Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 October 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 630 1 ■■■■■■□□□□□□a□□□□□□□ For $30 S VT ou can have the Pinang a Gazette posted every day S d for i whole year to your address. g (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION, $27.) Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in 2 advance and remittances should n g be addressed to g Tb«
      630 words
    • 441 1 goo.......„ ooo 8 -te-l > i PAGES. I o X 0 2 jgnihh CIGARETTES at the Club. Clubmen want no better cigarettes than State Express—the most popular of all I high-class brands. In every civilised ISJ 5 country in the world they are the vafij.| fflf recognised pinnacle of quality.
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  • 665 2 COLOURED FIGHTERS METHODS. It is worthy of note that the most effective of the natural fighters America has known during the past fifteen or twenty years were coloured men. Of these none had greater vogue than Joe Walcott, who, on account of his peculiar build, peculiar talents, and
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  • 252 2 A good deal of interest and discussion has been aroused on the course by the news of Mr. Croker’s intention to breed with Orby (the Dei by winner of 1907) and Rhodora. Few brerders would care to inbreed so closely, as Orby is by Orme out of Rhoda B
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  • 925 2 In the next few days there will be launched at Copenhagen an 8,000-ton boat fitted with an internal combustion engine after the Diesel motor type, and at the end of November a sister boat will take to the water. Both motor-boats, which will receive the names of Selandia
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 Wil L-*< be* uU uU HBS C Shiploads of tHirst-qu. encher is a description which may oe applied to the cargoes of the vessels “Circe' and “Ottar,” which dropped anchor recently in Liverpool docks. The first brought 50,000 gallons and the second 40,000 gallons of pure health-giving lime juice, direct
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    • 522 2 ALWAYS SAY MY W TOWELS I “MUIR” You pride yourself on doing a good action —you pride yourself on making a good bargain—why not pride yourself on using the Best Towels. MUIR are Towels at their best. In them you get Quality —Service —Satisfaction—at practically the same price as any
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  • 1617 3 REPORTS, DIVIDENDS. AND NOTICESBidor. —lut. div. 5 percent., less tax. Selangor.— Second iut. div. Is 3d., less tax. Pataliug.— Second int. div. 5) per c-u* less tax. Batu Caves.— Second in 1- div. 25 per cent., less tax. Kalidjeroek.— Offer of further capital to shareholders of 5,000 £1 shares
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  • 118 3 The following is the proposed time-table for Kedah Bo tts during Octobet Leave Leave* Penang. A lor Star. October 22 8 am. 9-30 a.m. 23 9 am. 9 a.m. 24 8-30 a.m. 10 a.m. 25 10 a.m. 9 a.m. t f 26 10 am. 10-30 a.m. 27 10-30
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 638 3 A BLESSING TO WOMEN. Throughout the many stages of woman s life, from peevish girlhood, through e womanhood, motherhood, to the declining years of old age, there is no better, milder, or more effective medical coni- \/l\ jgg panion to women-Iolk than Dr. Morse s Z Indian Root Pills. They
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    • 453 3 BRITISH ALL THROUGH! v.A* H Hazlewood Cycles and Motor Cycles are of rca British breed, are made by men of British breed, of British-made materials, in a real British iJ f factory—a fine combination, ensuring the best results. Like the dog, “they hang on” —don’t wear out —are made of
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  • 944 4 annual report. The following is the report of the committee for the year ended August 31, 1911, to be presented at the annual meeting of members on Friday, 27th inst., at 6 p.m. Gentlemen, Your Committee have the pleasure of submitting to you their report and the
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  • 313 4 EXPERIMENTS IN KRIAN. The October number of the Agricultural Bulletin has an articl on Padi Experiments” by Mr. Lewton Brain, of the Department of Agriculture, FM S The Department has this year commenced to carry out some experiments on padi cultivation in the Government irrigation area in Krian,
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  • 76 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $95.35 pet picul, business done. Tin in London is quoted at £191 10s spot and £191 5s. three months, The following were the dealings in tin to-day —Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 150 tons, $95 95 Penang Straits Trading
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  • 72 4 The following are the prices, for the period from October 20 to November 2, inclusive, of cultivated lubber on which an export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis under the rules under the F.M S. Customs Duties Enactment:— Sheet and biscuit per picul $240 Fine
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  • 66 4 Homeward. Steamer. Arrives. Mails Sails. < ’lose P. O. Delhi Sat. 21/10 4 p.m. 6 p.m. N.D.L. Derffiinger Tues 24/10 6 p.m. midnight 8 p m. B.I. Taroba Sat. 28/10 10 a.m. noon M. Tonkin Mon. 23/10* 5.30f 21/10 *From Singapore f Mails close in Penang. Outward. N.
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  • 201 4 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22. Church of England. St. George’s Church. —Matins (Choral), 8 am.; Holy Communion (Plain), 8.30 a.m.; Matins (Chinese), 10 a.m.; Sunday School, 5 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Nibong Tebal Church.—Harvest Thanksgiving, 9.30 a.m. Bukit Tengah.—Matins and Sermon, 9-30 a.m St. Mark’s Church, Butterworth.—Evensong and
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  • 157 4 Saturday. October 21. Trafalgar Day. Deepavali Festival. Homeward P. A O. Mail. Klang Sky Race Meeting. Football: Selangor v. Negri Sembilau, Seremban. Perak State Council Meeting. Band, Golf Club, 6 p m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. Sunday,
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  • 106 4 October 28.—Ipoh Sky Race Meeting. October 28.—Singapore Race Entries Close. October 28.—The Bachelors,” Town Hall, 9.15 p m. October 28 and 29.—Golf Club: Men’s Monthly Medal. October 29.— P. A. M. Meeting, Ipoh. October 29.—Interport Shoot: Official Practices Commence. November 7.—Penang Assizes. November 7, 9, and 11.—Singapore
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  • 40 4 The following fixtures have been arranged October. 26.—C.R.C. v. G. Wharves, Victoria Green. Nocember. 2.— Police r. M.R.C., Esplanade. 9.—Crescent r. Wharves, Esplanade. 16.—Free School v. P.C.C. Esplanade. 23. —Police r. Crescent, Esplanade. 28.—C.R.C. Free School, Victoria Green.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 569 4 New Advertisements. AN EXPERIENCED PLANTER (in Coconut and Rubber) is open to an engagement as Manager. Apply to Engaqbmbnt,” c/o Pinang Gazette. NOTICE. THE Power of Attorney granted to Ponnuswamy Rasa on 15-3-11 by me has been cancelled as from 28-9-11. R. KOOMARASAWMY PILLAY, Nebong Tebal. FOR SALE. Roan Australian
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    • 384 4 AUCTION SALES. Monday, October 23,— Land in Province Wellesley; 11.30 a.m.; 21 Beach St.; Cunningham, Clark Co., auctioneers. Monday, October 23. Premises No. 4 Clove Ha 1 Ro<d; 11 a.m.; 38 Beach St.; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Tuesday. October Premises No. 70 Burinah Road and 138 Hutton Lane; 10 a.m.
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    • 846 4 Central Sales Room. Japanese Bioscope, PENANG ROAD. BY ORDER OF N. D. MUDIE, Esq. (Assistant Official Assignee, Supreme Court, TQ.NIQHT TO-NIGHT I Penanq, Administrator of the Estates and 1 v D j GRAND GALA NIGHT. Effects of Yeoh Boon Tool, deceased. The undersigned are instructed to sell by New Tent!
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  • 659 5 Tenders will be received at the Office of the Secretary to Resident, Negri Sembilan, up to noon on th" 31st October, 1911, for the right to hold a licence under the Revenue Farms Enactment, 1911, for Public Gaming at one of
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  • 331 5 HOW DOCTORS ARE WORKING TO RESTORE IT. The loss of body weight is one of the most noticeable of the direct consequences of Malaria. Obviously, therefore, it is one of those most distressing to the patient as well as to his friends, for it interferes
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  • 90 5 I'he smaller figure represents the average increase in weight made by eight patients who were fed at a hospital on the most restorative and weigh t-producing foods known to the authorities. The
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  • 191 5 LOCAL FOOD STUFFS. Description. Penang, Oct. 21. Beef: Ct«. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 36 Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 451 5 DEVELOPING TRADE IN F.M.8. PENANG. The annual general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Co Ltd., was held on Monday in Gresham House under the presidency of Mr. F. R Heron. The other shareholders present were the Hon. E. C. Ellis, the Hon. C. W. Darbishire,
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  • 377 5 Lrcturb by Mr. H. N. Ridley. At the Y.M.C. A., Singapore, on Tuesday, Mr. H. N. Ridley, cm g., gave a lecture based on his recent ti ip to Pahang and his ascent of Gunong Tahan, the highest peak in the peninsula. There is probably no one
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 NOTICE. 'Tenders will be received at the office of the Honourable Resident Councillor up to noon on October 31st, 1911, for the following Services for the Government Monopolies Department, Penang, for the year 1912, 1. Supply of best Amoy or Hongkong pots, each capable of easily containing 3 chees of
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    • 58 5 The Troubles of Digestion, pain, fiatulence, acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function. The best way to re-tore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wineglassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first thing
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    • 743 5 Mr z 11 W|| 0 ids HL I Bj'jjS of Ill I The Best Quality in is 9Hw MARTELL’SJ f BLUE SILVER LABEL. jUp To say that a Brandy is I better than Martell is an UEnl empty boast —to beat SOcHB 'i Wifi Martell for Quality a trank impossibility.
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  • 1279 6 It were idle to assert that the five hundred thousand dollars spent on the new quarantine station at Pulau Jerejak have so far provided an object lesson of success in dealing with Indian coolies arriving in Penang for the estates of Malaya. There has been an unfortunate
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  • 739 6 Dr. McClosky left Kuala Lumpur on Thursday for Kuala Lipis. Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, senior warden of mines, left Kuala Lumpur on Thursday for Ipoh. Mr. D. F. Macintyre, of the Mines Department, will be shortly leaving Perak on long leave. Inspector Longmore has been transferred to
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  • 593 6 REPORT OF ROYAL COMMISSION RETENTION OF CONCILIATION SCHEME London, October 21 The report of the Royal Commis 9 i an Inquiry into the working of the R a j| w J Conciliation Scheme, which was appoint on August 22, has been issued, and h animous. It proposes the
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  • 238 6 SINGAPORE RINGLEADERS FINED. [/rom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, October 21. Arising out of the riots in Orchard Roadi on October 3, thirty-five of the rioters were charged in the police court yesterdav. Two of the ringleaders were fined $25 each, and six others $10 each. One man
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  • 29 6 [/rom Our Own Singapore, October 21. His Excellency the Governor, Sir A- H Young, k.c.m G and party left this morning for Penang and the F.M.S.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 339 6 ALWAYS ASK FOR AND INSIST UPON HAVING The Imperial Dairy Co.’s “Imperial Brand" Best Indian Butter. Highly appreciated for its unequalled Purity and Reliability by ARMY, NAVY and TRADE. Mr M Hunter ma res., the Chemical Examiner to the Government of Burmah says: “The Butter contains NO FOREIGN FAT, is
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    • 100 6 To-Day’s Contents. Page 2.— Sporting Notes and Log Book. Page 3.— Rubber and Kedah Boats. Page 4. Penang Cricket Club; Padi Cultivation Church Services Public Health Rubber Export Prices ToDay’s Tin Quotations The Mails and The Week’s Engagements. Page 5.— Singapore Cold Storage Co. Gunong Tahan and Market Prices. Page
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  • 16 6 DEATH. Plumbr.—At 51, Clarendon Road Putney, on 15th inst., Christopher Plumbe, late Inspector of Mines, Perak.
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  • 241 7 TONGKAHS AND TRONOHS DP. STERLING RUBBERS IRREGULAR The following «re the changes (buyers and sellers only) i" our share list on page 9 to-day I9W. 20/10/1L 21/10/11. e 3D 30 OQ 00 f Sharks. s a s' "5 SC .3 39 co M <» Mining. 4 Ij
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  • 48 7 PRICE OF FINE HARD PARA. From a .Malacca Correspontlent Malacca, October 21. Information has been received by tne Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 4/5*, sellers. Plantation Para 4/8, business done there was a strong demand.
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  • 143 7 A POPULAR BUFFS OFFICER. From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, October 21. The death occured yesterday morning in the general hospital, from septic peritonitis, of Captain Percy Sawdon Harland of the Buffs” Regiment, at the age of 32 years. Deceased, who came of an old Bedfordshire family,
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  • 77 7 MORTALITY IN SINGAPORE. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, October 21. During the week ended October 14, there were 49 deaths in Singapore from cholera and 52 from malaria fever. Smallpox Not Reported. Hadji Husain, an Inam residing at the Sultan of Johore’s residence at Tyersall, has been
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  • 116 7 GERMAN TRAVELLER CHARGED. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, October 21. A German named E nil Geir was yesterday charged with causing hurt by a rash act while shooting in the premises of Katz Brothers, Ltd. The hearing was fixed for Mondav next, accused being released on
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  • 59 7 AMERICAN AIRMAN KILLED. Macon (Georgia), October 20. 1he aviator Eugene B. Ely fell from his biplane and was killed.—Reuter. Eugene B. Ely, on Nov. 14, 1910, flew iu a Curtiss biplane from the deck of the b S. cruiser Birmingham to the Virginia 'here opposite Fortress Monroe,
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  • 388 7 BOMBARDING BENGHAZI. FIERCE TURKISH RESISTANCE. London, October 20. Mr. Lucien Wolf states in the Daily Graphic (of which he was foreign editor from 1890 to 1909) that Great Britain addressed a friendly remonstrance to Italy on the subject of the latter’s notification of the blockade of Tripoli. Mr.
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  • 86 7 FRIENDLY SOCIETIES’ ATTITUDE. London, October 20. At a demonstration of Friendly Societies, held in the Albert Hall, acceptance of the Insurance Bill was recommended in view of fresh assurances given by Mr. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, at a private conference at the Treasury on Thursday. Adoptiun
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  • 36 7 MR JOHN CONACHER London, October 20. The death has occurred of Mr, John Conacher, chairman of the Cambrian Railway Co., whom the Government consulted regarding railways in South Africa, Uganda, and Nyasaland—Reuter.
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  • 43 7 FATALITIES AT MANCHESTER. Manchester, October 21. A tramcar was descending a steep incline at Moseley when the driver lost control and the car fell from a bridge on to the railway below. Four persons were killed and seven injured.—Reuter.
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  • 333 7 THE BATTLE OF HANKOW. FALL OF KANG-CHOW. Peking, October 0. The last despatch from Hankow slates that the revolutionaries have been reinforced from Wu-chang, and that firing is continuous at the railway station, which is constantly changing hands. Chihese Currency Discredited. Hongkong, October 20. The foreign banks
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  • 80 7 BETTING ON CAMBRIDGESHIRE. London, October 20. The following is the latest betting on the Cambridgeshire Stakes, to be run for on Wednesday, 25th inst., at the Mewmarket Houghton Meeting 100 to 12 agst. Mercutio (6yrs 8 5) 100 12 Mustapha (5yrs 8.6) 10 1 Trepida (4yrs 7.2) 10
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  • 61 7 A MORE HOPEFUL OUTLOOK. Berlin, October 20. M. Jules Cainhon, French Ambassador, and Herr von Kiderlen-Waechter, German Foreign Secretary, had a fresh meeting on Thursday, after which it was announced that, despite statements ro the contrary in the French newspapers, the result augured well for a favourable outcome
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  • 60 7 REINFORCING CONSULAR GUARDS Bombay, October 20. Three hundred of the Central India Horse Regiment have sailed to reinforce the Consular guards in the south of Persia. Meanwhile, Persia has vehemently protested against their despatch, and it is considered that the local officials are likely to obstruct
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  • 54 7 STATEMENT BY CHIEF SECRETARY Ilfracombe, October 20. The Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland, speaking here, said that the Government aimed at creating in Ireland yet another Parliament of the Empire subordinate to the Imperial Parliament. The Government would face the financial difficulty boldly, and
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  • 1635 7 VISIT TO PULAU JEREJAK. (Special Jor the Pinang Gazette.”) With the consent of the Resident Councillor and the Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Dane, most readily granted at the briefest of notice, a representative of the Pinang Gazette, yesterday afternoon, visited the new quarantine station at Pulau Jerejak
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    • 88 7 [7’o the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette."] Sir, I read with interest in a recent issue vour leader regarding the cultivation of Ramie fibre. Can you or any of your many readers give me an idea where cuttings or rootlets of the plant are to be had in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 243 7 WHEN YOU ORDER WHISKY without naming the brand you shift the responsibility for satisfaction upon the fates. ASK FOR “BUCK WHITE” and be assured of getting* the best. HILTON Co.. PENANG, AGENTS. IT IS A FACT THAT the Mineral Water of the EAST is J. CLIFFORD WILKINSONS TANSAN. The Choicest
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  • 945 8 The appointment of Prince Alexander of Teck to represent the British KingEmperor at the Coronation of the King of Siam early in December next reminds us that the world will shortly be watching with interest the crowning of Siam’s new Ruler, who has ali eady revealed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 941 8 «r yr nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn N. Y. K.! TO MOTORISTS, g I—I J-J Japan Mail Steamship Co Id. g n jC. s REPAIRS Ĕ Xib n 0 < of any description undertaken. Estimates given. q All Supplies stocked. Cars run by contract. J j-j Vulcanizing and Tyre Repairs. q EUROPEAN LINE As
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    • 614 8 WZ W ,7 BEWILDERING HEADACHES Are Not Women’s Birthright, Nor Are They A Malady Which Must Be Endured. HAVE YOU A HEADACHE TO-DAY? If so, learn a lesson from the Cute recorded below. The facts of Mrs. Richard’s case should convince you that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills make Rich Red
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  • 131 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. Monday. For Per. Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 8 a.m. Singapore Malacca 11 a.m. Lang s a, Edie, T. h Semawe, Seg1 i, > Kalmoa 1 p.m. Olehleh, Sabang. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and > Avagyee 1 p.m. Malacca J Dindings, Sitiawan and
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  • 242 9 Prnang, October 21, 1911 Sold leaf $f'4.6(> Pepper (W. Coast H 1 b. 5 or.) No stock. White Pepper $27.50 buyers. Trang Pep; e $20 nominal. Mace $108 nominal. Mace Pickit gn $106 sellers. Clove* $42 nom. Nutmegs lie $29 sellers. !No. I $8.20 sales. No. 2 $8.10 sales.
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  • 1802 9 Cap tai. Subscribed. ghareB Value Dividend». Name. -g g Q B c §55 I I M tn or 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 MINING. 1903 9300,000 »300,000 30,000 »10 »10 25 10 30 30 Belat Tin Mining Co. 44 1906 300,000 225,00C 22,500 10 10 Bruang, kl 1901 600,000
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    • 81 9 Canton, Brit., 106, Basasahib, Oct. 20, Teluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. Calypso, Brit., 339, Bannantyne, Oct. 21, Deli, gen., William Mansfield Co. Dilwara, Brit., 3460, Pittam, Oct. 21, Singapore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 294, Gully, Oct. 20, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Kalmoa, Dut., 170,
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    • 56 9 Calypso for Deli. Dilwara for Rangoon and Calcutta. Delhi for Ceylon and Europe. Gregory Apcar for Calcutta. Hok Canton for Teluk Anson. Jit Seng for Yen. Kedah for Alor Star (Kedah). Lian Choo for Batu Bahra. Lama for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Malaya for Deli. Padang for Batu Bahra.
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      • 28 9 By Rotorua (October 19) from Tongkah. Mr Khaw Joo Chie. By Pegu (October 19) from Singapore, Mr Chin Tek Hin from Port Swettenham, Messrs Olie, and Sander.
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      • 77 9 By Perak (October 19) to Deli, Mr Oon Huat Cheng. By Deli (October 20) to Trang, Mr and Mrs Khoon Luan. By Hok Canton (October 18) to Teluk Anson, Mr J May. By Janet Niuoll (October 20) to Renong, Mr George C Cuthbert. By Cornelia (October 19) to Port
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    • 34 9 5 Until urther notice the s s. Sappho (instead of the s.s. Malacca) will leave here for Tongkah at 2 p.m. every six days, the next sailing being on Tuesday, 24th inst.
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    • 122 9 Prnang, Octobbr 21, 1911. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 mouths’ sight Bank ...2/4 11/32 3 Credit 2/4 15/32 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174 3 days'sight Private 175| Madras Demand
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    • 97 9 /Va»/w o/ Steamer, where Jrom, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agente. Austria, Singapore, Nov. 6, Venice, S.K. Benledi, London, Oct. 27, Japan, S.B. DertHinger, Singapore, Oct. 24, Colombo, B.M, Delta, Colombo, Nov. 2, China, A.G. Devanha, Singapore, Nov. 4, Bombay, A.G. E. F. Ferdinand, Trieste, Nov.
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    • 254 9 The companies do not guarantee the date» of arrival of these vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah) —Kedah, 23, 2o, 27, and 29, and Tong Chuan, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30. Asahan.—Petrel, Oct. 24. Bagan Serai.—Daily. Bagan
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 259 9 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. t a k Paid-up Capital 115,000,000 Incorporated by Royal Charter. f WD8 Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund ...£1,625,000 Sterling Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 £1,500,000 at 2/.—$15,000,000 Head Office Silver $16,750,000 58 B”SHOPSGATE, LONDON, E. C. $31,750,000 Aokxoikb
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    • 290 9 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL INDIA, LIMITED. MAATSCHAPPIJ. Authorised Capital £l,5C0,000 Netherlands Trading Society. Subscribed Capital 1,125,000. Established 1824 Paid-Up 162,500 Capital fl. 45,000,000— Reserve Fund 325,000. abt. £3,750,000 Hbad Offiob. Reserve Fund fl. 7,124,317 40, THREADNEEDLE STREET, *bt. £593,694 LONDON, E. O. Hbad Offiob in Ambtbbdam. Branches and
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    • 161 9 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. Incorporated 1865. BUSINESS IN FORCE 29,500,000 INCOME I9IO 2,000,000 FUNDS (EXCEED) 7,500,000 Chief Office 1 Norfolk Street, Strand, Great Britain. J London. Cnief Office I Canada Buildings, Indian Empire. J Bombay. Chief Office I Battery Road, Singapore. S. E. Asia. J W. A. White, Manager. A.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 87 9 The Moon. New Moou Oct. 22 First Quarter 30 O Full Moon Nov. 6 Last Quarter 13 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. AM. A.M. P.M. P.M. jct.21 11-10 5-20 11-30 5-41 22 11-48 5-56 12-05 6-13 23 Nil. 6-28 12-36 6-44 24 12-53 7-01
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  • 2610 10 DR. WATSON’S GREAT SUCCESS AT KLANG. The Victoria Theatie Singapore was probably never more crowded than on Friday night on the occasion of Dr. Malcolm Watson’s lecture on Malaria and its Prevention.” H. E. the Governor, who was accompanied by Lady Evelyn Young, presided, and was supported by
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  • 240 10 Calcutta, October 11 —77i« Englishman states -Two representatives of the American Sugar Trust in Calcutta with a view to amalgamate the scattered sugar interests of the country into a combined or local truat with outside capital to establish a central mill, and place the sugar business
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 8 10 P. MOIR CRANES’ Cylinder Oil. Sandilands, Buttery Co.
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    • 614 10 f===jH INFANCY I E“=====3t3 jS® ILLNESS MILK I AND k I .food J AAU J AGE M I Those who use NESTLE’S FOOD fer Infants and Convalescents place I their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 35 years. PRICES: R I Being
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  • 754 11 INDIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. London, October 7.—In a long letter to The Times to-day Lord Curzon protests against the proposal of the Government of India to Lord Crewe to abolish the pos of Director-General of Ard aeology which was revived in 1902, and practically to dispense with the department
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1124 11 Pure Toilet Soup, z." 1 Houses, 1912. SPECIAL VAJJJJE. STATBOP— EB AK. &£AA’A’Ag'ga ROSE, GLYCERINE, CUCUMBER, Tenders will be received at the office of n nrl ricL the Secretary to Resident, Taiping, Perak, II COLD CREAM, SWEET PEA, up to noon on the 31st October, 1911, for l b r
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    • 27 11 N. D. DE SILVA, .Manufacturing Jeweller and Engraver, 74, Bishop Street, Penang. REPAIRS g REGILDING WEDDING and at ENGAGEMENT RINGS MODERATE CHARGES. A SPECIALITY. 59—tu eh s
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    • 537 11 A Clergyman ii |kKJ 'itwKw rl niSO «W ft wWvfr 'H-il W 1jpfe w w WJIff Nervous Collapse, Brain Fag, Neuralgia— For getting things done, making things go, the invigorating stimulus of 1’bosferine cannot be equalled, says the Rev. A. II. Field, bully aware that as a clergyman he is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1338 12 P. 6 s O. Intended Sailings. Steam Navigation Co. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTORES. n n mail service outward. British India Steam Navigation Go., Not. 2 Delta connecting with Moldavia 16 Assaye Mongolia LIMITED. HOMH w ABD. Connecting’ Due Fob Intended to Sail. Stkambb. Date. Steamer. with s 8 London. ThTTfct.
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    • 1137 12 Norddeu seller Lloyd, Bremen. tea Imperial German Mail Lint. /Ink ocean steoBSklpco. i[< A nl AND JS- /TX/jL cb,na WTUM STEAM NAV. XX 'T HE Companies' steamers are de«p at ch < w X Am f rom Liverpool outwards f Or J /K|\ 'W _Aw\ I jk, Straits, China, and
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