Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1094 1 THE “PINANG GAZETTE." TO LET. NOTICE. NOTICE. SL JE subscription. house No 4, clove hall, road. B. I. S. N. Co., Ltd. PENANG TURF CLUB* sea s|pe s£4 Kor baity Issue, in Town, $27 per annum, Nvw RRTCK WGITSP «iih T7 0R the convenience of pa-sengers NT OTICE is hereby
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2009 2 Shipping. A MATRON of the Y.W.C.A. HOME OOO©O©OOOOOOO© Dea,erB -burns PHILP U KT 17 IZ 8 "«m Jotuii.g A S "PHBTOQRAPHERS, O Cycle Accessories. >&/ SINGAPORE TO *java ports. A M. M T? J? *O7, Cheiia street, Perthar. O /<&» PO RI’ DARWIN, THURSDAY I'd A ND, _r~ /ft wg
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  • 1004 3 EFFECT OF THE SLUMP. Mr. J. H. MEIKLEJON INTERVIEWED. On July 17, the Times of Ceylon publishthe following L When Ceylon was in the ecstasies of the ■libber boom Malaya was experiencing a great■r excitement still, having two booms—rub«ber and tin. For this she had to pay
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  • 2088 3 LIST OF ENTRIES. The following is the list of entries for the Horse Show to be held on Monday next DIVISION I. Class I.— (Gentlemen). 2 Comdr,, Macintyre’s ch g 16 hds 2, Ginger 3 Comdr. Macintyre’s and Mr. C. Law’s.b m. Lady Lucifer 5 Major H.
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  • 148 3 Saturday, Ist August Lammas Day. xvnw x/innvr, V. Hotel. Bijou Troubadours, Town Hall Japanese Comedy Co 9 p.m. Pathescope, 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Sunday, 2nd August. Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Monday. 3rd August Public Holiday. Penang Horse Show. Japanese Comedy Co., 9 p.m. Pathescope, 7-30 and 9-30 p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 A Message from Australia. Messrs. Williamson Co., Jundah, Queensland, writes Chamberlain’s Coliic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy enjoys a great reputation in these parts. It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is scarcely a home without a bottle. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers The George Town Dispensary,
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    • 32 3 Fkkling Bkttkk To-ray.—-Those people who began taking Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil for a bad cough and general bad health last week, are feeling better to-day. Don’t you wish you did
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    • 70 3 As a Last Resort. Before going to the express of calling a doctor for a case of diarrhoea or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be mote than pleased with the result, There is not another medicine in the world that has
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    • 76 3 Two heads are better than one unless they ache. There’s little an aching head can do of value to its owner. Stearns’ Headache Cure pain quickly and makes one fedl that life is worth living. Insist on “Stearns’.” Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. Head Orno»: 25 26 CORNHILL, LONDON, E.
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    • 859 3 PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT. -Dr. W. R. LAMB, American Oculist and Optician, Specialist in Examining and Refracting the Eyes and Fitting Glasses, HAS the pleasure of announcing to the Citizens of Penang that he has opened an Office No. 32, Eastbrn-and Oriental Hotel, where he will remain until August Sth,—a short but
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 53 3 The Tide». High Water. Low Water. Aug. 1 3.13 p.m. 910 a.m. 2 4.01 p.m. 10.03 a.m. 3 4.47 p.m. 10.46 ».m. 4 5.34 p.m. 11.36 *a.m.' 5 6.23 p.m. 12.24 p.m. 6 7.11p.m. 1.12 p.m. The Moon. First Quarter 5 Aug. O Full Moon 12 LaMb Quarter 19 O
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  • 1286 4 With much of th it zeal that characterises one fresh to the conclaves of our civic rulers, Mr. Lim Cheng Teik has added something not to the gaiety of nations but to-the interest in our local Municipal Commission meetings although it is just a question how
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  • 532 4 SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the Rural Board for > Penang was held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of passing by-laws. There were present Mr. W. Peel (ex officio Chair- man), Dr. S. H. Lucy, Mr. C. G. May, and Mr. J. E. Nathan, ex-officio members;
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  • 282 4 Mr. J. W. Campbell, Hon. Secretary to the Agri-Horticultural Show, writes At the request of several ladies it has been to postpone the Table Decoration competition until the second day, 11th August, the judging for which will commence at 10 o clock sharp. This will allow ample time
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  • 748 4 Mr. J. R. Whall has joined the F.Mjj Railway. Department as Foreman Platelay I and Ganger. A London wire of July 22 announces th 1 death of Sir William Cremer, the gr Peace advocate. Mr. S. Westwood has been Assistant Automobile Mechanician in F.M.S. Railways. The Revs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 ♦“THE PATHESCOPE,”: TO-NIGHT, J Entire Change of Programme. t ALL NEW PICTURES. J Acknowledged not only by the Press and Public, but at the Police Court to be the most Popular Show in town. t PATHE FRERES' PICTURES. ♦< The Eighteenth Annual Bordeaux-Paris Cycle lace OF MAY 17, 1908. Distance
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  • 195 5 STIRRING SCENES NEAR PARIS. TROOPS PELTED WITH COBBLES.. [Rkutbr’s Service.] London, 31st July. Serious labour riots have occurred at Draveil- Vigueux Villeneuve, near Paris. The rioters barricaded the streets pelted the troops with cubbies and used revolvers freely, wounding several of the troops. Barricades Stormed. The troops
    [Rkutbr’s Service.]  -  195 words
  • 100 5 EXODUS OF PALACE OFFICIALS [Reuter’s Service.] London, Ist August. A telegram from Constantinople states that there is a general exodus of obnoxious officials from the Sultan’s Palace. Release of Criminals. There is much disquietude at the release of 950 criminals with the political prisoners who have
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  100 words
  • 81 5 CASE AGAINST “BOB” SIEVIER. [Rrutrr’s Service.] London, 31st July. The Chief Justice, in summing up at the trial of Mr. R. S. Sievier, dwelt on the extreme difficulty in deciding between the contradictory evidence. He pointed out that this was a case in which a rich man had
    [Rrutrr’s Service.]  -  81 words
  • 70 5 BILL BACK IN THE COMMONS. London, Ist August. The House of Commons has rejected the House of Lords’ amendments to the Old Age Pensions Bill, some on the ground of a breach of privilege an 1 others on their merits. A Vigorous Protest. Lord Lansdowne has vigorously
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  • 31 5 AN ANGLO-GERMAN ENTENTE [Reuter’s Service.] London, 31st July. The members of the Labour Party will visit Germany next Whitsuntide to promote an understanding between British and German workers.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  31 words
  • 38 5 THE NEW YORK TO PARIS RACE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 31st July. In the motor car race from New York to Paris, the American Thomas car has now arrived at Paris —four days behind the German Protos car.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 883 5 The following is a description of some of the dresses at the races on Thursday afternoon Mrs. Fisher came in a cool white linen gown with a blue hat. Mrs. Wolferstan’s pale pink linen dress had a deep yoke and sleeves of white embroidery her burnt
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  • 678 5 AN EMPLOYEE’S AGREEMENT. As stated briefly yesterday, an extension of the injunction was granted by Mr. Justice T. de M. L. Braddell, in the Supreme Court to the Straits Trading Co., straining Mr. W. J. Thorne from working in the service of the Eastern Smelting Co. and
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  • 210 5 Apart altogether from the brightness of Tom Liddiard’s New Bijou Troubadours, who performed for a short season here in April last, the musical treat they gave in the Town Hall last night was in every way most enjoyable. Owing to the Race Dance, there was naturally not
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  • 474 5 v > STRAITS BILL. <4^.y The text of a bill shortly to be brought before bfib Legislative Council to provide for loans being made to agriculturists' is published in the Govertinnent Gazette. The objects and reasons read 5 1. Applications are often made to the Government by members
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  • 181 5 Result of Tilae'Case. The following important telegrams appear in the Ceylon Observer Calcutta, July 23. Tilak was unanimously found guilty yesterday at the Bombay Sessions, and sentenced to six years’ transportation. H e was *at once removed by R.I.M. steamer. Keudiram Bose’s execution, which was fixed for
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  • 24 5 LORDS PASS THIRD READING. fftxUTICR’S Burvic«.] London, 31st July. The House rif Lords hAs passed^the'third:' reading pf the University Bill, v
    fftxUTICR’S Burvic«.]  -  24 words
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 831 6 Morau, of England, and Attell, o America, will meet at San brancisco on 7th September, to box for £4,000. The Sporting Chronicle (Manchester) report that Galloping Girl by St. GW* Alisu Carden has been purchased for India. F. W. Springfield, one of Australia s Olympic swimners, competed in
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  • 89 6 Monday. For. Par. Close. Trang and Pang Nga Tong Chay Un 11 Deli Calypso 11 a.m. Singapore, China, and Japan Fook Sang 11 a.m. Calcutta Nam Sang 11 ajn. Langsa, T. Semawe, T Segli. Ohhlah and > Pegu Uta.m. Sabang *1 TuASDAY. Pangkalau Brendan 'Betrel noon. Deli Perak
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  • 34 6 HOMB- Ex- POMTtVBLf To WARD. PBOTBD. Dui. SAIL. P. <fc O. Marmora 15/8 B. I. Taroba 8/8 N.D.L. P. Ludwig 5/8 Outward. P. AO. Malta 13/8 B. I. 6/8 fLD.L. Derfflinyer 6/8
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  • 38 6 Idomeneus, Brit., 4250, Nish, August 1, Liverpool, gen., W. Mansfield A Co. Mary Austin, Brit., 121, Harvey, July 31, Asahan, gen:, B. 8. Co. Scotia, Brit., 3896, Hickey, July 31, Singapore, gen., Adamson, Gilfillan A Co.
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  • 60 6 Deli for Dindtngs. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Devanha for Ceylon, India, and Europe. Flying Dragon for Pulau Langkawi and Sotul Hebe for Singapore. Jin Ho for Langkat. K istna ion Port Swettenham and* Singapore. Mary Austin for Asahan. Palitana for Singapore. Sado Maru for Colombo. Tara for
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  • 36 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate dale of arrival, tohem hound, and Agents. Beniawers, London, August 8, Japan, 8. B. Macduff, Liverpool, August 6, Japan» S. B. Titan, Singapore, August 3, L’pool, W. M.
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  • 87 6 The following unclaimed letters, parcels, and telegrams are lying at the Penang Post Office >— r -Adler, Mr. Pogorelsky, S. M. Brown, George Buss, M. Colpoys, H. F. G. Safe, M. R, Dr. Davidoff, Miss D. C. .Davidson, Capt. J. A.Thoungpu Maang Duncan, 8. W. Tian Hee Chan
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  • 124 6 Seventh Sunday after Trinity. August 2. St. G korgb’s Church. 8 a.m.—Matins (No Organ.) 8- a.m.—Holy Communion (Plain). 9- a.m.—Holy Communion (Tamils.) 10- a.m.—-Matins (Chinese). 5 p.m.—Children’s Service. 6 p.m. -«Evensong and Sermon. Phbbbyijmman Ghubch. 9 a.m. Service (Northern Road). 6 pm.—Divine Service (Northern Bead). St. Marku Churur,
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  • 1143 6 —.2 M Issue -j j n E 'S Ospitol. vsins. u V Pi™”-" 1 N J ffl 30 5 MINING. i Gold r KIHMM) £1 £1 1/-paid January, 1901 Rauh Am»t. Gohl Mining Co., Ltd. Fully lt»3 «1.1,»0 8/10 n „<«'>, ‘I 4898 000 I 0,500,000 25.000 GOO
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  • 127 6 Pbnang, Ist Avgust, 1908. (Bjf Courteey of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 213 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/16 3 Credit V 4 1 4 3 n Documentary 2/4 5/16 Calcutta Demand Bank R» 174} n .3 day»' light Private 156 Bombay Demand Bank 174} 3 days’eight
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  • 177 6 i Penang, Ist August, 1908. Gold leal 65.40 Pepper (VV Coast 3 II» 5 0r,.) no stock. White Pepper $l5 buyers. Trang Pepper $lO buyers for India. Mac* $7O nom. Mace Pickings $5B sales. Cloves (picked) out of season. Nutmegs 110 $l9 buyers. !No I $6.30 sales. 2 x.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 Worth More than It CosTs.—Medicine is cheap when it does people good, no matter' what it costs. Stearns’ Cordial of Cod Liver. 't C much and helps everyone that takes it Kto> that coughing. «TEEL TRUNKS. McAli&fr Co.. Ltd*
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    • 51 6 ASt übbora Dlmmc. Rheumatism is considerably by the medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control,* but Chamberlain’s Paift Balm lias remarkable power over it. One application will give relief. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary» Wholesale Agents. —ll McAliittf V Co.,
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    • 68 6 Tie Commercial Sale Rooms' /88 Bishtp Strtet) Uatlertake the Sale by AUCTION of Merchandise (either sound or damaged) ■OUSe »n*EAM*EO FROPKKTY. nad rUMMITURK of aU description. Advances to a limited extent on the latter to suit customers can be arranged prior tesaieiiand the payment of the balance of proceeds guaranteed
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    • 6 6 STEEL TRUNKS. McAlieter 9T Co,, Ltd.
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    • 26 6 ask wJgjX Nol for Supreme Watson’s amonji DUNDEE SCOTCH WKisky, WHISKIES. No. 10. c DDNDEE |MK| Agent, McAlister Co., Ltd. Singapore, “Penang and federated Malay Strait/,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1995 8 Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P. *O. Steam Navigation Company, Intended Sailings. NOrddCUtSCtlCr LlOjd, 8F6H1611. iURM EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DtFADTDRES I BRITISH INDIA I Imperial German Mail Line. MAIL service UKs-..V\ STEAM NAVIGATION Co.. LTD. A 1 outward. oceei SIMM Slip c»., tit, 1.T..0.0 TO CHINA N||Tl|AL A™ iw Madras, Pondicherry,
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