Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 February 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1653 1 Sea View Hotel,: FARQUHAR STREET. 1 THE IDEAL HOTEL FOR VISITORS. > e HOME COMFORTS. SEA BATHING. CUISINE UNEXCELLED. MODERATE TERMS. Tel. No. 368 Proprietor. W. DANIEL. iHf hmw wnif." wanted. st. George’s Ball. Important Sale of Valuable iihiii»»w-i GOOD HOSPITAL DRESSER. Salary $55 and partly furnished quarters L|AllopnA|n FOr
      1,653 words
    • 72 1 B ftAAfIIM AMM MAM A A AM A AAA AAA AAA A WWWW WW VW WW W “THE PINANC GAZETTE": irVBL.SBED EVERY EVENING. 1 Rates of Subscription, payable strictly in advance: LOCAL 2-25 per month. J >. $13.50 naif yearly. Z 827.00 per annum. Z BY POST S 2.50 per
      72 words

  • 514 2 S.F.P. MEETING IN SINGAPORE. A meeting of the Anti-Opium Society WM held at the Society’s hall in Middle Road, Singapore, on Tuesday night opportunity being taken of the visit of the Methodist Conference, to invite Bishop McDowell and Bishop Oldham to give addresses. Dr. S. C. Yan presided
    S.F.P.  -  514 words
  • 275 2 Aeria—Webb. A pretty wedding took place in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday morning, the contracting parties being Mr. Dunstan Alfred Aeria, the well known civil engineer, architect and contractor of Kuala Lumpur, and Miss Constance Ursula Webb, daughter of Mr.
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  • 803 2 STEEL FOR WARSHIPS. Messrs. Sharpe Ross A Co., Ltd call our attention to the following article in the Daily Chronicle, which refers to the Dungon River Wolfram Concession in Tringganu One of the rarest and yet most important metals in the world is tungsten. It is
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  • 855 2 —Continental Correspondence. The general impression, says a German exchange, left behind by the com* mercial development of the past year is not so homogeneous as that of the two previous years. Of 1908 we had to say that it was marked by a considerable shrinkage
    —Continental Correspondence.  -  855 words
  • 87 2 Friday. February IT. St. George’s Church, Sermon by Bishop Montgomery, 6 p.m. Band, Golf Club. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Saturday. February 18. Homeward English Mail. Sunday, February 19. Sexagesima Sunday. Monday. February 20. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. King Edward Memorial: Public Meeting,
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  • 14 2 March 3.—Famous Kennedy» at Town Hall. March 4.—Famous Kennedys at Town Hall.
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  • 33 2 Pbnang :—The E. «fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Hotel, and Sea View Hotel. Kuala Lumpub :—Grand Oriental Hotel. Ipoh :—The Grand Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 264 2 Per N 1) L ss Lnetzow due at Penang Mar. 2 To Pbnang Lt-Col Henegan, Mr and Mis W J Carets, Mr and Mrs J H LogAn, Mrs F Chambers, Messrs C G Reynders. and R A Schwab. To Singap re: Mr and Mrs J M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE IMSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. Claims, loans, and surrenders, settled immediately by the General Agents at Penang, without delay of reference to Head Office. F. S. EVANS, ALLEN DENNYS. Manager for Eastern Asustaat Acent, Alia and India. Penang. GUTHRIE AND COMPANY. LIMITED, General Agents, Penang.
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    • 7 2 MACKAY'S LIQUEUR WHISKY, The Whisky of Connoisseurs,
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    • 37 2 ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co.. Ltd. FIRE AND MOTOR CAR RISKS. Of every description granted by this Company at rates of premium and subject to conditions which will be found favourable to the Insured. PATERSON. SIMONS f CO.. LT».,
      37 words
    • 144 2 Rlieuiiiatisiu Cured. There is no doubt about it—no possible room for unbelief. Little’s Oriental Balm really and positively does cure Rheumatism. The most severe cases are almost instantly relieved. The acute pains and agonizing aches disappear. The sufferer gets well. Mr. J. Vince of 20, Nelson Square, Rarnley, says, Having
      144 words
    • 285 2 IFLUMANS rfl JL-/ O EL 1 J..,--- 5 6 *«OYAb" Ttfß STABLE, "UNIVERSAL,” HL MAN ISE > 6 ELLIMAN’G ELLIMAN’S > «T > far Sprains. Rheumatism. Curbs, for Rheumatism, Sprains Bruises Splints when forming. Sprang Sin. Lumbago, Sore Throat from Cold < < •<«. Capped Bocks, Overreaches. Neuralgia from Cold.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 135 2 The Sun. Apparent times of Sunrise and Sunset in Penang Snnrise. Suneet. Feb. 9to Feb. 17,...6-05 a.m. 5-55 p.m. Feb. 18 to Feb. 21,...6-04 a.m. 5-56 p.m. Feb. 22 to Feb. 27, ..6-03 a.m. 5-57 p.m. Feb. 28 to Mar. 9,...6-02 am. 5-58 p.m. I’he Moon. Last Quarter Feb 21
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  • 694 3 CONSOLIDATED MALAYS. An interesting <leal has just b*»en consummated by the Consolidated Malay Estates, by which the company acquires two adjoining estates of some 491 acres, for which the consideration is 893 fully paid £1 shares or 8,930 shares of 2s. each. Of this recent acquisition 90 acres
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  • 557 3 FOR Balik Pulao, at 8 a.m and 0-30 p.m. Butterworth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4- p.m. Bukit Tambun, at 8-30 a. tn., 1-45 p.m., and 5 p.m. Bukit Mertajatn, 10-40 a.m., at 8-30 a.m., 1-45 p.m., 3-15 p.m., and 5-30p.m. Kuala
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 257 3 NOTICE. Owners of Motor Cars are hereby informed that we have made a reduction in the prices of the following, viz: Calmon Pneumatic Motor Outer Covers and Inner Tubes by 10 per cent. Dnnlop do do do 10 do Continental do by 10 per cent do Motor Inner Tubes by
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    • 113 3 Lemco is a godsend in out-of-the-wav corners of the earth. In Umß cooking. Lemco makes the plainest WggS fare palatable and nourishing; in sickness, Lemco provides a WtSL strengthening easily-digested food of utmost value. Lemco is highly concentrated pure fresh beef. No preservatives, yet, where fresh meat goes bad at
      113 words
    • 152 3 IF YOU SUFFER From any Skin or Blood Disease, such as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings, Bad Legs, L leers, Abscesses, Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, &c., DON’T DELAY 11 but at once start a course of Clarke’s Blood j Mixture (the World-famed Blood Purifier), and j
      152 words
    • 318 3 IHE EMPIRE HOTEL. KUALA LUMPUR, F. M. S. !C 1 S >■ I A NEW FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, <3 FITTED WITH Electric Light and Fans. g Five Minutes from Kailway Station 3 Overlooking the Padang. Single and Double Bedrooms. I With Private Bathrooms attached. Cuisine under European Super- NV i vision,
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  • 20 4 Trornk. —At No. 5, Ayer Rajah Road, Penang, this morning, the wife of W. H. Thorne, of a son.
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  • 546 4 The foreign policy of Japan is a matter of world-wide concern. Considerable importance, tli**reforH, attaches to a speech which Count Komina, Minister of Foreign Affair?, made some three weeks ago in the Japanese House of Representatives. He prefaced his address by declaring the Government’s adherence to
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  • 366 4 Mr and Mrs. W. E. MacDonald, who were married io Penang last week left by the P. O. steamer to-day. Sir Robert Laidlaw, arrived in Penang yesterday, staying at the E. <k O. Hotel, and left to-day for England. Mr. W. B. Wilson, Superintending Engineer of Caledonia
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  • 324 4 P.C.C. Tournament. The following ties were played off yesterday Siagla Handicap. Class A. Mercer r. Henson (Unfinished.) Double Handicap. Class A. Southam «k Brown bsat Rogers <k Whitlock 6—3 3—6 6—2; The following ties have been fixed for Monday, 20th inst Cbampioaship. Mercer v. Anthony (4) Double Haadicap.
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  • 137 4 FATE OF THE CONSTITUTION BILL. ADVERSE VOTES IN COMMITTEE. [Reuter’s Service London, February 16. A Berlin message says that the AlsaceLorraine Bill, conferring a new Constitution on these provinces, will probably be withdrawn owing to repeated adverse votes in the Reichstag Committee which, despite strong opposition by the Government,
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  137 words
  • 49 4 INFLUENZA NOT SEVERE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 16. The doctor attending the Pope is convinced that His Holine-s will make a complete recovery within four days. [DER OBTABIATIBCHE LLOYD’S SERVICE.] Berlin, February 16. His Holiness the Pope is suffering from only a slight attack of influenza.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  49 words
  • 60 4 REGENT’S FIRM ATTITUDE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 16. It is reported from Teheran that all the members of the Mejliss (National Council) visited the Regent on Sunday. He intimated that he would refuse to be sworn until a stable majority was formed in the Mejliss, and deprecated
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  60 words
  • 51 4 [Deb Ostasiatischr Lloyd’s Service Berlin, February 16. The Norddeutsche Allgemeiwt Zsitung states that the German Government is not negotiating with the Vatican regarding a visit to Rome by the Kaiser. A representative of the Kaiser will attend the celebration of the jubilee of King Victor Emmanuel’s
    [Deb Ostasiatischr Lloyd’s Service ]  -  51 words
  • 54 4 [Der Obtasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, February 16. The Italian Government has requested the members of the Diplomatic Corps abroad to deny the erroneous reports of an outbreak of cholera in Italy, which tend to have a prejudicial effect on the festivities in connection with the jubilee of
    [Der Obtasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  54 words
  • 36 4 [Der Obtasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, February 16. There will probably be an Autumn session of the Reichstag to settle several important questions, including citizenship of the empire, before the elections take place in November.
    [Der Obtasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  36 words
  • 223 4 London, Feb. 10. 77te Timss spates that the Unionist leaders in the Lords have decided not to introduce a Reform Bill of thf»ir own. The Westminster Gazette dwells on the importance of the decision, and says it was one thing to pass a number of highly selfdenying ordinances,
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  • 241 4 STERLING ROBBERS VARIABLE FEW CHANGES IN TINS. The following are the (()u and sellers only) in oor share list of this issue:— P S 1 W/2/10. 16/2/11, 2 2 g 5 Shares. 5 J a®3 1-1 r>l K/r- «2 Afintnp. x 7/- 8/- Pahang 5/. 5/6 4/0
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  • 61 4 NEW BUILDINGS OPENED [from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 17. His Excellency the Governor opened the new] Y. M.C.A. buildings yesterday The Venerable Archdeacon Izaid, Bishop Lewis, Bishop McDowell. Mr. E. L. Brockman, and many others were present. The buildings are all paid for except $15,000. They provide
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  • 50 4 UNIONIST MOTION REJECTED. [Rkutrr s Servicb London, February 17. In the House of Common?, the amendment to the Address, in reply to the Speech from the Throne, owed by Mr. lan Malcolm against Home Rule, rejected, the division resulting Against amendment 326 For amendment ‘-13 Government majority 113
    [Rkutrr:s Servicb ]  -  50 words
  • 22 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 16. To-day’s (Thursday’s) quotations for opium and produce are Opium ...$1,965.00 Gambier 8. 12<
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  • 57 4 A NOTABLE STRIKER RELEASED. [Reuters Service] London, February 16. According to a cablegram from Dans, the French Minister of Justice, M. Tn. Girard, has ordered the striker Durand to be released. The General Confederation of Labour had threatened a general strike if the sentence of seven years’
    [Reuters Service]  -  57 words
  • 28 4 [Dbr OBTABIATI3CHR LLOYD’S SSRVIC»J. Berlin, February 16. A transport will leave in the middle of April conveying German troops to the a East.
    [Dbr OBTABIATI3CHR LLOYD’S SSRVIC»J.  -  28 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 “AHI IT’S s' REYNELL’S HI RANG” 7Oj®i BjSLb», 4w® wIILI wSLj' Agents: GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., Penang and Singapore. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., I WINE MERCHANTS, < > 7. UNION STREET. PENANG. The name CALDBECK MACGREGOR on a S label is a guarantee of value and quality. Telephone 441. Cablcs C aiobici.
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    • 60 4 RATES 0F TO THE M PINANG GAZETTE/ Payable Strictly ift Advance. ■OMTHLT ».*5 $».BO QUARTKRLT 6.75 7.50 HALF IRAKLI 13.50 15.00 ANNUAL •<>. m »7.00 30.00 Broken periods are charged for either at a half or full month. The Telegraphic Address of the Finang Gasette is ‘‘Gasette, Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 210 5 TREATY OBLIGATIONS FLOUTED. SERIOUS CRISIS IMMINENT. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 16. The St. Petersburg Bourse Gazette reports an importance conference at the Ministry of War on the subject of Russia’s relations with China. The journal says that Russia’s patience is exhausted owing to China’s persistent flouting of
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  210 words
  • 27 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, February 16. The Bourse Gazette publishes a statement by the Foreign Minster regarding Russo-Chinese relations, which justifies action against China.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  27 words
  • 143 5 AMERICAN HUMOUR.” THE CONGRESS SPEAKER’S JOKE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 16. It is reported from Washington that Mr. Champ Clark’s speech on the Canadian Reciprocity Bill (in which he said that the dav was coming when the American flag would fly over the whole of North America and that Great
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  143 words
  • 31 5 PEKING’S IMMUNITY BROKEN. [Reuter's Service.] London, February 17. After a week’s immunity from plague, two deaths have occurred in Peking. There is a death almost daily in Tientsin.
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  31 words
  • 31 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, February 16. The German Post Office will not make any change in the Manchuria mail, but will send the China mail via Vladivostock.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  31 words
  • 64 5 PROPOSED HALL OF RESIDENCE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 16. A Hall of Residence for Chinese students will shortly be opened in London. The Chinese Minister warmly supports the scheme, the purpose of which is to provide a good social centre for students. Sir John McLeavy Brown is
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  64 words
  • 52 5 “AGAMEMNON” ALSO DAMAGED. [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 17. H.M.S. Agamemnon, as well as H.M.S. Collingwood, was slightly damaged on entering Ferrol. The British sailors say that the rock was not charted, whereas the Spanish naval authorities maintain the contrary, but the hydrographic committee is enquiring into
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  52 words
  • 1954 5 TRIAL AT THE ASSIZES. AN ABROPT TERMINATIONThe trial of M. S. Cowan on a charge of forgery, at the instance of A- W. Tully, was resumed at the Assizes yesterday afternoon before three Judges (the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justice Fisher, and Mr. Justice
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  • 140 5 SEARCH FOR THE BODY. < < With reference to the drowning accident that befell Mr. Willie Weber, youngest eon of Captain Weber, who fell overboard from the ss. Ipoh, two hours after she left Penang on Tuesday evening, we hear that the lighthousekeeper at Pulau Remow was
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  • 131 5 It is officially notified that the undermentioned officers and non-commissioned officers have been selected to represent the Volunteer Force of the Colony of Ceylon at the Coronation of His Majesty the King C.A.V.—Lieut.-Colonel E. J. Hayward. C M R.—Captain G B. de Mowbray and Sergt. F.
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  • 155 5 The following additional rubber crops for January are reported Jebong lb. 25,420 Bukit K.B. »41 The North Borneo Chamber of Commerce has been discussing the question of a coolie recruiting organization, but it was decided that, in view of the expected early arrival of Mr. Young Riddell from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. TENDERS will be received at the Orderly Room, Penang Volunteers Headquarters, Fort Cornwallis up to noon on the 25th February 1911 for the supply of Clothing for the Penang Volunteers and the Penang Volunteer Cadet Corps. S-aled patterns may be inspected and all particulars obtained at the Orderly
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    • 924 5 The Local subscription list will be opened on Thursday the 16th day of February and close on Wednesday the 22nd day of February, 1911, at noon. A copy of this prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. SELANCOR COCONUTS LIMITED. To be Incorporated under the Companies
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1288 6 ILT OMIMIMMMMBBHIMIIMMMIIMIMBMMIHMIMIIMMBBMMMO B.g j^nM^s^kipuus THE mother, Straker-Squire <W' I SW Noun Mim fm 11 MOTOR CARS. A rort^^i^Lnear MEDTO^gf,PA«. B RITIS HBUILTTHRO U G H 0 U T > jx y "a“4*ms HtncirwiT ,or ~ep ch,,d p i aces her trnst ina diet 5 with the Imperial Japanese Government. fl
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  • 636 7 ARRIVALS. •Carlyle, Brit., 234, McDonald, Feb. 16, Teluk Anson, gen., Kwong On Co. de Carpentier, Dut., 766, Koppechaar, Feb. 16, Padang, gen., Hottenbach, Liebert Co. Nubia, Brit., 3693, Fox, Feb. 16, Yokahansa, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Prinzess Alice, Ger., 6720, Grosch, Feb. 16, Bremedhaven, gen., Behn, Meyer Co. Pin
    636 words
  • 1593 7 i i ft Capital. Subseribad. v““e. 2 Dividends. Name. j M m or 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 MINING. 1903 6300,000 6300,000 30,000 610 $lO 25 10 30 Tin Mining Co. 5 51 1906 300,000 225.00 C 22,500 10 10 Bruang, 6 7 1901 600,000 600,000 60,000 10 10
    1,593 words
  • 218 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Mobbow. Fjr. Per. Close. Mergui, Tavoy, and Moulmein Zaida 7 a.m. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Kedah 9 a.m. Madras, taking mails'! for Europe, etc., viA > Taroba 10 a.m. Bombay Rangoon and Calcutta Bharata noon. Pang Nga Deli 1 p.m.
    218 words
  • 133 7 Pbnang, February 17, 1911. By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 8 3 Credit 2/4 15/32 3 Documentary 2/4 1/2 Oalcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 f 3 days* sight Private 17o| Bombay Demand Bank 174 j 3 days* sight
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  • 204 7 Pbnang, Fbbruart 17, 1911. Gold leaf $64.8° Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 05).... No stock. White Pepper $24.50 nom. Trang Pepper $16.25 nom. Mace s9snominal. Mace Pickings $lO4 sellers. Cloves $43 sellers. Nutmegs 110 $21.50 sales. [No. 1 $6.10 sales. No. 2 $6.00 sales. Basket $5 nominal. Tapioca
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 603 7 SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO: WORKS, Ltd., 5 ELECTRIC LIGHT. POWER AND TRACTION X ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. SIEMENS TANTALUM LAMPS.! I s s** 5 A ft i Reduction to be the 8 Bin Prices. Best. Prices and particulars on applications:— A 6T.CIO.U.:"SIEMENS,PENANG.” OFFICES AND GODOWNS Telephone No. 479. 6< Beach ruADTFDrn rank
      603 words
    • 72 7 Sil life of Cflßddfl. (Kstabllshed IHH»>. Assets exceed £6, Subplus over all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Incomb, 1908, £1,428,000 0.0 W. A. WHITK, f c KEMNBOy A Co.. Manager, South-Eastern s c- I Agents. Penang A? ii. Singapore. t Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg. Sstablished 1854. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2302 8 P.fto.SteamHHigitionComptnj. Intended Sailings. NOrddOUtSCher LlOjd, *****1611. EXPECTED ARIIUU AMD DEPAITDIES. I MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. n -x* u t J’ tu it *x a« Imperial German Mail Line. Feb T«Lor. connecting BntlSll 111(111 8(***** NaYlgatlOfl CO., |j HOMEWARD. a 1 j_ LIMITEP /tk I ocean steam snip co., Fob Intended to
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