Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 August 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1072 1 the “PiNANG GAZETTE.” I Oa/ 1 F nDIIMK 3 I I subscription. g uniiNß 3 These delicious high-class Cigarettes are totally I McEWAN’S 3 I I distinct from any others obtainable; they will I STOUT 3 I not produce any dry or irritating ellect on the I $lB per annum.
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  • 1945 2 FULL LIST OF PRESENTS. As state 1 in our report of the FarrantAnderson wedding on page 5, we publish below a list of the presents Bridegroom to Bride, Diamond Ring, Diamond crescent and one star brooch. The Bride’s sister, Swatow drawn-thread work. Father and Mother of the
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  • 258 2 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended August 14 there were 104 deaths—--68 males and 36 females—equal to a deathrate of 53.35 per mille (estimated population, 102,520). The death-rate and chief causes of mortality were TJ -Q -O 0) <U 0) -o "d *0 C O'
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  • 126 2 Saturday, 28th August. St. Augustin. Police Sports, Esplanade. Band, Esplanade 4-30 to 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang'Road. Sunday. 29th August* 12th Sunday after Trinity. Volunteer Camp. Monday, 30th August. Ladies’ Rifle Shooting. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Roa<L Tuesday. 31st August.
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  • 59 2 August 23. 1816—Lord Amherst's Embassy left for Yuen-ming-yen. 1833—Slavery abolished in British possessions. 1872—H. R. H. Prince Alexis Alexandrovitch visited Singapore. 1884—Kimpai forts silenced by French. 1904—Russians driven back on Liao Yang. August 29. 1842—Treaty of Nanking signed. 1892—Christian Institute building, Singapore, handed over to Women’s Christian
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  • 17 2 Monday, Aug. SO Unserviceable and Confiscated Property; 11 a.m.; Fort Cornwallis Joe de Mello, auctioneer.
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  • 9 2 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 Get Relief Quickly A twisted ankle, a sprained wrist, a strained muscle—these are things that demand relief in a hurry. And that is just why thousands who are liable to these mishaps always keep a bottle of Little’s Oriental Balm close at hand. There is absolutely nothing equal to it
      155 words
    • 330 2 THE POPULAR A SCOTCH WHISKY. raouszoFccM; InL Dbt®m.CU.SCOW, Ki BLACK Ji WHITE." A GENTS HOTTENBACH BROS. Co. SUH!) up Engruving ttyartant WILKINSON'S p-” WW B™■«■iw W W IV W X at the recent Af*ri-Honti-Extract Ot RED JAMAICA cultural Show can have them SARS fII ARILLra suitabl y en^ravedbyc°mpetgponouneed by the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 111 2 The Moon. O Full Moon 12.08 p.m. 31 Aug. Last Quarter 2.44 a.m. 7 Sept. O New Moon 10.09 p.m. 14 First Quarter 1.31 a.m. 23 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Aug. 28 9-42 3-31 10-08 3-44 „29 10-33 4-22
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 670 3 KffiaES these values are nothing n inquest was held at Bradford last week on the body of a two-weeks-old chi'd.” postmorten examination was subsequently made, and the Doctors agreed that death fl was due to shock consequent upon irritation of the skin. Common Yellow Soap was used to A Jk
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  • 1339 4 A Divorce Court for the Straits has been foreshadowed for some time past. We fail to see the necessity for its creation, for we do not think there is the slightest public demand for it. The members of the various native races and religions domiciled here
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  • 870 4 A FAREWELL DINNER. A most successful farewell dinner was given last night in the Anglo-Chinese Union’s premises, Wood House,” No. 497, Penang Road, by the teachars of the AngloChinese School and the members of the Anglo-Chinese Union (which chiefly consist of ex-pupils of the School) in
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  • 912 4 [To the Editor of the Pining Gazette." Sir, I am greatly concerned by reading the letter signed “A Shareholder” in your paper treating of the management of mines in which so many of us are interested. Having interests, unfortunately, in mines the shares of which are
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  • 1895 4 FULL DESCRIPTION OF CEREMONY. SPEECHES AT THE RECEPTION. The marriage of Miss Anderson on Wednesday to Mr. Geoffrey Farrant was marked by a happy combination of State ceremony and demonstrations of friendliness from all classes of the community. It is not a unique event for the daughter
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  • 68 5 AN EXTENSIVE MEASURE. FREE GRANTS FROM TREASURY. Rkutkr’s Skrvick London, 28th August Mr. I). Lloyd-George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, has introduced into the House of Commons a Development Fund Bill enabling the Treasury to make free grants for the purpose of developing forestry, agricultural and rural industries,
    , Rkutkr’s Skrvick |  -  68 words
  • 51 5 FURTHER FRESH CASES. [Reuter’s Service London, 28th August. In connection with the outbreak of cholera in Rotterdam, further fiesh cases have occurred. The Port Authority of London has declared Rotterdam to be infected and is examining all arrivals from Rotterdam. Similar precautions are being taken at other
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  51 words
  • 64 5 A THREATENED STRIKE. [Reuters Skhvice.] London, 28th August. A dispute between the employers and the watermen and lightermen in the Port of London concerning the hours of labour has culminated in a decision by the latter to take a ballot on the question of a general
    [Reuters Skhvice.]  -  64 words
  • 43 5 MULEY HAFID’S CRUELTY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th August The Sultan of Morocco has had the hands of twenty-four of the leading rebels hacked off and the stumps plunged into boiling pitch several others have had their left foot treated the same way.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  43 words
  • 41 5 A WELCOME UNDERSTANDING. [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service] Berlin, 27th August. The Kdlnische Zeitung discu ses and welcomes the understanding between China and Japan, stating that al! the Powers haring commercial dealings with China will derive benefit from it.
    [Der Ostasiatischk Lloyd’s Service]  -  41 words
  • 37 5 MORE RECORD-BREAKING [Reuter’s Service] London, 27th August. M. Hubert Latham has finally covered 154 kilometres (nearly 95| miles) in 138 minutes (about 4ij miie< an hour), only descending owing to his petrol being exhausted.
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  37 words
  • 38 5 MEETING AT WINNIPEG. [Reuters Service.] London, 27th August. The meeting of the British Association for the advancement of Science has been inaugurated at Winnipeg, Canada, by the President, Professor Sir J. J. Thomson, F R.s.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  38 words
  • 27 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 28th August. It is estimated in Montreal that the Canadian wheat crop will be 115,000,000 bushels, mostly of the best quality.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  27 words
  • 23 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 28th August. The death is announced of Mr. George Manville Fenn, the well known novelist.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  23 words
  • 51 5 [Dee OsTASI ATISCH E LLOYD’S SERVICE Berlin, 27th August. Cotton is quoted at 6.73 d. Mr. J. Kemp, Manager, Rahman Tin Mining Co., Ltd., is leaving for Home by the P. cn O. ss. Caledonia to-day. We are sorry to hear that it is ill-health that necessitates his going
    [Dee OsTASI ATISCH E LLOYD’S SERVICE ]  -  51 words
  • 165 5 FIRST DATS RESULTS. PENANG SUCCESSES. [/rom Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, 28th Aogust. The annual Ipoh Athletic Sports, which commenced yesterday, were a great success and there was a good attendance. The following were the results in the different events Putting the Shot.—l6lb. (Challenge Cup presented by the
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  • 147 5 The P C.C. Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Monday:— Championship. Eichenberg v. A. G. Anthony (unfinished) Single Handicap. Class A. Brearley v. Neubronner (unfinished) Ladies’ Doubles. Miss Jones X' Mrs. Oechsle r. Mrs. Wright-Motion Miss Martin (unfinished) The following ties have been fixed for Tuesday
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  • 83 5 The following supplementary order of the day was issued for yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council Question by Mr. Ellis “1. Will the Government before the commission dealing with Municipal affairs is issued lay the terms of reference to such commission before the Legislative Council and afford such
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  • 163 5 London, Aug. 18. The Times ascribes the outrage in Oudh to a viiulent anti-Police campaign, and recommends those responsible in England and India for safety of life to follow the courageous example of the Maharajahs of Jaipur and Gwalior in denouncing sedition against the paramount Power
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  • 1018 5 It would appear from the report of Col. R. S. F. Walker, c.M.G., on the Malay States Guides for 1908 that the popularity of the Regiment among natives of the Punjab is increasing, for 555 presented themselves for enlistment, a number which just beats the previous
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  • 1373 5 RUBBER OUTPUT DIVIDENDS. The future of the rubber maiket depends largely on technical points, such as the possible discovery of a substitute, the agricultural development of the Malay Peninsula, and the maintenance of output at the expected level. These are questions on which the ordinary investor can do nothing but
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 272 5 Penang Sales Room. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, The undersigned is instructed to sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT ABOVE SALES ROOM, «?<?, Beach Street, On Monday, 6th September, 1909, The following shares belonging to LEE HAY PH YE, the Mortgagor, and KHOO GAIK HOE, the Surety. AT 10*30 A.ML (40)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1482 6 JUST ARRIVED. A Famous Cricketer municipalnotice. The standar( j Llfc Amim FESTIVAL DAY. (ESTABLISHED 1825). AFRESHCONSIGNMENTOF X CHINESE SEVENTH MOON, -i- r*> E” rET The oes Br tlsll lile '■> tin tat O/AL DULL (1). Private ownersdesiring to slaughter The Standard offers special advantages to P 1 8 should enter
      1,482 words

  • 1402 7 00 S O Capital. Subscribed. Shares. Vkl Dividend'. Name. I 2 >» C 3 < x 08 I I I MINING. 1903 i $300,000 $300,000 30,00 b $lO $lO 12% year end. 31-3-09 Bel at Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $6 6| ***** 300,000 225,000 22,500 10 10 Bruang, Ltd.
    1,402 words
  • 73 7 C. Apcar, Brit., 1730, Hudson, August 28, Calcutta, gen., A. A. Anthony Co. Capri, Ital., 2717, Francis, Aug 27, Bombay, gen., Behn Meyer Co. G. Apcar, Brit., 2961, Belson, Aug. 28, Hongkong, gen., A. A. Anthony Co. Fultala, Brit., 2702, Thomsom, Aug. 28, Singapore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co.
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  • 95 7 Fultala for Rangoon and Calcutta. Caledonia for Ceylon, Austria, India, and Europe. Aawa Maru Colombo and Tuticorin. Tong Chuan for Kedah. Padang for Ratu Bahra. Petrel for Pangkalan Brand an. Mary Austin for Asahan. Jin Ho for Langkat. Avagyee for Teluk Anson. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Kistna
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  • 51 7 ARRIVALS. By Tong Chuan (Aug. 25) from Kedah, Messrs D G D Deebles and Y Savi. By Pin Seng (Aug. 26) from Singadore, Luang Boribon. By Flltala (Aug. 28) from Singapore, Mr E Smith DEPARTURES. By Tong Chuan (Aug. 26) to Kedah, Messrs Khoo Keng Sin and Lo Boon
    51 words
  • 62 7 O/ from, apprujcim > d<it» 0/ rirrxi'al, whern bound and Agents. Austria, Trieste, Sept. 3, Japan, S.K r o. Bendoran, London, Sept. 4, Japan, S.B. Co. Ceylon, London, Aug. 31, Japan, A. G. Co. Cametense, Liverpool, Sep. 4, Rangoon, E.S. Mishima Maru, Singapore, Sept. 3, Antwerp,B. Nam Sang,
    62 words
  • 124 7 Pknang, 28th August, 1909. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2 4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 3/8 3 Docur'entary 2 Z 4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175| 3 days’ sight Private 176 f Bombay Demand Bank 175| 3 days’sight
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  • 179 7 Penang, 28th August, 1909. Gold leaf $65 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper $l7 buyers. Trang Pepper $14.75 buyers. Mace 80 sales. Mace Pickings $66.50 sales. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $18.50 sales. {No. 1 $6.65 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 82 7 Monday. For. Per. <11«»»»-. Dindings and T. Anson Canton 2 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul Un Peng 4 p.m. Tuesday. Trang Leong Ho 1 p.m. Singapore, China, and Japan Ceylon 3 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Hong Moh 3p m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Perak (E.S.
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  • 37 7 Home- q Ex- Positively To ward. pected. Due. Sail. P. O. Caledonia 28/8 B. I. Palitana 4/9 N. D. L. Goeben 31/8 Outward. P. < >. Delta 8/9 B Thongwa 2/9 I 1.. P. E. Friedrich 1/9
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  • 159 7 I2th Sunday after Trinity. August 29. St. George’s Church. 8 a.m.—Matins (Choral). 8- a.m.—Holy Communion (Plain). 10 a.m. Matins (Chinese). 5 p m.—Sunday School. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Presbyterian Church. 9- a.m. —Divine Service (Prye Dock.) 6 p.m.—Divine Service (Northam Rd). Methodist-Episcopal Mission. 74, Maxwell Road. Thirty-Fifth Sunday
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  • 343 7 Per P and O ss India, from London, Aug. 13, and ss Delta from Colombo due Penang September 8 —To Penang J C Ward. To Singapore Mrs Russell, Mrs K Crofts, Messrs J M Russell, and F O Ricketts. Per P and O ss Somali, from
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  • 905 7 The harbour of Port Arthur, which waa closed to merchant vessels after the RussoJapanese war, is again open to foreigi trade. The harbour of Dalny, which was substituted for it, is silting up, besides being overcrowded owing to the extensive traffic vid the South Manchurian Railway. Another type
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 The Manufacturers Life Insurances. of Canada. All over Great and Greater Britain S THE UNBOUNDED AND INCREASING POPULARITY Tt ha. to day, more business in force than OF any other Canadian Life Company ever h18a^40,0 3 ,7i <s.s.c, MARTELL’S BRANDY SSKUm $20,334,203.57 (S.S.C.) F.S. Evans, Guthrie H to., Ltd. A.A.
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    • 33 7 Appendicitis, now so prevalent, is believed to arise chiefly from constipation and, local inflammatory troubles, which may be prevented by the occasional use of “HunyadiJanos”natural aperient water. Average dose a wine-glassful before breakfast.
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    • 41 7 sun Lire t-x? or Canada. (Established 1865). Ass 8 exceed £6,000,000.0.0 Surplus ever all liabilities according to Government Standard 840,265.0.0 Income, 1908, £1,428,000.0.0 W. A. WHITE, 'I J I KENNEDY Co., Manager, South-Eastern > A 1 General Agents, Penang. Asia, Singapore J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2251 8 P. &0. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailing*. Shipping. Shipping. AIL SERVICE OUTWARD. «JXin. 0 r.m Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. jteM sept. 8 Delta connecting with India STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. V 1 Oct. 2 6D. i Macedonia FT Imperial German Mat! Line. U 20 Devauha Moldania Fob Intrndrd to Sail. Steamer
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