Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1539 1 the PINANG 6 AZETTE.” The Eastern Bioscope j" r 1 subscj™ co., Ltd. I HJSStLL S MILL I “uni Tunirr I For Daily Issue, in Town, 1 B |W| fl B I M■l B $27 per annum, Location :-King Street Theatre Hall. 5 J?—" 1 I llv B $3O post
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  • 2658 2 REPORT OF MR. A. W. FREEMAN. CRITICISMS BY CAPT. MILES AND MESSRS. PEACOCK AND KENNEDY. (Continued.} As stated before, the harbour of Puket, or Tongkah, is a shallow sheet of water of an area of, roughly, six square miles. The important town of Tongkah, extending
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  • 105 2 The following unclaimed letters are lying at the Penang Post Office Letters. Annersley, Mrs. Duncan, F. W. Baiden, A. W. Grey, Miss M. Beatson, J. Goldsmith, L. A. Berkbeck, Miss K. Hadow, P. Bach, J. E. Johnson, R. C. K. Casey, M. P. Miles, A. T. Christie, Mr.
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  • 171 2 Tuesday, I4th September. Holy Cross. Band, Golf Club. League Football P.C.C. v. St. Xavier’s, Esplanade. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Eastern Bioscope Co., King St. Wednesday, 15th September. Outward German Mail. Homeward German Mail. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. League Football C.R.C. v. Crescent, Victoria Green. Victoria Jubilee
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  • 66 2 September IJf.. 1852—Duke of Wellington died. 1862 —First flat coins issued in Siam. 1880—Cape St. James Light opened for semaphoric service. 1894 —Boiler explosion on ss. .4 mA erst at Malacca. 1901 —President McKinley died. 1904 British steamer CalcAas released by Russian Prize Court. 1905 Russian and
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  • 101 2 Penang Harbour Department:— Tin number plates for cargo, passenger, and fishing boats, and boards for fishing stakes; tenders close noon, Sept. 30. Straits Government :—Opium, liquors, and tobacco farms, Labuan tenders close noon, Oct. 1. Straits Government Opium Farm of Penang; Province Wellesley, and Dindings Liquors Farm of Penang,
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  • 34 2 Wednesday, Sept. 15.—Boring Tools and Machine, etc.; 38 Beach St.; 11 a.m. Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Saturday, Oct. 16 :—Crown land near Teluk Bahang in District of Balik Pulau Land Office Penang.
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  • 19 2 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co. Westlands Bungalows, Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 apply Wreford Thornton.
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  • 656 2 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal I Commissioners held on Th irs lay, the 26th August, 1909. Present: —F. J. Hallifax, Esq.. (President); J. W. Hallifax, Esq Quah Beng I Kee, Esq., L H. Clavton, Esq., and Dr. P. V. Locke. Absent :—Lim Cheng Teik,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 The Troubles of Digestion, of pain, flatulence acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first
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    • 194 2 THE NAME £||(J g |j fUTIIIDteI 0N A IIUDDi3 safe IS A detector GUARANTEE LOCKS of BOXES! I’ J® QUALITY. aJB g J ALL SIZES STOCKED pnnnnnk AGENTS: Huttenbach Bros, s co. BOVRIL No matter what we may say about Bovril, nothing can speak so strongly to you as an
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 128 2 The Moon. O New Vloon 10.09 p.m. 14 Sept First Quarter 1.31 a m. 23 O Full Moon 805 p.m. 29 Last. Quarter 1.44 p. lu (J Oct. The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Sept.l4 11-52 539 6-05 15 12-18 631
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1083 3 sporting jarvrimes. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd., Penang. NOBEL'S BALLISTITE AND MEETIN6. empire powder, CHINA and GLASS DEPARTMENT. At S 4 and 13.75 per 100 nett cash. Shareholders of the above Company will Ultljliaiiea -V bo held at the Registered Office of the i ijSff Purltying Agent ,<5l SANDILANDS. BUTTERY S’Co..
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  • 1301 4 It is quite a relief to be able to turn from the discussion in the local Press on back lanes, death-rate and Municipal scandals to the topics with which the Home newspapers have been regaling their readers during the silly season —a period which ranges from
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  • 1012 4 [To the Editor of the Pinany Gazette.”\ Sir, Will you be good enough to allow me space in your newspaper to contradict a misrepresentation which you have allowed to appear in your issue of yesterday (Monday. 13th). In your leading article you enunciate certain powers
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  • 942 4 VIEWS OF THE M.P A.A. A special general meeting of the 4 a a Peninsula Agricultural Association was held to-day in the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the question of kangany labour. There were present the Hon. J 0 in Turner (Chairman), Messis. Thos. Boyd (Gula), D.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 ****************************** TOWN HALL. o o o Pollard’s Lilliputian Opera Co., Q COMMENCING O g Saturday, September 18th, at 9-15 p.m. 8 q 4 WITH O g THE “BELLE OF NEW YORK." g 8 Monday, Sept. 20th “IN TOWN.” O O Tuesday, Sept. 21st “THE GIRL FROM PARIS.” g O BOX
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  • 174 5 ANOTHER EXPEDITION NEXT YEAR. THE UTILITY OF AEROPLANES. [Reuters Service.] London, 13th Sept. Captain Robert Falcon Scott, r n., c.v.0., f.kgs., who commanded the National Antarctic Expedition of 1900-4, starts on another expedition to the South Pole in August, 1910. London, 14th Sept. The main object of Captain
    [Reuters Service.]  -  174 words
  • 74 5 COMPETITIONS AT BRESCIA. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 13 th Sept. During the aviation meeting at Brescia (a city of Lombardy, Northern Italy) the American, Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss, won the Grand Prix of 1,200 lira (£4,757) over a course of 50 kilometres (about 31 miles) in 49 minutes
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  74 words
  • 50 5 A FEATURE OF THE MANOEUVRES [Reuter’s Service London, 13th Sept. There were 120,000 men, 29,100 horses, and 540 guns engaged in the German Army manoeuvres at Karlsruhe. These are unprecedented figures. The participation of a military airship, fitted with wireless telegraphy, was a feature of the manoeuvres.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  50 words
  • 46 5 HORSES’ FATAL STAMPEDE. [Reuter’s Service Loudon, 13th Sept During the Austrian manoeuvres at Moravia, 200 horses became frightened by the searchlights and stampeded. They galloped over the sleeping troopers, injuring fifty of them. It is reported that twelve have succumbed to their injuries.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  46 words
  • 44 5 THE BERLIN EXHIBITION. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 13th Sept. The American Secretary of State, in a widely distributed circular letter, emphasises the desire of the United States Government that America shall be worthily represented at the forthcoming exhibition in Berlin.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  44 words
  • 31 5 DRY DOCK FOR HAWAII. [Reuter’s Service.] London. 14th Sept. A contract has been signed at Washington for the construction of a large Naval drydock for the Hawaiian Islands.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  31 words
  • 24 5 [Reuter’s Service London, 13th Sept. The Liberal League, the Presidency of which Lord Rosebery has just resigned, will probably be dissolved.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  24 words
  • 61 5 London, 3rd September. Colonel Seely, replying to questions put by Mr. Keir Hardie, said that only British subjects of European descent may compete for vacancies in the Ceylon Police It is essential that there be a European element, and this is supplied by examination at home. The
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  • 220 5 RESULT OF THE TRIAL COOLIE SENTENCED TO DEATH. Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh, 14th Sept. The trial has been concluded at the Criminal Assizes, before Mr. Justice Woodward and Messrs. F. W. Douglas and V. Steadman, as Assessors, of seven Javanese coolies who were charged with the murder
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  • 40 5 MISSING ACCOUNTANT ARRESTED. [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, 13th Sept. Mr. W. Butler Wright, accountant of the Canton-Hankow Railway, has been arrested in Shanghai on charges of embezzlement. He will be sent to Canton for examination.
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  • 22 5 [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, 13th Sept. The ss. Sri Tringganu is badly ashore in he Indragiri River, Sumatra.
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  • 181 5 Madras, 6th September. Mr. R. E. Lawley, son of the Governor of Madras, who had been on a visit to Secunderabad on medical advice, and who returned on Thursday last to Ootacamund, was killed yesterday afternoon in the hunting field. His horse is supposed to have
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  • 136 5 London, 7th September. In the House of Commons Mr. Rees called attention to the removal of Mr. Kersharp, subcollector of Guntur, to an appointment of minor responsibility for leaving the scene of the late riot and asked whether the Local Government was competent to take such
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  • 75 5 London, 6th September. The Times publishes a letter from a Biitish subject in Siam, signed Civis Romanus, who strongly complains with regard to the Anglo-Siamese Treaty. He doubts whether the extension of the right of holding property granted to British subjects will be a substantial advantage
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  • 997 5 The following extracts from a leading article in the Straits Times, of Saturday last, fit in well with our own rema'ks on the same subject yesterday The pith of the whole matter that awaits decision by the Legislative Council is this There are in Singapore a great
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  • 868 5 DR. JAMIESON’S PRIZE. At the Rifle Range, Kampong Bharu, yesterday afternoon, the members of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club shot off for the .310 bore rifle presented by Dr. T. Hill Jamieson. The .22 rifle, with “R” brand ammunition, was used and Mr. Alan Wilson acted as
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  • 931 5 I There are few industries that promise to investors during the next few years a greater return for their money than rubber plantations. The pioneer companies have already been able to pay handsome dividends, and the results of 1909 will in many cases double those of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 671 5 ANGLO-INDIAN MANNERS. A good deal of time has «lapsed since a crusade was led by the then editor > of the Observer against the so-called exclusiveness of a leading Club in Colombo, especially as regarded natives. The matter has not been brought up again and we trust never will be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1963 6 THE CHAPrmrn rank nr INIIIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF ahinninrt AND ?H.NA BANKING CO«PO»AT,ON. MAATSCNABPU ESCOMFTO-MAATSCHAFFIJ. .ND.A, UNITED. I Eastern Snipping rk e.,„ I rr U Incorporated by Royal Charter. Brnaavu Fuun. Capital a 45,000,000- Authorised Capital F 12,000,000 Subscribed Capital 1, 125 owning
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  • 1453 7 ili ia i -i j i Number of Issue 9 Capital. Subscribed. shares. I Value. 1 2 Dividends. Name. §-2 I «S Z 2 eB o w 8 —p I MINING. i<h>3 $300,000; .8300,000 30,000 810 810 12 per cent, year end. 31-3-09 Belat Tin Mining Co. $6l 6
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  • 61 7 Ban Whatt Soon, Brit., 199, Gully, Sept. 14, Teluk Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 110, Wright, Sept. 14, Langkat, gen., E. S. Co. Malaya, Ger., 348, Loewe, Sept 14, Deli, gen., Behn Meyer Co. Perak. Brit., 258, Milne, Sep. 13, Singapore, gen., E. S. Co.
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  • 40 7 Avagyee for Deli. Ipoh for Port Swettenharn and Singapore. Leong Ho for Trang. Maetsuijcker for Singapore. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandan. Perak (E. S. Co.) for Port Swettenharn and Singapore. Somali for Singapore, China, and Japan. Sappho for Teluk Anson.
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  • 50 7 ARRIVALS. By Devanha (Sept. 11) from Kope, Messrs Hashiramoto, and Wake from Hongkong, Mr Lun Chong from Singapore, Mr H Joseph. DEPARTURES. By Devanha (Sept. 11) to Colombo, Messrs Simmons, and N Kelway Bamber to Marseilles, Messrs M H Teuneer, and St George Smith to London, Mr N Mclntyre.
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  • 116 7 <Va»as of Steamer, where from, approximate dat* of arrinal, where l-aund and Agents. Benalder, London. Sept. 17, Japan, S.B. Co. Ceylon. London, Aug. 31, Japan, A. G. Co. China, Trieste, Oct. 4, Japan, S. K. Ghazee, Liverpool, Sept. 16, Japan, S. B. Landrat Scheiff, R’goon, Sept. 20, R’goon,
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  • 121 7 Penang, 14th September, 1909. By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/l| 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 9/32 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2G| Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days’ sight Private 177’ Bombay Demand Bank 176 3 days’sight Private 177 f Madras Demand Bank
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  • 190 7 Prnang, 14th September, 1909. Gold leaf $64.80 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper buyers. Trang Pepper 14.75 buyers. Mace 80 sales. Mace Pickings $66.50 sales. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $lB sales. {No. 1 $5.80 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85 sellers.
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  • 124 7 To-Morrow. For. Per. lOH<*. Kedah T° n g Chuan 8a m. Singapore, China, and Japan Lutzow 9 a.m. Pang Nga and Trang Deli 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Ban Whatt Soon 2 p.m. Rangoon T° n g Hong 2 p.m. Langsa, T. Semawe, 5 Segl i, Olehleh, > Pegu
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  • 38 7 HoMe Steamer. Ex To WARD. PECTED. DUE. SAIL. P. &O. Himalaya 22/9 8.1. Tara 18/9 N D. L. Bulow 14/9 Outward. P. &G. Himalaya 22/9 B I. Taroba 16/9 N.D.L. Lutzow 15/9 4 a.m. 10 a.m.
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  • 529 7 Per P O as China, from London, August 27, and Himalaya from Colombo due at Penang September 22 :—To Penang. Messrs M D Day, W Leggatt and H B Scott. To Singapore Mr and Mrs F M Braddeley, Messrs Osterdaan, E N Turner, J Galloway, C.
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  • 957 7 The Asahi is responsible for a statement that the N. Y. K. is for a second time engaged in curtailing its general expenditure, the object being meet the loss of revenue arising out of the change of the Shipping Subsidy Law. It is expected, according to the Asahi,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 387 7 The New Japanese Cinematograph. The Great Eastern Lite Assurance Grand Programme To-night. COMPANY, LIMITED. arrived’ arrived!! (Registered in Singapore under “Hie Companies’ Ordinance,” 1889( MANY NEW PICTURES. HEAD OFFlCE—Winchester House, Collyer Quay, Singapore. Ist Show, 7.30 p.m. 1. A Visit to Stockholm- BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 2. Happy Bob Hunting a
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    • 40 7 sun Lire Company of Canada. (Established 1865). Ass s exceed £6, Surplus ever all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Income, 1908, £1,428,000.0.0 W. A. WHITE, 1 I KENNEDY Co., Manager, South-Eastern r i General Agents, Penang. Asia, Singapore. J
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    • 152 7 A Reason for It There is only one cure for Rheumatism that has reached a World-Wide popularity and reputation. There are many remedies sold for the relief and cure of rheumatism, but there is only one cure that can be considered as having a uuiveisal reputation, without a rival, and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2244 8 i>, &0. Steam Navigation Company. iixten<ie<i Sailings. Shipping.Shipping. “X BRITISHINDIA Tn Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Ite* Sept. 22 Huna'aya STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. I’VIUUVUIUV J J fcfl 20 Devanha Moidania Imperial German Mail Line. HOMEWARD. Fob Intrndrd to Sail. Stbambr. g Date. Steamer. fehsT London. 5 a t d Kistna OCCOD
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