Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 April 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 4759 2  -  Br E W. BIRCH, C M.G. —Journal oj the Straits branch oj the Royal Asiatic Society Concluded We reached camp at Tronoh at 3 p.m. Wan Husoin pitched his tent on the river bank, but we all set up ours on a stony island and there
    —Journal oj the Straits branch oj the Royal Asiatic Society  -  4,759 words
  • 138 2 Thursday, April 7. Old Lady Day. St. George’s Church Confirmation Service by Bishop of Singapore, spm Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Friday, April 8. Band, Esplanade. Straits Cinematograph Penang Road Saturday, April 9. Homeward P 0. Mail. Cricket: Vols. i>. B. R.U., Butterworth Cricket: P.R.C. t>. C.R.C., Esplanade. St.
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  • 49 2 Ramoth,” 5 Pangkore Road; apply E. A. Manasseh. Richmond Bungalow (furnished) apply: Secretary Municipal Commissioners. 17a Northam Road apply Allen Kennys A Co. 5 and 18 Logan Road apply M. M. Noordin. Avondale” Butterworth; apply R. A. P. Hogan. Babington,” 10 Barrack Road apply Kennedy Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 *W. G. Maxwell, in his delightful book In Malay Forests,” makes too much, if I may say so, of the gloom or impenetrable darkness of the forest. In belukar, where elephants chiefly feed and in swampy places which the rhinoceros haunts, I grant that his description is correct. But in
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    • 75 2 AN IDEAL DRl\iz FOR THE TROPICS. igg AGENTS: HOTTENBACH BROS. Co. Appendicitis, now so prevalent, is believed to arise chiefly from constipation and local inflammatory troubles, which may be prevented by the occasional use of "Hunyadi Janos” natural aperient water. Average dose a wine-glassful before breakfast BANDOENGSCHE KININEFABRIEK JAVA QUININE.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 146 2 The Sun. Apparent times of Sunrise an I Sunset in Penang From Sunrise. Sunset. April 4 April 1’',...5-58a.m. 6-02p.m. April 11 April 18, 5-57 a.m. 6-03 p.m. April 19 April 24,...5-56 a.m. 6-04 p.m. April 25 April 30,...5-55 a.m. 6-05 p.m. The Moon. O New Moon 4.25 a.m. 10 April.
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    • 1191 3 A A Anglo-Eqgpttan m I /•Mfe «w««e :BELLEVUE HOTEL! s ;..r description supplied. X fittrd with /f fl Inscriptions done in all languages, under AND ROARDING HOUAF M EleCtPlC Light and FanS. CDFPTAT T TKEI7Q u Bkl P e< Euro P ea supemsron. J M M Five Minutes from Railway
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  • 1297 4 Going over some of laat year’s issues of that fine periodical La Revui des Deux Mondes, we came across recently a highly interesting article <>n the question of the future of the Asiatic race by M. Felix Klein. The author deals more particularly with the movement
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  • 354 4 The annual general meeting of the Penang Hunt Club was held in the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday, at 4-15 p.m. There were present Mr. J. F. Wreford, President Mr. Justice Thornton, Capt. D. C. Macintyre, Dr. Liston, Messrs. F. J. Hallifax, J. Pickenpack, W. S. Gibson, A.
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  • 200 4 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette Dear Sir, At an extraordinary general meeting of the Eastern Smelting Co., held on the tenth of November last, the Managing Director asked for two mouths in which to enquire into the state of affairs at the works. That
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  • 265 4 The Secretary of the Perak Chamber of Mines sends us the following additional returns of tin outputs for March Pusing Bharu piculs 814 Siputeh 315 The Hou. R. N. Bland, Resident Councillor, is proceeding to Singapore on Saturday. The Hon. A. R. Adams and the Hon. Robert
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  • 381 4 The Rev. Frank W. Hain» Chaplain, and Mrs Haines o a y e G lonial Home” last evening at thZ York Road, to the members of R t r Church to meet the Rt R ev o g8 s Ferguson-Davie, d.d., Bishop of Sin ffa J>
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  • 207 4 Some interesting evidence was given by Sir Francis Piggott, Chief Justice of Hongkong, before the Royal Commission on the Divorce Laws now sitting in London. It emphasised the hardships to parties iu divorce cases in oversea Colonies, under the present system. Sir Francis mentioned a case
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  • 269 4 .—Exchange. The following ties in the P. C. C. Bow 3 Tournament were played off last night Single Handicap. H T. Petts 5) v. R. V. J. S. Hogan (Scr.) (Latter scratched.) Mixed Double Handicap Mr. ifc Mrs. Jarvis (—1) beat Mrs. Miles <fc H. Muir 4)
    .—Exchange.  -  269 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 5 THE PENANG DISPENSARY, Ltd., i M (Late Graham Co., Ltd.,) JJ M 4, BEACH STREET AND 11C, BUCKINGHAM STREET. M M M HAVE JUST UNPACKED A FRESH STOCK OF Patent Medicines, Disinfectants, Drugs, etc. J MM J Claxton’s Patent Ear Caps for Children. M Hartmann’s Complete Outfits. 5 M
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  • 52 5 FEW CHANGES. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 6 The following are to-day’s share quotations Chersonese 7/3 Inch Kenneths 18 Port Dicksons 13 Singapore A Johores 22 Serembans 125 There were some movements in tin, mostly down Lahats, Tekkas, and Pahang Consolidateds are up a fraction
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  • 60 5 STILL ANOTHER RECORD [Reuter’s Service London. April 6. The price of rubber has reached 12s. 4d. per lb attention is being concentrated on rubber shares [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, April 7. A cablegram to Messrs. Barlow <k Co. regarding Tuesday’s rubber auction sales in London
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  60 words
  • 53 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 7 The following rubber crop returns fot March are published Bukit Kajang lb. 2,603 Pegohs 3,314 Batu Lin tang 2,850 Allagars 2,050 The Manager of Paradise Estate (Carey United Rubber Co., Ltd informs us that the crop for March was 8,000
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  • 37 5 Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, April 6. The following are to- lay’s quotations for produce Gambier 11.75 Pepper, black 14.40 Pepper, white 26.50 Tapioca, Hake 6.65 Tapioca, pearl 6.75 Sarawak sago flour 4.15 Opium 2,300.00
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  • 70 5 [From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, April 7. In connection with the controversy regarding the Brothers taking over the English School at Batu Gajah, another letter to the Times oj Malaya from the Rev. P. J. Parry, Chaplain of Perak South, has caused a sensation, as the person he
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  • 65 5 [A’rojn Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 7. A notice is published regarding the Mergui Rubber Co. stating that owing to a difficulty regarding the transfer, there will be a delay in the allotment of shares, but that money paid on application will be returned if applied for
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  • 27 5 From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, April 7. A fire occurred at Tronoh last night in several huts, a Chinese lad being burned badly.
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  • 23 5 [#r<wn Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, April 7. Many local people are disposing of their tin shares to invest in rubber.
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  • 25 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 6. Tin is quoted here at $75.30, at which price 75 tons have been sold.
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  • 22 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 7. The British cruiser Edgar has arrived here and leaves on Friday for Portsmouth.
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  • 607 5 COMMONS AND LORDS. THE VETO RESOLUTIONS [Reuter’s Service London, April 7. According to Mr. Asquith’s programme, the veto resolutions will be passed on the 14th inst., and the Budget finished before the recess at the end of April. London, March 29. Mr. O’Kelly, Nationalist, has been returned
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  607 words
  • 50 5 IWO NEW “DREADNOUGHTS.” Reuter s Service. London, April 6. The French Senate has unanimously agreed to a Bill for laying down two Dreadnoughts in 1910. Admiral de Lapeyrĕre, Minister of Marine, declared that the danger of invasion was indisputable as a division could land in twenty-four hours
    [ Reuter s Service. |  -  50 words
  • 48 5 REPUBLICAN HOSTILITIES. [Reuter’s Service.] London, April 6. Hostilities are threatened between Peru and Ecuador as a result of anti-Peruvian rioting in Quito, the capital, and Guayaquil, the chief commercial town of Ecuador, iu consequence of the boundary dispute. The Peruvian army and navy have been mobilised.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  48 words
  • 25 5 [Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, April 6. Negotiations with regard to the Congo will be reopened at B u'sels almost immediately.
    [Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.]  -  25 words
  • 17 5 (Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, April 6. Cotton is quoted at 7.87 d.
    (Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service.]  -  17 words
  • 266 5 INDENTURED IMMIGRATION. LORD MORLEY’S VIEWS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, April 7. A correspondent wrote to Viscount Morley, Secretary of State for India, hoping that further particulars would be procured before finally deciding on the wisdom of the decision to forbid recruiting of Indian indentured coolies for the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  266 words
  • 123 5 ALLEGED ESPIONAGE [Rbuter’s Service.] London, April 6. A telegram from Manila states that by the order of the Hon. Jacob M. Dickinson, United States Secretary of War, the two Japanese arrested in connection with a plot to supply plans of the fortifications to them, have been released
    [Rbuter’s Service.]  -  123 words
  • 39 5 MR. ROOSEVELT CONGRATULATED. Rbutrr’s Service 1 London, April 7. Mr. Roosevelt has received hundreds of tel-graras from both Roman Catholics and Piotestan r s in America congratulating him on his attitude towards the Vatican.
    | Rbutrr’s Service 1  -  39 words
  • 33 5 [Reuter’s •'kuvicb.] London, April 6. The Union Bank, 44 Court Street Brooklyn, New York, has closed its doors it had a capital of $1,001,000 (gold) and $5,500,000 (gold) in deposits.
    [Reuter’s •'kuvicb.]  -  33 words
  • 31 5 [Der Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.! Berlin, April 6. The Russian Budget shows a surplus of 4,240,000 roubles The Duma has struck out a credit of 11,030,000 roubles for Naval construction.
    [Der Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.!  -  31 words
  • 22 5 [Der Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, April 6. Turkey has received fresh assurances of the pacific intentions of Greece and Bulgaria.
    [Der Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.]  -  22 words
  • 104 5 [Dbr Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, April 6. The shipping strike at Marseilles is assuming serious proportions. Mgr. Marcou, Bishop of Tonquin, who arrived here a few weeks age from Rangoon, where he took p>rt in the consecration of a new cathedral there, and has been staying at
    [Dbr Ostasiatischb Lloyd’s Service.]  -  104 words
  • 429 5 In the Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. Justice S. Leslie Thornton, Mohamed Ariff, a Malay interpreter employed in the District Court, was examined in bankruptcy. The bankrupt said that he was a married man with a wife and two children. He had 14 years’ Government service as
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  • 184 5 Yesterday. To-Day (2,30 p m.) 2 2 g 2 2 g x 0.2 0.2 O 3 3 u 3 w co O 0Q t/) O Mining. Posing Bharu 8 8 8 8} Tekka 21 22 ex. 21 General. Duff Development 13| 14 Rubber (Sterling). Anglo-Malay 37/6 40/-
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  • 89 5 London, March 30 Lord St. Aldwyn, presiding over a meeting of the Bank of Africa, to-day, emphasized that one point of uncertainty was the policy of the Union Government regarding Indian immigration. This was of the utmost importance, as the Natal sugar industry depended on the
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  • 97 5 —P.M.G. A wealthy man is now spoken of colloquially as being made of rubber.” In fashionable circles the correct wedding present is a pair of goloshes. Mme. Curie has succeeded in isolating a square inch of indiarubber from a waterproof. The element is calculated to be four
    —P.M.G.  -  97 words
  • 999 5 HOW TO PREVENT INFECTION. A series of lectures on Tropical Hygiene has been given at the offices of the London Chamber of Commerce by Dr. W. J. Simpson, Professor of Hygiene at. King’s College and Lecturer on the same subject to the London School of Tropical Medicine. In
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  • 386 5 Says a Home financial paper to hand by this morning’s mail Is there a rubber rig The Commercial Motor declares that there is. Powerful influences are at work,” asserts that journal in its editorial notes, amongst dealers in rubber company shares, fictitiously to raise the
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  • 330 5 The metal markets expert o' the Ironmonger, wr ting on the evening of March 17, said The tin market has experienced a nasty setback owing to liquidation on a large scale at the instance of interests which have during recent months been closely associated in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 WANTED. ASSISTANT’S BILLET wanted by planter of 18 months’ experience Talks Malay fluently and possesses working knowledge of Tamil. Thoroughly understands new clearing work including demarcation and tracing Apply—“P. F. L.,” Salak North, Perak. Penang Sales Room, important Auction sole. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, High-class and Valuable Household
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2392 6 Ciiardian Assurance Co Ltd CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL THE MERCANTILIST MANUFACTURERS LIFE Guardian Assurance Co.. Lt AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. INDIA, Llm lt NK OF INSURANCE CO- OF CANADA. Established 1821. Authorised’ Claims, loans, and surrenders, settled ro non nnn Iwccirnorated bv Royal
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  • 934 7 The first Standard Oil boat to call at Port Swettenham, Federated Malay States, the Hudson, carried i,500 drums of benzine and 13,000 cases of petroleum from New York, for local consumption. Her tonnage is about 3,000. A Vladivostock dispatch to the Tokio Asahi says that the ice-breaker which
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  • 1230 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. By Delta, Brit., 4780, Snow, April 7, Bombay, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Malaya, Ger., 348, Loewe, April 6, Bela wan, gen., Behn, Meyer Co. Merkus, Dut., 335, Gatz. April 7, Deli, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Pangkor, Brit., 134, Darke, April 6, Kedah, gen., E. S. Co. Sappho,
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  • 1404 7 a. d Capital. Subscribed. Value. S Dividends. Name. ®.l Q (2 01 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 I MINING. 1903 $300,000 $300,000 30,000 $lO $lO 25 10 12 Belat Tin Mining Co. 4 5 1906 300,000 225,00 C 22,500 10 10 I Bruang, 5 1901 600,000 600,000 60,000 10
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 An Eminent Physician says: I think Hunyadi Janos mineral water a very good aperient for a tropical climate. It seems to me to be one of the best—if not the best—of the mineral waters for restoring an overworked liver to its normal conditicn. Average dose, a wine-glassful before breakfast.”
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    • 91 7 The Troubles of Digestion, pain, flatulences acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Huny&di Janos natural aperient water the first thing
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    • 179 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I the STRAITS I Netherlands Gutta Percha s cinematograph c,. COMPANY, LIMITED. f 5 10-Nignt! To-Nighli! Singapore Rubber Works. GRAND J MOTOR TYRES retreaded at Moderate Prices. J PRARRAMMF RIBBED MA VS for Motor Cars. J ■R V VIXMIII 111 L. MATS (3ft. x 2ft.) for Carriages and Rikishas. J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2000 8 P, 40. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailing®. Shipping. S?£ steam ZZTk no. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. 21 Delhi China May 5 Devanha Persia Imperial German Mail Line. 19 Assaye Malwa For hrusDiiß to Sail. Strambr. OfPflll Pa June 2 Arcadia Macedonia VICUII OltdlH OHlp I® I (fl 16 Delta Moldavia A
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