Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 November 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1390 1 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” FOR SALE. NOTICE. NOTICE. niUJT lIATTBAY I IMPORTANT NOTICE. SUBSCRIPTION. RUBBER STUMPS, 10 months "FHE PONTOON BRIDGE over Perak I I 11 Ji I ni r ~~t a ld mamaovr 1 River at Enggor is closed to traffic Tamil Immigration Fund Enactment, 1907. LOOKOUT! LOOKOUT! For Daily
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2484 2 Y a nArWM» I MUNICIPAL NOTICE. zIL TZ A SHIPS DOCTOR JL shui XTOTICE is hereby given that the books f SINGAFOKK TO T JAVA runic, I I /M t 1 containing the Annual Valuations 1. PORT DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND, If «J I b/iimrkift f A I A I of
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  • 1276 3 THE BUDGET PASSED. The adjourned special meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon to consider and pats the rest of the estimates for 1909. There were present Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President), Mr. L. H. Clayton, Mr. Quah Beng Kee, Mr. Lim
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  • 116 3 The following scores were made Ht the spoon shoot by the Selangor Ladies’ Rifle Club on Monday Mrs. Dainton 304- 7=37 Mrs. Gallagher 29 4- i =36 Miss Violet Grey 32 4- 2=34 Mrs. Burnside 314- 2=33 Mrs. Goldie 29 4- 4=33 Mrs. Hay 294- 4=33 Mrs.
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  • 124 3 Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity November 8. St. George’s Church. 8 a.m.—Matins (Choral). 8- a.m.—Holy ommunion «'Plain). 9- a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil). 10- a.m. —Holy Communion (Chinese). 5 p.m.—Sunday School. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Presbyterian Church. 9.15 a.m —Divine Service (Prve Dock). 6p m. Divine Service (Northam Road). METHbDXST-EriSCOI’AL
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  • 767 3 GYMKHANA ENTRIES. We may give a final reminder of the Hunt Club’s Gymkhana, to be held on the Race Course on Monday. No special invitations have been issued, but we are asked to state that the Committee extend a cordial invitation to the general public to be
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  • 122 3 Saturday, 7th November. Japanese Cinematograph. Penang Road, 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Ott’s Circus, Date Kramat, 9 p m. Sunday, Bth November. Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. M onday, 9th November. King’s Birthday. Public Holiday. Hunt Club Gymkhana. 2-45 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. Penang Road, 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Tuesday, 10th
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  • 56 3 November 7. 1872—Run on the Chartered Mercantile Bank, Singapore. 1875 Capt. Innes, r.e., killed in action, Perak. 1876 Prince Chira of Siam born. 1892—Ulu Selangor Railway extension opened. November 8. 1860—Peking evacuated by allied Powers. 1867 —John Milton died. 1883—Steamer A’ isero wrecked on Sumatra coast. 1887
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  • 20 3 Wednesday, Nov. .?5. —Low Hye Chuah’a property, Province Wellesley Butterworth Police Station 10-30 a.m. A. M Joseph, auctioneer.
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  • 131 3 Municipal Commissioners.— Bricks and Lime Firewood various materials uniforms for peons bullocks for scavenging carts road metal (gaol) carts extra road metal carts tenders close Nov. 11, 3 p.m. Municipal Commissioners.— Renting of Noordin St. Ghaut Market; Jelutong Market; Market St. bath Chowrasta bath Pitt St. bath Pranging bath
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  • 16 3 Cleeve,” No. 122, Scotland R »ad (furnished); apply W. Marsh, 39, Northam Road
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 “Aching heads made good as new is a sign that might well be displayed by any chemist who sells Stearns’ Headache Cure, for this article quickly banishes pain and leaves the head clear. An aching head can’t do itself justice. Give it a chance by using Stearns’ Headache Cure. Insist
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    • 5 3 SCALES. MiAlisttr V Co.. LU.
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    • 184 3 latest Fashionable Jewellerj SUITABLE FOR WEDDING or ’XMAS ant NEW YEAR Presents. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. Mr. A. L. SETH, LEVY HERMANOS, Room 30, E. tk 0. Hotel. 815-7-11 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oDO YOU KNOW you can O O BUY FOR (Dis. for Cash) 8 A PLAYER-PIANO? Q It is the most marvellous
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 67 3 The Tides. High Water. Low Water. Nov. 7 10 24 a in. 4.14 a.m. 8 11 12 a in. 5’3 a.m. 9 12 00 a.m 602 a.m. 10 12 p.m. 647 a.m. 11 1.36 p.m. 7.34 a.m. 12 2 4 i>.rn. 8.22 a.m. it 13 3.12 pm. 9.10 a.m. The
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  • 29 4 Sousa.—On the 3rd inst., at No. 9, Arratoon Road, the wife of Mr. Ritchie Sousa, of the Anglo-Chinese Stores, of' a daughter (Meicedes Izabella). —Shanghai papers please copy.
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  • 1162 4 A romantic career has come to au end by the lamented death, reported by Reuter in our columns to-day, of Mr. Archibald Little, who arrived in China in 1859, the year in which work on the Suez Canal was commenced, and a year prior te the
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  • 287 4 This morning, short I v before eight o’clock, smoke was seen issuing through one of the air tubes in a stack of coal in No. V. shed of the coal stores of Messrs. Hottenbach Bros., Sungei Pinang. 'The Fire Brigade was promptly informed. The motor fire
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  • 805 4 Mr. Stanley Knocker returned to Singapore from Bangkok on Monday. Mr. F. J. Gore, District Surveyor, Kuala Lumpur, is to be transferred to Knala Kubu. Mr. and Mrs. Darke will be leaving shortly for Pahang, to which State the former is being transferred. Miss Jane S. Jackson,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 OOOOOOOOOOOOO©OO®©®®®®®®®®®§ O THE NEW Japanese Cinematograph. 2 NEW TENT. NEW PICTURES. NEW DECORATIONS. O b Q EVERYTHING NEW. V O The Latest Pictures from the best manufacturers O Urban and Gaumont, Q a O SBVBR BEFORE SHOWN IN PENANG, Q TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! O O locatioß; M«isio s Teal. Center el
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    • 87 4 must he addressed fo The Editor,’’ written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer 1 name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. LL MONIES must be paid at the Pinang Gazette” Office, Penang, to the General Manager, Mr.
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  • 661 4 OBITUARY. MR. H. W. DAVIDSON. On Thursday we recorded briefly the death, in Kuala Lumpur, of Mr. H. W. Davidson, who was well-known in Penang. The Malay Mail of that day published the following We regret to announce the death of Mr. H. W. Davidson, late manager to Messrs. McAlister
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  • 160 5 OPERATIVES AND THEIR WAGES. REDUCTION IN MARCH. I Reuter’s Service. London, 6t li Nov. It is stated in Manchester that the eardroom worker* propose to consent to a reduction of five per cent, in their wages, provided that it is delayed till March, instead of taking effect
    I Reuter’s Service. ;  -  160 words
  • 67 5 .SIR PERCY SCOTT’S SQUADRON. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 6th Nov. Rear-Admiral Sir Percy Scott’s squadron has arrived at Cape Town, where the English and Dutch residents united in giving it a cordial welcome. The National Convention. The South African Convention, which has been considering the question of a Constitution
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  67 words
  • 55 5 KINGS BIRTHDAY PRESENTATION 1 -I's» Reuter’s Service, j g London, 7th Nov. The Cullinan diamond, which is cut •exquisitely, has arrived in L >ndon for presentation to King Edward on His Majesty's birthday anniversary on Monday next. The smaller half of the diamond has been made into
    [ Reuter’s Service, j g  -  55 words
  • 40 5 THE CASA BLANCA INCIDENT. Reuter’s Skrviok London, 6th Nov. Semi-official statements published in Berlin an 1 Paris indicate that the Casa Blanca incident will be settled probably, both countries exchanging letters containing mutual expressions of regret.
    • Reuter’s Skrviok ]  -  40 words
  • 38 5 LABOUR PARTY [Reuter’s Service.] London. 7th N >v. A Government crisis has occurred in Australia owing to the Labour Party being dissatisfied with Mr. Deakin's Protection t ariff proposals, from which they have withdrawn their support.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 38 5 THIRTEEN ADMIRALS IMPLICATED [Reuters Service.] London, 6th Nov. Thirteen Russian Admirals have been placed on the retired list. It is believed that they are connected with the malversation of funds for the construction of warships.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  38 words
  • 35 5 AUSTRIA IRRITATES SERVIA. Reuter’s Service.] London, 7th Nov. A number' of Austi ian monitors have anivedat Semiin, opposite Belgrade, for the purpose of mameuvring their presence there is irritating the Servians intensely.
    [ Reuter’s Service.]  -  35 words
  • 956 5 I See that the old battle as to which is the predominant city of Perak has been revived, and all over a little paragraph that went the rounds of the papers- to the effect that Colonel Jackson, the new F. M.S. Surveyor-General, is about to decide whether Taiping
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  • 897 5 THE BAND’S CONCERT. An orchestral ahd dramatic entertainment was given in the Town Hall last night in aid of the Band Fund under the patronage of Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President) and members of the Band Committee. Toe attendance was not so large as anticipated, and many who
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  • 362 5 Sterling rubber shares continue in strong demand, and quotations have been marked up all round. Perak Rubbers have advanced to 16/6, and Bertauts are wanted at 12s. 3d. with no shares for sale under 13/-, Offers have been made for Highlands and Lowlands fully paid at £2£,
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  • 90 5 'l’he Hon. R. Bland, R°sident Councillor, desires to acknowledge receipt of the following subscriptions to the National Service League for the year 1909 A. C. T. Murray, Esq. £1 1 0 F. Robinson, Esq. 1 10 Mr. Justice Fisher 110 Hon. J Turner 1 10 Hon. A.
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  • 25 5 October Returns. The manager of the Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mines reports that the output for October was 375 piculs for 28 days’ work
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  • 92 5 MOROCCO. Berlin. 6th Lvov. Mutual expressions of regret, regarding the Casa Blanca incident have been exchanged between France and Germany, thus paving the way for an understanding pending a settlement of their respective claims by arbitration THE NEAR EAST. Thank-» to the influence exerted by the Powe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 867 6 Georg# Town., of New South Wale., end Ernest Barry, of Brentford, met on the Thame» on Oct. 12 to compete for tlie ticulling Championship of Engl* ll wry won a fine race by two lengths in -1 mm. 12 2-5 sec., which is a record for the Putney-Mortlake
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  • 85 6 Monday. y«r. Per. C,<M Tongkah Malacca U Batu Bahrs Padang 11 Tongkah Avagyee J J Trang and Pang Nga Deli H nl Tuesday. Pangkalan Brandan Vidar 1 P m Trang Tong Chay Un 1 p.m. D e ]i Perak (E.S. Co.) 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin
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  • 36 6 Homs- Ex- Positivri.v Io Stkamkk. fA WARD. PBCTBD. DITR •‘"All p. Jr O. Delhi 21/11 B. L 14/11 N.D.L. P. Alice 10/11 Outward. P. Jr O. Devanha 19/11 B. I. 12/11 N.D.L. Goeben 12/11
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  • 202 6 Penang, November 7. Desckipi ion*. Beef Cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew’ or Curry Meat 18 Bump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart Heart per catty 30 Tripe Liver per catty 30 Pork: Pork 36 Pig’s Head 20 Feet
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  • 46 6 Avagyee, Brit., 247, Campbell, November 7, Tongkah, gen., fe. 8. Co. Assay», Brit., 4395, Daniel, November 7, China, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Malacca, Brit., 405, Upton, November 7, Tongkah, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Nain Sang, Brit., 4035, Lake, November 7, Calcutta, gen., Boustead Co.
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  • 79 6 Assaye for Ceylon,lndia, and Europe. Austria for Calcutta, Ban Whatt Soon for Teluk Anson. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Flying Dragon for Pulau Langkawi and Setul, Hong Bee for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow. and Amoy. Hitachi Maru for Colombo and Tuticorin. Jin Ho for Langkat. Kistna for Port Swettenham
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  • 14 6 DEPARTURES. By Rotorua (November 6' to Singapore, Mr and Mrs Lye Yong Sang.
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  • 118 6 Penang, 7th November. 1908. (By Courtesy of the. Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2'3j 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 1/16 3 y, Credit 2/4 3/16 3 Documentary 2/4 J Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174$ 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras Demand
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  • 198 6 Penang, 7th November. 1908. Gold leaf 65 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 0z).... No stock. White Pepper $14.50 sales. Trang Pepper $10.95 sales. Mace s'l sale». Mace Pickings sales. Clove» (picked) Out of season. Nutmegs 110 $271 buyers. (No. 1 $6.65 sales. Sugar < No. 2 No stock.
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  • 1006 6 M .2 No. of Issue Dividends. Name. 5 Capital. Subscribed, shares. Value. -Q s' q g <y MINING. 1903 1300,000 »300,000 30,000; »10 $lO 10% year end. 31-3-08 BeUt Tin Mining Co., Ltd. on! 190 000 12 000 12 000| 10 10 57|% for 1903 Karangan Hyd. Tin Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 30 6 or can appreciate a good thing k "i’V- 5 ra .*“y of fchem uke «teams’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil whenever they feel the need d hlood buiWer T t
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    • 690 6 oI iQuc*n The Marine Insurance Co. t Ltd. m UnUOriLU rUvU. CfeMß Week Eld Excirsieis It a wonderful discovery. mum iin uoit.i iirinu mi This is the age of research and experiment, when til 13s H I.P M*" PI 1 H Ihe abose Company is prepaied to ac- SelUCer allnature,sotospeak,isransackedbythescientific
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1625 7 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF BROWN CLr. AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPIJ. INDIA. LIMITED. Monumental Sculptors v-., Netherlands Trading Society. INetherlands-lndian Discount Bank.) CALCUTTA Incorporated by Royal Charter. P^ -'»P- c "P' t l »15.000.000 Eotablibb.d 1824. Estam.™™
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2112 8 111 1 I- shiDDinff. Shipping. P. A 0. Steam MiTigntt»» Company. Shipping. J2__z—- intended Norddcutscher Lloyd, Bremen. fpSl Kw .9 O n. BRITISH INDIA ImpePlal Line. D uX STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. < OtMl SIMM Sfelß Cfi., IM x 11 AND HOMEWARD. FoB Intbmdkd TO Sail. Stbambb. JjyV CHINA MUTUAL
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