Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 May 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 59 1 1 “IM PINANC CAZEITE”: (PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING.) < Rates of Subscription, payable strictly in advance 2 2 LOCAL 8 2-25 per month. x 813.50 half yearly. X Z 827.00 per annum. < BY POST 8 2.50 per month. 815.00 half yearly. 2 830.00 yearly. WEEKLY EDITION PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. J.
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  • 918 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.} Taiping May 3. I wonder how many people in Taiping know that close to the town, just across the race course, can be seen what appears to be the extraordinary phenomenon of water rushing up-hill without any apparent assistance. To enjoy this remarkable spectacle
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  • 262 2 THE DISPENSARY (PENANG), LTD. At the second ordinary general meeting of shareholders in The Dispensary (Penang), Ltd., to be held at the office of Messrs. Evatt <k Co., F.M.S. Railway Buildings, on Tuesday next, the following Directors’ report will be submitted Penang, April 26, 1911. Gentlemew, Your Directors
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  • 76 2 The exports of tin and produce from Penang during the fortnight ended April 30, 1911, were as follows To United Kingdom. Tin Tons 850 Pepper, black 5 Tapioca, Flour 97 Tapioca, pearl 105 Copra 100 To United States of America. Tin Tons 150 Pepper, black 126 Tapioca, pearl
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  • 83 2 The following immigrants arrived from Madras and Negapatam by the B. I. steamer Tara, on May 4 For Penang- Port Swettenham. Adults Minors Adults Minors Govt, free coolies... 9 Kangany coolies 545 42 1.375 92 Voluntary coolies... 34 1 Total 588 43 1,375 92 The following is a
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  • 108 2 Monday, May B.— Stock-in-trade 143 Beach St.; 11.30a.m.; Cunningham, Clarke Co., auctioneers. Thursday, May 11.— ss. Ban Hoo (late Flying fish,); 10.30 a.m.; Chinese junk, Kim Eng Ho, 1.30 p in.; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Thursday, May 11.— Stock-in-trade 69 Beach St.; 11.15 a.m.; Cunningham, Clark Co., auctioneers.
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  • 47 2 Government of Kedah.— Construction of mosque at Alor Star; tenders close noon, May 12. Coronation Committee, Butterworth.— Supply of Refreshments at Sea Sports on June 23 tenders close noon, May 20. Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board.— Supply of 6 pairs Indian bullocks tenders close noon, June 8.
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  • 143 2 Friday, May 5. Band, Esplanade. P.C.C. Bowls Tournament. Golf Club Ladies’ Presgrave Cup. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. George Town Cinematograph. Saturday, May 6. King George’s Accession. Homeward P. O. Mail. Band, Golf Club. Golf Club Ladies’ Presgrave Cup. Cricket Tournament C.R.O. Butterworth, Victoria Green P. R.C., v.
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  • 367 2 May 12.—Ministering Children’s League, Government Girls’ School, 4.45 p.m. May 13.—Singapore Race Meeting. May 13. —P.C.C. Gymkhana. May 13.—The Great Jubilee Handicap. May 13.—Cricket Tournament P. R. C. v. Butterworth C. R. C. v. P. C. C., Victoria Green. May 13 and 14.—Golf Club Men’s Presgrave Cup.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 561 2 "THE PROTEUS OF DISEASE.” INNUMERABLE FORMS. Of all the disorders to which humanity is heir, indigeition is undoubtedly the most frequent. Its symptoms are endless in their variety and its causes are scarcely less numerous. Whatever the cause, the greatest care has undoubtedly to be exercised in the question of
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    • 78 2 No More Aches and Pains What is your trouble Headaches, toothache, backache, sore throat, earache, strains and bruises are relieved and cured by following the printed directions you’ll find on every bottle of Little's Oriental Balm Stop experimenting with remedies you know nothing of—stop running up uselessly large doctor’s bills
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    • 44 2 BOVRIL Tickles the Palate L [Hunyadi 1 Janos 0 The Best Natural Aperient Water for sluggish bowels. Brings relief in the natural easy way. Speedy, B sure and gentle/ Try a bottle Al —and drink half a tumbler 11 >on arising, before breakfast, for
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    • 192 2 Dr. H. SIMOYAMA JAPANESE DENTIST, Has just opened an Office on the top floor of The Japanese Dispensary, 266, BEACH STREET. 241—8-9 tu th a To Miners and Tin-ore Buyers. WOLFRAM-TIN ORES. An up-to-date plant for ‘he separation of Wolfram, Magnetite, etc from Tin-ores is now in operation at Pudu,
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  • 897 3 HOME POLITICS. London, April 25.—The proceedings in the Debate on the Veto Bill to-day were accelerated by Mr. Asquith moving the Kangaroo Out of twenty pages of amendments the Chairman selected the amendment of Sir Charles Cripps providing that differences between the two houses should be settled by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 665 3 Qooo©©o©oo©©ooo©©©©©ooo©oooo «'T'IJIT' PADDIPIZ IF YOU SUFFER O 1 HE VjAiCiClVtv “O From any Skin orjlood Disease, Q Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular x w* a VIRGINIA X Swellings, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Abscesses, O A I M I M W Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, -ZaL M x A A BLEND Q Blood
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    • 362 3 The Traveller’s Friend, Many distinguished Travellers and Explorers have testified to the merits of LEMCO. -.uv;’} LEMCO is pure, highly concentrated fresh beef, containing the essence of more beef than any other kind. sss It never goes bad. r-i-l-.V In cooking, LEM O makes I In Sickness, LEMCO quickly tinned
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  • 1084 4 There has been a good deal of discussion at Home arising out of a decision of the management of the University College in London to exclude Board School boys who had won scholarships from receiving their education in the College along with the paying scholars. The
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  • 177 4 A MODEL ON SHOW. Mr. T. G. Wente, engineer of Wer Conrad, Ltd., Dredge builders, Haarlem, has on exhibition at the local agents, Messrs. Guthrie >fc Co., a remarkably fine model of a dredger which was shown at the Brussels Exhibition. It is beautifully finished and complete in
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  • 55 4 The following are May scores for the Walker Trophy made by the Perak Ladies’ Rifle Association (Taiping):— Mrs. Vanrenen 32 Mrs. Hobson 31 Mrs. Pinkney 31 Miss Barton-Parkes 29 Mrs. Moir 28 Mrs. Tate 28 Total 179 The other scores are Penang 177 -s Selangor 172 s
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  • 474 4 C.R.C. v. M.R.C. In a slight drizzle of rain and before a large crowd of spectators, the semi-final of the Cup competition was played yesterday on the Esplanade between the M. R. C. and the CR C. The teams lined up in the following order at 5.25
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  • 173 4 CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI-FINAL. The following tie in the P.C.C. bowls tournament was decided yesterday afternoon Championship. G. B. F. Southam beat E. Reimann. 21 17. Both Southam and Reimann were in good form when they opposed each other in the semi-final of the Championship to decide which
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  • 55 4 Homeward. Steamer. Arrives. Mails Sails. Close. P. &O. Assaye Sat. 6/5 5 p.m. 6 p.m. noon. N.D.L. Pr. Ludwig Tues. 9/5 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 3 p.m. 8.1. Bangala Sat. 13/5 10 a.m. noon. Outward N.D.L. Gneisneau Mon. 8/5 8.1. Teesta Thurs. 11/5 3 a.m. 4 p.m. 7
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  • 69 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $95.20 per picul business done. Tin in London is quoted at £192 10s. spot and £lB9 10s. three months. The following were the dealings in tin to-day —Singapore, Straits Trading Co., Ltd 50 tons, $95 62| Penang Straits Trading
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  • 552 4 Mr. R. J. Chaldecott, of the Borneo Co 3 branch in Siam, is going home on leave. Sir Claude MacDonald, H. B. M. bassador in Tokio, leaves for Home o u May 6. Mr. L. O. H. Bruyeres has returned to Penang after a trip to Australia
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  • 215 4 The following additional returns of rubber crops are to hand for April Indragiri lb. 580 United Sumatra 8,000 Kamuning 10,839 Tangkah 1.841 Bukit Kubu 350 Port Swettenham 2,500 New Singapore 680 Bukit Timah 2.500 Hay tor 886 Char.gkat Serdang 2.486 St. Helena 650 Messrs. Whittali <fc Co., Klang,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 MILNERS’ SAFES BEST PROTECTION HAVE SALE IN THE THIEVES. WORLD. m WEk wB CM satet Safe supply to the most of the Colonial and Please write Foreign Governments. &c. particulars toAGENTS Guthrie Co., Ltd., Penang. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnHnnnnnn RACHALS' PIANOS I ARE H The Best for the Tropics. n I pianofortes.) J
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    • 81 4 Contents. Page. 2.— Taiping Topics Company Reports Penang Exports; Indian Immigration; and Week’s Engagements. Page 3.— Telegraphic News. Page 4- —Editorials (Snobbism and Education) Penang Football Cup Bowls at the P.C.C. The Mails To-day’s Tin Quotations Social and Personal The Walker Trophy Tin Dredgers and Rubber Crops, PageVS.— Telegrams; Japanese
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  • 237 5 ACTIVITY IN TINS. RUBBERS GENERALLY DOWN The following are the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list on page 7 of this issue 1910. 4/5/11. 5/5/11. T. CD 30 QQ OD Shares. c S’ T 1 BS S 3 M co Mining. 7| 2| Belat
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  • 63 5 [from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, May 4. Most shares are down to-day (Thursday), except the following Golcondas £5 2/6 Kapar Paras £7 15/Linggis £2 7[3 Serembans £4 Bertams 6/74 Sungei Kapars 12/The Market Quiet. Messrs. Fraser Co.’s weekly share circular notes that the market is quiet with little
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  • 44 5 FINE HARD. PARA LOWER. [from a Malacca Correspondent Malacca, May 5. Information has been received by the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine hard Para in London yesterday was 5/2 per lb., value. The market is quiet.
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  • 30 5 [from Our Own Correspondent.] London, May 5. The directors of the Sungei Salak Rubber Company, Ltd have declared a dividend of 10 per cent, and carried forward Xl,loo.
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  • 23 5 [from Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, May 4. To-day’s (Thursday’s) quotations for prodace are Pepper, white $27.00 Pepper, black 16.25 Gambier 8.35
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  • 61 5 CANDIDATES IN GOOD FORM. [from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore. May 5. Training for next week’s race meeting is proceeding apace, but owing to the ground being so hard trainers are afraid to do trials. The following are in very good form Durbar, Tom Lees, Severity, Grey Plume,
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  • 43 5 TURKISH I’ROOPS REBUFFED. [Rrutkr’b Cettinjĕ, May 4. Five battalions under Edem Pasha, while marching from Gusinji to Tuzi, were attacked by Albanians in a narrow defile and suffered severely. They were compelled to retire and the insurgents have re-attacked Tuzi.
    [Rrutkr’b  -  43 words
  • 19 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] St. Petersburg, May 4. M. Sazonow, Russian Foreign Minister, is dangerously ill.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  19 words
  • 116 5 REMEDIAL STEPS IN SINGAPORE A QUESTION IN THE COMMONS [Reuter’s Service London, May 5. In the House of Commons, Mr. J. Ramsay Macdonald, Labour member for Leicester, asked whethr the Colonial Office was insisting upon steps being taken to remedy the Municipal abuses in Singapore. Revision of Municipal
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  116 words
  • 105 5 MR. LLOYD GEORGE’S SCHEME [Reutkr’s Service.] London, May 5. In the House of Commons, Mr. I). Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced an elaborate scheme for insurance against invalidity, sickness, and unemployment. Compulsory Contributions. It is proposed that workpeople should be compelled to contribute as follows ;—fourpence
    [Reutkr’s Service.]  -  105 words
  • 115 5 THE KAISER’S COMING VISIT [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Berlin May 3. The Kaiser has returned to Germany, but leaves by the Imperial yacht Hohenzollern for England on the 1 4th inst. His Majesty will be present on the 16th inst. at the unveiling of the Queen Victoria memorial
    [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  115 words
  • 57 5 A BILL IN THE BUNDESRAT. [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service Berlin, May 3. The Bundesrat has passed a Bill providing for the issue of low-value shares in Kiau-chau and the districts within the German Consular jurisdiction. Berlin, May 4. The Reichstag has approved of the Bill providing for
    [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service ]  -  57 words
  • 45 5 PROTECTION OF FOREIGNERS. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Berlin, May 3. For the protection of American and German subjects, Mexico has, at the request of the American Ambassador and the German Charge d’Affaires, sent reinforcements to Quernavaca, which is endangered by the insurgents.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  45 words
  • 33 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Teheran, May 3. The Mejliss has passed the British five per cent, bank loan of one million and a quarter on the security of the Gulf Customs.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  33 words
  • 27 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Turin, May 3. King Victor Emmanuel visited the German section of the Turin Exhibition, with which he was greatly impressed.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  27 words
  • 21 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, May 3. Princess Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse has given birth to a daughter.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  21 words
  • 196 5 SAFETY OF MAJOR BREMON». FOUR DAYS’ FIGHTING. (Reuter’s Sbrvicr.] Paris, May 4. Despatches from Fez, dated April 28, state that Major Bremond arrived there on the evening of the 26th ulto. after four days’ continuous and victorious fighting. He lost thirty killed and missing. The tribes to the
    (Reuter’s Sbrvicr.]  -  196 words
  • 141 5 NEW WARSHIPS ORDERED [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, May 3. lurkey has ordered two warships from Great Britain. Negotiations with Krupp <fc Co. for the supply of guns and ammunition for the two warships will probably be concluded soon, thus giving further proof of the general appreciation constantly
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  141 words
  • 52 5 THEFT FROM ANCIENT VAULT. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Constantinople, May 4. The Grand Sheikh of Marmoschee at Jerusalem has requested the Sultan to ascertain, and punish, the person who stole some holy relics of King Solomon’s time from a vault that had not been opened
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  52 words
  • 24 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, May 4. The death is announced of Herr Adolf Woermann, head of the Woermann shipping line.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  24 words
  • 21 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Belgrade, May 3. The King of Servia visits Paris on the 21st inst.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  21 words
  • 63 5 Results of operations at Tronoh Mines during the month of April, 1911 Output. Tributer’s Ore Piculs 90.55 Mine Ore 3,688 66 Total Output 3,779.21 Value. Tributer’s Ore Mine Ore 218,045.37 Total Value 222,772 54 Estimated Profit. Tributer’s Ore 955.00 Mine Ore 115,045.00 Total Profit S 116,000.00 Karang
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  • 819 5 MOVEMENTS IN PENANG. Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Fushimi and some members of their suite landed at Victoria Pier at a quarter to four o’clock yesterday afternoon by the Colonial Government launch Booby. They were received by Captain A. R. J. Dewar, Chief Police Officer, who was
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  • 312 5 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette."] Sir, To-morrow will be the first anniversary of the death of our beloved King Edward VII, and I think that it is a very suitable opportunity to draw public attention to the memorial which we are hoping to erect in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 310 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite separate tenders for the following 1. Construction of Drain and Culverts on North side of York Road. 2. Re-construction and Regrading of Drainage Channel along Northam Road between Penang Road and Farquhar Street. 3. Construction of New Drainage Channel
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    • 334 5 Penang Golf Club. May Compbtitions. Ladies’ Presgrave Cup sth 6th. Mens’ do do 13th <fc 14th. Ladies’ Monthly Medal 19th 20th. Mens’ do do 27th 28th. ro LET. PREMISES in Beach Street with Offices and Upstairs Room at back. For particulars apply to PREMISES,” 432 c/o Pinang Gazette. Central Sales
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  • 435 6 INVENTION THAT WILL EFFECT A REVOLUTION. A new form of steering gear for ships—one from which important developments may follow—was described at a meeting of the Institution of Naval Architects, held at the Society of Arts, under the chairmanship of Sir John Durston, late engineer-in-chief to the
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  • 483 6 Mr. Cherry Kearton, the naturalist, has just Lft London for the East bound on a daring expedition in the interest of cinematography, says a London paper. Equipped with an expensive photographic armament, it is his intension to obtain cinematograph pictures of the tiger and orang-outang in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 934 6 N<Z IZ* BROWN Co., TT Monumental Sculptors, M M.B CALCUTTA. Japan’Mail Steamship Co. Ld. Mo raw '\Xl p je Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The best Italian and Carara marble used. william Edward sens, XyT ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. jy Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of riiDADr AM imp
      934 words
    • 683 6 THE MOTHER M "'it F I WHO USES i Nestles’ Milk Food jj j FAI-1S j J iuiFa for her child places her trust in a diet J for Infants which has been known as a i Utt -'ST Zi andard the world over for more t lan 5 J,
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  • 580 7 ARRIVALS. E. F. Ferdinand, Anst., 3483, B. Cobol, May 4, Trieste, gen., S. K. C. Hebe, Brit., 346, Willis, May 4, T. Anson, gen Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Japan, Brit., 3806, Stewart, May 5, Hongkong, gen., A. A. Anthony Co. Lama, Brit., 957, E. B. Hirst, May 5, Singapore, gen.,
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  • 1740 7 •g Capital. Subscribed, Value Dividends. Name, .2 -g o Q M 1907 1 908 1909 1910 1911 MINING. I i 1903 $300,000 $300,000 30,000 $lO $lO 25 10 30 w Belat Tin Mining Co. 5 i 6 1906 300,000 225,000 22,500 10 10 Bruang, 5£ 1901 600,000 600,000 60,000
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  • 212 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Morrow. Far. Per. Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 10 a.m. Calcutta Japan 11 a.m. Tongkah Rotorua 1 p.m. Tongkah, Kopah, Re- 1 nong,Victoria Point, .-Janet Nicoll 1 p.m. Mergui, and Tavoy .J Teluk Anson Hok Canton 2 p.m. Deli Calypso 9 a.m. Port
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  • 125 7 Penang, May 5, 1911. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 9/32 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/41 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days'sight Private 1754 Madras Demand Bank
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  • 210 7 Pknang, May 5, 1911. Gold leaf 564.6 > Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz.) No stock. White Pepper $24.65 sales. Trang Pepper $17.75 buyers Mace $lOB nominal. Mace Pickings $99 nominal. Cloves $42 nom. Nutmegs llu $22 sellers. fNo. 1 $6.10 sales. Sugar No. 2 $6.00 sales. V,
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  • 609 7 The ss. Japan, which arrived thia morning, brought 851 Chinese from Hongkong for Penang. The E. S. Co.’s ss. Pin Seng, which arrived here yesterday from Singapore, brought 399 Chinese for Penang. The steamer Baron Eldon, owned by Messrs. Hogarth, of Glasgow, and built at Sunderland in 1899,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 650 7 SUH Life Ol CfIIHKJO. (Katnbliahed IMHAI. Asset* exceed £6,000.1*00.0.0 Surplus over all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Jscomk, 1908, £1,428,000 0.0 W. A. WHITfr, KENNEDY <B Co., Manager, South-Eastern G neral A(fe nts. Penanc A.ia. fingapore. rHARTFUm BANK OF INDIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL THE MERCANTILE BANK OF
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2337 8 P. &0. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailings. I Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. I EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. b MA.L SERVICE OUTWARD. Co>) j HOMMWARD, X yA Connecting Dae 1 ITE /ww ocean steam Ship c»., u< Date. Steamer. with s s London. For Intkndrd to Sail. Steamer. 4 /I YX AND
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