Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 February 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1024 1 to_lbt. tolet. NOTICE. police notice. government notification. notice. GODOWN and premises No. 21 Glad- NT OS. 1 and 2 Westlands Bungalows and SOLICITOR. Rugby and Oxford— the 15th 16th and 17th infant stone Road Immediate entry. IN Westlands House. enga§e ween the hours of 7 p.m. and A PPLICATIONS will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1272 2 shipping. The o,d Way HOTTENBACH BROTHERS Co., I RIIDIkIC Dll 11 D I IMF fiJSr gS Thirty years ago old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil had jJT DUKIwO HlaL* HI MB Ej tj n jEa ftj to Le forced down a patient’s throat. Invalids Hjft ft IftflafttSftggßAw ng 1 couldn’t take it,
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  • 1022 3 i.— Financier. PLANTED kCREAGE IN MALAYA. Some wees ago we reprinted, under reserve, somatatistics of the area apparently under ruber in the Malay Peninsula, and at the sme time indicated that these same bad caused our usually wellinformed cotemporary, the Ceylon Observer to indulge i some very pertinent
    i.—Financier.  -  1,022 words
  • 294 3 Reporting on the trade of Bushire (Persia) for 1906-7, the British Vice-Consul reports as follows with regard to the opium trade The export of opium advanced £33,621 on 1905, but still fell short of the average. The British market proved much more satisfactory than the Chinese, and
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  • 348 3 Bombay, Feb. 1. The following paragraph appears in this evening s Advocate in India The racing public will learn with surprise that a jockey, who has had an exceptionally brilliant career during the brief period he has been in India, and who scored many wins for a
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  • 926 3 Professor Lacy Sites, in his Imperial Edicts of 1907,” gives the text of the one issued ordering the Commercial Commissioners to visit Singapore and the South Pacific, which he describes as an interesting response to recent testimonials of loyalty on the part of Chinese immigrants in Malaya.
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  • 283 3 —Exchange. The Governor of Ceylon has been making efforts to instil a Swadeshi spirit into the peasants of the island in regard to the supply of labour for the plantations. There is an immense store of labour lying unused in the island, Sir Henry McCallum points out,
    .—Exchange.  -  283 words
  • 161 3 Allahabad, Feb. 2. The Pioneer's London correspondent wires that Sir lan Hamilton has issued to the Commanding Officers in the Southern Command a memorandum concerning the preparation of confidential reports, wherein he warns them against mistaken kindness, which may lead to the concealment of the
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  • 364 3 Per P. O. s.s. Borneo, from London, Jan. 18, due Feb. 18 at Penang :—To Penang Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, M isses Waite and Simpa, Messrs. C. B. Coulson, C. J. Buxton D. King, H. Furnival, D. Macfarlane. To Singapore
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  • 861 3 OFFICIAL. MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 23rd January, 1908. Present :—F. J. Hallifax, Esq. (President), L. H. Clayton, Esq., Lim Eu Toh, Esq., and J. W. Hallifax, Esq. Absent :—Quah Beng Kee, Esq., and Dr. P. V. Locke. 1. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 Pneumonia. Old people and those who have weak lungs cannot be too careful in guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or an attack of influenza, and can be prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have as yet to hear of an attack
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    • 48 3 If people only knew how easy it is to cure a headache very few would consent to suffer from another one. Stearns’ Headache Cure drives away the pain in a few minutes and leaves one feeling better than before the pain commenced. It never fails. Insist on Stearns’.”
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    • 35 3 More Every’ Year. —More people take Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil every year than ever before. That’s because it is a good thing, builds up their health, and they tell their friends about it.
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    • 21 3 By Royal JfcjßA Kto Majartr Warraat toZjyrvCL Tba Ktog. BOVRIL As a change try a little milk in your hot BovriL
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    • 69 3 I JI ■X K 7 > I Ulf Before going out drink a cup of VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA It Warms, Comforts and Cheers. BEST GOES FARTHEST. Camping Out I Better not go at all, than go without Lemco. Sven Hedin in Thibet, Lord Roberts in Afghanistan, and Stanley in Darkest
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  • 192 4 Monday. 17th February. P.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Baud, Esplanade. 6 to 7 p.m. Lodge Scotia Freemason»’ Hall, 9 p in. Moonlight Band, Esplanade, 9 p in. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, p.m. Hippodrome Cinematograph, 9 p.m. Full M oon. High water 12.01 a m Low water 6 02 a.m Tuesday. 18th February
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  • 698 4 We have received from Mr. J. D. B. Kellar, Government Marine Superintendent, Penang, a copy of the Annual Summary of Shipbuilding at Home an 1 Abroad for the Year 1907,” published by Lloyd’s Register of British and Foreign Shipping. In view of the threatened lockout in
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  • 255 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin is s63s per picul buyers, no sellers. The following were the dealings in tin to-day :—Singapore (Straits Trading Co.), 25 tons, Penang (Straits Trading Co.), 25 tons, $641 Exchange, buyers, no sellers, s63s Eastern Smelting Co., 25 tons, s64s.
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  • 703 4 I THE P.C.C. TOURNAMENT. The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Profession Pairs. C. C. Rogers W. S. Dunn v. H. Waugh Sl A. G. Anthony. Double Handicap. H. C. Sells W. H. Threlfall r. J. G. Anthony J. R. Brown. Single Handicap. Class B. J. Jennings
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  • 821 4 The Singapore Free Press I Saturday contains a lengthy leading artele on the subject of a possible export dty on tin from the Straits, in the course I which it says The obstacle to any fiscal demon being come to by the Straits Council, provided by its
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 337 4 i Chappells' m n e w u Pianos Messrs. Chappells’ New London-made Pianos, besides containing < all the improvements now required in all high grade instruments, have the additional advantage of possessing a LIGHTER AND EASIER J TOUCH than is to be found in any other. > They are made
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    • 119 4 BUTIOSS mutt be addressed to The Editor, written on one side of the paper only and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. 4LL monies must be paid at the Timing Gazette Office, Penang, to the General Manager, Mr.
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  • 55 5 LATEST LONDON PRICES. THE SHARE MARKET EASIER [From Our Own Correspondent] London, 15th Feb. The receipts of Para rubber from the Amazon are large. There is a considerable weakness in fine hard Para rubber, which is quoted at 35., with 3s. o|d. for May delivery. The share market is
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  • 83 5 5 I Rrutrr’s Service] London, 15th Feb. The Budget Committee of the Reichstag has refused to pass a vote of 375,000 marks to establish a University for Chinese students at Kiao-Chau, granting a sum of 50,000 marks only for preliminary expenses. The Government vainly pleaded for the necessity of
    I Rrutrr’s Service]  -  83 words
  • 49 5 REGISTRATION OF CHINESE. [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr.] London, 16th Feb. A telegram from Johannesburg states that, among the Chinese, thumb impressions are now accepted as sufficient for the purpose of identification. All the grievances in connection with registration under the Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance are thus removed.
    [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr.]  -  49 words
  • 57 5 A MELBOURNE JOURNALIST. [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr London, 17th Feb. The death is announced of Mr. David Syme, proprietor of the Melbourne Age. [Mr. David Syme was born at North Berwick on Oct. 2, 1827 educated at Glasgow and in Germany emigrated to California in 1850 and Victoria in 1852, becoming
    [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr ]  -  57 words
  • 40 5 GREAT BRITAIN'S GOLD RESERVES. [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr] London, 71th Feb. The London Chamber of Commerce has appointed a most influential committee of bankers and others to consider whether the country’s gold reserves are sufficient, and, if not, to suggest remedies.
    [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr]  -  40 words
  • 32 5 ARREST OF TWO JAPANESE. [Rrutrr’s Service.] London, 17th Feb. Two Japanese on arriving at Victoria, British Columbia, from the United States, were refused admission, but, on insisting, they were arrested.
    [Rrutrr’s Service.]  -  32 words
  • 38 5 INSANITY OF A WITNESS. [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr.] London, 17th Feb. A telegram from New York states that Caldwell, who was a witness in the recent Druce case, has been declared insane and sent to an Asylum.
    [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr.]  -  38 words
  • 23 5 THE ANGLO-AMERICAN TREATY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 16th Feb. The Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty negotiations, which are being conducted at Washington, are progressing satisfactorily-
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  23 words
  • 19 5 [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr London, 15th Feb. The American Squadron, under RearAdmiral “Bobby” Evans, has arrived at Valparaiso.
    [Rrutrr’s Srrvicr ]  -  19 words
  • 23 5 [Rrutrr’s Service London, 17 th Feb. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Prime Minister, is suffering from influenza, and bulletins are being issued.
    [Rrutrr’s Service ]  -  23 words
  • 307 5 PUNITIVE EXPEDITION’S SUCCESS. THE ZAKKA KHELS SURPRISED [Rruter’b Service.] London, 17th Feb. The punitive expedition against the Zakka Khels, under Major-General Sir James Willcocks, has entered the Bazar Valley. The pickets engaged the enemy, who were surprised in their strongest position. The following interesting telegrams appear in
    [Rruter’b Service.]  -  307 words
  • 23 5 [Reuter’s Service] London, 17th Feb. Twelve Europeans and sixty natives have perished in the Glencoe coal mine in Natal.
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  23 words
  • 189 5 RUSSO-INDIAN RAILWAY. Berlin, 16th Feb. A despatch containing Great Britain’s consent to the project for the c instruction of a Russo Indian railway has been presented to the Russian authorises at St. Petersburg. RUSSIA AND TURKEY. The Russian newspapers publish, alarming rumours that the mobilisation of Russian
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  • 138 5 Home- c Ex- Positively To WARD. STKAMKR PKCTKD. I>UR SAIL. P. «fc U Devanha 29/2 B. I. Taroba 22/2 N.D.L. Pr. Heinrich 18/2 Outward. P. <k O. Marmora 27/2 B. I. Teesta 20/2 7 a.m. 5 p.m. N. D.L. P. Ludwig 25/2 A list of by-laws passed by
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  • 701 5 BATU GAJAH RAGES. THIRD DAY’S RESULTS. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Batu Gajah, Feb. 15. The Kinta Gymkhana Club’s race meeting was brought to a conclusion here this afternoon. There was a splendid attendance. At the outset the weather was threatening, and heavy rain came down during the
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  • 771 5 The Singapore Municipal Commissioners are not conservative they desire to move with the times. At a recent meeting, the present methods of shooting prowling dogs was questioned on the ground of danger to the public, and the suggestion was made that tongs be employed. At the sitting,
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  • 944 5 “HIS HOUSE IN ORDER.” On Saturday the Bandmann Comedy Company made a flying visit to Penang when they appeared at the Town Hall in W. A. Pinero’s excellent play His House iu Order,” which was first produced at St. James’s Theatre, London, in 1906, when it
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 876 6 The East Asiatic Steamship Company at St. Petersburg has ordered five new steamers for the transport of emigrants to the Far East. The steamer Mahidol, built for the East Asiatic Company at Copenhagen, lias been launched at that port. The new vessel is destined for the Bangkok coasting
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  • 161 6 Avaoyeb, Brit., 247, Campbell, February 17, Tongkah, gen., E. 8. Co. Ayuthia, Brit ,»694, Curtis, February 16, Bombay, onions. Calypso, Dut., 339, Bannatyne, February 17, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. Catherine Apcar, Brit, 1730, February 14, Calcutta, gen A. A. Anthony Co. de Kock, Dut., 565, February 17,
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  • 41 6 Canton for Pangkor and Teluk Anson Calypso for Deli. De Kock for Deli. Flying Dragon for Pulau Langkawi and Setul. Flying Fish for Port Weld Pegu for Langsa, T. Seniawe, Segli, Olehleh, and Sabang. Solfond for Rangoon. Tara for Singapore.
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  • 95 6 To-morrow. For. Per. f’lose. Trang Deli 1 p.m. Deli Perak (E.S. Co.)l p.m. Asahan Jin Ho 1 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul Un Peng 2 p.m. Calcutta Japan 2 p.m. Registration 1 p.m Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow. and Amoy Hong Moh 3 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin
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  • 185 6 FOR Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur, Seiemban and Malacca, at I p in. and 5-30 p.m. Kedah, at 7 a m. Butterworth, at 7 a.m 10 a.m I p.m., ano 4-30 p.m. Prye, at 7-30 a.m., 11 a.m., 2-45 p.m., and 4-45 p.m. Bukit
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  • 53 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Ajax, Liverpoor, Feb. 19, Japan, Mansfield. Bendoran, London, Feb. 24, Japan, S. Buttery. Calchas, S’pore, Feb. 22, Antwerp, Mansfield. C. Apcar, Calcutta. Feb. 20, H’gkong, Anthony. Glenturret, Suez, Feb. 23, Japan, Boustead. Palawan, S’pore, Feb.
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  • 151 6 By Kistna (Feb. 15) to Port Swettenham, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. G. Anderson, Major and Mrs. Wemyss Campbell, Miss Schuliert, Mbs Schachtebeck, Dr. Lang Niven, Messrs. O. Hanlow, C. M. Henley, R. Schubert and Lim Boon Khim to Singapore, Miss Willet, Messrs. H. Baker, and I. Butzbach. By
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  • 1174 6 3 I Capital. B>.b»cnl»d. P Dividend.. |.2 3 MINING. Gold. £I £1 1/. p*i<i January, 1901 Kaub Aust, Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Paid 6} 892 £200,000 £191,250 f < j j,. (Contr.h) 6} 1898 f. 2 ,000,000 M,800,000 1 20,000 HOO 52} per cent, for 1906 Ke<b*ng
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  • 127 6 Pen ano, 17th February, 1908. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Hauk.) London Demand Bank 2 3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/16 3 Credit 2/4 3 8 3 Documentary 2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand Bank R». 173} 3 days’sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 1731 3 days’sight Private 175}
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  • 175 6 Prnano, 17th February, 1908. Gohl leaf 65.40 Pepper (W. Comi a lb». 6 na.) 16.75 no stock White Pepper 18} sellers. Trang Pepper small supplies Mac# 75 sellers. Mace Pickings 55 buyers. Cloves (picked) 27} buyers. Nutmegs 110 s23} sellers. SNo I $5.30 sales 2 x. no stock. Basket
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 32 6 Looking for Trouble.—When Stearns* Cordial of Cod Liver Extract goes down the throat it begins looking for trouble, and when it finds the trouble it begins curing it. Makes weak people strong.
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    • 43 6 Something Good, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is good when you first take cold good when your cold is seated and your lungs are sore good when you cannot sleep for coughing. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 78 6 Every Bottle Guaranteed. This is done with Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and if you are not satisfied after using two-thirds of the bottle according to directions, return what is left and your money will be refunded. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. Mannheim Insurance
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    • 5 6 STEEL TRUNKS. 4P Co., Ltd.
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    • 70 6 A “Delightful Companion,” “A6TOPIANO” I Call See it, Hear it Played. I THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., Ltd. HOTEL de la PAIK SINGAPORE. This Old Established House having been thoroughly Repaired and Renovated is now Reopened. Good Accommodation for Boarders and Passengers. A Speciality is made of the Table, and only
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2215 7 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, I HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF iMTrnniriiw (AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESCOMPTO MAATSCHAPPW. IN6 IA CORPORATION Netherlands Trading Society. (Netberl.a.b-Udtaii Dtocntrt ftsrt.) Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up-Capital $10,000,000 Established 1824. p ishkd at atavia,' Authorised Capital £1 500
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2384 8 Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P. &0. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailings. 11 NoriMtllSCfteirjLloyfl, BreiUß. f OdM. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. BRITISH INDIA J/tX Imperial German Mail Line. MAIL SERVICE. /lA\\ OUTWARD. STEAM NAVIGATION On ITO qpHE fast and well-known mail steamers of Feb. 27 Marmora connecting with Moldavia V W■
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