Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1067 1 THE “PINA 4G GAZETTE.” NOTICE. /V JSL NOTICE. subscription. FOR SALE. r We hereby notify to the general public that we «t ady VIOLET.” Perfect Hack W J have been given by the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., For the Weekly Issue, per annum. and good jumper. 'pHIS is to give
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2058 2 Ckinnino* Tht only Medicine of the kind msrM a Certificate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 18W-4, open to at; Dealers in Cycles, wllippillg. Sewinc Machines. ■■mm Pilin' LINE -XT <7 xF Dr lalors KEATIHGB ■N.Y. K. punfiPiinnYNE WO r M SINGAPORE TO ‘JAVA PORTS 'W» |t|U M JB■■BJ IW Kr.StS UI>IW
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  • 828 3 STATES V. STRAITS. Monday’s Straits Times saya When we went to press on Saturday, the States in the cricket match on S' *"'?nlanade were all out for the small 66, and before lunch the Straits 1 d 7 for the loss of one wicket. s Upon resuming after lunclre
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  • 1969 3 Concluded Pub .ic Lighting 27. Extensions of the public lighting were carried out in Larut Road, Anson Road, and Logan Road, 24 pairs of tantalum lamps being fixed to replace oil 1 imps. Private Supply. 28. 6 fresh installations were connected to the mains
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  • 147 3 Thursday, 6th AugustTransfiguration. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Japanese Comedy Co., 9 p.m. Pathescope, 7-30 and 9 p m. Friday. 7th August. Old St. James’s Day. Grotto Day. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Japanese Comedy Co., 9 p.m. Pathescope, 7-30 and 9 p.m. Saturday, Bth August. Japanese Comedy Co
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 Worth Remembering.—There are not nearly bo many people coughing now as there were before Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil was placed on the market. It stops the cough Remember that.
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    • 41 3 Many things cause headaches—late hours, unsuitable food, nervousness, eye strain, overwork, etc. One thing cures them—Stearns’ Headache Cure. It is w ithout an equal, as it acts very quickly and is easy to take, having no bad taste. Insist on Stearns’.”
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    • 50 3 Should be kept in Every Household. As a result of saving my child I regard Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy as a medicine which should be in every household.— John Adams, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agent».
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    • 106 3 A Well-known Remedy. There are few people in this country who have not used, or at least heard of, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is the first thing they think of when they or any member of the family are stricken with diarrhoea, pain in the stomach, or
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    • 639 3 PKW/Rll The Commercial Sale Room 8 W B. I (88 Bishop Street) should be in every home M well Undertake the Sale by AUCTION of hospital. Merchandise (either sound or damaged) can“t St weU noTriSJ Jffij HOVBE LANDED property. and you will find a great help in furniture of an
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 61 3 The Tides. High Water. Low Water. Aug. 6 7.11 p.m. 1.12 p.m. 7 8.02 p.m 2.01 p.m. 8 8.47 p.m. 2.47 p.m. 9 9.35 p.m. 3.34 p.m. 10 10 23 p.m. 4.26 p.m. 11 11.10 p.m. 5.14 p.m. 12 12.01 p.m. 6.02 p.m. The Moon. O Full Moon 12 Aug.
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  • 1192 4 On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week the fifth annual Agri-Horticul-tural Show of the Malay Peninsula will be held in Kuala Lumpur. In its general lines it follows closely the four previous joint Shows, and, as far as we are able to judge, bids fair
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  • 231 4 The members of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club held their fifth practice on the Rifle Range, Kampong Bharu, yesterday afternoon. Firing took place for the first time at 200 yards, but some of the members, not expecting to shoot at this distance owing to the failing light,
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  • 112 4 We learn that, at a meeting of the Committee of the Penang Amateur Dramatic Club last night, presided over by the Rev. F. W. Haines, it was decided to produce Our New Boy,” H. J. Byron’s well-known comedy, a few months hence, active preparations and rehearsals
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  • 541 4 The following returns for July have been issued Rainbutan, Ltd., 280 piculs Gopeng Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 640 New Gopeng, Ltd. 250 Tekka, Ltd. 300 J Kiuta Tin Mines, Ltd. 500 Sungei Besi, 671 The Anglo-Malay Rubber Co.’s output of dry rubber for July was 31,935 lb. At
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  • 788 4 —S. T. Mr. H. O. Zacharias is spending week in Singaj lol Mr. H. L.W Garburn, of the Strain Trading Co.,y has been transferred Rawang. > Mr. A. HutteYibach returned to Pena D( this mornipy W the German mail steamer from 1 for hir X Mr. T.
    —S. T.  -  788 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 LIP T O N’S i 1 A g PENANG AGENTS 3 I Paterson, Simons a Co., LM.| QOOO©©O©©©©OOO©©OOOOOOOOOOOO 8 Japanese Magic Comedy. 8 Ito NIGHT! TONIGHT!! 8 BEST SHOW. O Door open 8 p.m., sharp 9 p.m. to 11-30 p.m. O 012 indies Gentlemen Artistes 12 o O Directed by
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    • 89 4 must be addressed to The Editor," written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer’s name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. yf LL MONIES must be paid at the Pinang <4 Gazette Office, Penang, to the General Manager,
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  • 104 5 THE CASUALTIES EXAGGERATED. SEVENTY DEATHS REPORTED. Rrutrr'r Sbrvick.l Loudon, 6th August. The first report of the number of deaths caused by the bush fire iu the Crows’ Nest Pass, in the region of British Columbia, has turned out to be exaggerated. According to the latest advices, probably
    [ Rrutrr'r Sbrvick.l  -  104 words
  • 76 5 AN IMPORTANT AGREEMENT. [Reuter’s Skrvicr] London, sth August. It is reported that the following railway companies have concluded an agreement with reference to their competitive traffic, which is estimated to save on a minimum £300,000 per annum, namely, the Midland Railway Co., the London and North-West-ern Railway Co.,
    [Reuter’s Skrvicr]  -  76 words
  • 57 5 A MINISTER’S RESIGNATION. [RbUTBRS SItRVICR.] London, sth August. The Turkish Minister of Marine, Hassan Remi Pasha, has resigned. Th« Public’s Demands* The public are excited and impatient; they insist on the withdrawal of the whole Cabinet, and the formation of a homogeneous Liberal Ministry. It is
    [RbUTBRS SItRVICR.]  -  57 words
  • 53 5 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. [Rkutbb’b Srrvici.] London, sth August. Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, speaking at the Free Trade Congress in London, dwelt on the injurious •fleet of tariffs in fostering suspicion And jealousy among the nations. Free Trade had helped Great Britain to secure loyal
    [Rkutbb’b Srrvici.]  -  53 words
  • 42 5 COUNT ZEPPELIN’S EXPERIENCE [Rbutbb’s Sbrvicb London, 6th August. Count Zeppelin’s airship broke from its moorings during a gale at Stuttgart (the capital of Wiirtembergjv caught fire, and disappeared in the air. The Count himself is safe, but several persons were injured.
    [Rbutbb’s Sbrvicb ]  -  42 words
  • 13 5 [Rrutkr’s Skrviok.] London, sth August. President Fallieres has returned to Paris.
    [Rrutkr’s Skrviok.]  -  13 words
  • 134 5 AVIATION. Berlin, sth August. Count Zeppelin arrived at Mayence after a trip of 11 hours with his motor slightly damaged. He afterwards proceeded to Stuttgart, where he landed. In the evening he continued his voyage. A later telegram reports that his airship, which was anchored near Stuttgart,
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  • 112 5 An interesting assembly of about forty gentlemen were present at the Siam dinner held at the Carlton Hotel, London, on July 17. Amongst the guests were —The Siamese Charge d’Affaires, Luang Sanpakitch, Sir Albert Rollit, Sir Wm. Hood Treacher, Messrs. L. Leonowens, W. A. Evans, H. Hooker,
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  • 521 5 GOVT. SERVICE v. N. UNION. The above match, which was played on the C.R.C. ground yesterday evening, attracted a fair attendance of spectators but unfortunately the contest was robbed of much of its interest by the National Union starting a couple of men short, and before their full
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  • 164 5 The P.C.C. Tournament. The results of the ties played yesterday were:— Champion ahip. E. S. Haslam beat C. C. Rogers 3—6 6—3 6—4. Profession Pnirs. V. D. Parsons <fc W. D. Procter beat G. N. Saye W. E. Cleaver 6—2 6—3. Mixed Double Handicap. Mr. Jc Mrs. W.
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  • 172 5 The L. and C. Express of July 17 publishes the following: Tingha Tin.— June production, 20 tons 3 cwts. United Lankat Plantations.— Crop 1907 Fields cultivated, 1,305 produced 11,469 bales. Sold 8,021 bales at c. 123 j per half kilo., realising about 118,000. Remaining for sale, 3,448 bales.
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  • 534 5 In the course of an editorial, the Singapore Free. Press says The Penang Municipal Commissioners have, after much discussion, agreed to ask the Government to be allowed to raise $lOO,OOO, for the increase of the electric light capital. The arguments for this action were that the present
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  • 280 5 The journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene calls prominent attention to the fact that the brilliant results obtained at Port Swettenham, under Dr. Malcolm Watson’s directions, whereby malaria was practically eradicated from amongst the community, are iu danger of being annulled. Owing to railway extension the
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  • 195 5 The Siam Observer of July 31 states Sir Edward Grey’s statement in the House of Commons reported in a special telegram shows that the Anglo-Siamese negotiations are not yet concluded, and apparently nothing is likely to be done in the matter in London until the autumn, after
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 517 5 PENANG GOLF CLUB. NATIONAI SERVICE LEAGUE. PRESGRAVE CUPS. Saturday, Bt(j, and following S)ay. AdT EMBERS of the National Service L,. League in this Settlement, and those who are »n sympathy with this National movement are invited to communicate with S.S. jOSCPII 1. EVISiOH. the undersigned with a view to establishing
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  • 814 5 OBITUARY. [Rkutrr's Srrviuk. I London, 6th August. The death is announced of M. Lavino, The Times's correspondent at Paris. OBITUARY. MR. E. A. KAULFUSS. As briefly announced in our last issue, the death occurred at the General Hospital, Penang, yesterday afternoon, of Mr. Ernest Augustus Kaulfuss, whose name has been
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  • 827 6 Army and Navy Gazette. The generosity of Chinamen is well known, and their Society in London, the Shong Yee Tong, has just made a contribution of £2O to the Seamen’s Hospital, where many Chinese seamen are treated. A Calcutta wire of July 28 says: A delightful dinner was
    Army and Navy Gazette.  -  827 words
  • 129 6 To-morrow. For. Per- Close. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ban Whatt Soon 2 p m. Singapore and Hongkong Kum Sang 3 p.m. Teluk Anson Hye Leong 3 p.m. Mergui, Tavoy, and Moulmein Pachumba 4 p m. Singapore, Hongkong, and Amoy Germania 3 p.m. Saturday. Madras, taking mails 1 for
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  • 268 6 Home Ex- Positively Io ward. prctkd. Due Sail. P. &O. Marmora 15/8 B. I. Taroba 8/8 N.D. L. Schamhorst 19,8 Outward. P. AO. Malta 13/8 B. I. 14/8 N.D.L. PE. Friederich 20 8 ON WEEK DAYS. FOR Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur, and Seremban at
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  • 35 6 Derfflinger, Ger., 9060, Merners, August 6, Bremen, gen., Behn, Meyer Co. Thongwa, Brit., 342«, Herrington, August 6, Madras, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Go. Malaya, Ger., 348, Reeker, August 6, Deli, gen., Behn, Meyer Co.
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  • 61 6 Jin Ho for Langkat. Mary Austin for Asahan Cornelia for Port Swettenham and Malacca. Canton for Dindings and Teluk Anson Glenogle for Rangoon. Thongwa for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Flying Dragon for Pulau Langkawi and Setui Malaya for Deli. De Kock for Deli and Paneh. Derfflinger for Singapore, china
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  • 36 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Benlawers, London, August 8, Japan, S. B. Macduff, Liverpool, August G, Japan, S. B. Titan, Singapore, August 3, L’pool, W. M.
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  • 51 6 By Malaya (August 5) from Deli, Mr. and Mrs. Houwing, Mr. and Mrs. Corden, Mrs. Okaru Omura, Mrs. Kinoshita Teku, Miss Ochuniusan, Miss Ocheasan, Miss Otesesan, Messrs. Neumann Peuse, Keelemans Baynen, Schellekens, Brostewski, Schmontzinger, Frominel, Meiddenderp, Seigfried, Gade, vau Hell, Stewart, Meeus, Pott, Kleingrothe, Selsg, Schulz, Becker, Nanen, Glash,
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  • 1122 6 u I o 2 Issue E 3'5 Snb,„rib«a. N°. of T 1 Dividend., N..... 3 s a <a <2 5 MINING. Gold nnil 4*lo 1950 C 50,000 £1 £1 1/-paid January, 1901 Raub Aust. Gold Mining Co Ltd. Full» I’a..» ss| 1892 £200,006 £191.250 150(H)0 j B /10
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  • 122 6 Penang, 6th August, IWB. (Bi/ Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/16 3 Credit 2/4 1/4 3 Documentary 2/4 5/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 174| n 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras.
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  • 186 6 Penang, 6th Avgust, 1908. Gobi iwnt 65.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 ll>. 5 »z.) no stock. White Pepper $l5 buyers. Trang Pepper $lO buyers for India. Mac» $7O nom. Mace Pickings $5B sales. Cloves (picket!) out of season. Nutmegs 110 $l9 buyers. iNo I $6 30 sales. Sugar. <
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 Loo Goon to Miss.—You may be able to get along without Stearns’ Cordial of Cod v< 1 Extract, but what’s the use of going through hfe and missing all the good things > Lt will give you new strength. IRON SAFES. StaAli.t.r 4» Co.,
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    • 47 6 A Stubborn Disease. Rheumatism is considerably by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George I Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 118 6 MtraM Malay Slates Railways. TENDERS are invited for the conveyance of goods by Bullock Carts between Kuala Lumpur Goods Shed and Bentong vid Ginting Simpah. Tenders to quote rate per picul per mile. Contractor to be prepared to supply any number of Carts at the Goods Sheds, Kuala Lumpur, on
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    • 7 6 P. MOIR CRANES Cylinder Oil. Ruttery Co.
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    • 108 6 t THE GREAT LONDON SUCCESS, t t Samson and Delilah, 4 AT THE PATHESCOPE.: J King Street Theatre Hall. J J This picture is wonderfully staged and coloured in a J most magnificent way. In it are depicted the consecration 4 4 of Samson, his carrying away the Gates of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1556 7 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF BROWN Co AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPIJ. INDIA, LIMITED Monumental Sculptors, Netherlands Trading Society. (Netherlands-Indian Discount Bank.) J CALCUTTA, Incorporated by Royal Charter. «15,000,000 ilish» 1824. Authorised Capital £1,500,000. D. 1852. apt a 750
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2133 8 Shipping. Shipping.Shipping.Shipping. P, &0, Steam Navigation Company. Inte-nd&ii Sailings. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES BRITISH INDIA Imperial German Mail Line. MA on T wX CE STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 4 Aug 13 MaU» eonoaoH..; with Udi. A\ OCCUR StCflM SKIP ((1., 27 Devanha Victoria B'or Intrndrd to Sail
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