Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1711 1 THF “PINANG GAZETTE” Penang Mnnicipal Tramways. BROWN Co., SUBSCRIPTION. NOTICE. Monumental Sculptors, 1,111 irrvn M ,rr 1 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. B WING to damage caused by recent Monuments and Tombstones of everv RH MW floods, the Country Section from description supplied. M T TT% "WTATT A B i »««**>«» j
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  • 1914 2 —Daily Telegraph. ITS BIRTH AND EVOLUTION. Possibly no more fascinating subject can be found than that of the problem of flight. It is a subject that appeals to young and old alike. And how many would associate the modern aeroplane with their classical mythology? Yet in the myths
    —Daily Telegraph.  -  1,914 words
  • 856 2 —Exchange. The Hankow railway loan dispute and other allied happenings have bulked so large in the contemporary comment on Chinese affairs that a very important Imperial decree issued a month or so ago has passed almost unnoticed, By it the foundation stone of the
    —Exchange.  -  856 words
  • 165 2 Thursday. 25rd September. Pollard Opera Co., Town Hall, 9-15 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Eastern Bioscope Co., King St. Friday. 24th SeptemberMinistering Children’s League: Meeting at Residency, 4-45 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Pollard Opera Co., Town Hall, 9-15 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Eastern Bioscope
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  • 79 2 September 23 1803—Battle of Assaye. 1818—Marshal Bazaine died. 1866—U.5. brig Lubra taken by Chinese pirates. 1874 —Terrific typhoon in Hongkong and Macao. 1900—Three thousand Boers surrendered to Portuguese. 1904—Hongkong Volunteer Reserve Association founded. 1904 Russia declared coal, cotton, and war materials contraband of war. 1905 Complete agreement
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  • 162 2 Penang Harbour Department:— Tin number plates for cargo, passenger, and fishing boats, and boards for fishing stakes tenders close noon, Sept. 30. Honghong Government —Opium Farm tenders close Sept. 30. Straits Government :—Opium, liquors, and tobacco farms, Labuan tenders close noon, Oct. 1. Straits Government:— Opium Farm of Penang;
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  • 19 2 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co. Westlands Bungalows, Nos 1,2, 3, and 4 appl Wreford Thornton.
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  • 63 2 Saturday, Sept. 25 —Stock Rigold, Bergmann Co.’s, 23 Beach St. 11-30 a.m Cunningham, Clark Co. Tuesday, Sept. 28.— Furniture; 16 Logan Road 11 15 a.m. Cunningham, Clark Co., auctioneers. Saturday, Oct. 2.— Shares in Land, etc. 38 Beach St. 11 a.m.; Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Saturday, Oct. 16
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 49 2 An Eminent Physician says: I think Hunyadi Janos mineral water a very good aperient for a tropical climate. It seems, to me to be one of the best—if not the best—of the mineral waters for restoring an overworked liver to its normal condition. Average dose, a wine-glassful before breakfast.”
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    • 61 2 Skin Troubles are often the direct result of digestive disturbances. Waste products, instead of passing off in the way intended by Nature, attempt to escape from the body by another route—namely, the skin. To redirect the stream to its proper channel all that is needed is a wine-glassful of Huny&di
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    • 236 2 AN IDEAL DRINK] FOR THE TROPICS. fl AGENTS.- HullenDflth Bros. co, j For Constipation, Liver Complaints, Obesity, Hunyadi Janos THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. BOVRIL Everyone should keep a bottle of Bovril in the house. It is so handy for WORST One gives relief. An increasing K impromptu meals, invalid
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Sept. 23 7-09 12-57 7-35 1-22 24 8-01 1-48 8-27 2-14 „25 8-52 2-32 9-18 3-05 26 9-44 3-31 10-09 3-57 „27 10-35 4-32 11-01 4-48 28 11-27 5-14 11-52 5-39 „29 6-05 12-18 6-31
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1102 3 poking and Trading MOSQUITO CURTAINS £.J orld toc—icatedi,eotwith 8 Naudin ten Gate Co., Ltd., 2 M v w v** > each class of goods Besides being a PENANG—MEDAN. 8 STOCKED IN ALL SIZES, complete commercial guide to London and o Discount bills and advance loans for© I with the goods
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  • 730 4 The highest price yet reached by rubber is reported in the special cable received this morning, and with the commodity at 9s. 7d. it is no wonder that a number of manufacturers of rubber goods have had to raise their prices to the retail dealers, as
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  • 854 4 P.C.C. V. WANDERERS. The continual wet weather is interfering with the League football programme, a couple of matches being postponed last week, while yesterday the downpour of rain prevented the Penang Wanderers from putting a full team in the field against the Penang Cricket Club, on Victoria Green.
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  • 285 4 A meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices was held in the Second Police Court yesterday afternoon to consider applications for public house and billiard saloon licences for the fourth quarter of the current year. The Board consisted of Mr. G. A. Hall, Mr. A. M. Pountney
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  • 145 4 In the House of Commons on August 30 Mr. Ginuell asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies whether his attention had been called to the statement made at the opening of the Johore Railway that it would be long before night trains could be run over the swamps
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  • 115 4 We read in a trade paper to hand by the mail Indiarubber Goods.—G. W. Purser (Lim.), 92 Hatton Garden, Holborn Circus. London. E.C., intimate a 10 per cent advance on the prices of their goods, with a corresponding alteration in discount. (August 23.) The B.F. Goodrich
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  • 72 4 An Interim Dividend. Mr. D. W. Gilmour, manager of the local branch of the bartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, writes We beg to inform you that we have today received telegraphic advice from our Head Office, London, to the effect that our Directors have declared
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  • 85 4 To-night, at the Town Hall, the above Company will present the brightest of all musical comedies “The Belle of New York,” in which this Company of clever little people should be seen at their best. To morrow night and at the matinee on Satuiday Sketchy Bits’ will be
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  • 64 4 Offer of a New Pavilion. The Right Rev. J. Meneuvrier, VicarGeneral, S.S., and Vicar of the Church of the Assumption, has made an offer to the Penang Recreation Club Committee to build next year at his own expense a new Club pavilion. It is understood that if
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  • 436 4 Lord Swaysthling is retiring from active work in his firm owing to his adva Uc J age. Mr. Peel, the British Consul-General Crete, has been appointed Minister Bangkok. Sir Henry McCallum, Governor Ceylon, and Lady McCallum have staying at Hunstanton. Sir Thomas and Lady Sutherland i e
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  • 288 4 Gibbons Cup Competition The second race in the above competition, a5O yards handicap, will be held at the Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungali, on Sunday next, at 10 a.m. sharp. Following are the heats and starts the first two in each heat will compete in to final. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 979 4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY I HOUSE TO LET. BY a local firm a competent Book- keeper well versed in Secretary’s NT O. 66, CANTONMENT ROAD, work. Apply by letter enclosing copies of f urniahed> immediate entry, references and state salary required to << IV V n r J ADAMS AND ALLAN, c/o
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  • 233 5 AUSTRO-GEKMAN POLICY. STATUS QUO IN THE NEAR EAST. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd Sept. A semi-official communique published in Vienna states that the conferences between Count von Aehrenthal, Foreign Minister for the Dual Monarchy, an I Herr von Beth-mann-Hollweg, Imperial German Chancellor, showed that both countries are anxious
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  233 words
  • 315 5 MEDICAL OFFICER’S INSPECTION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd Sept. According to the report of the Medical Officer of the Port of London the shipment of Chinese pork which he has examined shows no trace of trichinosis. [ln the House of Commons on the Ist inst. Mr. Fell asked the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  315 words
  • 149 5 GREAT DAMAGE TO CROPS SCORES OF FATALITIES. Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd Sept. A disastrous hurricane has swept over the basin of the Mississippi. The damage in New Orleans is estimat'd at a million dollars. Five persons have perished. The storm was general along the coast of the
    | Reuter’s Service.]  -  149 words
  • 32 5 [Dbh Ostasi*tischb I.i.ovd's Service. I Berlin, 22nd Sept. It is announced that the Crown Prince of Greece will return to Athens when the present Parliamentary crisis is finished.
    [Dbh Ostasi*tischb I.i.ovd's Service. I  -  32 words
  • 320 5 THE RIFF WAR. ESTIMATE OF MOORISH LOSSES. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd Sept. Nineteen dead and 106 wounded Spaniards have been brought back to Melilla. The Moorish losses are stated to be 400. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyds Service.] Berlin, 22nd Sept. An exchange of Notes is proceeding between the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  320 words
  • 86 5 THE SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 22nd Sept. In the Dutch Speech from the Throne it is stited that Holland’s relations with all the foreign Powers are extremely friendly and the position in the Colonies is satisfactory, the latest reports received from Acheen
    [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  86 words
  • 75 5 SPEECH BY NEW MINISTER. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd Sept. Mr. Walter Crane, the new American Minister to China, speaking at a farewell banquet given in his honour in New York, said he believed that China had great problems to solve, and that she was perfectly capable of
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  75 words
  • 36 5 SMOKED SHEET AT 9/7. From Our Own Correspondent London, 22nd Sept. The rubber market is excited Smoked sheet from the Highlands and Lowlands Estate and from Vallambrosa has fetched 9/7 per lb.
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  • 38 5 A FRENCH CAPTAIN KILLED. (Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd Sept. Captain Feiber, a Frenchman, was experimenting during the Boulogne aviation week when he was killed. His aeroplane turned turtle while landing, andthe motor crushed his chest.
    (Reuter’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 17 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, 22nd Sept. 'Fhe harvest throughout Russm is proving excellent.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  17 words
  • 47 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 22nd Sept. Cotton is quoted at 7.12d. Mr. W. Lazarus, the well-known optician, is leaving on Saturday for Calcutta, and tomorrow will be the last opportunity for consulting him until he returns to the Straits about Christmas next.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  47 words
  • 706 5 KAPALA BATAS GANG ROBBERY. A further stage in this case was reached yesterday, the Acting Solicitor-General bringing the case for the prosecution to a termination. Several fresh witnesses were examined, including a Chinese mandor, who spoke to the finding of some of the stolen jewellery by his coolies.
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  • 189 5 London, Sep. 1 6. In the House of Commons Mr. Haldane said that the employment of Boy Scouts in the manoeuvres had been cancelled as the boys were not subject to military law. According to a telegram from the Gover-nor-General of Netherlands India, dated Aug. 25, the
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  • 391 5 Says the Financial Times of the 3rd inst: The prospectus of the Heawood Tin and Rubber Estate appears this morning, offering for subscription 32,400 shares of £1 each at par. The company has been formed for acquiring and working an estate in Perak, Federated Malay States,
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  • 259 5 In the Third Police Court, to-day, before Mr. A. de Mello, Cheah Lean Looi charged Khaw Sim Pek, her husband, with refusing to maintain her. Defendant said that owing to the difference between his wife’s temperament and his own they could not agree. She had been
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  • 164 5 London, Sept. 16. The Times says it is regarded as practically certain that if the Lords reject the Budget, the Government will favour as early a dissolution as possible but if the Budget is passed, the Government will continue in office for another year. Fifty-four eminent business men
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  • 50 5 London, Sept. 16. The battleship Edinburgh is to be used as a target to test the effectiveness of the new 13 5 guns with which the new superDreadnoughts will be armed. A number of these guns will be mounted for purposes of test on existing battleships.
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  • 46 5 London, Sept. 17. The German Socialist Congress at Leipzig has rejected, by a considerable majority, a resolution denouncing any co-operation with the Liberals. This constitutes a party revolution and a victory for the moderate element. The Liberal papers are promptly making responsive overtures.
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  • 1402 5 SEQUEL TO AGRICULTURAL SHOW. In the Third Police Court, Mr. A. de Mello devoted nearly the whole of yesterday to the hearing of the charges against Mr. Elton Bell and three P.O. A. peons of assaulting and obstructing a public servant (Sergt. Worton) and against
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  • 288 5 In the House of Commons on Sept. 1. Mr. R. Laidlaw (Renfrew, E.) asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies whether, in view of the fact that in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, where the conditions were very similar to those in Hongkong, the opium
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  • 256 5 A correspondent sends to a financial contemporary an extract from a communication which has reached him from the district with regard to the recent slump in these shares. He says The reasons given on the spot for the fall in Pahang are reduced output, owing to refractory ores,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1985 6 r-HAOrrurn rank OF INDIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF THE 2uIt“lU“aND CHINA BANKING CORPORATION. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPIJ. INDIA. LIMITED. Eastern Shinning iw,oo oo Uuullllu UllippiUj) Incorporated by Royal Charter. Rewav. Fund» Capital g. 45,000,000- Authomsbd Capital F 12,000,000 Subscribed Capital 1,135,000. Paid-up Capital X 1,200,000 £1.500,000 at
      1,985 words

  • 1467 7 a j Number of Issue s’ j 5 Capital. Subac, .bed. shares. Value. Dividends. Name. g-2 £I I H i PQ a> H T I MINING. 1903 1 $l2 $!2 12 per cent vear end S l 3 o9 Belat Tin Mining Co $6 M 1906 .»00,000 2L.>,000 21,.>00
    1,467 words
  • 46 7 Himalaya, Brit., 3700, Spicer, Sept. 23, Bombay, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Rotorua, Brit., 556, Glenday, Sept. 23, Tongkah, gen., E. S. Co. Thongwa, Brit., 3428, Herrington, Sept. 23, Madras, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Lebson, Ger., 1143, Zendiuen, Sept. 22, Hongkong, gen., Behn, Meyer Co.
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  • 44 7 Avagyee for Deli. Canton for Bindings and Teluk Anson. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and Malacca. Leong Ho for Trang. Lightning for Singapore and Hongkong. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandan. Samui for Singapore. Tong Chuan for Kedah. Thongwa for Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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  • 77 7 ARRIVALS. By Himalaya (Sept. 23) from London, Messrs M D Day and W Leggatt from Marseilles, Messrs H G Scott and J D Atkinson from Colombo, Mrs H Martin, Messrs W Anderson, Simmons and E P Howard. By Lian Choo (Sept. 21) from Kedah, Messrs R Young and C
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  • 137 7 Name oj Steamer, where from, approximate date of arr-iral, where bound and Agents. Assaye, Singapore, Sept. 25, Bombay, A. G. Atjeh, Langsa, Sept 23, Taga Toean, H.L. Astyanax, Liverpool, Oct 6, Japan, W. M. Atsuta Maru, Singapore, Oct. 1, Antwerp, B. Borneo, P’Swettenham, Oct. 1, Antwerp, A.G. Benavon,
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  • 127 7 Pknang, 23rd September, 1909. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Rank}. London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 15/32 3 Documentary 2 Z 4£ Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days’ sight Private 177 f Bombay Demand Bank 17b 3 days’sight Private 177
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  • 195 7 Penang, 23rd September, 1909. Gold leaf $64.8’» Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper $21.50 sales. Trang Pepper $15.75 sales. Mace 87 sales. Mace Pickings $BO sellers. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $lBl buyers. {No. 1 $5.80 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 116 7 To- Morrow. For. Per. Ol<we. Kedah Lian Choo 10 a.m. Tongkah, Kopah, Re- nong,Victoria Point, )-Omapere 1 p.m. Mergui, and Tavoy J Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin Seng 3 p.m. Teluk Anson Carlyle 3 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul Un Peng 4 p.m. Saturday. Rangoon and Calcutta
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  • 625 7 Per P Oss Macedonia, from London September 10 —To Penang Mrs Hamilton and Mr W W Acton. To Singapore Mr and Mrs H J Crunney, Mr. and Miss McClymont, Mr and Mrs J Kerr, Mrs W H Williams, the Rev W E Horley, Mr and Mrs
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  • 840 7 At the launch of the ss. Lancer last month at Willington Quay-on-Tyue for Messrs. Fisher, Renwick, Co., Mr. George Renwick, M.P., in responding to the toast of Success to the Lancer," referred to the attacks which had been made on capital, and said that it was significant that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 the new Propspty and Commercial Sales Rooms Japanese Cinematograph. (56, BEACH STREET.) Cndertake the Sale by AUCTION of Latest and Newest Merchandise (either sound or damaged) HOUSE and LAND- A ED PROPERTY, and FURNITURE of all descriptions. Pictures! a aw Advances tc a limited extent on the latter to suit
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    • 33 7 Appendicitis, now so prevalent, is believed io arise chiefly from constipation and local inflammatory troubles, which may be prevented by the occasional use of “HunyadiJanos’’natural aperient water. Average dose a wine-glassful before breakfast
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    • 94 7 The Troubles of Digestion, of pain, flatulence acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2277 8 P. &0. Steam Navigation Company, Sailing», i Shipping. I Shipping. eSkT bh,tish Nnrddpiitscher Llovd Bremen Ikm ,00™™”“*."“"!: .i&Stv STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. NIHUUGUIoWICI DltjlUCll. KSI Nov. 5 Assaye Mongolia Imperial German Mail Line. HOMEWARD. I Fob Intbndbd to Sail. Stbambb. I I n i 1 1 Date. Steamer. with S
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