Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1532 1 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” L AD F L^iX:. d M„ g l” er d i i SUBSCRIPTION. iR, fc DRINK I f I I I “MALTHOID” Monthly Subscription, $2.25. si, Beach street. E QTATIT 3 I MINERAL ROOFING. I For the Weekly Issue, We are now unpacking a large consignment of
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  • 2597 2 1 J ands of miles through the jungle.— The New York Medical Journal. The following article, entitled Malarial fever seen at close range in the deep iungle of the Malay Peninsula and in the country of the ghosts,” is by Charles S. Braddock, Jr., Ph. G M.D., Haddonfield,
    1 J ands of miles through the jungle.— The New York Medical Journal.  -  2,597 words
  • 300 2 the training of midwives.— Times oj India. In «11 Indian mortality returns one fact stands glaringly out—it is the tremendous mortality amongst infants. There can be little doubt that this is a matter which will claim a large and increasing share of the attention of the
    the training of midwives.—Times oj India.  -  300 words
  • 147 2 Tuesday, 28th September. Band, Golf Club. League Football Vole. v. St. Xavier’s, Esplanade. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Eastern Bioscope Co., King St. Wednesday, 29th September. St. Michael and All A. Outward German Mail. Band, Esplanade 6 to 7 p.m. League Football: C.R.C. v. P.W., Victoria Green. Eastern Bioscope
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  • 61 2 September 28. 1863 —Late King Carlos of Portugal born. 1870—Strassburg capitulated. 1887 —Calamitous inundation of Yellow River, China. 1895 —Pasteur died. 1905—Franco-German Agreement on Morocco signed. 1905—Steamer Chatham blown up in Suez Canal. 19 s—Straits Medical School opened by the Governor. 1907—Lord Cromer received Freedom of City
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  • 204 2 Municipal Commissioners, Penang.— Central Market outbuildings; tenders close 3 p.m Sept. 29. Penang Harbour Department:— Tin number plates for cargo, passenger, and fishing boats, and boards for fishing stakes; tenders close noon, Sept. 30. Hongkong Government —Opium Farm tenders close Sept. 30. Straits Government —Opium, liquors, and tobacco farms,
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  • 37 2 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co. Westlands Bungalows, Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 appiv Wreford Thornton. 66 Cantonment Road (furnished); apply Adams <fc Allan. 17 Logan Road (furnished or unfurnished) apply H,”c/o Pinang Gazette.
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  • 48 2 Saturday, Oct. 2.— Shares in Land, etc. 38 Beach St. 11 a.m.; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Monday, Oct. —Land in Hutton Lane 11-30 a.m. Logan’s Buildings Cunningham, Clark Co. auctioneers. Saturday, Oct. 16 :—Crown land near Teluk Bahang in District of Balik Pulau Land Office Penang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 Skin Troubles are often the direct result of digestive disturbances. Waste products, instead of passing off in the way intended by Nature, attempt to escape from the body by another route—namely, the skin. To redirect the stream to its proper channel all that is needed is a wine-glassful of Hunyadi
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    • 239 2 THE NAME CHUBB ©IUBBS SAFE TRACE MARK IS A |JMI DHECTO9 GUARANTEE" BOXES I quality. Ip 1 "1 0 I j ALL SIZES STOCKED I AGENTS: HUTTENBACH BROS. Go. FOR. SALE. Illi MUSIC. 'I CLEARANCE SALE, EMrtrterj Dealers. Inspection cordially invited. QAII4IC CaIAC Prices moderate. OVllip, OVIVd, KWON» SENG, Alftunls
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 117 2 The Moon. O Full Moon 8.05 p.m. 29 Sept Last Quarter 1.44 p.m. 6 Oct. O New Moon 3.13 p.m. 14 n First Quarter 2.04 p.m. 22 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Sept.28 11 27 5-14 11-52 5-39 29 6-05
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1877 3 •iw last clearance she. g©OOO©O©OO©OOCO©OO©OpOOO©OOO f Xg/J f* /V WJf 'I'A /'ITH'T A TkTC Bankin and Tradin g corporation, g MvoUUl 1U VUK 1 AlNo The Weekly Lever Watch Rs. 20. 2 Naudin ten Gate Co., Ltd., 2 Reduced price Rs. 8. Q PENANG—MEDAN. JJ STOCKED IN ALL SIZES. Price
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  • 644 4 It now seems pretty certain that the next three months at any rate will see a General Election at Home, and although both parties declare themselves confident of success at the polls we imagine that this confidence is very largely assumed and that the unpleasant prospect
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  • 886 4 annual general meeting. Yesterday afternoon the ninth annual meeting of the members of Penang St. Andrew’s Society was held in the Chamber of Commerce building. Mr. W. J. Murison Allan, President, occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance, including the Rev. Ernest Lawson, m.a. Dr.
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  • 1855 4 A VISIT OF INSPECTION. Desirous of ascertaining for ourselves how the new Municipal Ordinance will affect the native quarter of Penang, a representative of the Pinang Gazette spent a couple of hours this morning walking with a properly qualified cicerone through a part of the insanitary area, starting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 ********************000 *****00 8 SPECIAL o J g s i g wUS NEW iSTOCK. o 8 SMOKED, AMBER ANDDCRYSTAL, o From g oGold, Rolled Gold and Nickel o o Spectacles and Pincenez, g O SPECIAL WORK AND SPECIAL. RATES. Q O The Largest Stock in Penang to choose from Q O
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  • 233 5 jLLEGITIOHS AGAIHST ACCOUNTANT. EMBEZZLEMENT OF $43,000. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 28th Sept. yf r W Butler Wright, chief accounth it on the Chinese section of the KowloonCanton Railway, has been charged at Hongkong with the embezzlement of a sum f $43,000 from the funds of the
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  • 163 5 THE K. O R. CUP. From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 28th Sept. In the competition for the K. O. R. Cup the Middlesex Regiment beat the Singapore Civilians by twelve goals to one. Mrs. Perrott, wife of His Ex. MajorGeneial Perrott, Officer Commanding the Troops, S. 8.,
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  • 49 5 AN IMPORTANT NOTIKICATION. From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, 28th Sept. i ne Selangor Government Gazette notifies t t the rent of State land alienated after December 31, 1909, will be liable to revision on and after January 1, 1940, and thereafter every Dirty years.
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  • 38 5 YUAN SHI-KAI’S FUTURE. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, 28th Sept. According to private advices received by the Malay Mad from Shanghai, Yuan Mii-Kai, the well-known Chinese statesman, is negotiating f>r his re-entry to public
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  • 15 5 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, 28th Sept. Lord Kitchener arrived in Hongkong Jesterday.
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  • 81 5 A Curious Parallel. London, 21st September. TAe Times prints a letter signed r Hetnor pointing out, by parallel quo af 1 astoni-hing resemblances between P- i Curzon’s farewell speech at the pyculia Club on November 16. 1 and Lord Kitchener’s farewell speech F‘ >iin a.
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  • 67 5 London, 20th Septembei. Li report of the execution of the Pre- has increased the indignation in against Muley Hafi l which has been evated by the statements made by the r ‘'uls regarding the treatment of p ll_ "‘era. It is stated that the body of the H*i<- nder
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  • 119 5 THE “REPOBLIQUE" DISASTER. ACTION BY THE GOVERNMENT. [Reuter’s Service London, 28th Sept. The French Government, considering that the aviators who were killed by the falling of the French military balloon La Republique, died in the cause of science, the Fatherland will make provision for their families The
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  119 words
  • 88 5 AN AUSTRIAN VIEW [Rkuter’s Service.] Loudon, 27th Sept. According to a telegram from Vienna, the semi-official Fremdenblatt says that Herr von Beth maun-H oil weg’s visit has strengthened the policy of the Triple Alliance pursued by Austria and Germany for three decades, and also their relations with
    [Rkuter’s Service.]  -  88 words
  • 58 5 THE RIFF WAR. [Reuter’s Service London, 28th Sept. General Marina has concentrated 20,000 troops at Nador in readiness to advance against the Moorish stronghold at Zeluan, but the Spanish Foreign Minister, on being interviewed, said that the Riff campaign was ending, the Spanish having attained their object,
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  58 words
  • 62 5 THE GOVERNMENT’S MAJORITIES [Reuter’s Service] London, 27th Sept. In view of the narrowness of the Government majorities on the 25th inst., the Whips are making a special appeal t> about a hundred Liberals who were absent at the recent late sittings, pointing out that the defeat of
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  62 words
  • 46 5 THE AURORA BOREALIS. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 27th Sept. Extraordinary magnetic disturbances have taken place all over the world telegraphic communication has been much disturbed especially in England, Berlin, Strassburg and Montevidev. A magnificent specimen of the Aurora Borealis was witnessed at Christiana.
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  • 55 5 A LOAN AND A CONCESSION. [Reuter’s Service London, 27th Sept. The Daily Telegraph states that a British syndicate is negotiating to advance a sum of £25,000,000, to Russia in return for a concession to work the existing Railways and exploit the minerals and forests of North Caucasia for
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  55 words
  • 130 5 London, 20th September. Lloyds’ agent at Manila telegraphs that the British steamer Harlow reports that she passed on July 27. 180 miles from Durban, a vessel on fire. The name was not discernible and she was afterwards destroyed by an explosion The vessel is supposed to have
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  • 947 5 THE KELAWEI AFFRAY. In the District Court, yesterday, before Mr. G. A. Hall, Sahid bin Junua and Sawar were charged with stabbing Puteh. Mr. B. E. Ross appeared for the prosecution, aud Messrs. C. R. Samuel and F. B. I vens for the defence. Puteh
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  • 212 5 At the Rifle Range, Kampong Bahru, yesterday afternoon, the members of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club shot at the head and shoulders target, which was up for three seconds and down four seconds, each member firing four shots. The result was yards 100. Mrs. Sproule 4 hits.
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  • 174 5 London, 18th September. A telegram from Sydney states that the Congress of the Chambers of Commerce has closed. Resolutions were passed, urging the Home and Colonial Governments to arrange a general scheme of State-aided emigration to the Colonies; calling on the Imperial Government to make every
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  • 140 5 London, 2Jth Sept. The members of Peary’s expedition discovered some remarkable relics of previous explorers Greely’s camp in latitude 81-44 is still standing. They dined off potatoes and pemmican which had been abandoned a quarter of a century before. They found a hymnbook and other relics of
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  • 33 5 London, 15th September. The airship Zeppelin 111 left Frankfurt to-dav for Mannheim. The passengers included the Duke of Saxe Coburg and the Prince and Princess August Wilhelm and Mr. Orville Wright.
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  • 115 5 London, 19th September. The difficulties between Peru and Bolivia, arising out a boundary dispute in July last, have been removed by the two countries signing a protocol adjusting all disputes. As the Homeward B. I. mail will probably close at 10 a m. on Saturday next, only
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 448 5 NOTICE OF SALE. LOST. BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF, PEHAHC. T T 7 The undersigned is instructed A T 3°"” m°“ Sat rda y afternoon, to take possession and put up for sale P °E° nmm pince-nez. PT J RLEC AUCTION Finder please communicate with J H K To the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2526 6 THE CHARTERED BANK ,OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANKa. AUSTRALIA AND VjHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAP. IJ. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPIJ. INDIA, LIMITED. Eastern Shipping -tas-sF’ "sssrrsr.s*’ K a Capital fl. 45,000,000 Authorised Capital F 12,000,000. Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital ...£1,200,000 «i'jsoO 000 at 2/ «15 000 000 >
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  • 1418 7 1 I i CpiUL Subaeribed. J-" Dlvidend J <e ►> a o ill H MINING. *XSI sS *lB 12 •••«•i»-- ’>•*« B^«Ti»Mmi» e co "RSS “Z 10 it* Bnm.h’HA.TJ.MMji S g» ,Sj *>*> ■»*■<» >«» r.& Ti L n t d Mini eC J -t 24 1901 S’oOO iooo
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  • 83 7 Ban Whatt Soon, Brit., 199, Gully, Sept. 28, Teluk Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Jacoba, Dut., 1310, Gregor, Sept. 28, Sabang, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 110, Wright, Sept. 28, Langkat, gen., E. S. Co. Malaya, Ger., 348, Loewe, Sept 28, Deli, gen., Behn, Meyer Co.
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  • 52 7 Avagyee for Deli. Carlyle for Teluk Anson. Ipoh for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Jin Ho for Batu Bahra. Jacoba for Singapore. Leong Ho for Trang. Malacca for Tongkah. Oopack for Singapore, Hongkong and Japan. Petrel for Pangkalan Brand an. Perak (E. S. Co.) for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Scharzfels
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  • 98 7 ARRIVALS. By Tong Ch can (Sept, 24) from Kedah, Messrs F Lading and Lye Hin. By Assaye (Sept. 25) from Shanghai, Mr C D Kerr from Singapore, Messrs J D Murray, and W C Wickersham. By Jacoba (Sept. 28) from Olehleh, Messrs W B Van Goor, H F Van
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  • 124 7 Wa-i.e o/ 'Steamer, where from, appruxim <-e rial» of arrival, where boun I and Agents. A. Apcar, Calcutta, Oct. 11. Japan, A.A. Astyanax, Liverpool, Oct 6, Japan, W. M. Atsuta Maru, Singapore, Oct. 1, Antwerp, B. Borneo, P’Swettenham, Oct. 1, Antwerp, A.G. Benavon, London, Oct. 2, Japan, S.
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  • 126 7 Penang, 28th September, 1909. By Courtesy o f the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4| 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days’ sight Private 177 f Bombay Demand Bank 176 3 days’sight Private 177| Madras
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  • 194 7 Penang, 28th September, 1909. Gold leaf $64.80 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper $21.50 sales. Trang Pepper $15.75 sales. Mace 87 sales. Mace Pickings $BO sellers. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $lBl buyers. {No. 1 $5.80 sales. No, 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 107 7 To-Morrow. Kedah Tong Chuan 8 a m. Deli Malaya 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Ban Whatt Soon 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Hong Wan I. 3 p.m. Singapore, China, and Japan P.R. Luitpold 3 p.m. Calcutta C. Apcar 4 p.m. Registration up to 3 p.m. Dindings Tong
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  • 626 7 Per P <fc O ss Macedonia, from London, September 10 :—To Penang Mrs Hamilton and Mr W W Acton. To Singapore Mr and Mrs H J Crunney, Mr. and Miss McClymont, Mr and Mrs J Kerr, Mrs W H Williams, the Rev W E Horley, Mr
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  • 896 7 The Invincible, our first all-electrio warship, was recently in dock getting touched up ”in various directions. From official statements in the House the other day it will be gathered that some little trouble has been experienced with her electric gear. As a matter of fact, hydraulic power has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 348 7 The Property and Commercial Sales Rooms A cash prices for all kinds of British and J BEACH STREET.) utinental goods, including Books and Stationery, Undertake the Sale by AUCTION of Boots, Shoes and Leather, j < x-n Chemicals and Diuggists’ Sundries, Merchandise (either sound or damaged) HOUSE and LANDChina, Earthenware
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    • 97 7 The Troubles of Digestion, of pain, flatulence acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first
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    • 35 7 Appendicitis, now so prevalent, is believed to arise chiefly from constipation and local inflammatory troubles, which may be prevented by the occasional use of “Hunyadi Janos” natural aperient water. Average dose a wine-glassful before breakfast.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2211 8 f. &u. Steam Alligation Company. > Intended Sailing». I Shipping. Shipping. steam HMiMTioH c. ltd NoMdeutscheF Lloyd, Bremen. lEM 20 Devanha Moldavia < STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Nov. 5 Assaye Mongolia Ih 1 Imperial German Mall Line. V HOMEWARD. IUOD .1 J Fob Intendbd to Sail. Stkambb I I Date.
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