Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1412 1 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” notice. WEILL ZERNER, F" 1 DIAMOND MERCHANTS, I A n I SUBSCRIPT I Tuesda the 2nd November, 1909, Manufacturing Jewellers, Precious TJICSC dCIICIOUS lliglbCldSS Cjs(irCtt6S 6T6 tOtdllj the Resident of Rhio and Dependen- For Daily Issue, in Town, c j eB at r p au jong Pinang
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  • 932 2 VI<IT FRO vi BISHOP BARILLON. Precisely at 10 o’clock this morning His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Bishop Barillon, accompanied by Rev J. Meneuvrier v.G., Rev. P. L. Perrichon. Rev. C. Letessier, and several other priests, paid a visit to St. Xavier’s Institution He was received by the
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  • 85 2 London, Aug. 24. Meetings of the London and Westminster ana London and County Banks have unanimously confirmed the amalgamation. Sir Francis Piggott, the Chief Justice of Hongkong leaves Hongkong about the end of October on a six months’ leave of absence. During his absence he will attend
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  • 940 2 —Lancet. In The Lancet of Feb. 13 of this year we published a very interesting preliminary communication, entitled “An Inquiry Concerning the Etiology of Beri-beri,” by Dr. Henry Fraser, director of the Federated Malay States Medical Research Institute, and Dr. A. T. Stanton, the bacteriologist of
    —Lancet.  -  940 words
  • 1177 2 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANK. The Eighty-eighth Ordinary Half Yearly General Meeting of the shareholders of the Hongkong <fc Shanghai Banking Corporation was held on August 21 in the City Hall, Hongkong, when rhe eighty eighth report of the Court of Directors was submitted. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresson, (Chairman), presided. The
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  • 101 2 Saturday, 4th September. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Sunday. sth September13th Sunday after Trinity. Monday, 6th September. Ladies’ Rifle Shooting. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Tuesday, 7th September. St. Evartius. P 0.0. Tennis Ties. Band, Golf Club. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • 95 2 September If. 1837 —Lord Ashbourne (late Lord Chancellor, Ireland) born. 1864—Attack on the forts at Shimonoseki, Japan, by the allied fleets under Admiral Kuper. 1870 —French Republic declared. 1885—Death of Tso Tsung-tang at Foochow. 1894—Hongkong declared free of plague. 1902—Anglo-Chinese Commercial Treaty signed. 1904—Betrothal of German Crown
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  • 58 2 Straits Government: Supply and delivery of pipes and fittings for water supply improvement on Penang Hills tenders close noon, Sept. 6. Straits Government: Opium, liquors, and tobacco farms, Labuan tenders close noon, Oct. 1. Residency of Rhio and Dependencies;—Gambling, Spirit, Opium, Pork, and Pepper Farms ;to be let in
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  • 52 2 Monday Sept. 6: Part shares in Opium, Gambling, and Spirit Farms 38 Beach St. 10.30 am. Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer. Monday, Sept 6 Furniture 224 Mac Alister Rd. 11-50 a.m. Cunningham, Clark Co., auctioneers. Saturday, Oct. 16 :—Crown land near Teluk Bahang in District of Balik Pulau Land
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  • 9 2 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 A THE POPULAR SCOTCH WHISKY. I few yKMEjMJMMj OLDSCOTCH VO J w house ofcomW I DistItor».GLASGOW, LflTWlA®®? Hl "BLACK A WHITE." A GENTS Huttenboch Bros, co. GU’Lii Ur W: OLIBwm MANUFACTURERS LIFE a a| EC Iff i ETJ 11 Bl INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. WLKHuuNS EBtab,,s lBB7 Essence or Fluid
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 110 2 The Moon. Last Quarter 2.44 a.m. 7 Sept O New Moon 10.09 p.m. 14 First Quarter 1.31 a.m. 23 >} O Full Moon 8.05 p.m. 29 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Sept. 4 3-18 9-31 3-44 9-57 5 4-09 10-22
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 761 3 COMMERCIAL CARS, Ltd. new goods. new goods. SOLE AGENTS, I LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd., SPECIAL DISPLAY Singapore and Penang. OF I- n MILLINERY AND FLOWERS > .«Mbt r '.-J w* v k x 7 ON v V;s z Wednesday and Thursday, I I---.' September Sth and 9th instant.
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  • 2335 4 Although at the present moment coolies from Southern India are coming into Malaya in an eminently satisfactory manner, the labour question has been by no means finally solved and must always remain a vital factor in the prosperity of the planting industry. The reduction of costs
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  • 518 4 A call of a most unusual nature Was received by the Fire Brigade this morning half an hour after midnight, when ij was summoned to extinguish a blazinw cart of hay in Anson Road, between Dunlop Road and Johore Road. It appears that, about 11-40
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  • 158 4 Penang and Singapore Champions Meet. A really fine game of tennis was played at the Cricket Club last nigh when Mr. F. Eichenberg, the winner of 'he Championship in the recent P.C.C. tournament, met Mr. Fee 1. Salzmann. a former champion of Singapore. The game
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  • 174 4 Inter-Sbttlemknt Matches. The following fixtures have been ai ranged and agreed to by the various Clubs concerned These arrangements come into force at Christmas, 1909. 1909 Christmas Penang v. Singapore Penang 1910 Chinese New Year. Colony v. F.M.S. K. Lumpur. Easter Singapore v. Selangor Singapore. Easter Penang v. Perak
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 i LIP T O N’S I E 3 I a E- i I 1 A »W O E PENANG AGENTS: 3 Paterson, Simons Co., LM.| iliiiiaUUiUiiKHUiUUHiilliHiiUiiiiUiiUUUmUiilUUUUllUiUiW “RED CLOVER” Sterilized Pure Natural Cow’s MILK ONLY BEST NEW UNSKIMMED MILK IS USED. The milk is guaranteed pure ami free from Bacteria, being
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  • 180 5 DR. COOK INTERVIEWED. AN UNCORROBORATED STORY. [Reuter’s Service London, 3rd Sept. I Dr. F. A. Cook’s narative of bis expedition to the North Pole, published in the Jfrw York Herald, has failed completely to dissipate the reserve maintained towards the account. Even in America, the reluctance
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  180 words
  • 68 5 A COMMERCIAL ENTENTE. [Reuter's Service London, 4th Sept. Forty-six Japanese business men, representing Chambers of Commerce in Japan, ■iave arrived at Seattle on a three months’ ■vi-iit, their object being to strengthen the ■bonds of friendship and trade between ■America and Japan. They were welcomed Bon their
    [Reuter's Service ]  -  68 words
  • 70 5 BECKERT SENTENCED TO DEATH. [Rbutsrs Skkvick.l London, 3rd Sept. Tn connection with the burning of the German Legation last February, m Santiago, the capital of Chili, telegraphic advices from that city state that Herr Beckert, Chancellor of the Legation, has been sentenced to death by the Chilian
    [Rbutsrs Skkvick.l  -  70 words
  • 47 5 MILITARY CONVENTION DENIED. Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 3rd Sept. Mr. Utshida, the Japanese Minister, writes to the Petter Lloyd strongly denying the announcement in the St. Petersburger Herald of a military convention between Japan and China and of a Japanese protectorate in China.
    Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  47 words
  • 32 5 PROSPECTS OF A DISSOLUTION. [RkUTKK’s Sk«vicb] London, 3rd Sept. Liberals and Unionists are both increasingly busy with preparatory precautions in view of the possibility of a dissolution of Parliament.
    [RkUTKK’s Sk«vicb]  -  32 words
  • 23 5 [Reutkr’s Service London. 3rd Sept. The final accounts of the German budget for 1908 sh >w a deficit of £6,000,000 sterling.
    [Reutkr’s Service ]  -  23 words
  • 24 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 3rd Sept. Count Zeppelin’s airship has returned to Friedrichshaven from Berlin, the flight occupying twenty-two hours.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  24 words
  • 17 5 Der Ostasiatische Lloyd's Service Berlin, 3rd Sept Cotton is quoted at 6.88 J.
    [ Der Ostasiatische Lloyd's Service ]  -  17 words
  • 87 5 Mr. D A. M. Brown in the Highlands. We read in a Home paper to hand by this week’s mail Open Amateur Tournament at Pitlochry. The final tie of 36 holes for the Highland Championship was played over the new course at Pitlochry between A. Campbell
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  • 181 5 CHINESE M L.C. S FAREWELL TRIBUTE. ENTERTAINED BY VOLUNTEERS. [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, 4th Sept. At yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim, the Chinese member, paid a fatewell tribute to the Hon. Colonel Murray, Colonial Engineer. [Says Wednesday’s Straits Times It
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  • 63 5 GOVERNOR AND THE LEATH-RATE [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 4th Sept. During the debate in committee on the Municipal Ordinance Amendment Bill, H E. the Governor spoke strongly about the scandal of the enormous death-rate of the Colony and the absolute need of diminishing it. In consequence
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  • 74 5 INCH KENNETH AND SEREMBAN. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, 4th Sept. The rubber harvested by the Inch Kenneth Rubber Co Ltd., during August amounted to 8,404 lb. against 1,035 lb. for the same month last year. The total for the first eight months of 1909
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  • 55 5 A SUCCESSFUL ISSUE. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 4th August. The issue of $1,000,000 four and a half per cent, debenture stock by the Singapore Municipality has been covered two and a quarter times. The manner in which the loan has been received by the investing public
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  • 46 5 EIGHT MONTHS' EXPORTS. [From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, 3rd SepL The tin exports from Perak, Selangor, and Negri Sembilan for the first eight months of the current year amount to 499,089 piculs against 537,122 piculs for the cart esponding period of last year.
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  • 39 5 PLANTATION AT 8s 2d. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, 4th Sept. The Planters’ Stores and Agency are advised from H ‘me that the average price of No. 1 plantation rubber is Bs. 2d per lb.
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  • 31 5 NEW RESIDENCY SURGEON. [From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, 4th Sept. Dr. G. D. Gimlette, Medical Officer, Duff Development Co Ltd., has been appointed Residency Surgeon, Kelantan
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  • 25 5 The P.C.C. Tournament. The following tie was played off last evening Mixed Doubles. Mr. Mrs. Neubronner beat Miss Martin Dr. Smith 6—2 6—4.
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  • 1804 5 RT. REV. BISHOP E. BARILLON. CELEBRATION IN PENANG. Last evening, the celebration in Penang of the Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee of Bishop Emile Barillon, Bishop of the Diocese of Malacca, was commenced with an entertainment in the Parish Hall, the grounds of which were prettily decorated with bannerettes
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  • 405 5 HEAVY DAMAGES. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, Sept. 4. A telegram from Hongkong states that Captain Mitchell, of the ss. Fook Sang, has been awarded .$7,500 damages against John Lemm, for the latter’s criminal conversation with Mrs. Mitchell. The action between Captain J. A. Mitchell, of the
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  • 245 5 In the District Court to-day, before Mr. G. A. Hall, a Chinaman named Tan See was sentenced to a year’s rigorous imprisonment for robbery. The facts of the case were On Monday last Sin f’u, a Chinaman from Bukit Mertajam, was at the Central Market buying
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 The New Japanese Cinematograph. Grand Change 0! Programme To-night ARRIVED ARRIVED MANY NEW PICTURES. Ist Show, 7.30 p.m. 1. The Ingenious Dauber 2. Butter flv Catching 3 What a Cold 4. An Evil Day 5. Mrs. Brown’s Bal Luck 6. A Follower of Women 7. The Widow 8. The Champion
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    • 684 5 NOTICE. OAKES <k Co.’s Annual Cleatance Sale will be held throughout Oct her, 1909. Attractive Bargains in all Departments. Register our name for a copy of Sale List at once. OAKES 4 Co., Ltd., Madras. The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888. In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1406 6 INTENDED SAILINGS. g©o©oo©C>oo©OvG>oooo©ooooooo©o A Famous Cricketer Straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. THE GARRICK For Intended to Sail. Steamer, q /"''l’/"'' AU IP T'T'T VIRGINIA Q ft Isi Every Tuesday, at sp. in. I j O AM JCj BLEND A ■r£ Port Swettenham and Singapore t|j wh rf Ipoh. 0 V
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  • 1370 7 i -I J No. of Ihmii- r T o -z Capital. 'Mibscribed. 17 Dividend.',. Name. Jr «8 r Shares. vaiue. 5 x. 2 x 73 H MINING. 1903, $300,000, $300,000 30,00 U. »10 *lO 12% year en<i. 31-3-09 Belat Tin Mining Co.. l/d. s6| 6| 1906 300,000 225,000 22,500
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  • 57 7 Taroba, Brit., 3657, Jacobs, Sept. 4, Singapore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Stentor, Brit., 4308, Baker, Sept. 3, Liverpool, gen., W. Mansfield Co. Palitana, Brit., 1934, D’Cruz, Sept. 4, Singapore. gen., Huttenbach. Liebert Co. Mishua Maru, Jap., 5274, Moses. Sept. 4, Yokohama, gen., Boustead Co. Antilochus, Brit., 5796, Kewz,
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  • 81 7 Taroba for Madras, taking mails for Europe, etc., vid Bombay. Palitana for Rangoon and Calcutta. Malacca for Tongkah. Avagyee for Deli. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandan. Hebe for Deli. Jin Ho for Teluk Anson. Syria for Colombo and Tuticorin. Kistna for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Leael for Pulau Weh, Olehleh,
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  • 98 7 ARRIVALS. By Taroba (Sept. 4) from Singapore, Messrs J J Lawson and W Van Schaik. By Pin Seng (Sept. 2) from Port Swettenham, Mr Khoo Ĕwe Yeong. By Lian Choo (Sept. 3) from Kedah, Mr W P Simpson. By Malaya (Sept. 4) from Deli, Tunku Mohiden, Tunku Maharaja, Tunku
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  • 104 7 ol Stv".mv,r, icher* front, uxno 'tat* oi artoval, wher* bnund and Agents Benalder, London. Sept. 17, Japan, S B. Co. Ceylon, London, Aug. 31, Japan, A. G. Co. Delta, Colombo, Sept. 9, China. A. G. Co. Devauha. Singapore, Sept. 11. Bombay, A. G. Inaba Maru, S’pore, Sept. 24,
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  • 490 7 Per P and O ss India, from London, Aug. 13. and ss Delta from Colombo due Penang September 8 I’o Penang J C Watd. To Singapore: Mrs Russell, Mrs K Crofts, M essrs J M Russell, R. Bailey, and F O Ricketts. Per P and O
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  • 64 7 Monday. For. p er. Clo«w>. Calcutta Silesia 2 p.m. Langsa, T. Semawe,') Segl i, Olehleh, > Pegu 3 p.m. and Sabang. J Tuesday. Deli Malaya 3 p.m. European Mails. Home- o Ex- Positively To ward. pbcted Due. Sail. P. O. Devanha I 1/9 B. I. Palitana 4/9 N.
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  • 133 7 Isth Sunday after Trinity. September 6. St. George’s Church. 7- a.m.—Holy Communion (Plain). 8 a.m.—Matins (No Organ). 9 a.m.—Holy Communion (Tamil). 10-30 a.m.—Matins (Chinese). 5 p m.—Children's Service. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. St. Mark’s Church, (Butterworth). 9 a.m.—Divine Service and Holy Communion. Presbyterian Church. 9 a.m.—Divine Service (Children).
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  • 127 7 Pknang, 4th September, 1909. By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 3/8 3 Docur'entary 2'4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 f 3 days’ sight Private 176 f Bombay Demand Bank 175| 3 days’sight Private 17b£
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  • 183 7 Penang, 4th September, 1909. Gold leaf $65 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper sl7| buyers. Trang Pepper $14.75 buyers. Mace 80 sales. Mace Pickings $66.50 sales. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $lB sales. {No. 1 $6.65 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 983 7 Quite a large number of British sailingshipshave been sold recently,and Norwegian and Italian owners have been the principal buyers. The feature of the sales, however, has been the low prices that have been accepted. For instance, one vessel of 1,499 tons register, built in 1885, which changed hands
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 Sun Insurance Office, London. The Property and Commercial Sales Rooms description of property at current rates of /"56' BEACH ST BEET Premium. Total sum insured in 1891 Undertake the Sale by AUCTION of £373,700,000 Total sum insured in 1899 Merchandise (either sound or damaged) HOUSE and LAND- £435,000,000 ED PROPERTY,
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    • 36 7 sun Life Company of (unudfl. (Katablished 1865). Ass s exceed £6, Surplus ever all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Income, 1908, £1,428,000.0.0 W. A. WHITE, 1 Manager, South-Eastern «KNNBDY Co., Asia, Singapore. J A<entB Penaa
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2265 8 P, S O. Steam Nailgatlon Company, Intended Sailing». Shipping.Shipping.£Sr3sr British Indi* Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Sept. 8 Delta connecting with India STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. v 22 Himalaya < Imperial German Mail Line. IF Oct. 6 Delhi Macedonia I 20 Devanha Moldania p O R Tntkndbd to Sail. Stkambb
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