Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 June 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 923 1 TO LET. NOTICE. NOTICE. WANTED. QOQQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UnAMOTH” No. 5, Pangkore Road. Public are hereby informed that the 'T'HOROUGHLY QUALIFIED Cytind- 9 If ATIITI frl Hfr A DoVlltvQaPt Maoianhonnii Q IX. Entry Ist March, 1908. XXTII'H reference to my notice which undersigned company is in no way A er Machiueman, must
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  • 1094 2 AUTUMN MEETING, I*oB. Tuesday, the 28th July, Thursday, the 30th July, and Saturday, the Ist August, ISOB. riKST DAY. Tuesday, 28th July, 1908. I. THI HAMM HAH. V«lms!M. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lb». k All horses imported into the Straits
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 520 2 Shipping. i> wr smiis siemw tin JL Sbß Penaeg, Port Swettenham, sod Shgepere: Japan Mail Steamship Co. U. will be despatched from Penang, every Tuesday at 5 p.m. from the Wharf for Port Swettenham and Singapore, arriving afc Port Swettenham in time to oatdh F the 8-30 train for Kuala
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    • 359 2 CRUSHED FOOtf new STOCK JUST Tbt n and You BE T R. BELT LIOS begs to inf Or 1. public that since inf erior n Food is offered for sale in t ie p 9 ed Market at low prices, he desires attention to his certificated Cru B |’d p
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  • 791 3 NATIVE NEWSPAPER’S APPEAL DISMISSED. Calcutta, 4th June. At the High Court this afternoon Justices Stephen and Holm wood delivered judgment in the case of Monmohan Ghose, printer of the Navasakti, a vernacular newspaper published in Calcutta. Petitioner was convicted by Mr. Kingsford, then Chief Presidency Magistrate, Calcutta,
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  • 640 3 There may be an inconsiderable faction of the community who still cling resolutely to old traditions of prejudice, but the great majority, whatever their feelings may be, are now resigned to the motor, for thia fair attitude we should give them all credit and consideration. When the
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  • 86 3 London, 7th June. A despatch from Saigon states that Chinese regulars have fired on a French reconnoitring p«rty, which was disarming some Chinese rebels near their post at Phalang. The lieutenant commanding the party and six Tonkinese sharp-shooters were killed, and four wounded. Two companies of
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  • 60 3 London, sth June. In county cricket Kent beat Derbyshire by an innings and 18 runs. Surrey beat Somerset by an innings and 204 runs. London, 6th June. Yorkshire beat Worcestershire by 69 runs. Middlesex beat Gloucestershire by three wickets. Sussex beat Cambridge University by nine wickets. London, 9th
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  • 374 3 SPEECH BY SIR LANCELOT HARE. Calcutta, sth June. Concluding his speech at the last meeting of the Legislative Council of Eastern Bengal and Assam, the Hon’ble Sir Lancelot Hare said that tremendous leeway lias to be made up to bring the province on a level with
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  • 125 3 London, sth June. Owing to the representations of notable persons, the Shah has dismissed from his JAS, •PSXSP.P’U.Qfc. refuge in the Russian Legation. The Shah has now left Teheran for his country house. It is ru noured that he intends to quit the country. London, 6th June.
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  • 77 3 London, 6th June. It is officially announced that the Great Central and Great Eastern Railways will seek Parliamentary powers to establish a working agreement similar to that recently proposed by the G eat Northern and Great Central Railways, which was rejected by the Railway Commission Court, as
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  • 45 3 London, 4th June. The sittings of the International Cotton Cong rem in Paris have been concluded. A resolution was adopted requesting all associations to protect their local organisations with a view to the enforcement of short time, when necessary, to restrict the output.
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  • 278 3 In Hongkong where the requirements for medical practice are on English lines, there are German practitioners, but no A mer jeans. I The profession is mainly British and of [high standard. In Shanghai the field is I more open, and in the Chinese cities there I
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  • 228 3 Honours for Loyalists. I Simin, sth June. It is stated in the Gazette of India that I the Viceroy and Governor-General has conferred upon Badishah Khan, of Dir, the title of Nawab as a personal distinction and on Malik Mir Akbar Khan Shinwari, of Loargai Khyler Political
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  • 66 3 London, sth June. Mr. WiustonChurchill last evening opened the Missionary Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall entitled: “The Orient in London.” Mr. Churchill in his address testified to the excellence of the relations between British Colonial officials and missionaries. He himself saw in Uganda a race of
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  • 57 3 London, sth June. A telegram from Berlin «totes that a court-martial has sentenced a sergeant of the crack regiment of Guards Artillery to fifteen months’ imprisonment and to degradation for brutality to his subordinates. Six hundied cases were mentioned in the indictment One victim committed suicide. Seven
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  • 67 3 London, Bth June. Two blacks killed a white man in a brawl at Ileo in Oklahoma and fled to the bills. Racial riots followed, which caused hundreds of blacks to join the fugitives. An attempt to capture the latter led to a pitched battle, in which fifteen negroes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 U neasy rests the head that wears an ache in fact, it doesn’t rest at all. How strange it ie that people will try to bear the pain of a headache when they might easily get relief by taking one tasteless dose of Stearns’ Headache Cure. It always cures headaches.
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    • 68 3 A Certain Cure for Bowel Complaint. When attacked with diarrhoea or bowel complaint you want a medicine that act» quickly. The attack is always sudden, generally severe, and with increasing pain. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy has never been known to fail iu any case of eolic, diarrhoea, or
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    • 38 3 In hot weather it’s hard work to take cod liver oil. But Stearns’ Cordial of Cod Liver Extract is not greasy or oily, and it tastes so good that you wish you had taken more. Does everybody good
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    • 103 3 An Australian Commercial Traveller’s Story. It is the commercial traveller who finds the many changes of climate and water trying. Mr. Chas. G. Chapman, who represents a large Brisbane concern, had been troubled for years with chronic, diarrheea. On one of his trips a fellow-traveller recommended Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and
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    • 557 3 1 Mm» fA ReA&on. to last—for time to come— i The Handy J M begin at once their daily J Home Remedy. i antiseptic cleansmg with w a box of beechams pills should h m B always be kept in the house, as, like a I O atiteh in time,”
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  • 87 3 Obituary. Lontion, 4th June. The dea' h is announced of Sir Robert Gillespie R*id, the railway contractor and engineer. Calcutta, sth June. The many friends throughout India of J. T. Woodroffe, at one time AdvocateGeneral, Bengal, who retired from India in 1904, will regret to learn that a telegram was
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  • 201 4 W«4a«*4ay. I7th JMae. St. Alban. League Football: A.C.B. v. Crescent, C.R.C. Ground. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Lodge Scotia, 9 p.m. Harmston’s Circus, Dato Kramat, 9 p.m. World Circus, Magazine 9 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, 7 and 9 p.m. High water 2 30p.m. Low water 8.29 a m.
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  • 1096 4 Since the public meeting of Chinese traders in Penang, the question of a -remedy—if such can be possible by artificial means—for the present serious depression in trade has forced itself prominently to the front, not only in this Settlement, but also in Singapore, where the effects
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    • 128 4 \To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”’] Dear Sir, There are now such a number of European children here who are quite old enough to go to school, but there is no place to send them to. Perhaps, through the medium of your Valuable paper, someone might
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  • 549 4 As on the opening night, Harmston s Circus scored another success last night with their new troupe. There was a good house and the performers in excellent trim, going through their several feats with the neatness and skill for which Harmston’s alone is famous and which delights the
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  • 889 4 THE INAUGURAL MEETING. The inaugural meeting of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club was held yesterday at the Residency, Mrs. Bland presiding. Those present were—The Hon. R. N. Bland and Mrs. Bland, Mrs. A. F. Gore Anderson, Mrs. J. W. Hallifax, Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Keun, Mrs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 210 4 THE CRAG HOTEL. Sanatorium, Penang Hills. A perfect health resort and an Ideal spot for spending holidays and week-ends. Crisp and bracing atmosphere. Bungalows for families, also single and double rooms. TENNIS, BILLIARDS, CROQUET. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietorf. Harmston’s Grand circus. Again To-Night at 9-15. The Frantz Troupe Mddle Florizell. The
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    • 123 4 fWNTRIBUTIONS bt addrtutd fo C*/ u The Editor,” writtenon one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer'J name and address, not necessarily, fox inserticn but <w a guarantee of good faith. MONIES must be paid at the u Pinang. Gazette” Office, Penang, to the General Manager, Mr.
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    • 21 4 All communications intended for insertion in this journal must be authenticated. The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of correspondents.]
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  • 327 5 IMPORTANT MODIFICATIONS. debate in the commons. [Rrutxr’s Skrvicr.] London, 16th Jane. During the debate on the second reading of the Old Age Pensions Bill, Mr. David Lloyd-George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, indicated a number of important modifications. Though the cost of the scheme at the outset would
    [Rrutxr’s Skrvicr.]  -  327 words
  • 104 5 THE TSAR’S NEXT VISIT. [Rbutkr’s Service.] London, 16th June. Mr. Chas. P. Trevelyan, Liberal member for the Eiland Division of the West Riding of Yorkshire, asked in the House of Com mons yesterday, whether, before final steps for the visit of the Tsar to England were
    [Rbutkr’s Service.]  -  104 words
  • 71 5 THE MONSOON. [Reuter’s Service] London, 16th June. The monsoon has burst. [A Simla telegram of the sth instant states A light to moderate monsoon is reported between 60 degrees and 62 degrees east. The deficiency in the West Coast rainfall continues to increase Only four inches fell in Malabar
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  71 words
  • 44 5 JAPAN’S TRADE ADVANTAGES. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 17th June. Sir Edward Grey, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, replying to questions in the House of Commons yesterday, denied that the Japanese were insisting on preferential advantages in the trade and industry of Southern Manchuria.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  44 words
  • 45 5 NO DANGER TO FOREIGNERS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 17th June. The British Chargt d'Affaires at Teheran has reported that there is considerable excitement and unrest there, but he does not express any apprehension of danger to the lives, property, and interests of foreigners.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  45 words
  • 36 5 MOROCCO. Berlin, 16th June. The Moors in the Tangier and Mogador districts have recognised Muley Hafid as Sultan. AUSTRALIA. The Australian Social Democrats Congress has passed a resolution protesting against compulsory military service.
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  • 101 5 CICELY'S DIVIDENDS FOR 1907. THE WORLDS VISIBLE SUPPLY. [From Our Own Correspondent.} Loudon, 16th June. The Directors of the Cicely Rubber Estates Company, Limited, have declared a further dividend of 27| per cent, on the preference shares, making 42| per cent, for the year 1907 a further dividend of
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  • 65 5 REPUBLICANS AND Mr. W. H. TAFT. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 17th June. The Republican Convention meets today in Chicago. The nomination of Mr. W. H. Taft, Secretary of State for War, for the Presidency of the United States is certain. The platform of the Convention includes a revision
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  65 words
  • 494 5 American Consul’s Opinion. An interesting report on tlie agriculture and industries of the Federated Malay States has just been issued by Mr. Haynes, the American Consul-General at Singapore. The States, comprising Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang, have an estimated area of 26,400 square miles and a population
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  • 121 5 Home- Ex- Positively To WARD. ST,tA ,R PECTED. DUR. SAIL. P. AU. Delhi 20/6 B. f. Taroba 27/6 N.D.L. Prinz Heinrich 24/6 Outward. P. «k O. Devanha 17/6 4 p.m. 9 p.m. B. I. Thongwa 25/6 N.D.L. Pr. Ludwig 24/6 On the third day’s racing of (be Nippon
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  • 935 5 GOVT. SERVICE e. BUTTERFLIES. A good hard game.” Such was the verdict of the League match between the Government Service and the Penang Butterflies, on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. Last season the Service defeated the Butterflies by one goal to nil, but yesterday the latter turned the tables
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  • 619 5 Sedang writes to the «Singapore Free Press Your correspondents “Very Small” and Complacent have started a game of which the rules are not yet formulated. M Very Small has an idea that if our merchants or legislators met together they might do something to relieve the stringency.
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  • 401 5 On May 20, Truth published the following The Rubber Growers’ Association has aroused a Storm of indignation among the plantiixg.cominunity in the Federated Malay States by a scheme which it has put forward for regulating the management of rubber estates. One provision is to the effect
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 886 6 A London wire of June 6 states A telegram from Los Angeles states that four men have been killed and ten injured by a boiler explosion on board the American cruiser Tennessee off the Pacific Coast. The Ceylon Observer of June 5 reports Dr. Fitzroy Keyt, Assistant Port
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  • 93 6 Ooßintua, Brit, 200, Lyona, June 16, iMhrea, •gen., K’S. Co. ■Cotton, Brit, 105, Gilliee, June 17, Teluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. Calypso, Dut, 339, Bannatyne, June 17, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield A Co. Janbt Nicholl, Brit, '474, B»H, June 16, Tavey.tgen., E. 8. Co. Kut Sang, Brit, 3110,
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  • 45 6 Calypso for Deli. Dbvanha for Singapore, China, and Japan. Flying Fish for Port Weld and Taiprtig. Kut Sang for Calcutta. Leong Ho for Trang. Padang for Batu Bahra. Teesta for Negapatam and Madras. Tong Ch ay Un for Pangkor. Vid ar for Teluk Anson.
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  • 115 6 To-morrow. Far. Per. Clew*. Tongkah Malacca 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca Cornelia 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan Petrel 1 p.m. Tongkah Avagyee 1 p.«n. Asahan Mary Austin 1 p.m. Deli Ban Whatt Soon 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Taroba 3 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul Un
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  • 290 6 FOR Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajab, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur, and Seremban at 6 a.m. and 1 p.m. Kedah, at 7 a.m. Kuala Mudah, at 7 am. KuHm, at 1 p.m. Butterworth, at 7 am., 10 a.m., 1 p.mand 4-30 p.m. Prye, at 7-30 a.m., 11 a.m., 2-45
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  • 45 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where 1 bound, vend Agents. A. Apcar, S’pore, June 27, Calcutta, A. A. A. Hakata Mani, Singapore, July 3, London, B. Kamagaww Mara, S’pore, June 19, London, B? Montgomeryshire, L’don, June 19, Japan, B.
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  • 44 6 By Teesta (June 17) from Singapore, Mrs? M. S. Barough, Mrs. W. D. Nicholas and child, Mrs. Sesho and children, Mrs. Wheatley, Messrs. A. H. Fair, A. R. Johnson, and Master William David; from Port SweCtefiham, Messrs. L. H. Clayton and A. Davies.
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  • 1134 6 Igl 0 Capitol. Sutworibod. V. 1..., Paid «p. Dividend.. N.m. 3 L i —--Ll MINING. Gold. f 50 009 £1 £1 paid January, 1901 Raub Aunt. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Pai 1892 £200,000 «191, *2W 160 ,000 1 tB/IO 1/- (Contrib) 1898 /2,500,000 *2,500,000 25,000 /10” HOO 71
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  • 127 6 Penang, 17tm June, 1908. (By Courtesy oj th» Chartered BUuh.) Landon Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/16 3 Credit 1 4 3 Documentary 2/4 5/16 Calcutta Demand Bank R* 175 3 days* sight Private n 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 7/8 3 day»’ eight Private
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  • 186 6 I PsnaNo, 17th Jvne, 1908. Gohl leaf 65.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 5 .»r.) no stock. White Pepper $l6 M I M Trang Pappar slo} buyers. Mac® 570 sellers. Mace Pickings $55 buyers Cloves (picked) 31 buyers. Nutmeg* 110 $lB &19 sales. !No I J 6 30 sales. 2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 31 6 Just as Good ah It Tastes.—Steams Wme of Cod Liver Oil is as good as it tastes. Makes sick people well and weak people strong, tastes like tine old table port.
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    • 45 6 Chamberlain's Cotte, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has been in use 'forover* thirty years and has proved itetif to be the most successful remely yet discovered for* bowel* complaints It never fails. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers/ The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale*
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    • 77 6 The Commercial Sale Rooms i (4b Logan's Buildings and 88 Bishop Strttt) Uadertake the Sale by AUCTION ef Merchandise (either sound or damaged) i HOUSE and LANDED PROPERTY, and FURNITURE ef al) descriptions. Advances to a limited extent on the latter to suit customers can be arranged prior to sale,
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    • 240 6 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY BUILD UP YOUH HEALiHwHk WILKINSON’S ZX Essen w Ylald Extract of RED JMUfU aad. others, combine» all the desiderata to be sought ma x I 1 il of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto xYJf QADvApAQII II by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHOR Tfl J stricture and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1575 7 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF I iuot anmwn AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPU. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPLL INDIA LIMITED ARRIVED. N-tk-rUfUa Tradinr Sneiatv tNetherlands-Indian Discount Bank.) Incorporated by Royal Charter. »15,000,000 E.TA.ZMWI 18*4 D Authorial Capital £1,500,008. L 114 D Rkbkrvx Fuwdb Capital
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2227 8 Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P. 40. Steam Hnlgitloii Capuf. Intended Sailings. NOrddfiUtSCfeer LlOVd, Bremen, iWfe EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTORES. 1 1 BRITISH INDIA MAIL SERVICE. 1. Imperial German Mail’Line. I/ outward. STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. L 1 June 17 Devanha connecting with Moldavia OftUID MOillll f A I t.a July
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