Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 May 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1512 1 aanannona naDnaann,:i g For $3O Vou can have the Pinang I Gazette” posted every day g for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBCRIPTION, $27.) g o proportionate Quarterly and S Half-yearly rates. H Subscriptions are payable in c advance and remittances should a c be addressed to The
      1,512 words
    • 81 1 dTA 7 ***** you are awa Y on leave g VV you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Com- D mercial, Mining, Planting, &c. n This you can do in no better way than by subscribing to the Weekly D Edition of the “Pinang Gazette,” a published
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  • 1709 2 SUCCESSFUL AFTERNOON’S SPORT. Commencing in brilliant sunshine, the Gymkhana held on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon under the ampices of the Penang Cricket Club had almost concluded before a great storm broke over the Island and adjoining mainland, rain coming down in torrents and filling the drains to
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  • 55 2 Coronation Committee, Butterworth.— Supply of Refreshments at Sea Sports on June 23 tenders close noon, May 20. Municipal Commissioners of George Town.— Upper excavation Ayer Etam service reservoir; roadway; bridge over Tat’s stream tenders close: 3 p.m., May 24. Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board.— Supply of 6 pairs Indian bullocks
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  • 42 2 The Grange,” No. 9 Logan Road; apply P. J. Duval, No. 2 Arratoon Road. Roseneath,” No. 12 Logan Road apply J. W. Hallifax. 188 Anson Road apply 125 Penang Street. 5 and 14 Logan Road apply M. M. Noordin.
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  • 32 2 Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Hotel, ami Sea View Hotel. Kuala Lumpur :—Grand Oriental Hotel Ipoh :—The Grand Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 130 2 Monday, May 15. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. P.C.C. Bowls Tournament Football League Entries Close. P.L.R.C.: 200 yds. deliberate, twice, de Voogt Cup head and shoulders. Golf Club Tennis Tournament Commences. Lodge Scotia Emergent Meeting, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph. Tuesday, May 16. P.C.C.
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  • 319 2 May 22. —P.L.R.C. 150 yds. deliberate, 4th class Bisley target; 150 yds. May 24.—Empire Day. May 24.— Daily Mail Empire Rifle Match, 7 am. May 25.—Municipal Commission, 3.30 p.m. May 25. —Y.W.C.A. Meeting, Dato Kramat Road, 5 p.m. May 27.—Cricket Tournament :—M. R. C. v. P. C.
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  • 71 2 Tuesday, May 16. Steamers Hong Ho, Hong Lean, Poh A nn, and Teresa Powell Co.’s Sales Room, Singapore, 2-30 p.m. Wednesday, May 17.— Jewellery; 38 Beach St.; 11 a.m.; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Wednesday and Thursday, May 17 and 18.— Land and Shophouses; 11.30 a.m.; 21 Beach St.;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 TRY OUR STRINGS FOR VIOLINS, BANJOS, MANDOLINES, and GUITARS. Pianoforte and Violin Music in Sheets and Albums, Tutors, Manuscript Books, etc., AT POPULAR PRICES. The Co-Operative Agency, 104, Muntri and Leith Street. 425 Union S.S. Go. of New Zealand, Ltd. Singapore to New Zealand direct, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttleton <5 Dunedin
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    • 110 2 STRIKING EXPERIMENTS AT THE REQUEST OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD FOR IRELAND. The remarkable feeding experiments conducted in the School of Physiology, Trinity College, Dublin, at the request of the Local Government Board for Ireland, prove that BOVRIL when added to a fixed diet, has a body-building effect equal to
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    • 272 2 Northam House Photographic Studio, 15, NORTHAM ROAD, PENANG. The only Studio, with a reputation for the HIGHEST CLASS oj PORTRAITURE and PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK generally. H. BODOM, Artist and Photographer Dr. H. SIMOYAMA JAPANESE DENTIST, Has just opened an Office on the top floor of The Japanese Dispensary, 266, BEACH STREET.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 1471 3 FRID XY’S MEETING. At the ordinary meeting on Friday last at Singapore there were present His Excel lency the Acting Governor, E. L. Brockman, His Excellency Major-General T. E. Stephenson, G.0.c., the Hon’bles the Colonial Secretary, A. H. Lemon, the Attorney-Gen., T. de M. Braddell, the Col. Treasurer,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 283 3 □□nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I FUSSELL’S MILK. E Ordinary sterilized milk is not easv U ff JU of digestion, as the process of sterilizing U i hardens the casein in the milk and lenders q it less easy of assimilation but Fussell’s q Sterilized Natural Milk is prepared by a special mechanical process
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    • 52 3 Mannheim Insurance Co. Marine Insurance. The undersigned, as Agents, will accept Marine Risks on Merchandise, Produce, Anu Valuables at current rates. Hor fuller particulars apply to KATZ BROTHERS. Ltd., Agents. P. MOIR CRANES’ Cylinder Oil. Butterv d' r 0 11 Z/ t V A I Vf oM Ji. wrTHE-* PENANG
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    • 430 3 *************************1111 l Green island cement co., Ltd. PORTLAND CEMENT. In Casks and Drums of Drain Pipes, any shape 5 375 lbs. net. Gutterways 5 *ln Bags of 250 lbs. net. v u• i i v i M Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, and Fireclay M Glazed Paving Tiles. Paving Bricks
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  • 1414 4 A Reuter’s message this morning conveys the intelligence that the draft of an arbitration treaty for the settlement of disputes between America an! Great Britain has been prepared. It is added that provided the British Government acted promptly, the Senate might have an opportunity of approving
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  • 810 4 SPECIAL MEETING. A special general meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce was held this afternoon. There were present Mr. G. Macbain (President), Mr. J. Mitchell (Vice-President), with Mr. R. P. Phillips (Secretary). The following firms were also represent ed Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. J.
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  • 925 4 THE FUNERAL YESTERDAY At 11 o’clock, yesterday morning, f., funeral of the late Mr. Koh Saang Tat, j p took place from his residence, Edinbur, House, in Light Street, passing throu* Light Street, Beach Street, Malay Street Carnarvon Street, Prangin Road, Pen aL Road, Dato
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 By using Hall’s Distemper your home can be made brighter, f healthier and more picturesque, g at a cheaper cost than wall-paper, and without u K the objectionable smell of paint. I Hall’s V? I Distemper Id I (Trade Mark.) LM B is deservedly the popular wall covering of the
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    • 70 4 To-Day’s Contents. Pago 2.— P.C.C. Gymkhana and Week’s Engagements. Page 3.— Legislative Council and Tamil Immigration Fund Bill. Page 4- —Editorial (Arbitration Treaties); Late Mr. Koh Seang Tat; and Chamber of Commerce, Page s,— Telegrams Bowls at the P.C.C. The Mails; Storm in Penang; Alleged Wrongful Dismissal and To day’s
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  • 326 5 TINS STILL STRONG. STERLING RUBBERS VARIABLE. The following a,e the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list on page 7 of this issue 1910. 13/5/11. 15/5/11. +9 OS X OQ UQ -c Shares. -2 g. K M 02 M Vi Mining. 16} 14 Kinta 18
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  • 44 5 FINE HARD PARA WEAK. [From a Malacca Correspondent Malacca, May 14. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 4/9} per lb., value. The market is steady.
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  • 34 5 I From Our Own Correspondent.} Malacca, May 15. At the rubber auction held on Saturday the following prices were realized Fine sheet per picul $263.30 Fine sheet 260.00 Bark crepe 170.00
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  • 100 5 AN EXAGGERATED REPORT. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Taiping, May 15. The Manager of Selingsing Estate claims that the report of the fire on that estate is exaggerated. [Our Taiping correspondent telegraphed on Thursday: Forty acres of four-years-old rubber were destroyed at Selingsing in the early hours of
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  • 65 5 THE ARAGONIA’S MISHAP. STILL ON BLENHEIM SHOAL. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, May 15. The Hamburg-Amerika Linie’s ss. Argonia is still on the Blenheim Shoal. Yesterday she was not able to get off with the high tide. Powerful tugs are on the way from Singapore. It may be necessary
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  • 24 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.} Singapore, May 13. The following are the quotations for produce to-day (Saturday) Copra, Bali 9 90 Gambier 8-35
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  • 767 5 THE SPRING MEETING. THIRD DAY’S RESULTS. [from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, May 15. The third day’s races of the Singapore Sporting Club, held on Saturday, passed oft successfully. The weather was glorious and the only sensational event occurred when Good Rose fell in the Scurry Stakes, breaking
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  • 239 5 KEMPTON PARK SPRING MEETING. RESULT OF GREAT “JUBILEE” HANDICAP. [Reuter’s Service Loudon, May 15. The following was the result of the Kempton Park Great “Jubilee” Handicap on the second day of the Kempton Park Spring Meeting on Saturday The Twenty-Fifth Year of the Kemptom Park Gheat “Jubilee”
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  239 words
  • 98 5 MAINTENANCE OF STATUS QUO. [Reuter’s Service St. Petersburg, May 14. A semi-official says that the rumours of Russian ani Japanese Government negotiations regarding a common or more active policy towards China are pure inventions, as Russian policy in the Far East aims at the maintenance
    [Reuter’s Service !  -  98 words
  • 87 5 MINISTER OF WAR RESIGNS. [Reuter’s Service.] Washington, May 14. The Hon. Jacob M. Dickinson, Secretary for War, has resigned aud Mr. F J. Stimson, who was recently a candidate for the Governorship of the State of New York, will succeed him. A Plausible ExplanationWashington, May 15. Piivate
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  87 words
  • 61 5 A LIST OF COUNTY RESULTS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 15. The Marylebone Cricket Club and Gentlemen beat Kent at Lord’s by 94 runs. Surrey beat Leicestershire by ten wickets at the Oval. Essex beat Yorkshire by 131 runs at Leyton. Warwickshire beat Lancashire by 137 runs at
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  61 words
  • 60 5 OCCUPATION OF JUAREZ. [Rrutkr’s Service.] Washington, May 13. The rebels are in possession of Juarez, This is regarded as important because under the American interpretation of the neutrality laws, arms and munitions can pass the frontier to Juarez without hindrance, provided they are sent in the ordinary
    [Rrutkr’s Service.]  -  60 words
  • 42 5 FIRST DRAFT OF THE TREATY. [Reuter’s Service Washington, May 15. The first draft of the Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty has been completed. If Great Britain acts promptly, the Senate may take the opportunity of approving of it during its present session.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  42 words
  • 126 5 DEPARTURE FOR CORONATION. M.S.G. PROVIDE ESCORT. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Taiping, May 15. H. H. the Sultan of Perak passes through Taiping by special train this afternoon en route to England for the Coronation of the King. One company of the Malay States Guides, accompanied by
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  • 63 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Berlin, May 12. The Reichstag Commission threw out the Alsace-Lorraine Constitution Bill by 13 votes to 12. The voting on the question is declared to be inadmissable, and the parties will now negotiate to rectify the error. The Imperial Chancellor will discuss the Alsace
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  63 words
  • 43 5 [Der Ostssiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, May 12. The Kaiser has christened a Metz fortress with the name Luitpold.” Prince Luitpold thanked the Kaiser, and expressed the hope that the fortress would be a means of maintaining the forty years’ peace.
    [Der Ostssiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  43 words
  • 39 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service St. Petersburg, May 12. In the Duma, M. Stolypin justified the introduction of the Zemstvo in the western territories. After debate a majority resolution was passed declaring that M. Stolypin’s declaration was insufficient.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  39 words
  • 35 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Brussels, May 12. At Brussels, the King of the Belgians, toasting President Fallieres, dwelt on the necessity of a good understanding between Belgium and France on economic affairs.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  35 words
  • 33 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, May 12. The uniform maritime law, which was fixed in Brussels, in 1910, has now been banded co fine Reichstag. Negociation* will be continued in 1912,
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  33 words
  • 33 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] London, May 12, Sir Eldon Gorst’s annual report on Egypt says that the policy observed so far will be continued, despite counter-proposals of the Nationalists and others.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  33 words
  • 29 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Berlin, May 12. The Kaiser goes to Wiesbaden for the May festivities. His Majesty will receive General Nogi, in August, at Swinemuende.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  29 words
  • 28 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] St. Petersburg, May 12. The conclusion of an agreement with an Anglo-French company for the reconstruction of the Russian Fleet is announced.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  28 words
  • 27 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] St. Petersburg, May 12. In the Kirin fire, 3,000 houses were destroyed, and all the diplomatic missions. The Governor fled.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  27 words
  • 22 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, May 12. Consul-General Sanden is appointed Minister-Resident at Bolivia, with the title of Ambassador.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  22 words
  • 146 5 THE INTENTIONS OF FRANCE. RUSSO-GERMAN VIEWS. [Reuter’s Service.] St. Petersburg, May 15. The official organ Rossija states that communications from the French Cabinet concerning Morocco have been the subject of an exchange of views between the Russian and German Governments. Friendly conversations have shown that both are agreed
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  146 words
  • 25 5 [Der Ostasiatischr Lloyd’s Service.] St. Petersburg, May 12. The Duma has passed a vote of four million roubles to suppress cholera.
    [Der Ostasiatischr Lloyd’s Service.]  -  25 words
  • 21 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] St. Petersburg, May 12. The condition of M. Sazonow, Russian Foreign Minister, has improved.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  21 words
  • 87 5 The following ties have been fixed Monday, May 15. Profession Pairs. (Semi-Final). R. Henderson and E Reimann (Merchants) v. J. W. Hallifax aud J. S Cunningham (Auctioneers). Championship. (Semi-Final). W. S. Goldie and S. Riley. Tuesday, May 16. Teams of Four. H. Muir. W. Brown, E.
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  • 48 5 Homeward. Steamer. Arrives. Mails Sails. Close. P. &O. Delta Sat. 20/5 8.1. Sat. 27/5 10 a.m. noon. N.D.L. Buelow Tues. 7/6 haicor* P. &O. Delhi Thurs. 18/5 8 am. 10 a.m. 6 a.m. N.D.L. P. E. Friedrich Thurs. 25/5 8.1. Thurs. 25/5 3 p.m. 4
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  • 74 5 Judgment for Plaintiff. In the Supreme Court, this afternoon, Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden delivered judgment in the case Maximilian Meisl v Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., in which the plaintiff claimed (1) $6OO for three months’ salary in lieu of notice and (b) damages for such wrongful
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  • 54 5 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $95.65 per picul buyers no sellers. The following were the dealings in tin to-day —Singapore, Straits Trading Co. Ltd., 150 tons, $95.75 Penang Straits, Trading Co., Ltd., no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd., no market Messrs. Leong Fee Co.
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  • 53 5 During the storm at sunset on Saturday, the s.s. Tong Chuan, which was lying off the Esplanade, dragged her anchors, but was not blown against the seawall. Many trees were blown down and fifteen telephone lines were broken. The launch service between Penang and Bagan Tuan Kechil
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 575 5 The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888 In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In Bankruptcy. No. 17 of 1911. Re GOH CHOO PANG. Notice is hereby given that on a Petition filed the 26th day of April, 1911, a Receiving Order against the abovenamed Debtor of No. 369
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  • 663 6 would do instead of saltpetre B. N. B Herald. METHODS OF PRESERVATION. The following is a description of the best way to preserve skins and hides so that they may be safely packed away and forwarded to England. When you have secured a specimen the head of
    would do instead of saltpetre —B. N. B Herald.  -  663 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 628 6 N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. < M EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 229 6 Do you Suffer With Rheumatism? Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon you Don’t lose hope. Here’s succour for you. Little’s Oriental Balm has cured thousands of cases of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this wonderful remedy
      229 words
    • 611 6 BROWN Co., MWMMWWWWWMWWWWMMiMMMMMMWWMMMMMMBi Monumental Sculptors, J Calcutta. x Tri ID MOTHER a Monuments and Tombstones of every -7 wJF skilled European supervision. WHO USES The best Italian and Carara marble used. M william Edward t iSSf fi ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. JJ Milk LAAI] Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of M 111 I.I.
      611 words

  • 548 7 SHIPP ING. ARRIVALS. Bantam, Dut, *****0 Huykman, May 15, S’pore, gen., Kong Snon. Ben’edi Brit., 2508, Henderson, May 14, London, gen., Sandilands Buttery Co. 1 Dunera, 3403, Nielson, May, 14, Rangoon, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Fook Sang, Brit., 1987, Mitchell, May 15, Calcutta, gen., Boustead Co. Glenogle, Brit, 2399, Paddle,
    548 words
  • 1584 7 2 Capital. Subscribed, Value Dividends. Nance. -g o Q *s S H ft, M 05 O 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 MINING. 1903 »300,000 »300,000 30,000 |lO 110 25 10 30 Belat Tin Mining Co. 5f 6| 1906 300,000 225,000 22,500 10 10 Bruang, 5$ 1901 600,000 600,000 60,000
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  • 85 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Morrow. Far. Per. Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 9 a.m. Asahan Petrel I p m. Deli Cornelia 1 p.m. Langkat Jin Ho Ipm. Deli, Asahan, Paneh Merkus 1 p.m. Deli Malaya 3 p.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Peg
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  • 124 7 Penang, May 15, 1911. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2»4| o 3 Documentary 2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs- 174} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 174} 3 days'sight Private 175} Madras Demand Bank
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  • 216 7 Penang, May 15, 1911. Gold leaf 564.6') Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 <>-z No stock. White Pepper 524.65 sales. Trang Pepper 517.75 buyers Mace 5108 nominal. Mace Picking's 599 nominal. Cloves 542 nom. Nutmegs llu 522 sellers. (No. 1 56.10 sales. No. 2 56.00 sales Basaet 55.10 nominal.
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  • 571 7 H.M.S. Newcastle left Hongkong ou May 2 for the south. She will be iu Singapore during the Coronation week. There were three ocean-going boats at Port Swettenham, on Friday viz., P. and O. ss. Balma, (Holt’s) Blue funnel boat S 3. Patroclus and the B. I. 33. Teesta.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 631 7 MACKAY S LIQUEUR WHISKY, The Whisky of Connoisseurs. r'HAPTFPFn RANK OF INDIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL THE MERCANTILE BANK i i J m J /N Bakinng and Trading Corporation, Incorporated by Royal Charter. R fuhdb Eetablibhbd 1824. Subscribed Capital '.,125,000 U L J Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 O.plU> 0. 45,000,000-
      631 words
    • 37 7 sun Hie ®1 Canada. (Katablislied IHrtli. Assets exceed £6, Surplus over all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Income, 1908, £1,428,000 0.0 W. A. WHITK, KENNEDY A Co.. Manager, South-Eastern < I General Agents. Penang A>ia. Singapore. I
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    • 31 7 Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg. Sstablished 1854. Hie undersigned, having been appointed Agents of the above Company are ready ti accept fire risks at current rates. KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., Agents.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2392 8 steam Nation Co lntendcd Sailin a Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. I n A Imperial German Mali Line. i P M. ML SERVICE < ElltlStl NaVlgatlOD CO., J f co ne f -""""S. May $1 LIMITED A occcn steam snip ce.. iit India do Delta June 14 I f fl Moldavia do
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