Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 July 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 712 1 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” MUNICIPAL NOTICE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. WANTED. the SUBSCRIPTION. 'T'HE next Ordinary Meeting* of the DOGS. REFUND OF ASSESSMENT- LOOdOH I Municipal Commissioners will be held f harebv reminded TTLECTRICAL ENGINEER” for (Published Annually.) For Daily Issue,.nTown,M7 per annum, afc the Office, at 3-30 p.m., on O
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  • 1090 2 AUTUMN MEETING, 1908. Tuesday, the 28th July, Thursday, the 30th July, and Saturday, the Ist August, 1908. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 28th July, 1908. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE. Value $5OO A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. AH horses imported into the Straits»'or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 20 2 RILEY, HARGREAVES 4 Co, Ltd, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil Engineers, and Shipbuilders, PENANG. SINGAPORE, and IPOH. PENANG BRANCH, 14 BEACH STREET
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    • 643 2 PENPNG VOLUNTEERS. ORDERS BY CAPTAIN J. H. G. MARRIOTT, M. S. G., Actg. COMMANDANT. July, 1908. Bth, Wednesday, Company Drill at Sepoy Lines, at 5-45 p.m., Drill Order with Caps. 11th, Saturday, Class Firing Trained Men at 5-30 p.m., Drill Order. 12th, Sunday, Field Day Parade at U Junction of
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  • 1926 3 Mr. D. A. M. BROWN. If Mr. D. A. M. Brown, of Penang, were asked which particular phase of sport he enjoys most, h« would probably say, Golf And if he were asked to relate his personal reminiscences, it would be seen that, while there is
    Mr. D. A. M. BROWN.  -  1,926 words
  • 394 3 I An article in Commercial Intelligence, I June 3, draws prominent attention to this I subject. We quote a few sentences and I trust that the notice given in this influenI tial weekly will have its due effect at I Downing Street:— I There is no greater
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  • 207 3 Gardeners' Chronicle. We learn from Mr. M Buysman that he has succeeded in establishing a botanic garden in the hill country of Java, at a height of about 4,000 feet above sea levr-1 The climate is good, except that, the daily rainfall during the wet
    Gardeners' Chronicle.  -  207 words
  • 311 3 Expenditure on garden account amounted to £3,814, and sale of produce £1,767, due to there being little or no produce available at the time the estate was taken over. The manager’s estimated output of dry rubber for the current year is 1 1,000 lb and at
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  • 199 3 NORTHUMBERLAND PLATE.” London, June 24. In the race for the Northumberland Plate the following was the result Mr. A. Bell’s Old China b f by AvingtonDerby China, 4 yrs, (trained by Fagan) 1 Mr. P. Cosens’ Saint Ollalia b or br f by St. Frusquin—Aumbry, 4 yrs.
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  • 184 3 Cup from the Sultan. In connection with the above Show, H. H. the Sultan of Selangor has been pleased to present a Cup, value ,$lOO, which it has been decided to award to the estate obtaining the greatest number of points in the Rubber Section. Points will
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  • 195 3 Wednesday. Bth July. Homeward German Mail. P.QC. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, 7 and 9 p.m. Pathescope, King Street Theatre. High water 1.37 p.m. Low water 7.34 a.m Thursday, 9th July. P.C.C. Tennis Ties. Outward B I. Mail Cinderella Dance Engineers’ Institute. Matsuo’s
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  • 40 3 Home Ex- Poarrivai.v To Straw mt. WARD. PgCTRD. DUR. SMI.. P. U. Malta 18/7 B. I. Teesta 11/7 N.D.L. Kleist 8/7 Outward. P. &O. Delta 15/7 B. I. Taroba 9/7 7 am. 4 pm. N.D.L. P.R. Luitpold 22/7
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 The industrious mechanic finds Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil to be of great help to him. It restores and preserves his good health, supports his strength and energy, and thereby makes his work less irksome.
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    • 42 3 A prominent business man who has been restored to health by the timely use of Steam’s Cordial of Cod Liver Extract, refers to it as a•* priceless blessing.” A reliable blood tonic and issue builder—delicious in taste. IRON SAFES. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 41 3 Many things cause headaches—late hours, unsuitable food, nervousness, eye strain, overwork, etc. One thing cures them— Stearns’ Headache Cure. It is without an equal, as it acts very quickly and is easy to take, having no bad taste. Insist on Stearns’.”
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    • 71 3 Try this for Chronic Diarrhoea. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhcea have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhcea Remedy. Some of the worst cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians bad failed. Try it and you
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    • 525 3 t WANTED. FOR RUBBER ESTATE, Near Taiping, Experienced Manager For Developing Estate. Further particulars on application to “REX,” 441—uc mw f c/o Pinang Gazette. 6. (HEANG SOOJAT G Co., Nos. 120 and 120 a, Pitt Street and Buckingham Street, Penang, Cycle Dealers, Repairers, and r— Commission Agents. Every variety of
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 534 4 In his recently-published work, entitled The Real India. Mr,. J. D. Rees, M.P., who has served for upward of 25 years in the Indian Civil Service, and passed through most of the grades, from Assistant Magistrate to British Resident, and additional member of the Governor-General’s Council,
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    • 110 4 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Dear Sir, The drainage work has been lately extended to many places in the suburbs of the town,’for which I have but to congratulate our City Fathers. May I, through your columns, draw their attention to that part of Burmah Road
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  • 616 4 A return cricket match between the Penang Cricket Club and Province Wellesley will be played on the Butterworth ground, on Saturday next, commencing at 2 p.m. The following have promised to represent the Province :—Dr. Nicholas, G. iLungley, F. Turner, J. S. W. Arthur, J. Forbes, H. King, Capt,
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  • 986 4 BOOMGARDT v. CRITERION PRESS. Plaintiff Cross-Examined. This case was continued in the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Fisher, when the plaintiff was further crossexamined by Mr. Hogan. He deposed:—l sat by Mr. Hope at the Commission and overlooked his notes. I heard some of the evidence and
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  • 792 4 Mr. J. E. Bishop, A. D. O. of Jelebu, has returned from furlough and resumed work. Mr. James Stark left Penang for Yokohama by the N. D. L. mail steamer Scharnhorst to-day. Dr. Denman, the newly-appointed Health Officer for Kinta, has arrived from England, and will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 *************************000 MATSUO’S I Japanese Cinematograph. New Pictures! New Pictures!! q location: corner ol Campbell Street aa< Penang Root. O §TWO o Every Night. o Q First Show Starts I Second Show Starts O at 7 p.m. to 8-30 p.m. I at 9 p.m. to 11-30 p.m. V Q V 0
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    • 88 4 CONTRIBUTIO-NS wwstjbe addrttwd. Io The Editor, 1 written on one ride of the paper only, and accompanied by the nanie and addrest, not necewarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. "i LL MONIES must be paid at the (t Pinang Gazette Office, Penang, to the General Manager,
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  • 176 5 STRAINED RELATIONS. RUMOURED ADMIRALTY ACTION [Reuter’s Service.] London, 7th July. Rumours are current in the Lobby of the House of Commons that the Admiralty contemplates taking a decisive step regarding the alleged strained relations between Admiral Lord Charles Beresfoid, Com-mander-in Chief of the Channel Fleet, and the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  176 words
  • 73 5 EFFECT OF THE DEPRESSION [Rrutrr’s Service.] London, Bth July. The Board of Trade re'urns of the imports and exports for the United Kingdom for the month of June show a decrease of £1,669,263 in imports and £4,157,930 in exports as compared with the same month last year.
    [Rrutrr’s Service.]  -  73 words
  • 58 5 PLUCKY ATTEMPT BY WOLFFE. I Hkctrr’s Service. London, 7th July The first attempt to swim across the English Channel this year was made yesterday by Jabez Wolffe, who, however, gave it up when he was only one nile from the French coast. He swain a distance of
    I Hkctrr’s Service.  -  58 words
  • 48 5 AN INTERNATIONAL CONTEST.- [Rkuteb’s Service.] London, 7th July. The aeropianists M Henri Barman and M. Louis Bleriot compet 'd yesterday for a prize of ten thousand francs for the fit st aeroplane Hying a quarter of an hour. Farmau’s aeroplane flew for twenty minutes, covering eleven miles.
    [Rkuteb’s Service.]  -  48 words
  • 52 5 Mr. W. J. BRYAN’S CANDIDATURE [Reuter’s Service.] London, 7th July. A telegram from Denver states that Mr. W. J. Bryan’s platform was su med up at the Democratic Convention as being more emphatic in irs espousal of President Roosevelt’s policies than that adopted by the Republican Convention
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  52 words
  • 41 5 A NEW DICTATOR IN POWER. Rrutrr’s Service, j London, Bth July. Dr. Naveiro has been proclaimed President of the Republic of Paraguay. As he is practically dictator, this causes details of the revolution to be kept obscure.
    [ Rrutrr’s Service, j  -  41 words
  • 82 5 MOROCCO. Berlin, 7th July. Herr Wangen heim, who has been till now in Mexico, has been appointed diplomatic representative for Germany at Tangier. COURT SCANDALS. The Norddeutsche Allgemeine, referring to the trial of Prince zu Euleuberg for perjury, states that the Kaiser was never present at the
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  • 134 5 DISRESPECT TO LEGATION. A DEMAND FOR REPARATION. [Reuter’s Service London, Bth July. The Times's correspondent at Teheran states that Russia strongly supports the British demand for reparation on account of the disrespect shown to the British Legation, for which the Shah shall have to make a
    [Reuter’s Service .]  -  134 words
  • 45 5 ENORMOUS DEVASTATION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, Bth July. A fire has been raging for two days at Port-au-Prince, the capital of the Republic of Hayti. Three thousand buildings have been destroyed, and thousands of people have been rendered homeless and without food.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  45 words
  • 40 5 BILL PASSES SECOND READING. [Reuters Service.] London, 7th J uly. The Miners’ Eight Hours Day Bill has been read a sec >nd time in the House of Commons by 390 votes to 120—a majority of 270.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  40 words
  • 169 5 The P C C. Tournament. The results of the ties played yesterday were Double Handicap. Class A. Rogers Griffith Jones beat Reimann <te J. G Anthony (scr.) 6 _2 6 1. Double Handicap. Class B. Biearley I vens (-15 3) beat Smith Riley 3_6 6—3 6—3. Donald Dennys
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  • 139 5 June Returns. The Kanahoi Mine output for June was as follows :—Elevator 48.62 piculs, General Tribute 179.51 piculs. Total 228 13 piculs. Gold, 8.33 ozs. The ou'put from Tekka, Limited, for the month of June amounted to 230 piculs—the result of twenty days’ work only. Mr.
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  • 670 5 THE JULY MEETING FIRST DAY’S RESULTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July, 8. The July Race Meeting of the Selangor Turf Club opened here jesterday afternoon, the results being as follows 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $4OO. A Race for Maiden horses. Weight 9 stone. Ex-griffins allowed
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  • 2709 5 LIABILITY OF LAND OWNERS. PECULIAR MUNICIPAL CASE. A remarkable story was unfolded yesterday afternoon before Mr. R. Scott, in the First Magistrate’s Court, concerning the widening and construction of Patani Road, which runs off the south side of Dato Kramat Road. The proceedings originated last March in
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  • 153 5 The following is the business ta the meeting of the Municipal Commission to-morrow 1. Minutes of the last meeting at be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Charges for Domestic water services. 5. By-laws for Burial Grounds 6. Refuse
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 861 6 A Victoria (British Columbia) corre. opondent writes: —While the giant Cunarders are busy breaking iecords on the Atlantic, our own sea-going grey-hound which provides daily connection between Vancouver Island and the mainland, the CPR. 8 8 Princess Victoria has broken her own and all other records between Victoria
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  • 83 6 Che ano Chkw, Brit., 1213, Shepherd, July 8, Amoy, gen., Keng Bee Co. Hong Moh, Brit., 2555, Bainbridge, July 8, Amoy gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 110, Wright, July 7, Langkat, gen., E, S. Co. Malava, Ger., 348, Reeker, July 7, Deli, Behn, Meyer <fc Co.
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  • 57 6 Bisley for Singapore, Japan. Vidar for Teluk Anson. Japara for Singapore. Hok Canton for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli Olehleh, and Sabang. Tong Ch ay Un for Pangkor. Keying Fish for Port Weld and Taiping. Kleist for Ceylon, India, and Europe. Schars horst for Singapore, China, and Japan. Syria for
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  • 83 6 To-morrow. For. Per. Close. Port Swettenham, Malacca and Port Dickson Omapere Ipm. Bulau Langkawi and Setul Flying Dragon 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Taroba 3 p.m. Singapore Cheang Chew 3 p.m. Calcutta Catherine Apcar 4 p.m. Registration 3 p.m. Trang and Pang Nga Deli 1 p.m. Friday.
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  • 297 6 FOR Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur, and Seremban at 6 a m. and 1 p.m. Kedah, at 7 a.m. Kuala Mudah, at 7 p.m. Kulim, at J p.m. Burte'worth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4-30 p.m. Prye, at 7-30 a.m., 11
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  • 84 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents Bencleuch. London, July Japan, S. B. Bellerophon, L’pool, July 17, Pacific, W. M. Calchas, Singapoie, July 17, L’pool, W. M. Deucalion, L’pool, July 12, Japan, W. M. Erroll, Liverpool, July 9,‘Japan, S. B. Gwalior, Singapore,
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  • 1151 6 ■—'■a■ 1 Q S I I I» f 3 o i. i No. t of Pwiri «n I Dividends. Naih« < .Oopital. Buhaaribed. Shares. V*| -2 QO o MINING. I Gold r 50/000 £J 17-paid January. 1901 Raul» Au«t. Gold Mining (Jo.. Ltd. Fully 1* 1892 £200,000 £191.250 jgoJoOO
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  • 122 6 Benang, Bth July, 1908. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Loudon Demand Bank 2/3 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/1" 3 Credit 04 1 4 3 Documentary 2/4 5'16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 174| 3 days’ sight Brivat* Bombay Demand Bank 174 i 3 days’sight Brivat*- 1,6 Msdras, Demand
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  • 189 6 Benang, Bth July, 1908. Gold leaf 65.40 Bepper (X\ Coast 3 "> 5 no stock. White Bepper $15.75 byrs. Trang Bepper slo| buyers. Mac® $7O sellers. Mace Pickings $55 buyers Cloves (picked) 31 buyers. Nutmegs tin $lB to 19 sales. [No t $6 30 sales. 2 x no stock.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 46 6 Well Named. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diar rhcea Remedy is just what its name implies l*or pains in the stomach, cramp, colic oi diarrhoea, it has no equal. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Whole-ale Agent. STEEL TRUNKS. McAlister Co.. Ltd.
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    • 123 6 ooo©©oo©ooooo©ooooo©oo©ooooq O look out g g TO-NIGHT, First Change of Programme, q O PATHESCOPE," O O KING STREET THEATRE HALL. V O The Largest Manufacture in the World, The Bargee’s Daughter, In the Land of V OGold Mines, Nocturnal Thieves, A Pretty Girl Fanner, Poverty and Probity, The Physician of
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    • 6 6 HARNESS ACCESSORIES. MeAlitter Co 9 Ltd.
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    • 532 6 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY BUILD UP VOTI HEALfH .....-> WILKINSONS Zx Essence or Fold Extract of RED J4MIICI and others, combines all the desiderata to be sought in a A A B B H 111 M medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto Xu w" M Bl I J
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2036 8 Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. I ■II I II- P. 40. Steam Kuigatloo Campanj. Intended Sailing». NoMdfilltSCllfir Llfljd, BrCWD. jWM EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES I I BRITISH INDIA I MAIL SERVICE. Imperial German Mail Line. OWTWAKD STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. n™ <J efc July 15 Delta connecting with Macedonia vCCtHI uICGIH
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