Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 January 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 804 1 -r— I >- --> < I Mf—Mfc—i r i I > I --!»•> u >. MM ■I MH ■■—M Penang Turf Club. Dnnn UnlidouQ THE stbaitstradihgcompany,limited. notice. g. rahim khan, notice. Aldvv xlvllvld yMi Notice to Holdkrs of Bearer-Warrants. TAEt'OSI IORS in the Savings Bank XTIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak,
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  • 1040 2 PROGRAMME FOR 1808, RACE MEETING TO BE HELD On Tuesday, the 11th, Thursday, the 13th and Saturday, the 15th February, 1908. FIRST DAY. 1. The Chendekiang Cup. A Cup pres ®nted by Malcolm Duncan Esq. With $2 u added by the Club of which $5O goe to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 474 2 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMShIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is main* aiued between Japan and Europe by the oilowing NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for
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    • 349 2 Shipping. HURNS PHILP LINE.” SINGAPORE TO *JAVA PORTS. PORT DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND, QUEENSLAND PORTS, SYDNEY. ALBG TAKING CARGO FOR BRITISH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS (with transhipment) *As inducement offers. A regular monthly service to above ports is maintained by the British steamers. AIRLIE (2,338 tons), Captain
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    • 372 2 LIPTONS TEAS. WKRE A WARDED 7HE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. A gents, /'«nan g. PaTEKSON, SIMONS «V Co Ltd. THE PENANG CHINESE MONEY-CHANGERS’ SYNDICATE, 18, 20, arjd 36, Church Street. I beg to notify the public of Penang, Federated Malay States, and the neighbouring countries that the first
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  • 1215 3 Horning Leader. 117 give you all due warnin'! When the deck ares cleared, And Old Tug we're cheered, 117 .shan't be round, Wc SHAN’T be round, IVe shan't be round in the inornin’ —Chorus to The Dustman’s Action Song. He sail'd glad y into the car* i«go heedless
    Horning Leader.  -  1,215 words
  • 552 3 .—Siam Free Press. Never in the history of Siam has such «u opportunity been offered a newspaper of the kingdom, to take a bright retrospecive view of works achieved during the year, than falls to our lot on this last day )f 1907. A glance at the
    .—Siam Free Press.  -  552 words
  • 1349 3  -  —Sara Jeanettk Duncan compliment—Sara Jkanettk Duncan in the Daily Mail In England Mr. Keir Hardie, as a political factor, is no doubt pretty completely understood. His red tie and his slouch hafc no longer dazzle the vulgar—there are now so many red ties and slouch
    compliment—Sara Jkanettk Duncan in the Daily Mail  -  1,349 words
  • 535 3 Per P. it O. Britannia, from London Dec. 20, connecting with s.s. Peninsula at Colombo, due Penang Jan. 16:—To Penang Messrs. H. Wilson, R. C. Weston, and N. R. Crum Ewing. To Singapore Misses Templar a id Warren, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marten and children,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 l From a Nova Scotia Publisher. Mr. H. G. Harris, publisher of the Ad rertiser, Kentvile, N. S, makes th* foil w ing statement “I have used Chambei lain s Cough Remedy for myself and family and find it to be one <>f the best medicines locoughs and colds that
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    • 60 3 Croup is Imminent. No matter bow well your children may appear to be, you are neve, safe with ut a bottle of Chamberlain’s C.mgh Remedy in the house. It never fails to relieve and is perfectly safe to give the lit tie ones. For sale by all Chemists ami Store-keepers
      60 words
    • 49 3 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds. This remedy acts no nature* plan, allais rhe cough, relieves the lungs, a ds exp’ ctorition, opens the secretions, ami aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all Chemists and Store keepers. The Georg* Town Di*p<*nsarv. Wholesale Agents
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    • 50 3 No Poison. (Chamberlain’s Cough Reme ly has be-n dec! ned absolutely free from any i> jurious substance by Government ami expe tele nists, and mothers need have no lie-i aucy in givi-ig it ’o the smallest infant Foi sale by all Chemists and Store-keeper*. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agent*.
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    • 405 3 TOILET. N°C; s,,d N° II 5 BURMAH i?oAl '9B4—uc Rb,e house. Entry 11th February. Rent Moderate r TO LET. Apply to -16 d BURMAH ROAD. iC OEA VIEW COTTAGE,” Bagan 19 15-1 Tuan Kitchil, 5 minutes walk from Butterwortfh Pier. FOR SALE. For further particulars apply to DAVID BROWN C*,
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  • 175 4 Friday, lOth January Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p. in. Homeward B. I. Mail. High water 5 29 p.m. Low water 11.20 p.m Saturday, Ilth January. Football: Y.M.C.A. r. Wanderers, C.R C. Ground. Swimming Club: Moonlight Fete, 9 to 11.30 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, 9 p.m. High water 610
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  • 1212 4 A Singapore contemporary says Mr. W. J. Graham, Resident of Kelantan, and Mrs. Graham have gone to stay for a time at the Duff Development head-quarters in Kelantan. Mr. Thomson, the assistant resident, with Mrs. Thomson, are expected to arrive in the State in about a
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  • 894 4 REPLAYED CUP Fl# AL. F,C.C. r. CRESCENT. Before an enormous crowd, the above teams met on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to settle the destiny of the Football League President’s Cup. 1« view of the plucky display by the Crescent in the drawn match on New Year’s Day, it-was fully
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  • 925 4 THE 'ADVISE IVS REPORT, (Continued). In his report on the Health Department of Kedah, incorporated with Mr. Hart’s report on Kedah in 1906, Dr. Hoops states The town of Alor Star is situated on flat low lying ground, which is swampy in paita. Jt is liable td
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 228 4 RACE ’WEEK ISPECIALDINNER.; Tuesday 14th January. 4 Thursday 16th J Saturday 18th BAND IN ATTENDANCE. f SARKIES BROTHERS, a Proprietors. 0 BOOKS FOR SALE. SWETTENHAM'S BRITISH MALAYA.” (Good, Clean, Second-hand Copies.) PRICE, $4-50. PAPERS ON MALAY SUBJECTS. “Malay Beliefs.” by R. J. WILKINSON. Malay Literature, Parts I 111. J Malay
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    • 123 4 ESTABLISHED 103. ftONTRJ BUTIONB be addreaaed The Bdi tor, written on one aide of tfc|**per only and accompanied by the writer’» wawaa and address, not necessarily for insertion but ae a guarantee of good faith. yf I>t> monies must be paid at the ‘‘Anang w Gasette OJiee, Penang, to the
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  • 242 5 CROP RETURNS FOR 1907. CICELY’S INTERIM DIVIDEND. From Our Own Correspondent London, 9th Jan. The following rubber crops are announced for the year 1907 Anglo-Malay R ibber Co. 224,144 b. Highlands and Lowl-nds 193,506 lb. P.P K. (Ceylon) Rubber C 0... 14,800 lb. The Cicely Rubber Estates Co., Ltd
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  • 189 5 royal academician honoured [Reuter’s Sbrvicb.] London, 10th Jan. H M. the King has conferred the coin mandership of the Victorian Order on Mr. W. P. Frith, R.A., who attained his ninetieth birthday yesterday. [Born in Aldiield, a straggling Yorkshire village, on 9th January, 1819, Mr. Frith bears
    [Reuter’s Sbrvicb.]  -  189 words
  • 91 5 THE TRANSVAAL LEGISLATION. PKoTEbTS FROM LONDON. [Rbutbr’s Sbiivicr.l London, 10th Jan. crowded meeting to protest against the action of the Transvaal Legislature in passing the Asiatic Immigration Act was hel i yesterday at Caxton Hall, London, under the presidency of Loid Ampthill, exGovemor of Madras. Earl
    [Rbutbr’s Sbiivicr.l  -  91 words
  • 85 5 FURTHER SUBSCRIPTIONS. [Reuter’s Sbrvicb] London, 9th Jan. The Crimean and Mutiny Veterans Fund inaugurated by H. M. the King has already reached £6,000. The Queen has given £5OO, the Prince of Wales £250. Lord Iveagh £l,o'o, Sir Ernest Cassel £l,OOO, the Daily Telegraph a thousand guineas, and
    [Reuter’s Sbrvicb]  -  85 words
  • 49 5 NEW CAPITAL RAISED. [Reutbr’b Service London, 10th Jan. The Daily Chronicle announces that £200,000 new capital is being raised tor The Times. The principal subscriber.» are Lord Brassey, Lord Rothschild, Lord >tratlicona. Lord Iveagh, and Sir Alexander Heudersobut Mr. C. A. Pearson will control the paper entirely.
    [Reutbr’b Service ]  -  49 words
  • 110 5 DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. VISCOUNT AOK.I’B SUCCESSOR. [Hbutmr’s Sbrvicb.] London, 9th Jan. The Hon. Elihu Root, Secretary of State, has informed Jap m that the appointment of Sir Kogoro Takahira, at present Japanese Ambassador in Rome, to the same post in Washington, will please America. [Sir K. Takahira, k.cim.o.,
    [Hbutmr’s Sbrvicb.]  -  110 words
  • 65 5 THE CURRENCY PROBLEM. [Rmutbr's Sbrvicb.]. London, 9th Jan. A telegram from Washing'on states that Mr. Charles N. Fowler, Republican member for Elizabeth, New Jersey, acting on behalf of the currency committee of the House of Represents’ives, has introduced a Bill authorising the National Bank currency to be
    [Rmutbr's Sbrvicb.].  -  65 words
  • 47 5 DESECRATION OF KRUGER’S GRAVE. (Rki’Tßß's Service.; London, 9th Jan. The charges against Lieut. Clark, of the Yoikshire Regiment, Lieut. Herring, of the Royal Engineers, and Mr. Dickson, a former Government servant, in connection with the desecration of President Kruger's grave at Pretoria, have been withdrawn.
    (Rki’Tßß's Service.;  -  47 words
  • 51 5 THE FRONTIER DIFFICULTY. [Reotkr’r Service. London, 10th Jan. A telegram from Constantinople state 8 that eight battalions of Redifs have been despatched to reinfoice the troops on the Turco-Persian frontier and eight other- are being held in reserve. The Turkish troops on tne xrontier now votar unny-i'iur
    [Reotkr’r Service. [  -  51 words
  • 63 5 Mr R. B. HALDANES VIEWS. [Rbutkr’s Sbrvick London, 10th Jan. In the course of a public «peech, the Rt. Hnn. R. B. Haldane, Secretary of State for War, said that the time was approaching when it would be impossible to withhold the vote from women, but the voice
    [Rbutkr’s Sbrvick ]  -  63 words
  • 20 5 FRENCH BANK RATE REDUCED. [Reuter’s Service London, 9th Jan. The French bank-rate has been reduced to 31 per cent.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  20 words
  • 27 5 [Rmutbr’s Sbrvicb London, 9th Jan. A gale of sleet and snow together with a deluge of raiu followed the warm wave in England
    [Rmutbr’s Sbrvicb ]  -  27 words
  • 91 5 KING EDWARD. Berlin, 9th Jan. King Edward of England has arranged to visit Paris and Bianitz in March. GERMANY. Herr Stubenranch has been appointed Police President (prefect of Police) of Berlin. THE UNITED STATES. The Hon. Elihu Root, U.S. Secretary of State, declares that the appointment of
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  • 1567 5  -  G. T. Raine, wondrous wistful lovers?—G. T. Baine, in the P M G. The Miilay, in fiction, ha* been cruelly dealt with—except by Sir Frank Swett?nham, and Mr. Hugh Clifford. They have sailed with him, shot with him, huhted'with him, and have been alone with ,him
    wondrous wistful lovers?—G. T. Baine, in the P M G.  -  1,567 words
  • 39 5 Home- Ex- Positively To P. U Dflhi 18/1 81.5. N. Hharata 10’1 6 pm. 8 pm. N. D.L. Pr. E Friedrich 21/1 Outward. P. Je O. Peninsular 16 1 8.1. 23 1 N.D. L. Pr. Heinrich 21/1
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  • 311 5 Members of the Pen mg Swimming Club are reminded that the moonlight fete takes place at Tanjong Bu-gah to-m-nn.w evening. We hear that all arrangemen s are complete for enterta ning members and their gu-sfs. and, given fine weather, the ftie should attract a large crowd. A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 867 6 It is officially announced that the Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways have obtained Treasury sanction for an inquiry into the probable cost of improving the canals and waterways connecting the Midlands with the Thames and the Humber. It is expected that the inquiry will later be extended
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  • 81 6 Thonowa, Brit., 3428, Herrington, January 9, Singapore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Pkrak, Brit., 258, Crichton, January 9, Singapore, gen., E. S. Co. Solfond, Nor., 1165, Hodne, January 10, Rangoon, gen., Chin Ho Sons. Kistna, Brit., 524, Learmont, January 10, Singapore, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert Co. Hyk Leong, Brit., 295, Treweeke,
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  • 39 6 Vidar for Port Swettenham and Siniapore. Glenfalloch for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow, and Amoy. L’n Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis, and Setul. Hye Leong for Teluk Anson. Flying Fish for Port Weld and Taiping Bharata for Rangoon and Calcutta
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  • 270 6 To-morrow. Pangkalan Brandan Petrel I p.m. Asahan Mary Austin 1 p.m. Batu Bahra Padang 1 p.m. Colombo and Tuticorin Istok 2 p.m. Teluk Anson Langkat 2 p.m. Singajore Hongkong Kum Sang 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Sitigapore Kistna 3 p.m. Langsa. T. Semawe Segli, Olehleh, Sabang Padang. and
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  • 91 6 Name o f Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Arratoon Apcar from Singapore, January 18. for Calcutta, A. A Anthony Co. Diomed from Singapore, January 18, for Marseilles, Havre, and Liverpool, W. Mansfield Co. Machaon, from Singajiore, January 11, for Amsterdam, London and
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  • 212 6 By Thongwa k 9th Jan.) from Negapatam, I Mrs. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs J. C. H. Price. Messrs. B. Clayburn, A. Davies, H. M Ratchel, and S. Pitchay; from Madras, Mrs. G. B. Croning and infant By Prinz Heinrich (Bth Jan.) from Hamburg, Mr Hermann Groth; from Antwerp, Messrs.
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  • 1130 6 1 g I n IbSIIG fa QC ro J? Capital. Subscribed. f. 0, of Value? Paid up. Dividends. Name. 2 S Shares. CO CQ —r I MINING. Gold. 1892 £200,000 «191,250 I»""" 0 j/-P»M J..n.»ry, 1901 1U..1. A...L Gobi Mining Co., Ltd Fnlly Pul. 7| 7* 150,000 1 18/10
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  • 263 6 Penang. H»th January, 1908. {Uy Courtesy of the Chartered Hauk.) London Demand Bank 2 3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 4/4 •_> 3 Documentary 2/1 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rm 3 days’sight Private 1751 Bombay Demand Bank 1733 3 days’sight Private 1704 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 200 6 Penang, lOth January, 1908, Gold leaf $b5.50 Pepper (W. Co»,, 3 11,«. s oz 16 .7 5 ~o Btock U l,,te Bepper 19 sellers. I’rang Pepper out o f season 'J ac 65 nominal. Mace Pickings 55 sa eB Cloves (picke<l) 32 sales. Nutmegs 110 25 sellers. (No I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 5 6 HARNESS ACCESSORIES. McAlister Co., Ltd,
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    • 64 6 A Sluggish Circulation, begotten of sedentary habits, leads to congestion of the brain, liver, and other organs. The best remedy for this undesirable state of affairs is to stimulate the activity of the whole bodily economy by taking a wine-glassful of Hunyadi Janos natural aperient water every morning. At the
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    • 9 6 WINES AND SPIRITS. McAlister S 9 Co. v Ltd.
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    • 72 6 MATSUO’S Japanese Cinematograph To-Night! To-Night!! GREAT EXHIBITION. Change .nl Programme Every Wednesday and Saturday. C°ME ONE! ceN£ All!! COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF. Briey pur Carriages ts Pea an? Road (0 Mahars Famous Skew. Doors Open at 8 p.m. Commencing at 9 p.m. Carriages at 11-5 p.m. PRICES. Reserved 3 »1.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2618 8 MM Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P. &0. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailings. 1 NoMdCUtSCtier lltjll, Bremen. jW U IXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES I BRITISH INDIA Wt\ Imperial German Mall Line. MAIL SERVICE. JIW I OUTWARD. iP■ STEAM NAVIGATION Co LTD .CTk\\ HTHE fast and well-known mail steamers of Jan. 16
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