Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 February 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 925 1 TO LET. TO LET. NOTICE. FOR SALE. logiaklljkt Pikttnut lUtseUppij. NOTICE. ODOWN and premises No. 21 Glad- N’T OS. 1 and 2 Westlands Bungalows and SOLICITOR.—Rugby and Oxford— property, area about 50 PENANG—DELI—LANGSA LINE. T-HF undersigned bras to announen G stone Road. Immediate entry. LN Westiands" House. admitted England, 1903,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1234 2 Shipping. The o,d Way HILL’S N PHII P I INF MV* WFn k Thirty years ago old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil had j HfUßbmlo lIILI LllwL* BB M IMW to forced down a patient’s throat. Invalids W* A I jl a i!x.b AD elai a dl ?i mS^ne A p nd
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  • 1903 3 In India as in the United Kingdom, writes the Allahabad Pioneer's commercial correspondent at Calcutta, the advance in foreign trade, taken all round, was not so pronounced as we have beĕn accustomed to of late, judging by the official figutesjust published in the Trade and Navigation returns
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  • 593 3 g] /MMfiMadras, sth Feb. Sir Arthur Lawley at Masulipatam delivered an able speech in reply to a'|Municipal address, in the course of which he made the following eloquent reference to England’s work in India You have alluded, Sir, in your address to the traditions of the
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  • 353 3 Do your duty at the office so that you may have the means to sin outside. It is not so much the work that we do in the world that counts as the power of convincing those in authority that we are doing work. Riches wrongly acquired
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  • 410 3 Mr. W. H. Barnard’s latest metal market reports contain the following with reference to tin uaul Jan. 20:— £2’510/- better at £125 10/cashand £*****0/- 3 months, a fair business doing, about,6oo tons changing hands with a firm tone. On Saturday the Straits made heavy sales at low
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  • 370 3 Per P. Ji O. s.s. Borneo, from London, Jan. 18, due Feb. 18 at Penang —To Penang Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnson, Mr. and M rs. Allen, Misses Waite and Simpa, Messrs. C. B. Coulson, C. J. Buxton D. King, H. Furnival, D. Macfarlane. I’o
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 We could sty nothing half so eloquent in behalf of Stearns’ Headache Cure as it will say for itself if you will use it next time you have a chance. The relief from the agony of a thobbing headache is something that one does not soon forget—and Steam’s Headache Cure
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    • 77 3 Pneumonia. Old people and those who have weak lungs cannot be too careful in guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or an attack of influenza, and can be prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have as yet to hear of an attack
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    • 33 3 Worth Remembering —There are not nearly so many people coughing now as there w< re before Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil was placed on the market. It stops the cough. Remember that.
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    • 94 3 Something Good, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is good when you first take cold good when your cold is seated and your lungs are sore good when you cannot sleep for coughing. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. The Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. The above
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    • 364 3 TAIK CHEE CO. TELEPHONE NO. 532. ESTABLISHED IN 1890. 18, 20, 28, 54, 56, and 58, Church street, Government Contractors, Stationers, Ship Chandlers, Mining, and Engineering, Store-keepers, and Aerated Water Requisites. Cycle and Electrical Departments. We have been appointed Agents in Penang for the “Straits Chinese Magazine (a quarterly Journal
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  • 191 4 Friday, I4th February. St. Valentine. Homeward P. O. Mail, 6 p.m. P.C.C. Tenuis Tournament. Band. Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, 9 p.m. Hippodrome Cinematograph, 9 p.m. High waler. 9 3 > p.m. Low water 3.35 a m. Saturday.lsth February. Old Candlemas. Bandmaun Comedy Co. Town Hall.
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  • 1673 4 Up to the present no report has been published of the Commissi* n of Enquiry which was appointed by the F.M.S. Government to investigate what is kuott*)i as the Perak Medical Scandal. Meanwhile, all kiuds of wild luupours continue to circulate and names are being bandied
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  • 706 4 BATU GAJAH RACES. SECOND DAY’S RESULTS. [Prom Our Own Correspondent.! Batu Gajah, Feb. 13. Fine weather favoured the second J the Kinta Gymkhana Club’s race here this afternoon, and there i crowd present. The racing throughout was splendid 1 Appended are the results The Batu Gajah Purse
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 123 4 CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed io The Editor, written on one tide of th* paper only and accompanied by the water's name and addrest, not necessarily for insertion hut as a guarantee of good faith. 4LL monies must be paid at the Ftunny Gazette" Office, Fenaug, to the General Manager, Mr.
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  • 101 5 BATU CAVES CROP. THE ESTIMATE EXCEEDED. [From Our Own Correspon'lent] London, 13th Feb. It is announced that the crop of rubber harvested by the Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd., iif the year 1907 amounted to 3,332 lb., against an estimate of 2,600 lb. [The Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd.,
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  • 228 5 GERMANY AND THE STATUS QUO. IRkutkr’s Service London, 13th Feb. In the Reichstag, yesterday, Herr von Schoen, Foreign Secretary, stated that the object of the Baltic and North Sea Agreement was merely to obtain a solemn promise fiom the States concerned not to interfere with the status quo-
    IRkutkr’s Service ]  -  228 words
  • 184 5 PUNITIVE EXPEDITION STARTED. (Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th Feb. The punitive expedition, under MajorGeneral Sir James Willcocks, which the Government of India, with the sanction of the Imperial Government, has decided to despatch against the Z ikka Khels, has started on its inarch to Ali Masjid (in the
    (Reuter’s Service.]  -  184 words
  • 54 5 NEW BRITISH WORKS IN JAPAN. [Reuter’s Service London, 14th Feb. Messrs. Vicars, Sons, Maxim, Barrow, the well-known shipbuilding firm, are issuing a million sterling debentures to carry out the arrangement in connection with Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth Co., Ltd., to establish works in Japan for the manufacture of
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  54 words
  • 62 5 ITS VALUE TO GERMANY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th Feb. In the Budget Committee of the Reichstag, replying to a complaint as to the cost of the garrison at Kiao-Chau, the Government declared that a reduction was impossible. Kiao-Chau was of great value in the dissemination of German influence in
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  62 words
  • 48 5 RECEPTION AT LOS ANGELES. JAPANESE CO.OREBATION ACCEPTED. [Reuter’s Service London, 14th Feb. A telegram from Los Angeles, California, states that the citizens there have cordially accepted the proposal of the Japanese residents to participate in the reception to the American fleet when it arrives there.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  48 words
  • 244 5 AN INTERNATIONAL RACE. NEW YORK TO PARIS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 13th Feb. A telegram from New York states that six motor-cars (three French, one German, one Italian, and one Ametican) have started for Paris vid the Behring Straits and Siberia. [ln the course of an interview recently with the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  244 words
  • 54 5 A MOHAMMEDAN RIOT. [Reuter’s Service] London, 14th Feb. A telegram from Bombay states that disputes between the Sunni and the Shiah sects of Mahommedans led to a riot, in which five persons were killed and forty injured. The police, who were oblige! to intervene, were attacked by, and then
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  54 words
  • 40 5 A RIOT IN PARLIAMENT. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th Feb. A telegram from Tokio states that after an excited debate lasting six hours, which culminated in a riot on the floor of the House of Representatives, the budget was passed.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  40 words
  • 133 5 GERMANY’S FOREIGN Policy Berlin, 13th Feb. During the discus-ion in the budget committee of the Reichstag on the Imperial Estimates, Herr von Schoen, Foreign Minister, made a statement with regard to Germany’s policy as regards the Baltic Sea he said that the idea of the Baltic Convention
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  • 219 5 Question in the Commons. Loudon, Feb. 11. Replying in the House of Commons to questions by the Hon. Claude George Hay, Conservative Member for the Division of Hoxton (Shoreditch), Mr. Winston Churchill, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, stated that the amount the Crown Agents received as
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  • 1663 5 ORDINARY MEETING. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon in the Municipal Offices, there being present: Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President), Mr. J. W. Hallifax, Mr. L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary), Dr. G. W. Park (Health Officer), and Mr. W. S. Dunn (Acting
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  • 71 5 Home- Ex- Positively To ward. St ambb pected. Due. Sail. P. O Peninsular 14/2 5 p.m, 8 p.m. B. I. Tara 22/2 N.D.L. Pr. Heinrich 18/2 Outward. P. &O. Marmora 27/2 B. I. Tsesta 20/2 N.D.L. P. Ludwig 19/2 The mail steamer Peninsular, having left Singapore at 5
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  • 117 5 The following is a further list of contributions to the Fund which is being raised by the Rev. Frank W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, for the widow of Boarding Officer Howe, who_ has been left in very poor circumstances Adamson Gilfillan <fc Co. 25 A. A. Anthony Co.
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  • 57 5 The P.C.C. Tournament. The results of the ties played yesterday were Championship. W. H. Threlfall beat D. A. M. Brown 6—l 6—2. Professioa Pairs. A. F. G. Anderson A. G. Anthony beat W. J. Hodge de W. P. G. Taggart 3—6 6—4 6—4. Single Handicap. Class C. Dr.
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  • 129 5 Export from Perak. The Acting Secretary to the Resident of Perak sends for publication the following advance figures (liable to correction) of the export of tin from Perak for January, 1908 Tin 7,398 piculs 12 catties. Tin ore 43,272 piculs 47 catties. Duty $398,189.94. The figures for January,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 WINES AND SPIRITS. McAlister 6* Co., Ltd.
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    • 371 5 FOR SALE. O H. P. Twin Cylinder New Orleans Tonneau Motor Car, complete with hood and to carry four. This car is in excellent running order and can be seen and tried at any time. Price, $1,300. Apply to this Paper. 128-18-2 TO LET FURNISHED. V/T ARBLE HALL, NORTH AM
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  • 790 6 According to a London telegram of Feb. 4, torpedo boat No. 2 has been towed into Portsmouth in a sinking condition after colliding with the Zephyr. The cruiser Amphitrite, Captain B. F. Bruen, with crews and reliefs for the China Squadron, left Plymouth on 18th Jan. fot Colombo,
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  • 71 6 Ban Whatt Soon, Brit., 199, Milne, February 14, Langkat, gen., Beng Kee. Cornelia, Brit., 194, Reid, February 14, Teluk Anson, gen., E. S. Go. Hebe, Brit., 345, Andrews, February 14, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. Kistna, Brit., 524, Leannont, February 14, Singapore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Sado Maru,
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  • 52 6 Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat and Pangkalan B randan. Fitzpatrick for Rangoon. Flying Fish for Port Weld and Taiping Hye Leong for Teluk Anson. Malaya for Deli. Omapere for Port Sw’ettenham and Singapore. Patriu for Batu Bahra and Asahan. Peninsular for Ceylon, India, and Eurape. Vidar for Port Swettenham
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  • 342 6 To-morrow. For. Per. (’lose. Colombo and Tuticorin Sado Maru 11 a.m Tongkah, Kopab, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui, and Tavoy Janet Nicoll 1 p.m. Batu Bahra Padang 1 p.m. Singapore, China, and Japan Arratoon Apcar 2 p.m. Teluk Anson Cornelia 2 p.m. Rangoon and Calcutta Vmta 3 p.m. Registration
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  • 72 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Ajax, Liverpoor, Feb. 49, Japan, Mansfield. Astyanax, S’pote, Feb. 17, L’pore, Mansfield. Bendoran, London, Feb. 24, Japan. S. Buttery. Calchas, S’pore. Feb. 22, Antwerp, Mansfield. C Apcar, Calcutta. Feb. 20, H’gkong, Anthony. Glenturret, Suez, Feb.
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  • 54 6 By Kistna (Feb. 14) from Singapore, Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Cleverton, Messrs. A. T. Howlett, and F. N. Jones fioni Port Swettenham, Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Miller, Miss Ebden, Mr. Justice Innes, Messrs. K. G. Eng, W. Me A. Houston, K. S Kee, S. G. Parrott, K.
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  • 1210 6 S i Capital. Snbwribed. o of vX.i P.i<l "P- DWdwd.. Name. 8 8 Shares. B j MINING. Gold. R nnn £1 11/. pai’l January, 1901 lUub Auat. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Paid 64 gW 3 £290,000 £191.*250 f 118 /10 J/- < C I n ‘7 ,> «I
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  • 127 6 Penang, 14th February, 1908. (liy Courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank 2.3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/16 3 Credit 2/4 3 8 3 Documentary 2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 173| 3 days’sight Private 175) Bombay Demand Bank 173| 3 days’sight Private 175| Madras, Demand
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  • 193 6 Penang, 14th February, 19(8. Gold leaf 65.40 I epper (W. Coam 5 lbs. 5 on.) 16.75 no stock White Pepper 18| sellers. 1 rang Pepper small supplies Mac*» 75 sellers. Mace Pickings 55 buyers. Cloves (picked) 271 buyers. Nutmegs 110 s23f sellers. INo 1 $5.30 sales Sugar. < 2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 42 6 Too Good to Miss.—You may be able to get along without Stearns’ Cordial of Cod Liver Extract, but what’s the use of going through life and missinn all the good things? It will give you new strength. IRON SAFES. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 78 6 Every Bottle Guaranteed. This is done with Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and if you are not satisfied after using two-thirds of the bottle according to directions, return what is left and your money will be refunded. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. Mannheim Insurance
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    • 28 6 Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DAT. 3or Quotations and Catalogues APPJ Y TO SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO. Sole Agents, PENANG AND F. M. S
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    • 8 6 PRIZE MEDAL SAFES. McAligtor d 9 Co., Ltd.
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    • 94 6 MATSUO’S Japanese Cinematograph. New Pictures! New Pictures!! latatioa; center of canHeil street am p«mm Rm 4. We are Giving Two Performances Every Night. lirst Show Starts at 7 p.m. to 8-30 p.m. Second Show Starts at 9 p.m. to 11-30 p.m PRICES OF ADMISSION. Ist SHOW. 2n<| SHOW Seats $O
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2529 7 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE-INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF I INTFBmxtioki*. AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESCOMPTO MAATSCHAPPIJ. IN D,A. UM T W Netherlands Trading Society. (Netherlands-Indian Dtscoaat .Bart.) Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up-Capital $10,000,000 Established 1824. Established at Batavia, 1857. Authorised Capital XI
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2256 8 Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. _Shipping. I P. 40. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailing». 1 NortieiltSCßCfJJoyfl, Bremen. HKCI» ARRIVALS AID DEPARTURES. BRITISH INDIA Mr\ imperial German Mail Line. MAIL SERVICE. Wl\\ OUTWARD. CTFAM NAVIOATIHN t*n ITn THE fast and well-known mail steamers of Feb. 27 Marmora connecting with Moldavia It HHTIUHIIUII UO.,
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