Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 January 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 794 1 nnnooran riuuot Fo R $3 O You can have the Pinang a ported tvcry day for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION, 127 c Proper donate Quarterly and Half-yearly rates a Subscriptions are payable in E advance and remittances should be addressed to H Tha Managlat Director: PINANC
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    • 76 1 ■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□aaiaaa AA7 HBNYOU ARB AWAYon,ea y V you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Com- D mercial, Mining, Planting, &c. q a This you can do in no better way g than by subscribing to the Weekly a Edition of the Pinang Gazette.” q published every Friday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2029 2 ■w SITUATIONS VACANT the best of all programmes NOTICES?^ I I Pit. Dt.s) I Arranged for the Race Season. MR3 BASIL bakZT^TtZ''! WANTED NEW FILMS practically NEW SUBJECTS right from the Mai ufacturers. iVI Perak, offers second class n j to England P. <fe O. mail March fA Ph fi
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  • 185 3 Saturday, January 27. Homeward P. O. Mail closes 4 p.m. Penang Races, 2.45 p m. Special Race Dinners, E. &O. Hotel, Raffles Hotel, and Runnymede Hotel. Entertainment. Town Hall, 9 30 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road Savoy Theatre
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  • 121 3 February 3.—Homeward English (B.I.) Mail. February 7.—Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, 9 p.m. February B.—Outward P. O. Mail. February 10—Homeward P. O. Mail. February 10.—Fire Brigade Display. February 13. Homeward German Mail. February 14.—St. Valentine’s Day. February 15.—Methodist-Episcopal Conference, Kuala Lumpur. February 15.—Outward English and German Mails.
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  • 95 3 Saturday, Jan. 27.— Griffin Mentot at conclusien of Races Turf Club enclosure J. R. McFarlane, auctioneer. Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 29 and Bf>. Furniture and plants; “Dura House, Western Road 11.15 a.m.; Cunnigham. Cl*rk Co., auctioneers. Thursday, February I.— Bukit Meerah Property, P.W.; 11 a.m.; 38 Beach Street
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  • 88 3 Municipal Commissioners of George Town.— Lease of Pitt St. Old Market to Dec. 31, 1912 tenders close 5 p m., J»n. 30. Kedah Government.— Metalling earth road from Kelang Lama (Kulim) to Lunas village with granite (laterite foundation and granite top metalling); tenders close: noon, Feb. 5. Kuala Lumpur
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  • 59 3 Homeward. Stbambr. Arrives. Mails Sails < 'LOSE P. &O. Delta Sat. 27/1 4 p.m, 6 pm. N.D.L. Buelow Tues 30/1 6p.m. midnight. M. Tonkin Mon. 3/2* 5.30p.m.f 3/2 8.1. Sat. 3/2 10 a.m. noon *From Singapore I Mails close in Penang. Outward. N. P.E. Fiedrich Thurs. 1/2 8.1.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2183 3 lhe Subscription List will close on Wednesday, the 31st of January, 1912 HOW HE BAFFLED DEATH. TRONOH EXTENDED, LIMITED. ““> (INCORPORATED UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE 1889). RHEUMATISM AND SCIATICA. A riTHP A T Scientists say that Rheumatism follows a I B too rapid thinning of the blood, it is easy,
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    • 14 3 STaY at the GRAND ORIENTAL HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR. Telegrams Proprietor “ORIENTAL.” S. M. MARTIN»
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    • 283 3 >••••••••••••••••••• lolinson-Pichetl Rope Co. i MANILA. 8 The Rope You Can Trust 2 IT IS THE STANDARD OF ROPE PERFECTION. All our skill and energy is put into making one grade. We do not make a 2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc. This saves buyers much bother and uncertainty. The name
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  • 20 4 Flbtciibr —Ou December 28, at Woodford Gieen, Eeeex, wife of H. L. Fletcher (formerly of Hongkong and Singapore), daughter.
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  • 37 4 Gibbon—Salzmann.—Jan. 2, at. London, W. C. E. Gibson to A’ice Laura, daughter of E 8» zmann. of Singapore. hKLLiKß—Tarbat. On Dec. 30, at Hiunn eri-mith, Maurice Hellier, Inspector of Schools, Singapore, to Jean Ogdvie Tar bat.
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  • 591 4 The announcement that Mr. Winston Churchill and Mr. Redmond would speak in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on February 8, was made many weeks ago. Lord Pirrie was to preside and Mr. Joseph Devlin, M P. for West Belfast, to take part. The Ulster Liberal Association had in
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    • 73 4 11. C- C y SOUTHERN TASMANIA Hobart, January 26 The cricket match between the M.C C. and Southern Tasmania commenced in fine though dull weather before a moderate attendance of spectators. The wicket was good. Southern Tasmania batted first, scoring 124 runs. Hearne took 3 wickets for
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    • 73 4 Scratchings for To-Day. The following istLe list of scratchings for to-day’s races Krdah Cup— Good Newt, Lumut Lastie, an-i Sitiawan. Merchants’ Cup— Brown Comet. Merchants’ Plate— Apollo, Adara, and Little Britain Pi*n*ng Plate. Bostra, Phonograph Rouge et-Noir. Lossie, Necia, Play. Pknang Purse.— Miraye, Harbour Light, Salerno and Yabba.
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    • 134 4 Hace No. I. Charybdis, Pip, and Mentor. Race No. 2.— St. Brendan, Skindies and Kes Tor. Race No. 3. S agelight, Chanticleer, and Maori Girl. Race No. 4.—ArcfynfiicA, Patinos, and Sod age r. Race No. s.— Melodist, Satis, and Trouble. Race No 6.— The Colonel, Chesterfall, and Sir
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    • 47 4 The Everlasting Athletic Club defeated 'he Young Muslim Union yesterday on Victoria Green by 3 goals to nil. The following fiieudly matches will be play-d his afternoon on the Esplanade 4- p.m.—lst eleven, Ihtihadol Khaireah v. Butterworth. 5- p.m. 2nd eleven Ittibadol Khaireah v. Daiul Muihibbah.
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    • 51 4 The meet for the papercha-e, which has l>e p n arranged to be held on Monday next will be at Dato Kramat Gatdens and the finish at “Ayer Rsjuh,” where Mr and Mrs. Peel will be “At Home’ to the members of the Hunt Club and their
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    • 23 4 The following tie was decided yesterday. Singles Handicap (Semi-final) —Goldie —5) beat Hamilton —4) by 21 20.
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  • 181 4 The funeral of Captain John Smith Wright, master of the Eastern Shipping Co.’s s j Jin Ho, who died in his 38th year yesterday morning, took place In the afternoon The funeral cortege left the General Hospital moituary at 5.15 pm. for the Proiextant Cemetery Western
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  • 49 4 A meeting will be held to-morrow at 5 p m. at the Kapitan KI ng Mosque to considei:(l) The advi-ability ot increasing the boys up to 100 for free education out of the Trust funds; (2) Alterations, etc, of tha Mosque* and Shaik Ismail Masque, Chulia Street.
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  • 540 4 YESTERDAY’S MEETING. An o’dinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon in the Muniepal Offices. There were prts*nt Meser-. W. (President), G N Saje, W. T. Chapman, and Qtiah Ben’ Kee, wi'h Messrs. L. M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and L. A. Coutier Biggs (Secretary) in attendance.
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  • 242 4 A New Programme. A large and fashionable audience enthusiastically applauded the many clever conjuring feats offered in Raymond’s new programme. It was a splpndid performance in which the Magician’s Mysterious Maids appeared to advantage in many pretty changes of costume. They seemed to experience no difficulty in
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  • 482 4 Mr. J. R Murray of Messrs, p«. Simons Co., has left Kuala transfer to that firm’s Penang hou-e f Q Mr. S. F Brere’on Martin, of r oao R »ss. and Mrs. Manin are i' in Penang by the N. 1). L. Prin z Friedrich on February
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  • 77 4 The demand for speedy delivery in London of rubber shipments has been met by the Blue Funnel Line of steamers which now enab'es shippers to land their rubber in 26 or 27 days from Penang w thout tr '•nshipment. I’tiH Atreus, whidi left, Penang on
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  • 58 4 The prices for the period from January 26 to February 8. inclusive, of cultivated rubber on wh'ch export duty is leviable oa an ad valorem basis ate as under per picul. Sheet and biscuit $270 Fine crepe 275 Best scrap in crepe form 255 Bark scrap do
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  • 134 4 The following returns for December are to hand Port Swettenham lb. 7,500 Allagar 5,700 Bukit Kubu 640 Owing to the Hunt C ub Paperchase on Monday next, the usual shoot of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club will not take place. The last of the race dinners take place
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 r 2 Builds up I after Illness I El The combined healing, tonic and strengthening properties of Angier’s El El Emulsion make it invaluable after any illness affecting the lungs or El digestive organs. It heals the diseased tissues, improves appetite and El El digestion, and builds up health and
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  • 47 4 DEATHS. Macbkan. —On Dec. 30, at Windsor, Annie, widow of late Win. Macbean, of Singapore. Wright.—At the General Hospital, Penang, on the 26th inst., Capt. John 8. Wright, of the Eastern Shipping Co., son of William Wright, Ship Broker, Glasgow, age 38 years —Glasgow papers please copy.
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  • 298 5 PAHANGS AND TONGKHS BETTER. STERLING RCBB RS BACKWARD The following are the change* (buyers and sellers only) in our share list ou page 7 to-day Yesterday. To-day. K «0 X Sharks. aw a JftrnnQ. Pahang C. 5/4$ 6/3 5/7$ 6/6 P. Bharu 7$ 7| x. 7$ 7|
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  • 71 5 From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 26. In the share market, a good many sterlings are easier, but there have been some rises. Considerable business has been done in dollars and mines. To-day’s (Friday’s) quotations are Indragiri 5 75 Jimah 0 30 Pajam 10 25 Pegoh 26.
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  • 42 5 LATES T PRICES IN LONDON. From a Malacca Correspondent Malacca, January 25 Information has been received bv the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 47, no sellers. Plantation Para. 5/4, value.
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  • 55 5 from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 27. Judgment has been given in the case of Hie ss. Lai Sang charged with carrying an excess of passengers. Captain E J. Tadd, the master, w’as fined a dollar, and a dollar for each excess passenger. [The excess was 68| passengers—the
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  • 31 5 From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 26. To-day’s (Friday’s) quotations for produce are: Rice, Rangoon $lB3 00 Gambier, cube No. 1 15 70 Pepper, white 31.00 Coffee, Bali 35.00
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  • 31 5 [from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 27, February 19 and 20 (Monday and Tues day, respectively) have been gazetted as Public Holidays for the Chinese New Year.
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  • 244 5 RUMOUR AND THE REICHSTAG. DISSOLU fION IMPROBABLE Berlin, January 25. Rumours are again circulating about the dissolving of the Reichstag, but these are are unfounded. The new Reichstag has also, in the Conservatives’ opinion, a majority for the demands of the Army and Navy.—per Ostasiatische Lloyd. Second Ballot
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  • 113 5 A CALL AT THE WHITE HOUSE. M ashington, January 26. T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Connaught have called on President Taft at the White House. A Dignified Welcome. M ashington. January 26, later. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught and Princess Patrica received an enthusiastic but
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  • 90 5 —Reuter. THE FRANCO-ITALIAN DISPUTE. Berlin, January 25. The German Government organs emphasize the absolute neutrality of Germany towards the Franco-Italian dispute over the embargo upon the M anouba, but a settlement of the incident is certain.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. Turkish Captives. Rome, January 26. A telegram from Massowa states
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 30 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 27. Mr. Claude Severn, the Colonial Secre-tary-elect of Hongkong, leaves to take up his appointment by the ss. Himalaya tomorrow (Sunday).
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  • 29 5 (From Our Oren Correspondent.) Singapore, January 27. A fire broke out on board a vessel in the harbour last night No details are to hand.
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  • 30 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 27. Mr. A. M. Smith, Chief Engineer of Topham, Jones «fc Riilton, who met with a motor accident, is progressing favourably.
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  • 163 5 Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. JAPAN AND THE REPUBLIC NO RECOGNIIION AT PRESENT Tokio, January 26. A Chinese Republican envoy has arrived here to secure Japan’s recognition of the Republic. A motion thereanent was introduced into the Diet and evoked much difference of opinion, the debate being adjourned. It
    . Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  163 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. VALUABLE SAFES UNCATHED. New York. January 26. The vaults of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, containing safes of the wealthiest families and numerous banking houses, on being opened, w’ere all found to be unscathed, notwithstanding the great fire which recently destroyed the building.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 59 5 tion are ridiculous.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. Berlin, January 26. The New Herald rakes up the report of German intentions on Barbadoes and Trinidad. It is officially declared that the movements of German warships in the West Indies were made on an understanding with the Governments there The assertions
    tion are ridiculous.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  59 words
  • 53 5 —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. Berlin, January 26. During the festivities, in connection with the bicentenary of the birth of Frederick the Great, the Kaiser announced in the Academy of Science that the membership of the philosophical and historical faculty must be increased to obtain larger facilities for studying
    —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  53 words
  • 58 5 being seized with an apopletic fit.—Der Ostasiatische Loyd. Hamburg, January 26. The Hamburg-Amer ca Liner steamer Clevel nd collided at Honolulu with the U.S. cruiser C lo ad Ihe latter v as damaged but not the Cleveland. The accident was caused bv the ad >’s pilot
    being seized with an apopletic fit.—Der Ostasiatische Loyd.  -  58 words
  • 44 5 ,—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. Berlin, January 26. Dr. von Solf, German Colonial Secretary, on his visit to London, was mostly in the citv to obtain information on the diamond trade. He had no negotiations with either the Foreicrn or the Colonial Office.-
    ,—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  44 words
  • 33 5 Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. The Hague, January 26. It is officially reported that Queen Wilhelmina is slightly ill and that the hopes for her accouchment have been destroyed. Her condition is satisfactory.—
    Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  33 words
  • 33 5 —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. New York, January 26 Mr. Theodore Roosevelt has declared himself ready to accept the nomination for the American Presidency if it is offered to him. —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.
    .—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  33 words
  • 24 5 have been subdued. L>er Ostasiatische Lloyd. Atjeh, January 26. Seventeen of the nineteen rebel leaders have been subdued. L>er Ostasiatische Lloyd.
    have been subdued. L>er Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  24 words
  • 20 5 —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. The Hague, January 26. The Opium Convention has been signed and sealed.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.
    —Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  20 words
  • 128 5 Reuter. DEVELOPMENTS IN BELFAST. RESPONSIBILITY IF RIOTING OCCURSLondon, January 26. Mr. Winston Churchill’s letter to Lord Londonderry offering to hold the Liberal meeting elsewhere than in the Ulster Hall, refers to the very grave direct and personal responsibility falling on Lord l.ondonderry if serious rioting should occur
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 159 5 Reuter DEPUTATION TO ST. PETERSBURG. St. Petersburg, January 27. There is much stir in St. Petersburg over the visit of a deputation of 21 prominent British public men. pecial trains conveyed them from the frontier to St. Petersburg and they were warmly welcomed by the authorities. The
    ■. Reuter  -  159 words
  • 62 5 Reuter. BARON VON AEHRENTHAL. Vienna, January 26. Baron von Aehrenthal, the AustroHungarian Foreign Minister, is ill. if he should resign, his successor, at the Emperor Francis Joseph’s desire, will continue the Baron's policy of friendliness towards Italy.— ler Ostasiatische Lloyd. Resignation Imminent. Vienna, January 26 Baron von
    . Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 115 5 OUTLINES OF PROPOSED BILL. London, January 26. The Rt. Hon. R. McKenna, Home Secretary, in a speech here yesterday, outlined the Welsh Disestablishment Bill. It is proposed to disendow the Church of £lBl.OOO of its annual income, which will be restored definitely to national purposes The existing incumbents
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 The Grand Hotel, PERAK. THE High-life Hostelry in the Heart of the IPOH City. Requests for accommodations by Mail or Wire will have Prompt Attention. Telegrams: CREET,” Ipoh. P. Z. GREET, Sole Proprietor. Jills Brothers, DENTISTS, erm Briije Wirk specialists. Painless Extraction under Anaesthetic. Moderate Charges and Free Consultation. KING
      56 words
    • 293 5 WANTED We might argue A QUALIFIED DRESSER, must Yx speak both Tamil and Telegu. Good ■>l’l «X position for suitable mao. Apply MANAGER, Quality for a month, Bukit Tambun Coconut Co., Ltd., ux x f°r a year, but to no effect if their whiskies Province Wellesley. did not prove OUF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1745 6 'fjr -«ajtere MMMaMHawMM sssMsmM nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnn Da I Iv. f hnmhpi-lflin'c Ro|||CdiCS s A MOTOS CAR SERVICE Japan Mail Steamship Co. U. LIIUIIWCI lU»H J Ixvlllvuiv J. n wlll BUN To A)U) FRI)M THE s «:mmihc club d HbadOvfiob: W J ON SUNDAYS a ML 58, BISHO PBGATE, LONDON, E.
      1,745 words

  • 2249 7 Capital. Su' <« ri ed N Shlre« f Value. 2 Dividenda Name Q tg or 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 MINING. e-w»nnn V) nOO $lO $lO 25 10 30 30 10 int Belat Tin Mining Co 1903 ***** 000 $J°? 000 IW.JH Bruang 3$ 1906 300 000 noon *1
    2,249 words
  • 588 7 ARRIVALS. Atjeh, Dut., 396, Karsten, Jan. 26, Langsa, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Calypso, Brit., 339, Banantyne, Jan. 27, Deli, gen., William Mansfield Co. C. Apcar, Brit, 1730, Hudson, Jan. 27, S’pore, gen. A. A. Anthony Co. Dacrc Castly, Brit., 2655, Gough, Jan. 26, S’pore, gen., P. 8. Co. Egra,
    588 words
  • 54 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. Momdat. For Per Close Langsa, T. Bemawe, Segli, Olehleh,/... Sabang and Padang f P ,nl, Dinding, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson Canton 2 p.m. Tuesday. Port Swettenham and Singapore Klang 4-15 p.m. gCeylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt, and Ruelow 6 p.m. viA Naples, for Europe,
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  • 39 7 Penang The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Hotel, Sea View Hotel, and Hotel de Europe, Ipoh :—The Grand Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—Grand Oriental Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Bangkok :—Legation Hotel.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 304 7 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. BUSINESS IN FORCE. £29,500,000 INCOME 1910 I 2,000,000 FUNDS (EXCEED) 7,500,000 Chief Office Norfolk Street, Strand, Great Britain. London Chief Office 1 Canada Building 1 Indian Empire, f Bombay. Chief Office Battery Road, S. E. Asia. J Singapore. W. A. Whitr, Manager. A. R
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2519 8 p. saiuna:®. jtofdjeirtscher Lloyd. Bremen. S,Mm ,ioB Co British Wia Steam Co., MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. LIMITED. OCCOII SICGm ShiJ) j Feb. 8 Assaye connecting with Marmora For Intended to Sail. St amer. Feb. 22 India connecting with Moldavia 27th Jan at 7 p.m. CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO ITn HOMEWARD.
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