Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 February 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1565 1 W. DANIEL, l. s. 0., 1, BEACH STREET, PENANG, t The only Certificated OPTICIAN J in the Straits Settlements and the Only European WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER in Penang. HIGH CLASS REPAIRS A SPECIALITY. J PATRONS are requested to send DIRECT to above address. < X •«••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a THE PINANG GAZETTE.” house
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  • 636 2 Everybody knows that Kinabalu is the great mountain of Borneo, but few could tell how it received its name. While travelling in its neighbourhood I was told by old Rahman, the son of a Brunei woman and a Sarawak Bandar, and the native captain of the Governor’s yacht Petrel.
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  • 342 2 The Canton officials have received a despatch in which they are informed that the Board of Agriculture and Commerce in Peking wish to afford more protection to Chinese emigrants who return to their homes from abroad. The despatch points out that rumour has informed the officials in
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  • 970 2 HOW TO RETAIN THE COMPLEXION. A Correspondent writes to The Statesman. There are probably few subjects of deeper interest to the average wonnn than that of the complexion. We all recognise the value of a good complexion without which, the arts of the milliner and the dressmaker
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 605 2 N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. .A Ak EUROPEAN LINE. A~ Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 216 2 g THE MOTHER 5 WHO USES S s Nestle’s Milk Food j JJ DRONNEUR. PARIS g OI >ei P laces h er trust in a diet Jj JjJjP for nfa,,^s which has been known as a J A standard the world over for more than \Ud I I jJk 25
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  • 1265 3 A POPULAR PASTIME. In connection with the opening of the new bowling green at the Penang Cricket Club on Monday the following article by Merry Wood in a Home paper, Ideas will no doubt be read with interest It is said that when news of the approach of the
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  • 353 3 A notable gathering of medical men from the chief Provincial Cities of England and Wales took place at the Bovril Factories in Old Street, London, on 26th ulto. Over 1,200 Doctors availed themselves of the invitation issued by the Earl of Errole, K.T., C. 8., to inspect
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  • 734 3 A HOME COMMENT AND ENGLAND. On 22nd December, says the The Rubber World of 26th ulto., we dealt with Mr. James Westland’s proposals to check the local reci uiting’of coolies in Ceylon. The Kuala Lumpur Planters’ Association at their December meeting passed a resolution dealing with local
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skille<i European supervision. The best Italian and Carara marble used. William Edward i sons, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen granite. (Samples of granite to
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    • 100 3 [Waterman's (Icleall Fountain Pen The P ell works at its best-ALWAYS. The secret of the great success of Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen is—its reliability. One can always depend on it. And what is the good of a pen which cannot be relied on which is all right one day, all
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    • 44 3 NOBEL S EXPLOSIVES. MAGAZINES AT FENANC AND IFOH. Stocks always on hand of GELIGNITE BLASTING GELATINE. SETUPLEX DETONATORS. ELECTRIC DETONATOR SPORTING BALLISTITE CARTRIDGES. Sandilands, Buttery Co., Sole Agents Jor Penang and Perak. Aylesoury Garland, Agents, Perak. P. MOIR CRANES’ Cylinder Oil. Sandilands, Buttery Co.
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    • 226 3 “Montserrat” LIME JUICE is derived from fresh lime fruit cultivated in the West Indian Island of MONTSERRAT, i It is an ideal iSummer Beverage. SUPPLIED IN TWO FORMSUnsweetened, i.e.. Plain Lime Juice. Sweetened, »>., Lime Juice Cordial Il wl iiiaaiiaiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE 10 per cent. ADVANCE ON Dunlop Motor Tyres J
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  • 1132 4 SOME STENGAH STORIES.’ The person about whom I am writing, was, some years ago, well known in Singapore, Penang and Sumatra, and. doubtless, were his name mentioned, numerous friends of his would remember him. He, however, shall be nameless. I have not seen or heard
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  • 212 4 ENTRIES FOR RACE MEETING. FIRST DAY. Rack 1. Boy Scout, St. Brendan, Cebu*, Patricia, Ard Patrick, Chrysalis, Yabba, Huguenot, Kate, Lavender, March Hare, and Pikat. Rack 11. Royalty, Kirsty, Olga, Rathmullen, Lady Bobs and Sindang. Rack 111. Lady Jean, Lavender, St. Brendan, Ard Patrick, Huguenot, Fairy Maid,
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  • 187 4 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26. Church of Eagland. St. George’s Church.—Matins (Choral) 8 a.m.; Holy Communion (Plain) 8-30 am; Matins (Chinese 10 a.m.; Sunday School 5 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon 6 p.m. Presbyterian. Presbyterian Church (Northam Road). Sunday School 5 p.m.; Divine Service 6 p.m. Preacher: The Rev. E Lawson,
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  • 138 4 Saturday, February 25. Marriage of Miss Anderson and Mr. D. Y. Perkins, and ‘‘At Home at Government House, Singapore. Golf Club: Men’s Monthly Medal and 1910 Gold Medal. Choral Society: Chorus, Principals, and Orchestra, 9.15. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Suaday, February 26. Quinquagesima Sunday. Shrove Sunday. P.V. Rifle
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  • 43 4 March 4.—Famous Kennedys at Town Hall. March 4.—Swimming Club Moonlight Fete, 9 p.m. March 6.—Penang Foothall Cup Ties Entries Close. March 20.—King Edward Memorial Adjourned Public Meeting, Town Hall. March 22.—Licensing Justices’ Meeting, 2.15 p.m. April 21.—St. George’s Ball, Town Hall.
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  • 31 4 Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Hotel, and Sea View Hotel. Kuala Lumpur:—Grand Oriental Hotel. Ipoh —The Grand Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 576 4 Per N D L ss Luetzow due at Penang Mar. 2 To Penang Lt-Col Henegan, Mr and Mis W J Carels, Mr and Mrs J H Logan, Mrs F Chamber?, Messrs C G Reynders. and R A Schwab. To Singapore: Mr and Mrs J M Soeters,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 1152 4 The following is an abridged prospectus of the Sungel Reyla (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate, Limited. This Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. The List of Applications for the Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements will open on Tuesday, the 21st February, 1911, and close on or
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    • 617 4 Working Capital-— The present issues should provide approximately £ISQOn Working Capital and the general purposes of the Company (after payment of prelim’ ary expenses and underwriting commissions), which with the Reserve Work’ 1 1 Capital when issued will be more than sufficient to bring the present planted area, full bearing,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 202 4 The Sun. Apparent times of Sunrise and Sunset in Penang Sunrise. Sunset. Feb. 22 to Feb. 27, ..6-03 am. 5-57 p.m. Feb. 28 to Mar. 9,...6-02 am. 5-58 p.m« Mar. 1 to Mar. 1 ’,...6-02 a.m. 5-58 p.m. Mar. 13 to Mar. 19,...6-01 a.m. 5-59 p.m. Mar. 20 to Mar.
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  • 1272 5 STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION The ordinary general meeting of the Suagei Kruit Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on the 251 h ulto., at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford-court, E.C., Mr. W. A Luning presiding. The representative of the Secretaiies (Messrs. M. P. Evans and Co.) having read
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 546 5 A City Constable _-W*l xß|s® “"I MM HM in Nervous Depression, Lassitude, Rheumatism From all lands, deputations come to study the method which has made the London Constable superior to all others. “The method by which I make myself equal to my work," says Constable Lawrence, “consists of taking Phosferine
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    • 192 5 ||g Warm Days >| bring with their pleasures some E discomforts. Then it is really H SB refreshing to remove every H trace of dust and pe. H by using iGlvertsl jß>iletSoap| and any day it is a good soap to ss choose for ordinary toilet use. Pure and cleansing,
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    • 360 5 Green island cement co., Ltd.: PORTLAND CEMENT. kv In Casks and Drums of Drain Pipes, any shape 5 T 37 lbs e L .k Gutterways i In Bags of 250 lbs. net. u- u M Cement Tiles, any pattern. firebricks, and Fireclay 5 Glazed Paving Tiles. Paving Bricks H M
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  • 624 6 The Health Officer of Shanghai, Dr. Arthur Stanley, in the course of his January report, gives an interesting historical rAumf of the outbreak of plague in North China. Though permanently less dangerous than an ordinary bubonic epidemic dependant on plague-infected rats, the virulence of the pneumonic
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  • 1361 6 GAY GATHERING AT TOWN HALL. Festooned and garlanded, the Town Hall last night was hardly recognisable. Artistic minds and deft hands had converted the old building into a dream of beauty, a place where mudc and dancing had an appropriate environment of elegance and grace. The occasion
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  • 114 6 The private motor ’bus which has been running daily during the past few months between Kuala Kubu and certain townships in Pahang met with a very serious accident on Monday last. It appears that something went wrong with the gear, and the vehicle, which then got beyond
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  • 475 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $93 30 per picul buyers, no sellers. Tin in London is quoted at £192 spot and £lB7 10s. three months. The following were the dealings in tin to-day :—Singapore, Straits Trading Co., Ltd, 75 tons, Penang,
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  • 388 6 STERLING RUBBERS STRONGER MllW VALUES NEGLECTED. The following are the changes (l )u and sellers only) in ear share list 0 p of this issue:— 25/2/10. 24/2/1 25/2/11. S, -H Shares. B. -2 o 5 5 2 a* 5 M <» m q Rubber (Sterling). Allagar ...4/10
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  • 63 6 [From Our Oton Correspondent.] Singapore, February 24 The steady rise in all sterling rubber shares continues, notably the following Padang Jawas. 3/7 Merlimaus 5/9 Allagars 4 10 Bertams 7 9 Vallambrosas 36/9 Seafields £6 11/3 Invest. Trusts 19/3 p Patalings £2189 Lumuts 16/3 Lanaarons £4 13
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  • 45 6 [J’rom Our Otcn Correspondent.] Singapore, February 24. To-day’s (Friday’s) quotations for produce are Plantation sheet rubber, $34V00 Rice, Rangoon 146 00 Pepper, black 15.25 Copra, best 869 Copra, Bali 8 60 Gambier 8.12| Tapioca, flake 810 Tapioca, pearl 7.70 Sago flour, Sarawak 3.75
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  • 55 6 PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS. [/rom Our Own Correspondent. Singapore, February 25. In connection with the formation of a Country Club, a formal Committee has been appointed to draw up rule*, frarae an estimate of expenditure, and c insider the question of debentures. The Hon. E. L. Brockman presided, and
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  • 29 6 AN ENCOURAGING PROSPECT[Protn Our Own Correspondent Singapore, February 25. Messrs. Guthrie A Co. publish an encouraging report regarding the prospects of Heawood tin from Messrs. Osborne Chappell.
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  • 18 6 [Riutrr’s Skrvicb.l Teheran, February 24 The revolutionary leader Sepahdar, has been appointed Premier of Persia.
    [Riutrr’s Skrvicb.l  -  18 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 lJi ffl—TIndigestion and Catarrh. I 40 Kentish Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Dear Sirslt is now about five years since Angier's Emulsion was recommended to me by a doctor, and I have found it invaluable for indigestion and stomach catarrh, as well as for toning up the sy stem. Jas very much
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  • 68 7 alterations in race programme. A CORONATION CUP. From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 25. The programme for the Singapore Sportin<> Club’•) May Race Meeting shows several alterations. The big race (the Singapore Derby) has been renamed the Coronation Cup and becomes a handicap race. The Cunsolation Races
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  • 66 7 OPPOSITION TO THE NEW TREATY. [Reutkr’s Service.] Washington, Feb 24. President Taft has telegraphed to Mr. James N. Gillett, Governor of California, asking him to explain the new Japanese Treaty to both Houses of the Legislature. It is expected that the U.S. Senate will ratify the Treaty
    [Reutkr’s Service.]  -  66 words
  • 54 7 A STATEMENT ON THE BUDGET. [Rrotkr’s Service Constantinop’e, Feb. 25. Djavid Bey, Turkish Minister of Finance, in introducing the Budget, predicted an equilibrium for two years he justified the heavy proportion of array and navy expenditure, amounting to a third of the total and announced the decision to
    [Rrotkr’s Service ]  -  54 words
  • 48 7 AN INCREASE NOT JUSTIFIED. [Reuter’s Service.] New York, Feb. 25. The American Inter-State Commerce Commission has decided that both the Eastern and Western R»ilroads have failed to prove the necessity for increasing their rates, and orders the old rates to be restored by March 10.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  48 words
  • 45 7 FUNDS FOR ITS FORTIFICATION. [Reuter’s Service.] Washington, Feb. 24. The Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill, providing for $45,500,000 (gold) for the construction and $3,000,000 for the fortification of the Panama Canal, has been reported to the House of Representatives by the Appropriations Committee.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  45 words
  • 47 7 P. O. ENTERPRISE. NEW STEAMERS FOR THE EAST. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 24. The P. O. S. N. Co. have ordered two steamers with a tonnage of 7,000 tons each of the Nile type. They are designed for immediate service between India, China, and Japan without transhipment.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  47 words
  • 38 7 IMPERIAL SPORTS ARRANGED. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 25. The Festival of the Empire Committee is organising an Imperial sports meeting. Australia is sending a team, while Canada and South Africa have received invitations to join.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 31 7 DECISION OF HAGUE TRIBUNAL. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 25. The Hague Tribunal has decided that Dreat Britain is not bound to surrender Savarkar, the Indian seditionist, to France.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  31 words
  • 26 7 [Reuter's Service Berlin, February 25. lhe Bill introduced in the Reichstag for increasing the effective strength of the Rruay is supported by all parties.
    [Reuter's Service ]  -  26 words
  • 23 7 [Reuter’s Service.] Paris, February 24. General Brun, French Minister of War, died from a stioke in the War Office.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  23 words
  • 74 7 TRIBUTE TO RETIRING MEMBERS. APPRECIATION OP GOOD WORK. [Jrom Our O'on Singapore, February 25. At yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Anderson), the Hon. Dr. Galloway, the Hon. E. C. Ellis, and the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim paid a tribute bo the
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  • 34 7 [From Our Oion Correspondent.] London, February 25*. To day’s quotation for rubber is as follows Para to arrive 6/10 The market is quiet. [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead i Co.]
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  • 37 7 [Dbr Ostasiatiscur Lloyd’s Service.] Paris, Febuary 24. In the French Chamber M. Pichon, Foreign Minister, firmly declined to accept a Socialist motion to open negotiations with Germany and Great Britain regarding limitation of armaments.
    [Dbr Ostasiatiscur Lloyd’s Service.]  -  37 words
  • 34 7 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] St. Petersburg, Feb. 24. The Noicoje Wremya hears from the Russian Foreign Office that Russia renounces her right to have Consulates at Khami and Gutschen, in Central Asia.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  34 words
  • 23 7 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service St. Petersburg, Feb. 24. The text of China’s reply to the Russian Note ha» been published.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  23 words
  • 301 7 Another Complaint Lodged. Leembruggen, one of the accused in the alleged impersonation case reported yesteiday, again appeared in the Third Court this morning, on the charge of cheating Mr. A. Kerdyk, proprietor of Ruunymede Hotel, Northam Road. From the sworn information of Mr. Kerdyk we gather that
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  • 41 7 P.C.C. Tournament Results. The following ties were played off yesterday Profession Pairs. Final. Southam <k Mercer beat Waugh Goldie 6—3 6—4. Mixed Double Handicap. Final. Mr Mrs. S. F. B. Martin v. 1 Winners of Wednesday’s tie f poned.
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  • 60 7 Members of the Yeomen of the Guard Company are reminded of the rehearsal to-night in the Town Hall at 9-15 and are asked to attend punctually. The rehearsal i« for Principals, Chorus and Orchestra. It is earnestly requested that every member will attend. A sarcastic writer? in
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  • 2339 7 FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. In view of the annual meeting of the Penang Association Football League, to be held in the P.C C. Pavilion on Tuesday next at 6 p.m., we publish to-day the fifth annual report by the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer (Mr. Jas. T. Dobbie): Since
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 101 7 The Grand Hotel, IPOH, PERAK. A Model of Comfort and Luxury. A Few Hours by Rail or Motor Car from Penang. CHARGES MODERATE. Cook’s Coupons accepted. Telegrams: CREET,” Ipoh. P. Z. CREET, Sole Proprietor. Central Sales Room. AUCTION SALE OF HIGH-CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, INCLUDING Dining, Drawing and Bedroom Suites, Rattan
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    • 501 7 WANTED. YOUTH as proof reader and junior reporter; good Education and knowledge of English essential Shorthand a recommendation. Salary acccording to ability. Apply in writing to MANAGING EDITOR, Pinang Gazette. NOTICE. IN THE COURT OF THE JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER, PERAK. CIVIL SUIT No. 16 OF 1902. WHEREAS by an order of
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  • 1052 8 THE FALL IN PRICES. Raw rubber (says the Economist of January 21) hag fallen this week below ss. per lb. for both fine hard Para and plantation, prices which have not been seen since the end of 1908, at the beginning of which year occurred the drop to 2e.
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  • 261 8 Sungei Buaya (Sumatra) Visiting agent estimates rubber output for this year at 10,000 lb. Tan'ijong, Further issue 16,000 shares to shareholders in proportion to one new for every five now held premium 30s. per share. Java Plantations.— A circular offers 2.50) shares of the 10,000 additional shares recently
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  • 228 8 I feel all floppy.” We all know what it means. Although there is no actual disease, there are a mental listlessness and a physical lassitude which are exceedingly enervating. A pick-me-up is the sufferer’s urgent need. Those who are wise pin their
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  • 554 8 FOR Balik Pulau, at 8 a.m. and 0-30 p.m. Butterworth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4- p.m. Bukit Tambun, at 8-30 a.m., 1-45 p.m., and 5 p.m. Bukit Mertajam, 10-40 a.m., at 8-30 a.m., 1-45 p.m., 3-15 p.m., and 5-30p.m. Kuala Mudah,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 344 8 THE CORPORATION OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, Royal Exchange, London. COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 and was Incorporated by Royal Charter in A. D. 1720, and is therefore one of the oldest Companies in existence. It has granted the benefits of Assurance to the public for a period exceeding 189
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    • 53 8 Coffee Robusta as Rubber Catch-Crop. An acre will yield one ton of Coffee fetching £55.0.0 at the present market price. BEST SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM US. Seeds at $150.00 per picul. Seedlings at $lO.OO per 1,000 f. o. b. Port Swettenham. i. y. sweFcompany, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, 154—20-3
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  • 402 9 ARRIVALS. Clavpso. Brit., 339, Bannatyne, Feb. 25, Deli, Tobacco, William Mansfield Co. Canton. Brit., 106, Sahib, Feb. 25, Teluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. CLEARANCES. Avagyee for Teluk Anson. tJan Whatt Soon for Langkat. Calypso for Deli. Dunera for Rangoon and Calcutta. Glenfalloch for Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy, and Swatow. Hebe
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  • 1496 9 9 e Q Capital. Subttcribpd Number of Issue 3 i 2 P oaer bed. S h areg> Value. 3 Dividends. Name. -go S 9 -3 As M 00 CP 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 MINING. 152 OOO lO lO 1 25 10 30 Belat Tin Mining Co. 5J 5J
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  • 108 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE Monday. F)f. Per. Close. Alor Star (Kedah) T° n g Chuan 1 p.m. Asahan Petrel 1 p.m. Singapore and Hongkong Capri 2 p.m. Bindings and T. Anson Canton 2 p.m. Pul a u Langkawi, Perlis and Setul Un Peng 4 p.m. Rangoon Glenogle 4
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  • 129 9 Penang, February 25, 1911, By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 8 3 Credit 2/4 15/32 3 Documentary 2/4 1/2 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 1751 Bombay Demand Bank 174 j 3 days* sight Private
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 614 9 Sun I lie of Conodo. (Katnbll.hed Assets exceed £6,000.01)0.0.0 Surplus over all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Income, 1908, £1,428,000 0.0 W. A. WHITE, KENNEUY Co., Manager, South-Eastern Agen s p ena Asia. Singapore. I chamghai NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL THE MERCANTILE BANK OF "L Banking and Trading Corporation, Incorporated by
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    • 64 9 Commercial Union Fire Assurance Co., Ltd. Head Office 25 26 CORNHILL, LONDON, E. C Eastern Branch—SINGAPORE. Funds. Capital Fully Subscribed £2,500 000 Captial Paid-up 250,000 As-sests Exceed 5,750 000 Total Annual Income Exceeds 2,000,000 Claims s ettled with promptitude. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY <k Co., Agents. Call for WATSON’S BLUE BAND. CAN
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    • 335 9 Union S.S. Go. of New Zealand, Ltd. Singapore to New Zealand Auckland, Wellington, Lyftleton Dnnedla ALSO GALLING AT Samarang and Fiji (if inducement offers), The Company’s T.S. Steamer APARIMA 5,704 tons, J. K. Striuger, Commander, maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent saloon accommodation amidships, fitted
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  • 882 10 The Ironmongerr of the 4th inst says Tin hus again sustained its reputation for meteoric movements, the advance in two trading days being at one time close upon 10Z., the price closing on Thursday of last week at 194 Z. 17s. 6d. and touching 204 Z. on
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  • 246 10 Penang Vital Statistics. In the Penang Municipality for the week ended Jan. 28 there were 83 deaths—--62 males ami 21 females—equal to a deathrate of 41.33 per mille. The death-rate and chief causes of mortality were "U 4? "Co S 2 5 2 S Death-rate ...41-33 31.87
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  • 1633 10 ITS HISTORY. Dr. Arthur Stanley, the Health Officer of Shanghai, in his report for the month of January says Fewer plague infected rats have teen found sud no human Cases have bteu leporled. An arrangement is being made with the director of the recently constituted Chinese Public
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  • 167 10 In a paper recently read before the Society of Arts on Motor Transport at Home and in the Colonies, Mr. Horace M. Wyatt instanced as a fine example of progress the motor omnibus service of the Federated Malay States Railway. Exclusive of depreciation, the aggregate
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 8 10 MACKAY S LIQUEUR WHISKY, The Whisky of Connoisseurs.
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    • 475 10 WHAT HER MOTHER HEARD. “I was simply fading away when Mother heard that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are good for growing girls,” and Miss Maiie Jovino, of Markham Road, Shanghai. •‘Any member of our family will tell you now what wonders these Pilis have worked in my case. “My health
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    • 437 10 PIMPLES, BOILS BLOTCHES. A person suffering from eruptions in the skin has much endure. It is not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painH sensation, but life is made miserable b z depression of spirits. The liver is tornij /1 and t he kidneys are partially i noper ative and
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  • 704 11 HINTS TO STUDENTS. Bev. Dr. J. H. Jowett, who has accepted a New York pastorate, speaking at the prize distribution in connection with the King Edward's Grammar School for Girls at Aston, Birmingham, gave a delightful sketch of perfect young womanhood. He asked what kind of a
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  • 165 11 In reply to some odious remarks of the Revue Jaune, of which Wang Mu Tao is the editor, regarding the Chinese naturalisation question and the general development of various districts in Netherlands East Indi», the Algemeene, Handelsblod points out that at the end <f 1908 the Chinese system
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  • 895 11 The Admiralty have authorised the payment of compensation for the loss of their effects to the men of the ill-fated cruiser Bedjord. The Rosario, sloop, is to be commissioned at Hongkong as depot ship of the three submarines about to be sent to the Far East. A new
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 187 11 Netherlands Gutta Percha I J COMPANY, LIMITED. Singapore Rubber Works. MOTOR. TYRES retreaded at Moderate Prices 9 RIBBED MATS for Motor Cars. J MA IS (3ft. x 2ft.) for Carriages and Rikisnas. J J ALL KINDS OF BICYCLE TYRES. 2 J Works and Offices—PASSlß PAN JANG, Singapore. 2 Sole Agents—
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    • 47 11 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. Claims, loans, and surrenders, settled immediately by the General Agents at Penang, without delay of reference to Head Office. F. S. EVANS. ALLEN DENNYS. Manager for Eastern Assistant Agent, Asia and India. Penang. GUTHRIE AND COMPANY. LIMITED, General A genii, Penang.
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    • 251 11 H” Bel* T ienotes freedom from disease; Bw :e; and mental energy and al ne most devoutly to be wished, tof attainment by most folk PW 0 0 ties of the World’s famous M generations this remedy has ns of re-establishing the health M There are thousands, to-day, Pw s
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2079 12 p intended s a ii in}£B Norddcntscher Lloyd, Bremen. British India Steam Navigation Co., a L Mongolia ’’J fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from I LIMITED. Bremen, Hamburg ttd Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, HOMKWAKD. Geno». Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra, and vice veraa) Port
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