister Road. L'he man who was in debt to the Chetties, from whom he had borrowed some five or six
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  • 714 6 “TITANIC.” AND ICEBERG 2.000 LIVES IMPEMLUI WIRELESS APPEALS FOR HELP New York, April 15 The White Star Liner Ti tanic sent wireless messages that she h collided with an iceberg and lfor assistance. The Virginian and Baltic are hastening to The Virginian is 170 miles and Th'
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  • 66 6 THE RIVAL CANDIDATEb. Philadelphia, April 15. In the primary elections in Pennsylvania, Mr. Roosevelt decisively defeated Mi Taft, securing more than five-sixths of the delegates for the National Convention. Mr. Taft, however, still has a big l?a l other States.—Reuter. A Bitter Struggle. London, April 15. Mr. Roosevelt’s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDnnnnnn J PERLIS GUANO. S PHOSPHATIC MANURE I E Best Fertiliser for all Sorts of Plants, H Specially for g RUBBER. g n COCONUT. g B TAPIOCA, g COFFEE, B SUGAR, Etc. n El El H GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN Q n n n Phosphates (Tricalciumphosphate) Q Phosphoric icid P» O
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    • 101 6 To-Day’s Contents. Page —The Botanic Gardens The “Shell” Transport Company; and Singapore’s Founder. p age s.—Loss of the Oceana and F. M. S. Divorce Suit. p age 4._lpoh Items; The World of Sport; The New York Exhibition; and The Diamonds Case. Page s.— Johore Planters’ As ociation The Situation in
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  • 230 7 MOVEMENT IN TINS. RUBBER RISES. The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list on page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day. X Shabih. >• ZS 9 9 03 m 03 tn Kanaboi H 2 l.ttO 2 Kinta I»* m 17$ 19 p Bharu i
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  • 21 7 Singapore, April 16. The share market yesterday was dull in rubber. Riley Hargreaves <fc Co. rose to 1120.
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  • 90 7 LATEST PRICES IN LONDON. [/■’rum a Malacca Correspondent.] Malacca, April 16. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the following were the prices of rubber in London yesterday :—Fine hard Para. 4/10|, sellers. Plantation Para, 5/2s, sellers. The market was firm and good
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  • 99 7 THE GOVERNOR’S EXPEDITION. \From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 16. H E. the Governor, accompanied by Wi. E. L. Brockman, Mr. H. C. Robinson, Dr. 8. H. R. Lucy, and Messrs Hominger and Weed are proceeding on a journey to attempt to scale Gunong Tahan. They expected back
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  • 47 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 16. In the Singapore Club case, the accused, e ex-chief clerk of the Club, has been committed for trial at the next Assizes, despite submission of counsel for the defence no case of fraud had been made out
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  • 26 7 i From Our Own Correspondent,] Singapore, April 16. j I-M.S. Hawke, of the China Squadron, 11 hiii\t>d here homeward bound with l,tUe expired crew.
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  • 26 7 drom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 16. Chinese cook has been charged here 11 shooting a Malay woman, not, howtl'Hl J Vl > -seriously.
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  • 1041 7 —Reuter. DISCUSSION cm THE BILL. THE FINANCIAL PROVISIONSLondon, April 15 Unionists continue to mercilessly assail the Home Rule Bill concentrating attention on finance and the nominated Senate and demanding whether Catholic Bishops are eligible for appointment. Indications are multiplying that Liberals are prepared to waive the principle
    —Reuter.  -  1,041 words
  • 154 7 —Reuter. AM ERICA’S SOLEMN WARNING. Washington, April 15. lhe Government has notified Mexico that the United States will hold her responsible for wanton irregularities in sacrificing and endangering American lives and destroying American property. The Rebel leader has been similarly notified. A Strong Hint. London, April 15. The American
    —Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 74 7 —Reuter. “A GRAVE ERROR.” London. April 15. The Daily Telegraph says that the omission of India and the Crown Colonies from the scope of the Trade Commission is a grave error and suggests that the participants should be approached telegraphically with a view to widening the field
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 65 7 Reuter. AGREEMENT STRONGLY APPROVED. London, April 16. Mr. C. S. Davson, who represented the West India committee in the negotiations with Canada, has sent a message to Reuter’s agency expressing the greatest satisfaction with the agreement and saying it might be expected that Canada will now
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 74 7 —Reuter. THE BELGIAN LOAN. Peking, April 15. The Government replying to the four-na-tion’s protest against the Belgian Loan, states that it appears probable the Belgians will join the international group in order that the political deadlock may be overcome. The imperative need for funds is again causing the
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 27 7 —Reuter. PREMIER’S SPEECHES APPROVED. Paris, April 15. The papers completely approve of M. Poincare’s speeches as justifying in the happiest manner the Anglo-French entente.
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 211 7 German East Africa. Berlin, April 16. The Director of the Colonial Office, Herr Scheme, has been appointed Governor of German East Africa. He will be succeeded by Herr Gleim of the Cameroons. Obituary. The new Russian Ambassador for Munich, Count Schmycingk, died on arrival at his destination.
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  • 21 7 .—Reuter. London, April 16. The Admiralty has taken over Prevost’s aeroplane in which he flew the Channel with a passenger.-
    .—Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 72 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $97.35 per picul, business done. Tin in London is quoted at £197 5s spot and £194 ss. three months. The following is the local report to-day :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 125 tons, $97.80; Penang: Straits Trading Co, Ltd.,
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  • 20 7 The rubber output C .S. (Bertarn) Rubber Co., Ltd., for the month of March was 15,700 lbs dry.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 151 7 TANSAN. The Choicest ol all Choice Vaters TANSAN delicious drink, an invigorating drink, a drink pi that aids digestion. bIMQCDS Such a drink is TANSAN, the Dalaia World renowned Japanlllu I didl C pse Natural Mineral Water. Doctors recommend TANInuidnrotflc SAN because it is the softest and most digestible of
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    • 580 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see, thinks what ne’er was, nor is, nor e’er shall be.”— A. P. Hoogensteign. “ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" P. P. c. WHISKY FOR SALE. i s a near perfection in whisky blending as can be. /~\NE RUBBER TYRED two wheeled B°ggy with hood, in
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  • 652 8 Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal. As recently as Thursday, 4th inst., the London advices received by Messrs. Aylesbury and Garland regarding tin shares noted that the Nigerian market was attracting a good deal of public attention. Those immediately concerned in the tin mining industry of Malaya know full
    Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal.  -  652 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 438 8 2 THE J Johnson-Pickett Rope Go. Inc., MANILA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. J Manufacturers of Pure Manila Rope. 2 Made on the Most Modern Cordage Machinery. Only the Best Fibres used, from our own Plantations, 5 J HILTON Co., Sole Agents for Penang and Vicinity. Green island cement co., Ltd. j J
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    • 146 8 I MEPHISTO Copying Pencils are made by L. C. Hardtmuth, which is the strongest guarantee of pencil excellence that can be offered. The Mephisto writes smoothly, yet gives a reallv sharp impression. For manifolding purposes no other pencil is nearly so good. HARDTMUTH’S RUBBER is the best for all erasive
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    • 1117 8 Atlas Puncture-Proof Z by the use of things which expert* > ence has proved to be valuable and mm M I A a helpful to humanity. All are liable, 2 1 2 1 fl in a greater or lesser degree, to the I I I I I wl same troubles,
      1,117 words

  • 2070 9 e. i Capital. Su «cri ed. N er of J 8 ue 2 iS capiv« Shares. Value. 3 Dividends Name a s L i ao CF 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 MININ®. 1903 *300.000 s™®-®®® 22’222 ’}J ’}2 10 3» »1® int Belat Tin Mining Co 4$ 19»H) 300
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  • 846 9 SHIPPI N G. ARRIVALS. Ban Whatt Soon, Brit., 199, Milne, April 16, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. E. F. Ferdinand, Aust., 3843, Cobol, April 16, Bombay, gen., S. Kustermann. Co. Indrasamha, Brit., 3367, Pilcher, April, 16, S’pore, gen., Behn Meyer Co. Kum Sang, Brit., 2077, Wheeler, April 16 Calcutta,
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  • 74 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Mobbow, For Per Close Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Kedah 8 a.mJ Negapatam Madras Teesta 11 a.m. Teluk Anson and Dindings Hok Canton 3 p.m, Singapore, China and Japan Oriental 5 p.m, Tuesday. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and > B. W.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. BUSINESS IN FORCE. £29,500,000 INCOME 1910 2,000,000 FUNDS (EXCEED) 7,500,000 Chief Office 1 Norfolk Street, Strand, Great Britain. J London Chief Office 7 Canada Buildings, Indian Empire, j Bombay. Chief Office Battery Road, S. E. Asia. f Singapore. W; A. Whitb, Manager. A- R
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    • 405 9 Nerve Malnutrition.’ Due to Tropical Climates. The Safeguard to hand—many years' SPLENDID RESULTS. The Climatic conditions in Tropical Climates, must, sooner or later, affect people —some withstand it better than others, but as a rale it finds them out, and general sickness, debility, “can’t be bothered condition,** and Nervous Disorders
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 112 9 The Moon. O New Moon April 17 First Quarter n 24 O Full Moon May 1 Last Quarter n 9 The Tides, Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. A.M. A.M. P.M. F.M. April 16 Nil. 6-02 12 06 6-29 17 12-06 6-32 12-31 7-00 18 12-39 7-03 1-02 7-32
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  • 124 10 Tuesday, April 16. Volunteer Recruits, Maxim and Bearer Sections. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Matsuo’s Cinematograph, Penang Road. Wednesday. April 17. Meeting of Justices of the Peace, 2.15 p.m. Volunteer Recruits, A Co. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Thursday,
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  • 48 10 Thursday, April IS.— Machinery and Oftice requisites at the Eastern Engineering Co’s premises. 37 Beach St. and 12 Weld Quay at 11 a.m.; KohEng Hin, auctioneer. Monday, April S2.— The good-will, stock-in-trade and assets belonging to Kadersah Co.; 11 a.m., Logan’s Buildings A. J. Abreu, auctioneer.
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  • 37 10 P. JF.D., Alor Star, Kedah.— Tenders for erection, (a) New Central Police Station, Alor Star, (b) Two blocks, Police Barracks tenders close, noon, Saturday, April 20, and will be received by the British Adviser. Alor Star.
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  • 44 10 Homeward. Stkamkb. Arrives. Mails SiiLf.Close. 8.1. Teota Wed 17/4 11 a.m. noor P. &O. Delta Sat. 20/4 N.D.L. Luetzoxc Tue'. 23/4 *From Singapore. |Mails close in Penang. Outward. PA O. Oriental Wed. 17/4 5 p.m. 6 p.m. N.D.L. Bueloxc 1 hurs. 25/4
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  • 302 10 From Messrs. Morrison and Co.’s weekly market report, dated Rangoon, April 4. Paddy.—Fair supplies are still being marketed but the demands, in sympathy with the dull rice markets, is very quiet and prices have declined to.—For Railway Paddy Rs. 140 to Rs. 145. For Boat Paddy
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1175 10 y >SF CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. B Paid-up Capital £1,2(10,000 Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200.000 Head Offiok: JL SB, BISHOPSGATK, LONDON, B. 0. AGBMOIM AMD BbAMOHM. X yk Amritsar Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Seremban x Bangkok Kobe Singapore
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    • 17 10 ESTABLISHED 1900. N. D. DE SILVA. Maßvtacturint Jeweller, Diamond Setter, Engraver, Repairer, and Re-gilder, 74, BISHOP STREET.
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    • 414 10 PHOTOGRAPHIC (§2l FILMS, PLATES PAPERS. Kodak Films ia all tke popular sizes. Ilford Empress and Special Rapid Plates. Paget Extra Rapid Plates. PAPERS. Ilford P. O. P. Kodak Hardened P« O. P. Wellington Bromide. Kodak Bromide. Velox Gaslight Carbon Papers. I SELF TONING PAPERS. H u I Ilford Intona. Ilford
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  • 789 11 For Balik Palau, at 8 a.m. and 0-30 p.m. Butterworth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4- p.m. Bukit Tarnbun, 6-15 a.m., at 8 a,m., 1-45 p.m., and also 5-30 p.m. on Saturdays. Bukit Mertajam, 6-15 a.m., 7-15 a.m., 8 a.m., 10-40 a.m.,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 287 11 IN GREAT BRITAIN MARTELL'S BRANDY Is to be found throughout the Clubs, Hotels, and in almost every Gentleman's House, and is prescribed by the great majority of English Doctors. IT IS THE FAVOURITE YOU KNOW IT BY THE BLUE AND SILVER LABEL. To be obtained Retail from all the LEADING
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    • 1166 11 INSURANCE. nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo 0 The Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. 0 0 n irrrprVQ n The above Company is prepared to ac- Q JCL 0 cept Marine risks at lowest current rates. O The Company also accept risks od n Specie, Bonds, Coupons, Bank Notes, and Q j j m F* J
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2628 12 p lntenJcd Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. I EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. LIMITED. f MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. L_ T Ocean steam Ship to nn Apr. 18 Oriental connecting with Chine. F»« InTexonn to Sett. Steamee. AND May 2 Dvvanbs connecting with Thur. 18th Apl. at 4 p.m. Thongwa CHINA
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