Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1732 1 THE “PINANG GAZETTE.” Government Notificotion. government notification.! SUBSCRIPTION. OTICE is hereby teudeis I SALE OF CROWN LAND. will be received at the offices of the I For Daily Issue, in Town, Colonial Secretary, Singapore, and of rhe $27 per annum. '"THE following Crown Lands near Telok H ‘Sidenr, Ltbuan, up
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  • 2023 2 —Morning Post. BY MAURICE BARING. Letter from Lady Macbeth to Lady Macdujf Most Private.) The Palace, Forres, October 10. My dearest Flora, —I am sending this letter by Ro-s, who is starting for Fife tomorrow morning. I wonder if you could possibly come here for a few
    —Morning Post.  -  2,023 words
  • 875 2 There are few subjects which excite more general interest at the present time than that of the decreasing birth-rate in the home country. It is only natural that it should be so, since whatever view a person may take as to whether such decrease in the number of
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  • 133 2 Thursday. 30th September. St, Jerome. Municipal Commission, 3-30 p.m. League Football: G. S. v. Free School, Esplanade. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang ll«md. Friday. Ist October. St. Remigius. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Sa tar day. 2nd October. Homeward German Mail. Homeward English (B.I.) Mail.
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  • 48 2 September SO. 1832 —Lord Roberts bom. 1841—Bogue forts destroyed by British fleet. 1887—Municipal limits of Singapore town defined 1905—H. M. Cruser Natal launched. 1905—The ss. Hseiho blown up by a submerged mine 90 miles off Hongkong. 1908—Death of Mr. L. A. M. Johnston, Post-master-General. Hongkong.
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  • 164 2 f traits Government: —Opium, liquors, and tobacco farms, Labuan tenders close noon, Oct. 1. Straits Government: Opium Farm of Penang; Province Wellesley, and Bindings Liquors Farm of Penang, Province Wellesley, and Bindings; Chandu Farm of Perak Chandu Farm of Kedah tenders close noon, Oct. 1. Negri Sembilan Govt :—Pawnbrokers’
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  • 38 2 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co. Westland» Bungalows. Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 appl- Wref, rd Thornton. 66 Cantonment Road (furnished); apply Adams Allan. 17 Logan Road (furnished or unfurnished); apply H,” c/o Pinang Gazette.
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  • 62 2 Saturday, Oct. ?.—Shares in Land, etc. 38 Beach St. 11 a.m.; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Monday, Oct. 4- Land in Hutton Lane 11-30 a.m. Logan’s Buildings Cunningham, Clark Co. auctioneers. Monday, Oct. 11. —Shares in land 11 a.m.; Logan’s Buildings; J. R. McFarlane, auctioneer. Saturday, Oct. 16 :—Crown
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 141 2 Weighty Facts Just read these weighty facts—this overwhelming evidence from a sufferer who was cured of a sprained, stiffened knee joint, cured when other remedies had failed, completely cured by Little’s Oriental Balm. O. F. Schamerer, of Kinundy, Ill.; writes My wife sprained her knee so severely that she could
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    • 61 2 Skin Troubles are often the direct result of digestive disturbances. Waste products, instead of passing off in the way intended by Nature, attempt to escape from the body by another route—namely, the skin. To redirect the stream to its proper channel all that is needed is a wine-glassful of Hunyadi
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    • 747 2 ■1 TENDERS INVITED. Make year Peg’*—at Home and at the Club* I tenders for GAMING farm. and SODA. RENDERS will be received at the office o f 1 the Secretary to Resident, Sereinban It stimulates (as does Negri Sembilan, up to noon on the 31st Octo’ Whisky and Soda) but
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 195 2 The Moon. Las» Quarter 1.44 p.m. 6 Oct. O New Moon 3.13 p.m. 14 First Quarter 2.04 p.m. 22 O Full Moon 5.07 a.m. 29 The Sun. Apparent times of Sunrise and Sunset in Penang from Sunrise. Sunset. Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, 5-59 a.m. 6-4 p.m. Oct. 7 Oct.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1210 3 1 °7<^ o ™Ar o MOSQUITO CURTAINS »7 r.,„„. 8 5-- i I UMCDQ i STOCKED IN ALL SIZES. ln Het Countries. q Ini LLlWllOol a 1 Sanltas" Dlsinfactlng Fluid 2 NEW STOCK. O AMATIIDD f 111 '1 o SMOKED, AMBER AND CRYSTAL, HHVIUUII I IWVW I ,\"SaMtas n 2
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  • 15 4 Thrupp-Mktcalpk —Sept. 1, at Bracknell, Major F. M. Thrupp, R.G.A., to Cecile Mildred Metcalfe.
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  • 679 4 We learn on good authority that the F.M.S. Government has definitely decided to send a team of the Malay States Guides to shoot at Bisley next year and that the men will leave for Home by the ss. Malta on April 27. That they will give
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  • 958 4 s S C.RC. v. WANDERERS. r; ,r The Chinese Recreation Club and the Penang Wanderers, champions and wooden spooniats, respectively, in the League competition, were to meet on Victoria Green, yesterday afternoon, when a fairly large crowed assembled in view of the keen rivalry existing hitherto between these
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  • 945 4 SEQUEL TO AGRICULTURAL SHOW. The fifth snd final Police Court hearing of the case against Mr. Elton Bell and three P. C. A. peons of assaulting and obstructing a public servant (Sergt. Worton) at the recent Agricultural Show, was held yesterday before Mr. A. de Mello,
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  • 565 4 The Bishop of Singapore and M rs Ferguson- Davie ate passengers from M ar seilies on Oct. 29 by the P. »k O. steamer Marmora for Singapore. Mr. Tom Mackay, late passenger agent for the Pacific Mail S.S Co. and sevei a railroads in America, and well-known
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  • 318 4 Consul General Sit William Ward t< ports as follow* with regard to German trade with the Straits during 1908 Straits Settlements. A commercial crisis occurred in the Straits Settlements at the beginning of J9OJL The continued decline in the prices of the principal experts such
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 SQOOOOQdQOQQOOOOOOOOOOO E GARRICK SARETTE x'"“ I A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Q jjM Q Packed in 50's Air-Tight Tins. O Price 60 cents per Tin. x y T XS?'S» Q SBR o OBTAINABLE AT X >R$. PRITCHARD Co. 8 And All First-class Tobacconists. ooqooqoqoooooooooooooo [HOWARTH ERSKINE, iwjl I CIVIL, ELECTRICAL, AND
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  • 353 4 DEATH. Bromhkad Matthews. —Sept. 4, at Nassau, The Bahama*, Kate Isobel, wife of J. Bromhead Matthews, K.C. OBITUARY. MR. TAN KIONG SAIL LOSS TO THE STRAITS CHINESE. j From Our Oum Correspondent.] Singapore, 30th Sept. fhe deith has occurred of Mr. Tan Ki'»i'gSaik, J P., an ex-Municipal Commislioner, Director of
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  • 125 5 AN INDICTMENT OF DR COOK RkUTKR’B 'MCRVieg 1 London, 29th Sept. The Peary-Cook controversy regarding the discovery of the North Pole has been reopened, and a long indie meut by Peary of Cook is published in N-w York London, 22nd Sept. A telegram from New York states that
    RkUTKR’B 'MCRVieg 1  -  125 words
  • 43 5 SECOND READING BY L'HE LORDS. [Rrutkr’s Skrvicr London, 29th Sept. The House of Lords ha- passed the second reading of the Irish Laud bill. Lord Dunraven moved its rejection, but Lord Lansdowne supported the second reading, though foieshadowing drastic amendments.
    [Rrutkr’s Skrvicr ]  -  43 words
  • 59 5 A ROMAN CATHOLIC ELECTED. [Rbutkr* Skrvick London, 30th Sept. Sir John Knill, Roman atludic, h-«s been elected Loid Mayor of London, which resulted in a scene at the Guildhall and shouts of No Popery.’’ Replying to a question, Sir John undertook not io pur the Pope
    [Rbutkr* Skrvick ]  -  59 words
  • 39 5 CAPTAIN SCOTT’S EX PE DI lON. [Kkutkr’k Skrvick.] London, 30th Sept. A Mansion House Fund is being opened in aid of Capt. Scott’s forthcoming expedition to the South Pole, the cost of which is estimated at .£40,001).
    [Kkutkr’k Skrvick.]  -  39 words
  • 35 5 NOTABLE SPANISH SUCCESS. [Rrutkr’s Skrvick.] Lonrlou, 30th Sept. Toe Spaniards hive now occupied the whole of Mount Gu'UgU, planting the. flag on the topmost peak amid wild enthusiasm Jubilation prevails in Madrid.
    [Rrutkr’s Skrvick.]  -  35 words
  • 178 5 ALLEGATIONS AGAINST AN ACCOUNTANT. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. [/’’vom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 29th Sept. Mr. William Butler Wright., chief accountant of the Chinese section of the Hongkong-Canton Railway, was brought before Mr. Vice-Consul Giles at Canton yesterday. The accused was charged with having fraudulently embezzled sums of
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  • 108 5 SINGAPORE LAWYER SUMMONED. [/*row Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 30th Sept. Mr. Montagu Harris, b«rrister-at-law, has been summoned on a charge of contempt of Court, and appears before the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hyndman Jones, in the Supreme Court to-day. A Singapore paper of Tuesday states
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  • 59 5 CHINESE PLACARDS IN KINTA. JAPANESE WOMEN STONED. [-From Our Own Correspondent. J Ipoh, 29th Sept Placards have been posted in Ipoh and various other towns in Kinta inciting the Chinese to boycott the Japanese. A gang of coolies stoned some Japanese women at Menglembu last night, one
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  • 58 5 RUSSIAN BALLOON TRIALS. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 29th Sept The trial trips of the Russian dirigible balloon have proved entirely satisfactory. Mahmoud Shevket Pasha, who is now in Paris, is following the progress in aviation v. ry closely and has expressed regret that more inte est
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  • 31 5 DATE OF THE DISSOLUTION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 30th Sept. The Daily News states that His Majesty the King will proclaim a dissolution of Parliament on January 15, 1910.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  31 words
  • 26 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 29'h Sept. The new cruiser Minotaur will relieve the King Alfred as the on the China Station.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  26 words
  • 70 5 The following is the rainfall registered at Fort Cornwallis since the 23rd inst. Within the last four days slight rain has fallen, but insufficient to record. 23 Sept. 1-20 inches. 24 ’*.o7 25 024 26 0.07 27 28 29 30 During this period the thermometer has remained very
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  • 907 5 —L. AC. Express THE TRANSFER HOAD MURDER. The hearing of the charge of murder against a Kling named Karupaya was continued yesterday morning. Noorsa said that between 7 and 8 p.m. on the day in question he was in Transfer Road with a man named Mydin. He heard
    —L. AC. Express  -  907 words
  • 486 5 In the Hous? Of Commons On the 6th inst. Mr. Fell' asked Mr. Churchill if any reports had been received by the l Government from the Consuls in ChiriX respecting the shipmeats to England of Chinese pork and the conditions und-r which it was produced and
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  • 426 5 The public are invited to subscribe for an issue of 42 500 shares of £1 each in the Batu Kawan Rubber aud Coconut Plantations, Limited. Tue capital is divided into 80,000 shares, and 21,000 will be issued as fully paid in part payment of the purchase
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  • 235 5 The- inetal markets expert of the Ironmonger, writing on the evening of Sept. 9, said The return to business of leading operators has imparted greater activity to the tin market, and prices have declined under selling pressure. Estimates of shipments are very heavy, and this is
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  • 200 5 London, Sept. 20. 'I he situation in Greece has improved owing to the withdrawal of M. Theotokis’s resignation of the I- adership of the majority in the Chamber and his declai ation that he will leave his colb agues free to vote for reforms according to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 21 5 ItRITIMK LAW. i>kh Ohtahiatischk Lloyds -Skrvick.] B-rlin, 29th Sept. Phe international conference on maritime law at Brussels has opened its sittings.
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    • 186 5 The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 188®. In the Supreme Court of the Strait» Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In Bankiuptcy. No. 51 of 1908. Re SAW BOON POE alias SAW BOON SEAN. Notice is hereby given that a First and Final Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matt-r. Creditors who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2313 6 THE bank or a**H*F-i “sazsssssssu. THE Tssrsur w f, i •fl V j «isnnnnnn i Netherlands Trading Society. (Netherlands In a Authorised Capital £1,500,000 17 nCI T A YIH Vni YlYll no Paid-up Capital >15,000,000 4 Ebtablibhbd 1824. Established at Batavia, 1807. U Ifl SI.R ill k)>* 1L) (JI 11
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  • 1250 7 d. Capital. Subscribed. N «l“ ber of 3 S i vapiv Shares. Value. Dividend». Name J 2 a’-5 > a 22 2 PQ I QQ I H I I I "~1 1 MINING. I;m3 TO 22’500 *lO *}Jj 12 Per cent, year end. 31-3-09 Bel at Tin Mining Co
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  • 119 7 Calypso, Brit, 339, Bannatyne, Sept. 30, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. Carlyle, Brit., 234, Treweeke, Sept. 30, Teluk Anson, gen., Kwong On A Co. De Kock, Dut., 335, Fleeming Sept 29, Deli, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Kut Sang, Brit, 3108, Brodley, Sept. 29, Calcutta, gen Boustead Co. Pin
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  • 38 7 Calypso for Deli. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and Malacca Canton for Dindings and Teluk Anson C. Apcar for Calcutta. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Mary Austin for Asahan. Teesta for Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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  • 108 7 ARRIVALS. By P. R. Luitpold (Sept 29) from Antwerp, Messrs Edward Friedrichs and H G ▼on Os; from Genoa, Miss Marie Drossel, Messrs J Hug, I A Ingermann, C A Koning, F R Spaull, J Robson, Alfred Beyer, J Sluiter, Fritz Schlechter, and Koeffer; from Colombo, Miss Siloa and
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  • 114 7 from, ap/ rujcn>»-iie >t-u O! nt'.-ivl, whers bountl and Agents A. Apcar, Calcutta, Oct. 11, Japan, A.A. Astyanax, Liverpool, Oct 6, Japan, W. M. Atsuta Maru, Singapore, Oct. 1, Antwerp, B. Borneo, P’Swettenham, Oct. 1, Antwerp, A.G. Bena von, London, Oct. 2, Japan, S. B. Benarty, London, Oct.
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  • 125 7 Pknang, 30th September, 1909. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4* M 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days’ sight Private 177* Bombay Demand Bank 176 3 days’sight Private 177* Madras Demand
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  • 194 7 Penang, 30th September, 1909. Gold leaf $64.80 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. ft oz) No stock. White Pepper $21.50 sales. Trang Pepper $15.75 sales. Mace 87 sales. Mace Pickings $BO sellers. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 slB* buyers. {No. 1 $5.80 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 174 7 To-Morrow. Kedah Tong Chuan 9 a m. Deli, Asahan, Batu Bahra, and Paneh Valentijn 11 a.m. Tongkah Rotorua 1 p.m Langkat Jin Ho 1 p.m. Rangoon Tong Hong 2 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin Seng 3 p.m. Langsa, T. Semawe, S Seg 1 i, Olehleh, > Hok
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  • 564 7 Per P O ss Macedonia, from London, September 10 :—To Penang Mrs Hamilton and Mr W W Acton. To Singapore Mr and Mrs H J Crunney, Mr. and Miss McClymont, Mr and Mrs J Kerr, Mrs W H Willi*ms. the Rev W E Horley, Mr and
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  • 916 7 After consultation with the Admiralty the Scotland Yard authorities have made an important innovation by appointing three special detective inspectors for the Government dockyards. The object is to safeguard naval secrets and Government property in consequence of the recent series of robberies from Sheerness and Chatham dockyards and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 268 7 he new property and Commercial Sales Rooms Japanese Cinematograph. (56, BEACH STREET.) Undertake the Sale by AUCTION of GRAND PROGRAMME Merchandise (either sound or damaged) HOUSE and LANDLatest and Newest ED PROPERTY, and FURNITURE of all description*. wj. 4 I Advances tc a limited extent on the latter to suit
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    • 94 7 The Troubles of Digestion, of pain, flatulence acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2076 8 P. &o. Steam Navigation Company.' Intended Sailing*. I Shipping.Shipping. “S sS?v^s BRITISH ,ND,A Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. 20De±b.°“" ecti BWithM M“d± STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. nviuuuui» j Pt* Nov. 5 Assaye Mongolia 1 Imperial German Mail Line. w HOMEWARD. p OB Ibtbndwd to Sail. Stbambb Date. Steamer. XTSTs^S. 8 London. E
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