Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 June 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1080 1 TO LET. NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE. pNGLISH LADY wants Board and <<TpAMOTH”No. 5, Pangkore Road. 'T'' HE Public are hereby informed that the J “KelontM I I preferred. Lx Entry Ist March, 1908. IXTITH reference to my notice which X undersigned company is in no way IK teHTil Lilt ASSVTHCC T
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  • 1065 2 AUTUMN MEETING, 1908. «I*- fuesday, the 28th July, Thursday, the 30th July, and Saturday, the Ist August, 1908. FIRST DA Y. Tuesday, 28th July, 1908. 1. THB lUIHM run. Vulue ssoo A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All horses imported into
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 653 2 Shipping» <y T 7 StlWttS SteWfllß Cl., K New Sxrvte* tetwwa p tn aag, Port Swettenhim, «nd Sfagap**. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. m «WrX k‘ w Bt will be deepatched from Penang, evary Tuesday at 5 p.m. from the Wharf ter Port Swettenliam and Singapore* arrijpJr Ok ing at
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    • 19 2 RKEY, HARGREAVES Co., Ltd., Mechanical, Electrical, Civil Engineers, and* Shipbuilders; PENANG, SINGAPORE, and IPOH. PENANG BRANCH, 14 BEACH STREET
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    • 431 2 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, p erak Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3ft on Bromide paper W. JONES, MACKAYS LIQUEUR WHISKY MARIEL’S BRANDY, GEISLERS CHAMPAGNE, CRUSHED FOOD? NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED Try it and You will bk Sati«pi RD IR. BELT LIOS begs to inform the
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  • 1224 3 the battle with malaria. The 58th annual meeting and luncheon of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce wore held on May 8, when some interesting references were made to health in the tropics. We take the following excerpts from the Monthly Magazine of the Chamlier: The President, Sir Alfred
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  • 168 3 The following unclaimed letters, parcels, and telegrams are lying at the Penang Post Office Aspland, V. L. Kyshe, Norton, A. J. Adams, W. Landsberg F. H. Anger, P. A. Livesey, Dr. S. M. Browu, E. M. Michel, Z. Cormack, W. Marsh, B. C. Carnelly, S. H. O’Brien,
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  • 220 3 The Sarawak Gazette of June 1 says Crocodiles are becoming both numerous and aggre sive in Upper Sarawak. Dozens of ducks and geese have disappeired at Seuiawan and on several occasions Chinese have been attacked but no catastrophe has yet happened. Ou the night of the 16th
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  • 929 3 IMPORTANT VALUATION CASE. In the Supreme Court, Singapore, on I Thursday, before their Lordships Justices Fisher, Sercombe Smith, and Braddell, sitting in appellate jurisdiction, the appeal was commenced of the Procureur in Singapore of La Societe des Missions Etrangeres and Augustina de Rozario against the decision of
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  • 745 3 Writing on May 15, the London correI spoodent ef the Straits Times said I came across Mr. A. Staines Manders, I the Manager of the forthcoming Rubber Exhibition at Olympia, this morning. He I was busy with correspondence connectec. I with the exhibits, but he gave up
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  • 111 3 On May 28, thirty of the Taotai’s police seized and maltreated a European Constable within the boundary of the Foreign Settlement of Shanghai The Taotai having signified his intention to bring before the Mixed Court two of the Paoshan native force, who were concerned in the alleged
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  • 541 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting ef the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 28th May, 1908. Present.— F. J. Hallifax, Esq. (President), L. H. Clayton, Esq., J, W. Halifax, Esq., and Lim Cheng Teik, -Esq. Assist Lim Eu Toh, Esq., and Quah Beng Kee, Esq. 1. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 An Australian Commercial Traveller’s Story. It is the commercial traveller who finds d>e many changes of climate and water tr ying. Mr. Chas. G. Chapman, who represents a large Brisbane concern, had been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Dn one of his trips a fellow-traveller recommended Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera,
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    • 67 3 A Certain Cure for Bowel Complaint. When attacked with diarrhoea or bowel complaint you want a medicine that acts quickly. The attack is always sudden, generally severe, and with increasing pain. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhma Remedy has never been known to fail in any case of colic, diarrhoea, or
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    • 35 3 Onb TbiaL Convinces —People who don’t know how pleasant Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil is to take are easily convinced by taking a dose. And one bottle shows what a tonic it is, too»
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    • 54 3 If people only knew how easy it is to cure a headache, very few would consent to suffer from another one. Stearns’ Headache Cure, drives sway the pain in a few minutes and leaves one feeling better than before the pain commenced. It never fails. Insist on Steams’.” STEEL TRUNKS.
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    • 406 3 Ibovril should be in every home as well aa in every hospital. When you are worried and cannot eat well nor sleep well, you will find a great help in BOVRIL. BCWAIUI OV CBBAP IIQEAnONB. Warrnt H ggg tb. Ki. t Splendid for Children lf your youngsters cannot digest SSm
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  • 204 4 Moaday. 15th Joae. A Band, Esplanade, 9 to 11. pan. Harmston’s Circus, Date Krainat. World Circus, Magazine, 9 p.m. Matsuo’s CinematQgraph, 7 and 9 p.m. High water 12.48 p m Low water 6.49 T««s4ay, I6th June. Band, Golf Club. Harmston’s Circus, Dato Kramat, 9 p in. World
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  • 1035 4 In his own words, when interviewed recently on passing through Colombo, Sir Robert Hart has no official position,” and is not laying himself out for interviews, for receptions, or missions of any kind.” Nevertheless, the controller of over six thousand subordinates—one-sixth of whom are Europeans—and the
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  • 726 4 On Victoria Green, on Saturday afternoon, a friendly soccer match was played between the Government Service and the Chinese Recreation Club The former were by no means at full strength, and, consequently, the Chinese had matters pretty much their own way, scoring a couple of goals in the first
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  • 315 4 The Peoaog Volunteer Corp,, aBsisM about sixty men of the Malay States G u j d 7 engaged in some military manoeuvres terday morning. The general idea was that the enemy presented by 60 Guides and four cyclists the Penang Volunteers, under commas < Captain Alan Wilson, had
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  • 83 4 Arrangements are now well hi hand for the. Penang Horse Show, to be held on August 3, the revised programme for which is at pi-ĕsent in the printer's hands. Eleven cups have already been promised for ,prize& while many exhibits have been promised from Deli and Singapore.
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  • 400 4 We may remind our lady renders of the in Augural meeting of the Ladles’ Rifle Club, to lie held at the to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10-30 a.m.j when officebearers and committee will be elected, and the general and range rules discussed and passed. Mr. R. D. Jackson, of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 273 4 J THE “CRAG” HOTEL.: Sanatorium, Penang Hills.' I. A perfect health resort and an Ideal spot for spending holidays and week-ends. Crisp and bracing atmosphere. Bungalows for families, also single! and double rooms. 4 TENNIS, BILLIARDS, CROQUET. “J SARKIES BROTHERS, J A Proprietors. < l AMSTEL BEER. Grand TMploiiw and
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    • 124 4 CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to u The Editor,” yritten on one side bf the paper only, and acccompanied by the writer’J name and address, not necessarily for inserticn hwt as a guarantee of good faith. ALL MONIES must be paid at the i( Pinang Gazette Office, Penang, to the General
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  • 82 5 LATEST LONDON PRICES. THE SHARE MARKET STEADY. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Loudon, 13th June. Tiie fortnightly auction sales of rubber passed off quietly on Friday, Para rubber due hard cure spot realising from Id. to l|d. below the last quotation. 1,219 packages were catalogued for sale. At Messrs. Gow,
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  • 130 5 THE MOZUFFERPORE OUTRAGE. [Rzutzr’s Sbrvick London, 14th June. The trial was concluded at the Session* Court, Mozufferpore, on Saturday, before Mr. Carnduff, of Khudiram Bose, who was charged with the murder of Mrs. and Mias Kennedy on May 1, by throwing a bomb at their carriage opposite
    [Rzutzr’s Sbrvick ]  -  130 words
  • 100 5 A DEMONSTRATION IN LONDON [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th June. A procession of ten thousand women marched from the Thames Embankment to the Albert Hall on Saturday, accompanied by bands and banners, and inaugurated the female suffrage campaign. The Colonies were represented ny Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton (wife of
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  100 words
  • 54 5 PROSPECTS OF A SETTLEMENT. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 15th June. Mr. H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister, speaking on Saturday at the National Liberal Club, said that the Government is not pushing the Education Bill at present, believing that reconciling forces are now at work, which in time will
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  54 words
  • 50 5 HIS MEETING WITH THE TSAR (Rruter’b Service.] London, 15th June. The recent meeting between His Majesty King Edward and the Tsar at R,eval has created a profound impression in Constantinople, where it is believed it will have a most important effect on affairs in the Near East.
    (Rruter’b Service.]  -  50 words
  • 104 5 THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. Berlin, 14th June. The Kaiser and Prince Bulow have> received in audience Mr. David J. Hi the United States Ambassador to Germany. MOROCCO. Up to the present there is no indication of any of the Powers taking the initiative in recognising the envoys sent
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  • 177 5 IMTERYIEW WITH SIR ROBERT HART. A FUTURE WORLD-POWER [Reuter's Service London, 13th June Sir Robert Hart, Inspector-General of Chinese Customs, who recently arrived Home by the German mail steamer Yorck on one year’s leave of absence, has been interviewed by a representative of Reuter’s Agency. He
    [Reuter's Service ]  -  177 words
  • 76 5 NEW REGULATIONS PROMISED. [Reuter's Service.] London, 13th June. With regard to the employment of Chinese on British ship*, Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, received a deputation of British seamen on Friday. He assured them that it is not intended to allow Chinese sailors to
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  76 words
  • 192 5 Our Ipoh contemporary of Saturday says The message which reaches us to-day is better reading than the recent proposals of the Rubber Growers' Association with regard to Malayan estates. The question of increased freights on rubber from Singapore is one which vitally affects the whole future of rubber
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  • 149 5 The question of the political standing of the Sultan of Linggi, a ruler in Dutch territory, lately puzzled the Supreme Court in Singapore, and was referred to the Secretary of State for the Colonies—a decision which arouses amazement in the Nieuws van den Dag, a Batavia newspaper.
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  • 176 5 Harmstons Circus arrived in Penang yesterday by the B. I. steamer Putuihi from Rangoon, and give their opening performance at Dato Kramat Gardens this evening. They report having had a wet time of it in Rangoon, so we trust that Colonel Bob. Love will be more successful in
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  • 847 5 The advance statement of the weight of block tin and tin ore exported daring the months of January to May, 1908, and of the duty collected thereon, as compared with the correspondent period of the previous year, shows the figures for Perak, Sehngor, and Negri Sembilan to
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  • 1016 5 A correspondent, who signs himself Very Small,* writes t 6 the Free Press It is certain to all of us whose lot it'is to live in the Straits Settlements-that the place in which we live is now under a very dark cloud. That cloud has been gathering
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 863 6 Before His Lordship Mr. A. G. Law, acting Chief Justice, Singapore, nt the Supreme Court, onTuesday, Kim Taim it Co. Bued the owners of the steamer Karang tor $631.55 for goods supplied, and securd judgment with costs, the defendants not appearing. Lieut. John C. Tovey has been appointed
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  • 171 6 Da Kook, Dut., 565, Visman, June 12, Langsa, gen., Huttonbaoh, Liebert A Co. Smh4anu> Ger., 17M, LortMbn, June 12, Rangoon, gen., Hong Bee A Co. Gwalior, Brit., 2002, Gamage, June 13, Singapore, geix, Huttenbaeh, Liebert A Co. Hr» Leong, Brit., 296, Treweeke, June 14, Teluk Anson, tin ore,
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  • 405 6 Canton for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Flying Fish for Port Weld and Taiping. Gwalior for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow, and Amoy. Malaya for Deli. Potiala for Singapore. Sres Banka for Batu Bahra. Solfond for Singapore. MAILS CLOSE To-morrow. For. Per. Cloee. Langkat Jin Ho 1 p-m. Pqlau Langkawi and Setul
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  • 50 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate dale of arrival, where bound, and Agents. k. Apcar, B’pore, June 27, Calcutta, A. A. A. Hakata Mani, Singapore, July 3, London, B. Kamagawa Mani, B’pore, June 19, London, B. Kutsang, Singapore, June 17, Calcutta, B. Montgomeryshire, L’don, June 19, Japan, B.
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  • 33 6 By Perak (June 15) from Singapore, Messrs. Murison Allan, Wm. Charles Phipps, Koon Juck Yong, Miss Allan Smith from Port Swettenham, Hon’ble John Turner, Messrs. P. D. Morris, Blackstock, White, De Mornay.
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  • 1062 6 L 3 H i-i ts l 1 I i i MINING. Gold. i., iQAi Rauh Aust. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Pai» f 60.000 £l £1 P*’ a M (Contrib) q 1892 £200,000 £191,J50 I600(M) 1 18/10 n R e d jang Lebong Gold Mining On.. I.»«1 ffij jbtnmwi
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  • 132 6 Penang, 15th June, 1908. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Hauk.} London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/16 3 Credit 2/4 1 4 3 Documentary 2/4 5'16 Calcutta Demand Bank Ite 175 3 days'sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 7/8 3 days’ sight Private ’76
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  • 185 6 Pbnano, 15th June, 1908. Gold leaf 65.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb 5 no stock. White Pepper $l6 sales. Trang Pepper slo} buyers. Mac» $7O sellers. Mace Pickings $55 buyers. Cloves (picked) 31 buyers. Nutmegs 110 $lB &19 sales. !No 1 $5.3» sale*. 2 x. no stock. Basket $3.50
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 One Trial Convinces.—People who don’t know how pleasant Steam’s Cordial of Cod Extract is to take are easily convinced by taking a dose. And ona bottle shows what good tonic it is, too.
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    • 52 6 CtaHHberlaln’B Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. j This remedy has been in use for over thirty years and has proved itself to be the I most successful remedy yet discovered for bowel complaints It never fails.. For' I sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. I The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale
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    • 26 6 Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE HOST PERFECT KOTOR OF THE DAI. Quofaftons and Catalogue» APPIY TO SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO. Sole Agents, IPBNANG AND F. M. S.
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    • 5 6 HARNESS ACCESSORIES. McAliater Co,, Ltd,
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    • 231 6 The Old Way B |W" W Thirty years ago old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil had ff t J B w f °rced down a patient’s throat. Invalids B couldn't take it, aud children wouldn’t. But the I doctors prescribed it, and yet When eno ugh eould I taken into the system
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1056 7 c ?hinT A E m^a N SIppu ANDEL NE SSSS2EjS£SL, OF Jm Ueor P or.te4_byJoy.l Charter. P^ C »15,000.000 AothoriMd c. pi xlsoo ooo Dmnm K, P Capital X!,200,000 sJST C PiW 45 000 000 abt. X 3.750.000 J^" 0 bed Capita! lieserve Fund ...£1,525,000 £1,500,000 at 2/.=s 15,000,000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1988 8 Shipping. I Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P. AO. Steam Navigation Company. I Intended Sailing». NorddfilltSCllfir LlOVd 8F*****D. BRITISH lIIDIA |,M outward. I QTFAII NAVIGATION Pa ITH Imperial German Mai L June 17 Devanha connecting with Moldavia URTIOfI FIUN UU., LIU. OtMII MPA» thin Pa July 1 Marmora Himalaya I VttUII OIUUIH
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