Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 February 1911

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 457 2 PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT. London, Jan. 16.—1 n the House of Commons Mr. Asquith moved a resolution, appropriating private members’ time for Government. He pointed out that the special circumstances of the Coronation must lead to the supension of Parliamentary activity, and drew attention to the necessity for passing
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  • 259 2 We may paraphiase Shakespeare and say Sweet are the uses of advertisement,’’ especially in view of a statement recently made at Sheffield by Mr. Thomas Russell, President of the Incorporated Society of Advertisement Consultants, to the effect that It has been estimated that a hundred millions
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  • 367 2 SINGAPORE SYNDICATES JOIN. A movement of considerable interest to Singapore investors has taken place in the affairs of three well-known local oil ventures. This is the amalgamation of the Eastern Petroleum Syndicate, Ltd., the Anglo-Java Oil Syndicate, Ltd., and the Singapore Oil Syndicate, Ltd. The name of the
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  • 568 2 Per N D L ss Luetzow due at Penang Mar. 2 To Penang Lt-Col Henegan, Mr and Mrs W J Carels. Mr and Mrs J H Logan, Mrs F Chambers, Messrs C G Reynders. and R A Schwab. Io Singapore: Mr and Mrs J M Soeters,
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  • 110 2 Tuesday. February 28. Football League: Annual Meeting, P.C.C., 6 p.m. Band, Golf Club. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Wedaetday. March I. Ash Wednesday. St. David’s Day. Homeward German Mail. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Thursday, March 2. St. Chad. Outward German Mail. Outward E*lish (B I.) Mail.
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  • 31 2 March 9.—King Edward Memorial Committee, 4 p.m. March 20.—King Edward Memorial Adjourned Public Meeting, Town Hall. March 22. —Licensing Justices’ Meeting, 2.15 p.m. April 21.—St. George’s Ball, Town Hall.
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  • 555 2 FOR Balik Pulau, at 8 a.m. and 0-30 p.m. Butterworth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4- p.m. Bukit Tambun, at 8-30 a.m., 1-45 p.m., and 5 p.m. Bukit Mertajam, 10-40 a.m., at 8-30 a.m., 1-45 p.m., 3-15 p.m., and 5-30p.m. Kuala Mudah,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 44 2 Commercial Union Fire Assurance Co., Ltd. Hkad Office 25 <fc 26 CORN HILL, LONDON, E. C Eastern Branch—SINGAPORE, Funds. Capital Fully Subscribed £2,500 000 Captial Paid-up 250,000 A-ses's Exceed 5,750,000 Total Annual Income Exceeds 2,000,000 Claims Si ttled with promptitude, SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., Agents,
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    • 211 2 Say “I Will Say I will get rid of this Rheumatism— I will stop this terrible pain—l will lie well and strong, able to work ami able to enjoy life.” Then go to the nearest Chemist or Medicine Vendor and ask for a bottle of Little's Oriental Bahn. If a
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    • 63 2 Coffee Robusta as Rubber Catch-Crop. An acre will yield one ton of Coffee fetching .£55.0.0 at the present market price. BEST SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM US. Seeds at $150.00 per picul. Seedlings at $lO.OO per 1,000 f. <>. b. Port Swettenham. L. Y. SWEE COMPANY, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor.
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    • 422 2 NOTICE. Owners of Motor Cars are hereby informed that we have made a reduction in the prices of the following, viz: Calmon Pneumatic Motor Outer Covers and Inner Tubes by 10 per cent Dnnlop do do do 10 do Continental do by 10 per cent. do Motor Inner Tubes by
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 279 2 The Sun. Apparent times of Sunrise and Sunset in Penang Sunrise. Sunset. Feb. 28 to Mar. 9,...6-02 am. 5-58 p.m. Mar. 1 to Mar. 12,...6-12 am. 5-58 p.m. Mar. 13 to Mar. 19,...6-01 am. 5-59 p.m. Mar. 20 to Mar. 22,...6-00 a.m. 6-00 p.m. Mar. 23 to Mar. 31,...5-59 am.
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  • 990 3 the centre praising their beauty.—A Hugh Fisher in the Evening Standard. A NEW YEAR’S DANCE. “Oh—Oh-o-o-h—Kabe Kabe Kabe,” and then a weird chant that rises and falls and rises again. The women only are singing now. They are taunting the men, and their strange words mean in
    the centre praising their beauty.—A Hugh Fisher in the Evening Standard.  -  990 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 Ipd* *sr X' gives a 1 iiib/’T I delightfully appetizing L=fc I A avour to a ll fi I Meat Dishes, JSI, y Fish, Soup, I Game, Cheese, Salad, &c., I a and assists digestion. I TTie Original and Genuine Bdj. h al "fcC'-Z-S-JJgSgSJ THE 10 per cent. ADVANCE ON
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    • 326 3 N. D. DE SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller and Engraver, 74, Bishop Street. Penang. REPAIRS 6 REGILDING WEDDING RINGS AT MODERAF, CHARGES. A SPECIALITY. 95—tu th s BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The best Italian and
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    • 346 3 The ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE. B Acts like a Charm in Checks and arrests fS DIARRHOEA, and is FEVER, CROUP, AGUE, g the only Specific in The Bc£t j? ep e( jy known for I CHOLERA and COUGHS, COLDS, W DYSENTERY. asthma, bronchitis. The only Palliative in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM,
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  • 418 4 A feature which distinguishes big modern industtial undertakings is the increased attention that is being devoted to the health of the workers. It is not a matter of humanitarianism, but of practical business concern that the health of the workers should be protected Government steps in
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  • 171 4 PENANG COMMITTEE MEETS A meeting of the Committee appointed at the public meeting on 20th February was held in the Governor’s Office yesterday, at 330 p.m. There were present the Hon W. Evans (Chairman), Hon. A. R. Adams Hon. R. Young, Mr. W. Peel, Dr. Avetoom, Dr.
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  • 548 4 Ash Wednesday, March 1. St. David’s Day, Ist Day of Lent. 8 a m.—Matins, Litany and Commiuation Sei vice. 8-30 a in.—Holy Communion. 5- p.m —Evensong ami Sermon. 6- p.m.—Choir Practice. To-day’s exchange rate is 2/4 5/32 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $92.80 per
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  • 712 4 QUARANTINE REGULATIONS. [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, I have read with interest the particulars given in your columns with reference to the quarantine regulations. Before going any further into the matter I think it should be pointed out that first and second class passengers, on landing
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  • 138 4 Results of Compktitions. The 1910 Gold Medal was played for on 25th and 26th instant and was won by Mr. J. E. Nathan with the useful score of 88—14 74, which score was also good enough to win the usual Monthly Medal. The same player won the
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  • 554 4 —lndian Planters Gazette. THE LATEST IN SANITATIOx Dr. Miquel found that the u t| rays given off by a quartz merc Ul v l lamp killed instantaneously micr.,f, ap Ur I kinds, even the spore microbes j I destroy. The immersion of a va Pour j tc I
    —lndian Planters Gazette.  -  554 words
  • 258 4 At the Rifle Range, Kampong Bharu, yesterday afternoon, the monthly shoot in connection with the De Voogt Prize wm followed by a practice shoot Appended are the scores De Voogt Prize 2"<» yd». Hep. Scr. Totsl. Mrs. Wright-Motion ‘B6 31 444 Miss Wemyss ‘9O 28 '4 Miss
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 ——STILL FORCING AHEAD. feMf> •;/'>, :.E\(.Hl{ > fool-—T!r 1' itoi InfantANTH’ON. ven<> cccgh cure UHLI'RUbRI’M emef't Sea-sickness SULPH U R BITTER< BOVI N I N E <W BEEF TEA. DAM 1 ANA TONIC ELIXIR one of The Best. if I A «jHTp PHOSFERINE TONIC—Sen Sen for the J[| Breath. 1
      218 words
    • 195 4 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE “PINANG GAZETTE.” Payable Strictly in Advance. MONTHLY S 2.83 3.50 QDAKTERLY 6.75 7.50 HALF YEARLY 13.50 15.00 ANNUAL 37.00 30.00 Broken perio<ta are charged for either at a half or foil month. The Telegraphic Addrenn of the Pin an. Gazette is ‘‘Gasette, Penang." Telephone No.
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  • 8866 5 FULL COURT OF APPEAL. TEXT OF THE JUDGMENTS. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, Mr. H. G. Sarwar, Acting Registrar, Supreme Court, read the judgments of Sir W. Hyndman Jones (Chief Justice), Mr. Justice W. W. Fisher, and Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith, who sat as a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 NOTICE. IN THE COURT OF THE JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER, PERU. CIVIL SUIT No. 16 OF 1902. WHEREAS by an order of the Acting Senior Magistrate dated the 22nd of May, l? 03, it was directed that the Registrar do hold an inquiry as to the persons entitled to a share in
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    • 256 6 PRELIMINARY NOTICE/ AUCTION SALE I OF FOUR BRITISH STEAMERS TO BE HELD AT POWELL Co.’s SALE-ROOM, On Tuesday, 28th March, 1911, at 2-30 p, m Lot 1. The ss. GLENFALLOCH. Registered tonnage 2180 Lot 2. The ss. HONG MOH. Registered tonnage 3910 Lot 3. The ss. HONG WAN I. Registered
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  • 415 7 TABIET INST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL CEREMONY BY THE GOVERNOR. From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 28. In St. Andrew’s Cathedral, yesterday afternoon, at 5-30 o’clock, there was a ceremonial unveiling of the tablet erected to the memory of the late Mr, William Henry Macleod o.M.G. There was a large
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  • 61 7 AN ARTILLERYMAN INJURED. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 27. There was an accident at the Docks on Saturday. A gun-carriage was being hoisted out of a ship, when the derrick buckled and the carriage fell. An artilleryman, in getting out of the way, was injured
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  • 48 7 A PLEA FOR PUBLICATION. [Reuter’s Service London, Feb. 28. The Times and the Daily Telegraph to-day contain articles pleading for publication of the points on which the Constitutional Conference agreed or nearly agreed, and of the differences that led to the collapse of the Conference.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  48 words
  • 42 7 A SIGNIFICANT SPEECH [Reuter’s Service.] Teheran, Feb. 27. Th® Persian Foreign Minister, in a speech in the Mejliss (National Counci was most cordial and conciliatory towards Russia This is regarded as marking a new direction in Persia’s foreign policy.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  42 words
  • 26 7 [Reuter’s Service.] London, Feb. 27. The first Austrian Dreadnought will be munched at Trieste on May 27, and the second probably in November.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  26 words
  • 358 7 STERLING RUBBERS IN DEMAND. SOME ENCOURAGING RISES. The following ate the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list on page 7 of this issue:— 28/2/10. 27/2/11. 28/2/11. 2 ce an a S, Shares. ~5 s TQ n 32 M ao Alining. 8$ 8| Lahat 8|
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  • 21 7 [/Vom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 26 The only change in produce quotations to-day (Monday) is Pepper, white $26.25
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  • 40 7 RES IG NAT lON A N NOUN CE D [Reuter’s Service.] Paris, Feb. 28. The French Cabinet has resigned. [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service.] Paris, Feb. 27. M. Pichon refuses to join the new Cabinet without a Briand.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  40 words
  • 207 7 AUSTRALIAN’S PERFORMANCE [Reuter’s Service.] Sydney, Feb. 27. The Australian swimming champion, William Longworth, has swam 110 metres in 65 seconds, which is a world’s record. [W. Longworth, who won the 1,320 yds. championship of Australia, and at the same time set up a world’s record for the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  207 words
  • 52 7 A TOUR FOR STUDY [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service Berlin, February 27. A Committee, with General von Goltz a 8 Honorary President, ia making preparations for the reception of a number of Turkish Deputies, army officers, merchants, officials, and literary men who will make a tour through Germany
    [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service ]  -  52 words
  • 99 7 AUCTION SALE AT MALACCA. LONDON MARKET FIRM. [From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 27. At an auction sale of rubber on Saturday, the following prices were realised Fine sheet per picul $339.50 Sheet 332 50 Crepe 202 00 Scrap 195.00 Singapore Prices. Singapore, February 27. At
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  • 276 7 A New Branch. An indication of Penang’s growth is furnished by the progress of some of its businesses. One striking example can be appropriately quoted, the George Town Dispen-ary, Ltd., whose latest enterprising development is the taking of premises until recently occupied by The Penang
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  • 129 7 Opening of the New Greem. The new bowling green of the Penang Cricket Club, situated opposite the Municipal Offices, was opened yesterday evening. The President’s (Mr. J. W. Hallifax’s) A. and B. Teams played against the Vice-President’s (Mr. H. Muir’s) teams. The President’s teams were Class
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  • 149 7 Messrs. Barlow and Company compile the following statistics of the export of Para rubber during 1910 as compared with 1909. The figures for Port Swettenham were not taken in 1909 until about the middle of the year. From 1910 1909 lb. lb. Singapore 3,764,877 2,412 617 Penang 2,454
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  • 775 7 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Division 1. Feb. 18.—Notts Forest 1 Sunderland 3 Everton 1 Sheffield United 0 Bristol City I—Liverpool 1 Oldham 1 Brad fold City 0 Sheffield Wednesday 1 Bury 0; Newcastle United o—Manchester United 1 Blackburn Rovers 1 Woolwich Arsenal 0 Manchester City I—Aston ilia 1 Middlesborough
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 847 7 TO LET. FURNISHED. April „rr. t Hotel, N». 5, AYER RAJAH ROAD, PENANG. IPOH, PERAK For particulars, apply to— T A Model of Comfort and Luxury. H. THORNE, A Few Hours by Rail or Motor Car Bank Buildings, Penang from Penang. CHARGES MODERATE. HALL Cook’s Coupons accepted. FRIDAY, 3rd MARCH.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1253 8 bbbbbbbbbbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2 1810 1910 Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. was “extremely was “gradually Im. SIMONS A Co., Ltd. EUROPEAN line. pm n ria tpH 99 WIHw IV I wasting for want engineers, shipbuilders, and dredge constructors, A Fortnightly service is maintained be- VllldCld.lvU J J M f of nourishment M
      1,253 words

  • 501 9 ARRIVALS. Avagyee, Brit., 247, Harvey, Feb. 28, Teluk Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Lightning, Brit., 2122, Smith, Feb. 28, Calcutta, gen., A. A. Anthony <fc Co. Malaya, Ger., 348, Peters, Feb. 28, Deli, gen., Behn, Meyer Co. CLEARANCES. Brouwer for Deli, Batu Bahra, Asahan and Paneh. Ban Whatt Soon
    501 words
  • 1239 9 Capitol. Subscribed. i Value. 2 Dividends. Name. 1 I -1 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 MINING. »»,000 »00.000 30.000 .10 .10 K io 30 C., M M 1906 300,000 225,00 C in 20 10 a Bruseh Hyd. Tin iningCo. aa 5 g loni 600,000 600,000 60,000 10 10 Go
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  • 109 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Morrow* For. Per. Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 7 a.m. Pang Nga Deli 1 p.m. Tongkah Rotorua 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan Leong Ho 1 p.m. Trang Kian Ann 1 p.m. Trang Tong Chay Un 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Avagyee 2 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia,
    109 words
  • 136 9 Pbnang, Fibruary 28, 1911. (Zfy Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 5/32 N 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 8 S Credit 2/4 15/32 3 Documentary 2/4 1/2 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days' sight Private 175 f Bombay Demand Bank |f 174| 3 days'
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  • 204 9 Pknahg, February 28, 1911, Gold leaf $64.8</ Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 or.) J<o stock. White Pepper s23| sales. Trang Pepper $16.25 nom Mace $95 nominal. Mace Pickings $99 sales. Cloves $43 sellers. Nutmegs lit) $2l sales. (No. 1 $6.10 sales. Sugar I No. 2 $6.00 sales. Basket
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 31 9 Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg. Established 1854. The undersigned, having been appointed Agentu of the above Company are ready to accept fire risks at current rates KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., Agents,
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    • 243 9 C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Co.’s Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE eta Chiaa, Japaa, CaaaJa aad the United States. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. “Empress ot India ”1 Twin Screw St-amers R.M.S. Empress of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2009 10 t jo. steu In,ended sailing». Norddeuischer Lloyd, Bremen. V-. tXHCTED ARRIVALS AW HPAETWES MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. Rritjch 10(113 StPaiTl Navigation Co Imperial German Mail Line. Mar. 9 Devanha connecting with 0 J 'T’HE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from 8 Mongolia A Bremen, Hamburg rid
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