Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1381 1 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” R- The New Japanese Cinematograph. WEILL ZERNER, Q©OOOOO©O©OOOOQOOO©OOOOOOOOO subscription. penang volunteers Grand Cl,iin§e 01 w«min« To-night, diamond merchants, Banking and Trading Corporation, 8 ARRIVE!)! ARRIVED I ianufacturing Jewellers, Precious Q q For D s27 pep S annum, T Wn are required MANY N ew_pictures. Dc N a
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  • 1839 2  -  A CHALLENGE. {By Edward T. Miles.) Australian Mining Standard. The Tongkah Harbour Company's property, which comprises 6| square miles of a land-locked bay, is situated on the N. E. side of Tongkah island, now known by the Siamese as Puket Island, and named on the old Admiralty
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  • 351 2 OF TAFFYISTAN. {Sometime Taxgatherer under the Kalipi Az Kwith.) I. When Sultan lately Sultan overthrew, The streets of Stamboul took a blo.dred hue I work a Revolution of my own, Yet merely turn the Primrose slightly blue. 11. I schemed to squeeze the Trade, and much
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  • 53 2 London, 22nd August. Mr. Arthur Henderson, Labour Member, speaking at Mountain Ash last night, said that the people were prepared as never before for a trial of strength with the Lords. He emphasised that the 54 Labour Members in the House of Commons were now
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  • 283 2 At a meeting of managers of foreign-style hotels held recently in Tokio, there was founded The Japan Hotel Association,” the object of which is to put a stop to the “injury which has been done by selfish persons to the business of entertaining foreign travellers.” The
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  • 129 2 Wednesday, Ist September. St. Giles. Homeward German Mail. Outward German Mail. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. League Football: M.R.C. Vols., Victoria Green. Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, 9 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Thursday, 2nd September. Outward English (B.I.) Mail. Church Work Association, 10-30
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  • 84 2 September 1. 1845—General Lord Methuen born. 1870—Ma, Viceroy of Canton, died of wounds inflicted by an assassin. 1888—Pahang-Kuantan Concession difficulty settled. 1890—Foundation stone of Gap Rock lighthouse, near Hongkong, laid. 1896 Insurrection in the Philippines reported. 1897 Engineers’ strike commenced in Singapore. 1898— Sir H E McCallum
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  • 28 2 Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board :—Supply of 15 Indian bullocks tenders close noon, Sept. 4. Straits Government —Opium, liquors, and tobacco farms, Labuan tenders close noon, Oct. 1.
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  • 22 2 Monday Sept. 6 :—Part shares in Opium, Gambling, and Spirit Farms 38 Beach St. 10.30 am. Koh Eng Hin, auctioneer.
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  • 10 2 33 Northam Road j apply Kennedy Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 Skin Troubles are often the direct result of digestive disturbances. Waste products, instead of passing off in the way intended by Nature, attempt to escape from the body by another route—namely, the skin. To redirect the stream to its proper channel all that is needed is a wine-glassful of Hunyadi
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    • 204 2 An Eminent Physician says: I think Hunyadi Janos mineral water a very good aperient for a tropical climate. It seems, to me to be one of the best—if not the best—of the mineral waters for restoring an overworked liver to its normal condition. Average «lose, a wine-glassful before breakfast.” For
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    • 313 2 iTHE POPULAR SCOTCH WHISKY. —-i i t tSEILCIED OLD SCOTCH W■ 'P IMHaUSEOFeOBKS'i MWbW Ml BLACK a WHITE. AGENTS; Hnttenbach Bros. co. BUILD UP YOB:: uJiLIH witb I Engraving Department. WILKIN S 0 NS p rize winners f cu p s r at the recent Ae-ri-Horti /C Essmeor Ruld htracto?
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 102 2 The Moon. Last Quarter 2.44 a.m. 7 Sept. O New Moon 10 09 p.m. 14 First Quarter 1.31 am. 23 O Full Moon 8.05 p.m. 29 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Sept. 1 12-44 6-57 1-09 7-22 2 1-55 7-48
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1071 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Netherlands Gutta Percha s p -s. 3rd 1909. COMPANY, LIMITED. A STOP (1) Private owners desiring to slaughter -/'WwHL Municipal Abattoirs bet „±“n.3o± Singapore Rubber Works. J)*kuu and Ip.m. on the 2nd September. wufflf V 2x*" (2) Booking in of Brs P**’ s ’j[] MOTOR TYRES retreaded at
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  • 1537 4 The question of the registration of domestic servants, which has so often been mooted by the Europeans in this Colony, is now agitating the European community in Burma and a number of papers ou the subject have been sent by the local Government to the Chamber
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  • 869 4 BOUSTEAD CO. v. THE CROWN. JUDGMENT ON APPEAL. Judgment in the appeal in the important case of Thomas Cuthbertson and others v. the Attorney-General, against the judgment of Mr. Justice Braddell, delivered on March 19, which was commenced by the Full Court of Appeal in the Supreme
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  • 576 4 In his report on the Penang Municip a |j t I for 1908 the Deputy President G. W. Par k, says The rates charged for the year were |-> cent, on the assessed rental of houses' Z'i lands, 5 per cent, on lands instead of 11 cent,
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  • 179 4 The P.C.C. Tournament The following ties were played oft' last evening Championship. Eichenberg beat A. G. Anthony 7—5 6—3 7—9 6—l. Single Handicap. Class A. Neubronner beat Brearley 10—8; 10—8. Ladies’ Doubles. Mrs. Wright-Motion Miss Martin beat Miss Jones A Mrs. Oechsle ’—s 4—6 6—2. The folowing ties
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 RED CLOVER Sterilized Pure Natural Cow’s MILK ONLY BEST NEW UNSKIMMED MILK IS USED. The milk is guaranteed pure and free from Bacteria, being sterilized without any addition whatever. I’ is an absolutely Healthy and First class Product, especially fit for Household an 1 Ship’s use. FOR PRICES, APPLY TO
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  • 504 5 AN EXTRAORDINARY CRISIS. LEAGUE v. PLAYERS’ UNION. [Rbvtkb's Srkvicb London, Ist Sept. An extraordinary crisis has «risen in League football owing to the English Football Association withdrawing its recognition of the Players Union, which endeavoured to obtain the right for players to appeal to the ordinary
    [Rbvtkb's Srkvicb ]  -  504 words
  • 52 5 ESTIMATE OF THE DEATH-ROLL IRkvthr’s Service.] London, 31st August It is estimated that the number of dead at Monterey North Mexico, which has been devastated by fl >ods, is 1.400, The Santa Caterina River has subsided, but a famine is threatened owing to the destruction
    IRkvthr’s Service.]  -  52 words
  • 49 5 PRINCE KUNI’S DEPARTURE [Reuter’s Service] London, Ist Sept. Prince and Princess Kuni have left London for Japan, vid America, when they were given a farewell at the railway station by a representative of His Majesty the King and Mr. 'l'aka-akira Kato, Japanese Ambassador to Great Britain
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  49 words
  • 45 5 ORDER FOR A LEEDS FIRM [Reuter’s Service.] London, 31st August. A Leeds firm has secured an order from the Turkish Government for one and a half million yards of khaki cloth. This is the largest order for khaki since the Russo-Japanese War.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  45 words
  • 40 5 A NEW INSPECTOR-GENERAL. Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service Berlin, 31st August. The newspapers state that Prince Heinrich, before taking up the duties of In-spector-General of the German Navy, will take six months’ leave and visit tne Canary Islands.
    | Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service ]  -  40 words
  • 37 5 A PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION. [Dkk Ostasiatische Lloyds Service.] Berlin, 31st August. Great Britain, Russia, and France will have a preliminary discussion of the Dardanelles question in view of the international conference on the subject next year.
    [Dkk Ostasiatische Lloyds Service.]  -  37 words
  • 205 5 A QUESTION OF BRITISH RIGHTS. STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS [Reuter’s Service.] London, Ist Sept. Sir Edward Grey, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, replying in the House of Commons, yesterday, to a series of questions concerning the Anhui copper mine concession, said :—lt is true that the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  205 words
  • 88 5 RE MUNER AT IV E ENGAGEMENTS. [Reuters Service.] London, 31st August. The profit derived fr<mi the Aviation Week at Rheims was £12,000 (sterling) which will be devoted to the encouragement of aviation. The competitors are overwhelmed with financial offers. Messrs Farman, Egoomer, and Paulhan have accepted engagements
    [Reuters Service.]  -  88 words
  • 46 5 ANOTHER NATIVE RISING. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 31st August. There has been a conflict between the troops and police and the natives on the island of Flores (one of the Sunda islands in the Dutch East Indies, lying due south from Celebes).
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  46 words
  • 38 5 A CONDITIONAL ALLIANCE. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, 31st August. The Russian Ambassador at Constantinople favours the suspension of the capitulations as a preliminary condition to an alliance with Turkey, which is desired by Russia.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service]  -  38 words
  • 37 5 “MAURETANIA’S” NEW RECORD. [Reuter’s Service London, 31st August. The Cunard liner Mauretania has made a new i ecord between New York and Queenstown, having made the voyage in 4 days 14 hours 27 minutes.
    [Reuter’s Service |  -  37 words
  • 25 5 [DER OSTASIATISCHE LLOYD’S SERVICE] Berlin, 31st August. The Crown Prince of Greece is resigning his post as Cominander-in-Chief of the Army.
  • 237 5 The number of births legistered in the Penang Municipality last year was 1,519, and the number of deaths reported 4,552, giving a death rate of 44 86 per mille. From these, however, should be deducted 20 outsiders who died within Municipal limits, leaving 4,351, which gives a
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  • 1587 5 LAST YEAR’S WORK. The annual report on the Survey Department of the Straits Settlements for the year 1908 has been issued by the Hon. A. Murray, Colonial Engineer and SurveyorGeneral, S. S We give below some excepts that might be of interest:— Health of Staff. The
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  • 104 5 The following are the orders of the day for the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday next: 1. Motion by the Treasurer: That this Council approves the additions to the Estimates enumerated in Schedule A to Council Paper No. 26 laid upon the table of the Council
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 530 5 T,„ Centra Sales )oo|n In the Supreme Court of the Straits > A SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. Special Auction sales in Bankmptcy. No. 6of 1909. On Saturday, 4th September, 1909, Re GHIM TEIK Co. AT 11*50 A.M., Notice is hereby given that a First AT No. 4, LOGAN ROAD, Dividend of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1878 6 THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF n fl., AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA BANKING CORPORATION. MAA 1 scnArn j. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPIJ. INDIA. LIMITED. kUCTfIPn Ahinnino n -4, Netherlands Trading Society. (Netherlands-Indian Discount Bank.) Dflblvlll Dllippillg Incorporated by Royal Charter. ,B Established at Batavia, 1857.
      1,878 words

  • 1401 7 m a .o No. of Ibsii»- x j o Capital. Subscribed. shftreB Value. x Dmd-nd,. Name. g C “5 o3 x H H I mining” "T 1903 $300.000 $300,000 30,000 $lO $lO 12% year enu. 31-3-09 Beiat Tiu Mining Co., Ltd. s6s 6$ 1906 300,000 225,000 22,500 10 10
    1,401 words
  • 79 7 Canton, Brit., 106, Sahib, Sept. 1, Teluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. Cornelia, Brit., 194, Williams, Aug. 31, Port Swettenham, gen., E. S. Co. De Kock, Dut., 335, Fleeming, Sept. 1, Deli, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Nicomedia, Ger., 2795. Habel, Sept 1, Hamburg, gen., B. M. Co. Petrel, Brit.,
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  • 37 7 Rotorua for Tongkah. Deli for Pang Nga and Trang. Malaya for Deli. Jin Ho for Teluk Anson. P. E. Friedrich for Singapore, China, and Japan. Petrel for Dindings. Goeben for Ceylon and Europe. Jacoba for Singapore.
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  • 17 7 ARRIVALS. By De Kock (Sept. 1) from Deli, Mrs Chin Seng and Mrs Lim Thian Teik.
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  • 180 7 !Va>nv oj rvhere, from, nppruxiynnie date of ars-iral, where bound and. .4 gent*. Antilochus, S’pore, Sept. 4, Liverpool, W. M. Austria, Trieste, Sept. 3, Japan, S.K. o. Benalder, London. Sept. 17, Japan, S.B. Co. Bendoran, London, Sept. 4, Japan, S.B. Co. Ceylon, London, Aug. 31, Japan, A. G.
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  • 185 7 Penang, Ist September, 1909. Gold leaf $65 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz) No stock. White Pepper $l7 buyers. Trang Pepper $14.75 buyers. Mace 80 sales. Mace Pickings $66.50 sales. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $18.50 sales. {No. 1 $6.65 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 97 7 To-Morbow. For. p er. Olohr. Kedah Lian Choo 9 a.m. Asahan Mary Austin 1 p.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and S Cornelia 1 p.m. Malacca J Trang Sree Bangka, 1 p.m. Calcutta Lightning 3 p.m Langkat Ban Whatt Soon 1 p.m. Registration 2 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore
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  • 42 7 Home- o Ex- Positively To WARD. PECTED. DUE. SAIL. P. O. Devanha I 1/9 ,8.1. Palitana 4/9 I.N.D.L. Goeben 31/8 Outward. P. tfc O. Delta 8/9 8.1. Thongwa 2/9 N. D. L. P. E. Friedrich 1/9 11 a.m. 4 p.m.
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  • 127 7 Penang, Ist September, 1909. By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 3/8 3 Documentary 2 Z 4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 f 3 days’ sight Private 176$ Bombay Demand Bank 17oj 3 days’sight Private
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  • 495 7 Per P and O as India, from London, Aug. 13, and ss Delta from Colombo due Penang September 8 :—To Penang J C Ward. To Singapore Mrs Russell, Mrs K Crofts, Messrs J M Russell, and F O Ricketts. Per P and O ss Somali, from
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  • 951 7 The Government of the Dutch Indies has decided to make a deep-water harbour at Deli, on the north coast of Sumatra, in the vicinity of extensive petroleum springs. A lease of ground at Burnt Island has been entered into between the Harbour Commission and North British Railway Company
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 137 7 TheManuiacturersLifeinsuranceco. property and Commercial Sales Rooms OF CANADA. BEACH STREET.) Established 1887. Undertake the Sale by AUCTION of It ha- to-day, more business in force than Merchandise (either sound or damaged) HOUSE and LAND any other Canadian Life Company ever PROPERTY, and FURNITURE of all descriptions, had at the same
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    • 180 7 The Troubles of Digestion, pain, flatulence, acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first thing
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    • 35 7 Appendicitis, now so prevalent, is believed to arise chiefly from constipation and, local inflammatory troubles, which may be prevented by the occasional use of “Huny&di Janos'* natural aperient water. Average dose: a wine-glassful before breakfast.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2306 8 P, &0. Steam Navigation Company. lntended Sailiit£&. .Shipping. Shipping. "K fi":r"'Z m gfg*’ “TJXm. I’‘J 1 ’‘J ,td Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. K Sept. 8 Delta connecting with India STEAM NAVIGATION Cd.. LTD. 22 Himalaya China Oct. 6 Delhi Macedonia Imperial German Mail Line. W 20 Devanha Moldama Fob Intrwdwd to
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