Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 January 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 953 1 For $3O V 7 ou can have the Pinang < Gazette posted every day 5 for a whole year to your address. D (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION, 527.) L. Proportionate Quarterly and D Half-yearly rates. n Subscriptions are payable in d advance and remittances should o be addressed to a Tht Managing
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    • 8 1 gooFetxtaf woooooo oo oooq I PAGES I 8
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  • 255 2 We give below a comparative table of scores for the Mills Trophy up to date. The following are the explanations of the abbreviations for the names of the >arious ladies’ rifle clubs M.= Malacca L. R. C; K. Kinta L. R. C. P. Penang L.R C
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  • 195 2 Tne report on the nutritive value of Bovril read before the annual meeting of the British Medical Association is attracting wide attention in the medical profession. The British Medical Journal of Sept. 16 devoted some six pages to a depiiled account of the recent experiments, in which
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  • 333 2 Many a definition could be given, and their number would be but further proof of advertising’s varied uses, its great power, its manifold functions. Broadly speaking, advertising is a written or spoken statement with the object of giving information or of exerting an influence toward some
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  • 447 2 Per P and O steamer Nile. From London, D ec 16—To Singapore: Mr and Mrs DY Perkins Mrs Douglas and children, Miss Hamilton, Mr and Mrs J D Saunders, Mr Carpendale and children, Miss B D Wilmot Lieut R A Pinkey. Mrs W Muir and child,
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  • 203 2 LOCAL FOOD STUFFS. Description. Penang, Jan. 17. Beef: Cts, Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork: Pork 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1101 2 SITUATIONS VACANT.NOTICES. notice. PENANG TURF CLUB. TXT ANTED a Nurse Probationer y ADIES attending the Races on 23rd, v V for the General Hospital. Infor- 25tb aud 27fch j anuar y t 1912, are mation as to salary and allowances can be remillde(l fc h at admission to Grand Stand
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  • 2006 3 A NOVEL OF INCIDENT. BY TWELVE PENANG WRITERS. CHAPTER IV. Events at Rossingham since the discovery of the murder had not moved very quickly. The afftir was still shrouded in complete mysterv, made more complicated by th? disclosure of the fact that the dead man was George Fenton’s brother.
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  • 331 3 The following unclaimed letters, etc., were lying at the Penang Post Office up to January 13, 1912 Letters. C Armstrong, J Barclay, Mrs Bella, E Breth, A Berth Co, Col Berkely, H Brasseur, E N Crests, A Clemens, R R Clunis, J T Cowan, D H Daly, Mrs
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  • 628 3 A REVIVIFYING AND RESTORATIVE TREATMENT. Second, perhaps, on'y to Malaria is the suffering caused by Dysentery, which is known by the intense pain and difficulty with which the bowels act, and by the passage of mucus and blood. Ihe treatment which may be regarded as classical is the administration
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 RUBBER SEEDS AND RUBBER STUMPS Can Supply You Any Number Required. NO ORDER TOO LARGE. Price Lists Free. DAVID F. LAING, KUALA LUMPUR. Tel. Address Laing, Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S. GEH CHOR TEIK, Estate Supplier, 202, Victoria Street, Penang. ATTENDS TO ALL ESTATE ORDERS AND UNDERTAKES SUPPLIES. TERMS AND CHARGES MODERATE
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    • 20 3 Call for WATSON’S BLUE BAND. can be JSkw obtained from HSiOW PRINCIPAL «TAIL STORES. I McAlister «Co., Ltd. Wholesale Agents
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    • 1106 3 The straits s F.M.S. Motor service co., ltd. (INCORPORATED UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE 1889). CAPITAL $350,000. Divided into 350,000 Shares of $l-00 each. Present issue at par of 280.000 shares, of which 155.000 will be issued to the Vendors as fully paid in part payment of the purchase price of
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  • 448 4 Mr. E. J. Valentine, Manager of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin Co., has returned from leave. He was in England for five weeks. We understand that it is contemplated hold an Oxford and Cambridge dinner in Penang on the night of the boat race March 23. Mr. G.
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  • 159 4 Even Kuala Kangsar has joined the cry against the dilatoriness of the goods traffic between Penang and the seat of H. H. the Sultan. A correspondent from that station writing to the Malay Mail declares that parcels from Penang take thiee to four days to reach it. If
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  • 158 4 Monday’s Times of Malaya reports As we go to press a telegraphic report of a gang robbery reaches us from Kampar. It appears that at 1 a.m. to-day a gang of robbers st< le six bags of biji from Towkay Loke Yew’s mine and buried
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  • 44 4 The output from the Middleton tin mines for December was 30 piculs. The return is small owing to xcessive rains. w The output of tin ore from Kanaboi, Ltd., for December is as f .Hows :—Mine 59.51 piculs, tribute 204.50 piculs.
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  • 208 4 W«4a«*4ay. January 17. P.C.C. Bowls and Ttmnia Ties. Eastern Smelting Co, Ltd Extraordinary General Meeting, 4 p.m. Volunteer Reoruit Drill B Co.) Golf Club Ladies* Gohl Medal. Band, Esplanade, 6 p m. V. J. R. A. Chapter, 9 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar
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  • 163 4 January 25, and 27.—Penang Races. January 25 and 27. —Special Race Dinners, E. O. Hotel. January 24.—Volunteer Company Drill. January 25.—Outward P. O. Mail. January 25.—Lodge Scotia, 9 p.m. January 26 —Race Dance, Penang Club. January 26.—Volunteer Recruit Drill B Co.) January 27. —Homeward P. <fc O.
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  • 54 4 January, 20 and 22.— Furniture and Plants; No. 1 Pangkor Road; 11.30 a.m,; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Thursday, February I.— Bukit Meerah Property, P.W.; 11 a.m.; 38 Beach Street; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 26. Land suitable for tobacco, rubber, and coconut cultivation in British North Borneo
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  • 34 4 Municipal Commissioners of George Town.— Lease of portion of building facing Pitt St. Station on monthly ten mcy; tenders close noon, Jan. 22. Rangoon Port Commissioners. Silk Finishing Machinery tenders close Feb. 28.
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  • 26 4 Sans Souci Villa No. 2, Northam Road apply Assistant Secretary, Penang Club. 192 Burmah Road apply L,” 35 Church St. 64 Larut Road.
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  • 59 4 Homeward. Steamer. Arrives. Mails Sails. Closx. 8.1. Taroba Sat. 20/1 10 a.m. noon M. Caledonien Mon. 22/1* 5.30p.m.f 20/1 P. &o. Sat. 27/1 N. Buelow Tues. 30/1 *From Singapore f Mails close in Penang. Outward. 8.1. Teesta Thurs. 18/1 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 am. N.D.L. DerfftingerThurs. 18/1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 30 4 TO ADVEKTISERSt The three most important words in the dictionary to advertisers are Consistency, Persistency, Insistency. Test their value in the Pinang Gazette. The results will astonish and please you.
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    • 1317 4 AMUSEMENTS. triumphant return of [EEpZsHOrII TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I! f 1 JV -at e, I “A viewhotel. I ALL ABSOLUTELY NEW FILMS. t > fWV 5 ,o JETTY Interesting and Comical Pictures of ML B > Jlk J EXCELLENT CUISINE Several Different Makers ’sk wk W m W W l CHEERFUL
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  • 1692 5 PRINCIPLES AND PLANS OF PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT. PRESIDENT SUN YAT SEN ISSUES A PROCLAMATION. President Sun Yat Sen has issued a proclamation to the people of China, setting forth the present situation of the Nation, his views of the purposes for which the provisional government was formed and the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 555 5 It will always be well to remember that of all the dutiea which w 0 owe to ourselves for health and comfort’s sake, the proper care of the teeth is one of the most important. One should realise —and recent investigations have proved it again and again that the condition
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    • 17 5 ESTABLISHED 1900. N. D. DE SILVA, M&nuucturiat Jeweller, DiamoaJ Setter, EMrwcr, Repairer, aad Re-jilder, 74. BISHOP STREET.
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    • 717 5 1 —i INVALUABLE for your HEALTH’S SAKE. 181 HI Id Essence or Fluid Extract of RED JAMAICA 11 V 1 ILL EESEEHH Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES SAFEST and most RELIABLE Remedy for YORPID L-IYER» have pleasure of informing the motoring public 5 that from January Ist, 1912, Messrs.
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  • 19 6 Maulr-ffinch. At Kinta House, Ipoh, Perak, January, 15, 1912, the wife of K. H Maule-ffinch of a son.
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  • 1149 6 Long before Mr. J. B. Scrivenor, Geologist to the F.M.S. Government, turned his attention, in 1904, to the mineral resources of Pahang, the matter had received the attention of various writers. The literature might not be strictly called geological, but far back as three centuries ago we
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  • 72 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $93.20 per picul, business done. Tin in London is quoted at £lBB 15s. spot «nd £lB6 1 ss. three months, The following is the local repor’ to-day :—Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 100 tons, $93.85 Penang: Straits Trading Co.,
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    • 28 6 Singapore, January 17. Messrs. E. L. Gaunt and E. Eichenberg are proceeding to the Manila Carnival for the tennis contests and will play together.
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    • 111 6 Following ties were decided yesterday Singles Handicap (Third Round) Davidson (scr.) beat F. Dajjiel by 21—20; Goldie —5) beat Dobbie by 21 —l3. (Fourth Round): Hamilton —4) beat Reimann —3) by 21 —lB. The following ties have been fixed for to- day:— Championship (Third Round) :—Goldie
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    • 175 6 Following were the ties decided yesterday Championship A. F. G. Anderson beat Hoboes by 6—3 10—8. Hotchkiss beat Rogers by 6 —4 6—4. Singles Handicap, Class A Bindley walk-over from A. G. Anthony. Ciass B Save beat Robertson bv 4—6 6—2 6 3. Kitchen Hairies by
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    • 129 6 The competition for the Men’s Presgrave Cup, January, 1912, resulted as follows R. T. Reid 2 down F. E. de Paula 3 C. C. Rogers 4 F. Duxbury 4 n H. R. Buckland 5 V. G. Ezechiel 6 John Craig 7 D. C. Macintyre 8 R. T.
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  • 281 6 A NEW IPOH VENTURE. From the Times of Malaya Press have received the first number o f the Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal contains original articles on The Tin O Qt look,” “Blackwater fever,” Krainat, P u a j Ltd.,” and Our foreword,” the rest of
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  • 200 6 Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess of Nakon Cha su arrived here yesterday evening from Bangkok by the N.D L, Prinz Ludwig. Prince Chira, by which name the prince is usually styled, is the Commander-iu-Chief of the Siamese Army. He is on his way to Europe
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  • 184 6 About one o’clock this afternoon, calls received at the fiie stations to proceed to the E. O. Hotel wore promptly responded to, but the engines were not required. It appears that a mechanic was effecting some repairs to the electrical apparatus just above the bar in the main
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  • 63 6 At the Assizes in the Supreme Court, yesterday, Yabell, who was charge! with rape, was found “not guilty” and discharged. The second case is also a rape case, in which a Chinaman named Tio Ah Teng is charged with committing rape on a Chinese girl at Sungei Bakah.
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  • 69 6 The people of Sumatra w-*re so delighted with Raymond’s great mystery sh >w that insisted that he ahould prolong his stay in Medan beyond his original date-*. He gave the concluding performance there last night to a large and enthusiastic audience and will arrive here to-morrow morning
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 •••••oooooooooooooooooooo»ee«« 8 1® I o o o o o o o o o o O Messrs. Robert Porter Co. Ltd. of O o o O London and Liverpool have obtained the Q o o O ONLY FIRST PRIZE at the Buenos Aires O o o O Centenary Exhibition for their
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    • 92 6 To-Day’s Contents. Pagt 2.— T he Mails Challenge Trophy Passengers to the Straits and Market Prices. Page S Survivals. Page 4.—Social and Personal; and Week’s Engagements. Page 5 China’s Upheaval. Page (Editorial Pahang’s Mineral Wealth’); Locals; Sporting News; Tin and Rubber Journal; Siamese Roy r alty in Penang; Fire Alarms;
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  • 331 7 SEVERAL IIN RISES. STERLING RIMERS BACKWARD. The following are the changes (buyers Mill sellers only) in our share list on page 9 to-day m Yesterday. To-<lay. S EE 5 Sharks- >, s 5- jq m CQ oc Kinta Pahang C. 4/4 5/4 */3 6/3 1» Bharu 6.40
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  • 24 7 I From Oar Own Correspondent 1 Singapore, January 16. The share market to-day (Tuesday) is variable, but there is a good tone.
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  • 74 7 YESTERDAY’S PRICES IN LONDON. [From a Malacca Correspondent Malacca, January 17. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 1/7}, no sellers. Plantation Para, 5/3}, value. Another Report. London, January 17*. The following were yesterday’s
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  • 70 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 17. At the rubber auction yesterday, 19,700 lb. were ottered and almost all were sold, the market being good. The following prices were realised Smoked sheet $261 to $265 Unsmoked No. 1 sheet 254 268 Unsmoked No. 2 sheet ‘35 248
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  • 48 7 (hrom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, January 17. Ihe attornies of the Pusing Bahru Tin Mining Co., Ltd., notify that bearer warrants for dividend No. 6, now due for payment, will be payable in London at the of sixpence per share and locally at cents 21.43.
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  • 26 7 [/'roin Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, January 16. I o-day s (I uesdav’s) quotations for pro duoe are Lubber, average sheet '65.00 Uopra, Bali 10.75
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  • 29 7 (j tir Q n)n Correspondent.] Singapore, January 17. I ho Sendayan Rubber <’o., Ltd., has de‘aiod au i u te r iiu. dividend of five per cent.
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  • 128 7 —Reuter. A BOMB OUTRAGE. YUAN SHIH-K’Al’S LIFE ATTEMPTED, Peking, January 16. A bomb was thrown at Yuan Shih-K’ai as he was returning from the Palace. Two policemen were killed, but Yuan Shih-K’ai was unhurt. The bomb thrower and four others were arrested at a tea-house. The High
    .—Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 52 7 LIABILITY" FOR CLEAN WEEDING. n (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 17. In the case in the Supreme Court in which Mr. Ho Cheok Nam sued Mr Tigran Sarkies for $14,197, being money paid to keep Sungei Mersing Estate clean weeded, judgment has been given in favour
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  • 53 7 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, January 17. The production of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew” by the Matheson Lang Company, in the Victoria Theatre, last night, was a magnificent success and there was a crowded house. The booking throng! the season (16th to 25th
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  • 86 7 —Reuter. CONFERENCE AT THE HAGUE The Hague. January 17. At the Opium Conference, the drafting committee submitted a revised scheme for ratification by six Powers, which was agreed to on principle, subject to the ap proval of their respective Governments. A Pessimist. A letter in The Times says
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 93 7 Reuter. A MINISTERIAL DECLARATION. Paris, January 17. The Chamber has adopted a vote of confidence in the Government by 440 to 6. A Ministerial declaration says: —The first task of the Government will be to ensure, as quicklv as possible, the ratification of the Franco-German agreement We
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 79 7 —Reuter. PREFERENTIAL TRADE SCHEME. Ottawa, January 16. Correspondence tabled in the House of Commons indicates that negotiations for a Preferential Trade arrangement between Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are within measurable distance of accomplishment. It concludes with a letter from the Canadian to the Australian Minister of
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 52 7 —Reuter. FEMININE COLONY DESTROYED. Osaka, January 16. As the result of a fire, 5,268 houses were destroyed and thirty thousand people rendered homeless at the Yoshiwara, which has been completely destroyed. It is feared that many women perished in the flames. Soldiers assisted the firemen in
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 175 7 COTTON CONFERENCE IN MANCHESTER. A HOPEFOL SIGN Manchester, January 16. The cotton conference sat till midnight, adjourning till to-day, which is regarded as a hopeful sign. Conference of Miners. London, January 16. A conference of the Miners’ Federation opens in Birmingham to-morrow to receive the results of the
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  • 98 7 Reuter. A BRITISH CONSUL’S LECTURE. London, January 16. Mr. Charles A. W. Rose, Consul at Teng-vueh, Yunnan, lecturing on The Frontier of India before the Royal Geographical Society, dilated on the change arising from the altered circumstances in China. Viscount Curzon’s Warning. Viscount Curzon, in a speech,
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 57 7 —Reuter. A WARM WELCOME PREPARED. London, January 16. The Daiiy Express states that active preparations are being made in London, Windsor, and Sandringham to welcome Their Majesties on their return from India. There will be a thanksgiving service in "t Paul’s < athedral; a banquet at the
    —Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 34 7 .—Reuter. Paris, January 16. A meeting of British, French, and Russian bankers has completed financial arrangements for the preliminary studies of a trans-Persian railway and is now proceeding to draft the scheme.
    .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 42 7 —Reuter. ATTEMPTS TO COMMIT SUICIDE. Berlin, January 16. It is officially confirmed that Captain Trench, the English Officer, confined as a spy in a fortress at Glatz, attempted to commit suicide by hanging. A warder cut him down quite unharmed.-
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 26 7 —Reuter. Stockholm, January 17. The Government has announced that it will introduce a Bill providing for Women’s Suffrage, including eligibility to sit in Parliament.-
    —Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 24 7 —Reuter. Melbourne, January 16. The Commonwealth is organising an Aviation School, obtaining two skilled British aviators, and ordering four British aeroplanes.-
    —Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 24 7 London, January 16. The Daily Chronicle learns that Welsh Disestablishment will take precedence over Home Rule in the next session of Parliament.
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  • 26 7 Reuter. Sydney, January 16. The Japanese cruisers 4 so and Soya have arrived here. Festivities on an ex- tensive scale are being arranged.-
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 895 7 EDITOR AND FODNDER OF “TROTH.” DIES AT HIS ITALIAN VILLA. Florence, January 17. The death has occurred here, at the Villa Christina, of the Rt. Hon. Henry 1 abouchere, Privy Councillor, editor and proprietor of Truth, and formerly Liberal M.P. for Northampton, at the age of eighty
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 155 7 AUVKKTIBING SENSE. It is fair to presume that every publication purchased is read. If that was not the intent the action of buying would not take place. With catalogues and circulars it is different. Many are consigned to the Waste Paper Basket unread, as the recipient does not always find
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    • 676 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. as the Standard and straits -and f.m.s. medical school conswned the world over. THE Preliminary Examination has been T) 1 A zxK 0, TTFU ’1 JI postponed till the 19th and 20th of KIAP. K AF W hITP February. For particulars apply to the 4/lUvIl VI II UllV
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  • 1285 8 “DIEBACK” AND LEAF FUNGI. Mr Keith Bancroft, b.a., Assistant Mycologist, F.M.S., has writ f en a booklet on The Die-back disease of Para Rubber with w.iich is included A note on the leaf di-oases of Para rubber.” It forms bulletin No. 14 ot the F.M.S. Department of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 638 8 1 1 Fll I In the ing Climate of the Far East. 1 M| H It invigorates and builds up brain, bone and body. I HORLICK’S makes your ordinary food do you more I good, because it makes it more digestible. Unlike Tea and 1 Coffee, it produces no harmful
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    • 407 8 oaTine> beautifies the complexion and nourishes the skin. It rids the clogged pores of dirt and oily matter that soap and water cannot reach. A FREE SAMPLE of Oatine Cream will be sent on application, or for I4Ct in stamps a box containing eight Oatine preparations. Th» Oatiae C0.,504, Oatiae
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  • 2113 9 ’I I j i 3 i 3 d™-*. ■>» ?1 a I a cy llli N 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 j MINI N O. I «snn non 30 coo 4O SlO 25 10 3O 30 110I 10 int Belat Tin Mmmg Co 310 3 1903 {5300 000 »3°?
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  • 834 9 ARRIVALS. Calypso, Brit., 339, Banantyne, Jan. 17, Deli, gen., William Mansfield Co. Canton, Brit., 106. Basasahib, Jan. 17, Teluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. Glamorganshire, Brit., 3629, Tomlinson. Jan. 16, London, gen., Boustead Co. Janet Nicoll, Brit., 475, Crichton, Jan. 17, Tavoy, gen., E S. Co. M. Austin, Brit., 121,
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  • 161 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close len Jit Seng 7 a.ra, Alor Star (Kedah) Pangkor 7 a.m. Deli Malaya 1 Asahan Petrel 1 p. m Langkat Ban Whatt Soon! p.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca Cornelia 1 p.m. Trang Jin Ho 1 p.m. Batu
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  • 122 9 Pbnang, January 17, 1912. By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/8 4 month»’sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 3 Credit 2/417/32 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 □aloutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175* Bombay Demand Bank 174 3 days* sight Private 175* Madras Demand Bank
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  • 40 9 Panang The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runny mede Hotel, Sea View Hotel, and Hotel de Europe, Ifoh :—The Grand Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—Grand Oriental Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Bangkok :—Legation Hotel.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 126 9 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. BUSINESS IN FORCE £29,500,000 INCOME 1910 2,000,000 FUNDS (EXCEED) 7,500,000 Chief Office 1 Norfolk Street, Strand, Great Britain. J London Chief Office 1 Canada Building I’, 1 Indian Empire. J Bombay. Chief Office I Battery Road, S. E. Asia. j Singapore. W; A. Whitk,
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    • 366 9 A PAYING INVESTMENT. A few months ago the Associated Advertising Clubs of America held a convention in Boston which was remarkable from a great many viewpoints. Special sessions were held to discuss advertising problems in connection with newspapers, magazines, trade journals and every other kind of medium. Addresses were given
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 109 9 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. AM. A.M. P.M. P.M. Jan. 17 10-35 4-53 11-02 5-20 „18 11-25 5-36 Nil. 5-58 19 12-07 615 12.24 636 „20 12-41 6-50 12-59 7-08 „21 1-16 7-24 1-32 7-40 „22 1-48 7-56 2-04 8-12 „23 221 8-29 237 8-45
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  • 1057 10 A CHARMING LACK OF RESTRAINT. King George has a way with him that is distinctly pleasing, says the Calcutta Englishman I fact, if all His Majesty’s unofficial doings could be gathered together they would make volumes—and mighty interesting reading too, for they would illumine the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1149 10 NW w w CHARTERED BANK OF INDI A W/ AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. B Paid-op Capita) £1,200,000 Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Hbad OffiobJL JB, BISHO PBG ATE, LONDON, E. 0. Asbboibb akd Bbabohbb. Amritsar Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Seremban Bangkok Kobe Singapore Batavia Klang Shanghai
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    • 581 10 I 5 EKBfi- i M 'wSMrWliBMi a HI IHIHK wJMwI I ENSIGNETTE I I 1 The Camera that fits a Waistcoat Pocket. i a a M When off for your holidays don’t forget s K to slip in your pocket an u Ensignette.” w W I B With this little
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  • 796 11 For Balik Pulau, at 8 a m. and 0-30 p.m. Butterworth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4- p.m. Bukit Tambun, 6-15 a.m., at 8 a.m., 1-45 p m., and also 5-30 p.m. on Saturdays. Bukit Mertajam, 6-15 a.m., 7-15 a.m., 8 a.m.,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 279 11 JfyoHinaris -The Queen of Table Waters. Per case of 24/1 bottles $5-25. Per ease of 48/2 bottles $5-25. Per case of 100/2 bottles $ll-00. Per case of 100/4 bottles $9-00. Per Hamper of 50/2 bottles 7-50. G. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. Green island cement Co., Ltd. PORTLAND CEMENT. J 5
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    • 656 11 insurance. THB CORPORATION OF THE B DR N A US' IfATAD fIDICC ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE J IEHAIIV MU IUK VAKAvD, J Koya! J, Ch M streef Chaat p eaMg J COMMENCED business in ad. 1717 an<* JJ Telegraphic Address: MOTOR. PENANG.” Telephone No. 372. J was Incorporated by Royal Charter
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2734 12 P. O. Intended Sailings. I Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. Steam Navigation Co. lnfla Ston] NaYifiatj(in Co p I EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES P MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. V tIMITED ocean Sttom Ship co. jin 1912 4. AND Jan. 25 Himalaya connecting with Morea For Intended to Sail. I Stfamer. niiiiia MIITIIAI QTE
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