Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 February 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 945 1 Sea View Hotel,: FARQUHAR STREET. THE IDEAL HOTEL FOR VISITORS. < HOME COMFORTS. SEA BATHING. X CUISINE UNEXCELLED. MODERATE TERMS. Tel. No. 368 Proprietor, W. DANIEL. “THE PINANG GAZETTE.” keouir«> immediately. TJIRST CLASS BOOK KEEPER. SUBSCRIPTION. T Good salary to competent man. For Daily Issue, in Town, Apply in writing
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    • 487 1 RUBBER ESTATES MANAGERS' AGENCY (P. J. Burgess &^Co M Ltd.) THE above Agency has been formed a medium of communication between Rubber plantation companies having their head office in London and plantets in the East. The need has been felt of some organi-ation which, on the one hand, would be
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    • 451 1 ♦■■AAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W W W W W W W W VW W W 2 “THt PINANG GAZETTE (PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING.) Rates of Subscription, payable strictly in advance:— a g LOCAL S 2-25 per month. 2 m 813.50 nalf g* 827.00 per annum. 2 BY POST S 2.50 per fconth. g 815.00
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  • 994 2 COLONY’S GRIEVANCE. f A correspondent of the Military Mail who has just returned from Singapore, and 1 is thoroughly conversant with local aft urs, t writes Z There is a great deal of truth in the t statement which has often been repeated, f that the patriotism
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  • 630 2 an inexplicable bungle. A Grrat Undkrtakixg Spoilbd by Lack of Advsrtisikg. A good many people, says the Times oj Ceylon of January 20th, are possibly aware that there is at present some sort of an exhibition in Allahabad very few, at any rate in this part
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  • 96 2 The Board oj Trade Journal states the tonnage of ves-els entered at ports in the United Kingdom for foreign countries and British possessions with cargoes during the year 1910 amounted to 41,615,636 tons and the tonnage cleared to 57,331,219 tons as against 4'.',3 15.803 tons entered and
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  • 713 2 SOME CAUSES OF THE RECENT ADVANCE. LABOUR CONDITIONS IN THE EAST.' For six months prior to last August, says the financial Times of 11th ulto., the price of tin remained steady in the neighbourhood of £150 per ton. Since then, however, there has been a wellsustained upward
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  • 197 2 Royal Dutch Combine in tub Field. According to reports current in Glasgow the rumours recently circulated foreshadowing the end of the oil trade war are wi«ie of the mark. The belligerents are pushing ahead with their operations more energetically than ever, and the latest intelligence is that
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  • 350 2 Per N D L ss Prinzens Alice due at Penang Feb. 16 To Penang Messrs Carl Bolius, R 1’ Reid, F D N van Elten, and Hde Leeuw. To Singapore Mr and Mrs A Mitschmann, M r and Mrs W W Richardson, Capt and Mis A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. FIRE AND MOTOR CAR RISKS. Of every description granted by this Company at rates of premium and subject to conditions which will be found favourable to the Insured. PATERSON, SIMONS 8 CO., LTD., A gents.
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    • 228 2 STRIKING EXPERIMENTS at THE REQUEST OF THE LOCAL COVE-NMEHV BOARD FOR IRELAND. The r narkable freding experiments" onducte in the School r’ 'Siolog. Trinity College Dubli>. at the request of the Local Govern tnent board tor Ireland, prove that BCV n i L when ndded to a fixed diet, has
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    • 539 2 nHnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I RACHALS’ PI ANOSI n ARE The Best for the Tropics. g n n \1PP" c 1 a HJ J n a c a n n n n a fifiUHHE I n n n Sole Agents for Malaya: q g Benn, Meyer co., Ltd., 5 PENANG. H nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaBn Caldbeck,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 169 2 THE WEEK. Monday. February 6. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Tuesday. February P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Golf Club. Wednesday, February 8. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Thursday, February 9. P.C.C. Tennis Ties Outward P. O. Mail. Friday, February 10. P.C.C. Tennis Ties.
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  • 885 3 IMPERIAL DEFENCE PROBLEMS. London, Jan. 25.— The Morning Post is pub i-hing a series of articles on Imperial Defence, urging that the subj-ct must be discussed at the Imperial Conference The Morning Post continues: “The enlist ing of a genuine national spirit, in India in regard to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 246 3 Green island cemenl co., Ltd. PORTLAND CEMENT. J In Casks and Drums of Drain Pipes, any shape r Gutter ways 5 3 In Bags ot 250 lbs. net. tt- u i > Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, and Fireclay Glazed Paving Tiles. Paving BricksM K Prices, samples and full particulars
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    • 646 3 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. 1HE EMPIRE HOTEL, Claims, loans, and surrenders, settled KU AL. A LUMPUR, F. M. S. immediately by the General Agents at Penang, 2 Jra "E gk W i without delay of reference to Head Office. A NEW FIRST“CEASS HOTEL, g P. S. EVANS, ALLEN
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  • 757 4 Questions of food and drink are always interesting. Something new on the subject of beer, glorious beer attracts attention when world politics and such like matters are treated with di-da n It may be that beer, save perhaps to our Dutch and German friends, does not
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  • 248 4 REPORT'? OF THE REGISTRARS FOR SINGAPORE AND PENANG. A report on the working of the registries of joint stock companies in Singapore and Penang during 1910 was laid on the table of the Legislative Council meeting on Friday afternoon. With regard to Singapore, Mr. Gottlieb records
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  • 142 4 The Gazette of the 3rd inst. contains the following notifications:— The Hon. E. L. Brockman, c.M.G., Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, assumed the duties of his appointment on February 1, 1911. He is appointed a member of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board in the place of Sir
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  • 115 4 Members of the Penang Choral Society will meet at the Town Hali this evening at 9-30 to practice the Yeonaen of the Guard and on Thursday evening at 5-30 p.m. In future regular practices will be held at these times. There are vacancies in the Chorus for
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  • 230 4 The following additional returns for January are to hand: Singapore and Johore piculs 108 Kamuning value $7,852 To-day’s exchange rate is 2/4 5/32. To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang is $93.55 per picul buyers no sellers. The following were the dealings in tin to-day :—Singapore, Straits
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  • 165 4 PR C. v. P.C.C. On Saturday afternoon a cricket match, played on the Esplanade between incomplete teams of the Penang Recreation Club and the Penang Ciicket Club, resulted in a win for the later team. Appended are the scores P.R.C. Werley b Arnold 4 Wills b Fettes 0 B.
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  • 199 4 The effect that the rapid development of the rubber business has had on the leading business houses in Malaya is a matter about which it is almost too soon to speak dogmatically, writes the Singapore correspondent of the Times. Most of the European firms are
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  • 129 4 “Every Man’s Duty.” At a social gathering in the house of Chief Justice Chase, the American judge, who was at one time Secretary of War, the subject of taxation was being discussed, and a distinguished naval officer present said that he had paid all his taxes except
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  • 71 4 The following is the returns of the exports from Penang during the fortnight ended January 31 To the United Kingdom. Tin Tons 1,000 Tapioca, flour 50 Tapioca, pearl 233 To the U.S.A. Tin Tons 325 Pepper, black 15 Pepper, white 17 Tapioca, pearl 190 Nutmegs n 4 Copra
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  • 149 4 The nineteenth annual session of the Malaysia Conference commenced in Singapore, on Saturday, the opening proceedings taking place in the Wesley Chui ch at 4.30 p.m. under the presidency of Bishop W. F. Oldham. At 5 p.m. on the 15th inst., a conference reception will be given
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  • 550 4 The retirement of Archdeacon Sind on the score of ill-health, is announced Mr. Alexander Graham Bell, the i Q y en| of the Telephone, h is been visiting Mr. J. W. Russell, of Slim Rive, R ubb Estate, left Penang on Saturday i Singapore. or Mr. Claude
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  • 87 4 The following ad litional returns of rubber crops are to hard Anglo-Malay lb. 61.978 Bernam 1.800 Bakap* 2,399 Bikam 1.043 Cicely 16,432 Gnla-Kalumpong 17,000 Dominion 2,120 Glenealy 3,040 Golden Hope 6,219 Jugra 14,435 Kamuning 13,571 Linggi 85,000 London Asiatic 24,057 Mandai Tekong 1,078 Mount Austin 4.200 Pandan 1.600
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  • 46 4 is a very vivid piece of descriptive writing by “John Adam Gray,” formerly Presbyterian Minister of Singapore. It is an account ol Tosari and a visit to Bromo, the volcano of the Zandzee, one of the wonders of Java.
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  • 52 4 will, next year, he removed from its present sit® to the huge worked-out mining field behind Kota which is said to be an idea' spot for hospital. The grounds of the present hospital will then be thrown open to the pub to as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 m aouni(qijuifa> S5BS r A )O sg 74 2 J Agents: GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., Penang and Singapore. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. To Let for One Year. AN Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal A FEW HUNDRED Rambutan Trees Commissioners will be held at the and 20 acres Arec* Nuts all in Municipal Office
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 269 5 STERLING RUBBERS VARIABLE. FEW CHANGES IN TINS. The following ate the changes (buyers and sellers only) in our share list on page 7 to-day 6/2/10. 4/2/1 J. 6/2/11. E E 2 Shares. J2 p "S O 3 O p; X M cQ S3 OQ Mining. 14$ 15
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  • 57 5 GOVERNMENT HOUSE “AT HOME.” [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 6. It is officially announce'! that the marriage of Mi. D. Y. Perkins and Miss Anderson will f ake place at 4-15 p.m. on the 25th inst. His Excellency the Governor will be At Home at Government
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  • 39 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, February 6. The match for the Selangor golf championship has resulted as follows E. M. Baker 188 R. M. Neill 190 D J. Highet 191 Dr. S. R. Lucy 193
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  • 63 5 PURSUIT OF THE ASSASSINS [Rkuter’s Skrvicb.] London, February 5. It is reported from 1'eheran that the Persian Minister of Finance, Sani-el-Dow-leh, was shot by two Armenians while returning from the Mejliss (National Council). The assassins are being pursued. [Der Obtasiatischk Lloyd’s Skrvicb.] Berlin, February 5. Two Armenian
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  • 42 5 EIGHT ARRESTS REPORTED. [Rbutbr’s Service.] Lon ion, February 5. A cablegram from New York states that eight arrests have been made in connection with the dynamite explosion at New Jersey City, on charges of manslaughter or criminal carelessness.
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  • 40 5 HEAVY EXPENDITURE INVOLVED. [Rrutrr’b Skrvicr London, February 6. In the Austrian Delegation, at Budapest, the Minister of Marine, Admiral Count Rudolf Montecuccoli, announced that alt >gether six millions sterling weie required for uaral purposes between 1911 and 1914.
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  • 524 5 CORDON OF CHINESE TROOPS. SEGREGATING INFECTED AREA(Reutkrs Skrvicb.] London, February 6. A telegram received at St. Petersburg states that the town of Fudziadin, which is the centre of the plague epidemic in Manchuria, is surrounded by a thousand Chinese troops from Peking, who prevent all egress. A
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  • 44 5 [Der Ostasiatischr Lloyd’s Sbrvick]. Berlin, February 5. The German Crown Prince will not proceed to Colombo but to Bombay first, whence he will leave by steamer for Enypt. His voyage to the Far Eas’ will not be resumed this year.
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  • 35 5 [Der Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, February 5. The Neue Freis Presss says that, as the result of correspondence between Vienna and St. Petersburg, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand will shortly visit St. Petersburg.
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  • 22 5 [Der Ostasiatibchb Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, February 5. Captain Meyer, of Waldeck, has been appointed successor to Admiral Truppel, retired.
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  • 27 5 [Reutkr’s Service London, February 6. The death is announced from Klerksdorp of General Cronje. who fought against Great Britain in the Beer War.
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  • 151 5 POLITICAL CONTROVERSY REVIVED. EFFECT OF CANADA'S AGREEMENT. [Reuter's Servicb. 1 London, February 6. The publication in England of the text of the reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States has revived the political controversy. Surprised and Disquieted.” Its unexpectedly wide scope has surprised and disquieted one section
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  • 55 5 [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Berlin, February 5. The annual banquet of the German Asiatic Association has been held in Berlin, amongst those present being Prince Heinrich and the Chinese and Japanese Ministers. The Chairman. Herr von Golti, emphasized the importance of China’s progress in internal political matters
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  • 32 5 [Rrutbr’s Sekvick.] London, February 6. Il is reported from Villa Garcia that the whaler of the cruiser Glasgow capsized while sailing in a regatta. Four men were drowned
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  • 25 5 [Dbr Ostasiatibchb Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, February 5. Riots have occurred among the Chinese at Billiton. The natives set fire to Tandjong Pandan.
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  • 24 5 [Der Ostasiatibchb Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, February 5. The census in Prussia shows a population of 40,157,573 —an increase of 7.681 per cent.
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  • 81 5 P.C.C. Tournambx The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, 8th February Championship. Bailey v. M-rcer (4) Single Handicap. Class B. Final. Saye v. Cobley (6) Double Handicap. Class A. Waugh Goldie v. I vens Ji R. Henderson (5) Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Bailey A Whitlock v. Miss
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  • 13 5 is being made from Klian Intan to the Mutia Hirer.
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  • 19 5 has been fixed for Friday, 24th iust., and will take place in the Penang Town Hall.
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  • 29 5 Hankow manager of the Chartered Bank, will be transferred and placed in charge of the Bangkok branch in March next.
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  • 43 5 The P. O. Royal mail steamer Atsaye having left Colombo (with outward English mails) on Saturday, is exp»*c'ed to arrive here at 5 a. m. on Thuisday, 9th inst., and will leave for Singapore and China at 9 a.m. on the same day.
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  • 85 5 and F. A. Pledger were bathing at the Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungah, yesterday, their feet came in contact with some ikan sembilang, a small mud fish with poisonous fins. They suffered severe pain for some hours and had to receive medical attention. We are glad
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  • 737 5 SIS ARTHUR YOUNG’S SERVICES The Hon. Dr. Galloway had the distinction of being the only unofficial member present at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday afternoon. There were also present; the Governor, Sir John Anderson, G.C.M.G. the Colonial Secretary, Hou. E. L. Brockman, C M. G.
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  • 100 5 Ladies Rifle Shooting. Walk 1K Tropat. The Ipoh Club team’s score for the Walker Trophy totalled 155. 00 X >»>»►» O o IO Mrs. Moir 31 28 29 Mrs. Walker 27 27 33 Miss Sewell 25 26 Mrs. Ebden 25 28 19 Mrs. Bowes 24 Mrs. Elies 23 26 Mrs.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1143 5 PENANG GOLF olvb.I Competitions for February 1911. T WANTED Ladies Presgrave Cup 10th and 11th r le s J Uth and 12th A CLERK of Works for the Sanitary Ladies Monthly Medal 17th and 18th Board Ku la Lumpur. Men’s 25th and 26th Salary £210—rising by triennial increA.B.— Dublin Cup
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 613 6 i Japan $ah Steamship Co. Ld. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the latest
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    • 569 6 1 1 ll x ll I? w We can’t begin to tell you the V fiflflnrillllfij good things that are being said of WlflflflPDj I LOTUS SOAP. Ill (fr I I j j Plenty of second grade Soap masque- Illi rades under strong perfume and dyes, u III I I
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    • 188 6 Striker-Squire I 1 MOTOR cars! BRITISH BUILT THROUGHOUT. IN STOCK. i i 1-4 Cylinder 4-5 Seater TOURING CAR, < COMPLETE WITH CAPE CART HOOD I M Wind Screen, Lucas Lamps, B JJ Stepney Wheel with Spare Tyre, H Speedometer, &e. J I I M Price and full particulars on Application.
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    • 102 7 B an Watt Soon, Brit., 336, Milne, Fab. 4, Tongkah, gen., E. S. Co. Bendoran, 2587, Thomson, Feb. 4, London, gen., Bandilands, Buttery Co. Canton, Brit., 106, Sahib, Feb. 4, leluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. Dihvara. Brit., 3460, Hodgson, Feb. 5, Rangoon, gen., Hottenbach, Liebert Co. Ipoh, Brit., 528,
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    • 54 7 Canton for Dindings and Tehik Anson Dilwara for Singapore. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping. Kian Ann for Trang. Leong Ho for Batu Bahra. Malaya for Deli. Mambang for Pulau Langkawiand Setuel. Reael for Polo Weh, Olehleh &c, Padang. Tong Chay Un for Trang. Un Peng for Pulau
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    • 75 7 2Vam«! of Steamer, where Jrom, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Austria. Colombo, March 6, Japan, S.K. Fook Sang, Singapore, Feb. 11, Calcutta, B. Fan Sang, Calcutta, Feb. 14, Hongkong, B. Glenfarg, London, Feb. 11, Japan, B. Hitachi Marti, S pore, Feb. 9, Antwerp, B. Kut
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    • 181 7 ARRIVALS. By Tara (Feb. 5) from Singapore, Messrs W E H Gray burn, vud F W Phillips. By Dilwara (Feb. o) from Rangoon, Capt and Mrs Prince, Mr and Mrs A Huttenbach, Messrs V C Davis, Best, A V Pinson, and M J Tavit. By Ipoh (Feb. 6) from
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    • 107 7 The B.I. mad steamer Taroba is expected to arrive from Negapatam on Thursday at 7 am. and will leave for Port Swettenham and Singapore at 4 p m. on the same day. The B.I. mail steamer Teesta is expected to arrive from Singapore on Wednesday morning at about
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  • 1550 7 Number of Issue Dividends. Name. -go Q Capital. Subscribed, shares. Value. 3 "3 5* oo O’ 190S 1909 19 F MINING. I 25 10 30 Belat Tin Mining Co. lorn 000 RtOO 000 30,000 110 »19 > Bruang, g 7 too’ooo M5 00C 22.500 10 >0 1 rj Bruseh
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  • 97 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Morrow. Fjr. Per. Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Sree Bangka 9 a.m. Langkat Ban WhattSoon 1 p m. Batu Bahra Padang 1 p.m. Batu Bahra Lian Choo I p..m. Pangkalan Brandan Jin Ho 1 p.m. Asahan Petrel 1 pnj. Port Swettenham and Singapore Omapero 3
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  • 127 7 Pknang, Fkbruary 6, 1911. By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank .,2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 13/32 3 Credit 2'4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174j 3 days’ sight Privaue 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days’sight Private 175| Madras Demand
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  • 204 7 Prnang. February 6, 1911, Gold leaf $64.80 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 or.) No stock. White Pepper $24.50 sales. Trang Pepper $16.25buyera. Mace $95 nominal. Mace Pickings $104 sellers. Cloves $42.50 sales. Nutmegs 110 $22 sellers. [No. i $6.10 sales. No. 2 $6.00 sales.' Basket $5 nominal. Tspjooa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY, The Whisky of Connoisseurs. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund ...£1,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Head Office: 38. BISHO P8G ATE, LONDON, E. C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hamburg New York Bombay Ipvh Penang Bangkok Karachi
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    • 410 7 AN MANDt-L THE MERCANTILE DANK CF H n N ANK?NG CORPORATION TaItSCHAPPIL 1ND!A. LIMITED BANKINO LUKrUKA Netherlands Trading Society. Authorised Capita! £1,500,000 Paid-up Capital $I5,0J0,0C0 Established 1824 Subscribed Capital 1,125,000 Resbrvb Funds Capital fl. 45,000,000 Paid-Up 562,500 H »bt. £3,i50,o30 Re8erve Fand 285,000. tering ..«nnnnftft Reserve Fund fl. 6,125,745 Hbad
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    • 177 7 san Lite »1 Cana»». (Kats bll shed 1865«. Assets exceed £6,000,07)0.0.0 Surplus over all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Incomb, 1908, £1,428,000 0.0 W. A. WHITE, Manager, South-Eastern G'seral Agents, Penang A-ia. Singapore IF YOU WANT A Really Artistic Portrait, FROM LOCKET TO LIFE SIZE GO TO H. BODOM,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1114 8 P &0. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailings. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. R Fe b K 9 JZr. oou ec swit Mo«± British India Steam Navigation Co., Mar. 9 Devanha Mongolia HOMBWAKD. LIMITED, For Intended to Sail. Steamer r Connecting Doe Date. Steamer. with 8s Loudon Th 9th
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    • 1119 8 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Imperial German Mail Line. < r /Bk ocean steam Ship co., i m 4 /II AND Ay yA/Uk\X CHINA WVTUAl STtAM NAV. (l l|( V Companies’steamers are de 8patoh( /l\ n ME A X A from Liverpool outwards fo r "J 0 /11 W W. Straits, China,
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