Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 January 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 363 2 ITEMS OF INTEREST. Despatched by the mail leaving London. Dec. 29. THE NEW PAPAL DECREE. TEXT OF THE ORDINANCE. The text of the nw Papal Decree, i3m| iesue of which has c&uood ®o much ccatrovorsy in Ireland, is, according to the Daily Telegraph, ae follow»
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    • 171 2 A system of what mariners are calling ’‘blind” lighthouses is. the Manchester Guardian understands, about to be established by the French Government. This revolution in maritime signalling consists in the use of Hertzian waves, and it is believed that it will prove of far more lasting value than
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    • 76 2 The recent heavy rains have had the effect of flooding the Aberbeeg Colliery. Two of the Stumps are already under water, and it is eared that the third and the largest will also be rendered useless. The colliery, which is owned by Messrs. Budd and Co., is
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    • 49 2 The British Vice-Consul at Marseilles, Mr. Broadwood, who was a passenger by the steamer New York, with his wife, to Ameiica, was taken ill on board on Thursday, and disembarked at Queenstown. He was taken to the Queen’s Hotel, where he died on Friday.
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    • 38 2 Moses Jones, a chargeman of riggers at Portsmouth Dockyard, died in the Haslar (Hospital on Friday as the result of a 30ft. fall on to the steel deck of the new battleship (Neptune.
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    • 166 2 PARSON WHO LOOKED LIKE A IRA MI Extraordinary facts have come to light through the death of the Rev. G. T. Scott, Vicar of Northleigh, Oxfordshire, says the Star. Deceased, who was seventy-four, lived the life of a recluse, doing all his own cooking, and refusing medical
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    • 75 2 Charles Staines, fifty-seven, who had been an inmate of Braintree Workhouse from childhood, was found hanging dead on the •tairs on Friday. Deceased, who was of simple mind, appears to have been upeet because this year he was not asked to stir the workhouse Christmas pudding, as
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    • 39 2 A warning is issued by the police against a gang of coiner» who are going about Um metropolis circulating spurious half-crown», florins, and shillings, which are ao well made aa to be difficult to detect.
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    • 538 2 USE OF MOIOR-CARS BY CRIMINALS. One rather unexpected consequence of the taxi-cab strike is the new use made of motors by criminals, says the Paris correspondent of the Standard. All Paris has been startled by the fact of a band of apaches using a car to
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    • 330 2 MYSTERY OF YOUNG OFFICER’S DEATH. A mysterious tragedy is causing intense excitement in Belgrade, all the more, writes the Pall Mall Gazette correspondent, because the police are accused of having destroyed clues that might have unravelled it. The victim, young Milan Tchiritch, was the eon of Colonel
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    • 101 2 BEDROOMS ENTERED DURING DINNER. News has just leaked out, says a Brighton correspondent, of a daring robbery at one of the leading hotels here situated in a street near the front. While the guests were at dinner on Christmas Eve four of the bedrooms were entered, and
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    • 220 2 SHOULD VERONAL BE SCHEDULED? The increasing numbar of deaths from veronal poisoning and kindred drugs is attracting attention in pharmaceutical circles, and it is quite possible—indeed, many people hope—that another attempt will be made to induce the Privy Council to add at least the first-named drug to
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    • 252 2 STRANGE STORY FROM CAIRO. A correspondent of the Egyptian Gazette relates a strange adventure that happened to him. He visited the Cairo Museum accompanied by a friend, and in the course of his inspection came across the niununy, of Ahinose I. in the wall ease not
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    • 104 2 A WIFE’S LAWFUL PREY. A married man, living apart from his wife, applied to Mr. Plowden, at the Marylebone Police-court, for process against his wife for detaining some letters, which he said had been stolen from his room. “What are these letters?” asked Mr. Plowden. The
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    • 61 2 YOUNG LADY TERRIBLY BURNT. While playing the part of Father Christmas, and carrying in an illuminated Christmastree to a children’s party at Dover on Thursday night, a young lady visitor, named Miss Bridge, was terribly burnt through the cotton wool on her robe taking fire from the
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    • 109 2 A fox hard pressed the other day by the Blencathra (the Speaker's) pack climbed a two-storeyed barn at a farm at the foot of Skiddaw, and took refuge on the edge of the roof. From there, in full view of a field numbering some hundreds, he
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    • 91 2 The London Labour Conciliation and Arbitration Board has issued an award affecting the conditions of labour and rates of pay in the Port of London, on a reference to arbitration signed jointly by the London Master Stevedores’ Association and the Amalgamated Stevedores’ Labour Protection League. It is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 ADVERTISING SENSE. It is fair to presume that every publication purchased is read. If that was not the intent the action of buying would not take place. With catalogues and circulars it is different. Many are consigned to the Waste Paper Basket unread, as the recipient does not always find
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    • 77 2 EUROPEAN CAPITAL. Finished for a'tractive enterprises in all substantial lines of business. Railroads, Tractions, Water Ek ctric Pewers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining Agricultural dr Industial. Bond, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purchased or Sold. Pioperties purchased for European exploitation and investment. Financial Undertakings of all sorts handled. Miscellaneous commissions and orders
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    • 401 2 I^—ffi—MM W— Wfcwfc Every Home Needs a “MUIR" durrie I However artistically your Home may be it can be made to possess a more pleasing and harmonious effect by the simple addition of a MUIR Durrie. The large variety of tasty designs and beautiful colourings make it an easy matter
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  • 2447 3 A NOVEL OF INCIDENT. BY TWELVE PENANG WRITERS. CHAPTER V. In the library of the house at Rossingwhich but a short time since had been the scene of «o awful a tragedy, George Fenton, the nephew of the deceased man, was sitting in an a-tPu-ie of w ariness an
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    • 282 3 We give below comparative tables of scores for the Mills Trophy up to date. The following are the explanations of the abbreviations for the names of ths various ladies’ rifle clubs M.= M»lac< a L. R. C; K. Kinta L. R. C P. Fenang L.R C Pk
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    • 147 3 Calcutta, January 4. The jFnpftsAman says: We hear that Their Majesties were delighted with their reception at the races on Wednesday af’ernoon. The King-Emieior congratulated the Stewards on the excellent racing which he had witnessed and aho on the general arrangement of the Clubs, and before leaving
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    • 66 3 —M. Mail. Lahore, December 24. A very tragic accident occurred at yeste»day afternoon’s races. One of the jockeys, Mr. Stanley Carless, of the Civil Veterinary Department, was thrown from his horse and fractured his skull. Death was instantaneous. Mr. Carless arrived in India only four years ago,
      —M. Mail.  -  66 words
    • 80 3 Twelve ladies turned up on the Ipoh range on Monday evening when some good scores were registered at the 200 yards range. The weather was beautifu'ly fine, with but little breeze. The «cores read Mrs. Kellar 32, Mrs. Duncan Cooper 30, Mrs. Lawrence 30, Mrs. Sproule 27,
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    • 109 3 Some of the race horses belonging to the late Mr. James Tait were sold at auction by Messrs Tattersall in London on 15th ultimo, and fetched over £7,800. Several brought high pric‘B. and as they are all named his o'd Straits hor«e< the prices they fetched may
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 It Has Cured Others It Will Cure You A. N. Ransam, Mondoi, Wis., savs I was unable to sleep or do my work properly, a bottle of Little’s Oriental Balm was given rae »"d after using it I was, to my surprise, very much better. I can now dress myself
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    • 941 3 SITUATIONS VACANT. NOTICES. PBNANG TURF CLUB. Lv hand writer preferred. No school- boy or inexperienced hand need apply. T ADIES attending the Rices on 23rd, TYPEFH AST,” c/o Pinany Gazette. 25th and 27th January, 1912, are 1360 20 1 reminded that a<imis 4 i*>n to Grand Stand and Lawn will
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    • 69 4 THE MC C AT BALLARATBallarat, January 19. The cricket match between the M.C.C. and the Ballarat XV. was opened in pleasant weather in the presence of a moderate attendance of spectators. The wicket was good. Ballarat batted first, scoring 294 for 9 wickets, of which Edmund Herring
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    • 622 4 The last and most brilliant morning of the training season in Penang was e> joyed by the whole of our sporting community who turned out in crowds —the ladie vieing with the gentlemen in point of nun bers and far surpassing them in enthusiasm in picking out their
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    • 53 4 LADIES’ GOLD MEDAL. The following is the result of this competition Mrs. W. Evans 45 43= 88—20 68* Mrs. Hoefeld 50 44= 94—24-70 Mrs. Kinder ...48 44= 92—20 —72 Mrs. A. S. Evens. 38 43= 81— 6 75 Miss. Malder ...49 54= 103—20 —B3 Mrs. Heim made
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  • 68 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $93.60 per picul, buyers no sellers. Tin in London is quoted at £l9O spot and £lB7 5«. three months, The following is the local repor to-day :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 75 tons, $94.30 Penang: Straits Trading Co., Ltd.,
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  • 341 4 Inspector Sullivan has been transferred from Kuala Lumpur to Serendah. C<>l Jackson, R.E., the SurveyorGeneral, F.M.S, is expected back from leave this month. Mr. J. C. Wo »d, of the Revenue Survey Department’s staff in Kinta, has been transferred to Kuala Lumpur. Mr. R. Peirce, Municipal Engineer,
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  • 353 4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 20. Church of England. St. George’s Church. Matins (Choral), Bam.; Holy < ’ommunion (Plain), 8.30 a.m.; Mattins (Chinese), 10 a.m.; Sunday School, 5 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. All Saints, Taiping. Matins and Holy Communion 8.30 a.m.; Matins and Holy Communion (Tamil), 930 a.m.; Children’s
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  • 444 4 Per P and O steamer Nile. From London, p ec 16—To Singapore: Mr and Mrs DY Perkins, Mrs Douglas and children, Miss Hamilton, Mr and Mrs J D Saunders, Mr Carpendale and children. Miss B D Wilmot. Li«ut R A Pinkey, Mrs W Muir and child,
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  • 202 4 LOCAL FOOD STUFFS. Description. Penang, Jan. 20. Beef: Cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 38 4 Pmnang The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Hotel, Sea View Hotel, and Hotel de Europe, Ifoh :—The Grand Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—Grand Oriental Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Bangkok :—Legation Hotel.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 471 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED SITUATION by a qualified young man from an Engineering College, know-* the use of Level and Theodolite Instruments Efficient in drawing, estimating and surveying, and etc. Eight years’ experience in construction works. Apply ‘'LEVEL” c/o Pinang Gazette. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. MCAULIEEE, DAVIS, EVENS CO., Chartered Accountants, have
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    • 242 4 We are doing I Better Printing than all other local Printing Presses combined. I Only Materials and Type of the Latest Styles stocked I and We know how to use them! The Pinang Gazette Press, Limited. PROGRESSIVE PRINTERS. TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF LAST PERFORMANCE TO NIGHT. ENTIRELY NEW PROGRAMME. PLAN AT
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    • 161 5 [To the Editor oj the Unang Gazette."] Sir, Oar Town Fathers have at last remembered that it is their duty to light Seang Tek Road. Experimenting seems to be the mania of the Municipal authorities toe. It seems they were waiting all these days to find out
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    • 165 5 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette."] Sir, The explanation of the difficulty of your Taiping correspondent with Bermadu probably lies in his pronunciation of the word. If, as I gather, he pronounced it Burmah-doo,” it is not surprising that his Malay friend failed to recognise it as the
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  • 446 5 The London correspondent of the Straits Times wired on January 16 Tne auct on was strong to-day, but some belated cargoes of Malayan were not included in the sale. Prices weie decidedly better. Three hundred and fifty four tons of Plantation was offered (197 tons Malayan) against
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  • 717 5 1 IST OF PRESENTS. Yester lay we published a description of the wedding at Parit Bun tar on Wednesday of Mr. Kenneth McLeod and Miss Muriel Miller. As premised, we now give a list, of the presents Mr. J. G. Allan, pearl brooch Mr. D. Bannerman,
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  • 290 5 ,—S.F.P. Arising out of an exciting evening at the Victoria Hotel, Singapore, in Decembet last, M ssrs. Bockmeyer and Williams were summoned before Mr. Bartley on Wednesday afternoon, the fiist with using criminal force and the latter with vo untanly causing hurt to A. C. Bouten. Mr.
    ,—S.F.P.  -  290 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 682 5 la. w >SOB x z -3SL fW“' feydfr >-M s»(7v’l -'I iJM» ♦ifeWSeO® MB/S& MW®* V ttr > 7 f", WfigUT' T W K thousand times this number of Physicians endorse 1 he Ho J n Judge of the Supreme g> AMA Z fl N Court, Lahore, Punjab, ''SAl\ xTL
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    • 837 5 “LIKE A NEW LEASE OF LIFE.” GRATEFUL PARENT IN RANGOON TELLS HOW HIS ANEMIC DAUGHTER WAS RESTORED TO VhJYT 7 THE BLOOM OF HEALTH. 'i They give to sickly, bloodless girls health, brightness and charm. The rich blood which they make restores colour to the cheeks, brightness to the eyes,
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  • 1435 6 The population of Kedah on March 10, 1911, was 245,986 and of Perlis 32,746. When these States were under the suzerainty of Siam attempts were made to ascertain the number of people, but the results, owing to alteration of boundaries, are useless for comparative purposes. The report
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  • 1381 6 CHARGES AGAINST Mr. WESSELS. When the case against Mr. Gustav Wessels was resumed ve-terday, in the Second Police Court before Vlr. E. E. Colman, Mr. G. N. Saye, counsel for the prosecution, stated that anotl» r charge had bejn preferred against accu-ed —that of aiding and
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  • 211 6 DECISION OF THE COURT. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Justice S. Leslie Thornton, the hearing was concluded of the motion of Dr. T. C. Avetoom, of the George Town Dispensary, for an interim injunction against Dr. W. N. Bright, with whom he was formerly
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  • 246 6 There was a good but not overflowing audience at the Town Hall last night for the Great Raymond’s opening performance on his return visit to Penang. While giving by request a few of the items which figured in previous programmes including the mystifying slate trick and the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 424 6 H Lung Troubles Kfl Angier’s Emulsion has been prescribed by the medical profession l|j Jwk and used in the hospitals for the last twenty years and is now universally II wflk recognised as the standard approved remedy for coughs, bronchitis, El w\ asthma, consumption and all forms of lung trouble.
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    • 82 6 To-Day's Content*. 2.— The World’s News. Paq« 3 Sporting Notes. 4.—Social and Personal; The Assizes Sporting News and Market Prices. Page 5 Correspondence London Rubber Auction; Wedding at Parit Buntar and An Eventful Evening. Page 6. (Editorial “Kedah and Perlis Locals Alleged Breach of Trust; Application for Injunction; and The
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  • 259 7 POSING BAH RUS FIRMER. STERLING RUBBERS TUMBLING DOWN. I’hw following are the change< fhurers and sellers only) in our shaie list page 9 to-day Yesterday. To-day. 7 U 4> Sharks. >, >• =2 3 -2 M in M <n AftnlUQ. 7 General. Duff Dev. 7} 7| 7|
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  • 33 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 19. There was a slight set-hack in the share market with most companies, following mail day. Balgownies rose twenty-five and Fusing Bharus ten cents.
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  • 47 7 LATENT PRICES IN LONDON. [From a Malacca Correspondent.] Malacca, January 0. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 4/s*, sellers. Plantation Para, 5/1, value. The market opened quiet and closed firmer.
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  • 64 7 DESPERATE FIGHT TN SINGAPORE. I From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, January 20. There has been some trouble between Chinese coolies and the Sikh police employed bv Messrs. Topham, Jones <fc Railton. A brisk fight took place. The Sikhs were outnumbered but fought desperately until the City police
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  • 53 7 HONGKONG FINANCIER’S COUP. From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, January 20. The Ti mes of Malaya is informed that Paul Chater of Hongkong has acquired, through Dr. Edgar, the right to prospect Towkay Foo Choo Choon’s gold and tin land in the Batang Padang District, which is believed to
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  • 21 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 19. To-day’s (Friday’s) quotations for produce are Tapioca flake $9.10 lapioca pearl 9.00
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  • 156 7 FEELING IN ULSTER. TIME FOR FIGHT TO BEGIN. <j Belfast, January 19. At a women’s anti-Home Rule demonstration here last evening, Captain Craig said that Mr. Winston Churchill would never address a meeting in the historic Ulster Hall. Tn view of such a direct challenge it was
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  • 49 7 .—Reuter. COTTON DISPUTE SETTLED. London, January 19. The cotton dispute has been settled. The mills re-stait on Monday. The Miners to Strike. Birmingham, January’ 19, In pursuance of the ballot, the miners’ conference here decided to despatch notices for a general strike beginning on March 1. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 72 7 RESIDENT COUNCILLOR’S LEAVE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, January 20 The Hon. W. Evans, Resident Councillor, Penang, goes on leave in March and Mi Anthonisz will act in that position. Mr. G. A. Hall acts as Director of Education for the Hon. J. B. Elcum, who is acting
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  • 70 7 THEIR PROGRESS IN SINGAPORE. From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, January 20. At the annual meeting of the Volunteer Roval Engineers Company it was stated that they were 30 per cent, over strength and had returned eleven more efficient men than they were entitled to draw grants for.
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  • 31 7 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 20. Mr. Hamil, armourer to the Singapore Volunteer Corps, committed suicide yesterday by shooting himself in the breast with a miniature rifle.
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  • 39 7 Il XAIIgVIU, gavaav.x.. .—Der Ostasiatische Lloya. Berlin, January 19. The Portuguese Foreign Minister has declared that the German -Portuguese negotiations about the regulation of the South Angola frontier are making pr g ress ._Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.
    Il XAIIgVIU, gavaav.x.. – .—Der Ostasiatische Lloya.  -  39 words
  • 36 7 D er Ostasiatische Lloyd. Berlin, January 19. The Austrian Clericals have attacked Baron von Aehrenthal, but the Emperor Joseph is said to approve of Baron von Aehrenthal’s cautious policy towards Italy.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.
    Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  36 words
  • 34 7 Merr von niurnru-”» Secretary for Foreign Affairs.—Der Os asiatische Lloy’d. Berlin, January 19 Kin«- Victor Enmanuel wishes to receive Herr von Kiderlen-Waechter, the German Secretary for Foreign Affairs.—Der Cs asiatische Lloy’d.
    Merr von niurnru-”» Secretary for Foreign Affairs.—Der Os – asiatische Lloy’d.  -  34 words
  • 22 7 llllt-llllllia Per Ostasiatische Lloya. Berlin, January 19. Hopes regarding the accouchement of Queen Wilhelmina are not absolutely abandoned.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.
    llllt-llllllia Per Ostasiatische Lloya.  -  22 words
  • 183 7 WRECKS OFF THE SCOTTISH COAST. CAPTAIN'S THRILLING NARRATIVE Peterhead, January 19. The steamer Wistow Hall was smashed to matchwood on the granite’ rocks of the Bullers of Buchan within a few minutes. The Captain, who has been rescued, said that after leaving the Tyne the heavy seas killed
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  • 56 7 FRENCH GOVERNMENT’S ACTION. Paris, January 19. The Government has asked Parliament for £BBO,OOO sterling for military aeroplanes. Officer’s Terrible Fall. Senlis, January 19. The French aviator Lieutenant Boerner fell from a height of a thousand feet and sustained fatal injuries —Reuter. [Senlis is a very ancient town in France
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  • 71 7 TWO NEW LOANS TAKEN UP. Bei lin, January 19. A Prussian svndicate has taken up the Imperial loan of four millions sterling and the Prussian State loan of twenty-one millions sterling, both bearing interest at 4 per cent., which will be offered for subscription up to the 29th
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  • 65 7 —Reuter. THE COST OF A PROTECTORATE. Paris, January 19. M. Poincare, Premier, addressing the Senate <’ommittee on the Franco-German Agreement, estimated the expenditure for the establishment of a Protectorate in Morocco in 1912 at three and a half millions sterling, and the army of occupation at £38,000,
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 51 7 —Reuter. PROSPECTS OF SECOND BALLOTS. Berlin, January 19. A Government attempt to organise a bloc of non-Socialist parties against the Socialists in the second ballots has been shattered on the refusal of the Liberals and Radicals to enter the combination. The prospects of the Socialists have con- sequently
    .—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 38 7 .—Reuter. BIG AMALGAMATION EFFECTED. London, January 20. The amalgamation of the Underground Railways with the General Omnibus Company has been accomplished. It involves properties representing upwards of thirtyfive millions and will greatly facilitate traffic in London.
    .—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 36 7 Reuter. PROPOSED GUILDHALL LUNCHEON London, January 19 The Corporation of London has decided to invite Their Majesties the King and Queen to luncheon at the Guildhall on their return from the Delhi Durbar.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 14 7 —Reuter. Constantinople, January 19. The Sultan has dissolved the Turkish Chamber.
    .—Reuter.  -  14 words
  • 243 7 Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. PROLONGED FIGHTING AT DERNA. ITALIANS FIERCELY ATTACKER. Derna, January 19. Severe fighting took place here yesterday. The Turks attacked the Italians repairing the aqueduct. They had taken up positions behind the Italian walls despite searchlights and watchdogs and also occupied the neighbouring heights. The Italians
    Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  243 words
  • 54 7 Manchu dynasty is dethroned.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. Berlin, January 19. Russia denies officially that she gave China a loan against the ceding of Mongolia. She hears officially from Mukden th t the South Mongolian Princes have declared their independence. North Mongolia will join only when the Manchu dynasty
    Manchu dynasty is dethroned.—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  54 words
  • 24 7 .—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd. Berlin, January 19. The invitation of the Kaiser to visit Switzerland comes from the Swiss Federal Council.
    .—Der Ostasiatische Lloyd.  -  24 words
  • 151 7 CHARGE AGAINST A CLUB “BOY.” At the Assizes in th*» Supreme Court, vesterdny. before Mr. Justice S. Le be Thornton, Fooh Ah Poon, a Hylam boy,” recently employed in the Penang Club, was charged with the forgery of an order purporting to be signed by Mr. Ferdinand Hu'iaeus
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 17 7 The choice and master spirits of this age.”— Shakespeare. BUCHANAN’S AND Royal Household HILTON Co., PENANG, AGENTS.
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    • 319 7 nnnannannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn FORD CARSTOURING CAR. Four Cylinder*, Fiv- passengers. H m I j-j 20 Horse power fully equipped including. Cape Cart H >od, j-j H Automatic wind screen, Two Acetylene head lamps. Side lamps, Tail j-j f~~[ lamp Speedometer, Horn, Tire pump, Tire repair, kit, and kit of tools. j-j 0
      319 words

  • 183 8 Saturday, January 20. St. Fabian. Homeward English (8.1 Mail. Golf Club Men’s Gold Medal. Band. Golf Club, 6 pm. The Great Raymond, Town Hall. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. Sunday, January 21. Third Sunday after Epiphany. St. Agnes. Golf
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  • 158 8 January 27.—Penang Races. January 27. —Special Race Dinners, E. O. Hotel and Raffles Hotel. January 27. —Homeward P. «fc O. Mail. January 27. —Entertainment. Town Hall. January 28.—Volunteer Class Firing (Regular Army Course, Trained Men). 7 a.m. January 29. Ladies’ Rifle Shooting, 4.30 p.m. January 29.—Volunteer Company
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  • 67 8 Monday, January 29.— Furniture and Plants No. 1 Pangkor Road; 11.30 a.m,; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Monday, January 2!.— Watches and Jewellery 11 a.m.; 21 Beach St.; Cunningham, Clark <’o., auctioneers. Thursday, February 1. Bukit Meerah Property, P.W.; 11a.m.; 38 Beach Street; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Tuesday, March
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  • 58 8 Municipal Commissioners of George Town.— Lease of portion of building facing Pitt St. Station on monthly tenancy; tenders close noon, Jan. 22. Kedah Government.— Metalling earth road from Kelang Lama (Kulim) to Lunas village with granite (laterite foundation and granite top metalling); tenders close: noon, Feb. 5. Rangoon Port
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  • 26 8 Sans Souci Villa No. 2, Northam Road apply Assistant Secretary, Penang lub. 192 Burmah Road apply L,” 35 Church St. 64 Larut Road.
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  • 51 8 Homeward. Stkamkp, Arbivks. Mails Sails 0100. 8.1. Taroba Sat. 20/1 10 a.m. noon M. Caledonien Mon. 22/1* 5.30p.m.f 20/1 P. AO. Sat. 27/1 N. Buelow Tues 30/1 *From Singapore f Mails close in Penang. Outward. P.AO. HimalayaThun. N.D.L. P.E. Fiedrich Thurs. 1/2 8.1. Thurs. 1/12 3 p.m. 4
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 531 8 SKIN DISEASES I Overcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying Properties I of Dr. MORSE’S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. I A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It is not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful sensation, but life is made miserable by depression of spirits.
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    • 720 8 AMUSEMENTS. nnn TO-MGHTI TO-NIGHT!! A MOTOR CAR SERVICE S NEW FILMS! NEW ALMS!! Q RU|( T 0 A||o FRo|y| T|)E SW MM NC CLUB J The Japanese Bioscope, g on SUNDAYS. n (Penang Road). Fl CARS will leave Webber’s Garage at 8.30. 9.30, and 10.30 am. B I m punctually
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  • 2311 9 5 Capita* Sn* "crimed. N Jhlrel f Value. 3 Dividend» Name >, o® 5 g M 00 9 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 MINING. «onnnna 30 nOO 810 810 25 10 30 30 10 int Belat Tin Mining Co 3J 19 03 »300 000 :>.;•££ 10 10 Bruang 3
    2,311 words
  • 886 9 ARRIVALS. Canton, Brit., 106. Basasahib, Jan. iO, Teluk Anson, gon., Kong Soon. Edavana, Brit, 2686, Willsher, Jan. 20, S’pore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Fitzclarence, Brit., 2->BB, Newton, Jan. 19, Calcutta, gen., Maclieth, Barnet Co. Lunka, Brit., 9 6, Sinclair, Jan. 19, Rangoon, gen H. Liebert »’p. Lama, Brit, 957,
    886 words
  • 97 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. Monday. For Per Close Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m, Alor Star (Kedah) Pangkor 9 a.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca Pegu 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan Avagyee 1p m. Binding, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson Canton 2 p.m. Calcutta Ya shing 3 p.m. Calcutta Arratoon
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  • 123 9 Penang, January 23, 19)2. By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/8 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 5 Credit 2/4 17/32 3 Documenttrv 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay Demand Bank 174 3 dayp'right Priveie 175$ Madras Demand Bank
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 138 9 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. BUSINESS IN FORCE £29,500,000 INCOME 1910 2,000,000 FUNDS (EXCEED) 7,500,000 Chief Office Norfolk Street, Strand, Great Britain. J London Chief Office 1 Canada Buildings, Indian Empire. J Bombay. Chief Office 1 Battery Road, S. E. Asia. J Singapore. W; A. White, Manager. A. R.
      138 words
    • 87 9 GEH CHOR TEIK, Estate Supplier, 202, Victoria Street, Penang. ATTENDS TO ALL ESTATE ORDERS AND UNDERTAKES SUPPLIES. TERMS AND CHARGES MODERATE 1330—24-1 Jills Brothers, DENTISTS, Crown and Bridje w»rh specialists. Painless Extraction under Anaesthetic. Moderate Charges and Free Consultation. KING STREET, near the Esplanade. 1271—w s Ek &*> O. Special
      87 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 79 9 The Tides. Date H. W. L. W. H. W. L» M A.M. AM. P,M. P.M. Jan. 20 12-41 fl 50 12-59 7-08 „21 1-16 7-24 1-32 740 „22 1-48 756 2-04 8-12 „23 221 8-29 237 8-45 „24 2-53 9-01 3-09 917 „25 3-25 9-33 3-42 950 „26 4-01 10-12
      79 words

  • 738 10 SIDELIGHTS OF THE REVOLT. THE REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION. The fo’lowing is the Provisional Constitution of thd Chinese Republic which adopted at the meeting of delegates from the Provinces in Nanking and is now in force Article I—The Provisional President. Section I.—The Provisional President shall be elected by the delegates
    738 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1242 10 N, y CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. BL B «BLB Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 V if MC. < A Y f Reserve Fund ...£1,625,000 Jaoan Mail Steamship Co. Id. Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Hbad Offiob Jk $B, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E. C. Agbmoibb AMD Bbamohks.
      1,242 words
    • 506 10 MB■■MM**********J m 5 j®* 1 Blrt IJ i J I ENSIGNETTE M 14 I The Camera that fits a Waistcoat Pocket. i M I H When off for your holidays don’t forget M I I H to slip in y«>ur pocket an Ensignette.” g i M R[ With this little
      506 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 1839 11 GOVERNMENT AND THE DUTY. An Ipoh telegram last week summarised a letter written by the Chief Secretary, F. M. S., in replj to a letter addressed to him by Mr. H. D. Griffiths, m f.c,, on the subject of the tin du'y. The full text of the Chief Secret
    1,839 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 583 11 I A Captain in Kitchener’s Scouts fflfdA 3 >1 *4- F y 'wA' ;p\ I '/r y J Xrr-r r A I f' I M... I A 7 jwvm x-n 4— tU- s. t 0 i A/ Ef' -trrovi X U\;»M "Y I Nervous Breakdown, Paralysis— The frr force which
      583 words
    • 36 11 THE STANDARD LIFE OFFICE. This Company is one of the largest OF THE Provident institutions OF Great Britain. NEW REDUCED RATES FOR THE Straits Settlements. Apply for full information to SAN DILANDS, BUTTERY <fc Co., Agente.
      36 words
    • 258 11 ———q oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ O —B. o. Q O ASK FOR M to BE 2 O F O AND SEE V o a 0 THAT YOU GET g- S OBTAINED J? Mackay’s *F RET A L o Wok w o Liqueur O-W 13 o 7 HJU W Whisky. FROM o O 4
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    • 2619 12 p Sailings. jj or dd eu tsche r Lloyd. Bremen. fes 5 Steam Navigation Co. D.... British iDia S eam Navigates Co., I EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES if 0 Zl\ r i]2 MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. U OCMO SSCGRI (j .fl Jan. 25 Himalaya connecting with Morea For Intended to Sail.
      2,619 words