Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 August 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1086 1 THE “PINANG GAZETTE." n e t R|[ [M|l|||F ||(nf| 4-1 SUBSCRIP I lON. Grand Programme To-night. KUALA LUMPUR, P. M. S. f *W For Daily Issue, in Town. arrived! ARRIVED!! A NEW lIRST-CLASS HOTEL, > «HL $27 per annum, MANY NEW PICTURES. fit™ with $3O post free. KI Show 7JO
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  • 5804 2 BOUSTEAD CO. v. THE CROWN. IMPORTANT ARGUMENT ON APPEAL. Tiie following is the conclusion of our report of the argument on appeal in the important case of Thomas Cuthbertson and others v. the Attorney-General, against the judgment of Mr. Justice Braddell, which was concluded on Friday afternoon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1447 3 penang volunteers, <xz A J cm orders B y captain WH V NOT Why is our Boot and Shoe Department The Hon’ble A. R. ADAMS, A 1 X V A 5 COMMANDANT. TAKE ADVANTAGE now of our is so crowded during the sale is the August. 1909. SPECIAL OFFER fa
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  • 1290 4 We hear from a trustworthy source that a drop in the price of rubber, and consequently in rubber companies’ shares, is expected early io the coming year. All through the slump we prophesied a profitable future for rubber, at the same time advocating a conservative policy
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  • 830 4 In connection with the marriage of Mr. Geoffrey Upcott Farrant and Miss Anderson, which will take place at the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday next at 4.15 p.m., no invitations have been issued, but a general invitation is extended to the public to attend the church ceremony and
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  • 796 4 The death is announced of General Sir John McQueen. General Sir John French has to visit Ceylon in October. The death is announced of Sir Bruce Lockhart Burnside, formerly Chief Justice of Ceylon. The death is announced of Mrs. J ane Zehnder, widow of the late Rev.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 THE DISINFECTANT STANDARD is 12WV< A TRIUMPH OF CONCENTRATION. A recent Scientific Discovery Officially adopted by the Imperial Government. Ensures efficient disinfection at a cost so trifling as not to be worthy of consideration on the ground of expense. AGENTS• GUTHRIE CO., Ltd., Penang and Singapore. oooooooooooooeoooooooooooooo GARRICK COARSE-CUT. O
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  • 203 5 A MORE HOPEFUL OUTLOOK. THE ATTITUDE OF TURKEY. GREEK FLAG AT CANEA. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd August. Reuter ’s Agency learns' that it is probable that Turkey will make no formal reply to the Note from the Powers expressing regret that Turkey has not left the settlement
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  203 words
  • 84 5 ENORMOUS DAMAGE. ißeuter’s Service] London, 23rd August. A telegram from Melbourne states that heavy rains have caused the greatest floods that have occurred in Victoria for forty years. Bridges have been demolished, the railway is interrupted, and there is great damage to and loss of stock.
    ißeuter’s Service]  -  84 words
  • 83 5 ALL HOPE ABANDONED. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd August. A telegram from Cape Town states it is officially announced that the Government and the Admiralty have abandoned the search for the steamer Waratah, which left Durban, Natal, on the 27th ult., for Cape Town. London, 14th August. The
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  83 words
  • 60 5 A NEW RAILWAY CONCESSION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 21st August. A telegram from Constanrinople states that the Chamber of Deputies has substantially approved of a project for the concession to an American company to build a railway in Asiatic Turkey from Sivas to Mosul vid A an, on condition
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  60 words
  • 46 5 THE NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL. [Reuter’s Service London, 23rd August. With reference to the appointment of Mr A W. F Ideubuig, Dutch Minister for the Colonies, to be Governor-General of the Netherlands-Indies, it is announced that he will assume the functions of his appointment in December.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  46 words
  • 38 5 a farewell banquet. Reuter’s Service I London, 21st August. Lord Kitchener ‘•ails from Tuticorin, on September 9, en route to China. He was entertained at a brilliant fare well banquet at Simla on Friday nig it.
    Reuter’s Service I  -  38 words
  • 15 5 [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 22nd August. The Turkish Chamber of Deputies has adjourned.
    [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  15 words
  • 148 5 COMPETITIONS IN FRANCE. FLIGHT TO THE NORTH POLE. A PROPOSED CONFERENCE. [Reuter’s Service.] London. 23rd August. A great aviation week has begun at Rheims. President Fallieres and his Ministers, Mr. D. Lloyd-George, and Mr. Winston Churchill, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer and President of the Board
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  148 words
  • 46 5 A KING AS ARBITRATOR. [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 22nd August. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy has been appointed abitrator in the dispute between France and Mexico as to the sovereignty of Clipper ton Island, about 800 miles off the Pacific Coast of Mexico.
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  46 words
  • 42 5 A HEAVY DEFICIT. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22ud August. It is calculate! that the deficit in the French Budget for 1910 will be at least £8,000,000 (steiling), which it i> proposed to meet by additional taxes on tobacco and wine.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  42 words
  • 438 5 [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.] Berlin, 22pd August. Spanish reinforcements are being demanded at Melilla. One night every month the police make raids in all parts of the town and arrest between two or three hundred vagrants. They are duly brought before the Magistrates next morning but only a very
    [Der Ostasiatische Lloyd’s Service.]  -  438 words
  • 193 5 The feast-day of the Rt Rev. J. Meneuvrier, Vicar-General, S S., and Vicar of the Church of the Assumption, was celebrated yesterday morning in the parish church. There was a church parade of the Roman Catholic members of the Penang Volunteer Corps, of which the
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  • 238 5 Says the Manchester Guardian of July 26 The greatly increased interest now being taken in rubber and rubber shares is evidenced by the fact that during the first six months of this year the number and capitalisation of new companies floated to engage in rubber planting or
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  • 439 5 The abstract of the statement of the weight of block tin and tin ore exported from the four States during January to July, 1909, and of the duty collected thereon as compared with the corresponding period of 1908 is as follows Output Duty 1909 pels. 453,837.51 $3,841,961.25
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  • 553 5 The following are the orders of the day for next Friday’s meeting of the Legislatve Council 1. Questions by Mr. Baker “I. Will Government enquire into the cause of the excessive delay in publishing the Quarterly Trade Returns of this Colony which do not come into the hands
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  • 185 5 At the weekly shoot of the Malacca Ladies’ Rifle Club, held on the 18th inst., the scoring was as follows Miss I. M. Williams 29 Mrs. R. Williams 28 Mrs. Holden 27 Mrs. Evans 21 Mrs. Darby 20 Miss Holden 18 Tl.e members of the Singapo e
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  • 145 5 The comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported from the Federated Malay Stares during the years 1909 and 1908 gives the following statistics Same period July, 1909. Jan.-July, 1908. lb. lb. lb. Perak 94,086 458,976 222,460 Selangor 364,851 2,021.955 1,030,995 N. Sembilan 76,250 571,497 354 805 Total 535.187
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 347 5 AN IDEAL DRINK FOR THE TROPICS. lzjhiiiiihibi 4G£7V7\S, Huttenbach Bros. Co. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE. FESTIVAL DAY. Lne undersigned will sell by CHINESE SEVENTH MOON, PUBLIC AUCTION 3rd Sumter, 1909. Tuesday, the24th August, 1909, (1) Private owners desiring to slaughter AT 12 NOON, pigs should enter their animals at the AT
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 1432 7 I" 1 I I i KT i I I Capital. Subscribed. J?°- of Th F Divi,Un.i v 2 E *f Shares. Value Dividend,. I Name. i =z s I i I 190 c ’«Mi 3O0 000 30,000 $lO $lO 12% year end. 31-3-09 Bel at Tin Ltd. ss| 5$
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  • 105 7 Jason, Brt., 4800, Stewes, Aug. 22, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. De Kock, Dut., 335, Fleeming, August 22, Langsa, gen., Huttenbaeh, Liebert Co. Sappho, Brit., 329, Treweeke, Aug. 22, Teluk, Anson, gen., Kong On Co. Glamorganshire, Brit., 3639, Nonis, Aug. 22, London, gen., Boustead Co. Petrel, Brit., 124,
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  • 50 7 Fuh Wo for Langkat. Malacca for Tongkah. Calypso for Deli. Canton for Bindings and Teluk Anson. Bantam for Pulo Weh, Olehleh and Padang. Malaya for Deli. Sree Bangka for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Derfiinger for Singapore, China and Japan. Flying Dragon for Port Weld. Kum Sang for Calcutta.
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  • 197 7 ARRIVALS. by Sardinia (Aug. 21) from Shanghai, Mr W T Chalkley from Port Swettenham, Mr English and two infants. By Fultala 'Aug. 22) from Rangoon, Messrs A Ash and M Ismail. DEPARTURES. By Sardinia (Aug 21) to Colombo, Mr J Ward to Marseilles Mr and Mrs Anderson to London,
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  • 65 7 Va«*’s o/ fmm. rl'it* of arriral, inhere, nn/i .4 gs.ntx Austria, Trieste, Sept. 3, Japan, S.K <’o. Awa Maru, Singapore, Aug. 2i, Antwerp, B. Bendoran, London, Sept. 4, Japan, S.B. Co. Cametense, Liverpool, Sep. 4, Rangoon, E.S. Hong Won 1., Singapore, Aug.2s, Amoy, K.G. Mishima Maru, Singapore. Sept.
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  • 188 7 Penang, 23rd August, 1909. Gold leaf $65 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper $l7 buyers. Trang Pepper $14.75 buyers. Mace 80 sales. Mace Pickings $66.50 sales. Cloves out of season. Nutmegs 110 $18.50 sales. {No. 1 $6.65 sales. No. 2 No stock. Basket $3.85
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  • 83 7 To-Morbow. For. Per. Clone, Kedah Tong Chuan 9 a. tn. Trang Tong Chay Un 1 p.m Longkat Jin Ho 1 p.m Asahan Mary Austin I p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ban Whatt Soon 3 p.m. Teluk Anson Sappho 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Selangor 4 p.m. Wednesday.
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  • 491 7 HoMe Steamer. Ex To ward. pected. Due. Sail. P. &O. Caledonia 28/8 B. I. Taroba 4/9 Outward. P. tk O. Assaye 25/8 5 am. 9 a.m. 8.1. Thongwa 2/9 N’.D.L. Dtrfflinger 23/8 9 p.m. 24/8 la.m. ON WEEK DAYS. FOR Balik Pulau, at 8 a.m. and 12-30 p.m.
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  • 123 7 Penang, 23rd August, 1909. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 3/8 3 Docur'entary 2/4 13/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 f 3 days’ sight Private 17bf Bombay Demand Bank 175| 3 days’sight Private 176| Madras
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  • 137 7 Monday, 23rd August. Full Court of Appeal. Ladies’ Rifle Shooting. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Outward German Mail. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road, Tuesday, 24th August. St. Bartholomew. Full Court of Appeal. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Band, Golf Club. Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. Wednesday, 25th August.
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  • 67 7 August 28. 1864—Large meeting in Hongkong to protest against the Military Contribution. 1873—Chinese Emigration Ordinance proclaimed. 1876—Public presentation of g.c.m.g. to Maharaja of Johore. 1884—Chinese fleet at Pagoda Anchorage destroyed by the French. 1893—Farewell banquet in Singapore Town Hall to Sir Cecil C. Smith. 1904 —Russian battleship
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  • 60 7 P.W.D., Bukit Mertajam:— Construction of three horse ferry boats tenders close noon, Aug. 28. r.M.S Railways Tenancy of blocks of land at Port Swettenham for storing coal tenders close noon Aug. 30. Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board :—Supply of 15 Indian bullocks tenders close noon, Sept. 4. iSZraiZs Government Opium,
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  • 18 7 Monday y Aug. 30 Unserviceable and Confiscated Property; 11 a.m.; Fort Cornwallis Joe de Mello, auctioneer.
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  • 9 7 33 Northam Road apply Kennedy Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. FROM GEORGE I. TO EDWARD VII. OF CANADA. An unvarying reputation for Established 1887. HIGHEST QUALITY It ha. to-day, more business in force than any other Canadian Life Company ever HAS been held by 1908 had at the same age. S-r $96,940,035.71 (S.S.C.) MApTETpc RDAMDV
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    • 97 7 The Troubles of Digestion, pain, flatulence, acidity, and so on, are happily in most cases simply the expression of some fleeting disturbance of function The best way to restore tone and regularity to the intestinal tract is by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water the first thing
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    • 61 7 Skin Troubles are often the direct result of digestive disturbances. Waste products, instead of passing off in the way intended by Nature, attempt to escape from the body by another route—namely, the skin. To redirect the stream to its proper channel all that is needed is a wine-glassful of Huny&di
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 114 7 The Moon. First Quarter 10.55 am. 24 Aug. O Full Moon 12.08 p.m. 31 Last Quarter 2.44 a.m. 7 Sept. O New Moon 10.09 p.m. 14 The Tides. Date. H. W. L. W. H W. L. W. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Aug. 23 6-24 12-24 6-49 12-49 „24 7-10 1-10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2339 8 P. &0. Steam Navigation Company, Intended Sailing®. Shipping.Shipping, j service outward. Me* BRITI i M D, I .th Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. Aug 25 Assays connectingjwith Mooltan STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. u MfcjM Sept. 8 Delta rm;,!* Imperial German Mail Line. 22 Himalaya China I r Oct. 6 Delhi Macedonia y
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