Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 February 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1739 1 W. DANIEL, l. s. 0..: t 1. BEACH STREET, PENANG, J The only Certificated OPTICIAN J in the Straits Settlements and the Only European WATCHMAKER C and JEWELLER in Penang. t HIGH CLASS REPAIRS A SPECIALITY. J PATRONS are requested to send X DIRECT to above address. •♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦•♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦a IHE CAZEHE.”
      1,739 words
    • 55 1 2 "T«E PINAAG GBZEHE” iPUBLISEED EVERY EVENING.) Rates of Subscripticn, payable strictly in 2 advance:— Z LOCAL 2-25 ter month. 513.50 half yearlv. J $27.00 per annum. Z EY TOST S 2.50 per month. ,> 815.1)0 naif yearly. J $30.00 yearly. WEEKLY EDITION PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Subscription $1.50 per month.
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  • 1937 2 SIR FRANK SWETTENHAM ON FUSION. The following letter dated London January 6, 1911, has been a idressed by Sir Frank Swettenhain to the editor of the Malay Mail I address you because the Malay Mail is the only newspaper in which I have seen what purports
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  • 274 2 Anglo-Malay.— Third int. div. 25 per cent. Bukit Rajah.— Second int. div. 2 5 per cent, less tax. Bantam (Java). Owing to a discrepency of 12,000 trees, which transpired on taking over the estate, the vendors have agreed to surrender £14,000 of shares, which the direct >rs have
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  • 336 2 Rendered Senselkm by A Streak OF I IGHTNING. A police constable on duty at the Kachcheri Police Station, Ceylon, had a miraculous escape from deith the other dav At about 5.30 p.m., when he was sitting on a bench inside the station and polishing his buttons, a
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  • 70 2 Thursday, February 2. Purification. Candlemas. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Friday, February 3. St. Blaize. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Baud, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday, February 4. Homeward English Mail. Sunday, February 5. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. St. Agatha. Monday. February 6. P.C.C. Tenuis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6
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  • 40 2 Penang :—The E. »fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Raffles by the Sea, Runnymede Seaside Hotel, and Sea View Hotel. Singapore: —Adelphi Hotel and Rafiks Hotel. Kuala Lumpur: —Grand Oriental Hotel. Ipoh :—The Grand Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 A NECESSITY IN. EVERY OFFICE INGUSH, MALAY «M CHINESE wit DIARY 19H Published by Messrs. Kelly Walsh, Limited. Foolscap Folio, 12f inches by 8 inches 150 Pages, interviewed with blotting strongly i.ound cloth back with supplement containing All useful and Local Information, Price $l-25 each. AND ALSO The Imperial English
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    • 174 2 jBOVRIL Ticklej I Wherever I there is a case I of enfeebled I digestion, whether I from advancing I age, illness, or general I debility, there is a case I for Benger’s Food. I When the stomach becomes I weakened, the digestion of ordinary food becomes only partial, and at
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    • 415 2 SHunyadi Scho l Teachers BY VacatioD Janos A K r SIE 11 Used the World Over A onl <. Drink on arising a wineglassful for Swettenham and Sitig a p ore availahU f )rt INDIGESTION and M 26th J*n u »'y to 26th February 1 911 roai HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 209 2 The Sun. Apparent times of Suurise and Sunset in Penang Sunrise. Sunset. Feb. Ito Feb. 8,...6-06 a.m. 5-54 p.m. Feb. 9to Feb. 17,...6-05 a.m. 5-55 p.m. Feb. 18 to Feb. 21,...6-04 a.m. 5-56 p.m. Feb. 22 to Feb. 27, 6-03 am. 5-57 p.m. Feb. 28 to Mar. 9,...6-02 am. 5-58
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  • 1657 3 LORD CURZON AT GLASGOW. London, Jan. 25.—Lord Curz <n’u Rectorial Address at Glasgow to-day was en'itled Ea->t, West, a Retrospect, and a Forecast.” He was subjected to numerous good natured interruptions which he ignored. But eventually he intimated that he would only give a fi action of his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 257 3 AMuat’s the Time? tThe Time for a Glass of Fl VOLTE S I Schnapps pure, wholesome spirit combining 11 1 the charms of a palatable stimulant 11 ith the beneficial effects of a health ■< •nic. It prevents Uric Acid troubles, iV out, Rheumatism, Gravel, &c., by aintaining the kidneys,bladder,and
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    • 629 3 ©The Non-Throat Cigarette. Although you may have smoked many different kinds of cigarettes, you have never smoked anything quite like the Non-Throat. It is a secret blend of choice tobaccos, and its beautiful mellow flavour will be S-S; a revelation to you. if;® '•S Further, the Non-Throat is quite a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 608 4 Sir Frank Swettenham, in the interesting letter which lie has addressed to the editor of our Kual a Lumpur contemporary and reproduced in this issue, in ikes it clear that lie disapproves of the abolition of the post of the ResidentGeneral of the Fe lerated Malay
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  • 626 4 ANNUAL INSPECTION. The manoeuvres in connection with the Annual Inspection of the Penang Volunteers Corps on Tuesday afternoon, which w re referred to in our last issue may be briefly described as follows The enemy (represented by the Cadets) was supposed to have been entrenched and the Volunteers
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  • 172 4 P.C.C. Tournament. The following ties were played off yesterday Single Handicap. Class A. A. G. Ant mny Bailey I—6 6 -4 7—5. Single Handicap. Class B. C >bley w o from Austin Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Edwards <k Reimann beat Mr. Je Mrs. Saye 3_6 6—l 7—5. Mrs.
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  • 798 4 Mr Malcolm Cuming will be leaving for England in March. In March Mr. J. Murray Manager of Kempsey Estate takes leave. Mr. C. T. Hamilton, Manager of Bukit Rajih Estate on leave soon and Mr. Wakefield will officiate. Dr. C. L. Sansom, formerly Medical Officer of Health
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  • 263 4 STERLING RUBBERS VARIABLE. IMPROVEMENT IN TINS. The following ate the changes (bu yers and sellers only) in our shate list on p, (r 7 to-day 2/2/10. 1/2/IJ. 2/2/11. E£Ĕ g, Shares. J 5 3 "a s’ S M 02 M 02 a O Mining. 8£ Lahat 8|
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  • 70 4 ARRIVAL AT KUALA LUMPUR. [/rom Our Own < orrespondent.\ Kuala Lumpur, February 1. Sir Arthur H. Y ung and Lidy Evelyn Young arrive 1 here by special train from Port Swettenharu at 3-30 They were met on the platform by a large gathering of officials and
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  • 30 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapoie, February 1. To-day’s prices for opium and produce are Opium $2,003.00 Plantition rubber, average sheet 260.00 Copra, B<li 9.95 Copra, Pontiauak 9 60
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  • 38 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 2. Bishop Montgomery, ex-B shop of Tasmania, who is now inspecting the work of the S. P.G., has arrived in Singapore and leaves for Selangor on Saturday.
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  • 21 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 2. Nearly fifteen thousand persons, mostly Chinese, visited Raffles Museum during the holidays.
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  • 52 4 RELEGATED TO A BACK SEAT. [Rbutbe's SbbvicbJ London, February 1. The Daily Mail 1 eiterates that as Canada has made its own bargain with th® United States, following the defeat of Mr. Chamberlain’s policy at three successive elections, the Unionists must face the fact that Impierial pi no
    [Rbutbe's SbbvicbJ  -  52 words
  • 32 4 [Rbutbb’s Sbrvick I Lon ion, February 1. The German Reichstag has passed’au amendment, by 166 votes to 13S exempting the reigning Princes and Princesses from payment of the increment tax.
    [Rbutbb’s Sbrvick I  -  32 words
  • 23 4 [Rkutkk’s .Skkvick 1 London, February 1. The Admiralty is considering the a Ivtsability of making Harwich a strong naval base.
    [Rkutkk’s .Skkvick 1  -  23 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 I Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., I WINE MERCHANTS, S < 7. UNION STREET, PENANG. I The name CALDBECK MACGREGOR on a J < label is a guarantee of value and quality. < Telepho Cables Caldbeck.” < > r ue; 441. Z aasasggaggggfigM ip a a M 'W®. W. D. H. O.
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    • 59 4 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE “PINANG GAZETTE.” Payable Strictly in Advance. MONTHLY 2.93 9.50 QUARTERLY 6.75 7.50 i YEARLY 13.50 15.00 ANNUAL 27.00 30.00 Broken periods are charged for either at a half or full month. The Telegraphic Address of the Pinang Gazette” is ‘‘Gazette, Teuang.” Telephone No. 477. London
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  • 266 5 SENSATIONAL ALLEGATIONS. AN INFAMOUS STOAT EXPOSED. [Rkuikr’h Service.] London, February 2. Before the Lord Chi<*f Justice and a special jury, ye*terday, Edward Milius was tried, at the instance of the AttorneyGenera! and Solicitor-General, on a charge of libelling His Maj sty King George in the newspaper Liberator,
    [Rkuikr’h Service.]  -  266 words
  • 95 5 RESTR ICT lON O F I M MIG RATION [Rbutbr's Sbrvicb.] L mdou, February 1. In the Canadian House of Commons, in Ottawa, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier, add that he favou ed the aboliti >n of the head tax of $5OO (gold) on Chinese immigran's and the
    [Rbutbr's Sbrvicb.]  -  95 words
  • 85 5 THE QUESTION OF NEUTRALITY. [Dkr Ostasi vhschk Lloyd’s Skrviob.] Berlin, January 31. The discussion on the question of neutrality respecting the foitification of the Scheldt is confined exclusively to Belgium and Holland. The imputation of an intended attack on Dutch independence, contained in a sensational artic e in
    [Dkr Ostasi vhschk Lloyd’s Skrviob.]  -  85 words
  • 71 5 [Dkr Ostasiatisciik Lloyd's Service.] Berlin, January 31. A letter from His Holiness the Pope to Cardinal Fischer, concerning anti-modern religion and doctrine, is being trenchantly criticised. There are apprehensions in Conservative circles of a conflict with the Vatican. Herr von Mii’lberg, German Minister at R ome,
    [Dkr Ostasiatisciik Lloyd's Service.]  -  71 words
  • 46 5 [Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, January 31. The NorddeutS'he Weekly publishes a report of the re ent sp< ech by Baron Komura, Japanese Foreign Minister, which has created a favourable impression of the present state of world politics, especialij in the Far East.
    [Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service]  -  46 words
  • 38 5 [Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Sbrvicb.] Berlin, January 31. The Bill prttviding for a new Constitution for Alsace U rraine has been referred to a special committee <»f the Reichstag. Ihe Imperial Chancellor vigorously repudiated any intention of annexation.
    [Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Sbrvicb.]  -  38 words
  • 121 5 COMMENTS ON CURTAILMENT. SIAM, JAPAN, AND CHINA THANKED. [Dkh Ohtasiatischk Lloyd’s Skrvick], Berlin, January 31. In connection with the abandonment of the German Crown Prine *’s tour to the Far East, on account of plague in Manchuria, it is reported that the Crown Prince will remain a
    [Dkh Ohtasiatischk Lloyd’s Skrvick],  -  121 words
  • 100 5 [Drr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, January 31. A number of speeches were made by German Ambassadors on the occasion of the Kaiser’s birthday. Count Pourtales, Ambassador at St. Petersburg, said he was confi lent of a continuance of the good relations initiated by the Tsar and the
    [Drr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  100 words
  • 98 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Sbrvicb.] Berlin, January 31. lu the Austrian Delegation Baron von Aelirenthal emphatically assen'ed to the Imperial German Chancellor’s views concerning the meeting of the Ts <r and Kaiser at Potsdam, b sides fully agreeing with Germany regaiding the preservation of the status quo in the
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Sbrvicb.]  -  98 words
  • 66 5 [Der Ostasiatisciik Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, January 31. Owing to the dinger < f plague sp eadUg, traffic on 'he Northern Chinese Railway from Manchuria has been stopped. Germany and Aust ia are -ending a large supply of plague serum to China The Nowoji reports a Risso Chinese
    [Der Ostasiatisciik Lloyd’s Service.]  -  66 words
  • 64 5 [Der Ostasiatisciik Lloyd’s Skrvick. Berlin, February 1. A proposal by the Budget Commission of the Reichstag to raise the salary of the Governor of Kiau-chau and make it equal to that in former years, has been lost by 13 votes to 11, despite the recommendation of Admiral
    [Der Ostasiatisciik Lloyd’s Skrvick. ]  -  64 words
  • 32 5 [Der Ostasiatisciik Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, January 31. The Lokal-Anzeiger states that Admiral von Truppel retires into private life General regret is expressed by the Press, which recognises his merits.
    [Der Ostasiatisciik Lloyd’s Service]  -  32 words
  • 36 5 [Dkr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Beilin, January 31. Herr Dernburg, formei 1 v flyman Colonial Secretary, has handed the Govei nment a memorandum on his recent tour to the Far East and Kiau-chau.
    [Dkr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  36 words
  • 16 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, February 1. Cotton is quoted at Bd.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  16 words
  • 291 5 APPELLATE JURISDICTION. FAILING TO APPEAR AS WITNESS. Mr. Justice S. Leslie Thornton sat in the second court yesteiday morning and disposed of Magistrates’ appeals Kader Mydin appealed against a decision of Mr. A. W. Bailey 2nd Magistrate, who on the complaint of Mr. R. B. Osborne convicted and
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  • 304 5 ‘Regu'ar subscribers of the Pinang Gazette, will receive to-monow by post or special messsengers a fiee copy of th» Straits Sheet A Iman ic for 1911 It contains lists of the principal Government officials in the Straits Settlements and F. M S., also in the
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  • 304 5 At the inquest on those killed in the Bombay riot, evidence was given to the effect that one Parsi lady and a European in a tram were injured by stones several polic* and soldieis also were struck before the firing commenced, probably about thirty. The stone
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  • 328 5 Messrs. Bollin and Love in their annual report for 1910 state During the latter part of the year tin has been to a grea er or less extent under ths influence of manipulation at t‘ie hands of a syndicate of speculators who have sought, ami with considerable
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  • 219 5 Ax Epidemic of Crime Pocket-picking is alarmingly rife in Singapore just now. Several cases have come up in the police courts recently but none so serious as a case which occurred the other day but in which the criminal has not yet been traced. A towkay, of
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  • 45 5 The following return for January is announced Rahman Hydraulic piculs 600 The output for the Tongkah Haibour Tin Dredging C for January was Hours. Piculs. No. 1 dredge 4851 251 No. 2 535} 21 3 No. 3 4>7 407 Total piculs 871
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  • 277 5 Messrs. Bou-t-iad Co ’s London cablegram to-dav sta'es Plantation Para No. 1 sheet 5/4 Para to arrive 5/8 Market firm. Mr. Eric Nicholas, son of Dr. Nicholas of Taiping, has resigned his appointment in the Perak Government service and has joined Messis. Riley Hargreaves, of Singapore"
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  • 252 5 The following rubber outputs for January are reported Straits Rubber Compary Ltd. Geelong Estate lb. 37,000 Nova Scotia Estate 20.000 lb. 57,000 Penang Sugar Es ates Co., Ltd. Caledonia Es ate lb. 27,610 Tali Ayer Estate 19 000 46,610 Rubana Rubber Estates Limited. Rubana Estate lb 23,000 (23,000
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 497 5 'T’WO SMART LEDGER CLERKS. Apply, ata'ing previous experience and salary required to BOX 100, T 2 c/o Pinang Gazette. NOTICE. CHAP GOH MEH. OWNERS of hor-es are cautioned against permitting their syces to work animals which are lame or otherwise unfit for use. M. H. MACARTHUR, for Superintendent, P. C.
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  • 22 5 OBITUARY. [Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Skrvicr Berlin, February 1. The death is announced of Herr Paul S nger, the well-known German Socialist politician.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1131 6 NV jz RUBBER ESTATES MANAGERS’ AGENCY I b Ai M. aka (P- J* ur S ess Co., Ltd.) Jdpdft Mfcll Stc&€uship Co. Ld. hl THE above Agency has been formed as a medium of communication I \y \c wi/F./ between Rubber plantation companies having their head office in London I
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  • 510 7 ARRIVALS. Hild, Nor., 719, Solae«an, Feb. 1, Mangalore, gen., Huttenbach, Bros. Kedah, Brit., 134, Wright, Feb. 1, Kedah, gen., E. S. CoJ Kapurthala, Brii 4721, Sima, Feb. 2, Moulmein, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Nore, Brit., 4179, Feb. 1, Philipps, Antwerp, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Teesta, Brit., 3428, Wiliis. Feb.
    510 words
  • 1520 7 “o I I C ‘P iUl ««B-eribed. Dividend. Na ree |j n m cr 1906 1907 1903 1909 1910 MINING. 1903 £300,000 >3OO 000 30,000 >lO >lO j 25 10 30 Belat Tm Mining Co. 1906 300,000 225.00 C 22.500 10 10 j -r; G.i r b "ĕ 1901
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  • 141 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE To-Morrow. Fjr. Per, Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Pangkor 9 a.m. Deli Ayuthia 9 a m. Batu Bahra Sree Bangka 11 a.m. Pang Nga Deli 1 p.m. Singapore, China, and Japan Vorwaerts 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Hong Wan I 3 p.m. Teluk
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  • 136 7 Pbnang, Fkbruary 2, 1911. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 5/32 N 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 13/3? 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 n 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 j 3 days’ sight Privaue 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174 J n 3
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  • 205 7 Pbnang, Fkbruary 2, 1911, Gold leaf $64.80 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz) No stock. White Pepper $24.50 sales. Trang Pepper sl6.2sbuyers Mace s9snominal. Mace Pickings $lO4 sellers. Cloves $42.50 sales. Nutmegs 110 $22 sellers. [No. 1 $6.10 sales. No. 2 $6.00 sales. Basket $5 nominal. Tapioca Flour
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 382 7 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The best Italian and marble used, William Edwarfl 6 Sons, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND, Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen granite. (Samples of granite to be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2314 8 P.O. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailings. SCllCr LlCjd, BFOIDOD. EXPECTED «*****.1 AW DEPASTBRIS E MAIL SERVICE OUTWARD. x n p m W„„iK n «An Pa Imperial German Mail Line. Feb 9 Arsaye connecting .ith India BPltlSfa 10(111 *****11 N ftVlglllCD Gt)., I r mmitku /b occob steam Shin co m.
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