Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 May 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1624 1 For $3O r r ou can have the Pinang o 1 Gazette” posted every day D for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION, $27.) g 0 Proportionate Quarterly and c Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in C advance and remittances should g c be addressed to n
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    • 77 1 111 n A A 7 HEN YOU ARE AW L V V you want to keep*,. D with Malayan affairs, Social, Con. mercial, Mining, Planting, &c. --s This you can do in no better way ic than by subscribing to the Weekly c Edition of the “Pinang Gazette,” n published
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  • 2569 2 -UELY exceeded. Steam meeting of the o ip Co., Ltd., was held on May House, Old Broad-street, E. H. Hamilton, (Chairman of the company) presiding. The Secretary (Mr. Percy E. L. Taylor) having read the notice convening the meeting and the report of the auditors, The Chairman said Gentlemen.
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  • 222 2 Medan, May 24.—An occasional corres pondent of the X T. writes Deli Spoorwegmaatschappij (the local railway company here) have declared a dividend for 1910 of 10 per cent. Cholera has not yet, abated, and indeed in some quarters is giving rise to uneasiness. Fresh cases are occurring
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  • 156 2 Wednesday, May 31. The Derby. Outward P. O. Mail. B Golf Club Tennis Tournament. Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd. General Meeting, 3 p.m. Hunt Club Gymkhana Entries Close. 0 Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph. Thursday, June I St. Nicomede. Golf Club Tennis Tournament. Racecourse
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  • 196 2 June 8 and 9.—The Follies, Town Hall. June 9.—Penang Turf Club Special Meeting, 4 p.m. June 9.—Ministering Children’s League. June 10.—Hunt Club Gymkhana. June 10.—Cricket Tournament: Butterworth r. C. R. C., Butterworth; M. R. C. v. P. R. C., Victoria Green. June 16.—Penang Free School and AngloChinese
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  • 60 2 Thursday, June I.— Property in Soo Hong Lane; 11 a.m.; 31 Beach St.: Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Thursday, June I.— Land, coconut plantations, etc., of estate of late Yeoh Boon Tooi 21 Beach St.; 11.30 a.m.; Cunningham, Clark Co., auctioneers. Wednesday, June 7.— Property in Bridge St. and
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  • 16 2 Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board.— Supply of 6 pairs Indian bullocks tenders close noon, June 8.
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  • 45 2 The Grange,” No. 9 Logan Road; apply P. J. Duval, No. 2 Arratoon Road. 5 and 14 Logan Road; apply M. M. Noordin. Sea View Cottage, Butterworth apply Jos. Gawthorne, 9 Beach St. Roseneath,” No. 12 Logan Road apply J. W. Hallifax.
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  • 31 2 Pknanq —The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Hotel, and Sea View Hotel. Kuala Lumpur:—Grand Oriental Hotel Ipoh :—The Grand Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 388 2 The following unclaimed letters, etc., were lying at the Penang Post Office up to 27th May Letters. W Billinton, J P de Boseck, M M Chill, M G Day, T J B Drayton, R Duncan, H Gearing, J Graciani, Miss M Graham, B Grimshaw, Mrs A H Haggenmacher,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange, London. COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 and was Incorporated by Royal Charter in a. d. 1720, and is therefore one of the oldest Companies in existence. It has granted the benefits of Assurance to the public for a period exceeding 189
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    • 110 2 Don’t Be Tortured by Neuralgia. There isn’t any reason why you should be. Perhaps you have tried scores of remedies—but don’t become discouraged—for here is a remedy that will put to flight the terrible pain. No case of neuralgia ever existed or ever will exist that Little’s Oriental Balm hasn’t
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    • 175 2 Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1821. Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Total invested Funds upwards of £6,460,000 Total Annual Income over £1,180,000 The undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang and are prepared to issue policies of insurance against loss by fire at the lowest current terms. KENNEDY
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    • 247 2 Wflitmm WflirhP? wi are unaffected by at changes or change, ot stances Kver P J ft i, KES with exquisite care. Hp .f| whole watch is a piece vehous timekeeping me.,r |g|g|Hd| From 111 010 135 0 0 HiSI Welches 1 ■ni £23 to £35 in t 8 ct Gold’
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 689 3 AGRICULTURE. In the administration report for 1910 it is stated that with the exception of the Krian district, it can hardly be said that the past season was a good one for padi almost all the Collectors who have referred to it have reported that the harvest
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  • 951 3 SUMMER MEETING, 1911. Tuesday 4th, Thursday 6th and Saturday, Bth July, 1911. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, July, 1911. 1. The Beginners. Value $4OO. Distance R. C. A race for all horses that were Maidens on May Ist 1911. Weight 9st. Ex-gritiins allowed 71bs. Winners of one race,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 241 3 yo BE SURE—the Teeth are so important that it would be a pity to neglect them—especially when you can clean them so well and so easily with CalverFs 1 -Toolfi fowder -J Your local dealer stocks and sells it. Makers: F. C. Calvert Co.. Manchester, England. SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO I
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    • 310 3 IWast of Tow J is usually indicative of deficient A vitality and points to an impaired W state of the general Health which A should have immediate and persever- 7j ing attention. It is the condition w which always obtains when, for any 0 reason, the body is not receiving
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    • 25 3 Dr. H. SIMOYAMA JAPANESE DENTIST, Has just opened an Office on the top floor of The Japanese Dispensary, 266, BEACH STREET. 241—8-9 tu th a
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  • 1034 4 A writer, signing himself Traveller,” has an interesting, if discursive, article in the May number of the Empire Review. In giving his impressions of Greater Britain after touring Canada and Australia, he does not adopt too much of the superior person attitude or seek to say
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  • 114 4 At the Darul Adab Club, Singapore, on May 26th a complimenta» y dinner was given by Messrs. Ismail and Raheem, in honour of H. H. the Raja Muda of Kelantan, Tungku Ibrahim, son of H. H. the Raja of Kelantan other members of the royal
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  • 59 4 The Latest Betting. Mr. Lander supplies us with his latest prices 5—4 against Sunstar. s—l Pietri. 7 1 King William. 8— 1 Sredfast. 12—1 Atmah and Lord Burgoyne. 14 1 Adam Bede and Zirzal. 16—1 Royal Tender, Phryxus, Lycaon, Wrinkler, and St. Anton. 20—1 Beaurepaire and Feramoiz. We
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  • 74 4 Losses Covered by Insurance. Yesterday morning about 10 o’clock a fire broke out in the drying shed at the Gedong Estate, Bagan Serai, belonging to the Straits Rubber Co., whose first annual general meeting in London is reported in this issue. The building and its contents—about
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  • 743 4 FIRST FLIGHTS TO MORROW. The aviator Mr. Kuller, The Flying Dutchman,” fresh from his successful flights in Java and Sumatra, has arrive i in Penang and is staying with his manager, Mr. Bouwmeester at the Runnymede Hotel. His Antoinette monoplane has been safely landed and is being
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  • 70 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $95.55 per picul, business done. Tin in London is quoted at £206 10*. spot and 188 10s. three months. The following were the dealings in tin to-day —Singapore Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 150 tons, $95.50; Penang: Straits Trading Co.,
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  • 46 4 Homeward. Steamer. Arrives. Mails Sails. Close. P. &O. Devanha Sat. 3/6 2 p.m. 3pm N.D.L. Buelow Tues. 7/6 8.1. Teesta Sat. 10/6 10 a.m. noon. Outward. P. &O. Arcadia Wed. 31/5 5 p.m. 8 p.m. 2 p.m. N.D.L. Yorck Thurs. 8/6 B-L Thurs. 8/6
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  • 263 4 GOLF CLUB’S lOURNAMENT. The following ties were played yesterday Men's Doubles Handicap Proctor dr Sells—ls. 3 walk over from Henderson <fc Reimann 4 5 Rogers Jr Whitlock—ls. 2 beat Ballantyne dr Nicol—} g 6—3 6—o. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Miss B Evans dr Hon. W Evans (scr.) Mr dr
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  • 348 4 Saturday was the day of the May Communications of the District Grand Chapter and the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago, and both meetings were held in the Freemasons’ Hill, Singapore. The D. G. Master, R. W. Bro. F. M. Elliott, was not able, from illness, to return
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  • 113 4 The following tie in the P.C.C. bowls tournament was decided yesterday afternoon Teams of Four. (Semi-Final) H. Muir, W. Brown, E. Reimann, and W. Hamilton 3) beat W. S. Goldie, F. Daniel, R. Henderson, and JHallifax 3) 22—!7. Thia tie was commenced last week and was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 111 1" LARGEST z f J! SALE Zf?/ s in th E Ayy m WORLD. //V/ HI 21 J IH 111 i|* Obtainable u| 2! of an m 5 ZO/ Ml,rs m PACKED IN PATENT AIR TIGHT M 1 lb. TINS. Hi ill TIT m> J /No. 1 quality Yellow
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    • 68 4 To-Day’s Contents. Page Straits Rubber; Notes from Medan; aud Week’s Engagements. Page. 3.— Perak in 1910. Page 4- —Editorial (Keir Hardie Snubbed); Lawn Tennis The Flying Week Freemasonry Raja Muda of Kelantan Bowls at the P.C.C. The Derby Big Fit e at Gedong The Mails; and To-day’s Tin Quotations. Page
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  • 249 5 TINS AGAIN UPWARD. FURTHER DECLINE IN RUBBERS. 2'jie following are the changes (buyers and sell 'is only) in our shaie list on page 7 o f this issue 1910. 30/5/11. 31/5/11. or. 50 i Shares. c E P 5 co M ;Z2 Mining. 16* 14 Kinta 20*
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  • 76 5 PRICE OF FINE HARD PARA. [/Von» a Malacca Correspondent] Malacca, May 31. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 3/11 per lb., value. The market closed steady. Plantation Para. London, May 30*. The
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  • 94 5 REDUCTION OF DEBIT BALANCE. Prout Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, May 31. At the general meeting of Kanaboi, Ltd, held yesterday, Mr. M. E Plumpton presided and said that the year’s working showed a net profit of $7,880.15 after writing off depreciation of plant to the amount of $13,193.28.
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  • 82 5 DIRECTORS’ FIRST REPORT. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore. May 31. The report of the Directors of the Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd., states that the yield for eight months was 12,470 lb against the prospectus estimate of 13,460 lb. for 12 months. This year’s estimated output of rubber
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  • 68 5 PROFITS AND DIVIDENDS. [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, May 31. The report of the Directors of the Ledbury Rubber Estates, Ltd., shows a profit of £26,750. A final dividend of 17* per cent is recommended, making in all 27* per cent, for the year. A sum of
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  • 18 5 [Reuter’s Service.] Fez, May 31. General Dalbiez has begun punitive operations against the turbulent tribes.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  18 words
  • 103 5 REPORT FOR LAST YEAR ESTIMATED OUTPUT EXCEEDED. [From Our Own Correspondent,] Singapore, May 31. lhe report of the Directors of the Bukit limah Rubber Estates, Ltd., states that the output to December 31, 1910, was 7,913 lb. an excess over the estimate in the prospectus of 4,913
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  • 105 5 SEVERE MAGISTERIAL REBUKE. [From Our Own Correspondent.} Taiping, May 31, In the Windsor Estate case this morning, the Magistrate fined Mr. Barbour $50 for assault on the Police and $109 for voluntarily causing hurt to Aroogoonum, a tindal of Lauderdale Estate, The Magistrate reprimanded Mr. Barbour in
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  • 77 5 FINAL DIVIDEND FOR LAST YEAR. [#rom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, May 31. Messrs. Barker Co., the local agents, have been advise I by cablegram that the profit for 1910 of the Lauadron Estates, Ltd., amounts to £95,000. A final dividend of 17* per cent, is recommended, making in
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  • 35 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, May 31. The following will represent Perak against Selangor at Whitsuntide at cricket Messrs. Oliver Marks (Captain), Knight, Kingston, Kerr, Hinniugs, Towers, Fox, Muller, Edmonds, Banks and Bullmore
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  • 45 5 [From Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh, May 31. At Rotan Dahan Mine, Batu Gajah, a sum of $2,800 has mysteriously disappeared from the safe, which shows no signs of being tampered with. Mr. G. M. P. Hornidge, the manager, has made up the loss.
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  • 38 5 [Der Ostasiatisgur Lloyd’s Service.] Vienna, May 30. The Emperor Francis Joseph is resting from State duties, and the Heir-Presump-tive occasionally represents him. Rumours that the Emperor is definitely retiring from the Throne are unfounded.
    [Der Ostasiatisgur Lloyd’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 28 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, May 30. The Russo-German agreement in the main is now ready for signing, only technical details having to be settled
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  28 words
  • 30 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Athens, May 30. The German Minister has sent a dragoman to liberate Professor Richter, who has been carried off by brigands.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  30 words
  • 24 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, May 30. Prince Joachim, sixth son of the Kaiser, has fallen at Doebritz, injuring his knee.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  24 words
  • 175 5 THE COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP. YORKSHIRE STILL LEADING. [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 31. In the County Championship, Yorkshire beat Somersetshire by ten wickets at Leeds. Worcestershire beat Sussex by nine wickets at Stourbridge. Kent beat Northants by an innings and 56 runs at Northampton. Surrey beat Gloucestershire by an innings
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  175 words
  • 54 5 TURKEY AND MONTENEGRO. Reuter’s Service.] Constantinople, May 30. Turkey, replying to the communication of the Russian Ambassador regarding the concentration of troops on the Montenegrin frontier, says that she is astonished and pained by Russia’s representations Turkey’s patience towards the reprehensible conduct of the Montenegrins shows that Turkey
    | Reuter’s Service.]  -  54 words
  • 44 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Constantinople, May 30. After a debate in the Turkish Chamber on the Russian Note to Turkey, a vote of absolute confidence in the Government was passed. The Sultan of Turkey leaves for Rumelia on June 5.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  44 words
  • 36 5 THE ATTITUDE OF GERMANY. [Reuter’s Service Berlin, May 31. Germany has expressed her willingness to negotiate with the United States for general arbitration on the lines of the draft submitted by the American Government.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  36 words
  • 38 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Washington, May 30. Count von Bernstorft German Ambassador, has received from Mr. Philander C. Knox, U.S. Secretary of State, a draft of the proposed arbitration treaty, and negotiations have already been commenced.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 64 5 BILL IN THE COMMONS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 30. The House of Commons lias passed the second reading of the Insurance Bill. Mr. Lloyd George said that the Insurance Bill must be passed in 1911 and suggested that the different parties should appoint small committees to consider amendments
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  64 words
  • 43 5 ANOTHER IMPORTANT DECISION. [Reuter’s Service.] Washington, May 30. The Supreme Court has decided that th» Tobacco Trust is an organisation in restraint of trade and gives it six months in which to reorganise in a manner compatible with the law.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  43 words
  • 25 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 30. Mr. D. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, has promised a week’s discussion on women’s suffrage next session.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  25 words
  • 24 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Lisbon, May 30. The elections to the Portuguese Assembly have resulted in the undisputed victory of the Republicans.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  24 words
  • 852 5 THE UNREST IN PORTUGAL. London, May 19.—There have been recently more fiequent arrests of alleged Royalist conspirators in Portugal including army officers and non-commissioned officers. The arrests are possibly connected with the approaching general election, for which the Republican leaders have prepared a list of candidates, who will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 572 5 NOTICE. TOWN HALL, The Penang’ Klieau Guan return visit of Insurance Coy., Ltd. “THE FOLLIES. IN LIQUIDATION. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Thursday Friday, June Bth 9th. Nrx nrr-in •i i Plans now open at ROBINSON PIANO Co. OIICE is hereby given that an Extra- ordinary General Meeting will be held
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1445 6 V |C nju—V *f® •••••••••••••<» ja,.„ m.h stu»Ai, c. u. j THB ff I park »N 0 W.H winell ji gMZL X/ AN IDEAL TONIC. h 1 EUR AN \r, 2 S “MAGNUMS, 11 A Fortnightly service is maintained be- w JM f tween Yokohama xia ports to Marseilles, HAS
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  • 471 7 ARRIVALS. I Canton, Brit., 106, Basasahib, May 31, Teluk Xnson, gen-, Kong Soon. 1 Chumpo", Siam, 2229, Hausen-Raun, May 31, jpenhagen, gen., Slot Co. Janet Nicoll, Brit., 475, Starkey, May 31, Port Sivettenham, gen., E. S.’Co. Malacca. Brit.. 405, Stach. May 31, Tongkah, jren.. Adamson Gilfillan Co. i Omapere,
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  • 1677 7 4 Capital. Subscribed, of Issue 3 5 Ĕ i q Shares. Value. 2 Dividends. Name. Q, 3 3 Z p M 02 O> 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1903 9300,000 8300,000 30,000 110 110 25 10 30 MINING. 1906 300,000 225,000 22 500 10 10 Belat T n Mining
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  • 192 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Morrow. For. Per. Close. Rangoon Seang Bee 8 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 8 a.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and Janet Nicoll Ip. in. Malacca Deli Perak (E.S. Co.) 1 p.m. Bindings and T. Anson Canton 2 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Teesta
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  • 121 7 Pbnang, May 31, 1911. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight B**ik 2/4} 3 Credit 3 Documentary 2/4 7/16 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 174} 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras Demand Bank 174} 3
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  • 673 7 The s.s. Gneisnau will probably sail from Singapore homeward on 12th proximo. She will not call at Penang, Aden, Algiers or Gibraltar. The Calcutta Port Commissioners have decided to substitute unattended gas light vessels for the present lightships at the upper and lower Gaspar. In connection with the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 619 7 Sun Lite of cnnaila. (K»tabllsli«d iM’l.Si. Assets exceed £6,000.ihh).().0 Surplus over all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Income, 1908, £1,428,000 0.0 W. A. WHITE, f KENNEDY .ft Co., Manager, South-Eastern (funeral Agents. P<°nang Ami. Singapore. UgS Banking and Trading Corporation, Nandin ten Cate Co., Ltd., ~< ir w r
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 123 7 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. May 31 1-45 7-57 2-10 8-22 June 1 2-36 8-49 3-02 9-15 2 3-28 9-42 3-58 10-10 3 4-28 10-41 4-67 11-12 4 5-26 Nil. 6-03 12-16 5 6-33 12-50 7-07 1-24 6 6-45 2-59
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2185 8 p intend sailings. Norddeu tsg hep Lloyd, Bremen. Jrm Steam Navigation Co. ilm EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. BFltlSll IIIQIBL StCtllD N&VlgfttlOll CO., fl MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. n A a^™ ora connecting with Arcadia ay 31 /UK OCCGII SttOH Silty (ft J Moldavia do Assaye „28 For Intended to Sail Steamer.
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