Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 June 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 950 1 to let. I Tie Bandy Patent Electric Punkah. 1 Apply to firm by procuration. B «< Mflß M H H 3 113—uc E. A. MANASSEH 4 Co. BKHN, MEYER 4 Co, Ltd. l||B MITUBB I |B g g ITI Naisaisss 1 TO LET Nc June 19 4M 6 I IUMLinUIIJ
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  • 1043 2 PROGRAMME. July 7th, 9th, and 11th, I9O& FIRST DAY. 1. Maiden Flats. —Value $4OO. A Race for Maiden horses. Weight 9 stone, Ex-griffins allowed 7 lb. Entrance $2O. Distance R. C, 2. A Horse Handicap.—Value $5OO. $5O to 2nd horse provided there are 5 starters the property
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1495 2 Shipping. TENBBRSJINVITED. t GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR, BURNS PHILP LINE. 'T'ENDERS will be received at the office 1 of the Secretary to Resident, SelanSINGAPORE TO *JAVA PORTS, got*. up to noon on the 15th June, 1908, ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE AND SYD- f or anting the undermentioned Farms for if M r <
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    • 214 2 S The Old Way Thirty years ago old-fashfoned Cod Liver Oil had to be forced down a patient's throat. Invalids couldn’t take it, and children wouldn’t. But ths doctors prescribed it, and yet wheq enough could be taken into the system it was beneficial, for it has ever been the
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    • 409 2 Fire Insurance. Queen Insurance Company Royal Fire Insurance Company The undersigned have been appoi Agents for the above Companies, and open to accept Fire Risks at current KATZ BROTHERS, l Td The Aachen and Munich Fj re Insurance Co. of Aix La Chapelle. Ca P ifcal £450,000 Total Assets The
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  • 1476 3 The Malay world in Cape Town is a world by itself, with its own religious observances, customs, and prejudices still as firmly ingrained as ever. The Malay follows most callings, and he attains the same limit —not a very high one, certainly—of success in each.
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  • 230 3 The following unclaimed letters, parcels, and telegrams are lying at the Penang Post Office Adair, T. O’Brien, William Corm«ck, William Olh, R. Courtenay, Miss Piers, Roos Duncan, E. W. Pillai, A. Gov. Ellis, W. Pinonk Fenik, E M. S. M. Frautz, Mr. Russ, M. Gold, Leo Scuteri,
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  • 868 3 The sixty-nineth half-yearly gĕtieril meeting of the Eastern Extension Australas’a and China Telegraph Company, Limited, was held in London on 13th ult., Sir John Wolfe Barry, kc b, presiding. The Chairman »-aid ths gross revenue for the year ended Dec. 31 last amounted, in round
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  • 564 3 We from t! e Ceylon them on i s special The Malacca Rubber Plantations,! tjd., had i deficiency on the Preference Dividend of 1906 of £2,848, which was taken from the 15,000 deposited by the original vendor to make up any such deficiency in 1906 and 1907.
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  • 281 3 Per P. <fc O. s.s. Moldavia, from London, May 22, connecting with s.s. Detanha at Colombo, due June 18 at Pvnang :—To Penang Messrs. A. H. Weston, F. R. Long, W. J. Wayte. To Singaporr Messis H. A. Courtney, B. W. Powell, C. A. Pocock, B.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 Be on the Safe Side. Your physician may be busy or out of town just at the time some member of your family has an attack of colic or diarrheet. Such cases frequently prove fatal before a doctor can be summoned or medicine procured. No physician can prescribe a better
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    • 110 3 Would you help a friend who suffers with headache Tell him or her to try Stearns’ Headache Cure, which affords very quick relief from the throbbing pain. It is the best headache cure in the world and cures millions of headaches every year. Insist on Stearns’.” A Sluttish Circulation. begotten
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    • 36 3 Sprains Quickly Cured. Bathe the parts freely w th Chamberlain’s Pain Balin and give them absolute rest, and a quick cure is certain. For sale by all Chemist’ and Store-keepers The* George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 72 3 You need a good nerve tonic. Take Stearns’ Cordial of Cod Liver Oil. Huaytti JiBOS >» the aperient water par excellence. The average dose is a wineglassful taken before breakfast. Nature herself has mingled its chief ingredients, sulphate of magnesia and sulphate of soda, in such ideal proportions that this
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    • 310 3 hIITIJbW KITCHEN. "THpMM 111 AW Rich, wholesome, palate-tempting f 2i w# a twwniii Every kitchen riioald bay BOVRIL. CONTAINS By Roy»! hi» Majesty tlkgue’s Records, Fixtures, Warrant to the King. and Rules MALARIA FEVERS. No es Sela gor an<l Singapore (o) Leagues; Owing to its easy absorption, Wa|ker Cup Competition
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  • 68 4 Tuesday, 9th June. Whit Tuesday. League Football: AiC.S. r. P.W., -EsplauJ ade. Band, Golf Club. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, 7 ami 9 p-na. High water 7,45-a.m. Low water 2.48 a.m. Wedacsday. 10th Juae. Ember Day. s Outward German Mail. League Football N.U. r. M.R.C.,' C.R.C. Ground. Band, Esplanade, 6 to
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  • 1013 4 It ha* been a matter of common knowledge for some months that uegotiaMons were being carried on between GYeat' Britain and Siam, and that these are likely' to result, or have already resulted, in a Treaty between the two countries Definite information on this important subject
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  • 62 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penhug is $63.874 P er picul; buyers, no sellers. There is no London tin quotation ,fcpday. The following, wqre the dealings in tin ,to?day -Singapore (Straits Trading Qo.), buyers, np sellers, Penang (Straits Trading Co.), buyers, no sellers,
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  • 827 4 Yesterday'morning a very enjoyable run was indulged in by the members of the Penang Hunt Club, participated in by about a dozen members, of whom three were ladies; considering that it was a public holiday and there were many counterattractions for the younger sports,” this may be
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  • 808 4 A MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC TREAT. Having been successful with their fi r8 t performance to which the members of tin? Amateur Dramatic Society and the Orchestra of the Parish Hall invited their friends they gave another entertainment night in aid of the funds of the Hall When
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 516 4 WAIT! WAIT!! WAIT!!! Harmston’s Grand Circus. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, MONDAY, JUNE /sth, AT 9-15 p.m., LOCATION: dato kramat gardens. LARGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. New Artistes! New Artistes!! HEADED BY THE MARVELLOUS FRANTZ TROUPE OF LADY AND GENTLEMEN ACROBATS. (7 IN NUMBER) In their refined Drawing-room Entertainment. ENCORED FIVE TIMES
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    • 130 4 ftONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed ip u The Editor,” written on one tide of the paper only, and acccompanied by the writer’ j name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. yR LL MONIES must be paid at the lt Pinang Gazette” Office, Penang, to
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  • 113 5 A DEKOMSTRATION AT KIEL. THE MEETING WITH THE TSAR. [Reuter’s Service.] London, Bth June. The Royal yacht Alexandra, with Their Majesties King Edward and Queen Alexandra on board, arrived yesterday at Kiel, where the German fleet saluted and dressed ship. H.R.H. Prince Heinrich (Admiral Com-manding-in-Chief) and Princess
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  113 words
  • 178 5 M. Hemiakeff, the President of the Duma, and M. Miliukeff, the Constitutional Democrat leader, on being* interviewed, said that they welcomed King Edward’s visit to Russia as cordially as M. Stolypin, the Premier but it is significant that both sought to connect it with the internal situation. The
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  • 56 5 ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 6th June. Following an acrimonious debate on aJlleged irregularities in the Navy and the Ministry of Marine, the Duma has rejected the proposed credit of eleven million roubles for new battleships, and passed a resolution demanding an investigation and the punishment of
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  56 words
  • 44 5 A SIGNIFICANT APPOINTMENT. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 7th June. Sir Waßer Hillier, KC.MG, has been appointed by Chin* to be Adviser to the Chinese Government. Nothing is known in London of the purpose of Sir Waltei s appointment or the character of its functions.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  44 words
  • 34 5 LABOUR PARTY STRENGTHENED. [Reuter’s Service] London, BMi June. The Miners’ Federation has decided to join ih© .Labour Party, which will accordingly be uncreased by thirteen members iu ■the House of Commons.
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  34 words
  • 4 5 CRICKRT.
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    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  13 words
  • 3 5 CRICKRT.
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  • 54 5 THE IMMIGRATION PROBLEM. [Reuter’s Service.] London. 9th June. The United States battleships Marine and Alabama have left San Frateeis'io for Honolulu and Manila vid the Suex Oanal. Mr. James R Garfield, Secretary the Interior, is on board the Marine, as lie is going to Honolulu to investigate
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  54 words
  • 468 5 Correspondence has been passing between the Governments of Hongkong and the Straits Settlements in regard io possible reduction in the restrictions imposed on Hongkong shipping in the sister Colony. In furwarding copies of this correspondence to the Hongkong Chsmber of Commerce the Colonial Secretary of the neighbouring Crown
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  • 676 5 PENANG v. PROVINCE WELLESLEY. A cricket match between teams representing Penang and Province Wellesley was played on the Esplanade yesterday. Appended are the scores;— Province Wellesley. Ist Innings. G. Lungley cJKeyworth b Perkins 15 O. P. Griffith-Jones b Ewe Ghee 9 Dr. F. C. Nicholas b Ewe Ghee 9
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  • 1774 5 CHINESE AND THE DEPRESSION. SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED. A special genera) meeting. of the members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was held in th© offices of the Eastern Shipping Co Ltd., on Saturday afternoon. There were present Mr. Leong Lok Hing, J.p Chairman (and also managing proprietor of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 867 6 An official of the German Seamen’s Union states that 300 Chinese soldiers arrived at Hamburg last month, having travelled as passengers from China, lhey were being imported from Hamburg as the shipowners required. Thus a Home paper of May 11 :—Even in time of peace -there are quarters
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  • 276 6 Ban Whatt Soon, Brit., 199, Milne, June 7, Deli, gen., E. S. Co. Bharata, Brit., 1957, Swanson, June 6, Singapore gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Canton, Brit., 105, Gillies, June 6, Teluk Anson, gen., Kong Soon. Calypso, Dut., 339, Bannatyne, June 8, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. China, Aust.,
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  • 46 6 Ban Whatt Soon for Deli. Hye Leong for Teluk Anson. Leong Ho for Trang. Mary Austin for Asahan. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandan. Pin Seng for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Perak (S.S. Co.) for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul.
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  • 48 6 To-morrow. For. Per. Close. Singapore, China, and Japan Goeben 11 a.m. Langkat Jin Ho 1 p.m. Trang and Pang Nga Deli 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Vidar 2 p.m. Pangkor Tong Chay Un 4 p.m. Deli Malaya 4 p.m. Thursday. Port Swettenham and Malacca Cornelia 1 p.m.
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  • 113 6 FOR Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur, aud Seremban at 6 a.m. and 1 p.m. Kedah, at 7 a.m. Kuala Mudah, at 7 a.m. Kulim, at 1 p.m. Butter worth, at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4-30 p.m. Prye, at 7-30 a m.,
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  • 46 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate dale of arrival, where bound, and Agents. A. Apcar, S’pore, June 27, Calcutta, A. A. A. Benledi, London, June 12. Japan, S. B. Lightning, S’pore, June 12, Calcutta, A. A, A. Lothian, Liverpool, June 11, Japan, S. B.
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  • 180 6 By Perak (June 8) from Port Swettenham, Mr. and Mrs. Jessen, Mr. Montgomerie, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson; from Singapore, Mrs. Montgomerie and Mr. Savi. By Malaya (June 9) from Deli, Mrs. Kerdijk, Mr. and Mrs. U. von Roll, Messrs. Brearley, Read, and Muller. By Thongwa (June 7) from Rangoon,
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  • 1180 6 p- J 11 o.piut vX 11l 3 MINING. Gold. ean <M»O £1 £1 !/-paid January. 1901 Raub Aust. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Pan $6 I8»8 /2,500,000 n, 500,000 25,000 HOO <lOO 71 p.r tor 1907 OoM Mm.hg Co.. Ltd /870 1903 5800,000 $300,000 30,000 $lO $lO
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  • 124 6 Penang, 9th June, 1908. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/16 3 Credit 2/4 3/16 3 Documentary 2/4 1/4 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private !75| Bombay Demand Bank 1741 3 days’sight Private 175| Madras, Demand
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  • 185 6 i’enano, 9th June, 1908. Gohl leaf 65.40 Pepper (\V Coast 3 II» 5 <>«.) no stock. White Pepper $l6 sales. Trang Pepper slo} buyers. > Mac® $7O sellers. Mace Picking'» $55 buyers. Cloves (picked) 31 buyers. Nutmegs 110 $lB &19 sales. !No I $5.30 sales. 2 x. no stock.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 Yon need a nerve tonic x Take Stearns’ wine of Cod Liver Oil.
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    • 50 6 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. Thia remedy has been in use for over thirty years and has proved itself Uo be the most successful remedy yet disco ve red‘for bowel complaints It never r fails- For sale by all Chemists and Store-loee pers. The George Town Dispensary, Wboleeale Agents.
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    • 54 6 IN STOCK Mt I. P. 2 CflMer PMaix Mstsr car, Hio TmlM Mfl|KtS. 04 Csll 04 Accmlslsr sastes 2 soier will mu at Met ter sice Speed up to 30 miles per hour complete with Hood, Lumps, Hon, 4 Spues. Price and particulars on application to Mmbrs. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co
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    • 6 6 HARNESS ACCESSORIES. McAlitltt V Co., LU.
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    • 104 6 gooo©oo©ooooooooooo©oooooooo I MATSUO’S Japanese ttnematograpli. New Pictures! New Pictures!! i O ixflilM: eerier «I cnpieii street u 4 pcmii rmh. O 8 TWO PERFORMANCES 8 o Every Night. 8 First Show Starts I, Second Show Starts at 7 p.m. to 8-30 p.m. at 9 p.m. to 11-30 p.m. O PRICES
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1171 7 HKrED BANK OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF I JUST ARRIVED BIAiALIA. AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESCOMPTO MAAT3CHAPPU. INDIA, LIMITED. eniwrcu. mtk i a t (Netherlands-Indian Discount Bask.) J MtfKrated by Royal Charter. Paid op-C.ptta1 »15,030,000 18JL Authori.e.l Capital ...£1,500,000. H< b.m„ m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2244 8 Shipping. Shipping. I Shipping. Shipping. P. M. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailing*, Norddeutscher Llod, Bremen. UKCTW AMVAU AND HPAimiS. BRITISH INDIA Imperial German Mail Line. I I MAIL SERVICE. I I/ OUTWARD. UK. A. STEAM NAVIGATION Co.. LTD. L. June 18 Devanha connecting with Moldavia I• (kfPfill Til 11J July
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